Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 6

Találatok száma: 198


Keep me in the Picture

Treat me more gently
Let me tread softly
I've given you all I can
No, don't say ''What if'
What is happening to you?
What would make you content?
Pull yourself together
and keep me in the picture
Oh your mind is lost at thought
it resides in fantasy
If you would forget the past for a moment
things would work out
Let me hear you talk
Speak to me with your glances
Just from one look, I swear
I would understand you
You tell me that you are coming
and that your eyes are full of words
But then I hear an entirely different story
and dreams are lost
I know what's new with you
don't hide your secrets
Those are not your ideas
I am aware of the picture..
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.


Madonna, ő túl gazdag
Mindenki gazdag akar lenni
Mindenki egy ribanc akar lenni
És Marilyn? Ő halott
Britney, ő túl fiatal
Mindenki fiatal akar lenni
Mindenki visszatérítést akar
És Marilyn a fejemben van
Mmm kirándulj, egy repülőn ülve
Aderall, Vicodin, kokain
Le a pezsgővel, hogy a fájdalmat csillapítsa
Szaténlepedőn, mert ilyen hiú vagyok
Elbűvölő, mint ahogy mondam neked
Fehér nerc vállról vállra lopva
A sziklák, mint a vándorkövek, simák és tiszták
Gyémánt fülbevalók, akár a csillárok
Állj, csöpögj, gurulj, bámulj
Szőkéket kedvelem, fanszőr nélkül
Nincs alsó, nincs
Szóval hozzá akarsz menni egy milliomoshoz?
Mi a jeled, mi a méreted?
35 - 22- 35?
Találkozz velem a halvány holdfényben
Ne sikíts túl hangosan, mikor bent vagyok
Einstein, ő túl sziporkázó
Mindenki azt akarja, hogy igaza legyen,
Mindenki harcolni akar
És Marilyn a fejemben van
Elvis egy sztár
Mindenki sztár akar lenni
Mindenki le akar lőni egy szárt
És Marilyn? Ő halott
Visszatértem a V-V-V.I.P.-be
Dom Perignon mélyen bennem
1953, az összes barátom
Nincs Dorothy, sok van nekem
Szodómiában, de nem a lobotómiában
Az életstílus nem része a gazdaságnak
Bűnös vagyok, de nem tudok megtisztulni
Jobban tenném, ha a seggemet egy időgépbe raknám
Ben tudom, de elmondták
Te vagy az első Playboy címlaplány
Kirakva, arany, gyémántok, hajfürtök
Megtanította az első stylistokat, hogyan kell tanítani
Vörös rúzs egy üveg fehérítővel
Ragyogó fehér kamasz, mint egy millió dollár
Majd poharat emel arra, hogy kell dugni (de mit)
Korlátozott terület, V.I.P utópia
Szigorított terület, V.I.P. voilá

We Make Something of Ourselves

I'm not going to change the world with my music
That would only be a bait
I don't have a soultion to the storms
To extinguish fire with fire
I feel insignificant, so different
I'm outdated
I waste my time, I'm going in circles, I'm on the bench
With time I know
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
I keep my head above water
If tomorrow i live a drama
I'm not going to cry rivers
And drown in my own tears
Today I have everything
And if tomorow i have nothing?
With time, we make something of ourselves
Life has taught me to stay leveled
Lynda find yourself a goal, you'll get there bit by bit
You'll take some punches
There will be challenges on your path
With time, we make something of ourselves
Sometimes I'm outdated, I lose time
I fidgit all day, sitting on a bench
And I ask myself if I was better off before
Sometimes I regret my innocence
I'm scared of not living anymore of these wonderful moments
I know pertinently that I need to move forward
Not to turn around but face the present
And no matter the situations
I'm not going to change the world with my music
That would only be a bait
I don't have a soultion to the storms
To extinguish fire with fire
I feel insgnificant, so different
I'm outdated
I waste my time, I'm going in circles, I'm on the bench
With time I know
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
At 20 years old I understood
I have to make sacrifices
I prefer not to have anything, than to have all their artifical things
Today you shine, tomorrow they forget you
With time, we make something of ourselves
You can complain all you want
You can say as much as you want that life sucks
When you lose someone close
And you have nothing in your pockets
You neighbor drives a Porshe
You have your whole year in the car
With time, we make something of ourselves
Sometimes I'm outdated, I lose time
I fidgit all day, sitting on a bench
And I ask myself if I was better off before
Sometimes I regret my innocence
I'm scared of not living anymore of these wonderful moments
I know pertinently that I need to move forward
Not to turn around but face the present
And no matter the situations
I'm not going to change the world with my music
That would only be a bait
I don't have a soultion to the storms
To extinguish fire with fire
I feel insgnificant, so different
I'm outdated
I waste my time, I'm going in circles, I'm on the bench
With time I know
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
People leave and we make something of ourselves
With time, we make something of ourselves
Empty pockets and we make something of ourselves
With one coin we make something of ourselves
People leave and we make something of ourselves
With time, we make something of ourselves
Empty pockets and we make something of ourselves
With one coin we make something of ourselves
I'm not going to change the world with my music
That would only be a bait
I don't have a soultion to the storms
To extinguish fire with fire
I feel insgnificant, so different
I'm outdated
I waste my time, I'm going in circles, I'm on the bench
With time I know
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
We make something of ourselves
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

Done all I had to

she hurt me and then she cried and went on complaining
and she's sold our love with sadness and crying
I loved and gave
came to take and found nothing
consoled without complaining
and was patient with her
we made amends and then blamed one another
we fought and made peace
I made compromises and she didn't like it
so what should I do?
Done all I had to and the rest is in God's hands
gave her love and loyalty, gave her everything
all of this happened because I spoiled you
and made you take my heart for granted
you made me cry, you hurt me
go away for God's sake
she grew over me and let life take her away
she forgot about our love, nights and our longings of the past
now she doesn't let a night pass by without a fight
grief, and nights of desertion and blame
I made her take me for granted, there's nothing left to say
Done all I had to and the rest is in God's hands
gave her love and loyalty, gave her everything
she laughs to me, I say it's love and illusion
she shuns me away, I say maybe she's playing hard to get
and because she meant so much to me, I put with her
and because I kept my silence, I became a toy in her hands
no, I won't be weak another day before her eyes
Done all I had to and the rest is in God's hands
gave her love and loyalty, gave her everything
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها



Oh you'd better stop,
Oh you'd better stop...
Oh you'd better stop,
Oh you'd better stop...
Today of all days I feel out of control
So untill this feeling passes do not say a word?
Everything is so defferent
Honestly close your eyes
At first it was no problem,
But this time there's something important
I didn't notice that our trust has been broken,
The gap between us is all I can see
We didn't fit, I know you didn't want to wear those clothes, You never wore them again
I know you were not interested, Now I feel
Theres no other way, dally dally. Theres no other way, dally dally.
The road back seems to be lost.
Oh you'd better stop...
Oh you'd better stop...
Theres no other way, dally dally. Theres no other way, dally dally.
The road back seems to be lost.
Oh you'd better stop...
Oh you'd better stop...
I tried to be true,
I put my heart All-in but
Why won't you understand,
My heart is suffocating, oh no...
We're like cooled coffee
We're like wasted candle light
It's like we're closed and will never be opened, our sigh
Bye-bye, Good-bye!
I actually hate to say it so I will keep
I know a way, since we are both tired
I will send strenght
I know how much we tried but with
Things like this the end seems near
But when I think about us again...hmm...
Theres no other way, dally dally. Theres no other way, dally dally.
The road back seems to be lost.
Oh you'd better stop...
Oh you'd better stop...
Theres no other way, dally dally. Theres no other way, dally dally.
The road back seems to be lost.
Oh you'd better stop...
Oh you'd better stop, why...
I be on my way,
You be on your way, baby, keep going
Who knows, may be you think of me
When I'm working, go hard...
Let's cheer each other up, oh my...
Let's not think differently
I'll empty all my thoughts because
It's too much, everyday is difficult, but I know I can bear it
I know I know I know
I haven't recovered, I don't need this to run-on, stop and go away, Now I feel
Theres no other way, dally dally. Theres no other way, dally dally.
The road back seems to be lost.
Oh you'd better stop...
Oh you'd better stop...
Theres no other way, dally dally. Theres no other way, dally dally.
The road back seems to be lost.
Oh you'd better stop...
Oh you'd better stop...
I be on my way.
You be on your way, separate ways...
I be on my way.
You be on your way, I'm on my way...
I be on my way.
You be on your way, away from you...
I be on my way.
You be on your...

Just one day

How did we break up?
Those times felt like a lie
It can’t be, I can’t be, I tell myself
Memories fill up my room
Our times were like a dream
But it’s over, I’m crying because it’s over
Like the wind blowing
Come fly to me
For one day, just one day
Let’s live in that time
I bury my face but tears still rise
I’m afraid of the time ticking
I guess it’s really over
Not a single trace of light in the darkness
Cruel looks headed toward me
It’s over, it has withered, I tell myself
Where did I go?
I’m in a place where I don’t even know
Hidden, dropped off
Like the wind blowing
Come fly to me
For one day, just one day
Let’s live in that time
I bury my face but tears still rise
I’m afraid of the time ticking
I guess it’s really over
I’m walking with the memories
That have faded in my tears
I feel your warm hands
Come back to me
Help me, only you can save me
But you keep pushing me away
Where are you going?
I love you
I only love you
I can’t stand a single day
Not a single day, not a single day
Traduction pour adaptation musicale.

I Love Evangeline

Look, she glows up above,
Ma belle Evangeline.
She's not close to me, but
She loves me and only me.
Je t'adore, Je t'aime, Evangeline.
The queen of my night,
She will shine just for me.
How can one as beautiful as she,
Love someone like me.
Love will eventually come,
And I love Evangeline.
Love is good,
Love is beautiful
It's almost everything. Isn't that right, chérie?
Mais oui!
How she glows up above,
I love Evangeline.

The Damned French

Versions: #3
They speak with precise words
They pronounce all of their syllables
They always give each other kisses
They spend forever at each meal
They have incomprehensible menus
They drink water as if it were wine
They eat bread and then fois gras
And they find a way to not get fat
They protest every fifteen minutes
On every damned street corner
All of the taxis have drivers
That drive like madmen, bumper to bumper
And when they come to our country
It's for the winter and the Indians
And long walks on snowmobiles
Or on dog sleds
They have miniscule cups
and immense ashtrays
They make 'real' coffee for 'adults'
And they down it in two gulps
You find they great big German Shepards
And their little poodles
On the floor of the restaurants,
The grocery stores, the pharmacies
They say they dine when they have supper
And it's two o'clock when they have breakfast (this is a reference to a difference in dialect - in France 'dejuner' means lunch. In Quebec, it means breakfast).
In the morning, they eat yogurt -
They don't know eggs and bacon
At the end of the night, it's more saurkraut,
Duck breast, or escargots (snails)
Everything happens exactly to their taste
In the preparations of their damned veal's head
A bit of eyelid, a bit of gum (as in your mouth),
A bit of ear, a bit of lips
For the Quebequois' taste buds, it's a bit much
Then, they take us for martian
When we ask for a glass of milk,
Or when we ask, 'Where is the 'salle de bain', if you please'
(Here there is another play on regional dialects, in France, bathrooms are 'toilettes' and 'salle de bains' are literally 'rooms where you bathe)
And when they come to Quebec,
They put on a Toque (type of hat) and a Kanuk (type of coat)
And they start by searching for igloos
And finish in a sugar shack (reference to the maple syrup)
They quickly fall in love
With our forests and our lakes
And they start talking like us
After saying tabernacle (a type of dwelling)
And drunk on caribou
And on Molson (beer) and on much gin
They rave about our stews,
Our pork's feet (as in pickled), and our beans
They see that we don't have stinky cheese
And they get used to an old cheddar
And they stop complaining
About our bastard coffee (referencing that French coffee is much stronger)
When their stay is finally over,
They understand that they don't have the right
To call us Canadians
Because we are Quebecois (They are Quebecois first, then Canadiens)
They say goodbye with tears in their eyes
And maple syrup in their bags
They realize that we are like them
And we wish them safe travels
We give them a kiss goodbye
As if we'd always done so
And there is a missing piece of Quebec,
When the damned French leave.


Your name is Gwendolyne
And so is my dream's
Because beautiful thoughts
pull at me still
The voice is there
I ask if you'll remain
And you say yes
Indeed, this is all a dream
amidst the immense sea
Song of green waves
now is so sorrowful
The beautiful white ships,
that travel toward you
They then carry you here to me
O yes these are the flowers
that then wither
But my love will be none other
My song of reminiscences
Such is time
She still rings in me
Mmm mmm, mmmm
la la la la la la, la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la
The name Gwendolyne
My love, Gwendolyn
Me singing always
Singing always only of you
O come again Gwendolyne
O come again here to me
This would be all of my dreams
Iai iai iai, Gwendolyne
mmm mmmm, mmm mmm
mmm mmm, mmmmm
The waves, the noise
The sea, the sea sings
the name Gwendolyne.

Ansgar and Evelyne

Versions: #4
Under a clear sky the bombs fall
We lay quiet in a crater, smiling
While we watch our generation burn down
And I will protect you with my body
The air burns when we inhale
I have always seen us as Ansgar and Evelyne
We will fill our stolen car
With expensive watches and Dexedrine
Souvenirs from the time when we were pigs
And you have taken me from the cold inside
From German hard rock to Charles Valentine
In my book we are always Ansgar and Evelyne
And how I wish you were here now
I just want to hear your heartbeat
And how I wish our war ended
I have learned from my mistakes
And you are as lonely and I am

Linda Linda

Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one held her arm
Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one held her arm
she has an address book filled with names
Toni, Mike, Ma'rouf and Sami
Toni, Mike, Ma'rouf and Sami
Ahmed Butrus, Fahd and Mor'os
Ahmed Butrus, Fahd and Mor'os
the address book is driving me crazy
it doesn't have my name, I'm officially asking for her 1
it doesn't have my name, I'm officially asking for her
you've made my heart melt
Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
Linda Linda, oh, Linda
tonight's gathering is at her place
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one asked for her, one proposed to her
one held her arm
all her dresses are short
they barely cover tiny bits
all her dresses are short
they barely cover tiny bits
look at the rest of her clothes
look at the rest of her clothes
the clothes line is in the balcony
and when she hangs them
she instantly show them off
and oh, how many times have I seen them
she comes to tell me 'tomorrow is going to be better
forget about our past'
you're one with a heart that never changes
how could I forget the memories?
she comes to remind me of her love
that made me her prisoner
she comes to remind me of her love
that rendered my eyes sleepless
I repent, I repent, I repent
I'm never going to believe him
he who changed on me
she comes to tell me, she comes to tell me
she comes to tell me 'my love
I'm the one at fault'
she comes to tell me that he's wasted
his life not caring about me
and when his dear ones abandoned him
I've held on to me
she comes to remind me of her love
that made me her prisoner
she comes to remind me of her love
that rendered my eyes sleepless
I repent, I repent, I repent
I'm never going to believe him
he who changed on me
I repent, I repent, I repent
I'm never going to believe him
he who changed on me
she comes to tell me, she comes to tell me
she comes to tell me 'my love
I'm the one at fault'
I swear, your heart is not aware of me
love with you is deprivation
  • 1. hand in marriage
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


The full-moon has come towards us

a beloved has come to us
a mercy for the world
the light of life had flown
from you, and we became alive 1
the full-moon has come towards us
from the the Valley of Farewells 2
it's a must that we pay thankfulness
as long as we pray
O'our messenger
you've come with the orders that we shall obey
you've come and honoured Medina
welcome, best invitor
the full-moon has come towards us
and other full-moons have disappeared
we've never seen a beauty like yours before
O'face of happiness
you're a sun, you're a full-moon
you're a light after light
you're an invaluable potion
you're the key to hearts
we've never seen camels that longed
in the dark of night but to you
and the cloud has shaded
and the moon has greeted you
and the trunk of the tree came to you crying,
humbled in your hands
and cried for help, my beloved
you have the marching deers
  • 1. the appearance of Prophet Mohammed PBUH has made people realise how to actually live in bliss
  • 2. a historical place at the border of Medina where people used to bid farewell to travellers
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


I am Searching

I am searching in this world
And drawing out my ambitions
I am just like a bird travelling
And warbling my songs
And days pass, and we achieve dreams
And says pass, dreams come true… our dreams
I’m travelling between the tunes
And carrying my love wherever I go
And I fly upon words
Around the world
Dreams that live inside us and steal our nights away
I look for them then I find them
Living in the inside of my songs

I'm growing up

I'm growing up day by day
My feeling are chaging
I'm growing up day by day
I'm seeing the world more
I see the photo more clearly
A world like a stage
People betray and hurt
I'm dreaming to rest and live
We learn from our mistakes
I'm dreaming not to be afraid and get lost
Not to suffer not to regret
What tomorrow hides for me
Oh days smile to me
I have the right
To stay dreaming


Versions: #2
Deep in my soul
I keep the passion,
‘cause it makes me feel…
Deep in my soul
I keep your love,
so I can still live
dying of love,
dying of you.
Like the waves try to find
the seashore,
like a sailor tries to find
his port and his home,
I searched in my soul,
hoping to find you,
but I found only
my loneliness.
And even though you’re far away,
so far away from me…
And even if others kissed you,
perhaps, Gwendolyne,
you still remember the time
of that love of ours…
and you still remember me.
I still remember that yesterday
when we were together
You were talking about love
and I still could smile.
I still remember that love…
And now you go away from me…
I pleaded the silence
to talk to me about you
I wandered through the night
wanting to hear your voice,
and I heard only the wind
that was whispering
your name: Gwendolyne.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Marilyn Monroe

Ez igaz
Ebben az életben
Soha sem voltam az az egy
A szemedben
Soha sem voltam igazi
Mindaz amit láttál
Egy törött tükör volt
És azt mondták
Hogy törődjek
Mikor próbáltam a szíved helyre hozni
Ez nem fer
Próbáltam magam helyre hozni
És nem törődni
Annyit veled
Ez igaz
Ebben az életben
Soha sem voltam az az egy
A szemedben
Soha sem voltam igazi
Mindaz amit láttál
Egy törött tükör volt
És azt mondták
Hogy törődjek
Mikor próbáltam a szíved helyre hozni
Ez nem fer
Próbáltam magam helyre hozni
És nem törődni
Annyit veled
Soha sem akarta hogy a felesége lehessek
Nem voltam több mint egy trófea
Hihetetlenül fojtogató volt
Akartam őt
Inkább halva mint élve

A Love Story

My story, it's the love story,
my lament, it's the complaint of two hearts,
a novel just like others,
which could become yours,
or people from here, indeed.
It's the fame, which lights without burn,
it's the dream, that we dream without sleeping,
like a tree which stands,
strong and tender,
towards the day that will come.
It's the story of a eternal and banal love,
that brings everyday good and evil,
at the time where we embrace, when we say ''goodbye''
at the evenings of agony, and the wonderful mornings.
My story, it's the story someone knows,
those who love each other play the same 1, I know it
and tragic or, actually profound
it's the only song in the world
which will never end.
It's a love story,
that brings everyday good and evil,
at the time where we embrace, when we say ''goodbye''
at the evenings of agony, and the wonderful mornings.
My story, it's the story someone knows,
those who love each other play the same, I know it
and tragic or, actually profound
it's the only song in the world
which will never end.
  • 1. Not sure
Just learning.

There Is Still Time

I am drunk of this sweet pain
that reminds me of everything that's good
I have given up fighting against it
It has no point, I know
Maybe, it could be easier
to cry for the time that has been turned into havoc
But my heart sees more clearly than my eyes
This time was not wasted
I don't want to scream anymore
because that won't stop my pain
I also cannot hide from it
I won't feel good one way or the other
Maybe, it could be easier
to cry for the time that has been turned into havoc
But my heart sees more clearly than my eyes
This time was not wasted
(There is still time to change my mind)
(There is still time to wash my hands of it)
There is still time to change my mind
There is still time to wash my hands of it
I am drunk of this sweet pain
that reminds me of everything that's good
I have given up fighting against it
It has no point, I know
Maybe, it could be easier
to cry for the time that has been turned into a havoc
But my heart sees more clearly than my eyes
This time was not wasted
(There is still time to change my mind)
(There is still time to wash my hands of it)
There is still time to change my mind
There is still time to wash my hands of it
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
The same goes for reusing parts of my translations in your own (parallel) translations. Id est: it is forbidden. (If a translation is IYO slightly wrong, I'd be glad if commented or PMed.)
If you want to translate my translation into a third language or use it as a basis, you are welcome. Especially if you do it on this website. Just be so kind and mention it and me. :) You can also notify me (in addition, it would make me recheck my work and maybe find errors that you wouldn't copy then) but you don't have to.
Most of my translations are works in progress. One never knows when a revelation can strike. One word: recheck.


لست تدري

آعرف بأن نواياك طيبه
وآنك تحاول إنتقاء كلماتك
أعدك بآني تعلمت درسي جيداً
ولكن الآن ، أنا لا أريد أن آكون بخير
آنا متعبة جدا ، أجلس منتظرة هنا
إن سمعت 'اصبري' مرة أخرى
لن يغير ذلك من الواقع شيئاَ
دعني أستسلم
دعني أرحل
لا آريد آن أعرف
إن كان ذلك خيرا لي أو لا
دعني أتوقف عن المحاولة وحسب
دعني آوقف عن المقاومة
لاأريد نصائحك الثمينة ولا تعليلاتك
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر
لا أستطيع آن أنقذ قدماي من الغرق
وقد أصبح الأمر جلياَ
أنت تحدق بعينيك بينما أنا أغمضهما
ولكن لاتخبرني ماترى
لقد اكتفيت من سوء الحظ
'ومن سماع كلمة 'اصمدي
هل سيتحسن الوضع يوماً؟
دعني أستسلم
دعني أرحل
لا آريد آن أعرف
إن كان ذلك خيرا لي أو لا
دعني أتوقف عن المحاولة وحسب
دعني آوقف عن المقاومة
لاأريد نصائحك الثمينة ولا تعليلاتك
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر
لاتنظر إلي هكذا كأنك تفهمني
لا تحاول أن تثنيني
دعني أستسلم
دعني أرحل
لا آريد آن أعرف
إن كان ذلك خيرا لي أو لا
دعني أتوقف عن المحاولة وحسب
دعني آوقف عن المقاومة
لاأريد نصائحك الثمينة ولا تعليلاتك
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر
أنت لست تدري كيف يبدو الأمر

Nothing Left

I can hear your voice saying goodbye
Destroying all hope
Don't want to talk or think anymore
I can't even imagine
After everything you'll leave my place
If there's someone else, I can't even think about...
Nothing left, our love is gone
Deserted streets, no light, no sun
The warmth of our love has gone, nothing left
Nothing left of our love
Look around and you're not there anymore, nobody to talk to
The rain is falling and nothing remains
I remember that place
Where we looked at each other passing by
Without you, nothing left, just the end
Without you, nothing left, just want to cry
And it's like...
Nothing left, our love is gone
Deserted streets, no light, no sun
The warmth of our love has gone, nothing left
Nothing left of our love
I can still feel you, can still dream about you here
I can still love you, be yours, my love
Your kisses hug me, your hands close to me
Na na na na na

Another love will come

I must tell you
That you only live in me
In every moment
Day and night like this
And if I'm talking in vain
And you can't understand
well, it doesn't matter, no
I only must believe
That another love will come
If now I'm dying
Another love will come
A better love
Another love will come
'Cause I'm going to apply me to live without you
To be happy
Another love will come
Maybe very false
Maybe very bad
And I, who would die
To make you be faithful of me
And if I'm talking in vain
And if I'm talking bad
Then it doesn't matter, no
What I want is to give up
That another love will come
If now I'm dying
Another love will come
A better love
Another love will come
'Cause I'm going to apply me to live without you
To be happy
Another love will come
I won't be mistaken
I not that at the end I'll never forget you
But what can I do
I must be strong and fight
That another love will come
If now I'm dying
Another love will come
That'll be better
Another love will come
'Cause I'm going to apply me to live without you
To be happy
Another love will come
Another love will come
Another love will come
You'll already see it
Another love will come
And you'll see how I'll love again
I feel again
I live again
Love will come
Once more

Your voice will fade away

I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Your voice will fade away
Tell me, how long will all of this last
That this hell will seen end
That life is as it should be
That this love is going to disappear
It was the destiny that decided
Your smile was blown away by the wind
And who knows who will find it
No, it won’t be me anymore
I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Your voice will fade away
No, it’s not simple to understand it all
Your inventions didn’t fit you well
This light turned out forever
It won’t light anymore
I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Don’t try to make it right
Don´t try to make it right
Come and look inside my heart
You take your little time to realize
You’re not the one
No, it’ll fade away
Your voice will fade away
I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Don’t try to make it right
I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Your voice will fade away

Love Still Exists

When you doze off by my side
I have no more doubts
That love still exists
I would throw out all indecision within me
Out all the way to the moon
To live with you
I will push it aside all the
Loneliness of every day that grew
Among the tears I wept
So that I love you no matter what
So that I love you at every moment
Despite the evil
That surrounds us both
When you doze off by my side
No doubts remain for me
That love still exists
I know that love still exists
And the arguments between us,
And knowing who was right or wrong
What does it matter anymore to us,
In this our world that is so big?
My love, we will love one another
So much, so much more
Beyond violence
Beyond madness
Despite all evil
That will not end
When you doze off next to me
I have no more doubts
That love still exists
I know love still exists
I know love still exists
So that I love you no matter what
So that I love you every moment
Despite the evil
That surrounds us both
When you doze off by my side
I have no more doubts
That love still exists

Talk to Me

Talk to me
Like the wind talks to the trees
Talk to me
Like the sky above the earth
I won't defend myself
I choose my freedom at will
In search of truth
The only thing that matters
Tell me if you will do anything
If you are feeling me
If you will be more careful
With what I have given you, tell me
It's the two of us in one tear
Like a sun and a star
Light that falls from our eyes
To the dusk of my earth
A new day
Listen to me
Now I will cry
I know I need you
I have never known how to feign anything
I feel you by my side
You heartbeat doesn't lie
If I can feel each beat so much
Then I am not wrong at all
Not at all
It's the two of us in one tear
Like a sun and a star
Light that falls from our eyes
To the dusk of my earth
A new day, in one tear
Like a sun and a star
Lights that fall from our eyes
To the dusk of my earth
A new day
And the sun which speaks to me of you
(If you are listening to me, tell me)
The moon speaks to me of you
(And I will be more careful with what you have given me)
Even inside of one tear
Like a sun and a star
Light that falls from our eyes
To the dusk of my earth
A new day, in one tear
Like a sun and a star
We are light that falls from our eyes
To the dusk of my earth
A new day
Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to yourself

Jigsaw Puzzle

I know that accepting reality
Is only a matter of time.
Even though at some point we needed each other,
We know that today, we don't want to go back.
The past brings back to my soul
The warmth of a unique love, that has now ended.
Let your memory accompany me, for it gives me
Yet another motive to keep dreaming.
All we have left is loneliness
And a little pain lodged somewhere in both our memories.
Our story never had a proper ending:
It is an incomplete jigsaw puzzle!
We tried to win it all...
We chose the hardest of all paths
When we decided to play against fate:
Our love is an incomplete jigsaw puzzle!
If I could feel and breath today
Like I did in those happy days of yore
That still keep alive our desire
Of being, once again, two people
Who are trying to find love.
All we have left is loneliness
And a little pain lodged somewhere in both our memories.
Our story never had a proper ending:
It is an incomplete jigsaw puzzle!
We tried to win it all...
We chose the hardest of all paths
When we decided to play against fate:
Our love is an incomplete jigsaw puzzle!

My Darling Husband

I get up, arrange the house
And take the children to school.
I don't complain, I accept it all
And enjoy myself seeing how happy they are.
And you feel proud, because you make me so happy...
My darling husband, do not be mistaken:
Sometimes, I want to run away...
My darling husband, do not be mistaken:
Sometimes, I keep quiet to avoid screaming.
My dear husband, with your selfishness
You've managed to make me utterly miserable.
My darling husband, you've built
This great world thinking only about your needs.
Don't be mistaken...
Don't be mistaken...
In the afternoon, I dream all alone
And make up this silly little fantasies.
I primp myself and I apply my makeup
While crying of pleasure and agony
While I hope that, maybe some day,
I will be able to find happiness...
My dear husband, do not be mistaken:
You've condemned me to loneliness.
My dear husband, do not be mistaken:
You've never known what love is.
My dear husband... I've wasted my life,
I've wasted all these years only for you.
My dear husband... One of these mornings
I will leave this house and find a real life...
I will leave chasing a dream, so I can live...

You Deserve It All

I don't regret it, no...
I don't regret
Having let my feelings
Deep within me.
I don't regret having allowed that flame
That once melted our bodies
To fade away.
I'm not ashamed, no...
I'm not ashamed
Of having watched how you suffered
While not feeling
Anything at all.
I'm not ashamed of looking indifferently on
As your whole world crumbled around you...
The truth is that I just can't feel any remorse whatsoever...
Because you deserve all this,
For believing
That you would be able to play with me with impunity.
You deserve it all, you thief, as a punishment!
Because you have increased
My pain and sorrow so many times
That my resentment explodes in your presence.
You deserve it all!
Yes, you do deserve it all!
I don't regret it, no...
I don't regret
Having patiently waited
To take revenge
For every occasion
In which you made me cry,
In which you made me suffer.
Did you really think that I would forgive you?
Because you deserve all this,
For believing
That you would be able to play with me with impunity.
You deserve it all, you thief, as a punishment!
Because you have increased
My pain and sorrow so many times
That my resentment explodes in your presence.
You deserve it all!
Yes, you do deserve it all!
You deserve it all, you thief, as a punishment!
Because you have increased
My pain and sorrow so many times
That my resentment explodes in your presence.
You deserve it all!
Yes, you do deserve it all!

Before You Came

Before you can run,
You must learn to walk...
Before the sun rises
The darkness of the night must pass.
Before you can laugh,
You must have shed tears
And, before you came into my life...
Before you came into my life...
Before a child is born,
Passion must blossom.
Before you can reach your goals
You had to dream about them.
Before you can kiss a new lover's lips,
You will miss your previous lover's mouth
And, before you came into my life...
Before you came into my life...
For, before you came... You came...
I don't know who I was... Who I was...
I was only a silent shadow
With a void here, deep in my soul
Before you came... You came...
I don't know who I was... Who I was...
I was only a non-existent memory
Without a present and without a future
Before you came...
Before you came...
Before a tree can grow
A little seed must sprout.
Before you can give your body to someone
Desire must arise.
Before a new friend can arrive,
Another friend must leave
And, before you came into my life...
For, before you came... You came...
I don't know who I was... Who I was...
I was only a silent shadow
With a void here, deep in my soul
Before you came... You came...
I don't know who I was... Who I was...
I was only a non-existent memory
Without a present and without a future
Before you came...
You came... You came...
I was only a silent shadow
With a void here, deep in my soul
Before you came... You came...
I don't know who I was... Who I was...
I was only a non-existent memory
Without a present and without a future
Before you came...
Before you came

Heart of Ice

Any man who is even a little daring
And tells me that he wants to have an affair with me...
Any man who takes me in his arms
And sings softly in my ear...
Any man who tells me that he wants me
And is dying for my love.
Any man who is completely
Different from you,
Heart of Ice...
Any man who isn't selfish at all
Someone who doesn't care, like you, only about himself.
Any man could steal away
Your faithful lover,
Heart of Ice...
So hard... So cold...
Any man who offers me a drink
And places a bouquet of roses in my hands...
Any man who has time
To listen to my needs and concerns...
Any man who approaches me
And gives me the affection that you've refused to give me...
Any man who understands, just by looking at me,
That I need love and care...
Any man who doesn't have your tendency
To completely ignore me.
Any man could become my lover
From now on,
Heart of Ice...
So hard... So cold...
Any man who offers me a drink
And places a bouquet of roses in my hands...
Any man who has time
To listen to my needs and concerns...
Any man who approaches me
And gives me the affection that you've refused to give me...
Any man who understands, just by looking at me,
That I need love and care...
Anyone... Any man!
Anyone... Any man!
Anyone... Oh, any man!

And You're Not Here

I want to empty my whole existence
So that I can fill it up again with you.
I want to escape from these empty hours
And every single moment that I must live without you.
I want to get lost in your embrace
Sating my thirst for you,
And you're not here...
You're not here and I'm left all alone.
You're not here and I don't know what to so with myself.
You're not here
And am choking lost in this endless absence...
My love!
(My love)
My love, you!
You're the fire that consumes me,
The soft breeze that caresses me,
The water that brings me life...
My love, I!
I am just sorrowful longing
As I die a little more each day
And lose sight of you in my agony...
I look for your laughter in my mind
As I feel you really close to me...
I look at the people who walk by,
And silently ask them about you.
I want to get lost in your embrace
Sating my thirst for you,
And you're not here...
You're not here and I'm left all alone.
You're not here and I don't know what to so with myself.
You're not here
And am choking lost in this endless absence...
My love!
(My love)
My love, you!
You're the fire that consumes me,
The soft breeze that caresses me,
The water that brings me life...
My love, I!
I am just sorrowful longing
As I die a little more each day
And lose sight of you in my agony...
Oh, my love!
Oh, my love!

Black Marilyn

To be like her
I make myself beautiful
A porcelain microphone
I am an American diva
And my bedroom with its trembling walls
From the deafening music
Is a witness of my prowess
In front of the mirror I play the goddess
I'm still dreaming
She has
This 'je ne sais quoi' that makes us dream
And a little bit of me can't stop
Acting as though I was her, being like her
And I imagine
That I am a Black Marilyn
And that people will quadruple my portrait
And that Warhol draws it
A Black Marilyn
To be like her
I make myself beautiful
And I act
Until I'm thanking the Academy
And my bedroom with its trembling walls
Where I shout to whoever will hear it
I love you I love you
I love you I love you
And I believe it above all
I'm still dreaming
She has
This 'je ne sais quoi' that makes us dream
And a little bit of me can't stop
Acting as though I was her, being like her
And I imagine
That I am a Black Marilyn
And that people will quadruple my portrait
And that Warhol draws it
A Black Marilyn
She has
This 'je ne sais quoi' that makes us dream
And a little bit of me can't stop
Acting as though I was her, being like her
And I imagine
That I am a Black Marilyn
And that people will quadruple my portrait
And that Warhol draws it
A Black Marilyn

אופיר כהן וליאנה בא אלייך קליפ Ofir Cohen and Liana

'Everything you will ever ask for, I will give it to you all, right from my heart
Everyone in the city knows, that I love you
And you are the only one that I want so much
You rock\ shake my life, girl
Like a boat that swept away in a middle of a storm
If you call my name, I will come running to you
To walk with you, and to give you a hand
Because you are not alone anymore
I am coming to you, so I could 'live '[lit. be an important part in your life] in your life
To be in your arms, and to give you love
I am coming to you, to 'live' in your life
It is hard for me to be alone without you tonight, I am coming…
You have entered joy and happiness into my life
And you have lighten up the light in my eyes again
You are for me, the one and only
I will never ever know\meet someone like you
I am yours, girl