A keresés eredménye oldal 65
Találatok száma: 2299
My Independent Destiny
I’ve never been there, so let me go out.
For I can reach you where you are.
I will go. All for you, all for you and me,
your and my future.
The scenery I can see outside the window
Is an unchanging morning on a dead end
I want to go somewhere else, but I can’t
I’m not alone, but I’m all alone
Inside my head, I tell God
“There’s no trial I can’t pass”
They were kind, but no one really helped
That was until the day we met
I have always longed for those warm hands
My heart is now unraveled
You’re always by my side
Let’s picture our future together
Believe we can laugh our way towards bliss
All the time, all the time
I’ve been thinking of you
There won’t be any dead ends on the path to tomorrow
Let’s go on, for there is today
What if that strength is the result
Of concealing the weakness of your heart?
Please, tell me the whole truth
For you have nothing to be afraid of
If sadness hurts so much, face that dark side
If your scars hurt, let me heal them
I want to protect just you
For you are not alone anymore
You’re important to me, that’s why I’ll become strong
I made my wish with you,
So I’m sure it’ll come true
I’ll wait for any barrier to the path to tomorrow
For I want to go through them
The so dear past, the reality we’re fighting for,
Or the yet unseen far future
They connect people, I finally realized
It can’t be replaced, it’s my independent destiny
I won’t surrender, even in the midst of despair
Right now my real strength is the promise we made
I won’t give up anymore
You’re always by my side
Let’s picture our future together
Believe we can laugh our way towards bliss
All the time, all the time
I’ve been thinking of you
There won’t be any dead ends on the path to tomorrow
Let’s go on, for there is today
Yes, towards the future with you
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Like A Fleeting Dream
Without any warning you leak into me
And stay in the corner of my heart like a cold wind
After hesitating for a long time, without any word,
Only leaving regrets, you disappear again
Even if I keep turning it into memories
Like a last night's fleeting dream
Still, still I am looking for you
Though you cannot come back to me,
To my side once again
Seems like I will still stay in this place
And wait
You won't keep the promise, like it was a common greeting
Even without those words
Did you really have to leave me?
Even if I keep turning it into memories
Like a last night's fleeting dream
Still, still I am looking for you
Though you cannot come back to me,
To my side once again
Seems like I will still stay in this place
And wait
Because I hate my heart
That is flying in the cold wind
In those leaves
If I send it too you,
One day, will you come back to me one day?
Even if soon you disappear again
Like a last night's fleeting dream
Even if I try to remember you
As a last night's fleeting dream
Still, Still I am wandering
Though I won't be able to hear that voice once again
Next to me, in my ears
Seems like I will still stay in this place
And wait
And wait
A világ a én szememben
Hadd vigyelek egy utazásra
A világ körül és vissza
És neked nem kell megmozdulnod
Csak ülj le.
Most pedig engedd el az elméd, hogy járjon
És hadd beszéljen a testem
Hadd mutassam meg a világot az én szememben.
Elviszlek a legmagasabb hegyre
A legmélyebb tenger mélységeihez
Nincs szükségünk térképre, hidd el.
Most hagyd, hogy a testem mozogjon
És hagyd, hogy a kezem nyugtató legyen
Hadd mutassam meg a világot az én szememben.
Ez minden
Semmi több, mint amit most érzel
Ez minden.
Hadd tegyelek egy hajóra
Egy hosszú, hosszú útra
Az ajkaid az ajkaimhoz közel legyen.
Az óceán összes szigete
Minden ég a mozgásban
Hadd mutassam meg a világ az én szememben.
Ez minden
Semmi több, mint amit most megérinthetnél
Ez minden.
Hadd mutassam meg a világ az én szememben.
Dana Kósa
Elveszítem a józan eszemet
Bújj be az ágyba,
kapcsold le a villanyt,
csukd be a szemed,
aludjunk ma éjjel,
gondoljunk azokra a dolgokra, amiket a mai nap tettünk …
Megérintesz, aztán
darabjaimra hullok,
elveszítem a kontrollt.
Ez a legnehezebb rész,
bárcsak lehetne másképp!
Elveszítem, elveszítem, elveszítem a józan eszemet,
szétrombolod, szétrombolod, szétrombolod az elmémet.
Jó mélyre vágsz,
mint a törött üveg,
várom már,
hogy elmúljanak ezek az idők.
Vagy minden nap szétesem majd?
Ülök itt
a tűz mellett,
a lángok magasra csapnak,
csak úgy, mint a vágy.
Így fogok érezni minden nap?
Elveszítem, elveszítem, elveszítem a józan eszemet,
szétrombolod, szétrombolod, szétrombolod az elmémet.
Don't Listen to What I Say
Oh my heart, don't get sad
And don't chase the suppressed noise
Oh my heart, don't stay up out of loneliness
Oh so many [beautiful] eyes have loomed
but then they faded away
Oh my heart, don't grow callous
Oh, my heart is always impatient and one step ahead of me
And this is what brings me misery
I'm perplexed
But it is also sometimes
the reason for my happy moments
Oh my heart, don't be patient
And don't listen to what I say...
Oh my heart, don't get sad
Oh my heart, don't get sad
All pain benefits you
Oh my heart, don't be silent
Go on with me till the end
Oh my heart, don't get bored
between a moment and the other
Oh my heart, don't get silent
Go on with me till the end
for I am going on
Oh my heart, don't get bored
between a moment and the other
And don't think and question
which of the two moments was tender.
And which moment will remain with you
Oh my heart, don't cry upon what's gone
Oh my heart, don't rush running to the future
Oh my heart don't listen to what I say
Don't listen to what I say...
Oh my heart, don't get sad
Oh my heart, don't get sad
All pain benefits you
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Who Among Us
Versions: #2
Who among us chose his eye color... and his birth date.. and his name?
There are many things like this in life ... that exist and we don't know why.
Like my heart when it beats with one word of good and truth
Like my neighbor when he smiled at me- he cracked the image of alienation he cracked
Like a mosque with a Nile (?) beside it, Like a monastery from a thousand generations
It's not important from which religion, what's important that you're lovely
Like a prison with a thousand doors, like a young man from egypt melting (in love)
Like a girl (بنوت ف شبرا) in a cross or a hijab
Like a flower blossoming, like a wave swimming
Like a hymn praying for the poor
And there are many things like this in life
A road and we must walk it
Glory be to Him, He's the beginning And Him alone knows what's the end
And there are many things like this in life
A road and we must walk it
Glory be to Him, He's the beginning And Him alone knows what's the end
My Tears Dried Up
My tears dried up just because of you..
I cry and my eyes have become worn out
I think of you all night
When you have fallen asleep with another
I will forget and won't remember you
I will shove you out of my mind
With you I have become accustomed to pain
All you've shown me was treachery
When you became upset, I used to die
And my eyes used to cry when yours did
Now, it's fine, I don't remember you
And I started a new love story
Now you don't even cross my mind
While loving you you taught me how to forget
I swear I'm not okay in your absence
And still I'd be so sad if you were to come
My tears dried up just for you...
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
All of my life
When things were so hard that I was tired of living
When nothing was going my way
When I hadn’t even seen my family
And even I wasn’t important to myself
In this world, where one must have more
In order to continue with love
All of my life
You are all of my life
When I look at myself
I changed so much after meeting you
I began to have dreams
And I wanted to make your dreams come true too
In order to do that, I had to go up higher
I had to have more things
Just when I had everything
My dreams became bigger than love
All of my life, when I was struggling
You are all of my life, you filled me up
I tried filling myself up with other things
all of my life
you are all of my life
But I couldn’t be filled
That’s what we wanted and were so desperate for
Now my room is so filled up
But were you in there alone, without me
all of my life, you’re my everything
What use is all of this?
If you’re listening to this song somewhere
all of my life
all of my life
Yes, this is about you
How could you
play with my heart
and give me heartache night and day?
All this was just to make me feel jealous
How could you
paint the whole world for me in poems?
So many
I can't take it, they became so many
(Merci, merci)
You taught my eyes how to be jealous
(Merci, merci)
and my heart taught me with how broken it is
(Merci, merci)
To value myself more than this
To walk upon my wounds
And become bigger than love
and the lies of its poems
(Merci, merci)
Say it and relieve yourself
everything that's in your heart, don't hide it
Say it and relieve yourself
Everything between us is gone
Make me free again
I want to soar and fly with wings
And there are no keys to my heart
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Gloomy Sunday
Dark Sunday
Arms full of flowers
I entered our room
My heart was wary because I already knew
That you would not come back
And I swung words of love and pain
I stayed all alone like a poor bastard
And I cried all over
Listening to hear the complaint of frost
(Gloomy sunday)
I will die a sunday where I would have suffered too much
So you'll come back but I'll be gone
Virgins will burn like ardent hope
And for you without effort, my eyes will be open
Do not be afraid of my love if they can not see you
They will tell you that I loved you more than my life
(Gloomy sunday)
I will die a sunday where I would have suffered too much
So you'll come back but I'll be gone
Virgins will burn like ardent hope
And for you without effort, my eyes will be open
Do not be afraid of my love if they can not see you
They will tell you that I loved you more than my life
(Gloomy sunday)
It Is Said That We Plow Shallow...
It is said that we plow shallow,
Stumbling, sliding as we plow.
That our soil, innate and hallow,
Plowing deeper won't allow.
For we plow on burying ground,
As we loosen topsoil skin.
We're afraid to strike bone mound,
Barely masked by dirt within.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Én, magam & én
Ó, csak én, magam, és én
Szólóban halálomig
Mert saját magamat megtarthatom életem végéig
(Életem végéig, igen)
Ó, nem kell egy kéz, mit foghatok
Még ha hideg is az éjszaka
Tűz van a lelkemben
S ha jól látom, szükségem van magánszférára
Meg rohadt sok fára, bassza meg a sok illedelem
Időre van szükségem, hogy megmutassam nekik, amit akarnak látni
Egy Stella Maxwell a jobb oldalamon
Egy Ferrari? Hármat veszek
Egy szekrény tele Saint Laurent-tel, megkapom, amit akarok, amit akarok
Mert az mohóság irányít engem
Csak egyedül akarok lenni, egyedül akarok lenni
Értsd meg mit mondok, ha az idő pénz, hitel kell
Ennek ellenére csak folytatom amit csinálok
Basszák meg a kamu barátok, nem kell L, csak M
Miközben ti követtek minket, mi megbarátkozunk
Rögtön megyek dolgozni, mikor vége a szünetnek
Ó, csak én, magam, és én
Szólóban halálomig
Mert saját magamat megtarthatom életem végéig
(Életem végéig, igen)
Ó, nem kell egy kéz, mit foghatok
Még ha hideg is az éjszaka
Tűz van a lelkemben
Nem kell semmi, mi átsegít az éjszakát
Kivéve a dobogást, mely szívemből szól
Igen, ez tart életben
(Tart életben)
Nem kell semmi, ami kielégít (tudod)
Mert a zene jól megtölt, s mindig itt van nekem
Igen, és nem szeretek idegenekkel beszélni
Szóval szállj le rólam, szorongásom van
Próbálok jó fej lenni, de megőrülök
Szemetekre hányom, hogy 'basszátok meg'
De ez már megváltozott, mióta híres vagyok
Mindenki tudja, hogy ez az életmód veszélyes
De imádom a menetét
Éjszaka ünneplek, mindenki tombol
Rájöttem, hogyan birkózzak meg a dühömmel
A pénzben úszom
Piában úszom, sáros a májam
De minden rendben, még szürcsölöm a pezsgőt
Ez a baromság csodálatos, ez a baromság nem random, nem szerencsémre jött
Eljutottam idáig, mert belebetegedtem
Húzzák a szájukat a pénz gondolatán
De nem akarnak megdolgozni érte, mondd csak meg, nem vicces? Nem
Ó, csak én, magam, és én
Szólóban halálomig
Mert saját magamat megtarthatom életem végéig
(Életem végéig, igen)
Ó, nem kell egy kéz, mit foghatok
Még ha hideg is az éjszaka
Tűz van a lelkemben
Nem kell semmi, mi átsegít az éjszakát
Kivéve a dobogást, mely szívemből szól
Igen, ez tart életben
(Tart életben)
Nem kell semmi, ami kielégít (tudod)
Mert a zene jól megtölt, s mindig itt van nekem
Mint, ba-ba-ba-ba-da-ba
Ba-ba-ba-da-ba (Yee!)
Mert a zene jól megtölt, s mindig itt van nekem
Igen, magányos éjszakákon ébren maradtam
Imádkozva az úrhoz, hogy vigye el a lelkem
A szívem túl kemény már, hogy eltörd
Tudom, hogy isteni vagyok, de túl csóró
Álmodozom arról, hogy felszeletelem a tortát
Egész életemben mondták, hogy csak várjak
De most megszerezhetem, nincs vita
Ó, csak én, magam, és én
Szólóban halálomig
Mert saját magamat megtarthatom életem végéig
(Életem végéig, igen)
Ó, nem kell egy kéz, mit foghatok
Még ha hideg is az éjszaka
Tűz van a lelkemben
Nem kell semmi, mi átsegít az éjszakát
Kivéve a dobogást, mely szívemből szól
Igen, ez tart életben
(Tart életben)
Nem kell semmi, ami kielégít (tudod)
Mert a zene jól megtölt, s mindig itt van nekem
Mint, ba-ba-ba-ba-da-ba
Ba-ba-ba-da-ba (Yee!)
Mert a zene jól megtölt, s mindig itt van nekem
Ugorj be az autómba
Tarts szorosan a karjaidban
Vegyél be a szívedbe ma éjjel
Ha te igazán kívánsz engem
Meg kell tanulnod jobban szeretni
Ez széjjeltép engem
Bébi, teljes szíveddel higgyél nekem
mert minden, amit akarok, az csak te vagy
Ugorj be az autómba
Ne legyél félénk
Csak a te hőseid nem várhatnak soha
Te vagy számomra az egyetlen
A reggeli pirkadat megérkeztéig
Ugorj az autómba, kicsit szórakozni akarok
Bébi, amikor a munka ideje már letelt
Legyél a mindenem, adj nekem többet
Teljesítsd be az álmaimat
Te táncolsz az elmémben
Vigyél el az idők végéig
mert a mai este az az éjszaka
Drágám, ó, ölelj szorosan engem
Ó, bébi, neked van megjelenésed
Ha te különlegesen mosolyogsz
Az jelent valamit
Ezt én igazán szeretem
Ugorj be az autómba, alig várom már
Ugorj be az autómba, ne késlekedj
Ugorj az autómba, add nekem a szívedet
Nem számít, hogy mikor indulunk el
Oh Handsome Swarthy One
Oh handsome swarthy one
who sways so beautifully
And whose beauty has put me under its spell
What have I done wrong?
I'd sacrifice myself for you
What made it necessary for you to go away from me?
Did you abandon me because you're playing hard to get,
or is it boredom,
or unfairness?
On a night of companionship you used to loyally and innocently
visit me [even] without any promises
Don't let my enemies get out of me what they want
You are my goal and all I wish for
If you are being unfair, then may God forgive you
And if I'm being unfair, please forgive me
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
(Ki)baszok magammal
Van két gyémántom és egy tollam
Adj három okot, hogy miért nem vagyunk együtt
Hozzápréselem a testem a földhöz, így
Mert jobban (ki)baszok magammal, mint bárki más
A sarkon állva vársz a szerelmemre
Két falat raktam mögéd, hogy nekidőlhess
Szükséged lesz rájuk, mert felültettelek
Mert jobban (ki)baszok magammal, mint bárki más
Mert jobban (ki)baszok magammal, mint bárki más
Ez a szerelem
Régen érdekelt, hogy mit gondolsz rólam
Ez a szerelem
Mert a szerelmem annyira jó
Szóval, jobban (ki)baszok magammal, mint bárki más
Elcsíptelek pecázás közben
Ez az egész kapcsolat elúszott
Hosszú évek várnak rád a dutyiban
Mert jobban (ki)baszok magammal, mint bárki más
Mert jobban (ki)baszok magammal, mint bárki más
Ez a szerelem
Régen érdekelt, hogy mit gondolsz rólam
Ez a szerelem
Mert a szerelmem annyira jó
Szóval, jobban (ki)baszok magammal, mint bárki más
Régen adtam arra, amit mondasz, bébi
A szavaid harmadfokú égési sérüléseket okoznának
Most nézd, hogy mi lett ebből, bébi
Mert a szerelmem az egyetlen
A szerelmem az egyetlen
Szóval, jobban (ki)baszok magammal, mint bárki más
Ez a szerelem
Régen érdekelt, hogy mit gondolsz rólam
Ez a szerelem
Mert a szerelmem annyira jó
Szóval, jobban (ki)baszok magammal, mint bárki más
№ 2399 (March Opus)
these are
twenty three ninety and nine
black numbers
the path to Gagulta, the path that is soaked
with no tears
no sweat
no blood
but with dithyramb
and fanfare
and smile
Rejoice! You’re being crucified
Only a person will grieve
unknown mother for all others
like a drop of the blood or
sweat’s one or
of the tear’s tithe
on the exceeding glad path to Gagulta
Why Did You Become Silent?
Why did you become silent?
What are you hiding from my heart
My embrace is calling you
And you are far from it
Who other than me, who
can understand just from a glance of your eyes
what is occupying your mind?
We've known each other for years
It fills me with pity
to see you
to see you in front of me when I know you
You're hiding what's in your heart from me
You're hiding and I can feel you
I live in this world for you
And what is the world worth compared to your tenderness
I'd rather have my heart cry for nights instead
of seeing one tear in your eyes
So, why did you become silent?
What are you hiding from my heart
My embrace is calling you
And you are far from it
Who other than me, who
can understand just from a glance of your eyes
what is occupying your mind?
We've known each other for years
What is it, darling, what
What do you want me to say?
My heart has lived with you
everything I dreamed of
Why are you crying, why?
When you are in my embrace and with me
What else do we want from the world?
It fills me with pity
to see you
to see you in front of me when I know you
You're hiding what's in your heart from me
You're hiding and I can feel you
I live in this world for you
And what is the world worth compared to your tenderness
I'd rather have my heart cry for nights instead
of seeing one tear in your eyes
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Név (505)
Talán elfogunk felejteni mindent és elfutunk
Egy szerelmünk, és egy életünk van
Talán elfelejtünk mindent és elfutunk
Elfelejtem a kedvenc nevem - a tied az
Kedvenc nevem
És legyőzhetetlen a szerelmem - az enyém
A kedvenc neved - a kedvencem
A kedvenc nevem - a tied az
Kedvenc nevem
És legyőzhetetlen a szerelmem - az enyém
A kedvenc neved - a kedvencem
Újra, és újra megpróbálom megszervezni az összes pontot
Megpróbálom megérteni, vagy megoldom a bajt
505, 505 már több ezerszer szakitottam veled
De újra és újra megpróbálok bele vágni a szívembe
A kedvenc nevem - a tied az
Kedvenc nevem
És legyőzhetetlen a szerelmem - az enyém
A kedvenc neved - a kedvencem
A kedvenc nevem - a tied az
Kedvenc nevem
És legyőzhetetlen a szerelmem - az enyém
A kedvenc neved - a kedvencem
Talán elfogunk felejteni mindent és elfutunk
Egy szerelmünk, és egy életünk van
Talán elfelejtünk mindent és elfutunk
Elfelejtem a kedvenc nevem - a tied az
Kedvenc nevem
És legyőzhetetlen a szerelmem - az enyém
A kedvenc neved - a kedvencem
A kedvenc nevem - a tied az
Kedvenc nevem
És legyőzhetetlen a szerelmem - az enyém
A kedvenc neved - a kedvencem
Az enyém, az enyém, az enyém, az enyém, a név
Az enyém, az enyém, az enyém, az enyém, a név
Az enyém, az enyém, az enyém, név
Defend the Headquarters of Revolution
Ah...The Headquarters of Revolution
Millions will become guns and bombs
And defend you to the death
Held in our hands on each bayonet
Is the sacred oath of defending our General
The flying Red Banner
The Headquarters of Revolution
Millions will become guns and bombs
And defend you to the death
The Headquarters' defence is a spirit we'll pass down
The passionate hearts of ours will forge a new fortress
The heartland of Korea
The Headquarters of Revolution
Millions will become guns and bombs
And defend you to the death
Ah... Ah...
Defend to the death Kim Jong-il
Defend to the death Kim Jong-il
Fight to the death for our General, sacrifice our lives for this cause
To our soldiers is will be the greatest honour
From victory to victory
The Headquarters of Revolution
Millions will become guns and bombs
And defend you to the death
Ah...The Headquarters of Revolution
Millions will become guns and bombs
And defend you to the death
Sweet water (fresh water)
Versions: #2
My love is like a desert land
doesn't give herself easily, if at all
To my performances she is no audience
Even though she wants me already
She turns down (reject) all manners of a wooer
It is actually (specialy) then, that I love her more
My love is like a desert land
She has a shiny and purity cleanliness
that if I'm a bit dirty
Even though she already wants me
She won't let me get near, she won't accede
It is actually (specialy) then, that I love her more
She doesn't like it when I talk
She says I'm lying,
even in silence (when I'm silent)
As if I'm not worth
even a spit
She certainly doesn't forget
And still, doesn't forgive
For long long days
She would have left a long time ago
If she hadn't thought
That she would find fresh (sweet?) water in me.
My love is like a desert land
pricks like flint, stings like a scorpion
penetrates the bone like a cold East wind
Even though she already wants me
She dries me out to see if I'd stay
It is actually (specialy) then, that I love her more
It is actually (specialy) then, that I love her more
It is actually (specialy) then, that I love her more.
I'm The Friend You'll Need
You know what? Little cotton candy hair here is right. And if I have to say so myself...
This town isn't a nice place
For small ponies like you
There are many corners
There, no one knows what'll happen
Let me show you the way
You won't find the way on your own
You could really use someone here
And I'm your luck
I'm the friend you'll need
When you don't know what to do
Pal, your amigo
I'll be useful when you ask
And the help I can give you
Has a success guarantee
Just call and I'll come
There's no but
I'm a real friend!
Your friend
What a friend
Yeah, a real friend
A real friend who can see the danger
And stop all creeps
No strange assistant
I'm a sneaky brother
And someone who'll see to you getting a good start on your journey
A friend who knows what the mist is hiding
Fear no dark alleyways
They're scary, yes, they are
So you could use a friend
A protector so that nothing'll happen
And such a lovely beauty
Covered in dirt, I see
But your luck will come back around
Now, you're walking around in luck
I'm the friend you'll need
When you don't know what to do
Pal, your amigo
I'll watch over you, and I dare
And the help I can give you
Has a success guarantee
Just call and I'll come
We'll say that it's a deal...
Here, message for Verko: My place in twenty minutes. I've got something which 'magically' will erase all of my debt.
I'm a real friend!
[Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, & Pinkie Pie]:
A real friend
What a friend
[Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, & Pinkie Pie]:
Yeah, a real friend
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
the last look
the last look between me and her
my hand in hers and my eye on hers
that moment passed us by
painfully, painfully
she said 'don't be sad, believe me
tomorrow we will meet in heaven'
she hugged me for the last time
painfully, painfully
her eyes were closing slowly, slowly
her hand withered in my hands
she left me, and my eye wept
painfully, painfully
where have you gone, my life? no
you left me with a sigh in my heart
please, God, bring her back
my life after her is pain, pain x2
her voice is still inside my heart
and her shadow accompanies me
after her, I feel like I'm an alien
painfully, painfully
only a photo of her is left
I talk to it with my looks
I hold it to my heart and cry on it
painfully, painfully
sometimes I feel that the photo is talking to me
sometimes it draws a smile to me
sometimes I feel like it's crying
painfully, painfully
my God, take me instead of her
my life is worthless for hers
my heart has stopped upon her leaving
my life after her is
pain, pain
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها
Towards the stars
It so important to make the first step
And heart is calling for adventure
The world is waiting for me for awhile
I'm not afraid of obstacles
Towards happiness
You'll feel the taste of your life
And beating of your heart
And towards the stars we fly
Our two hearts, beating like one
And towards the stars, oh, oh, oh
There are so many wonderful roads
That I have dreamed to walk upon
I've met you, hold me and do not let me go
We are together now
You and I
And towards the stars we fly
Our two hearts, beating like one
And towards the stars, oh, oh, oh, we fly
And towards the stars, oh, oh, oh, we fly
And towards the stars,
And towards the stars we fly
Our two hearts, beating like one
And towards the stars, oh, oh, oh
Whose Turn is it?
Versions: #2
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
If you want to go, go. Leave your pain around me.
Let me learn never to go to passion with my own accord
Oh my heart, don't regret [the wasted time of] my life and the nights
I regret that one day I made you everything I have
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
I am the one who brought all this upon my heart and I am to blame
I am the one who told my heart: 'oh my heart, he is the only one for me'
Whose turn is it, oh, you who used to hurt me?
Well, hurting hearts is for you a totally normal thing to do
And whom will you deceive with passion and tenderness after I go?
You will make their eyes cry like mine did one day
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
It snowed in Mykonos
I have just returned to Paris
And I can not help but
To tell you that my heart is gray
Far from the Mediterranean
My letter may be useless
But let me remember
Our love in the hollow of this island
Where mills sing summer
I do not know if you will believe me
Yet the day after your departure
The sun has disappeared
It snowed in Mykonos
The old fishermen had never seen that
They were all as surprised as me
A late summer day
It snowed on Mykonos
You should not have left me
It was snowing on white boats
And I can not accept
That nothing is more like before
That's what I wrote to you
That's how you left
Old mills with sad wings
Still remember today
I do not know if you will believe me
Yet the day after your departure
For the first time
It snowed in Mykonos
A beautiful love for a late summer
So many memories I had
Just a few words, you see
It snowed in Mykonos
It snowed in Mykonos
It snowed in Mykonos
The secret
I never understood her no matter how I tried
Nevertheless I knew I always loved her
She was however turned into, turned into upon herself
She never opened up to tell me her secret
I'm looking in her eyes, to find her secret
I'm trying to understand the way to get past it
Would you say she's thinking of another man, so that I get away from her?
Leave her enjoy her new love
No matter how I tried to understand her
I never accomplished it, I don't know what to do
No matter how she tried to be herself
I never managed to see her secret
So Long, My Russia, Great Unwashed One...
Versions: #4
So long, my Russia, great unwashed one,
The land of slaves and overlords,
So long, blue jackets, haunting, posh ones,
And plebs, subjected to their swords.
Perhaps beyond Caucasian ranges
I will be safe from your emirs,
From stern all-seeing eyes of strangers,
From their overhearing ears.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Arra születtél, hogy a babám legyél ...
Esős éjszaka és egész nap dolgoztunk
Mindketten dolgosztunk, mert a számlakát fizetni kell
De van valamink, amit nem vehetnek el
A szerelmünk, az életünk.
Zárd be az ajtót, hagyjad kint a hideget
Nem kell semmi, amikor mellétem vagy
Van valami, ami soha nem fog meghalni
Az álmaink, a büszkeségünk.
A szívem dobog, mint egy dob (egész éjjel)
Test a testtel, szemtöl szembe (és ez így rendben van)
És soha nem engedlek el,
Mert van valami, amit belül mélyen ismerek.
Arra születtél, hogy a babám legyél
És bébi, azért lettem, hogy a tied légyek!
Van valami, amiben hiszünk
Még akkor sem, ha nem tudjuk, hányadán állunk
Csak Isten tudja az okokat
De fogadom, hogy volt egy terve
Mert a zért születtél, hogy az enyém légy
És bébi, azért lettem, hogy a tied légyek!
Gyújts meg egy gyertyát, s fújd el a világot
Terített asztal egy tv. állványon
Ez nem fantázia, de jó ez nekünk?
A mi időnk, a mi utunk.
Ölej szorosan, kapaszkodj erősen
Keszülj fél, ez egy rázós út
Két gyerek az élet országútján
A mi világunk, a harcunk.
Ha egymás mellett maradunk (egész éjjel)
Van esélyünk, hogy sikerrel járjunk (és ez így rendben van)
És tudom, hogy a szívemben élni fogsz
A halálom napjáig.
Mert arra születtél, hogy a babám legyél
És bébi, azért lettem, hogy a tied légyek!
Van valami, amiben hiszünk
Még akkor sem, ha nem tudjuk, hányadán állunk
Csak Isten tudja az okokat
De fogadom, hogy volt egy terve
Mert azért születtél, hogy az enyém légy
És bébi, azért lettem, hogy a tied légyek!
A szívem dobog, mint egy dob (egész éjjel)
Test a testtel, szemtöl szembe (és ez így rendben van)
És soha nem engedlek el,
Mert van valami, amit belül mélyen ismerek.
Mert arra születtél, hogy a babám legyél
És bébi, azért lettem, hogy a tied légyek!
Van valami, amiben hiszünk
Még akkor sem, ha nem tudjuk, hányadán állunk
Csak Isten tudja az okokat
De fogadom, hogy volt egy terve.
Mert arra születtél, hogy a babám legyél
És bébi, azért lettem, hogy a tied légyek!
Azért születtél, hogy a babám legyél
És bébi, azért lettem, hogy a tied légyek!
Dana Kósa
I Wasn't Me
Hey, listen
Stop acting like a child
Listen to me, I'm sorry to tell you
But it was you who brought it on yourself
You're the one who broke my heart
It wasn't me
Hey, listen
Everything in life has its price
Listen to me, If it is my time
To reap the seeds that you sow
It was you who watered it, it wasn't me
It wasn't me
I know what you will say
You'll blame me for your mistake
If someone asks me
I'll say it wasn't me
It wasn't me
Hey, listen
Stop acting like a child
Listen to me, I'm sorry to tell you
But it was you who brought it on yourself
You're the one who broke my heart
It wasn't me
Hey, listen
Everything in life has its price
Listen to me, If it is my time
To reap the seeds that you sow
It was you who watered it, it wasn't me
It wasn't me
I know what you will say
You'll blame me for your mistake
If someone asks me
I'll say it wasn't me
It wasn't me
Who gave up on our dreams
It wasn't me
Who destroyed our hope
It wasn't me
Who left my eyes drowning in lies
Are you really going to tell me that this was what I wanted?
I know what you will say
You'll blame me for your mistake
If someone asks me
I'll say it wasn't me
I know what you will say
You'll blame me for your mistake
If someone asks me
I'll say it wasn't me
It wasn't me
It wasn't me
It wasn't me
Get Ready
Get ready, get ready
Get ready, get ready
Get ready cause I'll shoot you down
Don't doubt me when I say
It's time to attack
Lead with your chin
If you want to take a risk
I am here to tease you
Don't give up, I'm into you
You are ready for me
Today I'm dying to enjoy it
Enjoy it
We make our moment
If you want to do this, I want too
Just don't stop now, time is here
Come on
Pull the trigger
Strafe me
Shoot me
Get ready cause I'll shoot you down
Don't doubt me when I say
It's time to attack
Lead with your chin
If you want to take a risk
I am here to tease you
Don't give up, I'm into you
You are ready for me
Today I'm dying to enjoy it
Enjoy it
We make our moment
If you want to do this, I want too
Just don't stop now, time is here
Come on
Pull the trigger
Strafe me
Shoot me
Pull the trigger
Strafe me
Shoot me
Knowing How to Love
Time doesn't stop
Life doesn't rewind
If love knocks on your door now
You better let it in
If it's not going anywhere
It doesn't matter anyway
It's not fashionable now
Get involved without falling in love
Life makes more sense when you have love
Then everything is perfect, it has more flavor
The sky gets more beautiful, it has more colour
How about just try it and take the risk?
Better than living all alone, it's share your life
And make plans, let it flow
Or just say 'good night' to someone before sleep
And be able to dream, dream, dream
Knowing how to love is so much better
Than give a lot and get nothing back
It's so much more than pleasure
Ah, knowing how to love
It's going to go all the way to be happy
Open up your heart and say
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Time doesn't stop
Life doesn't rewind
If love knocks on your door now
You better let it in
If it's not going anywhere
It doesn't matter anyway
It's not fashionable now
Get involved without falling in love
Life makes more sense when you have love
Then everything is perfect, it has more flavor
The sky gets more beautiful, it has more colour
How about just try it and take the risk?
Better than living all alone, it's share your life
And make plans, let it flow
Or just say 'good night' to someone before sleep
And be able to dream, dream, dream
Knowing how to love is so much better
Than give a lot and get nothing back
It's so much more than pleasure
Ah, knowing how to love
It's going to go all the way to be happy
Open up your heart and say
Ah, knowing how to love is so much better
Than give a lot and get nothing back
It's so much more than pleasure
Ah, knowing how to love
It's going to go all the way to be happy
Open up your heart and say
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
We'll be Left Alone In The City
I hear the voice somewhere inside.
It's asking me to just walk away.
But can we forget our feelings?
Tell me? Tell me..
Changing timezones.
We're divided by countries and cities.
How much I wanna say.
That you're mine.
We'll be left alone in the city.
Running away from them, from them, from them.
Phantoms in the night of the kiss. Scream.
Dance! Dance! Dance!
Mari Kraybreri:
How're you? I hear your voice.
And I want to call you so bad. And
Tell you all my feelings.
But I'll keep quiet, for a little more.
You know these facts.
I'm so unique when.
I'm your best!
Just tell me: Let's do this forever.
We'll be left alone in the city.
Running away from them, from them, from them.
Phantoms in the night of the kiss. Scream.
Dance! Dance! Dance!
We'll be left alone in the city.
Running away from them, from them, from them.
Phantoms in the night of the kiss
We'll be left alone in the city.
Running away from them, from them, from them.
Phantoms in the night of the kiss. Scream.
Dance! Dance! Dance!