Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 17

Találatok száma: 1293


Ott a fény

Szép szemek nekem ne hazudjatok!
Éjszaka egy legendát hallok
A sivatag homokjába csapódok
A földön ülve rozsdát falok
Nem nő semmi és fúj a szél
Szélkoptatta dombok csontja fehér
Ó történelem, kérlek engedj el!
Hagyj békén, egyedüllét kell!
Ott egy fény, most ott egy fény
Jön le a hegyemnek ösvényén
Ó ha magányos lélek lesz
A csontjaimban érzem ezt
Puha kezek, puhább érintés
Sebeket bolygat, égető érzés
Egy angyal visszahozza a halottaskocsiját
Az éjszakás nővér hozta ide át
Ott egy fény, most ott egy fény
Jön le a hegyemnek ösvényén
Ó ha magányos lélek lesz
A csontjaimban érzem ezt
Az ajtóban egy látomás jelent meg
Bájos lény, mentsd a lelkemet!
Hallom kint ezt a zűrt
Egy öklöt, ami egy férfit üt
Ott egy fény, most ott egy fény
Jön le a hegyemnek ösvényén
Ó ha magányos lélek lesz
A csontjaimban érzem ezt


There are those who see the invisible
There are those who do the impossible
After all something comes to say
That it's okay
We go through so many things
And get wet in every rain
The courage we didn't even know but we have
I know things are not easy
Come and go, so incomprehensible
And maybe it's good that it's like this
That we sing, scream
Cry and fight
But then dance and love life
These things we don't understand
Where it comes from
There are those who see the invisible
There are those who do the impossible
After all something comes to say
That it's okay
We go through so many things
And get wet in every rain
The courage we didn't even know but we have
I know things are not easy
Come and go, so incomprehensible
And maybe it's good that it's like this
We sing, scream
Cry and fight
But then dance and love life
These things that we don't even understand
Where it comes from
And it's okay that things are not easy
Come and go, so incomprehensible
And maybe it's good that it's like this
That we sing, fight
Cry and scream
But then dance and love life
These things that we don't even understand
Where it comes from
There are those who see the invisible
There are those who do the impossible
After all something comes to say
That it's okay

Movie Scene

That's right I'm not normal
But you know I manage well throughout the day
The times I went wrong
It was because I believed in someone else
So it's okay
I'd rather walk in love and falling than without love
I don't waste a second anymore
Afraid of the world
Whatever it takes
I live my life like a movie scene
No matter what
I think it's all worth it
Whatever it takes
I live my life like a movie scene
No matter what
I think it's all worth it
That's right I'm not normal
But you know I manage well throughout the day
The times I went wrong
It was because I believed in someone else
So it's okay
I'd rather walk in love and falling than without love
I don't waste a second anymore
Afraid of the world
Whatever it takes
I live my life like a movie scene
No matter what
I think it's all worth it
Whatever it takes
I live my life like a movie scene
No matter what
I think it's all worth it
Whatever it takes
I live my life like a movie scene
No matter what
I think it's all worth it

Moon phases

Tell me about the phases of the moon
I wanna know the name of the street
That takes me home, I get lost so much
That's why I never look back so much
Tell me about the things in life
I want to know your point of view
From the living room window you don't see me in distress
And without coordinates a star visits
I thought the moon was a big planet
After all it changes over our heads
I thought life was no longer sure
After all it changes for the new beauties
Tell me about the phases of the moon
I wanna know the name of the street
That takes me home, I get lost so much
That's why I never look back too much
Tell me about the things in life
I want to know your point of view
In the living room window you don't see me in distress
And without coordinates a star visits

You'll see

Sometimes it gets complicated
It wasn't supposed to be this way
Love doesn't go wrong
You'll see
I see your insecurity
It wasn't supposed to exist
Love doesn't go wrong
You'll see
Come dance with me
Don't say no
The love that gives meaning
To the tum tum tum of the heart
I made an old rock
To convince you
It seems a little bit
Little by little you'll see
I see your insecurity
It wasn't supposed to exist
Love doesn't see the wrong side
You'll see
Come dance with me
Don't say no
The love that gives meaning
To the tum tum tum of the heart
I made an old rock
To convince you
It seems a little bit
Little by little you'll see
Come dance with me
Don't say no
The love that gives meaning
To the tum tum tum of the heart
I made an old rock
To convince you
It seems a little bit
Little by little you'll see

My condition

My condition... Oh my condition
I complain to whom, I complain to who I am?!
After your absence, my dear, oh my dear
You're gone, and all your longings are gone with you
My heart as well burn
After your absence, my dear, oh my dear
I ask the night about you
Where is my love are ?!
After you, I am lost look like a stranger
You are my eyes that I see through

Cold, Clear Water

Over1 my hands
Over my arms
Over my shoulders
Over my legs
Over my thighs
Over my breats
Cold, clear water
Over my hands
Over my arms
Over my legs
Over my thighs
Over my breats
I close my eyes
Cold, clear water (8x)
Over my hands
Over my legs
Over shoulders
Over my hands
Over my arms
Over my face
I close my eyes
Cold, clear water
Cold, clear water
Cold, clear water
Cold, clear water
Washes me clean2
Cold, clear water
Washes me clean
Cold, clear water
Over my hands
Over my arms
Over my face
I close my eyes
Cold, clear water (16x)
  • 1. This translation assumes the original German text is 'über' ('over'), not 'hebe' (raise). 'Über' can be head clearly during parts of this performance:
  • 2. or 'purely'


You are trouble, a complete anomaly,
cold like Alaska but perfect for me.
Relax, I am yours only!
Go crazy, go crazy and knock everyone down for me!
He's arrogant, he's the devil and an egoist.
Why aren't I running away from you? They say
I am a masochist! You will burn if you keep repeating
again and again 'are you mine'?
I will be yours forever!
Again and again - go away! I let you in my heart.
Are you with me? I'd rather you lied to me!
Are you crazy? There's nobody else for me.
Leave quickly, believe me, believe me!
Again and again - you're leaving! I let you in my heart.
Are you with me? I'd rather you lied to me!
Are you crazy? There's nobody else for me.
Leave quickly, believe me, believe me!
2. You are an unbelievable phenomenon, crazy but right for me
He is mad and wild but he is crazy for me!
Relax, I am yours only!
Go crazy, go crazy and knock everyone down for me!
He's arrogant, he's the devil and an egoist.
Why aren't I running away from you? They say
I am a masochist! You will burn if you keep repeating
again and again 'are you mine'?
I will be yours forever!
I will pour myself a drink because I know you are with her now!
This thought is making me crazy,
I am singing this song for you,
I can't live without you!
You are with him but on the inside
you know well who you want!
I don't want anything else, I want everything
and you saying it again and again and again
Are you mine? I will be yours forever!
Are you with me? I'd rather you lied to me!
Are you crazy? There's nobody else for me.
Leave quickly, believe me, believe me!
Again and again - you're leaving! I let you in my heart.
Are you with me? I'd rather you lied to me!
Are you crazy? There's nobody else for me.
Leave quickly, believe me, believe me!


Not an evening passes by
That we don't talk about you
We light candles for you
And we all sing your songs
Davor, Davor!
Days without you are empty
Because you were a medicine
That eases the pain
How can I thank you,
The only way I know and can is with a song,
And that little freckled girl
Is praying to God for you
Davor, Davor!
Can you hear those angels
Who are singing my song for you?
Davor, Davor!
Can you hear those angels
Who are singing my song for you?

Write a Love Song

The morning was gloomy,
Ana left last night
She changed her face
And her feelings
That happened last night,
Everything ended,
And this morning, people are calling me
Looking for a new topic
Write a love song,
Write something new,
Just leave out the tears,
People are used to that
And I am writing a love song,
But tears must be included
How can I sing about love
When I cannot hide my sorrow?
She just quietly said:
Since this night, I am no longer yours
And her palm was as cold as ice,
And there was not a smile
I didn't say anything
I just closed my eyes
Ana left last night
And love fell down during the night
Now they are requesting a love song,
Something new
Just leave out the tears,
People are used to that
And I am writing a love song,
But tears must be included
How can I sing about love
When I cannot hide my sorrow?

Let Me Cry

I will tell you about my life
I will tell you why I breathe this way
Ask me how the songs hurt me
Ask me why I only write the sad ones
Do not ask me why the tears are flowing
While I am singing about my town by the river
And about the park at the end of the town
And about her, wherever she is now
Every song, one memory
A part of those beautiful times
You don't have to know what it means
But when I am crying, let me cry
A song brings back all the old loves
Friends, places, and guitars
You don't have to know what it means
But when I am crying, cry alongside me
I will tell you about my life
Let my tears flow
While I am singing about my town by the river
And about the park at the end of the town
And about her, wherever she is now
Cry alongside me

Tell Me So

If you don't know I will explain you again
The Tough Queen in front of you
My song is not over, my words lead your thoughts to the right place
Mean people like you say horrible things
If you don't believe in me keep going
I'm not sweating for you anymore
You're fake, don't stay on the same place
Take your time, like my video
and hear the truth...
You know it's all over someday
Do u believe you'll have come a long way for nothing?
'Cause this game with my rules
The microphone is my sword and it voices my magic songs
You know, everything will be gone from time to time
You'll fade away like a morning Star
Stay away from me
You needed me like air, tell me so
You needed me like air, tell me so
You needed me like air, tell me so
The moon is born
And I am with her, ready for anything
You needed me like air, tell me so
An illusion in your eyes
Flying somewhere in the clouds
One more advice from me
Don't stand in my way
Now I have everyting
Higher in creativity
Already in your memory?
My songs are already listened everywhere
Sun or Moon? No one lost
Easy to let go
Are you ready?
Toad strangling you,
found a place
Your soul burns with fire?
You know it's all over someday
Do u believe you'll have come a long way for nothing?
'Cause this game with my rules
The microphone is my sword and it voices my magic songs
You know, everything will be gone from time to time
You'll fade away like a morning Star
Stay away from me
You needed me like air, tell me so
You needed me like air, tell me so
You needed me like air, tell me so
The moon is born
And I am with her, ready for anything
You needed me like air, tell me so

Not That Romantic

I want to tell you all my secrets
To open the cards
Not just because you're so beautiful
There are beauties in thousands
You just do different things to me
My heart flies it doesn't stop
I swear to you I never swear
But there's something different here
Understand, I'm not some man of words
I don't just throw nonsense into the air
Like a poet that wants to impress
Out of too many cliches comes a song
I have other ways of expressing
Without you having to ask
Just look at my eyes for a second
They will tell it all
I'm not that romantic
And I don't have any answers
How like a child I yelled
Your name in the streets
And you laughed... because you knew it was the wine to blame for it all
And only
And just the heart, the heart, hold it so it won't fall
I want to run with you to a place
An ocean unknown to man
Just us two together and God
From us there's nothing to hide
What's more that all life is love
I fell between the chairs
I want to catch you in my two hands
And not leave

Te nem tudod

Te nem tudod, hogy a poharat
Folyton a szám előtt tartom,
Az éjszakákon én vagyok, ki egyedül maradt...
Te nem tudod, hogy néz ki a szoba, mióta nem vagy része,
Hasztalan tárgyak között, a magány útjára térve,
Üresen, elhagyatva élek.
Hol lehetsz? Tudod, még a gondolattól is félek,
Hogy esetleg más karjában lássalak meg én.
Hol is lehetsz? E gondolattól már
alig-alig élek,
Hol is lehetsz, merre jársz? Az idő nekem ott megállt
S egyedül töltök eztán minden éjszakát.
S amíg csak emlékezni tudok Rád, nem lehet,
Hogy újra zavartalan álmaim legyenek.
Te nem tudod, hogy azóta folyton könnyezem,
Mióta külön váltunk, s Te nem vagy többé velem,
Mióta végleg elveszítettelek.
Te nem tudod, hogy azóta minden csak szürke és megfakult,
Minden szó, melyet kimondok, vissza, a múltba húz,
A múltba, ahol még együtt lehettem Veled.
Hol lehetsz? Jóllehet, még a gondolattól is félek,
Hogy esetleg valahol mással látlak majd meg Téged.
Hol járhatsz, merre lehetsz? Minden gondolat riaszt,
S azóta nekem még élni sem vígasz.
Hol is lehetsz mot? Számomra az idő ott megállt, megfagyott,
S minden éjszakán magamban, egyedül vagyok,
S amíg csak Rólad szólnak az emlékek,
Addig, tudd, addig még álmodni is félek.


The water comes from the sky again, water
We all are one-to-one with it
Someone begs me not to leave
And someone's fence had been gnawed away
The water comes from the sky again
The rain poured it for both of us
Recently, there was a spring, there's a redhead autumn already
The year has passed, as if it was washing us with water
What has changed, what is left?
Is it what for everyone was cold?
There's a hand in my hand
There's an aim for these hands to be together
How many of us aim to miracles?
Every third, or maybe each one
After the downpour, in the morning, which is the one for everyone
Maybe we'll have what we haven't got yet
Pour, downpour, pour
Clean us up from the dirt
Summer rain
We are tired, as never before, of the winter
Pour, downpour, pour
So unlikely I would be the same as before
I'm just asking for the May downpours
Let the rain pour and wash the winter away
The water comes from the sky again, water
We all are one-to-one with it
A glassy-eyed lying beast
Has cracked a billion of families
What has changed, what is left?
The news hit the roof
Brother fights against brother – the greatest horror
Me and you are those brothers now
There's no 'them'
This land is plowed by us
Do you want my blood? Take it!
We both have the red one
So don't bring trouble to our houses
We all are going to the water, and we came out of the water
But no one of those who will be young
Is erased from the memory... Forever now
Pour, downpour, pour
Clean us up from the dirt
Summer rain
We are tired, as never before, of the winter
Pour, downpour, pour
So unlikely I would be the same as before
I'm just asking for the May downpours
Let the rain pour and wash the winter away
I didn't like the rain before, pour
Wet and gross, so sharp
Being a child, I was not so indifferent to puddles
Though I was bearing it and waiting for it to end
And sun comes again, and the roof is dry
But today the rain is different, or is it me
So pour, pour, pour, pour!
We've seen how snow turns red , – pour!
How people hug each other
Mines*, I'm so proud of you and I'm so afraid
That I will see again how they set against
Will tell that they're someone's enemies, – pour!
And the one would believe in all evil horrors, – pour!
Pour, downpour, pour, pour, pour!

Sleepy night, honey filled moon

Sleepy night, honey filled moon
This moon is so dim
As you're there, Oh dear, today this night
It doesn't feel to be all alone, not at all
Far away, very far away, on the other bank of the river
Who's yearning for you along the tunes of the flute
Losing myself along those tunes, getting soaked in the moon
Today I look for you all alone
You're a distant star, you couldn't understand
The heartbreak of Kumudini [feminine moon],The heartbreak of Kumudini
You're the blue waves, I'm the sea-beacj
You just touch me and receede fast into the seas
If you're close, I can't tell you anything
If you're far away, I miss you a lot
If I catch you this time, I'll finally tell you, this is what I always think
But I can't muster up the strength for it, can't muster up the strength
Sleepy night, honey filled moon
This moon is so dim
As you're there, Oh dear, today this night
It doesn't feel to be all alone, not at all

Whether I remain or not

Whether I remain or not, you'll stay inside me somewhere
If I sleep the last among us, then do come in my dreams
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
May I remain or not, you'll stay inside me somewhere
If someday the rain arrives, then take it as me being in the drops
If the sunrays tease you in the morning, then take it as me being in the rays
If someday the rain arrives, then take it as me being in the drops
If the sunrays tease you in the morning, then take it as me being in the rays
Whether I say or not, do listen to me forever
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
Wrapped in the winds, I'll pass by touching you
If you feel like it, then stop me, I'll stop by in these lips
Wrapped in the winds, I'll pass by touching you
If you feel like it, then stop me, I'll stop by in these lips
Whether I see or not, do feel me
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
That's all I have to say to you,That's all I have to say to you
Whether I remain or not, you'll stay inside me somewhere

At Tanjong Katong (Cape of Turtles)

At Tanjong Katong, the waters are blue,
That is the place to find pretty maidens

A Step of Paradise Garden

Look at the sky above after the rain stops
And you see a rainbow
It's like you're here presenting paradise garden
In the worldly happiness
And we stand, then
You feel the same as I do
Our voice of heart echoes chanting melodies
Singing without saying, like a lyric without scripts
Look at the dawn blushed staring at us
Like it knows a story
About all the feeling that we want to bring
Without secrets
And we step to
Further, and further
Our voice of heart echoes chanting melodies
Singing without saying, like a lyric without scripts
A step in the paradise garden
A step of paradise garden with you
And we stand, then
And we step to
Further, and further
Our voice of heart echoes chanting melodies
Singing without saying
Our heartbeats have a melody, seducing without talking
Singing without saying, like a lyric without scripts
Like a poem without rhymes, that's how I am to you
(A step of paradise garden with you) that's how I am to you
(A step of paradise garden with you) that's how I am to you

Spanish Siw

Yes, just give me some tango-tones
Small castanets and authentic costume
Then I burst of southern passions
So strong that the audience gets scared
Serve heavily seasoned enchilada
And red wine, so I forget time and space
Then I wanna sing again and again “Granada”
Then I become español in every inch
Call me “Spanish Siw”
I’m bubbling with upset-angry fuss
I stomp my heel, so the floor gets notched
So wild am I, “Spanish Siw”
My father was from a nice family
So I shake proudly my mantilla
More enticingly hot, than any magnet
Am I, “Spanish Siw”
Buenas dias, what you name?
Bésame mucho!
Muchas gracias!
You like me, yes, no, maybe?
Swedish lad, I wanna give you advice, you understand
If you wanna love me it will be hard work
My rock hard requirement, you faithful as slave
Otherwise you have to go immediately
You should be able to do a bolero
And dance cha-cha, even though they play waltz
And you should have mustaches and sombrero
If you want it to be any love at all
Now you know me, “Spanish Siw”
So hot, like a can of olives
So shrewish and crazy and care about morality
Caramba and decorative
Not Scanian, not Finnish
Not Danish, not German
But, “Spanish Siwan”

Down a long road

They were riding on the troika with sleigh bells,1
And the lights flashed in the distance.
I would now, dear strangers, follow you,2
To dispel my soul from the yearning.
They rode down a long road аt the moonlit night,
In the company of the sonorous song, that flies afield,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
Yeah, we sang, it turns out, in vain,
Wasted away night after night senselessly,
If we've been done with the old,
Since these nights were over as well.
They rode down a long road аt the moonlit night,
In the company of the sonorous song, that flies afield,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
From now on we're destined to go to the native country
Down new ways.
They rode on the troika with sleigh bells,
But now have come a long time ago.
They rode down a long road аt moonlit night,
In the company of the sonorous song, that flies afield,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night!
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night!
  • 1. 'тройка' (troika) - in this song means a cart carrying by three horses, a type of vehicle in early 20th-century
  • 2. 'соколики' (falcons) - affectionate recourse to the young men


Witness my predicament, my friends (neighbours), as I shall relate it to you:
[What] never has there been, neither in the past, nor in your lifetime,
A [similar] heart, ungoverned, without lord or sultan,
That threw me down a well, with broken stairs
Where, yearning to drown, I descend the steps of my downfall,
I climb back up and down again, always faced with high seas.
It (she) fell, my building, its foundations collapsed


I've got a shortie from Norsborg
She calls me at night for she likes to have fun
Told me her ex was nothin' but sadness
Got fed up with milk, now she wants hot coco
Got a shorty in Rågsved
She just wants to take it easy
Refused to give me first, but your man here is a locksmith
Just want a spoonful, then I'm all full
All busted, when I'm headin' to my shorty up in Bagis
and one station from there, another shorty in Skarpnäck
She's all good, but her mind is somewhat of a mess
For when she opens her door, she's always undressed
But when we're about to (uh), the lights are always off
Got a shorty in town, she lives at Karlaplan
Got to know her when I was a dealer
She never gives me any stress and she's high up in the ranks
She hid my stash when 5-0 looked for me
Got a shorty in BRD, it's pretty obvious
Gav her a high rating, for she was from my town
She's so fine, rockin' that hair up in a tail
Problem is she's running with my shorty from Sätra
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
They're calling me their daddy
Hell, I'm just being honest
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
They're calling me their daddy
Hell, I'm just being honest
Love for my shorty, who lives in Liljeholmen
Acting like a nice girl to keep inside the norm
But my eyes are not decieved by the shape
Freak in the sheets, just a calm before the storm
I hooked up with a shorty who lives in Danderyd
And she's all but your expected prude
When I head up there she goes south
And her sister's secretely got a thing for me as well
Got a shorty who lives in Fruängen
Real freak, never wants to leave the bed
She lives with her folks and her pops is a cop
I do my thing and think about the refrain
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
They're calling me their daddy
Hell, I'm just being honest
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
They're calling me their daddy
Hell, I'm just being honest
When I was on tour I hooked up with a shorty
With nice bod, fine face and nothing there was saggy
Took her from the club, and shit had me in a panic
She opens her mouth and sounded like Lil' Al-Fadji
Shorties in Malmö, Gbg, Östermalm to BRD
West to South, all are diggin' Malcolm B
That's how it is, livin' life as a rockstar
Got two in Örebro, and one in Karlstad
I've got a shorty who's a straight up criminal
She writes me letters every night from her cell
One mademoiselle and she's a model
Slightly material but every one is special
So nothin' to complain about because I'm livin' good
Got more ladies than a young man ought to have
So call me greedy, because I want many more
and the girls are many more, but I love all my shorties
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
They're calling me their daddy
Hell, I'm just being honest
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
I've got so many shorties (shorties, shorties)
They're calling me their daddy
Hell, I'm just being honest
I got so many shorties
You, you and you, you're my shorty
You don't know it yet, but you're about to be my shorty...
You, you and you, you're my shorty
You don't know it yet, but you're about to be my shorty...
You, you and you, you're my shorty
Ya'll don't know it yet, but you're about to be my shorty...
You, you and you, you're my shorty
Ya'll don't know it yet, but you're about to be my shorty...


Lépj bele, mikor még lehet
Esküszöm, ez olyan, mintha pislogtam és
Pont lemaradtam a cselekvésről (a cselekvésről)
Egy láb az ajtóban
Ember, elszúrtad az esélyed
Komolyan gondoltad, hogy te vagy az egyetlen?
Nem láttam, hogy felállsz és elmész
Órákig itt ültem
Azon gondolkodva, hogyan közelítselek meg
Most szép lányokat nézek
Ahogy elsétálnak az utcán
Olyan rejtélyes, csak egyre tudok gondolni
Nem szeretnéd megfontolni?
El fogsz jönni?
Most, hogy benne vagy egy dalban
Sose jutottam el odáig,
Hogy elmondjam, mi jár a fejemben
Téged szeretni minden, amit szeretnék
Szeress belém így, így
Szeress belém így (Luca)
Amíg így belémszeretsz, még mindig
A fehér ruhádban látlak (Luca)
Mindig eléred, hogy mindenki
Így belédszeressen
(Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh)
Én is csak egy másik srác vagyok neked?
Gondoltál már arra, hogy színésznő legyél?
Nem szeretnéd megfontolni?
El fogsz jönni?
Most, hogy benne vagy egy dalban
Sose jutottam el odáig,
Hogy elmondjam, mi jár a fejemben
Téged szeretni minden, amit szeretnék
Szeress belém így, így
Szeress belém így (Luca)
Amíg így belémszeretsz, még mindig
A fehér ruhádban látlak (Luca)
(Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh)
Az összes szó lenyom
Mint valami nehéz a mellkasomon
Mikor leültél mellém abban a fehér ruhában
Lett egy olyan érzésem, hogy
Higy muszáj elmondanom neked valamit
Szeress belém így (oh-oh-oh-oh), így
Szeress belém így (Luca)
Amíg így belémszeretsz (oh-oh-oh-oh), még mindig
A fehér ruhádban látlak (Luca)
Nem is ismersz (oh-oh-oh-oh)
Nem is ismersz
Nem nagyon volt lehetőségünk beszélni (oh-oh-oh-oh)
Mit teszünk ezzel kapcsolatban?
Mit teszünk veled kapcsolatban?
Lépj bele, mikor még lehet
Esküszöm, ez olyan, mintha pislogtam és
Pont lemaradtam a cselekvésről (a cselekvésről)

My Version

Everything seems worthless
It happens that sometimes
He finds every door closed
It happens that sometimes
I say let others play
Tqifsha in fame and career
It happens
All these chairs push me
To him he gives all the verses
That boxing explodes
For all the reasons that blow me
Tell you how many times G Up is entering
The whores broke up
Looks like a race with a lot of opponents
Where all these players
Greed for first place
Everyone talks about revolution drug weapons?
Put it all in the ass whores
And hop into the microphone
Shof up destination far
I have a clear plan
From the day I started
And how much for a commercial ??
I know how to paint but I give it
I have scene 1 step again
I'm on the street whore
Play if you can talk to me
Those who said RAP scan ??
This is a metropolis
Years of lightning speed wait
I come hungry as it is not just a matter of music
It is a promise
For all those who trusted in me
Men keep their word and I have a principle
Without discussion
Rhythm and rhyme I will always give
My version
It is Dose, G-UP
but our conditions were not met
we do not sign the contract
se jena vet n'administrat
Yo! Albanian wuts up?
we are not seeing you clearly
turn on the microphones
and set the stage on fire
And I know how to say it
not to look like diss
but are very low level
I am saying it honestly
all these types
SWAG YOLO trendy rrapers
me nam
will fail because they do not demand respect
but only fame!
They are temporary
scan place in history
until another HIT comes out
I do not remember them with anyone
and tell them not to do it in vain
as if they had invented any style
as if we wanted to do '' TRAP ''
as if we wanted to 'DRILL'
But what will you be like?
it depends on what success ...
If these are successful
better without success to die!
Money does not motivate me
that I have as much as I need
this time it is a curse
that all in the first is played!
I will be patient anyway
and I will stay true to them
my word and principle
I will not give up, I will fight
for change
Maybe I'm right
maybe I'm wrong ...
It is a promise
For all those who trusted in me
Men keep their word and I have a principle
Without discussion
Rhythm, Rhyme I will always give
My version

Speech of 10th Year

Turkish Nation!
It has been 15 years since we start to combat. Today is a blessed day on which our secular land completes her tenth year.
May it be celebrated!
Now, as a part of this nation, I am in a great excitement and happiness of experiencing this blesses day.
My folks!
We have done so many things in a brief time. The greatest one of those works is the Republic of Turkey which its foundation lays on Turkish braveness and Turkish culture.
We owe that success to the determined working of Turkish folks and their valuable army.
But we can never get enough of what we have done. Because we have to and are full determination of accomplishing more and bigger workds. We shall make our land reach the level of developed and civilised countries. We shall make our land have large and welfare information sources. We shall reach the level of contemporary civilization.
To do so, we should take into consideration the current situation and events of todays world not the the outmoded, the frivolous mindset. Compared to the past, we shall work harder. We shall accomplish greater works at a shorter notice. I have no doubts that we shall succeed this as well. Because, the character of the Turkish nation’s is excellent. Turkish nation is hardworking. Because they knew how to overcame difficulties in a unity. And because, while taking steps in the road of civilization and developing, Turkish nation have science in their mindsets. I have to emphasize it momentously, one of the characteristic feature of excellent Turkish nation is that they teasure art and are making their mark with art. This is why that is our national ideal to always emphasize and annonce the excellent character, sedulity, innate hard brains,the love of arts ,the love of science, the bond of national unity of Turks in any time and make it live with meausures.
The ideal, which suits Turkish nation very well, shall make all people, in the way of genuine peace, reach the accomplishment of national serve.
Great Turkish Nation, you have heard my words promising accomplishments. I am happy that I had never failed with my words that might shake the confidence of my nation.
And today, with the same belief and certanity, I am confiding that the world shall hear about the greatness of Turkish nation taking steps as a unity to national ideal in a brief time for one more time.
For certain, I have no doubts that the forgetten and great cilivizated quality, capability of Turks, with the development hereupon, shall rise like a sun in the great civilised horizon.
Turkish Nation!
With every ten year running down to endlessness, I wish from the deep of my heart you to celebrate this great nation day with greater glories, enjoyments and in peace.
How happy is the one who says I am a Turk!
29th October 1933

Gut Wrenching

If I sigh,
Don't worry,
I am just leafing through twisted days, and it's not funny.
You talk a lot
saying nothing,
good messages, but in bottles too small.
If I look at us from outside,
I wonder if we are more foolish
or romantic.
Dig into my eyes, scream softly,
You always come to ask,
Squeeze me tighter, tight enough to hurt,
until I sort of melt.
If one can desire it,
I already expect it (to happen)
Eat me, my skin,
Let me breathe you in,
gather you up.
If you believe in me,
Don't make me go.
The horizon can hurt, can confuse.
I can’t figure out how the tremor
can be a cold fear and also a desire to live.
If I look at us from outside,
I wonder if we are more foolish
or romantic.
Dig into my eyes, scream softly,
You always come to ask,
Squeeze me tighter, tight enough to hurt,
until I sort of melt.
If one can desire it,
I already expect it (to happen)
Eat me, my skin,
Let me breathe you in,
gather you up.
If I sigh,
Don't worry,


---and the Sky---
make kamos and medos

I've walked around the whole world

I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you
I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you
I don't wanna believe, write about love(about love)
I meet with loneliness, I like it - I'm another one( I'm another one)
I even could forgive my enemies,(my enemies)
But why couldn't I forgive you?
After all, I found you for not to loose
I've walked around the whole world, how can I tell you?
That I don't sad, that I won't let you come
Into my heart(into my heart)
I won't write, you don't wait
You'll understand everything
And amid women's eyes
Your sadness burns
I'm here for the last time
To promise you
I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you
I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you
I forgot the warmness of your hands
Between us is just evil
I took care of us as I could
And let it wasn't luck
And let it be so many extra words
Between us are so many 'buts'
A thunder, a storm outside the window
And is dark in my soul again
I'm yelling, but I'm not able to find
How do I forgive you now?
How do I need to leave?
Now our common path has split
How do you feel that pain in the chest?
I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you
I've walked around the whole world, to find you
To tell out how I don't love you
To tell out how I don't love you

I Love And It Makes Me Feel Better

My heart freezes when you are with me
For you are my happiness, you are my peace
There is a quiet sound like a trill in the chest, -
This is our tenderness, - me and you
I love and it makes me feel better, and I am ready to shout out about this
And due to this I am crazy, - you and me, you and me
I love and it makes me feel better and I could never dream of something more
And due to this I am crazy, - you and me, you and me
Every time you are with me I get wings,
We are two parts and this is signed by destiny
There is no greater miracle than to be with you
We are together forever, - I am only yours
I love and it makes me feel better, and I am ready to shout out about this
And due to this I am crazy, - you and me, you and me
I love and it makes me feel better and I could never dream of something more
And due to this I am crazy, - you and me, you and me
I love and it makes me feel better, and I am ready to shout out about this
And due to this I am crazy, - you and me, you and me
I love and it makes me feel better and I could never dream of something more
And due to this I am crazy, - you and me, you and me
I love and it makes me feel better and I could never dream of something more
And due to this I am crazy, - you and me, you and me

It Is Rainy

It is rainy
My state is pretty distressed
It is rainy
My state is what you know
It is rainy
My heart is waiting for the one
...who is the cause of all this crying and devastation
It is rainy (x4)
I hate autumn and all of its days
...specially its sunsets, specially its sunsets
Lonely in the street, lonely in the rain
...I cry for both of us
It is rainy
My state is pretty distressed
It is rainy
My state is what you know
It is rainy
My heart is waiting for the one
...who is the cause of all this crying and devastation
It is rainy (x4)

No Sleep Tonight

I was desperate at the first,
I was lost at the second,
Then I passed out at the third bottle...
I was hopeless at the first,
I was pale at the second,
Then I forgot at the third bottle...
No sleep to me again, let's go gentlemen, to drink!
I have no relation with sleep, fill 'em up, let's drink all night!
I was desperate at the first,
I was lost at the second,
Then I passed out at the third bottle...
I was hopeless at the first,
I was pale at the second,
Then I forgot at the third bottle...
No sleep to me again, let's go gentlemen, to drink!
I have no relation with sleep, fill 'em up, let's drink all night!