Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 18

Találatok száma: 1293


Leliana's Song

Elder, your time is come
Now I am filled with sorrow
My weary eyes need resting
My heart's become grey and slow
In my waking sleep of freedom
We sing, rejoice
We tell the tales to each other
We laugh and cry
We love one more day

The idea that you forget me

I resist the idea that you forget me to be relaxed.
And I force my mind in your absence to be forgotten.
They say that you deserted me, it's ok to accept.
But they told me that you hated me! How come that will be accepted?!
Testimony of truth, without you, life becomes tasteless and colourless (it stops)!
It hurts my feelings as well as makes others ridicule me and heals their grudge.
I look calm, and I say it's a regular two days, and she will meet me again as usual.
Some days are passing, and they ask me: 'Where is she ?! I say she is inside my chest and my soul?'
I comfort my heart, and I say this pain will go away.
My days go away, as well as my pain becomes longer more and more.
I kept wishing I could live by your side, with my wounded.
Because I couldn't bore these wounds while you were away from me.
I said from this separation, I am not tired, but in reality, I am so exhausted by thinking about you.
And I show that I am an indispensable person, for the sake of reputation, no much more.
I didn't appear my weakness and wound, and I pretend I was living my life.
I got weakened because I missed you

Elég szép

Szeretem azt, amit csinálsz
Jobban, mint a szavakat, amit mondasz.
És szeretem a szürke város arcát
Jobban, mint ahogy azt kiszínezed.
Szeretem az aszfalt repedéseit
És az összes követ az úton
Nincs szükségem célokra, hogy észrevegyem
Valami megindít.
De minden kellene és kell,
De minden jól megy és mindenki
Tökéletes akar lenni.
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Ez itt talán soha nem elég szép?
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Mint amilyenek vagyunk, túlságosan gyorsak, túl fáradtak vagy vakok.
Mindkét szemünket behunyjuk
És mégis mindent érzékelni akarunk
És egymásnak ezernyi szép szóval
a szerelemről beszélünk.
Az egész világ tartozzon hozzánk
A mennybolttól a tengerig.
És ha a tükörbe nézünk
Önmagunkat már nem is látjuk.
De minden kellene és kell,
De minden jól megy és mindenki
Tökéletes akar lenni.
Tökéletes akar lenni.
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Ez itt talán soha nem elég szép?
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Mint amilyenek vagyunk, túlságosan gyorsak, túl fáradtak vagy vakok.
Néha szívesebben lennek mindezekböl kevesebb
De mégis elegendö.
Terv és irány nélkül szeretnék létezni,
De mégis valahogy megfelelni.
Megoldás és tökéletesség nélkül
Vagy anélkül, hogy feltünnék,
Önmagam akarok lenni.
Önmagam akarok lenni.
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Ez itt talán soha nem elég szép?
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Mint amilyenek vagyunk, túlságosan gyorsak, túl fáradtak vagy vakok.

A million things to tell you

I don't have a name, you don't have a name
And talk until we no longer need a name
Me without a hurry, you without a hurry
We touch each other delicately
To understand a little more
We are like two stars who escaped the morning
If you stay close to me, nobody will turn it off
You'll have my heart in rattles
For your headlight eyes
I took you on my shoulders
And I heard you fly
With your hands in the mud
To seek the destiny
You become more beautiful with each breath of yours
And you extend my life unknowingly
I have a million things to tell you, but I'm not saying anything
In a sea of ​​happy days, my mind drowns
And I have a million things to tell you
But I don't say anything
But I don't say anything
I'm your journey, you're my station
And find that you love yourself
It is more difficult than loving each other a little more
It's my hand you hold, don't worry
And if I can't get you up, I'll stay with you on the ground
You'll have my rattle heart for your headlight eyes
We will make it enough
We will make it enough
With his hands in the mud to seek the destiny
You become more beautiful with each breath of yours
And you extend my life unknowingly
I have a million things to tell you, but I'm not saying anything
In a sea of ​​happy days, my mind drowns
I have a million things to tell you
Just a million things to tell you
I give you my rattle heart for your headlight eyes
And without telling anyone
We will learn to fly
You extend my life unknowingly
I have a million things to tell you, but I'm not saying anything
In a sea of ​​happy days, my mind drowns
And I have a million things to tell you
But I don't say anything
But I don't say anything
Rattle heart me
Headlight eyes you

Üres szavak

A fekete kristály varázsa tört ki az üvegből,
a tükörben megolvadt gyertyák csillognak.
Üres szavak, a bele fáradtság lehelete,
nem gyújtotta fel újra az eloltott kandallót.
Elpazarolt szavak, a hazugság képe,
a könnyen kimondható hitevesztett szavak.
Üres szavak. Ne kérj bocsánatot!
Felesleges szavak, a lángom eloltja.
A küszöböd már nem hallja a csengőt,
nincs több nyom összekeveredve sietős lépésemmel.
Ha közeledik a vége, ne akard azt mondani, hogy
várhat ezeknek az üres szavaknak a sorsa.
Képzeld el, a nyári szellőt, a gyengéd ölelést,
tele gyűrött fűvel, a rét illatos virágával ...
Szétszórt drazsék, amelyek évszázadok óta gördülnek
Üres felesleges szavak, gúnyos hamis szeretet.
Elpazarolt szavak, a hazugság képe,
a könnyen kimondható hitevesztett szavak.
Üres szavak. Ne kérj bocsánatot!
Felesleges szavak, a lángom eloltja.
A küszöböd már nem hallja a csengőt,
nincs több nyom összekeveredve sietős lépésemmel.
Ha közeledik a vége, ne akard azt mondani, hogy
várhat ezeknek az üres szavaknak a sorsa.
Inkább ne mondd, mikor kezdődik a végünk,
sietni üres szavakkal sorsunk kimondására.


Versions: #1
Lose my mind when you laugh, yeah
Your dimples make me crazy
Leave your tough tomorrow to me
Someday, I’ll caress your straight hair
Have a drink, sip at it, sip at it
Just tell me I’m the only one in your heart, in your heart
Without you, I’ll end up in disgrace, in disgrace
I have all you need myself, I have
You are a fireball, get me dancing all the time
[Then] you face away from me, your lover
You are a fireball, get me dancing all the time
[Then] you face away from me, your lover
I go silent, come and sweet talk me
Tonight, you yourself be the go-between between us
You sweep me off my feet, my dear, my heart is an ocean1 in storm
Such charming is ungodly2
Have a drink, sip at it, sip at it
Just tell me I’m the only one in your heart, in your heart
Without you, I’ll end up in disgrace, in disgrace
I have all you need myself, I have
You are a fireball, get me dancing
[Then] you face away from me, your lover
You are a fireball, get me dancing
[Then] you face away from me, your lover
  • 1. Lit. sea
  • 2. Lit. not what a Muslim do

To Be Happy

All that is happening now
moves me a bit
afraid to love
afraid not to love at all
waiting for the right moment
In the face of what you said
that excited me deeply
i am lying down with open eyes
on a temporary bed
waiting for the right background
How in my childhood
before the yearly school trip
i wasn't able to fall asleep due to my excited expectations
and all the butterflies celebrated1all night long
when they told me something beautiful
it would play over and over in my head
like an answer
strengthening me that i am good
I want to be happy
i want it today
i wanted it for a long time
but only now am i able to see
i want life to be good for me
i want to love with all my might
i only search to give thanks
for what i already have now2
All that is happening now
excites me deeply
i remain with wide open arms
to accept you
when you come at the right time.
  • 1. would not let her sleep due to excitement
  • 2. lit: at hand, from g-d

haughty girl

Hey beautiful girl! Walk softly
May I join you and we'll go shopping
Hey beautiful girl ! Hi

To live as you want to

Versions: #1
To live as you want to, you first educate yourself.
Read more and more titles, solve problems, and master counting.
The knowledge you gain will determine the life you have.
You'll get to live later. Not yet — you are only starting.
To live as you want to, you must go to college, friend.
Attend every lecture in order to flunk no classes.
To have it your way in the land of your distant 'then,'
To have it — and that’s it, no 'ifs' and no second guesses.
To live as you want to, keep working around the clock —
no sick leaves, vacations or days off, no endless moaning.
Look up to the great ones, be envious, walk the walk
and clear all the hurdles you'll face on your trying journey

You've Lost The Throne

I won't lie down on the same bed
Where she lay one day,
I won't enter that room
Where I don't want to remember what happened...
I will come back
But, the rules of this love,
I'm the one who will set them out!
Only me, myself and I...
Don't you think that you can betray me
Again, and stay the same

Zina from Cazin

You´re good, you´re the best
you are that Zina from Cazin
God sent you to me nicely
you kiss me, you heal me from sin
leave, extinguish me like a candle
that my life send away sadness
Zina, Zina, tell me Zina
how many coins you need for your love
I have two that I stole from beggars
let them forgive me, I had to for you
two coins that I stole from beggars
let them forgive me, I had to for you
I won´t hide that I got married
I´ll do it again, even if I fail
when she walked barefoot through Bosnia
she belonged to me, so beautiful
mother, give her silk and sage
let the bride to adorn our yards

Song for Asim Zeneli

Versions: #1
1.A voice is yelling from the Mezhgorani gorge:
Assoult albanians, to crush the enemy!
Aren't we sons and daughters of this land?
How could we possibly endure the enemy?
2.The war starts fiery and horrifying
On July second, Ninenteen fortythree
And the partisans, like it’s their customs,
Attack the fascists furiously.
Guns are shooting.
Bombs are blasting.
Cannons, machinge-guns firing uninterruptedly.
Military camions destroyed, tanks blowing in the air
And the war goes on furiously.
3.Comrade Asim leaves his rocky position
And like a dragon storms out full of rage
'We cannot endure the dogma of Italian fascism'
Amid smoke and fire he attacks with courage
4.Why Vjosa river is running muddy
And valleys, mountains, are echoing in sorrow?
Comrade Asim has been shot in the head
He fell a martyr in the War for Liberation.
Rest in peace oh comrade
Because we will revenge you!
The blood that you spilt was for Albania
A dear price the Italian fascists are to pay.
You are a Hero for Liberation.

Blow, wind, a little over the liver

My hands are shaking, my blue eye
oy, rakija 1, the devil takes you
I’m a young guy, it’s a great shame
that rakija walks around my brain
Blow, wind, a little over the liver
Blow, wind, a little over the liver
I’ll die of pain, I’ll die of pain
everything has burned from alcohol
I was consuming mint teas
but I did not heal the wounds
rakija drew close to the soul
my black liver is drying up
Blow, wind, a little over the liver
Blow, wind, a little over the liver
I’ll die of pain, I’ll die of pain
everything has burned from alcohol
Somehow, I could do without tobacco
without rakija I can’t even go a day
rakija took me under its wing
now the waiters are counting my money
Blow, wind, a little over the liver
Blow, wind, a little over the liver
I’ll die of pain, I’ll die of pain
everything has burned from alcohol
  • 1. Rakija is the most treasured of all alcoholic drinks in Serbia.

The Promise We Exchanged At Midnight

Shadows appeared within the twilight
A scene that I saw before some other day
It's a fickle imagination like the night
She is sweet, the fatal encounter
A whispered, chilled sigh


Versions: #1
Stop lying to yourself
The photo you uploaded with him
Saying he was your everything
Baby, I know you so well
I know it was to make me jealous
I won't tell you who but
Crying for me, they saw you
For me, they saw you
Let me tell you
I can tell that he treats you well
That he's a gentleman
But that won't change
That I got there first
I know it will go well
But he doesn't love you the way I love you
You may not need nothing
Apparently nothing
Hawaii on vacation
My congratulations
Very nice on Instagram what you post
So that I see
How you are doing, so that I can see
You may not need nothing
Apparently nothing
Hawaii on vacation
My congratulations
Very nice on Instagram what you post
So that I can see
How everything's going well, but you're doing yourself wrong
Because love cannot be bought
Lie to all your followers
Tell him that times are better now
I don't think you can ignore my calls
If after me there will be no more lovers
You and I were one
We did it on an empty stomach before breakfast
We smoked the hooka and I passed you the smoke
And now we're at war, no one wins
If you ask me
No one is to blame
Sometimes you get into trouble
Let me speak please don't interrupt me
If I did something wrong to you then excuse me
People will believe you
You play that role well
Baby, but you're not happy with him
You may not need nothing
Apparently nothing
Hawaii on vacation
My congratulations
Very nice on Instagram what you post
So that I see
How you are doing, so that I can see
You may not need nothing
Apparently nothing
Hawaii on vacation
My congratulations
Very nice on Instagram what you post
So that I can see
How everything's going well, but you're doing yourself wrong
Because love cannot be bought
Stop lying to yourself
The photo you uploaded with him (hottie)
Saying he was your everything
Baby, I know you so well
I know it was to make me jealous (Maluma baby)
I won't tell you who but
Crying for me, they saw you
For me, they saw you (Papi Juancho)

May Seem Contrary

Stop floating arround ye fellow, scorn this wretched one not
In every forbade, freedom will be set for us
Being a lover also a poet and also being an antialcohol
What kind of paradox is this, it may seem contrary

The country wants you (to be) stupid

What good is it if you learn too much in life?
It could explode your brain ...
What's the use of books
about the dead rulers?
All you need today is to be null!
What's the use of learning romanian language so much?
You speak it fluently from the age of 2!
Don't even exaggerate
with math,
but know so you won't tangle with money.
How beautiful!
The enlightened future
is shown for the idiots!
So, be obedient
to the dominant one
Don't forget that the country wants you (to be) stupid!
Don't try to succeed in life!
No job has future
and don't you dare
to try changing something
after 2000 years of 'sleep well'!
More onest is to find a friend
to serve you and be served by you
A solid back-up
will promote you quickly
in the national army of dumheads!

The hero has died

We die for it, every day, that is normal
and that is the debt on us
And for you, my country, my life is worthless
Egypt is in our eyes
We die for it, every day, that is normal
and that is the debt on us
We die for it, every day, that is normal
Egypt is in our eyes
The hero had died so we can live
he was like us and has the looks of us
The hero had died so we can live
he was like us and has the looks of us
If Mansy is gone, there are thousands of Mansy in Egypt following him
To the paradise he is going, his right will be back in one day with God will
If Mansy is gone, there are thousands of Mansy in Egypt following him
To the paradise he is going, his right will be back in one day with God will
The Egyptians when he dies for his country, that is a day of the feast
Egypt is my country, and everyone wants to be a martyr.
We die for it, every day, that is normal
and that is the debt on us
And for you, my country, my life is worthless
Egypt is in our eyes
We die for it, every day, that is normal
and that is the debt on us
We die for it, every day, that is normal
Egypt is in our eyes

Not essential

I'm going to go out and walk for a time,
Stop for a while, look at the skies
And on the roofs, the sun will set down its golden reflection.
I'm going to love that, since it's not essential.
I'm going to sit on a bench —a little five minutes only for myself,
Look at people

Tamparuli Bridge

I make a 'pak pak' sound
As I walk along the bridge
The Tamparuli bridge
In my high-heeled shoes
As I walk along the bridge
The Tamparuli bridge
I make a 'pak pak' sound
In my high heeled shoes
But my damned shoes
Fell off the bridge
All that's left are socks
Which I take home with me
Now it's Wednesday
At the Tamparuli market
Walking through all the shops
Looking for a pair of high heeled shoes
Repeat (all)

The bad song

What's with the snow inside my thoughts,
despite being in midst of summer ?
Why do I have these shadows on my steps ?
The bad song will explain this to you.
Within my music, the whites and the blacks
responded singing about hope.
But harmony isn't always the means to life.
Sweet dreaming is no longer permitted.
The bad song taught me that.
The bad song
has come so as to give me its la scale.
The bad song
takes you away when we don't wait.
Having fear for my dreams or even for black,
I no longer want to sing so as not to see anything.
I open the eyes which are too tight for me.
I'll sell some air once more.
The bad song
takes you away when we don't wait.
The earth is round, like an apple.
But there is flora, but there are people.
And, if it's not that late already,
we should repair the damage done.
The bad song will tell you that.
The bad song
has come so as to give me its la scale.
The bad song
takes you away when we don't wait.


Mmm, mmm
Mmm, mmm
Mmm, mmm
Mmm, mmm
If you came back, if you dared
It wouldn't happen again as I wanted
I undressed you once beyond your skin
And I didn't burn my kisses in your bonfire again
Fire, fire, to the bones
My eyes were burning too much, your mouth was pure ice
You wanted to turn me to dust, I wanted to touch the sky
My eyes were burning too much, your mouth was pure ice
You wanted to turn me to dust, I wanted to touch
They didn't warn me about your danger
About the cliff that I jumped off to the vacancy
I woke up from you and the thirst was left to me
From many trips without a wallet and without a destiny
Fire, fire, to the bones
My eyes were burning too much, your mouth was pure ice
You wanted to turn me to dust, I wanted to touch the sky
My eyes were burning too much, your mouth was pure ice
You wanted to turn me to dust, I wanted to touch, I wanted to touch
Fire of juggles
Pending the one who falls
You don't love anyone, your chest doesn't vibrate
I lost the air wanting to give you all my time
My eyes were burning too much, your mouth was pure ice
You wanted to turn me to dust, I wanted to touch the sky
My eyes were burning too much, your mouth was pure ice
You wanted to turn me to dust, I wanted to touch, I wanted to touch
The sky
Oh, my eyes were burning too much, your mouth was pure ice
My eyes were burning too much
My eyes were burning too much, your mouth was pure ice
You wanted to turn me to dust, I wanted to touch the sky


We were sitting in the moonlight
I kissed you on your wrist
Then I kissed you while standing
I kissed you on your lips
I kissed you in front of the door
I kissed you from your breath
There were children in the garden
I kissed you from your child
I took you to my home, to my bed
I kissed you on your spoon
We met other houses
I kissed you from your marrow
Finally I took you to the streets
I kissed you from your source

Naughty joyful love

Whenever you laugh I die for you, that's true!
Those cute dimples drive me crazy,
whatever hardship you might face, leave that to me.
A day will come that I would caress your sleek hair,
Drink the wine of love again & again
Just let me know you also love me,
A life without you is all insanity,
I've just got whatever you wish!
You, the naughty joyful love,
make me dance in joy (make me hopeful)
Then turn away from the one who loves you a lot,
You, the naughty joyful love,
make me dance in joy (make me hopeful)
Then turn away from the one who loves you a lot,
I won't say a word, speak and let me enjoy the sweet taste of your words,
Tonight you make peace between us,
You make me fall in love sweetheart, my heart is like a stormy sea
The way you make me fall in love and then turn away is cruel,
Drink the wine of love again & again
Just let me know you also love me,
A life without you is all insanity,
I've just got whatever you wish!
You, the naughty joyful love,
make me dance in joy (make me hopeful)
Then turn away from the one who loves you a lot,
You, the naughty joyful love,
make me dance in joy (make me hopeful)
Then turn away from the one who loves you a lot,

You Possess

I have you sleeping with me
You're beautiful, not to mention...
Your lovely crimson, upon the desk
Keepin' it to your husband...
Though your husband doesn't have my arms
Peel an orange, in slices
I'm from Uzunminare*, born and bred
Can't keep myself away from the sea...


Three people at the stop
The man, woman and kid
Man's hands were in his pockets
Woman were holding her kid's hand
Man was woebegone
Woebegone like woebegone songs
Woman was beautiful
Beautiful like beautiful memories
Was woebegone like beautiful memories
Beautiful like woebegone songs

Vitamin Ğ

Thanks to our men and women of letters
They found a vitamin
When you work a little bit

Tombstone Flowers

70.000 love and 90.000.000 lines of poetry
The world-renowned poet İlhan Berk lies here!
Please passenger, it's a good deed, don't you be too lazy to
Add another zero to that number thyself


Death comes back to my memory, a death at a shot
I'm hanging on a tree's shadow

The Poem Of The One Who Gave Up Smoking

Back in the day, burning1 was my precedency
Now, not to burn is my precedency
  • 1. Smoking a cigarette can be used as 'Burn' if you want to say it in a hilarious way


You're beautiful sweetie
But at very close range!

Kiss Me Then Give Birth To Me

Versions: #1
It's the skulduggery that granulates
At the spicas of the fair-haired kids
From the oasis
A blindfolded syringa's scent from the oasis
Is revolving around our little old sun
Brimming over the houses, gazebos
And taking up my voice's residence
The loose-jointed cicutine of my voice
The variegate cicutine of my voice
And towards the birds