A keresés eredménye oldal 40
Találatok száma: 1981
Portrait of Life
This endless forest
This road, this dry river bed
This pain that lives in me
That doesn't rest or goes to bed early
The portrait of my life
Is loving in secrecy
You don't care about me
And I'm living on your life
God in Heavens and you on earth
I find shelter in hope
This fields will soon bloom
A good harvest is expected
And everything seems to move on
Making life seem so right
But what do you do
You don't notice the floor
You walk on
And you step on my heart
Your kiss in my destiny
Is all I ever wanted
To be your man, your boy
The loved being of daily life
Fate Is Blind
My love, when I see you
I just sigh
Why can't you see
That I'm always waiting for you?
My love, when I see you
I just sigh
Why can't you see
That I'm always waiting for you?
A bird in a cage
Is always singing
It starves, it gets thirsty
And doesn't ask, doesn't complain
But there is a difference, I'm not a bird
My hunger and my thirst are your tenderness, your love
But there is a difference, I'm not a bird
My hunger and my thirst are your tenderness, your love
My love, when I see you
I just sigh
Why can't you see
That I'm always waiting for you?
My love, when I see you
I just sigh
Why can't you see
That I'm always waiting for you?
They say fate is blind
I could only believe it now
Why did I fall for you
My love, that I can't tell
If at least I could feed this illusion
That lingers inside of me, hurting my heart
If at least I could feed this illusion
That lingers inside of me, hurting my heart
Polikróm románc
Semmit sem kérek tőle…
Mégis, ha akarná-
O, ha nekem akarná adni mindazt amit még nem kérek -
A tavat sós tengerré változtatná,
És a csigát Szfinxként kőbe ásná.
Semmit sem kérek tőle…
De ha mégis úgy esne, hogy kérnék
Mit tudna adni és én mit szeretnék kapni
Egy éterrel teli kupába csepegtetném
És tőle utána ezeket kérném:
Adj, mindent miről gondolod, hogy nem lehet,
Add a fagyos nap szőke nyugodtságát,
Add az első naprendszer béli tűzszünetet.
És a Golgotának kezdő félhomályát.
Add nekem a szépséged önellentmondását,
Add az elcsépelt strófák reményvesztettségét,
Add a lázadó álmok próféciáját
És verseimnek örök perlekedését.
Add a földalatti élet A.B.C- jét
Add a néma fuvolák szimfóniáját
Add a profán ajkak értelmezését
És a szótlan szentképek örök talányát.
Add nekem a nő első áldozatának az árát
Add az opál és az achát jelképét
Add Szalóme megmételyezett ritmusát
És Traviatának f-mollos köhögését.
Add a vízen járók neuraszténiáját
Add a halál utáni létnek arzénzöld spektrumát
Add a sír felé tartó tetemek magasztosságát
És a halottas menet komikumát.
Add mindazt, amit eltékozolsz az első pillanatban
És mindent, ami az utolsó percig összeállt
Add a királyi sziluettek fényűzését
És add meg a tébolyda távlatát.
Semmit sem kérek tőle…
Mégis, ha akarná-
O, ha nekem akarná adni mindazt amit még nem kérek -
A tavat sós tengerré változtatná,
És a csigát Szfinxként kőbe ásná.
When I turned around
I saw that I came farther than I thought
I was alone
and I suddenly got afraid
When I saw myself
I didn’t know I was exhausted
I was lonely
and I suddenly got afraid
You’re doing a good job
When I get confused, I tell myself that and just go
Be yourself, know yourself
I practiced about several thousand times
Being in despair once or twice is child’s play now
Opportunities are always ways to get up
from moments of crisis, you know
Going on a trip to heaven? Hurry and pack your carrier
Don’t stop, there’s still a lot to do
Look at the photo of your parents, providing for you
You’re the mirror to your younger siblings, you’re the star of your family
Only when you cut back on your sleep,
can they peacefully sleep
Hey you idiot, don’t make it obvious
Be strong, I know you’re lonely
But you need to get through it,
are you crying? Be a man
Stop crying and take responsibility once more
When I didn’t wanna see anything
The reason I forced my eyes to open wide
Is because I was just scared
It’s because I was suddenly scared
When I didn’t wanna say anything
The reason I raised my voice
There is no other reason
It’s because I’m afraid, I’m afraid
I used to say this like a habit
That I always believe in myself
That I have no worthy opponent
But enemy was in my mirror
Maybe I lost my reasoning in this continued fight
I killed myself,
even my mom is careful with me
Receiving the interest of the public
Living inside a CCTV
I only crazily dug one well
But I was afraid
that could become my grave
Dad, if you’re looking at me,
tell me the answer
I’m too young and soft to become an adult
I still don’t know how
It hurts too much
to just crash into things
Now I know, it’s too late
to foolishly whip
There are still too many unhealed wounds
When I didn’t wanna see anything
The reason I forced my eyes to open wide
Is because I was just scared
It’s because I was suddenly scared
When I didn’t wanna say anything
The reason I raised my voice
There is no other reason
It’s because I’m afraid, I’m afraid
I give thanks for everything,
aside from my religion
Even the evil CEO
who tried to use me
when I was a kid 6 years ago
Even my company that saved me right now
All the participants who gave me this stage
My uncle who is in heaven,
who taught me how to be a man
My family, my members
who are like my shoulders and my brothers
I’ll just be comforted for one day
So starting tomorrow, I won’t be a coward but a matured me
When I didn’t wanna see anything
The reason I forced my eyes to open wide
Is because I was just scared
It’s because I was suddenly scared
When I didn’t wanna say anything
The reason I raised my voice
There is no other reason
It’s because I’m afraid, I’m afraid
Times Changed
Times changed
Summers and winters are not what they used to be
Times changed
No people, no places, no singing...
Man changed
He is left without heart and soul
Without love the man disappeared
He lost everything, he lost everything
Only the sea cannot be changed
It will always do things its way
It spites everyone when it becomes enraged
Like a mad poet in his poem
Only the sea cannot be changed
It will always do things its way
It will calm the soul at the break of dawn
Only the sea, only sea
Times changed
Even playing ball isn't what it used to be
Times changed
There is less singing and laughter
Empty Mind
U know my empty mind
U know my empty mind...mind?
Feel Rhythm & Music Oh, party night
For sure by dancing Time will go
It's all your fault it's all your fault
My heart Why? I don't know what to
There is no other way Baby I search for your figure
I' missing U Oh my lady
Just like this just like this can we pass through?
This moment seems entirely like a dream
but it is not one
U know my, U know my empty mind?
If I turn around you seem to be there
But you are not
'Cause I'm... 'Cause I'm missing...
U know my love? For sure
U know my heart? You
U know my love? Don't know
U know my heart? Because my empty mind...
Party is over All alone
The Glass which falls down Maybe seems like me
You are an exception you are an exception
My heart Why? I don't want yeah
I keep thinking over and over again Baby that time
I' missing U Oh my lady
Will you not return?
This moment seems entirely like a dream
but it is not one
U know my, U know my empty mind?
If I turn around you seem to be there
But you are not
'Cause I'm... 'Cause I'm missing...
U know my love? For sure
U know my heart? You
U know my love? Don't know
U know my heart? Because my empty mind...
D' you know, baby?
D' you know, baby?
In my heart the Music is pressing hard
I remember to the touch
Laying on top of each other to the feeling
This chest your sight
I'm on your side
I can feel your smile
Ha, unforgettable
This empty mind, c'mon
Let me hear your voice Baby one more time dance Baby
Come near me Baby
Because of my empty mind...
This moment seems entirely like a dream
but it is not one
U know my, U know my empty mind?
If I turn around you seem to be there
But you are not
'Cause I'm... 'Cause I'm missing...
U know my love? For sure
U know my heart? You
U know my love? Don't know
U know my heart? Because my empty mind...
U know my love? U know my heart?
U know my love? U know my heart?
Because my empty mind
[Verse 1]
Itt élek, ebben az összetört városban,
ahol nehéz megtalálni a szerelmet,
mindent láttam már
és nem volt szép.
s a szívem vakká tett.
Rendben van az,
hogy így bánsz velem?
Mindig ugyanaz történik,
mindent megadnak amire valaha is vágytál,
aztán visszaveszik, azt mondja 'Hiba volt'.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
A padlóra zuhannak, akár a dominó.
Egyik éjjel ölelnek, a következő pillanatban pedig elengednek.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
[Verse 2]
Mindenki el akar kapni,
de senki sem akar maradni.
Valóban örökké itt maradsz?
Vagy te is elsétálsz majd?
Ez mindig ilyen?
Minden egyes csók búcsúcsók.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
A padlóra zuhannak, akár a dominó.
Egyik éjjel ölelnek, a következő pillanatban pedig elengednek.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
Akár a dominó.
Akár a dominó.
Egyik éjjel ölelnek,
a következő pillanatban pedig elengednek.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
Minden út a véghez jut,
minden történet magányosan hagy,
minden időt feleslegesen töltöttem a szerelemmel.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
A padlóra zuhannak, akár a dominó.
Egyik éjjel ölelnek, a következő pillanatban pedig elengednek.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
A padlóra zuhannak, akár a dominó.
Egyik éjjel ölelnek, a következő pillanatban pedig elengednek.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
Salmo 110, 3 Dominare.
Be thou ruler,
even in the midst among thine enemies.
Just in the first evening of your absence
While you were saying goodby silently that night
I felt the past days in my tears
Your longing grew like a mountain suddenly
Just in the first evening of your absence
Just in the first evening of your absense
While you were saying goodby silently that night
I felt the past days in my tears
Your longing grew like a mountain suddenly
Just in the first evening of your absense
I turned back with my each step
Believe me I become insane because of my sorrow
I saw your shadow on every street corner
Just in the first evening of your absense
Just in the first evening of your absence
I was a reed played by you
Believe me you were a song in my lips
I wrote your name on the the smokey glasses of window
Just in the first evening of your absence
Just in the first evening of your absence...
Benjamins 2
Techno,arabesque, afro-trap are all in my blood
Acid Arab 'Stil' is playing again in the car
My Albino ni**as are by my side day and night
Search and find us in the dark, with the moonlight
I cut my communication with useless people, I'm cool bro
Do I still care? No, do what you want, get out
I don't wanna leave, my head is like Tipsy Lala Po
Tipsy Lala Po
Where is Tinkywinky bro?
We have no reverse gear, don't search for it
I'm driving to the target, obstacles appear on my way
Rozz is in the game now
She doesn't talk with the snakes
Everything's going to be fine
Believe me, don't mind
Look, even if my way is slope, I don't get tired
Some forgot, is there's no problem, there's a problem
As I said, it's true
Humans are greedy
My head is OK, don't search for love
I hope our ending will be fine
First, The mind is needed, then Benjamins
Search for it you can't find synthetic in us
First, my tongue speak, then the trigger
Benjamins is always in my mind,Benjamins
I tried and failed
That's not for me, I need money
If your secrets are illegal, don't tell us, shut your mouth
This side is fast
No problem
Let it stay there
Your nose is grown
Who believes you?
We don't have any cash
Our pockets are empty
I always go forward
Look in front of you, find your direction
Don't walk, run
I don't respect you
What are you? An exception?
Our head is high, we are always cool
We always exist
My organization is messy
Showy, Albinosare showy
When we start, the works don't be left half finished
What kind of work is this?
Join us or get drunk
You spittin shit I'm killin' it
Yes, Rozz is a killer baby (killer)
First, The mind is needed, then Benjamins
Search for it you can't find synthetic in us
First, my tongue speak, then the trigger
Benjamins is always in my mind,Benjamins
Mind Brand
Prepare your ass
Hey, wait, miss that appeared outta nowhere
And can’t keep her legs shut,
You have no more shame
Than the hole in your crotch has.
You really think you have more decency
Compared to everyone else?
Use your only grain of brain,
Who will believe in such a fad!
Hey, wait, our brave hero, lemme figure out
What kind of freak are you?
You’re always thinking with your manhood,
Not with your head at all,
You’ve dishonored a girl
And promised a star from the sky
And then, just like a scum,
Got away into the fog while no one was looking…
“Let's split up, or else
A rumor about us will instantly go around”
Under the sympathetic grimace,
There’s a vile sarcasm hiding.
Hypocritical ridicule,
As it seems, I’m already sick of it.
And, for us, with no other options,
Hell has been opened with welcomes long ago…
The cauldron is already boiling!
And, somewhere in the earth,
Down there in its depths,
Having buried his happiness forever,
There’s a fair knight crying
Since the battle is lost.
The heat of being close
And the fire of fighting
Have burned all our love
Leaving no trace!
Maybe, if I forget about it,
I’ll be able to find peace?
Prepare your ass
All the skin is covered with scars
Just like an unlucky soldier –
Oh, my dear, you’ll certainly
Be glad about this pain.
Or you gotta be stubborn again
And hurry to object me?
You’re too young to open your mouth
And know nothing of life!
What are we gonna do now?
“We need to blend in.”
You find our conversation unpleasant?
“Stay out of sight from now on.”
Who messed the directions up?
“Here’s the lost soul.”
We’re the steps to the future,
Our lives are worth no penny –
We should’ve understood it long ago.
And, wrapping her fears
Into bright silks,
Her happiness
Is being torn into pieces…
And the heroine is loudly crying,
Having misquoted her own scenario.
My feelings
Have found no shelter,
And the heart
Won’t respond to them…
Maybe, if I forget about it,
I’ll be able to find peace?
I’m putting on a brave face, but my deceit is revealed again,
I’ll pretend, but my old wounds are bleeding,
They can’t be hidden, can’t be patched up anymore…
“This is painful, and I have no more strength to stand it!”
Even though, day by day,
We’ve been together,
Our happiness
Is just a glimpse…
And these happy memories
Make me sad!
Oh, how you hugged me
And kissed me
With a smile on your wonderful face,
I just want
To forget it
Prepare your ass
Prepare your ass
Your ass
Prepare your ass
Prepare your ass
Your ass
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.
Moomin Opening
Let's all gather here
and listen to an exciting story
a story about friends who live in the forest
the Moomins are really pleasant
cute Moomins, my friends Moomins
Well, let's all hold hands
let's leave for Moomins' village
A story about a joyful adventure
the Moomins are really pleasant
Cute Moomins, my friends Moomins (x3)
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
Beware of my love
Beware of my love, beware
and stay away from my heart
your picture in my imagination, oh, I'm doomed
you're on my mind, day and night
and nights get longer with longing and your coldness
I shall turn you away from the beginning
I'm confused with you
I'm afraid that your heart might change
afraid of your love for it confuses me
I'm happy with you by my side, and I long for you to abandon me
I know my heart cannot bear your love
Beware of my love, beware
and stay away from my heart
don't you promise me one day that you're going to be mine
no matter how happy you might make me, it is not going to be enough for me
your love is not for me, your coldness is mine
beware of my love, beware
and stay away from my heart
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا
My Sister Said
I believed the air would leave my lungs
Sometimes I was afraid of never waking up
I had dreams but they spoke in tongues
And nobody understood that the darkness had shaped me
And it hunts me down sometimes when I'm alone
But I have perspective, nothing hurts
'Cause my mom said,
You don't need to make it through everything, you'll still live
And my dad said, I hear you, I see you
And my sister said, if you're alive, then I'm alive
If you go under, I'll lift you up
And my sister said, if you can cope, so can I
If you go under, I'll lift you up
And my sister said
Sometimes it feels like my heart is going to stop
You try to remember but aren't able to think
Have you ever been saved by someone else?
Saved by someone else 'cause you saved me
And everything I built up,
You tore down the wall
I'll never forget who you are to me
What you've done for me
And how I'd die for you
'Cause my mom said,
You don't need to make it through everything, you'll still live
And my dad said, I hear you, I see you
And my sister said, if you're alive, then I'm alive
If you go under, I'll lift you up
And my sister said, if you can cope, so can I
If you go under, I'll lift you up
And my sister said
'Cause my mom said,
You don't need to make it through everything, you'll still live
And my dad said, I hear you, I see you
And my sister said, if you're alive, then I'm alive
If you go under, I'll lift you up
And my sister said, if you can cope, so can I
If you go under, I'll lift you up
And my sister said
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar.
My calamity
Let's finally walk out of this door
Light went out, winter came, my heart
Before people asked why
Let's leave this street
My heart
My calamity
Let's slowly get used to the night
Don't rely on tomorrow, on next year
Now and then
Don't turn to look out of the window
My heart
My calamity
Let's get out of here to the avenue
We're wounded, don't tell anyone
This flame left from my love in my chest
Let's become ashes, burning
My heart
My calamity
Let's slowly get used to the night
Don't rely on tomorrow, on next year
Now and then
Don't turn to look out of the window
My heart
My calamity
To Mom
For half a year I haven't had a fight or been rude to the stuff,
Doing time in the juvie, making wishes for parole.
And now here it is, why, I didn't ask for it, at such a heavy price,
I'd better serve another time, I'd wait,
I'd wait as long as it would take, I could stand as much as needed,
Just not to see those wire lines and understand
That I was just a tiny little late, that I didn't make it,
And I will never hear any more 'My dear son, hello!'
To mom, to mom, to my dear mom
The 'Murmansk-Moscow' train is taking me to
To my darling mom, to the most beautiful one
To the one who will say to me tender words.
I'm coming to say sorry I used to run away from home,
And when you yelled at drunk Dad, I'd always take his side,
And I used to be rude raising my voice in return to your reproches.
Sorry you were getting called into school day by day.
At times I'd come with my face bandaged, at times with a broken leg or an arm,
Sometimes I'd come all covered with gunpowder burns.
And then some day, my friend Alyoshka picked up a key from under someone else's doormat...
Didn't you ask me not to hang out with him?
To mom, to mom, to my dear mom
The 'Murmansk-Moscow' train is taking me to
To my darling mom, to the most beautiful one
To the one who will say to me tender words.
To mom, to mom, to my dear mom
The 'Murmansk-Moscow' train is taking me to
To my darling mom, to the most beautiful one
To the one who will say to me tender words.
When I was called into the warden's office
And the wire was put on the desk, at first I didn't get,
The release and a train ticket were there too.
It was July but my release was due in February.
Why, I'd wait till February, I could stand another year, five, whatever,
Just not to see those wire lines and understand
That I was just a tiny little late, that I didn't make it.
And I will never hear any more 'My dear son, hello!'
To mom, to mom, to my dear mom
The 'Murmansk-Moscow' train is taking me to
To my darling mom, to the most beautiful one
To the one who will say to me tender words.
To the one who will say to me tender words.
My Melody
Sleep, my little Kovu
Sleep as comfortably as you can
When you grow up, you'll be
The king of our land
I was made an outcast with my brood
And then we ended up here
When I think of that villain
I might get pretty sullen
But I have a soothing dream
I won't panic
There, my inner kitty may
Relax with sweet music
Hearing Simba's final cry
His daughter's struggle to get free
His tiny lionesses' whining
That's my melody
Am tough and unfair?
I've often asked myself that
But being merciful is hard
Killing is so easy
We'll make Kovu strong and brave
It's time for Simba to be knocked down
Our fight will surely be bloody
But all is fair in war and love
Hear the roar of our victory song
The shrill sound of the hungry voices
The symphony of death is starting now
That's my melody
Scar's gone, but Zira will watch over
That sweet, little rascal
I will teach him to kill
I'll give him a taste for blood
Sleep, you tiny ant
I mean, little, big man
When you grow up, you'll be
The king of our land
A roar tearing the peace of night apart
A silhouette of Kovu's claw
We'll get our revenge
At last
I can hear them cry
'We like Kovu'
Soon, we'll be even
And then it'll be over
With Simba's tyranny
That's my melody
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
Sunday in Lisboa
There's no Sunday without sun
Say the people and no without reason
Because it always appears
On Sundays in Lisboa
Desert streets or almost
Passes a couple holding hands
It's on Sunday that she
Walks with her boyfriend
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa
There are walks in the boulevard
There is chirping from sparrows
That are an anthem to life itself
To hearts side by side
A song that is sang
And at night is heard the fado
On Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa, it's Sunday in Lisboa
What Are You Dreaming
What is there to feel happy about?
I have neither family, country, friend, wine or confidant
What can I hope from this time I am living in?
Can it give me what it cannot give itself?
Expect nothing from time, you are only its passenger
So long as your soul is imprisoned in your body
If it is a joyful time, the joy will not lust
And if it is a time of misfortune, it too shall pass
How many times have they told you I was truly dead?
But as soon as I shook, the shrouds disappear
No man can achieve all his hopes
As no wind blows according to the ship's desire
It is the tragedy of lovers, blinded in their infatuation
Ignorant of the fact, love is ephemeral
Their eyes and souls soon tire
Deceived by false appearances
Go! May the wary camels carry you far from me
There is no distance that can touch me now
I died at your lovely soiree,
which of your souls could replace the one I lost
How many times have they told you I was truly dead?
But as soon as I shook, the shrouds disappear
No man can achieve all his hopes
As no wind blows according to the ship's desire
Just try to understand this
You, whom I address from afar
Nothing can escape its own limitations
Thanks to you, no neighbor can keep his honor
After feeding on your grass,
his animal's milk run dry
Whoever spends time with you will only reap fatigue
And receive nothing but hatred but jealousy from you
How many times have they told you I was truly dead?
But as soon as I shook, the shrouds disappear
No man can achieve all his hopes
As no wind blows according to the ship's desire
I will prod a Cephalopod -
And now four...
My god!
© Uncommon
Critique is always welcomed (proof-read or not, negative too).
It illuminates me today
Today it's real, today I don't want to know anything
Today it does not matter, today I don't plan to find out
if they like me, if they betray me
I will make something up
if my bones scream at me, they suffer
I see it raining, I think something's illuminating me today
I will break this curse
I swear by God, this anguish ends because of
the decision I should have made so long ago
I don't want to see if they forget or name me
Today more than yesterday I can go out of the shadow
I go there, I carry marks on my chest
It has to be already, because of my want to be able to
stop looking at the ceiling
I will make something up
if my bones scream at me, they suffer
I see it raining, I think something's illuminating me today
I will break this curse
I swear by God, this anguish ends because of
the decision I should have made so long ago
Come To My Place
Come to my place
Leave things as they are
I've told you, I want your love
My road is to find you
Come to my place
It has everything for us
If I'm enough for you and you're enough for me
Let's leave it all alone
We fight and we pretend that we don't want it
That's part of your game, but stay just those who want to
People talk and we let them talk, let them talk
I'm into you, I don't deny
I want this to work
I like straight talk
So let's get serious
You want me, I want you
We're just like lego
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
Come to stay
Come to my place
Leave things as they are
I've told you, I want your love
My road is to find you
Come to my place
It has everything for us
If I'm enough for you and you're enough for me
Let's leave it all alone
We fight and we pretend that we don't want it
That's part of your game, but stay just those who want to
People talk and we let them talk, let them talk
I'm into you, I don't deny
I want this to work
I like straight talk
So let's get serious
You want me, I want you
We're just like lego
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
Come to stay
Come to my place
Leave things as they are
I've told you, I want your love
My road is to find you
Come to my place
It has everything for us
If I'm enough for you and you're enough for me
Let's leave it all alone
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
Come to my place
Leave things as they are
I've told you, I want your love
My road is to find you
Come to my place
It has everything for us
If I'm enough for you and you're enough for me
Let's leave it all alone
Come to my place
Leave things as they are
I've told you, I want your love
My road is to find you
Come to my place
It has everything for us
If I'm enough for you and you're enough for me
Let's leave it all alone
Come to stay
Oh, yeah
Come to stay
Come to stay, come to stay
August, A Certain Person, Moonlight
I don’t need anything.
My heart was noisy, my breath caught whenever I walked
I ran from my first part time job
In my music and my life, whatever it was
Unpleasant things just kept increasing
A certain august, moonlight, I took off on my bike
The bridge at Higashi-Fushimi Station, Kodaira, Fujimi Street, and the shopping district
The night wind tickled at my nose, this pain in my heart must have been just my imagination
I understood that, I pretended to understand.
The worst, it’s the worst
Everything about me is the worst
I wanted that shape of you to remain
I suppose I’ll have to do something about these memories
The worst, it’s the worst
I can’t help that I felt good
It’s the worst but these lyrics themselves are
If my life would have ended at twenty seven then rock and roll saved me
I’m done thinking about it! I would have died any case
You don’t need anything either
My heart was noisy
My throat was laughably dry.
I sold my heart for the first time
Because of a heart attack or my pride, whatever it was
Maybe even because of those unpleasant things I lowered my head.
A certain august, I rode down that scene,
Stockholm’s open air stalls, Kiruna, Gamla Stan
Only you closed off your heart
The blueness of this sky must have been just my imagination
Smiling, with that smiling face remaining
It’s the worst, it’s so arrogant, the greed that you and everyone else has.
Dramatic songs and love, hey, it can’t be helped that they’re absurd.
I understood, I understood
Your life, it’s yours
This is the worst but I’ll still shout it
It has to be, it surely has to be
That they play rock and roll over in the that world
And not hymns
After all there is no god
None of them care, neither crimes nor errors nor criminals nor suicides nor wars or minorities
It’s the worst, it’s the worst, this separation is just arrogance
I’d like to bow to you
That’s the same as deception, Elma!
The worst, the worst it was lovely there was no way around it
I want to grieve on this dramatic night
The worst, it’s the worst, words are so tedious
Your life was my moonlight
Isn’t that something people commonly say?
The worst, it’s the worst, I couldn’t help but laugh
It’s the worst, lyrics for the sake of their sound
If my life would have ended at twenty seven then rock and roll saved me
I’m done thinking about it! I would have died in any case
The present, love, the past, dreams, memories, humming, thin eyes, night mist,
Gentleness, suffering, bouquets of flowers, melancholy, that summer, this song,
Hypocrisy, night wind, lies, you, me, blue skies, i don’t need them or anything at all.
New memories
Let's make new memories
Stay alive
If, today, we were no more
Who would know us
Why do I look for you sometimes
Why do I always come back to you, and then
I make you cry and you leave again
Forget me, forget me, forget me
So forgive me, please
I can't leave, you're like a drug
You've captured me and I like it a lot
And I forget about everything that hurts
Forgive me, forgive me
Let's make new memories
Stay alive
If, today, we were no more
Who would know us
You know, what we leave behind
Let's make new memories
Stay alive
Why does my soul cry
When the silence cries out to me, you're the sound
I hear you in my mind, you're an echo
Forget me, forget me, forget me
So forgive me, please
I can't leave, you're like a drug
You've captured me and I like it a lot
And I forget about everything that hurts
Forgive me, forgive me
Let's make new memories
Stay alive
If, today, we were no more
Who would know us
You know, what we leave behind
Let's make new memories
Stay alive
Stay alive
Stay alive . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
One more minute
Versions: #2
A man cries without blinking, sitting at the doorway
He looks at the sky as the sun rises on time
And an angel that saw him gave him one more minute
A man cries who will spend the night on high tides
Combing stars to accept that nothing will be the same
And an angel that saw him gave him one more minute...
(Gave them one more minute)
Mmmm... he stopped shivering
mmmm... and he started to whisper
Goodbye my sun
Goodbye my girl
Goodbye my sun
Goodbye, goodbye
A man cries without tears from remembering so much
The 15 roses that will decorate his afternoon at the shire,
And an angel that saw him gave him one more minute...
(Gave them one more minute)
Mmmm... he stopped shivering
mmmm... and he started to whisper
Goodbye my sun
Goodbye my girl
Goodbye my sun
Goodbye, goodbye
Tin Tin Tiny Little lady
Peach trees
Several types of flowers
Burned me, made me burn
Crescent-like eyeborrows of my love
Tin tin tiny little lady
My heart loves you
Couch grass in the yards
She* is tall and she is a şah*
If two hearts come together
Even padişah* cannıt split them
Tin tin tiny little lady
My heart loves you
Celery in the yards
We don't eat celery
They call us people of Sinop
We love the beauty
Tin tin tiny little lady
My heart loves you
My street
My street has changed a lot
When autumn arrived
The moon ceased to be seen
And all the transit stopped
Many doors are closed
Nobody enters them anymore
No clothes are hanging there
And there are no carnations in the windows
There are no sailors on the corner
There is no morning market
I never saw lady who sells fish
Ever go out with the soldier again
The baker has left
The professor has gone away too
The only people who pass by now
Are the abbot and the doctor
The organ player
Never went by there again
I don't see the Tejo anymore*
Because a huge building blocked my view
The station's clock
Runs late now
And the boy on top
Plays at random
The bookstore closed
The pub has a new owner
My street changed
When autumn came
There are those who say 'It's good still'
It's much more peaceful
You hardly see anyone
And you barely hear anything
I'm letting them have their way
So they can make a good profit
And I just wait for the summer
To make the street be the way I like it
Fragmented innocence
Every time we arrange for a date it's raining
It was fun to stare deeply at our faces
The first day of that love
I want someone to bring it here
The man who was staring at me passionately
I want to meet him again
They always make me hear a requiem on that clubroom
I'm prosperous even of my clumsy way of grabbing the tea
Why I wake up on an unexpected moment
Love me this way
It's still incredible
That you put on a goodbye face
I always end up without ripen anything
Even if I can shed one or two young tears
The first day of that love
I want someone to bring it here
Like his chest throbbing
I'd understand the one I love
The first day of that love
I want someone to bring it here
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Spirit of the wintry wind
On the park road where dead leaves fall dancing
You passed me by
The north wind was disordering your long hair
You were walking at fast pace looking down
Without any voice saying 'How are you?'
You seemed to be lonely
Your eyes showing sorrow
Were crying with the cold wintry wind
Surely you can't bring that person back to your memories
You kept walking without having a place to go
If you talk to me, your heart will get lighter
Please turn your face to me anytime
Though I'm not affected by the cold
My body shivers a little
I was feeling that way
When I saw the red setting sun
My innocent figure is loaded on your back
Love sadness is something that ends dissapearing
If you talk to me, your heart will get lighter
Please turn your face to me anytime
If you talk to me, your heart will get lighter
Please turn your face to me anytime
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Sad fairy
How many letters do I have to send to meet you?
How many tears I have to cry for my love to reach you?
I loiter in the journey of a zigzagging love
Ah, please darling, lend me a hand and save me
How much I have to hurt myself to become an adult?
How much I have to stretch out to reach happiness?
I loiter in the journey of a zigzagging love
Ah, darling, teach me the answer
Men are travelers, they just pass by
Just by crossing inside my heart, they disappear
Hey, how many times should I kiss you for you to turn your face?
How many sleepless nights should I count for the morning to come?
Men are travelers, they just pass by
Just by crossing inside my heart, they disappear
Hey, How many winters I have to pass for the spring to come?
Say only an 'I like you' and I'll wait for my cheeks to dye
I'll wait for my cheeks to dye
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Loveless generation
Ah, I'll forgive you everything
Even if my heart scars get stiff
Ah, I'll forgive you bad boy
After all, youth won't return to you
Through the parlor glass, you sit by the window
On her thin hand, you put a ring
I saw you hidden on the sidewalk mailbox
On the spring of faded colors, my back freezes
Ah, I'll forgive you of her
I'll break my diary by scribbling
Ah, I'll forgive you that memo
There's no way it can reach to your hand
When we fought, you said 'sorry' on the phone
I understood that I had no news for two months
I walk covered in tears to the mall station
The drizzle got me wet like watercolors
Ah, I'll forgive you the sadness
Someday it will disappear in the season
Ah, I'll forgive you, that's a lie
In fact, I curse you till death
Ah, I'll forgive you everything
Even if my heart scars get stiff
Ah, I'll forgive you bad boy
After all, youth won't return to you
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Vörös Hideg Folyó
A nap újjászületett
Küzdjünk kézzel
Az alatta maradt fájdalom
Az élettelen él újra
Fuss, fuss, fuss
Vörös hideg folyó
Fuss, fuss, fuss
Vörös hideg folyó
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
Az élet hidegen és átkozottul hagyott engem
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
Ez a szerelem véget vetett nekem
Maradj meg újra
Töröld ezt a tökéletes világot
A gyűlölet alul maradt
A sötét a háború kóbor kutyája
Fuss, fuss, fuss
Vörös hideg folyó
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
Az élet hidegen és átkozottul hagyott engem
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
Ez a szerelem véget vetett nekem
Fuss, fuss, fuss
Vörös hideg folyó
Próbálj meg okot találni az életre
Próbálj meg okot találni az életre
Próbálj meg okot találni az életre
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
(Próbálj meg okot találni az életre)
Az élet hidegen és átkozottul hagyott engem
(Próbálj meg okot találni az életre)
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
Ez a szerelem véget vetett nekem
Fuss, fuss, fuss
Vörös hideg folyó