Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 45


Egy kis békesség

Mint egy virág a tél kezdetén
És mint a tűz a jeges szélben
Mint egy játék baba, amit már senki sem szeret
Úgy érzem magam néhanapján
Majd látom a felhőket felettünk
És hallom a madarak rikoltását a szélben
Félek a sötétségtől, ezért éneklem ezt a dalt
És remélem, hogy semmi sem történt
Egy kis békesség, egy kis napfény
Erre a Földre, amelyen élünk
Egy kis békesség, egy kis öröm
Egy kis melegség, ezt kívánom
Egy kis békesség, egy kis álmodozás
És hogy az emberek, ne sírjanak oly gyakran
Egy kis békesség, egy kis szeretet
Hogy a reményt ne vesszem el többé
Tudom, hogy a dalaim, nem sok változást érnek el
Csak egy lány vagyok, aki kimonja, amit érez
Egyedül reményvesztett vagyok, egy madár a szélben
Aki érzi, ha közeleg a vihar
Egy kis békesség, egy kis napfény
Erre a Földre, amelyen élünk
Egy kis békesség, egy kis öröm
Egy kis melegség, ezt kívánom
Egy kis békesség, egy kis álmodozás
És hogy az emberek, ne sírjanak oly gyakran
Egy kis békesség, egy kis szeretet
Hogy a reményt ne vesszem el többé
Énekelj velem egy kis dalt
Hogy a világ békében éljen
Énekelj velem egy kis dalt
Hogy a világ békében éljen

Bad Life

We are condemned to a bad life
I wanted to tell you, kid
That you are bringing a bandit flow
Your secret is safe here with me
You know, I respect but I never forget
Late, always late I feel it (wuh)
Everything I do bothers them
Refunds, I don't fall for that
I'm finding the money, uh
I didn't want him to fall prisoner (wow)
Gift to mom, a couple of bills (couple of bills)
For her to enjoy and never forget me (never forget)
And I carry the wound here (carry)
You tell me if you're gonna love me
The bad life that follows me around
Times are changing and so are we
The street is burning, guiding me
I neither forget nor forgive who you were yesterday
Bad life that follows me
Bad life I can't escape
Bad life that follows me
Bad, bad
F*ck bad life, bad, bad
He wanted more from me, but I gave him nothing
We are nasty, cheaping out the street (street)
Going crazy like it's nothing
We do it anyways gore
We have the weight in our chests
And even if it hurts inside, we do it for old times sake
Good time, time at last
Bad time I lost (wuh)
F*ckin' bad life, I spit in your face
Remember me when you see me, I don't buy fakes
The f*cking vis a vis got me cursed
i'm cursed, I can't get out
Gift to mom, a couple of bills (couple of bills)
For her to enjoy and never forget me (never forget)
And I carry the wound here (carry)
The bad life that follows me around (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Times are changing and so are we
The street is burning, guiding me
I neither forget nor forgive who you were yesterday
Bad life that follows me
Bad life I can't escape
Bad life that follows me
Bad, bad
I'm falling is what I never told you
I'm believing that what's good is bad

Amit csak akarsz

Hölgyeim és uraim
Tudom, hogy mit akarnak
Ez a hölgy tüzes mint egy tűzhely
Nicole-nak hívják
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá
Megteszem, megteszek bármit, amit szeretsz
Tán nem akarod?
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá
Megteszem, megteszek bármit, amit szeretsz
Akararod a testemet fiúka
Meg akarod lovagolni mint egy Harley-t1
Egyszer vagy kétszer a tömb körül
Lefogadom, hogy kihozom belőled azt, hogy 'vhoah, vhoah'
Első megálló, engedd hogy eldurranjak
Hogy zuhanjak egyet mint egy helikopter
Rám fordítsd a figyelmed
Amikor megmutatom, hogy hogy lesz a menet
Elbűvölsz engem te fiú
Igen fiúka, elbűvölsz engem
Pont úgy, ahogy ez a szám fog
A rádión keresztül
Azt hittem, hogy ismersz
Abból, ahogy beszélsz hozzám
Ha csak egy kicsit is közelebb kerülsz hozzám
Akkor lehet, hogy fel kell adjam
Van valami a pimaszságodban2
Ami kíváncsivá tesz, hogy megtudjam mi folyik itt
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz (Hölgyeim és uraim)
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz (Tudom, hogy mit akarnak)
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá (Ez a hölgy tüzes mint egy tűzhely)
Megteszem, megteszek bármit, amit szeretsz (Nicole-nak hívják)
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá
Megteszem, megteszek bármit, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá
Megteszem, megteszek bármit, amit szeretsz
Csináld csak csajszi!
Készíts egy fekhelyet!
Fektesd le a macskát!3
Majd én megmondom melyik oldalon leszek, egész éjjel szeretőm!
Látod a pofit?4
Akarod, hogy megszólaltassam? 5
Nézd, miközben anyuci tanít téged
Nem fogok dadogni
Látom, hogy még sosem értek hozzád
Húzd hátra a bőrt6, amíg én mindezt megmutatom, megteszem neked
Bedobok egy technikát
Garantálom, hogy zuhogni fog a csapadék
Hadd lássam a cuccot, te király!
Bejön ez neked, ugye?
Van valami a pimaszságodban
Ami kíváncsivá tesz, hogy megtudjam mi folyik itt
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz (Hölgyeim és uraim)
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz (Tudom, hogy mit akarnak)
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá (Ez a hölgy tüzes mint egy tűzhely)
Megteszem, megteszek bármit, amit szeretsz (Nicole-nak hívják)
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá
Megteszem, megteszek bármit, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá
Megteszem, megteszek bármit, amit szeretsz
(T.I. Rap)
Menj hátra, ott találkozunk!
Egy olyan csaj mint ez
Rávesz, hogy ugrálj neki
De én elkapom úgy
Kérdezz bárkit
Én ilyen faszi vagyok
Fald fel, verjed, amíg be nem dagad
Jegelésre lesz szükséged
Elmondom neki milyen nagy és szép a micsodája
Hadd halljam, ahogy mondod!
Dőlj hátra, játsz vele!
Szívom a Purple Kush-t7a Maybach8hátuljában
A társaságommal
Belőlük három, belőlem egy
Képzeld csak el mint csináltak velem
Alattam, rajtam
Ne élj korlátok között bébi!
Más csókák gyűlölködnek
És mind az arcodba másznak
Úgy értem, mind beszariak
Figyu, elvihetlek nyaralni
Szórakozhatunk úgy mint a nagymenők
Felhívsz hajnali négykor
Mit akarsz mondani picinyem?
Van valami a pimaszságodban
Ami kíváncsivá tesz, hogy megtudjam mi folyik itt
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz (Hölgyeim és uraim)
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz (Tudom, hogy mit akarnak)
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá (Ez a hölgy tüzes mint egy tűzhely)
Megteszem, megteszek bármit, amit szeretsz (Nicole-nak hívják)
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá
Megteszem, megteszek bármit, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Bármit megteszek, amit szeretsz
Képes vagyok rá, képes vagyok rá
Várj egy percet faszikám!
Egész éjszaka kutattam
Meg akarlak csókolni egyszer
Csináld, amit szeretsz anyuci!
Gyerünk, húzzad, húzzad, húzzad!
Először az kell, hogy jól csináld
Tudlak hosszan szeretni
Nagyon bűnös leszek
Aztán majd húzom, húzom, húzom
Feszesen akarja a csaj
Én jó éjszakát kívánok
Csajszi te jól fogsz aludni
Ha húzom, húzom húzom
Látni akarom a szemedet
Amikor megnyered a főnyereményt
Kedves leszek hozzá
Amikor húzom, húzom, húzom
  • 1. A Harley-Davidson Motor Company egy amerikai motorkerékpár-gyártó cég.
  • 2. A 'cocky' magyarul 'pimasz, öntelt, helyke' a 'cock' meg 'fasz'.
    Ebben a sorban van némi szándékos kétértelműség.
  • 3. Angolul a 'macska' 'cat', de a 'pussy' is jelenthet macskát, ami viszont már puncit is jelent.
    Szerintem ebben a sorban is próbál sugallni valamit a szöveg a használt szavak értelmén túl.
  • 4. Farpofát.
  • 5. Szerintem ez egy utalás a twerkingre.
  • 6. Nem 100%, hogy ezt jelenti. Mindenesetre a 'hood' jelenthet előbőrt.
  • 7. Egy kannabisz márka.
  • 8. Egy német autómárka.

Write on my soul

Listen to me weakly, look at me more
Undress my soul
And love me silently, beautiful words were said to me
When the wind blew harder, they went
I threw whole pages of 'I love you,' I don't use them
Write love stories on my soul
Show, don't say what you feel for me
Make me fall in love every day
I don't want you to be my 'once upon a time'
Love me like you've never loved before
And forgive me when I err
Conquer me with dreams and don't leave closed those senses ignited
By all that you gift me
Beautiful words were said to me
When the wind blew harder, they went
I threw whole pages of 'I love you,' I don't use them
Write love stories on my soul
Show, don't say what you feel for me
Make me fall in love every day
I don't want you to be my 'once upon a time'
Love me like you've never loved before
And forgive me when I err

I Am

I am a stream, tributary, river
I am the wind, the rain
I am the shadow, the light
I am life
I am the hurricane on the dune
I am a symphony
I am a plum pit
I am
It may be autumn
It may be winter
It may be summer
It's so hot
I am the wave on the shore
I am a leaf at the will of the wind
I am the shadow of darkness
I am time
I am the spirit, the spark
I am the infinite space
I am the little bee
I am the rain
It may be autumn
It may be winter
It may be summer
It's so hot
I am the only one, the glorious one
I am the flower under the maple tree
I am the impalpable silence
I am God
It may be autumn
It may be winter
It may be summer
It's so hot
It's so hot

BZRP Music Sessions #13

When I see you
I see you pass by
I think of the moments
That we knew love
Give me a call
Don't act like nothing happened
You know very well
That between the two of us we pass it to 100
Welcome, pain, I invite you to be part
The love left awhile ago, did not want to wait for you
Really, you and us are something apart
This happens to me because my heart trusts you
I would give everything to return to what it was before
But you don't go back to the past
No matter how much I sing to you, before and during
I return to call you, he doesn't answer the phone
And I can't free myself from you
Baby, you don't escape from my mind
I hallucinate with visions of you
With power to see you again
Maybe I made you cry more than once
Maybe I hurt you and later I healed you
I had the luxury of playing until I won
But I see you pass and it makes me realize
When I see you
I see you pass by
I think of the moments
That we knew love
Give me a call
Don't act like nothing happened
You know very well
That between the two of us we pass it to 100
You're always going to know
You're always going to have it
In your mind when you think
You aren't going to be able to stop
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Ay, tell me when
Ay, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me
Raise my heat
I only think of you, of you of you

How You Tell Me

And I don't know how much I can offer you
I don't know if to give you, I don't know if fear you
I don't know if you're going to hurt me or you're going to love me
Only the night will decide how to proceed
And sleep, sleep, don't pretend
Want, I want to see the sunsets with you
Wake up at once
And realize that not everything goes the way you want
Hey, how do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
Hey, how do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
And it's for you my love
And for your security
I have real affection
For me it's no, this love
But I'm going to try and I don't know if it will fail
Nobody told me that it would be so complicated
The desire to stay here by your side
I feel like my days are numbered
To fall in your prison
It lights the city on fire when your lips touch mine in the dark
All this hell, all this loneliness
You came to destroy her, get me out of my place
And now how do I believe you?
How do I stay?
How do I kiss you?
How do I love you?
Don't make me choose because If I choose I will go
Wake up at once
And realize that not everything goes the way you want
Hey, how do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
How do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
How do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
How do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
Tell me, tell me, tell me, ay tell me
Ay tell me, tell me, tell me
I want it to come out of you (ay, tell me)
How do you tell me?
How, how do you tell me? (Tell me, please)
Tell me how do I do it?
How do you tell me? (Ay, tell me, tell me)
How, how do you tell me?
Tell me how do I do it?
Ay tell me, tell me, tell me
Ay tell me, tell me, tell me
Ay tell me, ay tell me, ay tell me, ay tell me


Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes
Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes
Mambo counter strike, at the count of five
We turn off the lights, like business life
We live holiDIE, nothing to regret
I watch you place my life, restart
Everyone wants to be, uy
I watch them when I play Helix Jump (uy)
It makes me hungry and I eat mianmian (ey)
Before we didn't have anything for dinner
Now I'm on top of where they are
LED screen, my name all over
No one will fall into the movie you made up
Back in the days, I tried to fuel you
A pity that you sell yourself when it comes to sticking together
It's that I am high
It's a corner turned, we are agonized
With the time behind us
The good ones by my side, those fake ones forgotten
We close the entire curtain
(But they continue with the show)
Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes
Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes
With the anesthetized mind (look, look, look)
Even if I kill myself searching, I will not find
You know, it's not by chance
To make light out of the darkness
Being able to get out of reality for a bit
That the bad times last for an eternity
You know, it's not chance
I swear to you that in the party I didn't choose to sound
I swear to you that I did not want to like it
I swear to you that the music brought me here
It's that I am high
It's a corner turned, we are agonized
With the time behind us
The good ones by my side, those fake ones forgotten
We close the entire curtain
(But they continue with the show)
Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes
Placed like Drake
I smoke to relieve the stress
To that baby I gave 3 strikes
Everyone wants to have Nikes

I like

I like that they look at me
I like that they love me
I like that they talk about me
I like it, I like it
I like to look at you
To create with you
Something more that
I don't do with anyone
He looks a lot like heaven
And I am looking like hell
I don't know what to do, I can't understand
I can't prevent him from being my sunrise
In the sleepless nights
No no, ah ah
He looks like heaven
And I am looking like hell
No, and how do I stop being
That bad girl who was never educated well
No, and how do I stop being
That bad girl who was never educated well
He looks like heaven
and I am looking like hell
I don't know what to do, I can't understand
How to prevent him from being my sunrise
And me, and me looking like hell
He looks so much like heaven
Heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven
I like that they look at me
I like that they love me
I like that they talk about me
I like it, I like it
I like to look at you
To create with you
Something more that
I don't do with anyone
He looks so much like heaven
And me looking like hell
I don't know what to do, I can't understand
I can't prevent him from being my sunrise
In the sleepless nights
No no, ah ah
He looks like heaven
And me looking like hell (like hell)


I found you like
Never so kind
I go from hell to the sun
that I come back for you
If not I don't try it
Search me, don't say 'goodbye'
Because I pray only for you
I go from hell to the sun
That only for you I return
Look for me when there is love
That only for you I pray to God
Crying in the churches
Praying to God
Have patience
That I don't forget about you
Who killed your innocence today?
Tell me where is the killer in the story
I'm looking for the end
Today's story I will tell you
If I go, hellish heat
Fatal mismatch
That I don't see you anymore
If you are, start screaming
I start to think
That I don't feel you anymore
Ah ay
It hurts deep inside
From the heart
Ay, ay
I light it and I mean it
that act like me
I go from hell to the sun
that I come back for you
If not I don't try it
Search me, don't say 'goodbye'
Because I pray only for you
I go from hell to the sun
That only for you I return
Look for me when there is love
That only for you I pray to God
I pray to God
I fall in the times
I do not care anymore
Lose myself deep inside
I have you on my mind all the time
All the time I explode inside
And my heart is dying
That you don't love me anymore, this shit is going to kill me
I'm going through the world with nothing at all
Thinking of healing this wound today
I go from hell to the sun
That I come back for you
If not I don't try it
Search me, don't say ’goodbeye’
Because I pray only for you
I go from hell to the sun
That only for you I return
loo for me when there is love
Because only for you I pray to God

Baby, baby

Naj nanana… nanana na nana…
Oh… na nanana… nanana na nana…
Lala lala la…
Baby, baby - what's the matter now?
Tell me quickly, am I yours?
Tell me a thousand times
Talk of love in every language
Love is fragile
It's just like porcelain
Oh... breaks in your hand
Before it can be completed
Let us be together
Baby, baby, I love you
I love you, yes, my love
It's so fine being together
But the seperation doesn't hurt
Though I know
A woman can do nothing alone
Oh... love happens
Only with two together
Let us be together
Sometimes love is only love pain
Even though you wished it could be different
Baby, baby - what's the matter now?
Tell me quickly, am I yours?
Tell me a thousand times
Talk of love in every language
Baby, baby, I love you
I love you, yes, my love
It's so fine being together
But the seperation doesn't hurt
Naj nanana… nanana na nana…
Oh… na nanana… nanana na nana…
Lala lala la…

The blue sleigh

We meet it passing by
without getting old
but we know it's with us only when we're in love
In a dream, whenever it will call us
with the soul, wishing
to not be forgotten by its restlessness
The blue sleigh
is actually our love
it turns us and guides us
and puts us at the crossroad
The blue sleigh
is actually our love
it guids us and turns us
looking for a silent place
The blue sleigh
We meet it passing by
without getting old
but we know it's with us only when we're in love
In a dream, whenever it will call us
with the soul, wishing
to not be forgotten by its restlessness


Rich man, poor man, naive or smart
as long as you live, it's good and it's right
to enjoy as long as you can enjoy
the light inside the man, his warmth...
Sometimes, you think that it's all in vain
and you wait resignedly a year to pass by
maybe tomorrow will be better than yesterday
and then, your heart urges you to hope....
And believe,
in yourself and the ones around!
Yeah, yeah, believe!
In the power of love
and 'specially, in the good God above!
You don't wanna hear of war and needs
and everyday, you accuse the bad ones
but it's better to know that it ain't late yet
for planet Earth to be deserted
The world that we live in would be better
if you won't hate, if you'll love.
The neat and good thought will always lighten
all that you will build, all that you will create...
Chorus x2

If it will happen...

I go with the infinite thought
I go close to the end
and learn to begin from thoughts,
lonely and sad, a man that was a poet
I go with my thought to the sky
I go at a moment of truth
and see a star that dies
and another crying her love whispering
It will happen that the last man left will die, I wish
that two lovers as us would remain, it that can happen.
Both to disappear suddenly in their silence
for no one of them
to cry of longing
if that last man left will happen to die...
It will happen that the last man left will die, I wish
that two lovers as us would remain, it that can happen.
Both to disappear suddenly in their silence
for no one of them
to cry of longing
if that last man left will happen to die...
It will happen that the last man left will die, I wish
that two lovers as us would remain, it that can happen.
Both to disappear suddenly in their silence
for no one of them
to cry of longing
if that last man left will happen to die...
If it will happen...

You, Occupying Me With You

You, the one occupying me with you.. Would it do to forget our love!
I'm injured.. & you're the one having my cure
What's with you then.. your love changed my state
Since how long.. I've been with your love occupying my mind
You, the love of my eyes, why are you forgetting about me
You, the one who has my heart, lifetime & soul in your hands
You, the love of my eyes, if you would come to me
The whole of my lifetime I won't hold it (lifetime) from you
What's with you then.. Would it do to forget our love!
I'm injured.. & you're the one having my cure
Your love, for nights has been on my mind
And my state has changed
And my state has changed with you
And it never occurred to my mind to happen for me,
to happen for me what has happened,
since the first day with you!
You, the one occupying me with you.. Would it do to forget our love!
I'm injured.. & you're the one having my cure
Take from me all my years,
Take my heart & my eyes,
And enough with the stubbornness/rejection
My love, my longing is burning me
Come & call for me,
And enough with the separation & remoteness
You, the one occupying me with you.. Would it do to forget our love!
I'm injured.. & you're the one having my cure
What's with you then.. your love changed my state
Since how long.. I've been with your love occupying my mind
You, the love of my eyes, why are you forgetting about me
You, the one who has my heart, lifetime & soul in your hands
You, the love of my eyes, if you would come to me
The whole of my lifetime I won't hold it from you
What's with you then.. Would it do to forget our love!
I'm injured.. & you're the one having my cure
You, the one occupying me with you.. your love changed my state
I'm injured.. & your love is occupying my mind