A keresés eredménye oldal 28
Találatok száma: 1025
Tengeri ütközet
Harc ez
A megszokott libabőrben
Tűz és hála határa
Bennem, bennem
Amikor a rémálmaimmal küzdöm
Egyszerű félelem a határaimtól,
Amiket kellemetlen feszegetni
Mert szó és tett között félúton ott a tenger
Nem tudok úszni
A szavaim és félelmeim között
Ezer paranoia, ezer sötét éjszaka
Felszínen marad a gondolat, északnyugati szél fúj
Tequila és Ginzeng, fojtó köd, magányosan, magányosan
Felszínen marad a gondolat, tengerkék ég
Manila és Big Bang az űrutazásomban, magányosan, magányosan
Arcomba fúj a szél, elvesztettem az egyik felem
Mit akarsz, mit tegyek, ha félbe hagytál
A tengerre mutattam, elhagytam a kikötőt
Tudatosult bennem, az út hosszú
Nem tudom visszatérek-e, nem állok készen rá
Elrejtettem teljesen az otthon illatát,
Ha esetleg egyszer szükségem lenne rá, ha egy nap majd felkelek
És látom magam a tükörben, rájövök, hogy ez nem az én álmom
Mert szó és tett között félúton ott a tenger
Nem tudok úszni
A szavaim és félelmeim között
Ezer paranoia, ezer sötét éjszaka
Felszínen marad a gondolat, északnyugati szél fúj
Tequila és Ginzeng, fojtó köd, magányosan, magányosan
Felszínen marad a gondolat, tengerkék ég
Manila és Big Bang az űrutazásomban, magányosan, magányosan
Egyedül, egyedül
Mert szó és tett között félúton ott a tenger
Nem tudok úszni
Eeyedül, egyedül
Szó és tett között félúton ott a tenger
Nem tudok úszni
Egyedül, egyedül
Szerelmi csalódás peremén
Keresek valamit
Keresek valamit
Miközben ebben a városban alszom a meztelen gerincünk alatt
Keresek valamit
Keresek valamit
Miközben ez a meleg ősz megolvasztja a lelket
Ezen a jelentéktelen napon
Ebben az akármilyen életben
Ebben a valamilyen hotelben
Milyen furcsa hazugság az igazság
Egy szerelmi csalódás peremén
Egy szerelmi csalódás peremén
Keresek valamit
Felhasználom az éjszakát, hogy fényt adjak
A csendet használom, hogy jobban halld a hangom
Amikor azt, mondod kevesebbet akarjak, mint ez dal
Azt mondom neked, hogy többet érsz milliárd embernél
A szeptemberi hó is csak víz a pohárban
Ha te nem vagy (ha te nem vagy)
Ha te nem vagy (ha te nem vagy)
Ha te nem vagy
Keresek valamit
Keresek valamit
Abban, amit a lelkem mélyére rejtettél
Ezen a jelentéktelen napon
Ebben az akármilyen életben
Ebben a valamilyen hotelben
Az igazságnak csak egy része van
Egy szerelmi csalódás peremén
Egy szerelmi csalódás peremén
Keresek valamit
Felhasználom az éjszakát, hogy fényt adjak
A csendet használom, hogy jobban halld a hangom
Amikor azt, mondod kevesebbet akarjak, mint ez dal
Azt mondom neked, hogy többet érsz milliárd embernél
Egy felhőszakadás is víz csupán a pohárban
Ha te nem vagy (ha te nem vagy)
Ha te nem vagy (ha te nem vagy)
Ha te nem vagy
A magánynak nincs lába
Soha nem egyedül megy el
Itt van valahol a hold
Hogy megvilágítsa minden egyes gondolatom
Az alvó város,
Mely formát változtat
Lélegzetvételből és jelképekből él
Hogy egy új nap néha jelez
Hogy egy új nap néha jelez
Felhasználom az éjszakát, hogy fényt adjak
A csendet használom, hogy jobban halld a hangom
Amikor azt, mondod kevesebbet akarjak, mint ez dal
Azt mondom neked, hogy többet érsz milliárd embernél
Egy felhőszakadás is víz csupán a pohárban
Ha te nem vagy (ha te nem vagy)
Ha te nem vagy (ha te nem vagy)
Ha te nem vagy
A magánynak nincs lába
Soha nem egyedül megy el
Ha te nem vagy
No sorrow
You look a little shocked
because I rest here, uninterested
like you spoke no words
Just as you hadn't said anything
You fell in love?
what's wrong, what's wrong with you?
So I should start suffering now
for obvious reasons of pride and sex?
quite the opposit: nothing, no!
I feel nothing, no!
no sorrow
no tension
no emotion
no sorrow
When you were uncertain, torn
between hugging me or life
can you remember my heavvy silences
that you mistook for jealousy
for fictional lovers?
back then I already foresee
that I was missing something
that frail, inconsistent coherence
of a child with little or no patience
Refrain (X2):
I feel nothing, no!
now nothing, no!
no sorrow
no tension
no emotion
no sorrow
The glass is not broken by the stone
but by the skilled hand of a naive bragger
the applause to feel you are important
without asking what people for
All those mischievous glance you spread
were like wind scattered seeds, something you lost
and you dried me up
and you dried me up
and you dried me up
But I feel nothing, no!
now nothing, no!
no sorrow
no tension
no emotion
no sorrow
The pain is becoming stronger, dear
My beloved, you who take my life away
Away from you, my dear,
there's more pain than love
Away from you, my dear,
there's more pain than love
Forgive me, forgive me, o God
Forgive me if I'm sinning
I love her with every inch of my being
That's why I ask for forgiveness
I love her with every inch of my being
That's why I ask for forgiveness
Oh, from this sweet love, my darling, only dreams remain
Oh, from this sweet love, my darling, only dreams remain
No doubt that in this world, my darling, life is both pain and dreams
No doubt that in this world, my darling, my life is both pain and dreams
My life is both pain and dreams
I hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with love and care, so it'd be great if you credited me whenever you repost them somewhere else!
You Know I'll Love You
You know I'll love you
Even without your presence, I'll love you
Even hopeless, I'll love you
All the days of my life
In my poems, I'll write you
'It's you who I'll love, it's you who I'll love
All the days of my life
You know I'll love you
Even when you go away, I'll cry
But you'll return to me and I'll forget
The pain of my nights
You know, I'll suffer
Every minute of waiting, I'll suffer
But when you'll be here, I'll be born
All the days of my life
You know I'll love you
Even when you go away, I'll cry
But you'll return to me and I'll forget
The pain of my nights
You know, I'll suffer
Every minute of waiting, I'll suffer
But when you'll be here, I'll be born
All the days of my life
All the days of my life
You know, I'll love you
Laugh whenever you are sadder
Laugh if a pain exists
When love fades away better it will be
If you laugh in front of fear
Laugh (laugh) when everything becomes darker
Find the courage do like that
Light up your face
Whenever you are disappointed
Even if one more tear appears
All is grey in front of it
Laugh (laugh) without ever regrets
You'll accept [a] life like that
You'll smile
Light up your face
Whenever you are disappointed (when you are disappointed)
Even if one more tear appears
All ahead is grey
Laugh (laugh) without ever regrets
Will you accept [a] life like that? will you smile?
You'll smile... will you smile?
Éj, éjfél, elvesztem a fejem
Éj, éjfél, elvesztem a fejem
Éj, éjfél, elvesztem a fejem
(Amikor elérsz a csúcsomhoz, amikor elérsz)
Oh, Istenem, kitisztitom a tüdőimet levegővel
Ez mind elmúlt
Igazán közönbösen játstodta
Itt az ideje az igazsgággal táncolni
Előre haladunk az igazsággal
Átalusszuk az összes napot
Azt játszom hogy nem látom
Az összes szalag amit használtál, hogy magadhoz kötözz
De a csipőm hiányolta a csipőd
Tehát ismerjük meg az erőket
Ringatsz majd engem?
Tévútra térsz velem?
Mi vagyunk a hétvége Királya és Királynője
Nincs olyan tabletta, ami meg tudná érinteni a rohanásunkat
(De mit fogunk tenni majd, amikor józanok leszünk?)
Amikor lázzal álmodsz
Fogadjunk, azt szeretnéd bárcsak megérintenéd a rohanásunk
(De mit fogunk tenni majd, amikor józanok leszünk?)
Ezek a hétvége játékai
Úgy teszünk, mintha nem érdekelne minket
Pedig érdekel
(De mit fogunk tenni majd, amikor józanok leszünk?)
Amikor lázzal álmodsz
Fogadjunk, azt szeretnéd bárcsak megérintenéd a rohanásunk
(De mit fogunk tenni majd, amikor józanok leszünk?)
Oh, Istenem, összezárom a fogaim
A likőrtől nedves citrom körül
Éj, éjfél, elvesztem a fejem
Tudom, hogy te is érzed
Folytathatnánk a trükkel?
Testek a házamon keresztül
Tudom ezt a történetet a szivemből:
Jack és Jill összefeküdt és birtokolták
Amikor besötétedett
De a csipőm hiányolta a csipőd
Tehát ismerjük meg az erőket
Ringatsz majd engem?
Tévútra térsz velem?
Mi vagyunk a hétvége Királya és Királynője
Nincs olyan tabletta, ami meg tudná érinteni a rohanásunkat
(De mit fogunk tenni majd, amikor józanok leszünk?)
Amikor lázzal álmodsz
Fogadjunk, azt szeretnéd bárcsak megérintenéd a rohanásunk
(De mit fogunk tenni majd, amikor józanok leszünk?)
Ezek a hétvége játékai
Úgy teszünk, mintha nem érdekelne minket
Pedig érdekel
(De mit fogunk tenni majd, amikor józanok leszünk?)
Amikor lázzal álmodsz
Fogadjunk, azt szeretnéd bárcsak megérintenéd a rohanásunk
(De mit fogunk tenni majd, amikor józanok leszünk?)
Éjfél, halványodunk
Napfényig, fáradtak vagyunk
Tudjuk, hogy ennek vége van
Reggel, táncolni fogsz minden fejfájásoddal együtt
És az árulásoddal, az elhagyás fantáziájával
De tudjuk, hogy amikor vége
Reggel velünk fogsz táncolni
(Éjfél, elvesztem a fejem, éjfél, elvesztem a fejem)
Oh, velünk táncolsz, oh, velünk táncolsz
(De mit fogunk tenni majd, amikor józanok leszünk?)
Oh, velünk fogsz táncolni
(Érzed ezt? Érzed ezt?)
Velünk táncolsz, velünk
(De mit fogunk tenni majd, amikor józanok leszünk?)
Amikor elérsz a csúcsomhoz (éjfél, elvesztem a fejem)
Amikor elérsz (éjfél, elvesztem a fejem)
All the gold of men
Versions: #2
I submitted my weapons
at the entrance of your heart without any fight
and I followed the charms
smoothly, slowly somewhere over there
in the midst of your dreams
in the palm of your sleep in your nights
a new day is rising
like no other but since that time, you know ....
All the Gold of Men
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything.
This is a new journey
fate or random ? whatever
what showed me the way
that led up to you but since that time, you know ....
All the Gold of Men
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything.
All the Gold of Men
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything.
(All the gold of men)
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything....no!
So, above all, don't change anything.
(All the gold of men) All the Gold of Men
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything....
All the gold of men) All the Gold of Men
(All the love of everyone) All the love of everyone
So, above all, don't change anything.
Rebel River
I threw your scarf into the river
To see it how was sinking.
It was the last memory
Of your tenderness that I had for you.
It was sinking slowly as your love,
But one day, the river finally...
... on the beach will be returned to me,
But I know very well that I'll never be able
To be happy without your happiness.
I shall remember you in my loneliness,
In the nest that remained without its ligh
When I understood you are not for me.
I threw your scarf into the river
To see it how was sinking.
It was the last memory
Of your tenderness that I had for you.
It was sinking slowly as your love,
But one day, the river finally...
... on the beach will be returned to me,
But I know very well that I'll never be able
To be happy without your happiness.
I shall remember you in my loneliness,
In the nest that remained without its ligh
When I understood you are not for me.
... When I understood you are not for me...
- En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .
Felelősség (Ismétlés)
Egy felelősség vagyok
Egy felelősség vagyok
Sok nekem
Kicsitt sok vagy nekem, ne ne ne ne...
Mit fogsz csinálni?
Az összes álom ami nehezebb lesz
Az összes dolog amit felajánlok neked
És az összes szar amit elrejtünk
Intézd ,hogy az összes gyerek woo-hoo -t énekeljen a kórusban
Talán ez mind a party
Talán az összes könny és a csúcsok amit lélegzünk
Talán ez mind a party
Talán csak erőszakosan csináljuk
De nem az vagy amit gondoltál hogy voltál
De nem az vagy amit gondoltál hogy voltál
De nem az vagy amit gondoltál hogy voltál
Sok nekem
De nem az vagy amit gondoltál hogy voltál
The Council Of Elrond
Out of darkness I understand the night:
Dreams flow, a star shines.
Ah! I desire Evenstar.
Having watched the day grow dark
I go into night - a place to dream.
Ah! I desire Elfstone.
Behold! The star of stars!
The song of the star enchants my heart.
Ah! I desire Evenstar.
The flame of the fire of the heart
shines, rises, endures.
Ah! I desire Elfstone.
Your photo doesn't kiss me
Your photo doesn't kiss me,
Nor does it hug me,
It just calms down my fire a little
When I miss you. (2x)
In vain I live like a king,
If at night your body doesn't warm me up.
In vain I have the world at my feet
If the tear on my face hurts me.
Your photo doesn't kiss me,
Nor does it hug me,
It just calms down my fire a little
When I miss you.
I can be the poorest in the world,
I'd be the happiest with you.
But if I knew that you're near me,
Then the tear on my face wouldn't exist.
Your photo doesn't kiss me,
Nor does it hug me,
It just calms down my fire a little
When I miss you. (3x)
© Vladímir Sosnín
Egész nap
A homokban sétálva minden zűrzavar között
Téged látlak, és azt gondolom, milyen illúzió
Visszanézel rám, ezek a gondolatok, ezek a gondolatok felbomlottak
Oh, most benne vagyok
Mintha, ó istenem, olyan, azta, hogy hiányzott ez
Állni ott, tiszta boldogság jár el
Megoszthatok veled egy kis titkot,
Mert most benne vagy
Szerintem neked és nekem össze kellene jönnünk
A nyár miatt, babám, mi a zavaros
Lassíts le, hőgutát kapok tőled
Egész nap egész nyáron
Szerintem pálmafák alatt megtörténhetne
A nyár miatt, babám, mi a döntésed
Lassíts le, hőgutát kapok tőled
Egész nap egész nyáron
Ide megyünk újra, mintha soha nem lenne vége
Nyomások a derekamon, oh azta, folytatja az összeadást
Visszanézel rám, olyan valódian, még csak nem is színjáték
Oh, most benne vagyok
Mintha, ó istenem, olyan, azta, hogy hiányzott ez
Állni ott, tiszta boldogság jár el
Megoszthatok veled egy kis titkot,
Mert most benne vagy
Szerintem neked és nekem össze kellene jönnünk
A nyár miatt, babám, mi a zavaros
Lassíts le, hőgutát kapok tőled
Egész nap egész nyáron
Szerintem pálmafák alatt megtörténhetne
A nyár miatt, babám, mi a döntésed
Lassíts le, hőgutát kapok tőled
Egész nap egész nyáron
Helyes vagy ott, babám
Állva mint egy szellem a tömegben pont ott, babám
Helyes vagy ott, babám
Állva mint egy szellem a tömegben
Szerintem neked és nekem össze kellene jönnünk
A nyár miatt, babám, mi a zavaros
Lassíts le, hőgutát kapok tőled
Egész nap egész nyáron
Szerintem pálmafák alatt megtörténhetne
A nyár miatt, babám, mi a döntésed
Lassíts le, hőgutát kapok tőled
Egész nap egész nyáron
Egész nap egész nyáron, mintha soha nem érne véget
Egész nap egész nyáron
Egész nap egész nyáron, mintha soha nem érne véget
Egész nap egész nyáron
Dirty flowers
The moon shuts off the lights,
All the flowers close, the garden falls asleep
And sleep carries me on a wave
Sweet ritual, I am on a flagpole at sea
In my dreams, I see the brothers by hand
Only truth in their eyes, not one lie
And here, money doesn't exist
The impure eye would transform them into enemies
The smell of rain at times
Instead of asphalt and dust between blocks
In this dream, the world laughs
Only good intentions, and my heart smiles
And I don't want to get up
Because in the world in which I live, I can't find my place
Evil has taken root
My flower withers in a garden of thorns
The garden is full of flowers with dirty souls
The roses aren't what they seem
The roses aren't what they seem
The garden is full of flowers with dirty souls
The roses aren't what they seem
The roses aren't what they seem
And an angel hears me
It leaves me to sleep for another 5 minutes
So I can see a perfect world
Which strikes with love instead of bayonets
I don't see people whipped anymore,
Or pawnbrokers who show off what cars they drive.
Here, there aren't rags on heels
And I don't see elderly children with syringes around the block
There's always a sunrise and the warmth of the sunset
There isn't one cold soul and shards of shells
There isn't one casino, that's why there isn't a pawn shop
There isn't a bank, nor a brothel, musicians with clarinets
There are only undying flowers
There aren't boxes and axes
I woke up in a condemned world
I wait for night to come, so I can dream one more time!
The garden is full of flowers with dirty souls
The roses aren't what they seem
The roses aren't what they seem
The garden is full of flowers with dirty souls
The roses aren't what they seem
The roses aren't what they seem
The roses aren't what they seem
The roses aren't what they seem
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
So What Is It
So what is it I call
it's joy, it's her
that emotions sparkle
and still intermingle our voices.
Each time I put it back
1 2 3 it starts again
every time I put it back.
Answer me again, show yourself
answer me again, show yourself
answer me again, and again
and again, again.
So what is it I call
it's you joy, it's her
that emotions sparkle
and still intermingle our voices.
Answer me again, show yourself
answer me again, show yourself
answer me again, and again
and again, again.
So what is it I call
it's joy it's her
the emotions sparkle
and still intermingle our voices.
Each time I put it back
every time it starts again
every time I put it back.
Answer me again, show yourself
answer me again, show yourself
answer me again, and again
and again, again.
Love in the colours of the rainbow
Sometimes I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm walking as if I were drunk.
And I'm looking for somebody who knows, who will heal my wounds.
Maybe it's just temporary, this state and the things I have in my head.
I want to shake off the lethargy to think of you.
I need your smell so much today
and kisses until dawn and your touch.
You can change grief, sorrow and suffering
into what they call the greatest love.
You paint my world with the colours of the rainbow,
Take what I want to give you: a good-night kiss.
This day is a beautiful moment. You appeared in it.
I want to be with you today and for always.
I discover the whole world with you. I see it in a new way.
You are on familiar terms with the wind, it blows through your hair.
You have a deal with the sun and nothing can break it
'cause it shines for us on a very dark night.
You paint my world with the colours of the rainbow,
Take what I want to give you: a good-night kiss.
This day is a beautiful moment. You appeared in it.
I want to be with you today and for always.
You paint my world with the colours of the rainbow,
Take what I want to give you: a good-night kiss.
Tears Are Only Streaming
Oh, tears are streaming
They're streaming without a destination
Tears are only streaming
They're streaming without a destination
Although it could cost me my life
I cannot let go of you
I cannot let go of you
In my grief I look for the highest tree
It will reach my gaze far
In my grief I look for the highest tree
It will reach my gaze far
But the wise old tree could do nothing
But give its tears
But the wise old tree could do nothing
But give its tears
I miss you
I want to come to you
Longing became a part of me
I miss you
I really want to come to you
Longing became a part of me
So yesterday I cried 'cause I wanted to see you
Oh, dash over to me already
So yesterday I cried 'cause I wanted to see you
Oh, dash over to me already
Tears only stream and stream
They're streaming without a destination
Tears only stream and stream
They're streaming without a destination
Although it could cost me my life
I cannot let go of you
Although it could cost me my life
I cannot let go of you
I cannot let go of you
I cannot let go of you
Fiatal lány
A vér szökőkútja vagyok
Lány alakjában
Te vagy egy madár a peremén
Az örvény által megigézvén
Idd meg engem - hadd, hogy úgy érezzem, életben vagyok,
Nedvesítsd be a csőred az árba
A játék, amelyet játszuk, az élet
A szerelem kétirányú álom
Hagyj el engem most - gyere vissza ma este
A dagály meg fogja mutatni neked az utat
Ha elfelejted a nevemet, tévútra kerülsz
Mint egy gyilkos bálná tőrbeesvén az öbölben
Salak-pályá vagyok
A lábad alatt égve
Te vagy az, aki rajtam sétál
Én vagyok az egyírányú utad
Suttogás vagyok a vízben
Titok neked, amit hallasz
Te vagy az, aki elkülönül tőlem
Amikor a közelémbe parancsollak
Hagyj el engem most - gyere vissza ma este
A dagály meg fogja mutatni neked az utat
Ha elfelejted a nevemet, tévútra kerülsz
Mint egy gyilkos bálná tőrbeesvén az öbölben
Olyan fa vagyok, amely szíveket növeszt
Egyet mindegyikért, amilyet elviszel
Te vagy a betolakodó keze
Én vagyok az a faág, amelyet letörsz
The Lord's Prayer
Our father who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive our debts
As we have forgiven our debtors
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom
Power and the Glory
For ever and ever
I will call upon the Lord
I will call upon the Lord.
He is worthy to be praised.
So shalt I be safe from my enemies.
The Lord liveth! Blessed be the Rock
And may the God of my salvation be exalted.
The Lord liveth! Blessed be the Rock
And may the God of my salvation be exalted.
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.
Weeping Woman
Sorrowful, Weeping Woman, as blue as the sky
Sorrowful, Weeping Woman, as blue as the sky
Not even my life is important if it's for the sake of you
If it's for the sake of you...
I look for your from the top of a tall pine tree
I look for your from the top of a tall pine tree
Even the pine tree shed tears when it sees the Weeping Woman
Even the pine tree shed tears when it sees the Weeping Woman
My heart is overflowing with sadness, I endure it all alone
My heart is overflowing with sadness, I endure it all alone
Yesterday I thought of you and cried, ah, I'm in tears today as well
Yesterday I thought of you and cried, ah, I'm in tears today as well
Sorrowful, Weeping Woman, Weeping Woman, as blue as the sky
Sorrowful, Weeping Woman, Weeping Woman, as blue as the sky
Not even my life is important if it's for the sake of you
Not even my life is important if it's for the sake of you
If it's for the sake of you... If it's for the sake of you...
- En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .
Sexo Sudor y Calor (original song ) Not Remix Translation
Versions: #2
I am calling you, because I need more of you,
there is something about you that seduces,
me and it makes me feel that you are right by me,
and I know that you feel the same way.
Here its still raining and I cant stop thinking about the last time we did it girl.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
I don't know if you remember that day,
I was drunk and crazy, and you were sexy and ready.
We went home, and got in the covers, we did it till the next day, even with the light turned on.
Since, you haven't called me that is why I am calling,
To see if you remember how good that day was,
Today we gonna do it again girl the same way, with the light on again.
We gonna do it till the next day again.
Babe, tell me if you feel the same as me,
when night falls, and the sun doesn't heat me up,
I remember that day I made love with you.
Sex, Sweat, & Heat.
tell me if you feel the same as me,
when night falls, and the sun dosen't heat me up,
I remember that day I made love with you.
The night smells like sex babe,
so we gotta seize the opportunity, for now we will just use the phone and pics,
but we can't lets this chance go.
The night smells like sex babe,
so we gotta seize the opportunity, for now we will just use the phone and pics,
but we can't lets this chance go.
what luck is it, that I got to take a couple pics of your body, if you would just know how i go crazy over those pics,
I fell in love like a dumbass of you,I don't believe in things about love that much.
But I had to try and someone told me that no one can be arrested to steal a heart and If I could go back in time and come back exactly to the moment when she got on all fours told me , 'lick me up, cause you are going the be the first one that i ve done it with', from that time, like that time i have never busted a nut like that.
I need you to heat me up again cause im cold again.
I ve been looking for someone just like you, thinking about how many chicks i ve fucked, and that we even had a threesome together.
The truth is though no other chick turns me on like you do, and when i fuck another bitch im thinking about you.
I am calling you, because I need more of you,
there is something about you that seduces,
me and it makes me feel that you are right by me,
and I know that you feel the same way.
Here its still raining and I cant stop thinking about the last time we did it girl.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
Babe, I told my friends that you are just my amazing girl .
Kepler's Laws
Hi, Giulia... I'm not coming to the astronomy test today. I didn't manage to study anything yesterday. Goffredo left me! I don't know why, but he left me!
Baby, you don't need to worry,
If you haven't had the time to study,
You've got an astronomy test,
But, with your heart, you'd rather go away.
Oh baby, really, don't make it a mystery,
You fell in love and forgot
To study Kepler's laws!
Don't worry, baby! We'll take care of it for you.
The first law says that the orbit traced by a planet around the sun is really elliptical
And the Sun shines, right in one of the two focuses situated over the plan of the eclipse.
Oh baby baby, don't sigh,
If you remembered more of a circular movement,
Since for the Earth the eccentricity is 0.017,
It's really small.
Like you, baby.
The second law states that the vector radius from the center of the Sun to the orbiting planet,
Moving at the same space and time, different regions but of constant area.
The second law has numerous corollaries as interesting consequences,
Where you can see that orbital velocities aren't constant for planets.
Oh baby baby, at the perihelion
The Earth travels faster than at the aphelion.
And now that you know you'll get the passing mark,
Don't stop, the third one must be studied, too.
The third law says that you have to take the squares of the periods the planets orbit
And there's a law tying T squared to the cubed semi-axis, the greatest one of every orbit
Oh baby baby, you can hand the test,
But you must never forget to study anymore,
Since we don't have a song suitable for every single subject of astronomical geography!
Hi Giulia! I'm coming, keep my seat! I've learned everything thanks to the Italian Teacher Substitutes! Besides, let's face it, Goffredo, what a ****** name!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Mendel's Genetics
Doctor, look well!
Our eyes are as black as soot!
And what did this serpent make?
She made a blue-eyed son!
She betrayed me and I don't want her anymore.
Eyes as blue as sea,
There's no way of getting them wrong,
The stable hand from the cloth of my bed squeezed through!
Yes sir!
Oh, no!
Yes sir!
This son,
This son,
This son has got blue eyes!
It isn't true, I've never betrayed you in my life!
Doctor, what do you think, what may have happened?
Calm down, calm down, there's no trick science can't explain.
Every doubt and each misfortune can be cured.
Even the doubt of the husband who thinks he's been betrayed,
With Gregor Mendel's laws today I will clarify!
The black eye is dominant,
The blue eye is recessive,
Here I say and here I write it,
Very few people have got blue eyes!
Every time someone
Has the dominant allele
Doesn't matter if the allele of blue eys
Is present as well!
The black eye is dominant,
The black eye he will have.
Only who's
Recessive homozygote,
Here I say and here I write it,
Will have big blue eyes!
Is it clear?
Even if the father and the mother have eyes as black as soot
That doesn't mean their children can't have blue eyes.
Here I say and here I write it,
That allele is recessive,
Every fourth child will have blue eyes!
I'm complaining that my father has got eyes as bright as the sky,
I'm so clumsy, I didn't think of it.
I'm so clumsy, I didn't understand I've got the recessive allele,
Every fourth child will have blue eyes!
Come to think of it, even my mother didn't have dark eyes,
We can be sure and stop worrying.
Here nearly (?), but the allele is recessive,
Every fourth child will have blue eyes!
Every fourth child will have blue eyes!
Viva Mendel and science, viva viva blue eyes!
Viva Mendel, no more without him, viva viva blue eys!
Viva this coincidence, viva viva blue eyes!
Blue eyes! Blue eyes!
With the recessive allele, finally, viva viva blue eyes!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
The Theory of Relativity
And hence the most important result of the theory of relativity - Guys!
Mechanics, optics, electromagnetism
Mate, follow the beat, I want dynamism
They follow rules that remain the same
In the inertial reference systems
For relativity, put your hands up!
This theory is an extension,
It's a reformulation
Of the laws of Newton mechanics!
'E' equals 'M' times 'C' squared
And the result, not expected at all, is that
Mass is just another form of energy
It fixes in your head like the taste of Fiesta!
Light propagates: constant speed
Independently from who's observing the source
As a result, for relativity,
Ether doesn't exist, there's no need for it!
Make your hands collide!
There is a contraction
Or an enlargement
Of the values of the space-time continuum!
'E' equals 'M' times 'C' squared
And the result, not expected at all, is that
Mass is just another form of energy
It fixes in your head like the taste of Fiesta!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
And now let's review once more the most important rules of trigonometry, starting from the relation that ties the function-
Alright, thanks bro, listen up to this poetic meter,
Unit circle rap.
Round as the groove, soul rolling box
And the rule it follows, mate, is shiny gold:
On the horizontal axis you can carve the cosine,
Y axis, instead, is there to burn-mark the sine.
And the ABC triangle is right, so
With the Pythagorean Theorem you get straight
Squared sine plus
Squared cosine, you
Already know it's one,
It's always one
It fixes in your head, like the taste of Fiesta!
If the problem is messed up, kind of Edgar Allan Poe,
Acute-angled triangle, beware the qui pro quo.
Here Pythagoras isn't valid, stand up all for the show:
Fourth rhyme, poker of aces, Carnot Theorem
(Also known as Cosine Theorem)
If you know two sides and the angle between them,
C squared equals, a bit of an unexpected result,
A squared plus B squared
Minus the double of the product of A times B times cosine of X!
Squared sine plus
Squared cosine, you
Already know it's one,
It's always one
It fixes in your head, like the taste of Fiesta!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
I Love Venice
At the third double whisky
I almost shouted: 'I love Venice!'
A glance behind my shoulder, I know,
He never wants to say no
I turned to the darkness, behind the glass I imagined my home
But there's not one reason to leave
A silk stocking on the bedside lamp
I love Venice!
A slow music pulls you up
and you live a little more
Right at the foot of the bed a newspaper, the question of Algeria
But not even a reason
that I recall
to go away
And three bottles in a row
Then four and laughter
Whatever the hell
I had that night
I don't remember anymore
I felt it was over and the *day was upon me already
And I looked like someone in another place
But I was still there
The motives of a man
They're not pretty
to be proven
The problem is to allow yourself a little of
the best and a little more
He came to the window,
I told him: 'I think the darkness is going away'
*so calm, and sitting there
I seemed like I was
still in that place
He came to the window,
I told him: 'I think the darkness is going away'
*so calm, and sitting there
I looked like I was
still in that place
Mr. Psychiatrist
'I think it's time
to go to the psychiatrist',
that's what they said at home
and then they almost drag me here.
Because when I arrive late at night
and they want to scold me
I don't hear a thing, I don't hear a thing
and run to the window,
but whoever jumps from a
5th floor, dies.
I get violent,
throwing home ornaments.
I am not crazy, I am not crazy, I am not crazy
I'm just desperate.
Mr. Psychiatrist,
stop talking nonsense.
Mr. Psychiatrist,
I want to live my own life.
Mr. Psychiatrist,
I won't pay your fee.
Mr. Psychiatrist,
stop star- stop star-
stop staring at my legs.
No, no, no, no, no, no!
I am not crazy.
'I think it's time
to go to the psychiatrist',
that's what my teacher said
and then he kick me out of the classroom.
Because when I don't go to class
he orders people to go find me.
I hide, I hide,
I don't understand what's going on:
First he kicks me out
then he says I can't get out,
4 sad walls
are a prison for women in love.
I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy,
I'm just desperate.
Ah, ah, ah
I am Juliet (ah, ah, ah)
an at full moon (ah, ah, ah)
I become a she wolf (ah, ah, ah)
and I search for my Romeo.
I am not crazy, I am not crazy, I am not crazy,
I'm just desperate.
Alfonsina and the sea
Across the soft sand
that the waves lick
Her small footprints
are not coming back anymore
Only one path only
made of sorrow and silence
Reached the deep water
One path made only
of untold sorrows
Reached the foam
Only God knows about the anguish
That accompanied you.
What old pains
Stopped your voice
To lay down
Lulled by the song
Of the seashells
The song sung
In the dark depth of the sea
By the seashell
You're going away, Alfonsina
Along with your loneliness
What kind of new poems
did you go looking for?
An ancient voice
made of wind and salt
Is shattering your soul
and taking you away
And you go there,
like in dreams
Asleep, Alfonsina,
dressed with the sea.
Five little mermaids
will escort you
Through paths made of seaweed
and corals
And phosphorescent
sea horses will make
A ring, by your side
And the aquatic dwellers
Will soon play
by your side
Dim the light of the lamp
a bit more for me
Let me sleep in peace,
And if he calls
don't tell him I'm here
Tell him that I have left
You're going away, Alfonsina
Along with your loneliness
What kind of new poems
did you go looking for?
An ancient voice
made of wind and salt
Is shattering your soul
and taking you away
And you go there,
like in dreams
Asleep, Alfonsina,
dressed with the sea.
Am I bad? [How bad can I be?]
*Am I-I-I bad?
I'm just doing what's good for me
Am I-I-I bad?
My destiny, I follow until the end
Am I-I-I bad?
I'm just doing what's good for me
Am I-I-I bad?
Am I really that bad?
There's a law of the nature (law of the nature)
There's no exception for it
Survival of the fittest (survival of the fittest)
Who knows it, won't forget it
The animal that wins it scratches, and bites, and eats up to the bone
And the animal that loses...
Well, the animal that loses
Is soon turning into...
La-la-la lunch (bone, bone, bone, bone, bone)
Say it!
Am I-I-I bad?
I'm just doing what's good for me
Am I-I-I bad?
My destiny, I follow until the end
Am I-I-I bad?
I'm just doing what's good for me
Am I-I-I bad?
Am I really that bad?
It's a principle of the business (principle of the business)
That we all must face
It says that people with money (people with money)
Are responsible for making this world go round
I will grow my enterprise, i will grow my wealth
Look at how my billboard has grown (a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot)
Everybody out there, take care od yours
And I take of what's mine, mine, mine, mine, mine (ny economies have grown)
I want to hear:
Smougulous smoke (smougulous smoke)
Schloppity schlop (schloppity schlop)
Why conplain? If this is never, never, never gonna stop (no)
So am I bad?
Am I-I-I bad?
I just want to earn more **money
Am I-I-I bad?
Look at the good boy I can be
Am I-I-I bad?
A portion of the profit, we do donate
Am I-I-I bad?
Am I that bad?
Tell me!
The customers are buying
And the money is increasing
The propaganda is deceiving
Lawyers are only denying
The forests, I will be taking down
And I keep on profiting
Tell me!
Is this really that bad?
The mother who has lost her child
When the moon
Bestows on the black waters
A face
By its light
When the waters
Don't show any ripples
And there's no more movements
On the banks
When she trembles
Forsaken and alone
To be united
With her dearest child
Tries to forget the fact
That on that day
Her only child
Drowned in those cold waters
By night when she sits on the bank
In the village they can hear her cry
The mother who has lost her child
Is desperate and alone
The mother who has lost her child
The body
Was never found
She never overcame
Her anguish
Every morning she tosses
Some meat into the river
So her dearest child
Wouldn't have to famish
She'd never shown him
That she loves him
She'd do it all now
But now it is too late
She does for him some knitting
And tosses it into the river
So her dearest child
Would never have to feel cold
By night when she sits on the bank
In the village they can hear her cry
The mother who has lost her child
Is desperate and alone
The mother who has lost her child
She reads stories to him
And sings a song for him
So her dearest child
Would be cradled into sleep
Before she used to be religious
Before she used to be pious
Now she hates God
For He has taken away her child
She hadn't taken care of him during his lifetime
She hates herself all too much for that
She wants to commit suicide
She has taken the decision
She jumps into the cold waters
And gives a kiss to him
So her dearest child
Would never have to be alone
Florence, Italy
Versions: #2
In any case
The guide books are cumbersome
The novels, too long
I'm running away
I won't follow the directions
Of the tour
The light dances
On the divine proportions
Of an Apollo
I go fast
Run through the middle of the ruins
I have vertigo
Every time I turn a corner, I'm blown away
I took the night train, I haven’t slept much
The senses on alert
My senses are waking up
Are accelerating and amplifying
The people I cross
Always elegant
I know that when I talk I have a slight accent
The cypress and clay
The fragile grace
Of the white marble veins
And I’m lightheaded
Beauty is surrounding me
Then suddenly it sweeps over me
Florence, Italy
And I’m lightheaded
Beauty is surrounding me
Don’t help me if I pass out
Florence, Italy
Lemon sorbet in hand
The treasures
Hidden deep within the gardens*
Require time
Under the nearby shadow
Of a palazzo I shelter myself
My ice cream melts quickly
The splendor
Is demanding and sometimes
It’s exhausting
Every time I turn a corner, I'm blown away
I took the night train, I haven’t slept much
The senses on alert
My senses are waking up
Are accelerating and amplifying
And I’m lightheaded
Beauty is surrounding me
Then suddenly it sweeps over me
Florence, Italy
And I’m lightheaded
Beauty is surrounding me
Don’t help me if I pass out
Florence, Italy