Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 40

Találatok száma: 2239


At the Shore of Love

Who knows how to anchor at the shore of love,
Drunk by the sun and guided by a star,
He always have, on an apricot branch,
The most white flower and the most nostalgic dream.
At the shore of love it's not quite easy to reach,
Only with a kiss and a longing word.
At the shore of love, though under the same sky,
Many arrive unharmed, others perish out of love.


Pastor with baggy ass,
Do you not have a drop of water
To sell(lend) to me until Sunday?
My sins, I’m telling you,
Do not speak of them after.
I have stolen butter from rivers,
Both black and gray.
I've stolen butter
Out of mottled ram.
So this is my
revealed confession.

Zaj az Éjszakában

Zaj az éjszakában
Zaj az éjszakában
Alakokat látok amelyek nem léteznek
Végig kísértenek félelmeimben
Szent ég, mi volt ez a zaj?
Nyugodj meg Marina, igen, biztosan csak paranoiás vagy
Hallottam, hallottam
Egy zajt az éjszakában
Hallottam, hallottam
Egy borzalmas sírást
Amikor egymagam vagyok
Az üres otthonomban
Hallottam, hallottam
Egy zajt az éjszakában
Zaj az éjszakában
Zaj az éjszakában
Szívem a torkomban dobog
Nincs semmi kétség
Valaki más is él ebben a házban
Érzem hogy felém jössz
Miért nem hagysz csak elmenni?
Miért nem hagysz csak élni?
Hallottam, hallottam
Egy zajt az éjszakában
Hallottam, hallottam
Egy borzalmas sírást
Amikor egymagam vagyok
Az üres otthonomban
Hallottam, hallottam
Egy zajt az éjszakában
Igen, egy zajt az éjszakában, ooh
Egy zajt az éjszakában
Igen, egy zajt az éjszakában, ooh
Egy zajt az éjszakában
Látod a változást az éjszakában
Én pedig nézlek ahogy elhalványulsz a fényben
Hallottam, hallottam
Egy zajt az éjszakában
Hallottam, hallottam
Egy borzalmas sírást
Amikor egymagam vagyok
Az üres otthonomban
Hallottam, hallottam
Egy zajt az éjszakában
Igen, egy zajt az éjszakában, ooh
Egy zajt az éjszakában
Igen, egy zajt az éjszakában, ooh
Egy zajt az éjszakában


Ölelj most
Ölelj most
Ölelj most
Ölelj most
Szerelem és halál kéz a kézben járnak
Ez lenne egy tökéletes terv
Amikor két szerelmes megállapodik
Nincs visszaút
Ez a világ vége
Egy fiú és lány szerelmének fajtája
Szerelem és halál
Szabadon engednek minket
Egy utolsó lélegzet egy örökkévalóságig
Ez életem utolsó éjjele
Úgyhogy elbúcsúzok tőled utoljára
Úgy érzem magam mint egy feledés
Mint egy üres stadion
Ez a világ vége
Az örök szerelem fajtája
Ölelj most egy örökkévalóságig
Ölelj most
A mozivásznon
Én vagyok a szépségkirálynő
Mitológiai a végtelenségig
Szerelem és halál számomra
Halott legendák halandók közt élnek
Ez a világ vége
Az örök szerelem fajtája
Ölelj most egy örökkévalóságig
Ölelj most
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
Meg fogjuk valósítani
Ölelj most
Ölelj most

A Szerelemről

[Verse 1]
A legkülönösebb úton kezdődött
Nem láttam jönni
Felsöpört a hurrikánod
Nem adnám fel semmiért
Most elkapott minden magas és mély pont
Ez egy sokk a rendszeremnek
Nem akarok elfutni, úgyhogy maradok
A fejem összezavarodik mikor próbálom elrejteni
Az elmémben a dolgokat amiket szeretek benned
Nem igazán tudok sokat a szerelemről
Sokat a szerelemről, sokat a szerelemről
De benne vagy a fejemben, véremben
És olyan jó és úgy fáj
Nem igazán tudok sokat a szerelemről
Sokat a szerelemről, sokat a szerelemről
De benne vagy a fejemben, véremben
És olyan jó és úgy fáj (úgy fáj)
Olyan jó, és úgy fáj
Oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh-ooh
De benne vagy a fejemben, véremben
És olyan jó és úgy fáj
[Verse 2]
Arra gondolok mennyi időbe telt
Hogy utunk keresztezzék egymást
Úgy olvastál engem mint egy nyitott könyvet
Megvoltam és elvesztem
Most elkapott minden magas és mély pont
Ez egy sokk a rendszeremnek
Tudom a szerelmünk sorszerű, úgyhogy maradok
A fejem összezavarodik mikor próbálom elrejteni
Az elmémben a dolgokat amiket szeretek benned
Nem igazán tudok sokat a szerelemről
Sokat a szerelemről, sokat a szerelemről
De benne vagy a fejemben, véremben
És olyan jó és úgy fáj
Nem igazán tudok sokat a szerelemről
Sokat a szerelemről, sokat a szerelemről
De benne vagy a fejemben, véremben
És olyan jó és úgy fáj
Oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh-ooh
De benne vagy a fejemben, véremben
És olyan jó és úgy fáj
A fejem összezavarodik mikor próbálom elrejteni
Az elmémben a dolgokat amiket szeretek benned
Nem igazán tudok sokat a szerelemről
Sokat a szerelemről, sokat a szerelemről
De benne vagy a fejemben, véremben
És olyan jó és úgy fáj
Nem igazán tudok sokat a szerelemről
Sokat a szerelemről, sokat a szerelemről
De benne vagy a fejemben, véremben
És olyan jó és úgy fáj
Oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh-ooh
De benne vagy a fejemben, véremben
És olyan jó és úgy fáj


Keresek valakit akit barátomnak nevezhetnék
Elvesztem mint egy falevél a szélben
Imádkozok egy képhez a falon
De ettől semmi nem lesz jobb
Oh Apám, nagy bajban vagyok
Oh Anyám, folyton csak alszom
Oh Nővérem, érzed a bánatomat ma éjjel?
Nem egy megmentőt keresek
Mert nem én vagyok a bűnbak, igen
Valaki mondja el nekem hogyan élhetem ezt túl
Nem egy hőst keresek
Bár még azt se látom hogyan
De kijutok ebből élve
Mindig kétségbe voltam esve mikor meg akartak menteni
Dühös voltam ha szerettek, dühös voltam a változásra
Imbolyogva mint egy tengerész a tengeren
Azt akarva valaki lehorgonyozzon
Nincs semmi amit az Úr ne látna
Hazugságok és bűn nem védenek meg
Biztonságot keresek ma éjjel
Nem egy megmentőt keresek
Mert nem én vagyok a bűnbak, igen
Valaki mondja el nekem hogyan élhetem ezt túl
Nem egy hőst keresek
Bár még azt se látom hogyan
De kijutok ebből élve
Segíts kérlek, valakivel beszélnem kell
Gyengének érzem magam és nem akarok hinni
Megtörténik, velem történik
Ments meg
Nem még csak egy másik esélyt sem kérek
Nem szeretőt vagy másik új románcot keresek
Sose voltam én a kezdeményező
De ma éjjel, a segítségedet kérem
Nem egy megmentőt keresek
Mert nem én vagyok a bűnbak, igen
Valaki mondja el nekem hogyan élhetem ezt túl
Nem egy hőst keresek
Bár még azt se látom hogyan
De kijutok ebből élve
Segíts kérlek, valakivel beszélnem kell
Gyengének érzem magam és nem akarok hinni
Megtörténik, velem történik
Ments meg (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

On my shoulder

Do you remember this time
Where life seemed sweeter to you
It has already been a while
Sometimes we lose the beat
When for fortune, you had thirty cents
And that happiness was in your pocket
It was before realizing that everything
Holds with wires
Put your head on my shoulder
So that my love brushes against you
You who need it so much
It's been ten years and dusts
That we face the winter wind
Together we are not afraid of anything
Tell yourself that tonight my girlfriend
You are not alone in the world
Here below, when we bail
It looks like we learn from suffering
It’s surely nothing but psycho-pop
Basically nothing makes sense
But tonight I saw him
The handkerchief of tears in your pocket
I don't like it knowing that you
Hold with wires
Put your head on my shoulder
So that my love brushes against you
You who need it so much
It's been ten years and dust
That we face the winter wind
Together we are not afraid of anything
Tell yourself that tonight my girlfriend
You are not alone in the world
We get older, the years go by
And each of us does what we can
We run, we fall, and we cram
We try to be happy
A lifetime of patching the holes
Of the time that escapes from our pockets
In a world that everywhere
Holds with wires
Put your head on my shoulder
So that my love brushes against you
You who need it so much
It's been ten years and dusts
That we face the winter wind
Together we are not afraid of anything
Tell yourself that tonight my girlfriend
You are not alone in the world

Férfiak világa

Az orcám rózsás, mint egy Boucher-angyalka
Egy epres szóda vagyok
Szempilláim felemelem a mennybe
A csillagok a hajamon hullanak, mint egy vízesés
Felhők a szemünk fehérjében, már láttunk mindent
Máglyán elégettek
Évszázadokkal ezelőtt azt gondoltad volna, boszorkány vagyok
Most meg csak kurvának hívsz
Az Anyatermészet haldoklik
De senkit sem érdekel
Többé nem akarok a férfiak világában élni
Többé nem akarok a férfiak világában élni
Marilyn nyaralóházának száma a hetes
A rózsaszín palotában, ahol a férfiak legendává tették
Rabul ejtette egy sejk, aki megölt több ezer meleg férfit
Azt hiszem épp ezért vette meg akkor a legbizarrabb hotelt Los Angelesben
Az Anyatermészet haldoklik
De senkit sem érdekel
Többé nem akarok a férfiak világában élni
Többé nem akarok a férfiak világában élni
Ha van édesanyád, lányod vagy egy barátod
Talán itt az idő, hogy megértsd
A világ, amiben élsz
Nem ugyanaz, mint ők
Ezért ne büntess meg, mert nem vagyok férfi
A tavasz megjelenik, amikor az idő megfelelő
A nők napvilágra kerülő ibolyák
Ne becsüld alá az életadást
A bolygónak van egy tréfás szokása, hogy megállítsa a küzdelmeket
Ha van édesanyád, egy lányod vagy egy barátod
Talán itt az idő, hogy megértsd
A világ, amiben élsz
Nem olyan, mint ők
Ezért ne büntess meg, mert nem vagyok férfi
Ezért ne büntess meg, mert nem vagyok férfi
Mert nem vagyok férfi


Together all the time
now is the moment of truth
what is each is willing to give
without fear
not here
the money is gone
so be it
that time with you will be extended
With you also the end of the world
doesn't scare me
i etch a picture on my heart
on the bed
how the light falls on you
as by invitation
Together all the time
finding ourselves
playing with life in hiding places
opening a white page
and drawing with the children
climbing the walls
With you also the end of the world
doesn't scare me
i etch a picture on my heart
on the bed
how the light falls on you
as by invitation
With you also the end of the world
doesn't scare me
i etch a picture on my heart
on the bed
how the light falls on you
as by invitation


Do you remember Lella, that rich one?
The wife of Proietti, the tie maker?
That guy who has his shop on Tritone street.
Do you remember her? I showed her to you
Four years ago, and you couldn't believe
That she was sleeping with me.
Do you remember that she disappeared?
And that people, and that the police
Believed that she had run away
With someone who had more money than her husband...
And I want to tell you, that it was me!
It's been four years that I've kept this secret.
I want to tell you, but don't let anyone know...
Don't tell anyone, keep it to yourself!
She liked to go to the sea when it was winter,
To make love even if it was so cold,
But she never took off her stockings.
Near the stream, where there's that bar
Among fishing nets and abandoned boats,
With a gray sky acting like a roof for us.
A morning, it was the last day of the year
She tells me, with an indifferent face,
'I'm bored of it, we'll make nothing out of this.
And close my dress' zipper...'
And I want to tell you, that it was me!
It's been four years that I've kept this secret.
I want to tell you, but don't let anyone know...
Don't tell anyone, keep it to yourself!
You won't believe me, I saw red.
I grabbed her throat, and I never stopped.
And when she fell to the ground, breatheless,
From the sky, a sunbeam broke through,
And I was burying her with these hands,
Careful not to get my suit dirty.
I left without looking back,
I have no regrets, and now I even go back there.
But I don't think about who's down there,
I just go back there to look at the sea!
And I want to tell you, that it was me!
It's been four years that I've kept this secret.
I want to tell you, but don't let anyone know...
Don't tell anyone, keep it to yourself!
Keep it to yourself! Keep it to yourself!

You Know Where To Look For Me

Three seconds, three seconds were enough to understand
this is the truth, I meet your gaze and sigh
no one needs to look for me anymore
You know I
I imagined you like this
I simply lived, simply knew
I knew you'd arrive
like fire in my frozen hands
I knew, suddenly the rain
will replace the wildly boring blizzards
Meeting, gaze, sigh
as if nothing is felt
nothing until...
I love you and you should know
I am not even afraid to tell it to the whole world
Just come and wait till eternity is over
I love you, you know where to look for me
An endless day
where only gray dates changed
where I'm not there, not with someone
I am as if I'm guilty
for my dreams
but I knew you're somewhere
you picked up the missing pieces
to my soul
and they don't pierce me anymore
the needles tickle
it doesn't heart anymore there,
where before was torn in pieces
it's from love
it's from happiness
I love you and you should know
I am not even afraid to tell it to the whole world
Just come and wait till eternity is over
I love you, you know where to look for me
You know where to look for me
I love you and you should know
I am not even afraid to tell it to the whole world
Just come and wait till eternity is over
I love you, you know where to look for me
I love you and you should know
I am not even afraid to tell it to the whole world
Just come and wait till eternity is over
I love you, you know where to look for me
I love you and you should know
I am not even afraid to tell it to the whole world
Just come and wait till eternity is over
I love you, you know where to look for me

Solar eclipse

In silence I'm waiting that days drift by
Same weeks are repeating again
Nothing changes, I haven't heard from you
Am I dead or not?
You are waiting for me somewhere on the Milky way
I will come there and forget everything else
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away
I am looking at the upper mirror again
I am drowning in the soft walls
Eating medicines for lunch, I can't remember my name
Is it smart or not
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away


Bound by a promise whose terms shouldn't change
What would happen if I tried to break it
Why do you want to blame me?
You can't measure eternity with a hand-wound watch
Even if I feel empty inside
The reason I can't let go is still in my heart
Even if depression wakes you up in the middle of the night
and it attacks you like a beast
Even if crows tear through all of your prayers
and rain continues to drench you
As long as you are here under the sky of this town
I can't run away
Humans can't live in a dollhouse
In this town that's like drifting ice
I was chasing after the melting water
There's a lot of people out there and they say a lot of things
If I could just say 'Money is all that matters'
I'm sure I could stop feeling lost
Everyone has been stabbed in the back by a love song
I've taken more than I've given
A dry wind is blowing
If you change the landscape of the countryside into a desert
Under the blazing heat of the sun
Will you still be by my side?
I definitely want to be one of those sober guys
The night that the crying voice of a child echoes past the dance floor,
The fridge door stands open
I'll make a vow to drink a bottle of water
Even as an ocean of my desires swirls beneath
With a step like I'm crossing the Moon River
the two of us will drift right past it
Will you still be by my side?

Don't talk to me about love

I want to close all these doors
Close forever
You don't need to write and call me anymore
You don't need to write and call me anymore
You are already free
I let you go to do your things
Finally I'm also free to spread my wings
Finally I'm also free to spread my wings
I don't wanna feel the tears
Insane taste of loneliness
We are in the fog again, this can't go on, enough!
I've burn our bridges
Don't talk to me about love in vain
Because I don't believe you and I never believe again
For a long time we're not children
I'm not looking for culprits, we've to keep on living
Don't talk to me about love in vain
Because I don't believe you and I never believe again
For a long time we're not children
I'm not looking for culprits, we've to keep on living...
My thoughts are not about you so far
For a long time not about you
You don't need to get into my head
You don't need to get into my head
My baby, you are not my problem
You never promised me a star
You never promised me a star
I don't wanna feel the tears
Insane taste of loneliness
We are in the fog again, this can't go on, enough!
I've burn our bridges
Don't talk to me about love in vain
Because I don't believe you and I never believe again
For a long time we're not children
I'm not looking for culprits, we've to keep on living
Don't talk to me about love in vain
Because I don't believe you and I never believe again
For a long time we're not children
I'm not looking for culprits, we've to keep on living...
P. R.

Welcome Back ~Dear My Sister~

A lively sound of laughter leaking from the letter
It’s the greatest gift of all

Bye, bye

Bye, bye illusion of my life,
my heart I feel dismaying,
and I feel a deep sorrow at my departure.
To other shores I go in order to forget!
To other shores I go in order to forget!
Bye, bye, how sad to have been in love
and then to have to give up
that hope that one has dream for so long,
and to which it's so hard to renounce forever,
and to which it's so hard to renounce forever.
I will live carrying with grief
the cross of your coldness that so cruelly
you put, with rancor, in front of my eyes,
turning over the bitterness of the bile.
I will stop suffering only
the day I may forget you,
but that, I have never been able to attain

Bye, bye, woman who, in my way,
made fall the rock of grief.
I am already leaving to fulfill my fate,
without a reproach, and without rancor,
without a reproach, and without rancor.
I will live carrying with grief
the cross of your coldness that so cruelly
you put, with rancor, in front of my eyes,
turning over the bitterness of the bile.
I will stop suffering only
the day I may forget you,
but that, I have never been able to attain



Wind has risen
the lights were lit
the ship whistled
the night is coming
In forests since aeons
alone you wander
the wild light you worship
in white chambers
Saxophones of spring
in the lava of your heart
your hair were loosened
and summer came
The miracle has happened
You slide among the mist
of strange times
phosphoric ship
of the upper seas
Santa Irini
The eyes of Sindbad
gazed at you forever
as he was beginning pensive
to go to nowhere.
The miracle has happened

people are weird and i don’t know what love is

people are weird and
i don’t know what love is
i really don’t know
light and easy mind
words that i can’t even remember
we become numb
beautiful things
where is all
you cowards
just like me
people are weird and
i don’t know what love is

I’ve got the music in me

I feel it running through my veins
the strangest of powers.
This rhythm is like a hug
that grabs me every night.
And I sing, and I sing, and I dance,
carried away in the madness of rhythm and blues.
And I sing, oh yes, and I dance,
clapping your hands to this crazy rhythm.
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
I want to spend all my nights
in this orgy of music.
Stretched to frenzy,
my heart beating like a eurythmy.
And I sing, and I sing, and I dance,
carried away in the madness of rhythm and blues.
And I sing, oh yes, and I dance,
clapping my hands on to crazy rhythm.
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
I can feel you, you are there!
My music, my good and deep music.
She made me sweat, or yes, my heart beat.
Come on, play, play, play!
Oh yeah, play for me
you know how I love you, my music!
Please play for me
my heart beats very hard like your rhythm!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!
‘Cause I’ve got the music in me
because I’ve got the music in me,
yes, I’ve got the music in me!

The eternel feminin

If my Air means anything to you,
You would be wrong to embarrass yourself


Adjatok whiskey-t,
Ma nincs kedvem a borhoz,
Úgy elbánt velem, mint még senki
kicsit fáj,
De jól vagyok,
És semmi, semmi sincs velem..
Hazamegyek boldogan, egyedül
Lefekszem félelemmel telt ágyunkba
Egy férfi mellé, kit sajátomnak hívtam
És most rettegek tőle..
Mellettem évekig
Nyugodtan aludt
De én le sem hunytam a szemem
Mert félelem járt át,
Hogy le leszek cserélve..
De, boldogságom, én hagylak el először
Nem azért, mert erős nő vagyok
Félelem járt át
Hogy el leszek hagyva..
Nem, lelkem, nem kell nekem
Manöken a szerelemhez
Aki magának tetszik,
Míg engem ölel
Olyan kell, aki szeret, ha szeret,
És először ő ölel meg..
Először behódoltál a szépségemnek
Utána a sárba hajítottad
Te, aki elsőként esküdtél szerelmet,
Elsőként árultál el..

Elbaszott kapcsolat

Te többé nem leszel se szeretőm, se vendégem
Te vagy az utolsó felperzselt híd mögöttem
Egyetlenem...te voltál a mindenem
De te csalódást okoztál
Ha megkívánlak, nem hívlak fel
Sosem lesz nyoszolyólányunk*,
se esküvői vendégünk, ó, egyetlenem, te voltál a mindenem,
De te csalódást okoztál
Milyen elbaszott kapcsolat ez,
Hogy az övé vagy, és az enyém vagy
Ne ne ne... ne hívj
Ne ne ne... ne hívj engem
Csalódást okoztál nekem


Hi, are you looking for the other side?
Feel like nothing 'bout this seems quite right
Are you circling the drain or getting off on payment?
You're corrupted
I need to know where your loyalties lie
Tell me, are you gonna bark or bite?
Do you really wanna twist a knife in the belly
Of your master?
Get the fuck up, wake the fuck up
Wipe the system and get the fuck up
You're a puppet, when they cut your strings off
Don't come crawling back
Kingslayer, destroying castlеs in the sky
Kingslayer, forevеrmore the apple of my eye
And I sacrifice my life to find you, angel of the flame
Kingslayer, come and collect us, your might
Dark, this world is so dark that I can't see
The future won't disappear
But I want to obtain another world
System failure
Life is encrypted, genome modified
Like a virus in a lullaby
Artificial till the day you die, say you're programmed
You're corrupted
Get the fuck up, wake the fuck up
Wipe the system and break the fuck up
You're a puppet, when they cut your strings off
Don't come crawling back, you're on your own
Now, let's go and open the door of time
Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky
Kingslayer, I'll fight for you until I die
Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky
Kingslayer, forevermore the apple of my eye
I'll sacrifice it all to guide you, never have to go alone
Kingslayer, come and collect us, your might
This is your wake up call
You're going down the rabbit hole
Are you ready?
I can't feel you
Oh, yeah!
Is this what you want?!
This is what you'll fucking get!
You motherfucking shit!

The End of the Paths

While we are exiled to the abroad on this again,
Maybe even one person will not come to wave goodbye.
Even the dogs that follow a bone for long hours,
Will be laughter to our loneliness.
I'm leaving: Burning exists in my heart...
There's a geyser which cannot be defeated with armies in my veins,
Only I have the memory of
Those acquaintances who laugh with me.
Harsh roads cannot be passed with gentle hearts

Days of my life

Days of my life have melted like an icicle,
Years of my spring have passed.
Lord, do not leave me,
Accept the sinner in his repentance!
Full of selfishness and rottenness,
If only I could become clean by the time to leave!
I have not deserved Your grace,
Be merciful to the sinner!
Like a fierce winter in people's hearts,
The prince of the world is coming.
Lord, I love you!
Lord, have mercy on the sinner!

Just do a little thing

Just do a little thing: just love,
Lighting up your candle-like heart!
Then like a fish in rivers' depth
You'll see another sky above you.
Just do a little thing: don't judge
Like the crowd which rejected the God.
You were born for the path forward
You haven't walked.
Just do a little thing: just love

Three angels

Three angels were walking
Accompanying a sinful soul
And asking:
Oh you, the soul, why haven't you entered the paradise?
What's your guilt?
What's your guilt?
Through your greed or through your stupidity
Have you ruined yourself and broken your crown?
And in our paradise there's a happy life,
And in our paradise trees grow,
The cypress trees,
And birds of paradise sit on their branches,
And birds of paradise sit on their branches,
And they sing cherubic songs
And seraphims' songs.
And in our paradise there's a happy life,
And in our paradise there's a happy life,
But there's nobody to live it.

After the Thunderstorm

The lightning struck me once.
My steely, left-sleeved cufflink
had disappeared, and there was a buzzing
in my head as if I'd many a drink.
And Doctor Berninger remarked,
so naughty, with wicked pride,
that my buzzing story was typical,
my lightning story was a lie.

Eternal Love

You and I
Hand in hand, thinking about the past
You and I
Remembering the love we once had
I want your love
I want your life beside mine
I want the heat of your body
Eternal love
Life is already passing me by
I can't go on
If she doesn't return to my life
Sweetheart, I want to caress you
I want to give you the smiles
That one day ended
Give me all that
Everything I desire
Give me your caresses and your true love
Give me your past
Give me your present
Give me, I beg you, your passionate heart
And now I'm here
Forever united to the love of my life
I'll always love
I'll always give the best of my life
I only ask that you stay
Don't go, never leave me
I only ask that you give me love
So I can give you all of mine
I want your love (I want your love)
I want your life beside mine
I want the heat of your body
Eternal love
I want your love (I want your love)
I want your life beside mine
I want the heat of your body
Eternal love
I want your love
I want your life beside mine
I want the heat of your body
Eternal love
I want your love (I want your love)
I want your life beside mine
I want the heat of your body
Eternal love
Eternal love
Eternal love
Eternal love
Eternal love
I want your love (I want your love)
I want your life beside mine
I want the heat of your body
Eternal love
I want your love
I want your life beside mine
I want the heat of your body
Eternal love

The Holy Land

I found Jericho,
I too had my Palestine,
and the clear waters of the Jordan,
the walls of the asylum
were the walls of Jericho
and a puddle of contaminated water
baptised us all.
We were Jews in there
and the Pharisees were up high
and the Messiah was there too
blended among the crowd:
a lunatic screaming at the Sky
all his love for God.
We all, gang of ascetics
we were like birds
and every so often a dark
net imprisoned us
but we went towards the Masses,
our Lord's Masses
and Christ the Saviour.
We were washed and buried,
we smelt like incense.
And then, when we loved
we were given electroshock
because, they said, a lunatic
cannot love anyone.
But one day from inside the sepulchre
I too woke up again
and I too like Jesus
had my resurrection,
but I didn't ascend to the Heavens
I went down to Hell
whence I amazed look again
at the walls of ancient Jericho.

Marin, at your wedding

Marin, at your wedding,
Marin, Marin,
All the girls were dancing,
Oh, dear Marin!
All the girls were dancing,
Marin, Marin,
But one girl was sitting at the front gate,
Oh, dear Marin!
But one girl was sitting at the front gate,
Marin, Marin,
With three flowers in kerchief,
Oh, dear Marin!
With three flowers in kerchief,
Marin, Marin,
She was crying and wiping hey tears,
Oh, dear Marin!
She was crying and wiping hey tears,
Marin, Marin,
Confessing her love to the flowers,
Oh, dear Marin!
'When i will get married too,
Marin, Marin,
Bring me a viola flower,
Oh, dear Marin!
Bring me a viola flower,
Marin, Marin,
So she can tell you my love,
Oh, dear Marin!
So she can tell you my love,
Marin, Marin,
You are the one i loved,
Oh, dear Marin!'

Now for tomorrow

Now for tomorrow
Sweaty aiming for the goal
The suffering and regret of those days
If you keep it in your memory, you're about to leave
It will be painful in my heart
If repeating is our mistake
I want to choose to lose rather than run away
If you get up from there, you can find something
Even if it's covered with dust, we
The sun shines, with a dream for tomorrow
As long as there is a world I want to see now
The world accustomed to competing
I say everything is the result
Even if you seek out a person's weakness
Will not change to my strength
It can be said that it is a youthful adventure
What we shouldn't lose now
The shape of the dream to find out Until you touch this arm
In a violently flowing era
I can't wait even for the dawn and seek shine tomorrow
Without feeling the impossibility right now
Half the real pain
You may not know
There is no reason to stop
Even if it's covered with dust, we
The sun shines, with a dream for tomorrow
Run now run we are
I can't wait even for the dawn and seek shine tomorrow
With my friends who are now on my shoulders
Let's run forever
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah