Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 66

Találatok száma: 2368


Then Now - Me and You

We take part of each other
What does 'no' really mean?
Encapsulated in you
To shut everything else out
I don't want to
I can't
Show mercy, curse
I see your lips move
But I can't hear a fucking word
The noise around me
Makes it impossible
My disgust (literally:distaste)
Makes it meaningless anyway
When you can't convey anyway
What I don't want to understand
Conversations, so empty
So seemingly vapid
so meaningless

Hymn of the Gypsies

Green is the forest and green is the mountain, too
Luck comes and luck also goes
The knife of worries cuts into our flesh
The world has become hypocrite
The whole world is our enemy
We live like chased thieves
We did not steal anything but a nail
From the bleeding hand of Jesus
God, pelase take mercy on us
That our people do not suffer more
You cursed us, you beat us, too
You made us eternal vagabonds
God, pelase take mercy on us
That our people do not suffer more
You cursed us, you beat us, too
You made us eternal vagabonds


It's strangers who are holding me back.
So many things I've been given in life!
Probably all I lacked was only pigeon's milk1, and that's all.
And I have no children,
My first child became my last one.
I have no relatives,
I have some, but remote, distant.
My husband passed away because he was weak.
When I was in good health I kept a cow and a piglet,
And was happy about it.
I cared for them and tend them.
And now I can't take care of the catle, I can't do anything in this world.
I have a pension, oh, it's not that much, but I don't mind that.
We need kind people, who will bring the victory.
Because we still have those old people who complain about their children, and I already know things he has no idea of.
And we have those old people who complain about their children shouting at them, and now I know what it's like.
I suffered the way I had no joy in life, many things happened, a war...
But I ate any food I could find and survived.
Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Glory be to grey headed God!
Hey! Hey!
The Earth and God can't take it anymore.
Everything is coming on us just like ancient people predicted from the earliest times.
And they were wise soothsayers!
People are flying in the sky, the Hutsuls2 can't choose a ribbon3,
Forget their traditions, the only thing we're missing here it's the Devil himself.
It's the end of the world!
  • 1. Pigeon's milk is something which is difficult to obtain.
  • 2. An ethnographic group of Ukrainian pastoral highlanders inhabiting the Hutsul region in the Carpathian Mountains.
  • 3. I'm not sure what the part about the Hutsuls mean, but I suppose it's about being too picky? Or maybe not.

I cry silent tears

Everything looks so different to me
Now that you're gone
The tea that we used to drink sometimes,
My beautiful Marmara in front of me
Is flavorless... Now that you're gone
I cry silent tears
The waves are eroding the beach inside of me
The fish are washed ashore
The moonlight is now insipid
The light does not shine for me
Like sand grains flowing through my hands
You left me, there is a large void inside
As for our love, it is an abandoned ship
And now... I cry silent tears

Night Flight

I have a bee
Gold belt
And steel quenching
Like a warrior ... ah ah
She had on the wings
A leaded mesh net
Like a bomber ... ah ah
From his big belly
It was raining drip by dr ip
Black and gold eggs
Full decor
I dreamed it
Ah ah ah ah
I dreamed it
Ah ah ah ah

The Girl Coming From The Cold

Yes,play with a girl like me?
Yes will like to work in cinema?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yeah
Let's visit the small pieces
Or are flags planted
A piece of breast
That titillates a hand
A bassun
Who comes and who comes back
On two eyes upside down
Colors of odors
Actors, yes, yes
Actors, yes, yes, yeh
Visitin the small pieces
Where are flags planted
Who will love to work in cinema?
Who will play with a girl like me?
Who will kill the girl from the cold?

Vénusz légycsapó

Oh, miért nézel rám megint?
Oh, miért nézel rám megint?
Most miért nézel rám?
Miért nézel rám ismét?
Mi lenne ha kihúznám a fogaimat?
Ha levágnám a hajam az államig
Beburkoltam hajfürtjeimmel a világot
Szétszórom gyöngyeimet a földön
Érezd az ütemet, mint egy mesterlövész
(Mert még többet akartam)
Héj, mi van velem?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Héj, mi van velem?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Oh, miért nézel rám velük ellentétben?
Cicc, cicc, cicc, cicc-micc
Miért csinálod mindig ezt?
Miért beszélsz folyton?
Igen, a Grimes fedez engem
Cicc, cicc, cicc, cicc-micc
Miért csinálod mindig ezt?
Miért beszélsz folyton?
Most miért nézel rám?
Miért nézel rám ismét?
Mi lenne ha kihúznám a fogaimat?
Ha levágnám a hajam az államig
Beburkoltam hajfürtjeimmel a világot
Szétszórom gyöngyeimet a földön
Érezd az ütemet, mint egy mesterlövész
(Mert még többet akartam)
Héj, mi van velem?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Héj, mi van velem?
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Oh, miért nézel rám velük ellentétben?
A föld
Mi van?
Srác rám nézel
Héj, oh miért nézel rám
Oh, miért nézel rám?
Engem velük ellentétben

I Must Become Less

I no longer fit into a house
Where the space is all mine
It's not deeds that will save me
Growing is all I know
But growing is all I know
I sleep with the window open
Got my arms on the clothes line
I could wave at you
But growing is all I know
Growing is all I know
I read the top of the shelf
It's all books that fatten
And I have to abbreviate myself
But growing is all I know
Growing is all I know
Any palm that measures me
Is from a hand with no scar
What I am, is large in bones
For growing is all I know
Growing is all I know
I can only fit myself here, inside
But I hit my own chest
For having my air rarefied
I begin the speech
Mentioning the subject
First person is a precept
Not even here, inside, I can fit
But I hit my head on the ceiling
And fall on the bystreet
I already shut the speech
Because the tongue trips
But gigantism muffles
I invent virtues already
On the peak I don't sin
Down there I had a hunchback
I'm so obsessed with myself
That I shoot at the gigantic
Doll barred in the alley
I don't know how to invent myself anymore
It's just more of the same
Yeast in autism dough
I'm not even amazed at myself anymore
There is sea and stagnation
There is going and returning aphorism
Growing is all I know
But growing is all I know

I know right that today I want to stay just here

Yesterday accidentally I stuck in elevator
But about a miracle my mind was happy
Because I knew, sooner or later it will end
And I pressed up to twenty buttons,
However, doors still were locked,
Hard to explain why I wanted to stay there,
La, la, la and so
La, la, la,
La, la, la,
I know right that today I want to stay just here.
Stay just here,
Stay just here,
Stay just here,
I know right that today I want to stay just here.
And I punched the ceiling,
And I was sorry about dukes,
And I sat in a corner, because my nerves are alright.
Yes, the smartest is to stay home,
Or without any goal to wander the streets,
However, I know that today I’ll want to stay just here.
If I was allowed through clenched teeth
To say - outside or to stay just here.
I know right that today I want to stay just here.

From That Moment On, Things Went Downhill

Versions: #2
I was born in the depths of winter
I sneezed three times, acted tired
My father was angry, he wanted a son
I looked around and I already knew:
From now on, things will go downhill
Thereafter I didn't have a lot of things to do
They let me grow up and rest once in a while
But a few years later, they told me offhand:
You've got to learn a trade now!
The trouble began:
From that moment on, things went downhill
When I was fifteen, I had an idea:
I wanted to become a stage actress, Mum said 'No way!'
They would have cut me out of their will, but we didn't have any money
So I answered the call into the spotlight:
From that moment on, things went downhill
And everybody thought I had a gift
And they gave me roles not even mentioned in the programme
But one day, the star fell ill and that was fine with me
And then someone from the film business discovered me:
From that moment on, things went downhill
Sometimes I played the good girl and sometimes I played the vamp
Sometimes beminked and sometimes without a stitch on
America told me they really needed me
So I felt pity for them I reacted to their alert:
From that moment on, things went downhill
Now I was famous, I was lucky Hilde
Returned home, elated
I received an award and I was treated well
But after one failure, they frowned upon me:
From that moment on, things went downhill
At first, I was sore, then I was shocked
But then some guy heard me sing
I warned him, but he told me I had to
And so this new chagrin came about
It wasn't my fault!
Please be patient

The hand of God

It’s written in the heart,
in the blood of each people:
from dust, from gold
a big prayer rises.
In every part of the world,
even where there seems to be nothing,
a hope is stronger,
a light comes on in the heart.
When the soul is alone
on paths of sadness,
the time that passes
is the hand of God.
When it seems to be over
and your spirit runs away
you will see that life
will come back inside you
and you will be born anew.
How many skies you’ve seen,
how many paths inside you,
how many anxieties of others
without knowing why, for whom.
We are all searching
and we want more and more
without wanting to understand
that we all need ourselves.
When the soul is alone
on paths of sadness,
the time that passes
is the hand of God.
When it seems to be over
and your spirit runs away
you will see that life
will come back inside you
and you will be born anew.


Venus, bathing in the blue moonlight
Realizes the taste of a bittersweet dark love
While I seem to drown drowsy at 0 o'clock, my dreams gonna shatter
Like a little devil, you shoot me
I don't need any kind of justice
I just need to sing quietly with my sullied lips
Compassion melodies
Are you scared?
Looking for to lure me
You were caught in a lie
I completely discovered your crime
Is this a real feeling?
Even if you cover it with a veil
Your brief lie will be fully exposed
Do you wanna hang out?
Dance incessantly - Lazy girl tonight
While all is about to break
Just a little bit dangerous tonight
We're entangled by the stardust
Your knife slipped down
We're both asleep while we're drowning in a sad song
Feeling sick of travelling alone on a journey
A red lamp flashes an SOS signal
But she comes with a poker face
Even tonight's dissonance snarled at your words
Being played like a fool
My wounds are hurting
And they're burning with love
You burned out the moonlight, didn't you?
More than words that can't be erased
The truth lies in your eyes
I try to feel the outcry of your heart
Do you wanna hang out?
Dance incessantly - Lazy girl tonight
While all is about to break
Just a little bit dangerous tonight
We're entangled by the stardust
Your knife slipped down
We're both asleep while we're drowning in a sad song
Do you wanna hang out?
Dance incessantly - Lazy girl tonight
While all is about to break
Just a little bit dangerous tonight
We're entangled by the stardust
Your knife slipped down
We're both asleep while we're drowning in a sad song
♫Reprint it, spread it to the world!
If this was useful to you, please consider supporting me!♫


When the summertime is coming,
the whole bunch goes to the forest.
In the forest, a green orchard grows.
Bottle bank is provided.
Anulka was picking blueberries quickly.
She was singing how beautiful this orchard is.
In the orchard there were the boys, under an apple tree they were drinking.
They saw her and started to drink heavily.
When the girl saw
so many men, she became worried
'cause there were many boys
but only two blueberries.
But the boys were unanimous
and they handled it this way:
they took Anka1 and blueberries
while drinking wine to cool down.
When the summertime is coming,
the whole bunch goes to the forest.
In the forest, a green orchard grows.
Bottle bank is provided.
  • 1. Anulka and Anka are other forms of the name Anna

There Was A Fine Icon Painted

There was a fine icon painted – and in the rain forgotten
Virgin Maria’s eyes fainted, got washed away by water
Paints drizzled down as tears – it was the sky that blubbered
Men took refuge under ceilings – they didn’t know about that
Only the skies were sullen, turning the air bluer
Broke out a tempest, sudden…
Sheep jostled, as if gluey
Lightnings struck in the windows, strong winds blew off the roofings
Dogs at the doors sat whingeing, in barns mice raged as like true fiends
Children held mothers’ dresses, grandfathers started crossing
Kneeling at their places, prayed to their icons’ glosses…
Sunny then came the morning, wet dogs were tiredly woofing
People came out, yawning, started to mend the roofings
And quite aside, near the doorsill were lying the shreds of canvas
People’d forgotten God’s will, they all were shrugging manwise…

Never forget about me (Final Remix)

Nahh, nahh (Dangerous)
Nahh, nahh (Ehh ehh)
Nahh, nahh
Nahh, nahh
[Don Omar]
You are a ghost
when you are out there
And you recognize me in front of you
Last night I was
looking at your pictures
I would like you to tell me whether you think about us
[Don Omar]
I've already spent a lot of time
looking for an adventure
I want you to give me
a tour to your waist (Oh oh oh)
I want your kisses (Oh oh oh)
Give me your lips (Oh oh oh)
But never forget (Eh eh ...)
if destiny changed you
I want your body (Nahhh)
Give me your lips (Nahhh)
But never forget about me (Nahhh)
if destiny changed you (Nahhh)
I still remember how you kiss
You drove me crazy
Tell me what does it cost for you to give me an answer
whether I am the same as what you think of me
I'm always going after you
And if you call me, I'll come quickly
There is no other like you mami, tell me mami, if you...
will leave with me today
And if you say no, I'll convince you
There is no other like you mami, tell me mami, if you...
will leave with me today
I've already spent a lot of time
looking for an adventure
I want you to give me
a tour to your waist
I want your kisses (Oh oh oh)
Give me your lips (Oh oh oh)
But never forget (Eh eh ...)
if destiny changed you
I want your body
give me your lips
But never forget about me
if destiny changed you
[Don Omar]
Whatever happens, you must not forget me
I could not live my life without you
Nothing compares to the way how you kiss me
My stars shine only for you
Beautiful just as I always remember you
The naughty things we did when we'd see each other
We stopped the time...
when we burned ourselves slowly
Never forget about me, I don't forget about you
What we have is real
Never forget about me, I don't forget about you
We will navigate the whole world
I've already spent a lot of time
looking for an adventure (Dangerous)
I want you to give me
a tour to your waist (Oh oh oh)
[Don Omar]
I want your kisses (Oh oh oh)
Give me your lips (Oh oh oh)
But never forget (Eh eh)
if destiny changed you (Aha)
I want your body (Nahhh)
Give me your lips (Nahhh)
But never forget about me (Nahhh)
if destiny changed you (Nahhh)
(Crank it up Yandel)
If it changed you
Give me a night
One of those that I know you want
And if she returns and calls me ...
we will do it again tomorrow
Where will you be?
Come back already!
I can't go on anymore without her
I already forgot how to love
Please don't forget about me
You are a ghost...
But I know you desire me...
as much as I desire you
And if I had my way...
...you would be here
I need you and I am after you (Oh oh)
[Don Omar]
I've already spent a lot of time
looking for an adventure
I want you to give me
a tour to your waist
I want your body (Oh oh oh)
Give me your lips (Oh oh oh)
But never forget about me (Eh eh)
if destiny changed you (Drops)
[Don Omar]
I want your kisses (Nahhh)
Give me your lips (Nahhh)
But never forget (Nahhh)
if destiny changed you (Nahhh)
On behalf of these two musical powers
'The King' Don Omar
'El Capitán' Yandel
Another worldwide hit
Jumbo 'The One That Produces Alone'
'Y' Entertainment
Never forget about me baby...

Stop trying

I'm sick of fools
Who want me for the image (just like that . . . tell 'em, Andreea!)
You have the impression that I don't have a soul
I don't know why (why don't you understand that, in fact, you're different)
I still repeat to myself that you are not like them
That you care about me and you want to win me over
Sorry, but I know, in fact, what you want
You pretend and you bore me
Stop trying to charm me
You know very well
That it won't work with me
Make me understand all that you think
When you look into my eyes and tell me
That I've fallen in love with you
You call me and you want to talk to me
But you have fancies in your head, you don't get it (don't forget . . . she is Andreea . . . )
Tell me that all that you want
Is you be with me, I don't believe you (you want to succeed if you aren't different . . . )
I'm fed up, you are totally the same as them
Really, you bet that you would win me over
Sorry, but I know, in fact, what you want
You pretend and you bore me
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

My mother

If I am far - I'd be missing
If I am sad-I'd be complaining
My mother, you're the only
Whom I esteem
My mother, wish you you were laughing cheerfully
Were with me long
My heart would start singing
My mind would be always young
Those who have mothers
Never age
I am you eagle
Flying high in the horizon
I am your racer
sent by you to a race
My mother, wish you you were laughing cheerfully
Were with me long
My heart would start singing
My mind would be always young
Those who have mothers
Never age
I call you my fort
You're my soul's remedy
My mother, if I am thinking of you
I cannot sleep
My mother, wish you you were laughing cheerfully
Were with me long
My heart would start singing
My mind would be always young
Those who have mothers
Never age


The ice is melting a bit more with every step
Bagpipes play, the crowd
keeps marching while dreaming
Dream about warm southern country was stolen
like legends say and now it's come back
If they give up, they will be able just curse
According to the tales there'll be allowed to drink
To all on the side of old gods, those without a face nor name
Which fight agsinst everybody in the sound of hundred of horns
Kissed by the fire, betrayed by the snow
The crowd keeps standing, look into the far away distance
You'll see the longest and the highest wall
The baptism is what is going to happen
You'll colour this day into shade of dark red
Kissed by the fire, betrayed by the snow
In black armour men hit the alarm
They're scared, but you won't feel a fear
It stabs deeper, sometimes deeper than the swords
It makes them not able to move and they'll sleep forever
You do have a chance, you really impress me
My crow is milking me and many rumors
The wound in my heart is never going to heal
The snow tastes like a betrayal, tell me the truth, who you really are!
The snow tastes like blood, it's not the first time you lie about it!
Thousands of words sound in the wind, thousands of heads fall asleep, thousends of lips won't tell anything, many lights darken.


I called you to tell you that I love you
You are not romantic
But everything shines
You sparkle
One cannot breathe (you are breathtaking)
That was great!
What a fantastic thing!
The phone call
I'm in love
Sick for you
I do not understand anything anymore
I do not see people anymore
And it does not matter
And the stars
They are always beautiful
And everything shines
And everything sparkles
You are not romantic
but that is love
This! That's love
And it does not matter!
The phone call
I'm in love
Sick for you
I do not understand anything anymore
I do not see people anymore
And it does not matter
And everything is blue
We like it more
I think so, I think so
I love you!
And everything is blue
We like it more
I think so, I think so
I love you!
The shining sun
The body is glowing
Is Venice love?
I do not want a cure
You are not romantic
You are not romantic
And I'm not sure
You are not romantic
It's pure poetry
It's both because it is
And everything is blue
We like it more
I think so, I think so
I love you!
And everything is blue
We like it more
I think so, I think so
I love you!
And when the night
comes down to me
I think about you
And everything turns
And everything turns
The phone call
I'm in love
Sick for you
I do not understand anything anymore
I do not see people anymore
And it does not matter
And everything is blue
We like it more
I think so, I think so
I love you!
And everything is blue
We like it more
I think so, I think so
I love you!
And everything is blue
We like it more
I think so, I think so
I love you!
And everything is blue
We like it more
I think so, I think so
I love you!
I think i
I think i
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
I think so, I think so
I love you!

How the King is banging Silvia

I bought myself a camera, for four thousand bucks
I've been out and filmed a few times with it
The best thing I recorded, was actually yesterday
The King was banging Silvia behind a lingonberry shrub(1)
I saw how he bumped into a tall leaf
Then I could see, it was the King's white butt
He lay there and moaned like a dromedary
When the King was banging Silvie, best film that I have..
When he pulled out his balls, they were nice and smooth
And Silvia's cunt was dripping, like a soup tureen (2)
Now I'm going home, to show on the projector to Mom and Dad
How the King is banging Silvia, the best film that I got.
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

The Pipe Song

The pipe is so very sacred,
We offer our prayers with it, hay-hay-hay
The circle is sacred as well,
We pray within it, hay-hay-yo
The pipe is so very sacred,
We offer our prayers with it, hay-hay-hay
The circle is sacred as well,
We pray within it, hay-hay-yo
(It goes on repeating)

The whole world needs peace

Stars of Victory, Stars of Victory
Stars of Victory, blazing above us
They give the planet, they give the planet
They give the planet the rays of october (1)
What valiant act of our brave homeland
For our planet earth to remember
O joy of life, o joy of life
The stars on the Kremlin are shining!
The power of our friendship
(Grows) stronger every year
Truth cannot be extinguished (2)
A lasting peace, like air (2a)
All the nations do need it
The whole world needs peace
Contending with storms, contending with storms
Fighting storms to bring happiness to the earth
The day-spring of peace, the day-spring of peace
A dawn of peace which we started ourselves
In boundless clear open spaces (3)
The planet earth can behold
The sun of hope, the sun of hope
The stars on the Kremlin are shining!
One big family, one big family
One big family, all nations are laboring for
Stand by the wall, stand by the wall
Stand by the wall, for a lasting peace
With our immortal banner
That the planet earth believes in
Like beacons to us, like beacons to us
The stars on the Kremlin are shining!
With our immortal banner
That the planet earth believes in
Like beacons to us, like beacons to us
The stars on the Kremlin are shining!
The power of our friendship
(Grows) stronger every year
Truth cannot be extinguished
A lasting peace, like air
All the nations do need it
The whole world needs peace
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

A waltz in the night

A waltz in the night
Dances all around us
It comes like a friend
Who wants to tell us: love one another
Let's lock our joy
Deep in our hearts
So that nothing may erase
From our memories
That first waltz in the night
I've been loving you forever
I loved you without knowing
And tonight o my love
All I ask for is a word of hope
A waltz in the night
Dances around us
It comes like a friend
Who wants to tell us: love one another
Let's lock our joy
Deep in our hearts
So that nothing may erase
From our memories
That first waltz in the night

The troubadour

We sat as a gang at a beach
a few miles outside Tylösand.
Eating sausages and crisps,
smoking too much and quaffing a 7.8 Pripps1.
I laid my eyes on a woman
who could make one become monogamous
and a bit wildly approached her
and started to pull off my great seducer-program.
Then one heard a Cat Stevens stave
to the sounds of a guitar.
There comes the guy with G
Oh a real guitar hero.
A wheat-blond Nordic prince,
two days old stubble, t-shirt and cut off jeans.
Sat down next to us,
Introduced himself as Mats.
Then he struck a tone
and started to sing in the middle of our conversation.
The girl I would have had in my bed
joint immediately in in his refrain.
Because once a bard has
started to sing an old song
everyone around will join in and bawl out.
Has he just let out a single cry
will he sing every melody
from wonderful Creedence to Carola2.
How do you tell such a girl:
You know, singing is not my thing.
But I am a damn good catch
because I studied Math and Political Science.
When you have to fight against a shower
of tones coming from a troubadour.
Then he would know the man
he who wrote the song “House of the rising sun”
That one, Mats starts without hesitation
to play on a harmonica.
Because once a bard has
started to sing an old song
it is outrageous, a disgrace3, to try to stop him.
Has he just let out a single cry
will he sing every melody
from “Dover to Calais”4 to the little flea5.
Around 4 to 5 I had enough and went home.
But I think and suspect
that he surely sits there still.
Because once a bard has
started to sing an old song
it is impossible to make him stop again.
Has he just let out a single cry
will he sing every melody
until a friendly soul chips off the neck of his lute.
  • 1. Pripps is a Swedish beer brand
  • 2. Carola Häggkvist, a Swedish singer
  • 3. Literally: a lie
  • 4. Dover-Calais, a song of the Swedish pop band Style
  • 5. 'Loppan' (The flea), a song of Owe Thörnqvist

Number one

Number one!
Number one!
Now listen up:
Here's a lesson to trick!
Few are the things to learn!
If you want to be bad, you can:
You just have to chase this guy!
Furtive and safe, as light as a flower,
Be careful not to make any noise.
No! Don't touch it!
What are you doing?
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Look at this net, follow my plan:
When I say it, throw it far.
Throw it on him, not on me! Oh, let's try something else.
What will I do? Look here:
Anyone passing here will fall to the ground!
Oh! What are you doing!?!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one.
Hey! Hey!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Am încercat să plec, să mă ridic și să revin, Dar am renunțat la timp să accept înca un chin, Mă uit cum mulți se-mpacă și se fut până în zori, Nu-nțeleg ce rost mai are dacă nu simțiți fiori, Erai țigara mea și eu fumam tu știi că des, N-aveam de gând

Am încercat să plec, să mă ridic și să revin,
Dar am renunțat la timp să accept înca un chin,
Mă uit cum mulți se-mpacă și se fut până în zori,
Nu-nțeleg ce rost mai are dacă nu simțiți fiori,
Erai țigara mea și eu fumam tu știi că des,
N-aveam de gând să-l las, tu te-nervai fără sens,
În sens că îmi plăcea des, să te privesc fumând,
Să ne certăm cu strigăte și mândră să te văd plecând,
Suka (Cățea) mai rămâne-n modă să postezi că arăți a curvă,
Încă una prea activă, divă divă negativă,
Le privesc pe toate par-ar fi cina la zi,
TBILI le numește fete DUTY FREE,
Te lași cumpărată simplu și la preț redus,
Mai apoi să te lauzi suka (cățea) câți te-au împins,
Și de ce amintirile nu pot fi lecuite ?
Însă mă tratez pe mine suka (cățea) cu medicamente.

Long I heard, now I see

Long I heard, now I see
Dievs's grey horses
Dievs's grey horses
Adorned with silver droplets
In darkness Dievs arrived
Don't know where to put his horse
Ride sister at night watch at grass
Let him into the apple grove
Dievs placed his horse
On a stone to rest
So his hooves wouldn’t rust
In the tillable land
On the road I found
The horse Dievs had ridden
Golden saddle on its back
Silver bridle

The midnight friends

They walk up the path.
The orchard spreads around them.
The whole night is expecting them
They walk hand in hand.
Under the dark light, forests are dancing
and their life begins.
Lying on the road,
they listen to nature at last.
The moon sinks into the river
Creatures of the night flee
Their eyes closed, they relish the air.
They are the midnight friends1.
  • 1. that can also be read as 'the friends of midnight'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

When I Saw This one Girl / When I Saw This one Girl I Felt Like

O. When I Saw This one Girl I Felt Like
When I Saw this one Girl I Felt Like
Like a Blooming Rose
Like a Poet's Dream
Like a Glowing Ray of Light
Like a Deer in Forest
Like a Full Moon Night
Like a Soft Word
In The Temple, Like A Burning Candle
O. When I Saw This one Girl I Felt Like
O. When I Saw This one Girl I Felt Like
When I Saw this one Girl I Felt Like
Like The Beauty of the Morning
Like Winter's Sunshine
Like a Note From the Veena (musical instrument)
Like Life of All Colours
Like a Twisting Vine
Like the Play of Waves
Like a Scented Cool Wind
O. When I Saw This one Girl I Felt Like
O. When I Saw This one Girl I Felt Like
When I Saw this one Girl I Felt Like
Like a Dancing peacock
Like a Silken Thread
Like a Fairy Melody
Like the Fire of Sandalwood
Like The Sixteen Ornaments of Beauty
Like a Refrshing Mist
Like Slowly Slowly
increasing of Intoxication
O. When I Saw This one Girl I Felt Like
When I Saw this one Girl I Felt Like

Even if were to understand why you left

Will you say the spoken words were all lies,
Who would you say suffers more, the one who stays or the one Who leaves
Who will you say is torn to pieces
The one who breaks or the one who is broken
Even if you talk of spring or summer, why is it always winter then?
Did the wind take away the smell of your hair?
I cannot feel your scent anymore
Did the snow melt your footprints
Even if I search for you, I will not be able to find you
Even if I'd understand why you left, accepting it is not easy
Even if you hurt me, I love eternally, it doesn't go away in a day
Even if i cry, each tear will burn out the memories
Even if i face toward your pillow, next to me there is only emptiness
No one can replace you.

On The Window

On the window, look, there's a pale face
On the cheeks a trail of bitter tears
Why is a girl of only twenty years
Gazing so sadly into the world ?
My darling went into the mountains
He fought a fierce battle against fascists
Maybe he's fallen somewhere in blood tonight
While he was defending his people
Girl, don't be so sad
Wipe your tears and your eye
Your darling will surely return
When a shooting star falls
The proud hero will home
Crowned with glory of glorious victories
And he'll shout and throw his partisan cap in the air
When he steps over your threshold

Minus in the Sun

I hate those eyes
Countless hands, countless heads
The same faces just beckon
As if you loved the withered trees
You keep me and my unpleasantness until I die
Not even God, not even the sun
No one, not even you
Have the power left to shine their light impartially
I knew that
Tomorrow is lost
The war cries, and empty wishes
The draft of cold air simply sneers
If the sun were to fall
Could you call it equality,
That world without happiness or unhappiness?
Please don't call the polluted flowers pitiful
'I'm right here'
Where am I?
Not even God, not even the sun
No one, not even you
Have the power left to shine their light impartially
There's no one in this world
No one, no one
Isn't that right?
All that's left is a cold warmth
I knew that
Eventually the scars will be seized by death's shadow
'You'll never forget' it whispers
And even then somehow only I am preserved
So I'm alone
The successful and the experienced all force their flowers of sympathy
But surely they won't be able to save you either
In depair.....I let out a scream like a prayer to the sky
In these eyes...... a purpose engraved
For all your loveliness, you who raised the question, I'll show you a blood-red permanent love
It's really a very small thing isn't it?
You just have to kill the voice
You just have to live strongly
Kill the breath, feel the straining air
A dark grey, towards the path of clouds
Not even God, not even the sun
No one, not even you
Have the power left to shine their light impartially
There's no one in this world
No one, no one
Isn't that right?
All that's left is my unforgivable self
Only my true self
On the other side of sin there's a world of smiles
Look, my laughter just won't stop
The laughter... I can't stop it
No matter how many prayers you screamed
No matter how many times you hated everything
We don't have the right to stretch our hands out into the world
I'm just sad
I can't call it anything else
That kind of... this kind of me
--------- Was 'the same'
Within the nothingness that will remain unfulfilled for eternity
It's not for anyone sake
So I'm alone
If just this once, I am allowed to make a prayer
Please, give me rain
TL Note: I hope this translation was helpful for you! If anyone ever sees any errors or has any suggestions about my translations, please let me know. -nmuth