A keresés eredménye oldal 8
Találatok száma: 532
Hymn to Luís Carlos Prestes
The call that comes from this brave
That has taught Brazil with his word
Brings fear to all the bourgeoisie
And the value between the world of the parasites
Brings fear to all the bourgeoisie
And the value between the world of the parasites
The Brazilian people
Forms it's fighters
To the sound of the call
By Luís Carlos Prestes
Faithful people, who were asleep,
Your enslaved existence is over
Let's help the Brazilian people
Who is preparing to fight the great battle
Let's help the Brazilian people
Who is preparing to fight the great battle
The Brazilian people
Forms it's fighters
To the sound of the call
By Luís Carlos Prestes
Let's help the Brazilian hero
That, fighting at the head of his hosts,
Has conquered the hearts of an entire people
Long live the leader Luís Carlos Prestes!
My Idiot Lover
If you had any sense
If you had a way of thinking and logic you would have love me as well
I was the one who deserved to be loved, why did not you love me
My idiot lover
My idiot lover
Your beauty has become a tale in mouths, awakened you
I dont know whom did you believe and left me
Tell me, who did love you as I did
If you had any emotion you would have love me
If you had a way of thinking and logic you would have love me as well
Your beauty will come to an end one day, to what you reiled on
At the East of Eden
Someone said that I want to sing my favorite song
That I learned by heart from the fields of rice,
In hours of despondency, when a wound hurts most,
Between mountains of plows and lack of seeds.
Peasants and students pull back that curtain
And in the distance, strands of light and silver can be seen
Bathing their naked skin behind the mist
Where the night hides, sharpening its sword.
And in the dawn of the free poets
I heard singing at the east of Eden,
Almonds and laurel,
I saw you again at the east of Eden.
Someone said I can fly, I have real wings,
They grew in my cell between walls of ice.
When the key went round inside of my loneliness,
A ladder came down to me from heaven.
And in the dawn of the free poets, I heard singing at the east of Eden,
Almonds and laurel, I saw you again at the east of Eden.
I saw other smiles return more happy than ever,
With what I had thought I lost beneath the weight of metal,
Beyond the horizon, I know your mouth awaits
My lips, chapped by salted roads.
And in the dawn of the free poets
I heard singing at the east of Eden,
Almonds and laurel, I saw you again at the east of Eden,
At the east of Eden...
The Day Rose
The day rose under the river
Your body parched by the desert winds
Let time flow, let it not slip down from our hands
Don't let the sun rise, don't steal this love from me
The day rose under the river
Your body parched by the desert winds
Let time flow, let it not slip down from our hands
Don't let the sun rise, don't steal this love from me
Let time flow, let it not slip down from our hands
Don't let the sun rise, don't steal this love from me
Puppy Dog Pals Intro (Norwegian)
Bingo and Rolly
Two pup friends
Barking and chasing you
And be a guy called Bob, he is an inventor
He makes so much fun
And when Bob has gone
(See you later pups)
Taking the pup friends embark
On a mission the world around, in before the goal is set
The pup-pup-pup friends on adventure
The pup-pup-pup friends on adventure
The pup-pup-pup friends on adventure
The pup-pup-pup friends on adventure
6 a. m. and without realizing it got dark
How difficult it is for me to leave, you know me
You say that I didn't want to stay the other time
Today I will stay, eh
When it feels this good I'm religious
To all the things you do to me
To your kisses I'm religious
I neglect my things
Looking for me around
I, who have not left, want me to return, ah-ah
I got addicted to your gaze
There are no grey days by your side
I want you to take care of me forever
I don't like it when you say goodbye
Tell me the time
We'll cancel everything, I only think of now
You give what I don't want to end
I know time goes by but I stay up late
I didn't see the time
We'll cancel everything, I only think of now
Easy, you can blame me
I know you already have a plan, but you prefer to stay
When it feels this good I'm religious
To all the things you do to me
To your kisses I'm religious
I neglect my things
Looking for me around
I, who have not left, want me to return, ah-ah
Fuck the bag, I don't want it, I don't need it, nah
Rather lay up with you, make a cinema
Tight grip on me, now we speak in tongues
This not really like me, I don't fall in love
Sixteen hours a day, I can't get enough
And those other last eight, it's you I'm dreamin' of
Fuck the bag, I don't want it, I don't need it, nah
When it feels this good I'm religious
To all the things you do to me
To your kisses I'm religious
I neglect my things
Looking for me around
I, who have not left, want me to return, ah-ah
6 a. m. and without realizing it got dark
How difficult it is for me to leave, you know me
La Flaca
Versions: #1
During my lifetime I met a woman,
just like the skinny one,
coral black from La Habana,
a spectacular 'mulatta'
One-hundred pounds of skin and bones,
forty kilos of salsa
and two suns on her face,
that speak without words,
that speak without words.
The Skinny Woman sleeps all day,
she says that's how you trick hunger,
when night falls,
she comes out to dance a la Tasca
and dance and dance,
and drink and drink
one beer after the other,
but she never puts on weight,
but she never puts on weight
for a kiss from The Skinny Woman.
I would give anything
for a kiss from her
even if it were only one
I would give anything
for a kiss from The Skinny Woman.
for one of her kisses,
even if it were only one
Even if it were only one.
I wet my white sheets
as the song says
remembering the caresses
that she gave me the first day
I go crazy with the desire
to sleep by her side
Because, my God, this woman (flaca)
makes me crazy!
She has made me crazy!
For a kiss from The Skinny Woman (la flaca)
I would give anything
for a kiss from her,
even if it were only one
For a kiss from The Skinny Woman (la flaca)
I would give anything
for a kiss from her,
even if it were only one
even if it were only one
even if it were only one
even if it were only one
even if it were only one
even if it were only one
even if it were only one
I love her to death
And I was until yesterday
I was just a loafer,
and today I am the guardian
of your dreams of love.
I love her to death
You can destroy
everything you see,
because she with a breath
recreates it,
like nothing,
like nothing.
I love her to death
She erases the hours
of each watch
and teaches me to paint
transparent the pain,
with your smile.
Lift a tower
from heaven to here.
And I sewed some wings
and it helps me climb,
at full speed,
at full speed.
I love her to death
She knows every war well,
every wound, every being.
She knows every war well
of life and love too.
I draw a landscape
and she makes me live
in a pencil forest
It takes over me.
I love her to death
And it catches me in a loop
that never squeezes,
like a silk thread
I can not let go
I can not let go
I do not want to let go
I love her to death
When I climb to your eyes
I face the sea,
two water mirrors,
enclosed in glass.
I love her to death
I can only sit down,
I can only chat,
I can only get tangled up,
I can only accept
be only yours,
just yours
I love her to death
Know every war well,
every wound, every being.
Know every war well
of life and love too.
Know every war well,
every wound, every being.
Know every war well
of life and love too.
And me that until yesterday
I was just a loafer,
and today I am the guardian
of your dreams of love.
I love her to death
You can destroy
everything you see,
because she of a breath
he recreates it,
like nothing,
like nothing.
I love her to death
Adoration, why do you doubt, my life?
if you know well that I'm still yours,
'cause, when I'm sad and dejected,
you give me encouragement, heart, you have understood me.
Adoration, don't think it's just fantasy
what I feel, that you are the life of mine,
I am aware, I realize things,
that's why you are pure and beautiful, not even a rose.
Adoration, why do you doubt, my life?
if you know well that I'm still yours,
'cause, when I'm sad and dejected,
you give me encouragement, heart, you have understood me.
Adoration, don't think it's just fantasy
what I feel, that you are the life of mine,
I am aware, I realize things,
that's why you are pure and beautiful, not even a rose.
Adoration, you are my adoration.
Adoration, you are my adoration.
Adoration, you are my adoration.
Adoration, you are my adoration.
Adoration, you are my adoration.
You're the life of mine, I think about you all day.
Adoration, you are my adoration.
Adoration, adoration, adoration, adoration, adoration.
Adoration, you are my adoration.
Above all things, pure and beautiful, not even a rose.
Adoration, you are my adoration.
If I am sad and dejected, only you have understood.
Hey Choky, play your Bongo, hey Choky.
Hey Choky, play your Bongo, hey Choky.
Hey Choky, play your Bongo, hey Choky.
Hey Choky, play your Bongo, hey Choky.
Hey Choky.
Hey Choky.
Hey Choky.
Kamasz Szívtörő Királynő
Régen elment
Régen elbújt és nem mondta el nekem
Most várok
Amíg ágyban van és egész nap alszik
Régen táncolt
Régen a kezemet fogva sírt
Ó ne, azt mondtuk
Sose nem változunk, változunk, változunk meg
Szerelmes lettem a legjobb barátomba
Ő beléd lett szerelmes helyettem
Mert ő egy kamasz szívtörő királynő
Én és a nyomorom
Szerelmes lettem a legjobb barátomba
Most a te ágyadban alszik
Mert ő egy kamasz szívtörő királynő
Én és a nyomorom
Már nem ugyan úgy
Mondja ki a nevem
Már furcsa
Már elvesztettem az irányítást, mert valami megváltozott
Valami megváltozott
Régen táncolt
Régen a kezemet fogva sírt
Ó ne, azt mondtuk
Sose nem változunk, változunk, változunk meg
Szerelmes lettem a legjobb barátomba
Ő beléd lett szerelmes helyettem
Mert ő egy kamasz szívtörő királynő
Én és a nyomorom
Szerelmes lettem a legjobb barátomba
Most a te ágyadban alszik
Mert ő egy kamasz szívtörő királynő
Én és a nyomorom
Őrülten szerettem, de elment
Nem hiszem el, hogy nem látja a fájdalmam
Bár nem vagyok vele, elvesztettem az eszem
Őrülten szeretem az idők végezetéig, ne
Szerelmes lettem a legjobb barátomba
Ő beléd lett szerelmes helyettem
Mert ő egy kamasz szívtörő királynő
Én és a nyomorom
Szerelmes lettem a legjobb barátomba
Most a te ágyadban alszik
Mert ő egy kamasz szívtörő királynő
Én és a nyomorom
Szerelmes lettem a legjobb barátomba
Most a te ágyadban alszik
Mert ő egy kamasz szívtörő királynő
Én és a nyomorom
Az utazás
Mindenki fél, ha a szemét kinyitja
És akkor is, hogyha
Mindenki ijedt
mert nem tudjuk mi lesz
De mindenki fél
tudni mi ez
Olvassuk szépen
a szabálykönyvet
És mindenki
folyton bekérdez
Mindenki szeretne
biztonsági övet
De ez az utazás
nélkülük megy
Gondolj most arra hogy melletted ülök és énekelek neked
Bárcsak láthatnám még egyszer azt aki mögöttem áll
A hegymászó kevésbé retteg, mindig ha
valaki fogja hátulról
De nézd milyen szép mikor egyszerre félünk te is meg én is!
Ez csak egy utazás, ez csak egy utazás
Bármikor leszállhatsz
ha úgy döntesz, leszállhatsz
Ez csak egy utazás, ez csak egy utazás
Helyette marad ülni a semmi ágán, akár ki is próbálhatnánk
Mindenki retteg, hogy igazuk lesz, ha egyszer minden összeomlik
Mindenki megrakja tétjét, ha véletlen mégsem érne semmit az egész egy fabatkát sem
Mindenki próbál a szélén maradni,
Ott a víz lassabban forr fel
Békák vagyunk mi
hőérzet nélkül, de ismerlek téged, fel fogunk forrni, ez jó így
Gondolj most arra, hogy melletted ülök és énekelek neked
A láncok már csörögnek, tudjuk hogy
merülni fogunk
A sikolyok zaja és a homály majd hátráltat és össze fog zavarni
De nézd milyen szép,
mikor egyszerre sikítunk, együtt!
Ez csak egy utazás, ez csak egy utazás
Bármikor leszállhatsz
ha úgy döntesz, leszállhatsz
Ez csak egy utazás, ez csak egy utazás
Helyette marad ülni a semmi ágán, akár ki is próbálhatnánk
És ahogy ereszkedünk
szépen körbe-körbe
Ahogy zuhanunk összetörve
Minden rendben lesz a végére.
Mindenki fél most előbújni
Mert előbújni rettentő veszélyes
Érzed, a város leomlik
és mindenki remegve nézi,
Egy ölelés csak ennyi kéne
Valaki retteg, hogy a gyerekét egyszer is elengedje,
És valaki meg attól, hogy talán még egyet is szüljön
Szuicid, homicid, írtsunk ki mindenkit
Választhatsz, mit akarsz, gyere és szállj be te is!
Gondolj most arra, hogy melletted ülök és énekelek neked
Bárcsak láthatnánk őket, akik elmentek már
Az utazás hangos, el nyomja a hangod,
De nézd milyen szép,
egyszerre sírunk, ez most nekem is, neked is fáj!
Ez csak egy utazás, ez csak egy utazás
Bármikor leszállhatsz
ha úgy döntesz, leszállhatsz
Ez csak egy utazás, ez csak egy utazás
Helyette marad ülni a semmi ágán, akár ki is próbálhatnánk.
És ahogy ereszkedünk
szépen körbe-körbe
Ahogy zuhanunk összetörve
Minden rendben lesz a végére.
Mindenki, akit szeretsz meghal egyszer tán
Ez a dal majd jön és emlékeztet talán...
Ez csak egy utazás, ez csak egy utazás
A nővéred, aki hiányzik, akit évek óta nem láttál
Az apád akitől félsz és akinek nem írsz már.
Ez csak egy utazás,
A baba a hasadban, és az, akit elhajtottál
Csak egy utazás, csak egy utazás...
A szerelmed elhagytad, de másra pont ezért találsz
Ne sírj hát barátom
ez csak egy nagy utazás.
Versions: #2
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
Beautiful morning,
Beautiful place,
Beautiful bed,
How the sea looks so good,
Beautiful is the day
And the beautiful life is just starting.
Breath, breath, breath.
The phone rings, my buddy complains,
Things go bad, life is weighing him down,
To live like this doesn't interest him anymore,
To live like this this isn't worth the pain.
Love was lost, the party was over,
And the earth's engine stopped.
Life is a joke with a sad ending,
The future doesn't exist, but I say to him
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
Beautiful peace, beautiful life,
Beautiful to be reborn each day,
Beautiful is truth, when it doesn't sound like a lie,
Beautiful friendship, beautiful laugh,
Beautiful are quality people,
Beautiful are people when they don't regret,
Who win, that lose, that speak and don't lie,
Beautiful are people, and because of that I say,
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
How beautiful things can be, when you let them be beautiful.
How beautiful things are for you.
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
La sea, the morning, the house, the samba,
The earth, the peace, and the life that's happening,
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
Your bed, your salsa, the spot on your back,
Your face, your desires, the weekend.
Beautiful are people who come and go,
Beautiful are people who let themselves go,
Beautiful are people who have no age,
Who listen, who understand, who have and who give.
Beautiful Portel, beautiful Peret,
Beautiful rumba, beautiful José,
Beautiful breeze that's in no hurry,
Beautiful this day, breath, breath
Beautiful are people when they are truthful,
Beautiful are people who are different,
Who shake, who feel,
Who live in the present
Beautiful are people that once were and now aren't,
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
How beautiful things can be, when you let them be beautiful.
How beautiful things are for you.
How beautiful it is, when it is beautiful.
How beautiful it is
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
Its skin has a cinnamon color, its eyes full of innocence
I want to state my singing, little piece of cotton
Where could it be my love? my pigeon, pretty flower
in whose arms could be my cocoon of cotton
Its skin has a cinnamon color, its eyes full of innocence
I want to state my singing, little piece of cotton
I know that you will come some day, my heart tells me so
that despite of the sorrows, tomorrow the sun will shine
then, my pigeon, we will fly together both of us
looking for hope, green natural shoot
(Chorus in quechua)
Imillitay palomitay tikitas malvas tikita
Imamantan wajakuptin cogollito sumajri ñawi(x2)
I know that you will come some day, my heart tells me so
that despite of the sorrows, tomorrow the sun will shine
then, my pigeon, we will fly together both of us
looking for hope, green natural shoot
Pumpingation, this is my mission
No need for aphrodisiac, I'm endowed with fusion
Woow woow woow baby yoo
Come and be mine tonight
Woke up in the morning, taken aback like billy-oh, where the hell is this place
I couldn't recognize it here, a woman in my arms
Shh, what was your name again? When did we come here
We were around the bend, I fainted last night
Came to myself at once, looked around
Couldn't find my pants due to the mess
I asked the girl, where's my pants?
Said, hell with it, mine's on the ground too
When I looked at the girl I craved for her again
She granted me authorization with her sexy glances
Pumpingation, around the clock
She's wasted away, became flat as a witches tit
I'm a machine and this is my job
Should you get hurt, I can slow down for you
I can chop and change, I can love you too
Maybe I can remain close to you for the long haul
So beautiful, so sweet you are
But if you hook yourself on someone, you'd lose your marbles
Don't say come, I can't, don't wait, I can't love you
Don't touch I can't, I can't give my heart to you
How many times have I told you, this is how it goes
This is the rule of your game, one comes, one goes
There are a lot of chicks around me
They'd cry if I don't pump
Everybody, wait for your turn
I got a lot of special time for y'all
Hit and run and hide makes jack a dull boy
I'd come to my senses if I find a decent girl
Till that very that, I wouldn't be sickened with this blow-out
My deeds go on, I wouldn't stop till I get married
There's an angel inside me who's waiting on the q.t
Who's in a good place with his lover, who wants red-letter days
There's a devil inside me, hornily
When he comes a hot girl's way, makes his move on her
I'm Drippin'
I'm drippin'
Mmm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, hm
I'm drippin'
Mmm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, hm
I'm drippin'
Mmm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, hm
Paloma Mami (Oh)
I'm drippin'
Feelin' like you need a Spanish mami in your life (Ey)
[Verse 1]
Pull up to the scene
You see me coming in, I'm too much for you (Too much for you)
Hair and nails on fleek, all-natural since I was born(Born, -orn)
A royal swagger, Fendi, Loui' V
Expensive for you, but not for me (Not for me)
I didn't choose this
Comin' from New York, well I'm like that (Eh)
Drop by drop, I go, fly from head to toe
Drop by drop, spent a hundred thousand on my clothes
Drop by drop, tasty, exotic, guanábana (Oh)
Drop by drop-op-op, I'm not easy (easy
Hmm...everything seemed to have stopped in just a moment
When you left your hands in mine
Come with me wherever I go
You by my side and me by yours
I am the season and you are the winds
Beloved....you smile while I sing
You frown when I cry
I'll drown when you shower me with water
Beloved.....your face is my reflection
This is how it feels nowadays
I am the morning and you're the sunshine
I am the mirror as you admire yourself in it
I love your company
You're my life partner
You gave me all the colours of love
You pulled me away with you
To a place where we got lost
And time stopped
Where tomorrow never comes
Beloved....you ask for a dream and I'll give you a million
My happiness lies in yours
You're different from the others
You're unique in your own way
We both are one
In just a moment, everything seemed to have stopped
You left your hands in mine
Come with me wherever I go
You by my side and me by yours
I am the season and you are the winds
Beloved....you smile while I sing
You frown when I cry
I'll drown when you shower me with water
There is no us (You are not the eternity for me)
(You are not the eternity for me,
I am not the abyss for you.
Instead of a sweetness - an honesty...)
A remedy, a game, lust.
I am not the sun for you,
You are not the sky for me.
Not tasting the bitterness,
Seagulls were chocking on the pieces of bread.
I don’t know - where you are,
I don’t know - with whom.
I have no idea where to go.
Should we trust our eyes,
Then it will be raining the day after tomorrow.
What (Such) a pity,
(But...) you see,
Yet again, there is no us.
I am not a sea for you,
And I don’t storm with passion.
Quality of the relationship,
You wish to dilute the paint...
You are not a wind for me,
And you don’t drive the waves,
I am responsible for you,
After all, we are so childish.
I don’t know - where you are,
I don’t know - with whom.
(I..) have no idea where to go.
Should we trust our eyes,
Then it will be raining the day after tomorrow.
What a pity,
But you see,
Yet again, there is no us.
You only need me for the autumn,
I only have you for a short time.
(I only need you for the autumn,
You only have me for a short time).
We are not asking for more,
What’s the point, anyway.
Move on
Move on
Always move on
Always keep moving on
When things don’t come out as you expected
And you feel like your world is going to end
Look at it like this, like this
Try it out, once again
I know it isn’t easy
Until you can’t take it
Keep moving on
Move on
Keep moving on
Until you can’t take it, keep moving on
For me, for her
For everyone around you
Your fears, scare them away
Stop and give me a smile
Shake off all the bad
Shake it all away
Everyone around us
Is dancing on their own way
Keep moving forward
Keep moving backwards
Put on a good face
Everything will pass
Mmmm I wanna know
If you’re going to do
Like me
Eh, eh
Look at it, like this like this
Try it out once again
I know it isn’t easy
Until you can’t take it
Keep moving on
Move on
Keep moving on
Until you can’t take it, keep moving on
Lerele, we are going to dance
And no, we are not going to stop
Lerele, we are going to sing
Move, move
Human being
i want
i feel
like i'm a little
i want
to be
like a human being
i want
to be
like a human being
i want
i feel
like i'm a little
i want
to be
like a human being
i want
to be
like a human being
i want
i want
to be
like a human being
i want
[Verse 1]
I want to fight
I want to fight
I want to love
I want to love
I want to fight
I want to love
I will fight
I will love
I will be both
I will be both
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
[Verse 2]
I can't tell you why ravens of all things have this effect on me
Maybe because of that evening so many years ago
You know when the photo is in front of me again
I can see how the pigeon flies again
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Raven and a dove
Távolabb a haláltól, messzebb az élettől,
távolabb a szerelemtől, távolabb magamtól,
távolabb tőlünk
távolabb azoktól akik voltunk,
azoktól, akiké válhattunk volna,
És a versengés folytatódik.
(Az az érzésem, hogy az éjszaka mellettem áll)
[Verse 1]
Oh, nem érdekel, megünneplem a pillanatot,
a markomba veszem, mielőtt elröppen, elröppen.
Oh, kicselezem a csapdámat, a szívemben tűz lobog amikor sötét van,
érzem a lángot, érzem a lángot.
De van egy részem,
ami régen inkább elbujkált,
de most egészen a csillagokig érek.
Találtam valamit, amiben bízhatok
és most mindenhol lehetőségeket látok,
mert most egészen a csillagokig érek,
találtam valamit, amiben bízhatok.
De oh, az az érzésem, hogy az éjszaka mellettem áll.
(Az enyém, az enyém, arany vagyok, fényesen ragyogok, yeah arany vagyok)
Oh, az az érzem, hogy rendben leszek.
(Az enyém, az enyém, arany vagyok, fényesen ragyogok, yeah arany vagyok)
Nincs jobb, mint hallani a hangot, hallani a hangot,
az új utam hangját, a padlóra hullok.
De oh, az az érzésem, hogy az éjszaka mellettem áll.
(Az enyém, az enyém, arany vagyok, fényesen ragyogok, yeah arany vagyok)
[Verse 2]
Lépésről-lépésre, a lépteimben is ott az erő,
és azért vagyok itt, hogy maradjak, hogy maradjak.
És olyan magasan érzem magam, mint egy rakéta az égen,
semmi sem áll az utamban, az utamban.
De van egy részem,
ami régen inkább elbujkált,
de most egészen a csillagokig érek.
Találtam valamit, amiben bízhatok
és most mindenhol lehetőségeket látok,
mert most egészen a csillagokig érek,
találtam valamit, amiben bízhatok.
De oh, az az érzésem, hogy az éjszaka mellettem áll.
(Az enyém, az enyém, arany vagyok, fényesen ragyogok, yeah arany vagyok)
Oh, az az érzem, hogy rendben leszek.
(Az enyém, az enyém, arany vagyok, fényesen ragyogok, yeah arany vagyok)
Nincs jobb, mint hallani a hangot, hallani a hangot,
az új utam hangját, a padlóra hullok.
De oh, az az érzésem, hogy az éjszaka mellettem áll.
(Az enyém, az enyém, arany vagyok, fényesen ragyogok, yeah arany vagyok)
Van egy érzésem, aranyként ragyogok (Aranyként ragyogok)
Van egy érzésem (Van egy érzésem)
Aranyként ragyogok (Aranyként ragyogok)
Oh, az az érzésem, hogy az éj mellettem áll (Aranyként ragyogok)
Oh, azt érzem, hogy rendben leszek.
(Az enyém, az enyém, arany vagyok, fényesen ragyogok, yeah arany vagyok)
Nincs jobb, mint hallani a hangot, hallani a hangot,
az új utam hangját, a padlóra hullok.
Oh, az az érzésem, hogy az éjszaka mellettem áll.
(Az enyém, az enyém, arany vagyok, fényesen ragyogok, yeah arany vagyok)
Blessed are those who mourn
Blessed are those who mourn
Blessed are those who mourn
Blessed are those who mourn
We will receive comfort
We will receive comfort
Blessed are those who mourn
Blessed are those who mourn
Blessed are those who mourn
Blessed are those who mourn
Versions: #1
Thin women hand-rods
in silk dresses will dress,
scattered by random sadness
and will roll out to the limit.
Thunderous prejudices,
unpleasant circumstances,
and, burning all regrets,
try to be inattentive.
The month burns the shoulders, the
wind will lift the tulle.
Time does not heal,
a soft kiss.
It will get a little easier.
The heart doesn't look for bullets.
Meeting places change.
The ribs are intact, the rhymes are broken.
People with more indifferent.
Let's assume that happiness is young.
Tanned - naughty.
By a thin line of fine lace
the dusty sky is encircled.
What remains in this time,
what is hidden in this name?
The month burns the shoulders, the
wind will lift the tulle.
Time does not heal,
a soft kiss.
It will get a little easier.
The heart doesn't look for bullets.
Meeting places change.
The month burns the shoulders, the
wind will lift the tulle.
Time does not heal,
a soft kiss.
It will get a little easier.
The heart doesn't look for bullets.
Meeting places change.
Do you know what I need ?
Do you know what I need ?
What I need is
What I need is
What I need is
What I need is
What I need is
More cheddar
To keep control like the Jedi
To shoot fire like Jedha
No need to go far to feel the jetlag
They say happiness can't be bought
That the devil chooses his hideouts well
I'm in the time chamber with a jet pack
So it's not really helping
Repeating 16 bars I know by heart
My inspiration, I didn't find it on the ground
Born staring at the sky, thoughts about the eternal
But everything was here, right in front of me
If the world is ahead of you, mate what are you waiting for (hmm)
To retrieve true feelings, is what I fight for (ok)
I fight to uninstall what they added in me
This fucking laziness allowing me to let myself die, without reacting
The will is here, the soul isn't someone else's
The strength it can contain each day, bro you don't know
The enemy ends up softened like whiskey in water
The exit doors leading to a better world, I'm downloading them bro
There's hope as long as we go forward
As long as there exists a thought going against the dominant one
As long as we can elevate spiritually, to escape the abominable forces
Alienating us and making us swallow drama like it's seasoning
I'm getting praised, but I'm just a dumbass
With enough audacity to turn the world he had into a continent
By fusing lights and shadows, I created a bug in the system and I hope to fuck it by going forward
What I need is
More cheddar
To keep control like the Jedi
To shoot fire like Jedha
No need to go far to feel the jetlag
They say happiness can't be bought
That the devil chooses his hideouts well
I'm in the time chamber with a jet pack
So it's not really helping
Repeating 16 bars I know by heart
My inspiration, I didn't find it on the ground
Born staring at the sky, thoughts about the eternal
But everything was here, right in front of me
A Harbor of Departing Ships
I am only a harbor small
that loves ships
where always in the night burns
a few lanterns dim.
With me the ships don't get along,
I am small and without renown.
Away the big sails has
the sea always called.
I look out to sea even now.
The heart could almost weep,
for in the fall from me left
that wonderful ship away,
it bigger than the rest was,
and that one I loved,
when it arrived with bows high
and sails proud.
Even that one the piers grey left.
Left only tracks in the water.
I long and longing
its lights looked for in the sea.
Other ships came yes,
came in playing of music
and scented cargoes of fruit...
I loved those too.
Yet for their departing never
did I cry for like that one's,
which tracks I still during the nights
with a trembling heart caress,
when my lanterns burn dim
and from the sea come
just the gulls' and winds' stenches
and waves without soul.
Too badly hurt
Too badly hurt, because of you, my friend,
I have been left.
So badly hurt, that to think about seeig you again,
no way.
I feel sorry for the one who may come now
trying to handle my life,
wanting to get involved, trying to love me
with a lie.
Too badly hurt,
I almost look like a sparrow without wings,
as if I were less than nothing,
like a seagull that lost its shore.
Too badly hurt
to be conscient of what is happening to me,
to be considering what I will do tomorrow,
if, perhaps, my life ended here.
Too badly hurt
for you to ask me to start anew,
you will pay the blame, may God wish
that never will happen to you.
Too badly hurt
Open widely your eyes, this is the good-bye,
and, on closing the door, you must forget me
for the rest of our lives
Too badly hurt,
I almost look like a sparrow without wings,
as if I were less than nothing,
like a seagull that lost its shore.
Too badly hurt
to be conscient of what is happening to me,
to be considering what I will do tomorrow,
if, perhaps, my life ended here.
I almost look like a sparrow without wings,
as if I were less than nothing,
like a seagull that lost its shore.
Too badly hurt
to be conscient of what is happening to me,
to be considering what I will do tomorrow,
if, perhaps, my life ended here.
Why don’t you return
Why did they hide the sea
In this land of so little sun?
The wave is a pinch of salt
Close to this sand of mine.
Voices and sounds of the street
Jump together to my window
To make a dance with the hope,
With what’s left of the wish
That moves this boat of mine.
Why don’t you return, past time?
Why don’t you return, childhood?
How much I’d love to pass
Over my lost heart.
Why don’t you return, dark-haired boy?
Why does the day get dark
And now no sound can be heard?
There is no moon above the sheepfolds.
If you give peace, I give peace to you,
Plant a tree for me on Mount Limbara,
A shining tree, it gives peace to me,
May it be for me like a look and a shadow of home.
And I’ve gambled the moon
On one night made black by the wine,
The luck was running after me
But it left me only bitter honey.
And why don’t you throw more cards,
If now I can no longer play?
Gentlemen, a witch comes:
Why do you want to cheat me?
If I lose, you don’t win.
Why don’t you return, past time?
Why don’t you return, childhood?
How much I’d love to pass
Over mi lost river.
If you give peace, I give peace to you,
Plant a tree for me on Mount Limbara,
A shining tree, it gives peace to me,
May it be for me like a look and a shadow of home.
If you give peace, I give peace to you,
Plant a tree for me in the middle of the sea,
A shining tree, it gives voice to me,
may it be for me like a look and a shadow of home.
If you give peace, I give peace to you,
Plant a tree for me in the middle of the sea,
A shining tree, it gives voice to me,
May it be for me like a look and a shadow of sounds.
Words of love
She loved me so much,
I still love her.
Together, we went through
a closed door.
She, how can I say it,
was my whole world
when in the fireplace we only burnt
words of love.
Words of love, simple and sweet,
we didn't know any better, we were fifteen years old,
we hadn't had enough time to learn them,
we'd just woken up from a childish dream.
We had enough with three set phrases
we'd heard from old comedians
from love stories, poet's dreams,
we didn't know any better, we were fifteen years old.
Her, where may she be,
her, what may she be doing,
I lost her and I will never
find her again.
But when the night falls
I hear a distant song
old notes, old chords,
old words of love.
Words of love, simple and sweet,
we didn't know any better, we were fifteen years old,
we hadn't had enough time to learn them,
we'd just woken up from a childish dream.
We had enough with three set phrases
we'd heard from old comedians
from love stories, poet's dreams,
we didn't know any better, we were fifteen years old.
Memory puzzles
Versions: #1
I'll drink everything, I will drink tomorrow as well.
I'll drink everything, so I won't be able to remember,
Which memory to choose.
The reason is clear(/sober), not me.
The fault lies in the lost pieces,
of a memory (jigsaw)puzzle.
Slivers(/shards), pills, parquets and razors
From the shadows of bottles I find myself, is it morning already?
Walls upside down
For us young people to have fun
Let me sing, vedoi, now I can manage, joo,
now I can manage, vedoi, to sing, joo,
and I can manage, vedoi, to have fun, joo:
it's not the beloved, vedoi, hay time, joo,
nor the rye's, vedoi, crushing time, joo,
nor the oat's, vedoi, whispering time, joo,
the scythes are still, vedoi, in the rafters, joo,
the sickles remain, vedoi, on the wall, joo.
De Palma
Tell me that everything now is as it seems,
that our life has returned like before
And if I watch outside from the window,
the sun is still scalding the world while it turns
And you are like that melody
because I always have you in my head, night and day, and you don’t go away
Tell me that despite everything, you’re mine
cuz I wanna give a name to all this nostalgia
This night calls
The wind blows your voice this far
They sing Paloma out on the streets like in Medellin
It doesn’t matter if,
if a song that knows my name,
who cares if
the night is still long?
I was waiting for the sunrise
I was waiting for you
Eh eh eh
I saw you there alone
and I wondered if someone so beautiful falls in love
with someone grew up between the palaces in the area
But you told me everything without saying a word
and sorry if I go fast
Hey, gently, do you wanna dance tonight?
I feel my heart that turns upside down
and it hasn’t ever beaten strongly like this
This night calls
The wind blows your voice this far
They sing Paloma out on the streets like in Medellin
It doesn’t matter if,
if a song that knows my name,
who cares if
the night is still long?
I was waiting for the sunrise
I was waiting for you
Eh eh eh
It’s enough that you touch me even just one second
and the rough sea then becomes calm
I want your eyes in order to watch the world
and your lips in order to forget it, uebe
I would like to bring you with me
where none of our fears
can harm us
It doesn’t matter if,
if a song that knows my name,
who cares if
the night is still long?
I was waiting for the sunrise
I was waiting for you
Eh eh eh
De Palma