Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 37

Találatok száma: 1293


The house on the port

Versions: #2
There were songs, songs,
The men came to drink and dream
In the house on the port
Where the girls laughed loudly,
Where the wine made them sing, sing, sing.
The fishermen will tell you,
They came to it
Before leaving, pull their nets.
They came to warm up near us
In the house on the harbor.
The shutters have been opened and since
The laughter of the girls is gone.
Under a neon tube,
An official with lorgnons
Is lost in his papers, old papers.
Where are the Flower Curtains
And color lamps
Maria's hair, her bare arms?
Looks like it's all dead and dead
In the house on the harbor.
Yet I came back one night,
I had thought that they sang there as before,
But couples who danced
Were nothing now
That the shadows of the past, of the past.
In vain I searched for this girl that I was,
Who also knew how to sing and love.
I tell you that everything is dead and dead
In the house on the harbor.
It is not on my twenty years that I cry,
Very often with the girls I cried
But we could let
Our songs sleep in peace,
Our songs and our loves, our loves.
I told Maria
And to the girls there:
Let's drink to forget,
... A small marc,
Since our heart is dead and dead
In the house on the harbor.
Since our heart is dead and dead
In the house on the port.I

A Vesztes

A Vesztes
Mit akarsz még tőlem
Ha a múlt bizonyíték a szerelmedre
Nincs bátorságom
Örökké elviselni ezt a fájdalmat
Túl nagy kérés az,
hogy folytassuk ezt a színjátékot
Meddig leszek még képes
ugyanabban a hazugságban élni?
Nem, ne kérkedj azzal
Hogy elraboltad a szívem
És nekem nem maradt semmim sem
Igen, inkább leszek a vesztes
Aki mindent odaadott neked
És nem maradt semmim sem
Nem maradt semmim...
Nem bírok már tovább ellenállni
Ennek a furcsa érzésnek
Amely lefagyasztja a bőröm,
Mint a soron kívüli tél
A tekinteted és az enyém
A végtelenben semmibe veszik egymást
Minden értelmét veszti már
És jobb az üresség, mint a feledés
Inkább engedlek elmenni
Minthogy a foglyod legyek
És ne gyere azzal,
hogy te vagy az érzelmeim úrnője
Nem, ne kérkedj azzal
Hogy elraboltad a szívem
És nekem nem maradt semmim sem
Igen, inkább leszek a vesztes
Aki mindent odaadott neked
És nem maradt semmim sem
Nem maradt semmim...
Nem, ne kérkedj azzal
Hogy elraboltad a szívem
És nekem nem maradt semmim sem
Igen, inkább leszek a vesztes
Aki mindent odaadott neked
És nem maradt semmim sem
Nem maradt semmim...
Mit akarsz még tőlem
Ha a múlt bizonyíték a szerelmedre

Nem akarta

Átjárta dalaimat szenvedéllyel
És mindegyikben nyomot hagyott
Rájöttem csak kicsit megkésve
Neki kedves nem vagyok
Az évek mögöttünk maradtak
Virágmezők, és az ifjúság
Egyedül maradtam, egyedül maradtam
Mert soha többé nem jön vissza már, soha többé
Nem akarta, nem akarta
Dalaimat, szerelmemet, amit tettem
Kezem adtam, nem fogadta
A szerelmét, szívét nekem sosem adta
Minden szava nekem fáj még most is
Akkor is ha régóta nincs itt
A szív mégsem tudja nem szeretni
Szeretni őt
Nem könnyű erre szavakat találni
Ma éjjel, mikor mindent szétosztunk
Egyedül maradtam, egyedül maradtam
Mert soha többé nem jön vissza már, soha többé
Nem akarta, nem akarta
Dalaimat, szerelmemet, amit tettem
Kezem adtam, nem fogadta
A szerelmét, szívét nekem sosem adta


Egyik az anyám volt, a másik híressé tett
Amíg a cicababák fizetnek nekem
Apa magánkoncerteket rendez ágyában
Beszélnek rólam, hírnevet keresve
Megvan az ára, hívd Waltert, lássuk helyt áll - e
[Refrén x2]
Ezek szerelmesek belém, belém
Ők félnek attól, hogy elmentem
Légy nyugodt apu így fogom folytatni
Ha 23 fele osztom fenekem, nem fognak aludni
[1. versszak]
Ne nyerj nekem egy díjat, rengeteg koncert van
Legyünk őszinték, tartsunk endet
Ez mind elfogyott, ez az igazság
Te árulsz másolatokat? ha a tehetség csak mese
Sok kocsi és sok csengő csengő csengő
És a bankban mindig szól a csengő csengő
Fizesd ki a bérletedet, de már késő
Figyelmeztettelek, ne költs többet, mint az előleg
Sok kocsi és sok csengő csengő csengő
És a bankban mindig szól a csengő csengő
Fizesd ki a bérletedet, de már késő
Figyelmeztettelek, ne költs többet, mint az előleg
Hé Mr. Londonyo, csak azért hívlak, mert
Szeretném tudni, hogy a hitelkártyád korlátlan
Költhetsz róla annyit, amennyit csak akarsz
[2. versszak]
A média kihasznál minket, minősítést keres,
De a Kanári-szigeteken vagyok a négy babámmal
Ihletre várunk, hogy letörjük a rangsorokat
Magamtól csináltam, és nem apám miatt
[Refrén x2]
Ezek szerelmesek belém, belém
Ők félnek attól, hogy elmentem
Légy nyugodt apu így fogom folytatni
Ha 23 fele osztom fenekem, nem fognak aludni
Sok kocsi és sok csengő csengő csengő
És a bankban mindig szól a csengő csengő
Rendben, rendben
Ne vedd személyeskedésnek
Az ejti le a kesztyűt, aki tartja
Maluma itt nem beszél
Itt Juan Luis beszél
Hívhatod az irodát, bárkit akit akarsz
Ha panaszod van
Ott fognak válaszolni neked


Take hold of the sky
Cut it into two halves
Pack the dreams up and go
Steal the stars
And, as if they were a thousand diamonds,
Stick them onto me
If it serves you
Gather earth, water and freedom
Gift me with beauty and vanity
As long
As I'm not
As perfect as you want me to be
As I won't have
Any more peace if
You are not peace
Drink the sea
Without swallowing
Then hold it back
In your throat
With the words
It will be sweeter
And the salt will rise up
Give me
Words and sea to drink
Gift me with greatness
And depth
As long
As I'm not
As perfect as you want me to be
As I won't have
Any more peace if
You are not peace
Transform me
Model me
With your hands
Build me
And I
Will be
As perfect as you want me to be
And I will find
Peace because
You'll be peace
Without me...
Without me...
Without me...
Without me...
Without me...
Without me...
I lost the sky
And perfection, but
For you and for me, I've chosen
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

She didn`t want it

Versions: #4
She went passionately through my songs
And left a trail in each of them
I realized, but it was too late
I'm not dear to her
The years has gone and remained behind us
Flower fields, our youth at all
I stayed alone, I stayed alone
Because she will never return again, never again
She didn`t want it, she didn`t want it
My love songs, my truly love, all my things
She didn`t want my hands in hands
She didn`t gave hers love, hers heart
Every spoken word of her still hurts me
Although she isn`t here for a long time
The heart still does not can stop to love
To love her
It's not easy to find the right words
This night when everything is shared
I stayed alone, I stayed alone
Because she will never return again, never again
She didn`t want it, she didn`t want it
My love songs, my truly love, all my things
She didn`t want my hands in hands
She didn`t gave hers love, hers heart

Oh Handsome Swarthy One

Oh handsome swarthy one
who sways so beautifully
And whose beauty has put me under its spell
What have I done wrong?
I'd sacrifice myself for you
What made it necessary for you to go away from me?
Did you abandon me because you're playing hard to get,
or is it boredom,
or unfairness?
On a night of companionship you used to loyally and innocently
visit me [even] without any promises
Don't let my enemies get out of me what they want
You are my goal and all I wish for
If you are being unfair, then may God forgive you
And if I'm being unfair, please forgive me
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

You're lying, you've been lying

I didn't come to ask you
and I won't carry you in my arms
and you don't have to explain yourself anymore.
Again the same, you won't deceive me.
You're lying, you've been lying
'cause you were in love with some other man.
What was in him
that affected you?
You're lying, you've been lying
and why have you promised?
Memories are worthless.
I'm leaving, good-bye.
You're lying, you've been lying
'cause you were in love with some other man.
What was in him
that affected you?
You're lying, you've been lying
and why have you promised?
Memories are worthless.
I'm leaving, good-bye.
You thought that I would keep on asking you
and coming and bringing presents.
You certainty surprised me
'cause I have seen through you before.
You're lying, you've been lying
'cause you were in love with some other man.
What was in him
that affected you?
You're lying, you've been lying
and why have you promised?
Memories are worthless.
I'm leaving, good-bye.
You're lying, you've been lying
'cause you were in love with some other man.
What was in him
that affected you?
You're lying, you've been lying
and why have you promised?
Memories are worthless.
I'm leaving, good-bye.

My dad is a war criminal

Versions: #2
My dad is a war criminal
My dad is a war criminal
You try and convict him x2
Nobody has balls to take him to court x2
My daddy conquered Bosnia
My daddy conquered Bosnia
You try and convict him x2
Nobody has balls to take him to court x2
In fact my old man is dangerous
In fact my old man is dangerous
You try and convict him x2
Nobody has balls to take him to court x2

To travel all around the world

To travel all around the world with my pockets full of money
So I won't miss out on any love und happiness
To see many foreign countries, to walk on the moon
That's what I've been dreaming about ever since I was a little boy
If only you knew as a child
What to do and what not to
Life would be easy
(If you only knew) whether you'd reach any faraway goal
And experience the most beautiful of all feelings
Of all the many illusions
That are living in our hearts
Only a few will remain
And miraculously
They may come true eventually
To travel all around the world with my pockets full of money
So I won't miss out on any love und happiness
To see many foreign countries, to walk on the moon
That's what I've been dreaming about ever since I was a little boy
To travel all around the world with my pockets full of money
So I won't miss out on any love und happiness
To see many foreign countries, to walk on the moon
That's what I've been dreaming about ever since I was a little boy
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.

Everything Was so Beautiful Back Then

Everything was so beautiful back then
Back then you were able to understand me
There were never arguments, never tears
And nothing bad ever happened
I used to be your world back then
And you used to be my secret hero
If only it could be just as wonderful one time
like it used to be back then
Don't I share bearing all your troubles with you?
Am I not glad when you are there?
Won't you tell me something lovely in return
and show me that you are still close to me?
At the end of the day, a couple of years have already passed
I am just as young as before..
You see, and this is what makes it tough for me
to believe that you mean well when you say that..
Everything was so beautiful back then
Back then you were able to understand me
There were never arguments, never tears
And nothing bad ever happened
I used to be your world back then
And you used to be my secret hero
If only it could be just as wonderful one time
like it used to be back then
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

If You Abandoned me

If you abandoned me, then who will be there for me?
And who will make me all beautiful?
And who will be there for my soul and my comfort?
You are the most of me and the least of me
You are all of my entirety
So be mine
If you won't be mine, then who will be there for me?
You are all of my entirety
And all my people at times of isolation and humiliation
I have nothing but my soul
Take it, the soul is all the poor possesses
You are all of my entirety
So be mine
If you won't be mine, then who will be there for me?
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Animals, we feel bad

Animals, we feel bad
Our back is lined with scales
We smell of straw
In the fault
And when the door opens
A troup of woodlice
Repels us, shouting
'No snakes here!'
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
We have got two horns
On top of our nose
We drop down
We collapse
Our tail is curly
Our skin is thick
Our skin is greyish
And when you want to go out
With a young lady
You take her to dinner
When she sees you
What does she say?
'All you need is a hump
Vade retro, rhino!'
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
You see the giraffe having an operation
Now her neck is lined with clips
She calls for help
They want to put pants on her
But they are too short
Animals, we feel bad
We lay eggs in the sand
And when we sit down to eat
The horsepowers
Got scared
To be taken far from their stable
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
And if we don't behave
Perhaps we shall live again as humans
Animals, we feel bad
Animals, we feel bad
And God will know his own...

The wind of life

Going foward and then come back
To the starting point
To then start my run with no destination
That's how I love to do
For the desire to never miss anything in the course
In the race of life
Where run is not enough
You have to go faster
And often you'll lose friendships and false loves
But it falls into the norm
I'm used to it
I just need to know that
I did not waste any time, I got windy
To inflate my sails
Surfing in unknown seas
I have not wasted time
Sometimes I lost myself
To then find myself and leave again
To start again towards you
Still towards
Fall, get up and then dream
Get back to get hurt
It's the price to pay to feel good
And I force myself
Every damn time
But it's not just luck
Indeed it is a great effort
And there are many obstacles
I'm used to it
I just need to know that
I did not waste any time, I got windy
To inflate my sails
Surfing in unknown seas
I have not wasted time
Sometimes I lost myself
To then find myself and leave again
To start again towards you
Talking, I'm tired of talking
With people who think they know what the direction is
But do not listen to a word I'm used to it
I did not waste any time, I got windy
I did not waste any time, I got windy
I did not waste any time, I got windy
I did not waste any time, I got windy
I did not waste any time, I got windy
I did not waste any time, I got windy
To inflate my sails
Surfing in unknown seas
I have not wasted time
Sometimes I lost myself
To then find myself and leave again
Still towards you
Still towards you
Still towards you
Still towards you
Still towards you
Go ahead and then return to the starting point
To then start my run without haste

Alcoholic Love

Like you
I'm kiling myself too
And I vomit a few words that make no sense
Just for
Being able to make room for thoughts that
Drinking hurts
Smoking kills
Nobody ever will tell you that it is worse to love
It creates dependencies
Serve me a little
Of alcoholic love
Like you
This city is more beautiful in the evening
Like you
She dresses beautiful not to be alone
Yes, it's you
The most present absence there is
For me
Drinking hurts
Smoking kills
Nobody ever will tell you that it is worse to love
It creates dependencies
Serve me a little
Of alcoholic love
Like you
I remember a little about the 1990 World Cup
Do you know what's up?
Our picture still moves me
I think that
Time is just a lie
I don't know about you
I always deceive it with nostalgia
Drinking hurts
Smoking kills
Nobody ever will tell you that it is worse to love
It creates dependencies
I apologize, but I do not know why
You do no good to me
Smoking kills
Life as well
Serve me a little
Of alcoholic love

The Camel Carrying Bearings

The camel that's carrying bearings has crumbled
because of how tilted its bearings have become..
I am a sturdy camel
But the malady is within my tamer
Oh, times
you have isolated humans
In these times everything has a price
They are the cheapest of times..
In such miserable times
Safety has gone away and never came back,
Fairness died unfairly
And justice is in a hospital's recovery room..
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Who Can Save Me?

Hey Lady,
how are you?
I already know
you won't tell me.
They fly,
the angels,
but from here,
they are not seen.
And it seems like I'm stealing
when I look into the eyes of people
but something is always missing.
Even infinity has everything except an
The things we search for
are wings that
never fly.
And it seems like I'm stealing
when I look into the eyes of people
but something is always missing,
if even infinity is missing.
And it seems like I'm failing,
but it is letting go that becomes strength
and something is always missing
even infinity has everything except an
just like yourself.
There were angry words
a moment ago
in order to not feel the boredom
which devours us,
and accepting that the point
is only that which is
affection dies of starvation
and does not kill itself
Run, people.
Run for your life.
And as for love
who can save me?
Because alone it hurts.
Pure air,
a shower of darkness too,
a whole sun poisons you,
of happiness.
Because alone it hurts
who can save me?
Because alone it hurts,
alone it hurts,
because alone it hurts,
who can save me? (who can?)

A woman like the pearl flower

A woman like the pearl flower
Her highness- Khadeja Beebi
In the holy city of Macca
She lived like a Queen
A woman like the pearl flower
Her highness Khadeja Beebi
In the holy city of Macca
She lived like a Queen
Asked Khathimun Nabi
Sent as in charge of trade
At the first sight of him
She desired him
After completing the expedition
Blessed Rasulullah came back
To marry the Prophet
was the Bibi desire
A woman like the pearl flower
Her highness Khadeja Beebi
In the holy city of Macca
She lived like a Queen


JESUS by Arnel & Jeck Cadelina
Performed by: Free Filipino
I will worship
To You I sing
Jesus You are my only hope
Because of your grace
I can freely come to You
Jesus You are my life
I am changed by Your love
Unending thanks to You
Jesus You are my life
I am changed by Your love
Praise and glory to You
O God how great You are
You're so amazing
True happiness is felt only with You
Because of Your grace
I can freely come to You
Jesus You are my life
I am changed by Your love
Unending thanks to You
Jesus You are my life
I am changed by Your love
Praise and glory to You.
Because of Your grace
I can freely come to You
Jesus You are my life
I am changed by Your love
Unending thanks to You
Jesus You are my life
I am changed by Your love
Praise and glory to You.
Jesus You are my life
I am changed by Your love
Unending thanks to You
Jesus You are my life
I am changed by Your love
Praise and glory to You.

Zum Zum Zum

Explain to me what is going on
I've proved your poison
And I'm not able to stop
Take my waist
With your kiss, heal my willingness
To want to make you wanting me more
Your kiss brings me peace
I can't find it anywhere else
Come and do it right
Come, blow my mind
Make me want you, then you quench my urge
Come heal my sadness
I want to make you my therapy
Make me happy tonight
And wake me up with 'good morning'
And wake me up with 'good morning'
Then I'll show you my zum zum zum
Then I'll show you my zum zum zum
Then I'll show you my zum zum zum
Then I'll show you my zum zum zum
Then I'll show you my zum zum zum
Come, don't stop!
I see what's going on here
I got addicted to your poison
If it feels good, why should I stop?
Take my waist
With your kiss, heal my willingness
To want to make you wanting me more
Your kiss brings me peace
I can't find it anywhere else
Come and do it right
Come, blow my mind
Make me want you, then you quench my urge
Come heal my sadness
I want to make you my therapy
Make me happy tonight
And wake me up with 'good morning'
And wake me up with 'good morning'
Then I'll show you my zum zum zum
Then I'll show you my zum zum zum
Then I'll show you my zum zum zum
Then I'll show you my zum zum zum
Then I'll show you my zum zum zum
Oh-oh-oh, oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh
Oh-oh-oh, zum zum zum zum zum zum zum
Oh-oh-oh, zum zum zum zum zum zum zum
Oh-oh-oh, zum zum zum zum zum zum zum
Oh-oh-oh, zum zum zum zum zum zum zum
Oh-oh-oh, zum zum zum zum zum zum zum


Everything can be
Everything can happen
One day we meet each other
Another day we break up
The years pass by
They kill our feelings
But only the pain doesn't go away
Winter, winter...
Everywhere there is snow
Winter has covered the houses with snow
One winter gave you to me
Another winter has taken you away
Everything can be
Everything can happen
Sometimes I dream
Sometimes I'am bored
Friends forget me suddenly
I forgive them then
But they don't care about my forgiveness
Winter, winter...
Everywhere there is snow
Winter has covered the houses with snow
One winter gave you to me
Another winter has taken you away


You know you dazzle me
And you play your little game
Because you understood
That I am in your dance
Shoot me your rhythm
With dirty thoughts
See the glow on my face
And build up some hope
Maybe someday
You'll get me
You'll hold me, I'll surrender myself
And maybe we'll get together one day
Don't underestimate my will
I make it happen
And whoever wants to doubt, whatever
This black girl is not messing around
So I made this tune
A Swingueira kind of song
Embrace it, come party with me
Into this catchy rhythm
Let youself get pulled into the mood
And dance the night away
This black girl is not messing around
So I made this tune
A Swingueira kind of song
Embrace it, come party with me
Into this catchy rhythm
Let youself get pulled into the mood
And dance the night away
(Dance to the beat of my drum)
Dance the night away
(I play by my own rules)
Dance the night away
(I play by my own rules)
Dance, dance
(Here I'm the one who makes the rules)
Dance the night away
You know you can tame me
But you're also aware
And understands
That I can turn you off and turn you on
I think you got the point
When I'm in front of you
Doesn't mean that I'm with you
So, listen more
And feel this energy between us
I won't save it for later
What I want to tell you
You've been talking too much
Now you have to listen to me
Slow down there
Try not to piss me off
Cut that out
Don't think it'll be that easy
Just say 'come to me'
And I'll be by your side
But you also know that
I'm don't close the doors to you
So come closer with all your charm
Run your game
But if you don't do it my way
Nothing is gonna happen
Nothing is gonna happen
Nothing is gonna happen
This black girl is not messing around
So I made this tune
A Swingueira kind of song
Embrace it, come party with me
Into this catchy rhythm
Let youself get pulled into the mood
And dance the night away
This black girl is not messing around
So I made this tune
A Swingueira kind of song
Embrace it, come party with me
Into this catchy rhythm
Let youself get pulled into the mood
And dance the night away
(Dance to the beat of my drum)
Dance the night away
(I play by my own rules)
Dance the night away
(I play by my own rules)
Dance, dance
(Here I'm the one who makes the rules)
Dance the night away
(Dance to the beat of my drum)
Dance the night away
(I play by my own rules)
Dance the night away
(I play by my own rules)
Dance, dance
(Here I'm the one who makes the rules)
Dance the night away


Black girl, ghetto-dweller
On scholarship, renowned
Sambista hitting the road
She conquers the bass and the beat
Black chick
Misjudged by society
She faces everything and don't go quietly to fight
She sings and her effect is like capoeira
She is dance
But if things go wrong, she is a fighter
But if things go wrong, she is a fighter
She doesn't want to quarrel
But if she gets into it
Nothing is gonna stop her
Nothing is gonna stop her
Because she is me and me is we
And we are not afraid of others
Because she is me and me is we
And we are not afraid of others
I know exactly what I'm talking about
This song is a self-portrait
I know exactly what I'm talking about
This song is a self-portrait
I know exactly what I'm talking about
This song is a self-portrait
I know exactly what I'm talking about
This song is a self-portrait
Black girl, ghetto-dweller
On scholarship, renowned
Sambista hitting the road
She conquers the bass and the beat
Black chick
Misjudged by society
She faces everything and don't go quietly to fight
She sings and her effect is like capoeira
She is dance
But if things go wrong, she is a fighter
But if things go wrong, she is a fighter
She doesn't want to quarrel
But if she gets into it
Nothing is gonna stop her
Nothing is gonna stop her
Because she is me and me is we
And we are not afraid of others
Because she is me and me is we
And we are not afraid of others
I know exactly what I'm talking about
This song is a self-portrait
I know exactly what I'm talking about
This song is a self-portrait
I know exactly what I'm talking about
This song is a self-portrait
I know exactly what I'm talking about
This song is a self-portrait
I know exactly what I'm talking about
This song is a self-portrait
Using what I know to do
To build a statement
I sign my name on it
Turn it up
Relax, boy
Pay attention to my beat


Versions: #2
My thoughts keep being yours
My body keeps waiting for your comfort*
The more you pull away, you bring me closer
When my soul thinks, yours becomes alert alert
You avoid my presence
Saying its malevolent**
Return to me I'll take care of you***
From everything bad
Ill fish for the good
In your heart I'll fill with all the love you need to have
I miss the moments we'd talk in silence
The magic created from our secrets
The spaces, the passions
Your caresses without fears
Your tranquility
Your lessons
You are the muse of my verses
This connection goes beyond the universe
My kisses connect to your kisses
The pieces of your soul
Complement mine
You avoid my presence
Saying its malevolent
Return to me I'll take care of you
From everything bad
Ill fish for the good
In your heart I'll fill with all the love you need to have
Return to me I'll take care of you
From everything bad
Ill fish for the good
In your heart I'll fill with all the love you need to have

Damn Heart

Damn heart
You drink from my pain
You dream of destroying
Everything good there is in me
Again the clouds come black
Defeating the sun that went out
Today a thousand towns mourn their misery
Today the white city fell silent
We have begged on our knees
We saw our voice mutilated
That nobody would ever dance the dance
The storm is now a hurricane
Damn heart
You drink from my pain
You dream of destroying
Everything good there is in me
Animal instinct
You write the account back
You calm your thirst for evil
In hell you are, they will wait
The missiles are the bite
Dead flowers emerge over the sea
Sea of ​​sand, weeping and ash
Sea of ​​forgetfulness, sea of ​​loneliness
Who drank the most bitter wine?
Then he hid in the darkness
What is behind the crazy visionary?
What is hidden behind the storm?
Damn heart
You drink from my pain
You dream of destroying
Everything good there is in me
Animal instinct
You dictate the countdown
You calm your thirst for evil
In hell you are, they will wait
(Chained to your skin) Chained to your skin
(The devil goes) The devil goes, he'll guide you
(Let him do) Let him do, he'll take care of you
You will make him will come true
I saw shining victorious flags
I saw the new emperor laughing
I saw crying angels without a roof
I saw screaming his despair
There will never be a thousand and one nights
The secret garden dried up
Tears of fire fall from the sky
The ground trembles, everything finished
Damn heart
You drink my pain
You dream of destroying
Everything good in me
Animal instinct
You dictate the countdown
You calm your thirst for evil
In hell you are, they will wait

Once upon a time there was a hunter

Once upon a time there was a hunter
Heili-heilo, a hunter
He said to his wife:
'I'm going out into the woods now
And look for fox and rabbits
But you know exactly:
In life, in life
If some shot goes wrong
We think, but we steer
The others are your fate
In life, in life
Not everything is there
And that's why
Man needs a bit of luck in life
He met a girl in the woods
Heili-heilo, a girl
The girl cried so
'Come with me to my hunting ground
In the green moss, I sing to you
A song that makes you happy'
In life, in life
If some shot goes wrong
We think, but we steer
The others are your fate
In life, in life
Not everything is there
And that's why
Man needs a bit of luck in life
So came the wild hunter
Heili-heilo, the hunter
Home at midnight
There sat the woman and sang a song
In the arms of Oberförster Schmidt
And laughed at him
In life, in life
If some shot goes wrong
We think, but we steer
The others are your fate
In life, in life
Not everything is there
And that's why
Man needs a bit of luck in life

You did nothing to me

In Cairo people don't know
What time is it now
Today the sun over the Rambla
Is not the same
There's a concert in France
People is having fun
Someone's singing loudly
Someone's screaming 'to death'
It always rains in London
But it doesn't hurt today
The sky doesn't make concessions
Not even at a funeral
In Nizza the sea is red
For fires and shame
Because of the people on the concrete
And the blood in the sewer
And this enormous body
That we call earth
Wounded in its organs
From Asia to England
A galaxy of people
Lost in space
But the most important one
It's the space of an hug
From childless mothers
From children without a father
From faces enlightened
Like walls without paintings
Minutes full of silence
Broken by a voice
'You did nothing to me'
You did nothing to me
You took nothing from me
This is my life that goes on
Beyond everything, beyond the people
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
There are people that cross themselves
People that pray on carpets
Churches and Mosques
Imams and all the priests
Separated entries
In the same house
Billions of people
That hope for something
Handless arms
Nameless faces
Let's change our skin
We are humans deep down
'cause our lives
Are not a point of view
And it doesn't exist a
Pacifist bomb
You did nothing to me
You took nothing from me
This is my life that goes on
Beyond everything, beyond the people
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
Your useless wars
Skyscrapers will fall apart
And the subways
And against all kind of terror
That inder the path
The world gets up on his feet
With a child smile
With a child smile
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
I am aware
That nothing will come back
Happiness flew
As a bubble flies away

Oh, Winnower

Oh winnower, winnower
What kind of life are you leading?
Oh winnower, winnower
What kind of life are you leading?
Just eating and drinking, oh dring-ding-ding
Walking through the roads...
Just eating and drinking, oh dring-ding-ding
Walking through the roads...
Oh winnower, winnower
Who gave you those boots?
Oh winnower, winnower
Who gave you those boots?
It was the shopkeeper, oh dring-ding-ding
Who had crooked legs!
It was the shopkeeper, oh dring-ding-ding
Who had crooked legs!
What will you do in this life?
Who are you going to marry?
What will you do in this life?
Who are you going to marry?
A very wealthy woman, oh dring-ding-ding
So she can support me!
A very wealthy woman, oh dring-ding-ding
So she can support me!
Oh winnower, winnower!
Oh, little Margaret!
Oh winnower, winnower!
Oh, little Margaret!
You belonged to your father, oh dring-ding-ding
But now you're mine!
You belonged to your father, oh dring-ding-ding
But now you're mine!
Oh winnower, winnower
Who gave you those stockings?
Oh winnower, winnower
Who gave you those stockings?
It was the shopkeeper, oh dring-ding-ding
With the ugly legs!
It was the shopkeeper, oh dring-ding-ding
With the ugly legs!

Damned Serrat

How you made me laugh
and cry and feel that the party begins,
how you made me happy
far from my country that crushes and stinks.
How you achieved to enlighten in your voice
the poet of yesterday, of your broken Spain
and tell me how the very woman
I love went behind your words.
Damned Serrat... Damned thief...
You copied the idea I had
right before I wrote it,
damned Serrat... But who could say:
Oh, my love, without you I don't understand awakening
Oh, my love, without you my bed is wide.
Oh, my love that keeps me awake honestly.
Between you and me, there's loneliness and a handful of frost.
How you made me suffer
for Irene and Manuel and the farewell of Lucia.
How you achieved to lie to me so well,
that I can even believe that today it can be a great day
How you achieved so much precision
describing my white and dusty town
if the sacristan haven't seen you there,
nor the priest, nor the officer, nor the dust nor the wind.
Damned Serrat... damned song...
Beating at the doors of my heart
that will always be waiting fully open,
beating at your rhythm, like when you sung:
Ay... Ay utopia... Sweet as our everyday bread.
How you achieved to talk so much about me
and the crazies who love your subject here
All I ever do is thinking of you
when I want to write and the poem isn't born
How you achieved to defeat the times,
with my father before, with my daughters now
who thank you for making us see
that from time to time life makes you fall in love.
Blessed Serrat... Big brother
of anyone who wants to make a true song
about this time that pushes and destroys
or the little things that happen to us.
Blessed trobadour, don't turn off your voice,
what do we do, in this corner
without hearing in your verse the friend embracing,
who can go on and what will be of me if you're far from home.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Ez egy valós történet, szerelmem
Tudod, hogy hozzád beszélek
Bevallom, szeret engem
Mert az ő ágyában ébredek
Sok ilyen este volt már
Szerintem a csókjaim ölik meg őt
Úgy érzem képes vagyok úszni,
Lebegni a lábai között, megédesítem a tengert
Úgy érzem navigálni tudok az ő vizén
Már megérkeztem a partra, nem fogok megfulladni
Nincs szükségem GPS-re
Hogy elérjelek ott, ahol mindig
Had mondjam el neked, nem azért jöttem, hogy szeresselek
Csak azért jöttem, hogy megadjam neked 6-ig
Nincs szükségem GPS-re
Hogy elérjelek ott, ahol mindig
Had mondjam el neked, nem azért jöttem, hogy szeresselek
Csak azért jöttem, hogy megadjam neked 6-ig
Reggel 6, tudom, hogy akarod
De ő le**** engem
Ezzel tesz elégedetté
Mindig valami rosszra gondol
Egy csókjától eláll a lélegzetem
A bor és bilincs között, veszélyes
Valentin napon ostort kér, rózsák helyett
Ő valami más, van gyakorlata
Nem vagyok fotós, de pózolj most az ágyamon
Küldj egy képet, ami majd motivál
Ami majd megőrjít és beindít
Engedd, hogy megadjam neked, megakarom adni neked
Részenként foglak elrabolni, ne mondj nekem nemet
Nincs szükségem GPS-re
Hogy elérjelek ott, ahol mindig
Had mondjam el neked, nem azért jöttem, hogy szeresselek
Csak azért jöttem, hogy megadjam neked 6-ig
Nincs szükségem GPS-re
Hogy elérjelek ott, ahol mindig
Had mondjam el neked, nem azért jöttem, hogy szeresselek
Csak azért jöttem, hogy megadjam neked 6-ig
Nincs szükségem GPS-re
Bébi, szeretkezzünk
Küldj egy képet, ami majd motivál
Ami majd megőrjít és beindít
Engedd, hogy megadjam neked, megakarom adni neked
Részenként foglak elrabolni, ne mondj nekem nemet
Nincs szükségem GPS-re
Hogy elérjelek ott, ahol mindig
Had mondjam el neked, nem azért jöttem, hogy szeresselek
Csak azért jöttem, hogy megadjam neked 6-ig
Nincs szükségem GPS-re
Hogy elérjelek ott, ahol mindig
Had mondjam el neked, nem azért jöttem, hogy szeresselek
Csak azért jöttem, hogy megadjam neked 6-ig

They'll keep speaking badly of me

Ahah... C-Kan
Master Trax Layino, THC Records
from now on... C C C C-Kan
it's the little dog from the C ahah...
20--0-9 and whatever I say, preach it and talk... I don't care
you'll never be able to get here
Hi! The one you can't stand greets you
the 98, the Radikal dog
what's your problem? The C-Kan can solve it for ya
I'm like the bad guy in movies who always comes back
I've come back to make it clear that rap is mine and I'm still here (so what?)
I don't care what you say, you know you can nothing against me
it's already 5 years that I record tracks thanks to my instinct
and among many who try to do it, I do it differently... I insist
you gotta have perseverance in this
it's what you do today that matters...
it doesn't matter what you did before
don't blame me if you envy me
if I'm much better than many of you, sorry
you know, you know I've got no peer
the dog from the C is simple
I know that all those who hate me
will keep speaking badly of me (why?)
because they can't do it
and they'll never be able to get here... ahah
I'm a pirate without
party, piñata, pie and a gift
I take the burden of making hits
and I say it with modesty, I'm a beast in rap
do it better, throw it better, seize it better
the truth is you can't
if you throw rocks at a plane, it won't fall
if you blow at a mountain, it won't move
that's what happens when it happens... here, take the ink, try
pam pim pum a little step tun tun
sharks like you
this Kan turns 'em blue
I never create difficulties, I sting, metric, I apply
I never hold the bone of the enemy
throw me, hate me, say I've lost
but please don't stop talking about me
I know that all those who hate me
will keep speaking badly of me (why?)
because they can't do it
and they'll never be able to get here... ahah

Tonight that we fought

Tonight that we fought the moon didn't come out
Tonight that we fought i wiil not sleep
the kisses became poison and they hurt my heart
Tonight that we fought and everything is over
tonight the boys no longer sing into the neighborhood
and the girls are asleep because of their sadness
Tonight that we fought the moon didn't come out
Tonight that we fought i wiil not sleep
the kisses became poison and they hurt my heart
Tonight that we fought and everything is over (x2)