Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 518


Small river

Flows, flowing river, but on the sand,
Berezhok washes, berekhochek washes.
And young ghulman, oh yes young ghulman
Boss prays
And young ghulman, oh yes young ghulman
My boss.
Oh you, bosses, yes over bosses,
Let go, let go.
There missed you, and maybe missed
On freedom Drolya.
There missed you, and maybe missed
On freedom Drolya.
I would let you go
But you will steal, you will steal.
Come drink you water, water, water cold,
About love you forget.
You drink some cold water
About love you forget.
Yes, I drank water, oh drank cold,
He drank, drank, drank, did not get drunk.
And I loved a girl in freedom
I enjoyed it with her.
The coffin is carried, the horse is led
No one's tears, no one shed,
A young girl
Zhulmana buries.
Flows, flows, flows little river, but on the sand,
Washes, washes gold.
And the young Ghulman, the young Ghulman
Earned the tower.
River flows, yes on the sand,
Berezhok washes, wets the banks.
And young and prostitute,
In the river legs wets.
And young and prostitute,
In the river legs wets.

Kimondhatatlan Kultuszokról

Zordont és rémisztőt álmodtam, sivár látomásokat
az emberiség előtti kígyó-népségről és rég halott hüllőkkel létesítettem kapcsolatot,
csendesen, hideg és kíváncsi közönyösséggel figyelik az érákat,
a mélységes emberi faj véget nem érő bánatát és szenvedését.
Nem merem ismét átadni magam a mély alvásnak, mely örökkön hívogat engem.
Nehogy rettegjek,
borzongjak a megnevezhetetlen lényektől,
amelyek akár ebben a pillanatban is
portyázhatnak és ólálkodhatnak
öntudatom nyálkás peremein,
előkúszva pokoli gödreik gyomrából,
imádva ódon kőbálványaikat és saját maguk gyűlöletes képmásait faragják a véráztatta gránitból készült földalatti obeliszkekbe.
Várom azt a napot, mikor a végzet karmai felemelkednek,
hogy bűzös karmaikkal lehúzzák egy elcsigázott, elhanyatlott, háborútól kétségbeesett emberiség megfáradt és reménytelen maradékait.
A napot, mikor a Föld megnyílik és a fekete, feneketlen, ásító mélység elnyeli az emberiség arrogáns civilizációit.
Katonikus megtorlás száll fel
Univerzális Zűrzavar közepette, és azok, kik kúsznak és portyáznak, ismét felemelkednek, hogy újra megörököljék a Földet.


Oly kedvtelen vagyok, oly gyönge s védtelen
Nem törődöm azzal, hogy talpra álljak.
Az egész életem egy rémálom
Mért nem tudok egyszerűen eltűnni?
Csak temiattad tettem tönkre magam...
Többé már nem tudom, hogy mi jó nekem,
Míg a mérged a véremben van,
S sose kapok belőled eleget...
Oly üres vagyok -- hagyj mennem,
Nem tudom megvédeni magam.
Mindig többet akarok, ne gyere elő,
Nehezemre esik...
Többé nem tudom érezni magam,
Többé képtelen vagyok megérinteni magam,
Végtelenül üressé leszek - Kellesz nekem!
Élj vissza velem!
Oly erőtlen vagyok, oly üres s tehetetlen,
Nem bírom már sokáig...
Úgy érzem magam, mint a legutolsó söpredék,
Többé nem tudok megbízni benned...
Menj el, újra látnom kell téged,
De nem vagy becses.
Most 'hol a bőröm rágod,
Tudom, hogy számunkra hamarosan vége van
S sose kapok belőled eleget...
Oly üres vagyok -- hagyj mennem,
Nem tudom megvédeni magam.
Mindig többet akarok, ne gyere elő,
Nehezemre esik...
Többé nem tudom érezni magam!
Többé képtelen vagyok megérinteni magam!
Végtelenül üressé leszek - Kellesz nekem!
Akarom a mérged, még ha bele döglök is.
Nem szabadulok tőled - de szükségem van rád!
Valójában nem vagy elveszett idő
Amiből semmi se maradt meg - de szükségem van rád!
Képtelen vagyok nélküled (létezni) - Csak neked élek!
Nem vagy jó hozzám - de szükségem van rád!
Használj ki!
Használj ki!

Your words

How I love it when you talk like that, when you say
you miss me, that when I'm not around you only think
of me, and there are moments you can't help it but just call me.
Those words make me so happy, I truly love you.
I will not change you for anything, I'm only yours. With your
embrace you tied me up to your soul, and always
it dawns, I want to search for you, my eyes ask me
to look at your heart again, it can't help it, you are its need.
It's so nice being with you, having you close,
the moments you give me I won't forget,
with you theres no more solitude. How I love your
...words, and hear you saying, slowly
that you die for me, and in life I'm your
dream, and you'll never go away.
I will not change you for anything, I'm only yours. With your
embrace you tied me up to your soul, and always
it dawns, I want to search for you, my eyes ask me
to look at your heart again, it can't help it, you are its need.
It's so nice being with you, having you close,
the moments you give me I won't forget,
with you theres no more solitude. How I love your
words, and hear you saying, slowly
...that you die for me, and in life I'm your
dream, and you'll never go away.
Just learning.


Az emberevők is emberek, csak nem mindig férfiak
Az emberevő emberek az ételeiket sóval, borssal eszik
Az emberevő emberek egyáltalán nem érzik az emberek szagát
Az emberevő emberek szívesen látják mászni az embereket
Az emberevő embereknek is van szívük a gyerekekhez
Az emberevő emberek legtöbbször igen egészségesen élnek
Az emberevő emberek néha vegetáriánusként esznek
Az emberevő emberek nem mindig szőkék és árják
S amikor az emberevők sírnak
Akkor szörnyen sajnálnak mindent
De ezt nem változtathatják meg
Ez egy igen nehéz idő, ez egy igen nehéz idő
Az emberevő emberek normálisak s többnyire szorgalmasak
Az emberevő emberek nem először vannak '33 óta
Az emberevő emberek gyakran szerető apák
Az emberevő emberek legtöbbször meggyőződésből cselekednek
Az emberevő emberek ritkán eszik önmagukat
Az emberevő embereknek száz segítőjük van
Az emberevő emberek sose nyugodhatnak
Az emberevő embereknek szörnyű sok dolguk van
S amikor az emberevők sírnak
Akkor szörnyen sajnálnak mindent
De ezt nem változtathatják meg
Ez egy igen nehéz idő, ez egy igen nehéz idő
Egy nehéz idő
Igen, igen, igen
Igen, igen, igen
Igen, igen, igen
Az emberevő emberek is tudnak teniszezni és lovagolni
Minden oldalon vannak emberevő emberek
Az emberevő emberek emberevő-nyugdíjat kapnak
Az emberevő emberek elnökig jutnak (elnökök lesznek)
Igen, igen, igen
Igen, igen, igen
Az emberevő emberek melletted állnak a pultnál
Az emberevő emberek sose voltak
Az emberevő emberek emberevő-nyugdíjat kapnak
Az emberevő emberek elnökig jutnak (elnökök lesznek)
Emberevő (x8)

Cannon Song

John was amongst them and Jimmy had joined
And Georgie became a Sergeant.
The Army doesn't ask anyone who he is, though
And they marched up to the North.
Soldiers dwell
On the cannons,
From the Cape to Cutch Behar.
When it rained some day
And they encountered
A new race,
A brown one or a pale one,
They perhaps used them to make their beefsteak tartare!
For Johnny the whisky was too warm,
And Jimmy never had enough blankets
But Georgie embraced both of them
And said 'The Army shall never perish!'
John has deceased and Jimmy is dead
And Georgie is missing and rotten
But blood is still red,
And the army is recruiting again!

You, true Son of God and Mary

You, true Son of God and Mary,
You, King of all the chosen,
how sweet to us is Your word of live,
by which the earliest patriarchs already
counted years as well as days,
that Gabriel joyfully
promised there in Bethlehem!
O sweet delight, o bread of heaven,
that neither grave, danger or death
can tear from our hearts.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

The Obscure Waltz

They are not people to slow waltz
The good prowlers who slides in the night
They prefer to it the lively waltz
Supple, fast, where someone turns with no noise
Silent they take in their arms their lady love
Combining the overalls and the petticoat
light, light they go with them
In a cheerful whirl
It’s the moon fellows’
Obscure Waltz
the light bother
And who searches a dark corner
It’s the moon fellows’
Obscure Waltz
To each her own (1)
Dance it in the evening
They are not tender for their spouses
And when it’s needed, know to give them a hiding
Only one soupçon of their jealous soul
and the prowlers are ready to take revenge on
While they do to Berthe, to Léonore
a madrigal in verse at their manner
a brave agent, by his resounding talent
emphasize the song
It’s the moon fellows’
Obscure Waltz
the light bother
And who searches a dark corner
It’s the moon fellows’
Obscure Waltz
To each her own
Dance it in the evening
When the prowler, in the night, goes after
And by the throat grabs a passer-by (2)
The good friends, in other that any noise fade
Not far from him sing hugging each other
While he stoles a magnificent dwelling
or he emerges victorious from a fight
The good bourgeois fascinated by the music
Murmur all in unison
It’s the moon fellows’
Obscure Waltz
the light bother
And who searches a dark corner
It’s the moon fellows’
Obscure Waltz
To each her own
Dance it in the evening

Adrian Băsescu

Adrian Băsescu
Ion Constantinescu
Mariean Videanu
Mircea Tăriceanu
Traian Basaev
Adrian Nazarbaev
Miron Meleșcanu
Corneliu Vadim Codreanu
Pruteanu Bela
Schroder Angela
Dinu Iacubov
John Fitzgerald Hrușciov
Traian Năstas'
Beniamin Abas
Yasser Sharon
Indira Agathon
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
they live and die in their world
it's the world of manele...
Frunda Gyorgy Funar
Vaclav Mălaimar'
Jacques Chirac Le Pen
George Bush Bin Laden
Hillary Mantale
Silvio Becali
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
they live and die in their world
in the world from TV.
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
They shake the belly and sing the chorus
it's the world of manele...
Traian Iușcenko
Elena Timoșenko
Ion Ilici Bokassa
Dan Ioan Bouteflika
Michi Stolojan
Pervez Vosganian
Margaret Stănoiu
Și cu Tony Văcăroiu
Che Sechelariu
Fidel Boagiu (Abagiu)
Emil Iliescu
Nicolae Antonescu
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
they live and die in their world
in the world from TV.
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
They shake the belly and sing the chorus
it's the world of manele...

For a whole life

laughing with you has never been simple
it is same as crying , i have nothing to defend myself
when i am with you
to share this this unstable lifr
believe me ,for me,it has never been easy
but i will redo it , i will redoit with you
and if you forgive me ,wait for me
wait for me,like you have known to do , for a whole life
i will arrive with enthusiasm
of somebody who isnt even 20 years old
Go down with you the hailers of my years
believe me , for me , there arent many many
and i will redo, it redo it eith you
and if you forgive mr , wait for me
wait for me,like you have known to do , for a whole life
i will arrive with enthusiasm
of somebody who isnt even 20 years old
and when everything will pass , we will find ourselves drinking , we will find ourselves here
this has happned that we have remained together
not only for one night but for a whole life
this has happned that we have remained together
not only for one night but for a whole life

Words Are Not Enough

You say it is okay
And that you'll love me like before
You say that life is
A black and white world
You don't quite realize it right now that you're losing me
You're telling me again
That I'll be better for everyone 1
Words are not enough
No, words are not enough
Now I know, I am not
Only just what I forgive
Are we really trapped
In this idleness
The wretched people from the bottom
Have their eyes on me
Let me fly
In your love cage
No, they are not enough
No, words are not enough
Words are not enough
Words are not enough
You say it is okay
For us to be divided
You want us to make
Each other miserable 2
I am begging you not to torture me anymore
Put your words into action
Put your words into facts
Kiss me!
Because words are not enough
No, words are not enough
Words are not... enough
  • 1. Or maybe: better in everything
  • 2. These two lines literally mean: You want us to be devil and enemy to one another

Just say Winx

Do you want to be on the team
You too will be
One of us
Winx, let's join hands
Power and strength together
The five of us are so much stronger together
Winx, a smile can do everything
So laugh, change the world
That way we are strong enough to fly, fly with us
Do you want to be on the team
You too will be
One of us
Good energy creates magic
That's how starlight begins, let it shine!
When I fly
Through time and dreams
Then I know life has colours
That fit well
Winx, let's join hands
Power and strength together
The five of us are so much stronger together
Winx, new kids in your area
Find power in your friendships
Fly freely with them, look now!
Winx, that magic, Winx
Imagine you too if you know how
With us it's so easy
Just say Winx

She Doesn't Look Like Anyone

She doesn't look like the beautiful chick I saw back at Lapa
So light that no pair of eyes let her pass unnoticed
Walking as if she were dancing some good samba steps
She also doesn't look like the beautiful chick, whose beauty is even scary
Holding a cup, back at Mercearia São Pedro
Walking on the sidewalk, shining like neon lights
She doesn't look like the girl I saw down in Savassi
That freezes time though it still passes
And that makes eyes follow her wherever she goes
She also isn't the smart girl that is in the BRICs
Wearing casual clothes by Redenção, but so fancy
Singing 'Baby, light my fire' softly
She doesn't look like anyone
Oh, I want her, I wish her well
And I feel that, that she also wants me
She is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
So much that I still
Like St. Thomas, already believing
Is doubting she's real
She doesn't look like the beautiful chick I saw back at Jurerê
So curvy and blasé
That even street vendors look at her
In nothing she looks like the dark-haired blonde from Aldeota
An Iracema Barbie doll, using jeans and a boot
Her red eyes as blue as the sea
She is not the beautiful chick from Batel in Babilônia
A dose of vodka, another of insomnia
Mysterious actress of a noir film
She is not the beautiful bahiana from Beco do França
Who talks smart and has beautiful braided hair
Swing, freak out, Ase1, hail hail
She doesn't look like anyone
Oh, I want her, I wish her well
And I feel that, that she also wants me
She is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
So much that I still
Like St. Thomas, already believing
She is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
So much that I still
Like St. Thomas, already believing
Is doubting she's real
Is doubting she's real
Is doubting she's real
Doubting she's real, doubting she's real
Is doubting she's real
  • 1. Meaning: health to everyone, from Yoruba
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Do You Remember It?

Do you remember when we found each other?
That was a good time:
You can't forget it...
Do you remember how we dreamed?
We had all the time in the world,
And the world was in our hands!
Remember all those moments
Filled with joy and happiness!
Clouds? Maybe there were some...
But I've never stopped loving you.

The first time that we kissed
Is a memory that we'll never
Be able to forget...
Remember all those moments
Filled with joy and happiness!
Clouds? Maybe there were some...
But I've never stopped loving you.

The first time that we kissed
Is a memory that we'll never
Be able to forget!

Long live the group of Insurrectionics (Enroulage de Momie)

Long live the group of Insurrectionics
We look for a parchment written on by the Egyptians
As a rule no problemo except when we don't really understand a word
Long live the group of Insurrectionics
I can't spell 'sarcophagus', I'm probably an idiot
But even if I'm a freak I know how to make mummies dance
Long live the group of Insurrectionics
What's there to go crazy about when we find ourselves in such a pool*
Especially with one prophet who looks like my brother!
Long live the group of Insurrectionics
I'm Ataboulé, rebellious, Amal-gami, no mysteries
I'll be assured of eternal peace if I help him find the queen mother
Long live the group of Insurrectionics

Az éj gyermekei

Érezd, milyen a hideg parázs
A lelkeden ég
Érzed, milyen a sötét erő
Ami az élettől elválaszt
Mi vagyunk a sötét vágy
Az magány ölében
Mi vagyunk az utolsó fény
A végtelenség előtt
Mi vagyunk a gyermekek
Mi vagyunk az éj gyermekei
A sötétség árnyából
Keltünk életre
Érzed, milyen a fekete vér
Ami a vénáidon keresztüllövell
Érzed, milyen a hideg vágy
Ami szétárad a szívedben
Mi vagyunk a sötét erő
A sötétség magja
Minden örökkévalóságért
Érzed, milyen a fekete vér
Ami a vénáidon keresztüllövell
Érzed, milyen a hideg vágy
Ami szétárad a szívedben
Mi vagyunk az elsötétülés
A sötétség ereje
Minden örökkévalóságért

They Won't Let Masha Go Across The River

They won't let Masha go across the river,
They won't let young... young Masha to fall in love
There is a young lad... so young
Unwed, single... oh, so single
Your voice will flutter away, dear love,
He feels no love, not any love at all
How hot the glow of love can be
Manya stands by a carved trim... carved trim window
Manya stands by the carved trim window
She stands there, poor thing... tears in her eyes
She stands there with tears in her eyes
They have drenched her white, oh, so white sleeves
See that Masha has had such bad luck,
See there poor Masha's been beaten-down... beaten-down for her boyfriend


Én vagyok a forró szerelem, hideg váll
Én vagyok minden érzelem
Derült téboly vagyok, sötét árnyék
A tökéletes illúzió
A vágyad és a dühöd vagyok
Porod és parazsad
Csak be kell programoznod
Reményed vagyok és aggodalmad
Kéjed és kívánságod
Csak aktiválnod kell
Az automatád vagyok
Mindenféle kívánságra
Az automatád vagyok
Dobj be egy aprót
És lehetek bármi
Gyerünk, nyomd meg a gombot
Az automatád vagyok
Fehér mellény vagyok, Fekete Péter
Az új vallásod
Erényed és bűnöd vagyok,
Megbocsájtok neked
Félelmed és tabud vagyok
A titkos randevúd
Bárhol elérhetsz engem
Igazságod és kötelességed vagyok
Hazug arcod
Hagyom, hogy élvezd az életet
Az automatád vagyok
Mindenféle kívánságra
Az automatád vagyok
Dobj be egy aprót
És bármi lehetek
Gyerünk, nyomd meg a gombot
Az automatád vagyok
Az automatád vagyok
Az automatád vagyok
Mindenféle kívánságra
Az automatád vagyok
Dobj be egy aprót
És bármi lehetek
Gyerünk, nyomd meg a gombot
Az automatád vagyok

Ne velyat Mashe za rechen'ku khodyts

Ne velyat Mashe za rechen'ku khodyts,
Ne velyat Mashe molo-, moloden'koyi lyubyts,
Shto molodchyka molo-, moloden'kovo,
Nezhenatovo, kholo-, oyi, kholosten'kovo.
Golos tvoyi naletyt, lyubytel' dorogoyi,
On ne chuvstvuet lyubovy, lyubovy da nykakoyi.
Kakova lyubov' na svete goryacha,
Stoyt Manya da u kosya-, u kosyashchata okna.
Stoyt Manya u kosyashchata okna,
Stoyt bednya, uzh zapla-, zaplakani glaza,
Stoyt bednaya, zaplakani glaza,
Pryzatyorti svoy beli, oyi, beli da rukava.
Znats na Mashen'ku pobedushka bwila,
Znats tut myluyu poby-, pobyly za druzhka.


'You know, night is over,' will be the last words
that reach my ears, so the legend says.
You know, that cold cheek I'm leaving behind?
Softly, touch it with your hand and lean close.
The moon's light only will watch over me.
But now I'll be thought of as sleeping forever.
You know, morning is coming. This is the final farewell.
I'm sorry, love wasn't part of the legend, too.
When that should happen, I'll sing this melody.
Turn toward me, faraway, and please receive it.
The moon's light only will watch over me.
But now I'll be thought of as sleeping forever.
'You know, night is over,' will be the last words
that reach my ears, so the legend says.
You know, this light will never die,
it shall be locked with in my eyes, sleeping forever.
It shall be locked with in my eyes, sleeping forever. 

When I Become a Bird

Someday is when the strongest wishes will be granted
You see, that is not so very faraway.
In the light of the sun, neverending clouds overtake us
like in a dream.
Who in that instant was touched by the light?
The memory of that day is painful, but was it just a dream?
That person that I just passed in the crowd came so close but then disappeared.
Was no more.
I want to be like a bird and soar more freely.
Frozen dreams and chance meetings will go to the endless tomorrow.
Go ahead and change. Spread your wings.
Experience new scenery and feel what it is to cascade.
I want to fly like a bird and see things with my own eyes.
Aim for the faraway skies and fall from the clouds, glorious.
(Go see tomorrow)
I want to be like a bird and soar more freely.
Frozen dreams and chance meetings will go to the endless tomorrow
Hundreds of different ways in my hands.

To Meet The Sun

The mistress of the industry puts on her throat my cast-iron heel,
every word of your mouth must be proportional to the bucks.
Getting into the emotion of productivity raises the scale,
on Friday, people should forget about working at our fun ball!
You must like, make a strong like in the village,
calculate and shoot down the whole life of the same strike,
bang on the string, which everyone in himself must have pulled,
Happy New Years Eve Sale, this is not art, this is porn.
Come on, as it was yesterday, you believe the former foundations,
Here the filing is necessary, as was then in Alcotester and Posyolkovyh.
You thought we were an entertainment center, throwing a coin and dancing,
Your disco is covered, bro, will remain our true.
You twist the mouse wheel, and interrupt the plastic crust,
but on the other hand, there are all those who trouble you with this news.
You are disappointed again and here you know nothing.
Come on, for ignition, we need only your dissipated comment.
This huge city seems empty to us.
We strike sparks on the plates.
This huge city suddenly cooled down for you.
You kindle the fire, and we will come to the smoke!
We were buried and wanted to forget the names.
but they did not know that we were seeds.
Mama winter blessed us (gray).
we sprout through the asphalt (virgin).
Sun rising (we all)
straighten shoulders (we all).
Sun rising (we all)
straighten shoulders.
We will straighten the shoulders!
Doll Masha, doll Dasha ... doll Chucky.
I Kuklachev, tied the cats, twist nunchuck.
Poplar fluff, heat, July, prevail.
Brother, Mother, do not grieve, take off the underside.
I do not Shainsky, we do not write songs for children.
Farewell, I loved you so much, your Promet.
All life is like a labyrinth, then I am Tesy, then Minotaur.
On the bookshelf, Obitel, My age, Vienna, Laurel.
We will not teach you, what am I teaching you slouching?
Don't forget, people, always have a choice, two chairs.
Between the viper and the toad, Odysseus, Scylla, Charybdis.
Well, what are you doing like a woman? Don't be scared, be strong, jump!
Above your feet from the earth, above the roof, above the sky,
right, left, This is all just for consumption.
Above your feet from the earth, above the roof, above the sky,
right, left, This is all just for consumption.
We were buried and wanted to forget the names.
but they did not know that we were seeds.
Mama winter blessed us (gray).
we sprout through the asphalt (virgin).
Sun rising (we all).
Shall straighten (we all).
Sun rising (we all).
Straighten placards.
We will straighten the shoulders!


How much longer do I have to wait
How much longer do I have to endure this
Look at me
Untie me
Breathe me
Understand me
Kidnap me
Love me
At night, you brought whispers
Of silver
Say all of them
I will catch them
Look at me
Untie me
Breathe me
Understand me
Kidnap me
Love me
You closed your eyes
It's the easiest
I imagine you
Then I breathe
Shiny again
I imagine you
La la la, la la la..
La la la, la la la…
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Kis Dolgok

Versions: #3
A kezed illeszkedik az enyémbe, mintha csak nekem készítették volna
De tartsd ezt észben, ennek így kellett lennie
Összekötöm a pontokat a szeplőkkel az arcodon
És ennek mind van értelme számomra...
Tudom, hogy sosem szerettem azt a nevetőráncot a szemednél mikor mosolyogsz
Sosem szeretted a hasad vagy a combod, a gödröcskéket a gerinced végénél
De én végtelenül szeretem őket
Nem hagyom, hogy ezek a kis dolgok
Kicsusszanjak a számon
De ha mégis megtörténik
Te vagy az,
Oh te vagy az,
Akihez hozzátesznek ezek
Szerelmes vagyok beléd
És ezekbe a kis dolgokba
Nem tudsz aludni menni egy csésze tea nélkül
És talán ez az oka, hogy beszélsz álmodban
És minden ilyen beszélgetést titokként őrzök
Habár számomra semmi értelmük nincs
Tudom, hogy sosem szeretted felvételről hallani a hangod
Sosem akarsz mérlegre állni, mégis belepasszírozod magad a farmerodba
De számomra tökéletes vagy
Nem hagyom, hogy ezek a kis dolgok
Kicsusszanjak a számon
De ha ez igaz
Te vagy az,
Te vagy az,
Akihez hozzátesznek ezek
Szerelmes vagyok beléd
És ezekbe a kis dolgokba
Sosem szeretted magad feleannyira se, mint ahogy én szeretlek
És sosem bánsz jól magaddal kedvesem, de szeretném ha megtennéd
Ha tudtodra adom, hogy itt vagyok neked
Talán úgy fogod szeretni magad, ahogyan én szeretlek téged, oh
Nem hagyom, hogy ezek a kis dolgok
Kicsusszanjak a számon
Mert te vagy az,
Oh te vagy az,
Te vagy az, akihez hozzátesznek ezek
Szerelmes vagyok beléd
És ezekbe a kis dolgokba
Nem hagyom, hogy ezek a kis dolgok
Kicsusszanjak a számon
De ha ez igaz
Te vagy az,
Te vagy az,
Akihez hozzátesznek ezek
Szerelmes vagyok beléd
És ezekbe a kis dolgokba


Oh, river, river, why aren’t you high,
Why aren’t your high, not as high as your bank?
Lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li, not as high as your bank?
Lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li, not as high as your bank?
But how can I be high, flowing as high as my bank?
But how can I be high, flowing as high as my bank?
Lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li, flowing as high as my bank
Lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li, flowing as high as my bank
Hey ha-he-ho
Hey ha-he-ho
Hey ha-he-ho
Hey ha-he-ho
Janka was letting his horse drink, Mania was drawing my water out,
Janka was letting his horse drink, Mania was drawing my water out,
Lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li, Mania was drawing my water out
Lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li, Mania was drawing my water out
Oh lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li
Oh lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li
Oh lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li
Oh lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li
Oh lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li
Oh lyu-li lyu-li lyu-li

I look like a kid

Only you have the gift of change my destiny
You only touch me with your eyes, I look like a kid
Lying in your lap, the world don't surprises me
I am a mature man, but in front of you
I am not more than a kid...
You have the light that illuminates our path
After you, I found out I am not alone anymore
You are the love the life gave me as a gift
I am a mature man, but in front of you
I look like a kid
You hug me and the sadness go away
The existent pain stays out of the door
We fight, but that happens
Soon the heart forget...
Because we love each other

I Just Need To Be

I don't need to teach
I don't need to preach
I don't need to explain myself
I am not here to set an example
Or looking for a cuddle
I don't need to stand my ground
Not even persuade you
I just need to be
I just need to be
I don't need to justify myself
But I can't keep my mouth shut
I just need to be
I don't need to exaggerate
To prove to you that it isn't a scene
I don't need to open my legs
To show you that I'm worth it
I don't need much money
Nor am I being held hostage by my mirror
I am not looking for attention
Nor your approval
I just need to be
I just need to be
I don't need to justify myself
But I can't keep my mouth shut
I just need to be
I just need to be
Just need to be, just need to be
I just need to be
I just need to be
I just need to be
I don't need to justify myself
But I can't keep my mouth shut
I just need to be
I just need to be

When it rains listen to it

My friend you settled next to the tree
(the tree) without roots
with good-chosen words
You've won,
you've managed the impossible
you deleted years born to the fire
Let our dreams have a good trip
the unplanted (dreams)
And in your soul's the most jealoused places
Have a thousand places to hide
to forget
Don't anticipate
What you want is going to happen
Don't get anxious
You saw the uncomparable
In scared times...
credit only the truth
you were born
to be in the winners
Those with the light footsteps
Who are mocking the animals to be slaughtered.
I wish you had a thousand times more love
to forget....
My friend, because of the hustle
I didn't give you 'greetings'
From the tree
the beloved
From the magician
and from the rain overflows.
To the dam
To the wounded elf
I saw them in the dream fights
I lied to them
For you the same lies
But you should tell a thousand truths...
to forget
My friend, I,
still make songs
singing songs
And because you fancy the rain...
When it rains, listen to it
It makes the colors
When it rains, listen to it
It also brings perfumes
When it rains, listen to it
It returns memories
When it rains, listen to it
When it rains, listen to it
And look around
When it rains, listen to it
Lean to your myth
When it rains, listen to it
And smile to me
When it rains, listen to it


Where do you come from
now, in my life?
Don't hurry
to go somewhere else.
Where do you come,
Where do you come from?
Whoever you are,
I tell you 'welcome'
make yourself at home
it's such a joy you make me that
you came
and brought your love to me
How much I love you because you came...
Where do you come
Where do you come from
From where do you know
that I wait you for long time?
Where do you come
and where you are going?
I want you to stay
and I tell you welcome.
make yourself at home
it's such a joy you make me that
you came
and brought your love to me
How much I love you because you came...

The love remains from us...

Something remains from us
the love remains from us
a star remains from the night
Less is enough
is just like an answer,
the love remains from us...
A scent remains from flowers
you remain with me
remain until the end of the line
Less is enough
is just like an answer,
the love remains from us...
The beauty remains from all that was
a sense remains from the world
flight remains from a butterfly
Less is enough
is just like an answer,
the love remains from us...
The love remains from us...

Misty River

I'm looking for a path in the forest,
The secret one.1
Words (were said) but falteringly all along the line -
Like dropping pebbles in the water.2
Oh, misty river,3 wash the rumors4 away.5
'Cause if this love is deceitful,6
'Cause if this love is deceitful, I'll never get over it,
Oy, I'll never get over it...
Your eyes are sly,
So are the words of yours,
I wish I could philter7 them,
But there is no such potion (on earth).
Oh, misty river,3 wash the rumors4 away.5
'Cause if this love is deceitful,6
'Cause if this love is deceitful, I'll never get over it,
Oy, I'll never get over it...
The water is so blue,
And at the deeps it's bluer.
I'm proud, I'm strong,
But (my) love is stronger (than me).
Oh, misty river,3 wash the rumors4 away.5
'Cause if this love is deceitful,6
'Cause if this love is deceitful, I'll never get over it,
Oy, I'll never get over it...
Oy... Oy, I'll never get over it...
  • 1. The russian word 'Zavetnuyu' in this context I understand as 'hidden for others and dear to her memories, precious to her heart'.
    Here she is telling us about some hidden place in the forest where she and her beloved one have been seing each other for some length of time, so the place is precious to her heart.
  • 2. lit. 'Like pebbles (fell) to the bottom (of the river)'
  • The word 'river' in the original russian text is used in affectionate diminutive form: 'rechen'ka' instead of 'rechka'. The closest translation to english might be 'a rivulet', it means 'a small river' or 'a small stream' and actually it's right, but there is also some emotional touch to that word in russian language. It's like she is saying 'my dear river', the same way when one is adressing to their mother calling her 'mommy'.
  • gossips, the girl heard people talk about her boyfriend dating other girl
  • Lit. 'Oh, my dear river, roll over the rumors (gossips)'
  • Lit.
    Otherwise (I won't get over) this deceitful love,
    Otherwise (I won't get over) this deceitful love, I won't get over it,
    Oy, I won't get over it...
  • 7. to enchant or bewitch one with a magical beverage to make him love you

A pilóta

Még sose voltam ily' magasan,
Az élet felett ily' határtalanul szabad,
Csak a saját parancsomat követtem,
Mélyen, alattam 'tovaszáll' a reggel.
Feletted húzom pályámat,
Minden veszély dacára
Mindig magasabbra, elérhetetlenebbre.
A Napba repülök érted,
Csak érted lángolok,
Érted a csillagokig emelkedek,
Fénybe taszítom magam,
Mondd, miért nem látsz engem?
Igaz lesz valaha az álmunk?
Utolsó pillantásod kísér utamon,
Onnan, ahol senki se volt előttem,
Egy üdvözletet küldök vissza, a Földre.
Feletted húzom pályámat,
Minden veszély dacára
Mindig magasabbra, elérhetetlenebbre.
A Napba repülök érted
Csak érted lángolok,
Érted a csillagokig emelkedek,
Fénybe taszítom magam,
Miért nem látsz engem?
Mindent megpróbáltam,
Téged még nem értelek el,
Mindig magasabbra, érted,
Még, ha belőlem semmi se marad.
Érted a csillagokig emelkedek,
Fénybe taszítom magam.
Csak érted repülök a Napba,
Csak érted lángolok,
Érted a csillagokig emelkedek,
Fénybe taszítom magam,
Mondd, miért nem látsz engem?