Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 22


We Loved

And you know that I
simply miss
your smiles
and you touch within me
in my heart that goes crazy
for your embraces
Know that you were born for me
know that it's real only with you
We loved so much you and me
who else knows like you
who else understands me like you
no matter where i go you will always be with me
something in you touches
something in you lights me from within
And you know how much i am
addicted to your arms
to your love
and you steal my heart
deep into your eyes
to your soul
Know that you were born for me
know that it's real only with you
We loved so much you and me
who else knows like you
who else understands me like you
no matter where i go you will always be with me
something in you touches
something in you lights me from within

Inside Out

The day’s shrinking, the sun’s fading away,
The glow of the sky says it’s getting late,
And I’m still wandering in you, like in a forest,
Where’s the way in and way out? I’m perplexed.
Your heart’s beating beside me, like a source
Of myself, only I don’t know which way to go,
I’m still wandering in you, like in a grove,
Where I have never been before...
Frolicking shadows are beckoning me to rest,
Crossing out the paths, hiding them in the murk,
I’m still wandering in you like in a forest,
The farther I move, the more I loose my way ...
I hide you away from the eyes in my heart,
I can’t see because I’m standing in my own way,
I’m still wandering in you like in a thick forest,
And every moment I’m quickening my pace.
The day is passing away. It’ll soon end...
So what if it’s the end? If it’s the dark? The night?
I’m still wandering in you like in a dense forest,
Treading a path to you like I did the first time.


If you're having a sad day
There's nothing to be embarrassed of
I will raise the guitar, I will sing for you here
The song of which you love to smile
To acknowledge how beautiful you are
And to anyone that speaks, we shall see
We'll shut their mouths like castanets
And if conscience calls, then we'll immediately answer it
Hear the world here screaming for you
Oh dance, dance, dance,
Don't ever stop
Knock out a round like this, throw everything away
Keep on dancing to the pace of life
Tonight we won't go to sleep
Come, and let's pick up the pace, the mood
C'mon let's celebrate as if there's no work tomorrow
Because if life was a party, you would be on the table
And c'mon, c'mon some more....
Oh dance, dance, dance,
Don't ever stop
Knock out a round like this, throw everything away
Keep on dancing to the pace of life
Ali on the bar
Don't think about tomorrow
What should you do, the main thing is to smile
Come and see everyone dancing
With the Moroccan rythm
This is Peretz and Vain - dance
Another cup of wine - dance
Oh dance, dance, dance,
Don't ever stop
Knock out a round like this, throw everything away
Keep on dancing to the pace of life

Jer, Barátom...

Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Vigyázd, s Gondolj a Tórára!
Hangzott az egy Isten szavára,
Egy Adonáj, kinek glóriája
Az egész világot körüljárja.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Menjünk hát a Sábbát elé,
Áldások forrása az övé.
Kezdetektől kiválasztott,
Első helyre kívánkozott.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Szent lakóhely, királyváros,
A romlásból éledj, távozz!
Elég volt már a sírásból,
Könyörül rajtad, ki Téged meglát.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Magadról most rázd le a port,
Öltözz díszbe, ruhád ragyogjon,
Mert itt van már Isáj fia,
Ki elhozza neked a megváltásod.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Támadjon fel fényességed,
Emelkedjen dicsőséged!
Énekeld a melódiát,
Urad dicsfénye jár téged majd át.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Ne szégyenkezz, ne jöjj zavarba!
Miért érzed magadat lesújtva?
Szegényeim benned bíznak,
Falaid újból magasodni fognak.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Kifosztóid kifosztatnak,
Pusztitóid eltávoznak.
Örül neked a te Istened,
Mint vőlegény a jegyesének.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Meghajolhatsz jobbra, balra,
Az Örökkévalót áldva.
Mert Perec utódja által
Örvendezel, s vigadozol majd.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Jöjj békében, Büszkeségem!
Ujjongással, énekléssel,
Kiválasztott néped áldjon,
Jöjj, Menyasszony! Jöjj, Menyasszony!
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!

When the Flame Turns to Ashes

I used to see you as a wounded eagle
That has been left in the field in agony to die...
Your eyes are watching the damned enemy,
Who wanted to trample you with his feet.
You are breathing with anger, you're burning, still alive...
To dig you claw the ground,
With one wing you're beating off the rooks
And laying on the second broken wing...
I used to see you as a stately knight,
Who layed in steppe to rest on the stone...
You are hardly sleeping and raving about the lucky battle,
While your enemy is hissing like a snake...
My nation! And you - an eagle, that got shot down at night,
And you are knight, who has been captured!
Oh my eagle, my winged giant,
Oh my knight, who has been punished for his sleep!..
Why, my eagle, don't you fly with eagles,
Why are you dragging wings, as oars, on the ground?!
Why, my knight, don't you go in battle,
Why you are lamentably crying with a wind on the tillage?!
So what is an eagle, if his flock
Doesn't dart off the earth into the blue of serene day,
And what kind of knight are you with a smile of servant,
Without proud thoughts, without honour and a name?!

A Glass of Wine

She's been looking at me a lot
Pulling out that old saying about wine
that only gets better with time
She wants another sleepless night
And I have no more will to speak, not even with my eyes
which get tired of your smile, give me some of your dance, stop talking
Would you start moving your body more
So that the words from your heart start showing
So raise another glass of wine
'Cause I'm thrilled again
Look at how the skies reopen
Things could be hard
'Cause everything is not always so sweet
Don't forget that we used to love so much
Time, we don't even feel the time
Me and you inside a small world that never ends for me
And you whisper to me, 'Salsa,
It flows in my blood'
The rhythm once again decides to set up our night
Suddenly I love your smile
I love your dance, keep on talking...

Sugar in coffee

Every woman wants to be at the peak
She can't listen to people telling her 'no'
and if you feel a bit unsure
I'm here.
I'm not like money which comes and goes
With me it's a lot more secure
and if you tell me 'yes'
I will buy a guitar and start playing.
I want a 'balagan'1 with her, I'm not asleep.
She pulls my shirt forwards
Now I'm not giving up
What a 'balagan', she doesn't say 'stop'
She pulls time forwards
It seems too secure for me.
Give me another round, it's nice
It's like more sugar in coffee
So sweet, I don't want to rest,
and let's see what comes out of it.
Everyone wants it but I want it even more
I approach you and in your ear I say:
Understand the mood,
know that I'm not....
I'm not like money which comes and goes
With me it's a lot more secure
and if you tell me 'yes'
I will buy a guitar and start playing.
  • 1. Hebrew slang for 'chaos', 'mess'

Another Night

Another night has passed
Since I met you
Since I saw you
It's not easy you're not here
Another night has passed
And why is it difficult
To breathe with you again
We knew all the moments
Don't try to run away again
It's not that easy to forget
The moments, the days
Of love
Don't try to run away again
It's not that easy to forget
The moments, the days
Of love
I want you
I love you
I want you
Another night has passed
Since I met you
Since I saw you
It's not easy you're not here
Another night has passed
And why is it difficult
To breathe with you again
We knew all the moments
Don't try to run away again...
I want you, want you, want you,
Yes I want you, love you,
Breathe you in every moment,
I want you so much,
Come to me, come to me,
Another night has passed
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט


Fire, in my heart a fire burns
out to my excited body
when I approach you
When the look of my eyes is met in your eyes
then something that hasn't yet happened happens
I start to get closer to you immediately
and when you begin I suddely turn to...
Fire, in my heart a fire burns
out to my excited body
when I approach you
why does this seem like a dream to me
as my heart suddenly burns
and I am in your emotions
Fire, in my heart a fire burns
out to my excited body
when I approach you
why does this seem like a dream to me
as my heart suddenly burns
and all of me is happy
I feel my soul walking after you
pulling my body on the way to your heart
I don't waste time, I say a word or two
you say yes immediately, my is on fire again
it burns like...
Fire, in my heart a fire burns...
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Tears and Fists in the Walls

Her heart in your hand, she says
She lies to you so that you take care of her
But your angel is a demon with a harp, in fact
And he wants, wants
To touch the chords in your bed and on your music
She says, says, says that she doesn't want you to hit
The walls with your fists
You know that she lies and she would like tears, too
Tears and fists in the walls, tears and fists in the walls, fists in the walls
You tell her
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
The saddest phrase is 'all will be well'
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
From the so many boys drunk for girls like you.
With eyes of glass, with black clothes in the suitcase
It's the supreme test, it's a last message, last message
It's a violent dance, you learn different steps
She throws her arguments at you
You shut up and climb, floor to floor
She says, says, says that she doesn't want you to hit
The walls with your fists
You know that she lies and she would like tears, too
Tears and fists in the walls, tears and fists in the walls, fists in the walls
You tell her
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
The saddest phrase is 'all will be well'
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
From the so many boys drunk for girls like you.
Lie to her, because it won't hurt anymore
And tell her that she's beautiful
And often in her dreams
You ask her hand in marriage
But today your soul
Will break into four, you tell her,
Just one more time, 'love,' just one more time by name
You tell her
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
The saddest phrase is 'all will be well'
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
From the so many boys drunk for girls like you.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

We were two

Only the eyes are looking
I miss your voice
Look what is happenig to me, I forgot how to live
And time is standing still
Each day feels like a week
You are so far away
I want to have a dance with you
Remember how we used to talk only with our eyes?
We had our little secrets
Why? Why?
Chorus in arabic
انت حياتي او انت نور عنيا
אינתה חיאתי ואינתי נור עיניא
بعيوني انت الضو او بقلبي او فيا
בעיוני אינטי אל דאו ובאלבי ופיי
عم بتسمعني يا اغلى الناس انا
עאם בתסמעני יא ארלי אלנאס אנא
I love you and you know that
I felt you missed me too
Tell me, do you still think about me now,
I already got used to smile even when I am sad
I refuse to give up on you
And the eyes are dry,
I am tired from crying
I can't hear you
You are so far away
Remember how we used to talk only with our eyes?
We had our little secrets
Why? Why?
Chorus in arabic
انت حياتي او انت نور عنيا
אינתה חיאתי ואינתי נור עיניא
بعيوني انت الضو او بقلبي او فيا
בעיוני אינטי אל דאו ובאלבי ופיי
عم بتسمعني يا اغلى الناس انا
עאם בתסמעני יא ארלי אלנאס אנא

Long Nights

There were days where I looked for love
In places where you can only find sadness
I was getting up a little late from bed, wearing
Too nice clothes, wrapping up my emotions
I was living those long nights and the smoke no longer burned in my eyes
I found someone who'd hold me tight
And couldn't find the one who'd hold my hand
And then when I thought of giving up the truth
You looked at me in a mesmerizing moment
You told me nothing but you also didn't lie
I realized it is you, it is you
There were days where the sun didn't shine
Or it was just me not opening the door
I was running within the walls of the apartment
Thinking about how much I wouldn't be able to do till the evening
I was living those lost nights and no one looked me in the eyes
I found a girl who'd warm up my autumn
But autumn is just a temporary season
And then when I thought of giving up the truth
You looked at me in a mesmerizing moment
You told me nothing but you also didn't lie
I realized it is you, it is you, it is you
Maybe you don't remember it like I do
How, like in a movie, only you managed to see the truth I have in my heart just for you
And then when I thought of giving up the truth
You looked at me in a mesmerizing moment
You told me nothing but you also didn't lie
I realized it is you
Then when I thought of giving up the truth
You looked at me in a mesmerizing moment
You told me nothing but you also didn't lie
I realized it is you, it is you, it is you

The living dead (Rhymed translation)

Versions: #2
My buddy Blanco Herrera
has earned one day his pay
and without thinking twice
he went to throw it away,
He had a full week partying
and he has lost his head
and as he didn't come back home
they all thought he was dead,
And he wasn't dead no, no, no
and he wasn't dead no, no, no
and he wasn't dead no, no, no,
he was just drinking beer, lerelele
and he wasn't dead no, no, no
and he wasn't dead no, no, no
and he wasn't dead no, no, no
chévere que chévere.

But after many days
of not knowing his spot
they've found a dead person,
a dead man who looked a lot,
They mounted him a vigil,
the novena he was given,
they buried him with sorrow
and his debts were all forgiven.
But one day he appeared
living and happy like none,
'You all got the wrong dead, ha!'
he told everyone,
The fuss that it was made
doesn't need to be said,
his wife doesn't want him,
doesn't want to sleep with a dead.
He wasn't dead, no,
he was in a party. (x2)
My buddy Blanco Herrera
has earned one day his pay
He wasn't dead, no,
he was in a party
And he wasn't dead no, no, no,
he was just drinking beer, lerelele.
And he wasn't dead no, no, no
chévere que chévere, chévere.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


She's still not sure with herself
That she's allowed to dream too
And it already came true
Now the fear from the light
Makes breathing hard for her
And surely there is someone to blame
Her skies are thirsty
For fireworks
The mind might understand it's a mistake
But for the heart
Every day is Independence Day
She's still not sure with herself
How old she is today
And it's her birthday soon
This loneliness takes up all of her space
And here there's someone at the door
So she might run away again
Or perhaps she'll trust the time to take
And make all the decisions for her
It's all up to God


I want us to flow without looking at the clock
To feel our lips get so close
And I want to know if at all
Tonight, night
I want to, she wants to
I want to get to know her a little deeper
Without saying a word, to speak with our eyes
I want to twirl her while she dances
All night, night
I want to, she wants to
How I always need her when I feel bad
She makes me feel so good, it's crazy
What, tell me what, just tell me what
Because I, I, I am insane
I go far with her without knowing what
To expect by the end of the evening, evening
When everyone leaves quietly, quietly
How it's always with her
I want us to cut straight home 'cause it's already late
And us to wake up with you wearing my shirt tomorrow
Because I want her with me
For the whole night, night
I want to, she wants to
How I always need her when I feel bad
She makes me feel so good, it's crazy
What, tell me what, just tell me what
Because I, I, I am insane
I go far with her without knowing what
To expect by the end of the evening, evening
When everyone leaves quietly, quietly
How it's always with her
The morning comes between the sheets
Me and you are a bit embarrassed
And it feels like a dream to me

On My Bed

By night on my bed
I sought her whom my soul loved
And by night she is gone
With you left my slumber, where shall I find her
I will go about the streets
Among alleys of despair I will seek her
A love that slips in the streets
Where shall I go, where does my one hides
Rise, go and make your voice be heard
From afar I will know you are near
Come back to me
Memories that claw at the heart
A yearning laced with pain, come back to me
By night on my bed
My mind is lost, God
By night only her scent remaines
I call out to you, love, and in your heart
No longer am I a guest

I Walked into the Hedges

I walked into the hedges
For some walnuts
The miller I have loved
For some fun.
The miller, with me, is indignant,
He'll turn around, and then kiss me
For some fun.
I walked into the hedges
For the mushrooms,
The harness maker I have loved
A young maiden
The harness maker sews a saddle
He embraces and then hugs me
A young maiden.
I walked into the hedges
For some firewood
And the cooper I have loved,
The dark browed one.
The cooper assembles buckets,
He embraces and then hugs me
The dark browed one.
When you want to it know well,
My mother,
Whom you will first be
calling an in-law -
Them all, them all, my mother
On sunday an in-law
You will call them.