Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 133



All the remembrances of you bring me pain
Once you loved me - the lie is true, now love it
I haven't forgotten those happy encounters
Make me uneasy, just don't look away
Don't be angry at me, my friend, promise me this
It's difficult to live without you, the one who has captured my heart
Slowly my body rots, and now it smells
I'm thirsty, fill your arms with myself
Slowly my body rots, and now it smells
I'm thirsty, fill your arms with myself
The black clouds thunder, they pour in torrents
Let's get wet in this shower of desire
Let me untangle your loosened locks
I'm with my fingers in this desire
Let's sleep on the same sheet in these winter nights
We're both alone, no one should stay in this house
Slowly my body rots, and now it smells
I'm thirsty, fill your arms with myself
Slowly my body rots, and now it smells
I'm thirsty, fill your arms with myself

The ballad of György Thury chapter 2

Inside the fort of Fehérvár1Hamza Bey2is grieving
The famous champion of the Turks
A raid is coming from the south, it decimates their army
They are hassling them in every possible way
Head to Palota3my good spy!
Make your trip quickly and efficiently!
Don't allow anyone to see you, not from the ground nor from the sky!
Bring my poison to the infidel4György Thury5
Hark, my good lord, what that wretched heathen6
Is plotting against you in secret!
With me he has sent you sleeping powder and he's coming with an army
To defeat you via nefarious trickery
Don't you worry for a second my loyal and brave servant!
That despicable Hamza Bey will be very sorry
Let the Turks come, you just head back and report
That you have poisoned everyone here
Go ahead, leader, there's a storm on our side!
Go ahead, leader, guide our weapons!
Today we won't allow a single plundering heathen to go home alive!
Go ahead, leader, there's a storm on our side!
Go ahead, leader, guide our weapons!
The battle between us will be decided with swords, not poison!
Believe me, this country is not yours by right nor is it yours by heritage
You can't live in peace here, eternal enmity awaits you
People will rebel and they'll rise against you, even from the grave
You can't gain anything via conquering, you'll have to perish here7
They refuse to descend into the moat of the silent fort
The heathen army stops and they just wait about8
They sneak cowardly home, just how they came
They are so afraid of the captain of Palota
Hamza Bey is having a fit in his fort in Fehérvár
Reading a message from the good György Thury
'I've heard that you've been here, but you see, I drank so much
That even after three days is didn't feel very well.'
Go ahead, leader, there's a storm on our side!
Go ahead, leader, guide our weapons!
Today we won't allow a single plundering heathen to go home alive!
Go ahead, leader, there's a storm on our side!
Go ahead, leader, guide our weapons!
The battle between us will be decided with swords, not poison!
  • 1.
  • 2. A Turkic title for a chieftain.
  • 3.
  • 4. The Turks considered Hungarians infidels (giaours) because they weren't Muslims.
  • 5. György Thury (1519-1571) was a Hungarian soldier and military leader from a noble family.
    Throughout his life he defended multiple forts from the Ottoman army.
    Some called him the Hungarian EL Cid. He was a formidable duelist.

  • 6. Hungarians considered Turks heathens because they weren't Christians.
  • 7. Hungary lived under Turkish rule for about a 150 years.
  • 8. Wait about in the sense of 'to stay in a place and do nothing while you wait for someone to arrive or something to happen.'

AlRawabi Anthem

We are AlRawabi girls
Towards summits we fly
AlRawabi girls, in the horizon, shine bright
Brilliant pioneers, our knowledge is airtight
Promising, inspiring, our morals are high
We are AlRawabi girls
Towards summits we fly
AlRawabi girls, in the horizon, shine bright
We are AlRawabi girls
Towards summits we fly
AlRawabi girls, in the horizon, shine bright

Fire in Eternal Ice

She loved the man of another
And knew that it could never be
When the sun sank in the mountains
Then she was alone with her tears
Then heaven gave her a sign
As they tell it here in the village
She gave her love to the poor
The poor on the edge of this world
There burns a fire in eternal ice
That no one can extinguish
And a love that no one knows
Their whole life long
Just like a fire in eternal ice
Can a longing be
Even when her heart went through thorns
It was no place for sadness
Where a handful of rice is enough to live on
She had no time for tears
They brought the sick, the poor
And they felt the love inside her
In the convent of the white Madonna
No one stood lost at the door
“The woman with the kind eyes”
As they all called her
The woman with a broken heart
Who found something like peace there

Drink, Drink!

One never should give up on drinking,
Good drink makes the world go around.
And always be good to the fellow
Who's ready to pay for a round.
Champagne or fine wine or good lager,
But when drinking don't think you're so fab.
A lot of men drank up their liquor
Who then couldn't pay down the tab.
Drink, drink, goodfellow drink,
Leave your woes in some other place
Drink, drink, goodfellow drink,
Don't make such a horrible face.
Forget all your worries, forget all your past
Then life will just be a blast.
Forget all your worries, forget all your past
Then life will just be a blast.
Old Moses, who wrote the commendments,
Was thinking of making one more.
But you won't find it now in the Bible
It had too much pleasure in store.
They hid it away from us topers:
It listed the pleasures of drink
But I'll glady reveal here the wording
And let me know then what you think.

It's love

It's love, O God’s, inside me flow.
It shines like the sunlight, Spreads like perfume.
I worship Him with faith, love and obedience.
Restful, Allah's, has fallen in my chest.
I love you, O God’s, in poverty and wealth.
I love you, O God’s, in ease and hardship.
I love you in the beating and serenity of my heart.
Cause Him love feed the soul in the rest of the life’s.
Thank you, God’s, that you have guided me.
Inspired by mind and provided me with patience.
Praise to Him fullness of the universe, the fullness of secretively and overtly.
Glory and praise to him greatly the numbers of all universes.
It's love, O God’s, inside me flow.


Bele estem
Beléd estem
Rád mindig számíthatók
Egy állom vagy, ami valóra vált
Azt mondják nem lesz tartós
Azt mondják vad és szabad vagy
Tudom, sosem voltál egy férfit tartó nő
Azt reméltem, hogy mind ezt feladod majd értem
Annyira összezavarodtam
Szeretem, mikor csak én és te vagyunk
És az összes dolgot, amit tudjuk nem kellene tennünk
Ez túlságosan jó, nem lehet igaz
Szóval mond mi a játékod, mi a játékod lány?
Amikor megérintesz olyan jó, nem tudom elrejteni (Nem tudom elrejteni)
Amikor szeretsz boldog vagyok, olyan magabiztos, jeh(Olyan magabiztos)
Amikor azt mondod én vagyok az egyetlen, egyet kell értenem (Egyet kell értenem)
Gyanús leszek, csak egy kicsit gyanus
Nem kellett volna kételgetnem
El vagyok a gondolataimban
Amikor nem vagyok veled
El kezdem elveszteni magam
Voltam már összetörve ez előtt
Egy idegen trikója a hálószobám padlóján
Bocsás meg, hogy gyanús vagyok, ez csak
Annyira összezavarodtam
Szeretem, mikor csak én és te vagyunk
És az összes dolgot, amit tudjuk nem kellene tennünk
Ez túlságosan jó, nem lehet igaz
Szóval mond mi a játékod, mi a játékod lány?
Amikor megérintesz olyan jó, nem tudom elrejteni (Nem tudom elrejteni)
Amikor szeretsz boldog vagyok, olyan magabiztos, jeh (Olyan magabiztos)
Amikor azt mondod én vagyok az egyetlen, egyet kell értenem (Egyet kell értenem)
Gyanús leszek, csak egy kicsit gyanus
Gyanús leszek, csak egy kicsit gyanus
Gyanús leszek, csak egy kicsit gyanus
Szóval mond mi a játékod, mi a játékod?
Mert napok óta nem aludtam, nem aludtam napok óta, jeh
Bébi, a szerelem sose fájdalmatlan, sosem fájdalmatlan, nem
Bocsás meg, hogy gyanús vagyok (Bocsás meg, hogy gyanús vagyok)
Amikor megérintesz olyan jó, nem tudom elrejteni (Nem tudom elrejteni)
Amikor szeretsz boldog vagyok, olyan magabiztos, jeh(Olyan magabiztos)
Amikor azt mondod én vagyok az egyetlen, egyet kell értenem (Egyet kell értenem)
Gyanús leszek, csak egy kicsit gyanus leszek
Gyanús leszek (Gyanús leszek)
Csak egy kicsit gyanús (Csak egy kicsit gyanús)
Gyanús leszek (Gyanús leszek)
Csak egy kicsit gyanús (Csak egy kicsit gyanús)
Gyanús leszek (Gyanús leszek)
Csak egy kicsit gyanús (Csak egy kicsit gyanús)
Gyanús leszek (Gyanús leszek)
Csak egy kicsit gyanús (Csak egy kicsit gyanús)


Loneliness fights all the time, LONELY
You're nothing but a girl
I want to meet your own dream.
So what will change?
So what were you looking at?
I will live tomorrow fortuned with coins.
That's the freedom I want.
A diary I couldn't continue.
I'm looking for you in the dark cityscape.
Even if I can't be released from the hurt I hugged,
The words I can say now is, JUST SAY I LOVE YOU.
So what did you want to say?
So what did you believe in?
I don't need a clock at night when I can't sleep.
That's the answer I found out.
Someday it will blend in soon, HARMONY.
I called on you with a hoarse voice.
I don't think all of my wishes will work, but
The words I can say now is JUST SAY I WANT YOU
I can laugh soon someday. It's ironic.
Don't worry, and make your whistle together.
Even if you get hurt by the common rules,
The words I can say now is JUST SAY I LOVE YOU

Steel City

'Let me see your tears for once'
I cast a spell on your warm back
Kiss the slight fever away,
and hear the rattling sound of the projector, always unexpected
Just wait for it,
I'll become just like a Steel City, 1,
and I won’t be kind even to the poor, abandoned cats
The ashes from the cigarettes will be dancing in the air,
and become just like your back, that I cannot grasp
And for the cats scribbled in the walls: I’m sorry.
I'll become just like a Steel City 1
and hide my voice all through the night
  • “Steel City” is a common nickname for cities that were known for their production of large amounts of steel. In Japan, there’s an industrial city called Muroran, that lies on the southern coast of Hokkaido, it was known as a Steel City for its heavy steel manufacturing, but it all declined after the 70’s and and it became a forgotten, “grey smoke pouring from the steel mills settling upon the sky” kind of town. “Steel City” is also the exact name of the main setting in Jules Verne’s dystopian novel “The Begum’s Fortune”

Song of the Moscow children about Stalin

You live, beloved Stalin,
In our dear city.
It is good that we and you
Live in this city!
The same happy sun
That wakes us up every morning
Also looks into your window
At that same early hour.
We walk, we play
In the garden at Moskva river
And over the clear water
We see the tower and the star.
Maybe, in the high Kremlin
You hear how we sing...
It is good that we and you
Live in our city!

A song for you and about you

Morning and evening for you and about you,
For you and about you sang my songs:
Turmoil and silence , joy and weeping,
wound and sorrow, rest and death.
Maybe I did not notice the sound of your respond,
Perhaps the chain has been cut off almost.
A moment passed by
and they sang for you again,
about love.
For you and about you
For you and about you
single poem is for a thousand violins


There's a song in all things ringing,
Lost in dreams and still unheard.
And the world breaks forth in singing
When you find the magic word.

Már Halott

[1. Versszak: J-Dog]
A kígyó éve van
A barátok túlértékeltek, szóval ne hibázz
Távolról figyelem ahogy megmérgezed a tavat
Egy hamucsíkot hagysz magad után
Üss ki, de újra felállok
Az esőben nem érzem a sajgó sebeimet
Túl sok az imádkozás, vajon elég lesz valaha?
Az esőben és kiöntöm a beleimet
[Refrén: Danny & J-Dog]
Utálni akarsz
Meg akarsz próbálni megtörni
De nem tudsz megölni
Mert már halott vagyok
Megpróbálhatsz letörni
Mert már halott vagyok
Már hal-
Mát hal-
[2. Versszak: Danny & J-Dog]
Itt vagyok megint a kés pengéjén
Néhányan az életünk végén születünk
A halál éjszakáján izzadságban úszva ébredni
Biztosan álmodom
Látom az uradalmad végét
Érzem hogy gyűlölet tölti meg az ereidet
Nézz rám most, letöröm a láncokat
Lángokban hagyva az egész birodalmadat
[Refrén: Danny & J-Dog]
Utálni akarsz
Meg akarsz próbálni megtörni
De nem tudsz megölni
Mert már halott vagyok
Megpróbálhatsz letörni
Mert már halott vagyok
Mert már halott vagyok
[Átvezetés: J-Dog]
Nézz rám most, ahogy letöröm a láncokat
Lángokban hagyva az egész birodalmadat
Nézz rám most, ahogy letöröm a láncokat
Lángokban hagyva az egész birodalmadat
[Refrén: Danny & J-Dog]
Utálni akarsz
Meg akarsz próbálni megtörni
De nem tudsz megölni
Mert már halott vagyok
Megpróbálhatsz letörni
Mert már halott vagyok
Mert már halott vagyok
Mert már halott vagyok

The most painful thing that happened to me

The most painful thing that happened to me in love
Was being close to your love but you can't have her
It seems like a camel that died of thirst
While he had water in his hump
O moon !
How much should i be awake at nights to see your charming visage ?!
O branch ! How many birds should suffer from your beauty ?!
The moon becomes full once a month ,
But the moon of your face is always full .
I'm satisfied my murder makes my murderer furious ،
So they get amazed how the slain is satisfied but the murderer isn't !