A keresés eredménye oldal 4
Találatok száma: 225
Kedves Putyin elnök úr!
Kedves Putyin elnök úr!Jöjjön velem, tegyünk egy sétát.
Tegyünk úgy,
Mintha csak két ember lennénk,
És Ön sem jobb nálam.
Szeretnék feltenni néhány kérdést,
Ha őszintén tudunk beszélni.
Mit érez,
Amikor látja ezeket az embereket az utcákon,
Kiért imádkozik este, mielőtt lefekszik aludni,
És mit érez, ha a tükörbe néz,
Hogyan alszik, miközben mi, többiek sírunk?
És hogyan álmodik, mikor egy anyának esélye sincs elbúcsúzni?
Hogyan jár emelt fővel?
Egyáltalán még a szemembe tud nézni?
És mondja el, miért...
Tisztelt Elnök Úr!
Ön magányos fiú?
Ön egy elkényeztetett fiú?
Hogy mondhatja, hogy senki sem maradt hátra?
Nem vagyunk buták és nem vagyunk vakok sem,
Mindannyian a celláiban ülünk,
Miközben Ön a pokolba vezető utakat kövezi.
Milyen apa az, aki elvenné a saját lányától a jogait?
És milyen férfi az, aki azt gondolja, hogy a házasság nem helyes, ha meleg vagy?
El tudom képzelni, mit mondhat a First Lady,
Ő csak beszél?
Vagy leutánozza az egészet?
Hogyan alszik, miközben mi, többiek sírunk?
És hogyan álmodik, mikor egy anyának esélye sincs elbúcsúzni?
Hogyan jár emelt fővel?
Egyáltalán még a szemembe tud nézni?
Hogyan alszik éjjel?
Hogyan jár emelt fővel?
Putyin az első számú elnök
Egy embernek száz medve ereje vanIzzadsága egy pilsner sör
Amikor megvágod, repülj ki egy méhraj
Vlagyimir elnök
Gyűlöli a melegeket, mintha titokban meleg lenne
Nem törődik Ukrajnával
Börtönbe dob ha lány maszkban énekel
És biztosan nem meleg
Putyin levette az inget hogy megmutassa okto-pec mellkasát
A laikus nőket úgy mint ő az olajcsövet
Szart szed majd felhúzza a nadrágját
Mert Putyin nem törődik törlőkendővel
Balance toll
Nézz unatkozni
Egyél egy madarat
Ugorj az óceánba
Aztán sírni a babát
Érintse meg a tüzet
Menj orvoshoz
Orvos mondja
Ne érintse meg a tüzet
De te Putyin
Szóval most az orvos menjen a börtönbe
Állítsa vissza az órát az emberi jogok terén
Vegyük a Krímet és ne köszönjünk
Félkész szállodában volt olimpiád
Meglepetés Vladaprank-ba kerültél
Putyin fekvenyomás egy fürtöket csináló férfit
Edward Snowden: A fasz nem adhatja
Elaludni az ENSZ-vita alatt
200 évig Putyin él
Beszélj a kutyával, az eszével
Menj aludni az ellenségére
Sun, don't burn out
Jaakko is breathing deeply in a cafeteriaHe's afraid of Word War 3
Spring is pushing out a comforting sprout
There's people around who you barely know
Jukka would drink too much even though he shouldn't
He borrows money but he always pays back
A group of teenagers don't have a lesson
They are discussing with enthusiasm
A couple is arguing at the corner table
If you still don't know how the song continues from here on
But I do
Everyone has big dreams, everyone has big fears
Wars, unemployment and climate
Festival season is about to begin, it's time to buy tickets soon
Ilosaari 1 was sold out already
Sun, don't burn out
Sun, don't burn out
'Do superheroes cry', Jaakko is wondering with hand on his cheek
He's looking out for the tenth time
Truth is found but elsewhere
At the smoking corner there's Ari, the leader of the place
He's talking with Petteri about Rolling Stones
(well I think that Exile on Main St is
clearly their best album)
Everyone has big dreams, everyone has big fears
Wars, unemployment and climate
Festival season is about to begin, it's time to buy tickets soon
Ilosaari was sold out already
Everyone has big dreams, everyone has big fears
Wars, unemployment and climate
Festival season is about to begin, it's time to buy tickets soon
Ilosaari was sold out already
Sun, don't burn out
At the corner table Jukka is trying to calm down the argument
(it's a mistake)
If you still don't know how the song continues from here on
But I do
Everyone has big dreams, everyone has big fears
Wars, unemployment and climate
Three weeks until the beginning of vacation
Getting rid of virginity, do you hit the jackpot of a weekday
Everyone has big dreams, everyone has big fears
Festival season is about to begin, it's time to buy tickets soon
Ilosaari was sold out already
Sun, don't burn out
Sun, don't burn out
Sun, don't burn out
Sun, don't burn out
- 1. Reference to an annual rock festival held in Joensuu, Finland
Despite everything
Despite everything, I still love youDespite this anger that is now devouring me
Despite everything, I can't find the words
To throw at you all of this rancor
Despite everything I've told you
Despite everything you've done to me
Despite the time I've wasted
I think about you
And now we're still here
Thinking that between us
There's nothing more that can unite us
And to not let myself go
Despite everything
I still think about you
Despite everything, you're in my mind
And if in vain I throw myself into other stories
Despite everything, nothing has changed
I want to be alone, at least to the eyes of people
Despite everything I've told you
Despite everything you've done to me
Despite the time I've wasted
I think about you
And now we're still here
Thinking that between us
There's nothing more that can unite us
And to not let myself go
Despite everything
I still think about you
Despite everything I've told you
Despite everything you've done to me
Despite the time I've wasted
I think about you
And we're still here
Thinking that between us
There's nothing more that can unite us
And to not let myself go
Despite everything
I still think about you
And to not let myself go
Despite everything
I still think about you
Autumn covers the ground with a yellow shroud,The air is riddled with misty dust.
The stars laugh at those who fear the night,
A random passer will pass and immediately disappear away.
The lantern in blue is dimly lit outside the window,
Autumn walks barefoot on the ground.
The trees were stripped, they were hot, they gave their clothes to the asphalt,
And only a birch leaf twists somersault in the air.
The sun lights up the day with red dawn,
And beyond the red dawn we continue to live .
The sky became lower, the city became different,
The last rain falls on the rooftops, we leave with him.
Half Way Down
As I wander through this townSinful and weary
Half way down
And I found you
Your touch reveals
The secret so gently
And after such a long time
I found who I am
Give me your hands, guide me now
I don't need anyone anymore
And no one but you
Touch me and adrenaline flows through my veins again
And your eyes follow me, just waiting for me to go
And everything is burning, you know you put me on fire
Widen my horizons
As I drive on the dark side
Over the madness road
Your exhilaration points me
To the light in the last moment
I take you with me everywhere
Remember it well
And time flows fast
When I get my hands on you
Give me your hands, guide me now
I don't need anyone anymore
And no one but you
Touch me and adrenaline flows through my veins again
And your eyes follow me, just waiting for me to go
And everything is burning, you know you put me on fire
Widen my horizons
Song for Putin (2020): He's called Wladimir
Versions: #1He's called Wladimir
and has been living here for 20 years
and he likes every animal.
Putin likes to go to war, and goes fishing naked
Na-, na-, na-, na-, nasdorovje (Cheers!)
And those who demonstrate are gonna get beaten up
Na-, na-, na-, na-, Nawalny
He's shredding the constitution,
wants to govern for ever
The State Duma says 'Yeah, go ahead'
and we're cheering
He's called Vladimir
and he's bombing until 4 in the morning
Just quickly annexing Crimea
And when gays pass by his house
Na na na na na na na
Then he sends the HOMO-police 1
Na na na na na na na
He's not scared of Corona
He is well protected
(oh - the other way around)
He feles invincible
Will it help him?
He's called Wladimir
- 1. A reference to the writing on Russian police uniforms 'OMOH' which if read backwards looks like 'Homo', short for 'homosexual'.