Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 60

Találatok száma: 2241


Igazi színek

Te, a szomorú szemekkel
Ne legyél elkedvetlenedett
Bár tudom, nehéz bátorságot gyűjteni
Egy világban tele emberekkel
Szem elől vesztheted teljesen
És a benned lévő sötétségtől
Olyan kicsinek érzed magad
De én látom az igazi színeid átragyogni
Látom az igazi színeid
És ezért szeretlek
Szóval ne félj kimutatni
Az igazi színeid, igazi színeid
Mutass akkor egy mosolyt
Ne légy boldogtalan
Nem emlékszem, mikor
Láttalak utoljára nevetni
Ha ez a világ az őrületbe kerget
És mindent megfogtál, amit elbírsz
Mert tudod, hogy ott leszek
És én látni fogom az igazi színeid átragyogni
Látni fogom az igazi színeid
És ezért szeretlek
Szóval ne félj kimutatni
Az igazi színeid, igazi színeid

Var és Vakolat

Beléptem egy szobába, ahol minden óra más időt mutatott
Beléptem egy tükörvilágba, ami a bűneinket tükrözték
Te tovább piszkálod a vart, és én tovább árulom a vakolatot
Folyton azt mondod, hogy rossz vagyok
De én gyorsabban javulok tovább
Letartasz és felemelsz
Nem tudsz kommunikálni
Te felhoztál, csak hogy elejts
Már nincs mit mondanom
Elvesztettem, elvesztettem az ártatlanságom
Megtaláltam az önbizalmam
És egy csésze magányosságban
Megtaláltam az azonnali megkönnyebbülést
Letartasz, felemelsz
Oh Apu, elfogyott a szerencsénk
Te felhoztál, csak hogy elejts
Bezártál, elhallgattattál
Elmentem, elmentem a mennybe
Elmentem, elmentem a pokolba
Ha senki nem látná, kinyújtanám a kezem, hogy megfoghassák
Letartasz és felemelsz
Nem tudok kommunikálni
Te felhoztál, csak hogy elejts
Már nincs mit mondanom
Elvesztettem, elvesztettem az ártatlanságom
Megtaláltam az önbizalmam
És egy csésze magányosságban
Megtaláltam az azonnali megkönnyebbülést
Letartasz, felemelsz
Oh Apu, elfogyott a szerencsénk
Te felhoztál, csak hogy elejts
Bezártál, elhallgattattál
Te tovább piszkálod a vart,
Szóval én tovább árulom a vakolatot
Folyton azt mondod, hogy rossz vagyok
De én gyorsabban javulok tovább
Elvesztettem, elvesztettem az ártatlanságom
Megtaláltam az önbizalmam
És egy csésze magányosságban
Megtaláltam az azonnali megkönnyebbülést
Letartasz, felemelsz
Oh Apu, elfogyott a szerencsénk
Te felhoztál, csak hogy elejts
Bezártál, elhallgattattál
Elvesztettem, elvesztettem a bátorságomat
Megtaláltam az önbizalmam
És egy csésze magányosságban
Ezer tengeren hajóztam
Megmondod, mit mondjak és viseljek
Azt mondod, csak azért, mert törődsz
De én egyedül szeretek lenni
Minthogy olyan életet éljek, ami nem az enyém


Elvesztettem a gerincem
Egy csillag középpontjában
És minden nap azon agyalok
Hol vannak a rosszcsontok
Egy csúnya napon fogsz meghalni
Ha kihagyod
Tudom, hogy a saját nagyapám
Keményen dolgozott ezért
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Úgy élni, mint egy tarajos sül
Tudom, hogy arról álmodsz
Mikor még az enyém voltál
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
És felakasztottad a kötelet
A tetőről
A keresztények kijöttek
Nézték, ahogy megkötöm a hurkot
Elmondtam egy néma imát
Sírni kezdtek
Tudták, hogy a Pokolba jelentkeztem
És tudták, hogy bejutok
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Úgy élni, mint egy tarajos sül
Tudom, hogy arról álmodsz
Mikor még az enyém voltál
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik
Ez olyan bűnösnek tűnik

Bring The Storm

I have a plan, a place to go
And I would like to see you there
Nobody cares what you wear
Just come in your party jeans
This Friday, I won't wait anymore
Nothing's going to stop us now
Don't hold back, the party is now
And ooh, this floor's going to crack
A thousand feet thunder as one
Bring, bring, bring the storm
It's raining a party
Break, break, break the norm
Because we're raging
When the thunderstorm tears through your body
The speakers crack and the bass drops again
Break, break, break the norm
Bring, bring, bring the storm
Everyone's here, everyone's celebrating
With songs that make the floor pump
Come on and dance, let the party blow
The dust right out of the ground
I can see you, and you can see me
The taps have been opened
Who can argue?
The party is great
And man, this floor's going to crack
A thousand feet thunder as one
Bring, bring, bring the storm
It's raining a party
Break, break, break the norm
Because we're raging
When the thunderstorm tears through your body
The speakers crack and the bass drops again
Break, break, break the norm
Bring, bring, bring the storm
And nothing's going to stop us tonight
This party won't end
And nothing's going to stop us tonight
This party won't end
And the bass can still kick, kick, kick
Bring, bring, bring the storm
It's raining a party
Break, break, break the norm
Because we're raging
Bring, bring, bring the storm
It's raining a party
Break, break, break the norm
Because we're raging
When the thunderstorm tears through your body
The speakers crack and the bass drops again
Break, break, break the norm
Bring, bring, bring the storm

Hazug vagyok

A szerelmen csak kacagni tudok
És soha, soha nem mondtam, hogy hiszek benne.
Az igaz szerelem,
Már nem létezik.
Miután hirtelen
Ha rád nézek.
Hazug vagyok
A szerelem ott van, mélyen bennem.
Hazug vagyok, hazug, tudom.
A világ képes lesz erre
Talán még hisz is.
De én, nem mondom, nem hiszek benne.
Szinte igaz szerelem.
Nem látni többé
Miután hirtelen megjöttél.
Ha rád nézek, hazug vagyok
A szerelem ott van, mélyen bennem
Hazug vagyok, hazug, tudom
Az igaz szerelem
Már nem létezik?
Miután hirtelen
Ha rád nézek, hazug vagyok
A szerelem ott van, mélyen bennem
Hazug vagyok, hazug, tudom.
Ha rád nézek, hazug vagyok
A szerelem ott van, mélyen bennem
Szeretlek, hazug vagyok
Szeretlek, hazug vagyok

Már nem vagyok éhes

Eltűnt az az érzés
Az az égő láng
Az, ami még utoljára átvert még,
Az, ami megőrjített a kapzsisággal és fájdalommal
Az, ami miatt elköltöztem a városból és megváltoztattam a nevem
Már nem vagyok éhes
Már nem vagyok éhes
Nem érdekel, mit tartokat a jövő,
Amíg szeretek és öregszem
Mindig azt gondoltam, hogy meghalnék,
Ha nem lennél mellettem
De már meggondoltam magam
Igen, meggondoltam magam
Sokkal jobban érzem magam, mint ezelőtt,
És most már nem is tudom, miért is kellettél nekem
Sokkal jobban érzem magam, mint ezelőtt,
És nem éhezem
Már nem éhezem a szerelmedért
Sokkal jobban érzem magam,
Mint ezelőtt
Kösd össze a pontokat A-tól B-ig
A tehén csak egy húsdarab lesz
Ne is próbáld beetetni velem a hülyeséged,
Mert nem vagyok éhes
Az a chip a vállamon már majdnem eltűnt,
Mint ahogy az a durva vágy, hogy tartozzak valahova
Mindig azt gondoltam, hogy meghalnék,
Ha nem lennél mellettem
De már meggondoltam magam
Igen, meggondoltam magam
Sokkal jobban érzem magam, mint ezelőtt,
És most már nem is tudom, miért is kellettél nekem
Sokkal jobban érzem magam, mint ezelőtt,
És nem éhezem
Már nem éhezem a szerelmedért
Sokkal jobban érzem magam,
Mint ezelőtt
Talán egy másik utat kell járnom,
Vagy talán egész eddig tévedtem
Talán nem az vagyok, akivé próbáltam válni
Most már az összes álmom halott
Már nem kell sietnem
Időm mint a tenger
Az összes aggodalmam eltűnt,
És élvezem az utat
Sokkal jobban érzem magam, mint ezelőtt,
És most már nem is tudom, miért is kellettél nekem
Sokkal jobban érzem magam, mint ezelőtt,
És nem éhezem
Már nem éhezem a szerelmedért
Sokkal jobban érzem magam,
Mint ezelőtt


Severina1, a girl made of snow,
Every winter she is a sign from the north.
I have it in a song from the south,
Severina - someone else's happiness. (x2)
And like a snow silently snows
A call from my love.
And it thaws and recalls sorrow
My song about you. (x2)
Severina, a girl made of snow,
To magical fairy is a sign from the north.
She kisses me fast and on the snow
The winter goes - a white sorrow.
And like a snow silently snows
A call from my love.
And it thaws and recalls sorrow
My song about you. (x2)
  • 1. This is a girl's name meaning 'A girl from the north'

bring it

roger that yes sir
of course i’m defending
my people from those things
you can’t mess with a single thing
if you’re confident mess with us
we stick together we ignite fire
we’re in charge of our futures
we run the place
two captains
we’re in command
come in come in
come in come in
it’s like we’re floating
even if we are i know
you’ve already reached your destination
chwirwibongya chwirwibongya*
do not cross over this
better get out
listen to the hoshi-woozi combo
if you can’t hear us
ay woozi tell ‘em right now
what’s making us go crazy?
our gazes are burning
we’re two beasts
we soar and pursue our prey
we never lose a thing
don’t worry about that
maybe if you were confident
you’d shoot me and go
shoot and turn right
shoot and turn left
let’s go let’s fight let’s win
hey hey
let’s go let’s fight let’s win
load on one
fire on two
one two
shoot shoot shoot
shout out the world
this is my area
i lay down in my own world
there are countless stars
now we came
because of uncertainty
just look into my eyes
we run without hesitation
we’re cool
we excel as a team
remember when we say
we change up
what’s making us go crazy?
our gazes are burning
we’re two beasts
we soar and pursue our prey
we never lose a thing
don’t worry about that
maybe if you were confident
you’d shoot me and go
shoot and turn right
shoot and turn left
let’s go let’s fight let’s win
hey hey
let’s go let’s fight let’s win
load on one
fire on two
one two
shoot shoot shoot
issue a heavy rain warning
“who are they? someone stop them”
if you can mess with us
shoot me and go first
issue a heavy rain warning
“who are they? someone stop them”
if you can mess with us
shoot me and go first
shoot and turn right
shoot and turn left
let’s go let’s fight let’s win
hey hey
let’s go let’s fight let’s win
load on one
fire on two
one two
shoot shoot shoot
shoot shoot shoot
on one
count to two
shoot shoot shoot
shoot shoot shoot
on one
count to two
shoot shoot shoot

Do smile, queen, do smile

Do smile, queen, do smile
Talk with guests, dance, sing a song
Do try, queen, do try
Never bare to anyone your soul
If you sad, if in pain, if you bitter
Do order someone to bring a glass of wine.
Well, if it filled with a blood to the brim,
While smiling, drain it to the dregs.
Do smile, queen, do smile
Do smile, laugh and none will notice,
Won't see the little diamonds of tears in your eyes
Everyone will think, , oh how bright it shines
Your crown on unruly hair
Do smile, queen, do smile
Do smile, queen, do smile
Let the servants extinguish the ball lights
Do smile, queen, do smile
Smile through unhappy days
Do smile, queen...

We're all octopuses

On amountain there's a shepherd
who was singing a song.
In the sea a mermaid said:
- Let's see if you want to pay attention,
Don't be a rascal
Damn, damn, shepherd, you're so funny.
Shepherd, if you went down for a bit...
- And why don't you come up here?
- We'll make a beautiful couple
- We'll make a postcard couple
The girl gets out of the water the way she can and goes up there.
And all happy make a shack in the field.
We're all octopuses, we're all octopuses.
Come, come, come, sing along:
- Oh, how green is the field.
We see butterflies,
All white and beautiful
Like the rosemary flower.
Come, girl, come, come,
Come, girl, come with me.
How pretty is
the good morning spring.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The three musketeers (1972)

We're the three musketeers
of the building sector.
Of the building sector
we're specialists,
of the building sector,
and to whoever calls us workmen
we'll hit him with a brick.
To whoever calls us workmen
we'll hit him with a brick,
to whoever calls us workmen
that now we study by mail
and soon we'll be foremen.
Very good, boy! Let's go with the second!
I bought a Derby
and also a TV.
I bought a Derby
and also a TV,
I bought a Derby
a fridge and a Turmix
and a 'histeric' record player.
The consumption society
makes us buy appliances
the consumption society
but I don't know where to plug them
as there's no electricity at home.
'Ole, let's go with the third!'. This is going great, boy!
Long time ago I arrived
and I feel like a catalonian.
Long time ago I arrived
and I feel like a catalonian,
Long time ago I arrived
and now I say 'charnegos' 1
to who come later.
Look how integrated I am
that I like the bread with tomato.
Look how integrated I am
that now I make the Carajillo
with Aromes de Montserrat.
We're catalonians, yes sir,
we're catalonians! eh!
  • 1. And old slur for immigrants
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The three musketeers (1977)

We're the three musketeers
of the building sector.
Of the building sector
we're specialists,
of the building sector,
and to whoever calls us workmen
we'll hit him with a brick.
To whoever calls us workmen
we'll hit him with a brick,
to whoever calls us workmen
that now we study by mail
and soon we'll be foremen.
Here we go! Let's go with the second!
I bought a Derby
and also a TV.
I bought a Derby
and also a TV,
I bought a Derby
a fridge and a Turmix
and a 'histeric' record player.
The consumption society
makes us buy appliances
the consumption society
now I don't know where to plug them
as there's no electricity at home.
'Ole, let's go with the third!'. This is going great, boy!
Long time ago I arrived
and I feel like a catalonian.
Long time ago I arrived
and I feel like a catalonian,
Long time ago I arrived
and now I say 'charnegos' 1
to who come later.
Look how integrated I am
that I request the Estatut
and the Generalitat
and I even make the Carajillo
with Aromes de Montserrat.
We're catalonians, yes sir,
we're catalonians! eh!
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The saber dance

When we were listenging on the radio
the vote of inauguration
with three-cornered hats and tommy guns
the dictatorship arrived
and we were shocked, atonished
What a covering we caught
what a dread and jitters
when the hoarse voice
shouted «to the floor»
starting to shoot... ratatata
Then they say that in Valencia
to hassle even more
the thing is well underway
and a funny man makes
some Fallas on February...what a shit!
We were seeing each other again
doing the sabre dance
that if someone doesn't remember
is the most maccabre dance
of the ones that are made and unmade... naturally!
Then, what a night, what a night!
we were hidden under the bed
but with calmness
and sqeezing our buttocks.
Let's not get nervous!
Calm, Jordi, calm
it's the civil guard, just calm!
Oh!, mama mama mama mama, I'm scared!
And they were giving us the rule
everybody goes to work tomorrow
«because nothing is going on here»
reapers, don't sharpen the tool
that we could get worse... generally!
And specially stay calm!
but if the moustache man wins
it willl be better to get drunk
and stop playing around
rung, get the bags
and don't stop until Perpignan...it will!
And on the next day when it got fixed,
what a strange thing
even the most skepticals
were all shouting «Long live Spain
and long live the constitution»... look where!
And long live the king... what a solution!
The thing is that you no longer know
who you can trust
if it's for good or bad
but it's sure that nothing will be the same again.
And I say, that living this way
so worried, can't be good!
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

We'll do it all night long

Come here, come here, you deserve it.
Baby, you don't know who am I, you don't know me
Baby, you'll fall, you'll fall, you're mature enough.
Run, that in my bed you'll find, pure dynamite!
We'll break the headboard and the springs of the somnier.
We'll do it all night long!
triqui-triqui-tri triqui-triqui-tri
We'll do it all night long!
traca-traca-tra traca-traca-tra
until you lose the senses
choocoo-choocoo-choo choocoo-choocoo-choo
until smoke comes out of the bed
nyaca-nyaca-nya nyaca-nyaca-nya
Come here and you'll see how I make you happy
that today there won't be less than twenty, I feel it.
Babe, come to bed, come to bed, if I get you
you'll have orgy, chaos and havoc.
Baby, you'll hallucinate tied to the matress.
We'll do it all night long!
triqui-triqui-tri triqui-triqui-tri
We'll do it all night long!
traca-traca-tra traca-traca-tra
until you lose the senses
choocoo-choocoo-choo choocoo-choocoo-choo
until smoke comes out of the bed
nyaca-nyaca-nya nyaca-nyaca-nya
We'll do it all night long!
We'll do it all night long!
triqui-triqui-tri triqui-triqui-tri
We'll do it all night long!
traca-traca-tra traca-traca-tra
We'll do it all night long!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
We'll do it all night long!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
But you believed all that!
choocoo-choocoo-choo choocoo-choocoo-choo
It was just a song!
nyaca-nyaca-nya nyaca-nyaca-nya
We'll do it all night long!
Ah no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no!
until smoke comes out of the bed!
Ah no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no!
But we can play parchis...
Ah no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no!
or maybe Trivial Pursuit...
Ah no, no, no,no! No, no, no,no, no!
We'll break the headboard!
triqui-triqui-tri triqui-triqui-tri
and the springs of the somnier!
traca-traca-tra traca-traca-tra
You all think of the same...
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
You don't see that it's no good...
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Baby, you'll hallucinate!
Have mercy, that I'm weak...
tied to the matress!
Don't fool around, you're not old for that!
We'll do it all night long!
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Mr Ramon

Mr Ramon was cheating on the maids
and also many times to those who weren't.
The poor maids when they go to bed,
tururut, tururut, who moans has received.
- - - - - - (chinese music)
Poor Fu Manchu they cheat you with a chinese.
Poor Fu Manchu it only happens to you
When every chinky chinese goes to bed
Tu lu lu lu lu lu lu, I have so much blood
that at five I have “song”.
- - - - - - (arab music)
The moor Salem cheats on favourites
The moor Salem cheats on the whole harem
The poor odalisques when they go to bed,
tu ru ru ru ru ru ru, ru, tu ru ru ru ru ru ru, ru
For Allah, they had received.
- - - - - - (catalan rumba)
And look if the gipsy Ramon knew,
that he was cheating on the maids.
And look if the gipsy Ramon knew,
that he was cheating on everybody.
The poor maids... olé!
when they go to bed ... Pepé, Pepé!
Turú, turú, tuturututú .. who moans has received,
Turú, turú, tuturututú .. who moans has received.
Cuchibiri, cuchibiri, cuchibiri, papa!
cuchibiri, cuchibiri, cuchibiri, papa!
cuchibiri, cuchibiri, cuchibiri, papa!
Gipsy Ramon!
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Flash Reagan

Ladys and gentlemen,
here's with you, the President
of the United States of America:
I turn on the console... here I go!
a starry sky appears
and the martians attack me... pigs!
you don't know who you mess with!
It's the star wars... dammit!
this is full of invaders,
For each one falling apart... pachumba!
twenty two appear.
I dodge one shooting me ... deary me!
with the neutron cannon
but I strike it and destroy it... ass!
let's see who has more protons!
I'm a hero! I'm a hero!
I kill more than when I played the cowboy
Now they're hassling me... those beasts!
and they're annoying,
but I send them a good hit... take that!
Fire, laser, one, two!
The crashers counter... mischievous!
they haven't hit me by little,
I have plastic ailerons... how horrible!
I can't go anywhere like this.
They sliced my screen... Oh mom!
and the laser wrecked
they desintegrated my helmet... what a bummer!
the game is over.
How bastards, how bastards,
to make this to me, the president of the United States.
I'll say to the Senate, I'll say to the Congress
to grant me for defense: Five more bucks!
I'll say to the Congress, I'll say to the Senate
that now the star wars have begun.
Now I'll order the NASA ... too much!
to make the space war
and to the NATO president... to him!
to make raise Cain.
And we'll attack the Soviets... frantics!
from the outer space
that in these video games... it doesn't fail!
the invaders always win.
And I'll force all the russians ...creeps!
to learn the bible in verse
and I'll make the Pope canonize me... Saint Reagan!
the saint of the universe.
There's no need to be precise, there's no need to be precise,
I play the star wars but on a large scale.
I'm a hero! I'm a hero!
I kill more than when I played the cowboy.
They'll admire me, they'll admire me,
like Flash Gordon, Donald Duck and Superman.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Hommage (Oh, censorship!)

Oh, censorship! Oh, censorship!
dear God, what a torture!
When the public servants
were saying on dictatoship days
that 'on those Catalonians
we must crack the whip'
And again with allegories!
And again with plays
and doing hand games
without feeling like it!
Look how he managed
a commited singer-songwriter
when we had to say a lot
but we couldn't say a thing:
The toilet is full
it spills by the sides
and its flushing chain
has all of us tied
If you pull it strong over here,
and I pull it strong over there,
surely the water goes down, down
and we can unblock it
If you pull it strong over here,
and I pull it strong over there,
surely the water goes down, down
and it will be very clean!
Oh, censorship! Oh, censorship!
dear God, what an adventure!
When we wanted to speak clear
but whe didn't know how
it was so funny
to say the things by its name
If not, listen to this other
how he was cheating
he couldn't say it singing
he had to give sass
Asturias dear homeland
who explodes those mines?
Coals! 1
And the miners are well black
with so many explosions
What is thrown to the ovens
when revolutions are made?
And is heard in the mines
a yell from the bottom
Coals! Coals! Coals! Coals!
Oh, censorship! Oh, censorship!
dear God, so much inculture!
The songs were full
of euphemisms in bulk
and lots of metaphores
to fool them!
Look how he seasoned
another singer-songwriter
who said it with few words
for good listeners.
The broccoli is flowering...
You understand me!
But we didn't believe in the broccoli...
You understand me!
Tomorrow will be another day...
You understand me!
And so tomorrow
that town will scream
there's no more broccoli!
You understand me! You understand me!
You understand me! You understand me! You understand me!
Oh, censorship! Oh, censorship!
dear God, what a torture!
Oh, censorship! Oh, censorship!
dear God, what an adventure!
Oh, censorship! Oh, censorship!
dear God, so much inculture!
  • 1. Very close to 'cabrons', which means 'bastards'
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Jithe paarha painda ae uss thaan te khallo gye aan,

Jithe paarha painda ae uss thaan te khallo gye aan,

Drága szépség

Ez a dal egy gondolatból kelt szárnyra,
Csakis rád gondolok
Drága szépség
Tudom,hogy nem éreztem
A békesség hőjét
Te benned felfedeztem,
hogy a szívemben lakozik
Végtelen szerelem, végtele szerelem
Neked születtem,
S te is nekem
Csakis én tudom, hogy éreztem
Mikor megláttalak téged
Ez szerelem, ez szerelem
Drága szépség
Tudom, hogy kívánsz
Én vagyok a csillag, mely ragyok
Mikor megcsókolsz
Az ég a határ
És a nap ébreszt
Benned látom a világot
Egy nyitott ablakon át
Drága szépség,
ez színtiszta mágia
Talán éjjel egy új nap születik
Akarom és keresem
Ezt az édes csókot
De hogy magam mellett tudjalak,
minden, amit kívánok
Ez szerelem, ez szerelem...x10

I want a busty girlfriend

Girl, it's not in fashion to be thin
but more like to be like a cow
And Madonna makes it big who's a buxom.
And the thing is, girl, I don't feel like taking a bite
nor in the right, nor in the left,
So little stuff doesn't excite me.
Because, I want a busty girlfriend
a hunky girl, a chubby girl
I want a busty girlfriend
That when I hug her I don't cover her
Better to have excess than to have shortage.
Girl, if you want me to grope you
Go see a surgeon
This is solved with silicone.
And the thing is, girl, I want plentiful breasts
To attack without consideration
To get lost in your cleveage and make out.
And only that way, baby you'll have my love
And without a doubt baby, you'll figure out.
Girl, let your breast shadow me
and spill over the carpet
a couple of spilled tons.
And the thing is, girl, it will be an extraordinary pleasure
to do the closet jump
I want to do the starfish with enough space.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

How pretty are the commercials (Spanish version)

How pretty are the commercials
that they broadcast on TV
And it's their happy music
their power of persuasion
Are so good the commercials
that you always exclaim
Too bad that they cut them
to put shows
How pretty are the commercials
that they broadcast on TV
With their happy music,
pararán chimpón chimpón
What do the modern kids eat?
Cracker jacks, beans and sugar
Choco-plast, choco-plast!
The snack for today's children
For them to make sport and a healthy life
And purge all week long
With a choco-plast, with a choco-plast
With a choco-plast is enought
(With cards of the Challenger explosion)
They are mad about you
because you smell like a man
which is their loved scent, roar
And at one mile of distance
they note your fragance
and the congested ambient, roar
Your perfume leaves print,
they remember you passionately
And they need the help of God
to vent the room
Roar, roar (to smell like a tiger)
Freedom, freedom
Freedom all a victory
Freedom for you woman!
Freedom, freedom
Freedom and more freedom
This is a maxi pad commercial
as you have noticed
Freedom, freedom, freedom!
Nya nya nya nya, nya nya nya nya
I have an authomatic seed-peeler and you not
I bought it because it's absolutely indispensable
And it's portatile, programmable and even remote-controlled
Nya nya nya nya, nya nya nya nya
I have an authomatic seed-peeler and you not
You'll see, you'll buy it too!
(Peelmax, it peels them well peeled)
How pretty are the commercials
that they broadcast on TV
With their happy music,
pararán chimpón chimpón
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Ode to toilet paper (spanish version)

Pa, pa, pa, pa, paper, paper,
paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper
paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper
paper, paper, sweet satin,
you'll give us pleasure
paper, paper, without end.
Paper, paper
Of color gray, loud red white and blue, lemon green
is your essential purpose to caress with softness.
You always alert serving the people
without distinguising analphabet or intellectual,
Private or general, proletariat or capital.
just at time of evacuating the classes don't fight
just at time of evacuating the classes don't fight
don't... fight...
Is your cruel destiny, is your disgraceful fate
when they used you to violate your punishment
of sending you to the sewer by flushing.
And is your wise rebelliosness to block the pipe
as a final revenge.
Humble, delicated, and selfless paper,
you have always been despised and mistreated mercilessly.
Loved paper, fellow of the toilet
you must be defended and presented in society.
And recieve the award of some... decoration.
Paper, paper, faithful friend.
Because with your exemplary help
we don't have to splash the fingers,
and as proof of good faith
I swear I'll never use
the rough leaves of the ABC.
Only you, Only you, Only you, Solo tú!
And may my yell reach heaven
because you are and you'll be our best friend,
loyal immortal toilet paper
paper, per, per, per...
Glory to the paper.
Glory to the paper, paper,
per, per, per...
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

For the first time (spanish version)

The moment has come. Today is the day.
I'll do it for the first time. I'm old enough,
I went through puberty, I'm a man now,
my body is asking for it, good heavens!
I come to the place in question, there's a long line,
educatedly I request a turn to get into.
In the line some peep around
while others start to pull it out.
After waiting for more than half hour,
finally I get in the cubicle
where there seductively waits for me
I feel a feverish desire in the body.
I search for it and damn! I can't find it.
I got it, I grabbed it, finally it came out,
it's a matter of aiming it in the hole.
I get ready to make the introduction.
I push it without hesitating, it reaches the bottom
and so I finally finished the act.
I already put on... the ballot in the box,
I voted for the first time, I voted. La, la, la...
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

My school (spanish version)

That unraveled overall,
that shaky leather schoolbag
that gloomy school with a thousand windows
jumble of brats and cassocks,
those tatooed desks, those pencil cases,
those downstroke books, those homeworks,
that frightening bad omen cassock
with that huge and complete fly
Their mission was to teach us declinations
and to smack us a bump on our heads
and to gloss all the martyrs of the book of saints
and to educate us the nazi-onal spirit
Come let's go with flowers to Mary
How good are the Piarist fathers
how good they are that they take us on a trip
Long live Spain and its tradition
and the Piarist fathers who teach us.
Of Isabel and Fernando the spirit rules
we'll die kissing the holy flag.
Ave , Ave, Ave Maria
Ave , Ave, Ave Maria
That May, month of Mary, those rosaries,
that pile of mass cards and scapulars,
that World Mission Sunday collect, those millions
to baptize infidels in the missions.
'The hands on the desk' they repeated,
'Those things leave you blind' they warned us,
'We must be pure and chaste' they preached
while with the foolish hand they groped us.
That smell of blackboards, confessionaries,
of pencils, orange peel and urinals.
A crucifix was heading our lessons
and at both sides were hanging, the two...thieves.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

little sailor star

little sailor star,
give me reason of/for my love,*
you that illuminates,
the silence of the night.
they say that my love is leaving,
to the northern border,
tell me if it so,
so i could start to cry.
little sailor star,
give me reason of/for my love,
you that illuminates,
the silence of the night.
they say that my love is leaving,
to the northern border,
tell me if it so,
so i could start to cry.
your name i carry in my heart engraved,
and your memory in my chest imprisoned,
but chatita of the soul,
you have me in enthusiasm,
that even in dreams,
it appears i can hear you speak.
your name i carry in my heart engraved,
and your memory in my chest imprisoned,
but chatita of the soul,
you have me in enthusiasm,
that even in dreams,
it appears i can hear you speak.

The Hermanas Sisters

Men carry hanging
a little cilinder, a little cilinder,
what say that is to give us
pleasure, pleasure.
They presume that a handspan
is the national average
but that they don't make the grade
is the most common.
What do they have, what do they have
that we girls don't have?
What do they have, what do they have?
A span more, a span less,
a span less, a span more,
what difference does it make?
If a man accomplishes in the bed
like he should, like he should,
who has fun in measuring it
with a king foot, with a king foot?
Before entering in the subject,
my daughters, measure
that not always come together
quantity and quality.
Nobody do the rooster
Kikiriki, Kikiriki
for not having to crouch
for peeing, for peeing.
If for a sad flap
someone thinks he's superior
may he shows it in a vase
with mothballs.
That we girls don't have?
What do they have, what do they have?
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The vegetable soup

To France like an arrow
our truck swallowing miles
devouring the road
marches roaring like a lion
how good smell our orange
our pepper and our lemon!
How stink garlic and onion!
Nobody can stand this truck!
As they don't let fish tuna
we send vegetables to the Common Market
speed up that at la Junquera
is the border and we must pass
'Good morning' 'How are you?
Welcome to the Le Perthus border'
'I'm the first gendarme
I'm the second, I'm the third
Let's see the documentation.
Your green card is uncoloured
your passport is expired
África comance, África comance,
Africa comance a les Pirinées
Your green card is uncoloured
your passport is expired
But la gendarmerie is in good mood
'Allez, allez, allez, you can pass'
We're in france, we went through the worst
look at those farmers hitch hiking
Oh Ramon, they look at us loathly!
Oh, Julian! They will hit us here!
'Where are you going with that truck
where are you going you big cook
you won't pass from le pont d'Avignon'
The courgette goes to Berlin
the peach goes to London
the scarole goes to Liverpool
and the aubergine to Istambul
and then we have the plan
to reach to Amsterdam
because the iberic cucumber there
has more outcome than here
'Arrêtez' 'C'est fini! Stop!
we'll burn all these vegetables right now
we'll make a falla like in Valencia'
Don't touch my pear nor the courgette
look that if I get angry I'll raise Cain
We're gonna burn the truck
Baked apples will be good
look that if I weild the muskeet
I'm worse than Agustina de Aragón
The vegetable war blasts
and the ammo is vitaminic
the carrot is a projectile,
the aubergine is a missil
They yell: 'Santiago y cierra España!'
'Vive la France! Allez, allons enfants de la Patrie!'
What a soup! What a compote!
What a salad that is done there!
Entrez, entrez à la comunité
You'll see, you'll see how good you'll be!
Entrez, entrez à la comunité
You'll see, you'll see how good you'll be!
...how good you'll be!
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The potato (spanish version)

According to the principles of evolution
we come from the monkey, what an outrage!
Enough with Darwin hussling so much
if the man comes from the potato.
Enough with Darwin hussling so much
if the man comes from the potato.
This theory is unquestionable
the potato thing is a palpable fact
Like the potato, we come from the dust
and we return to it as long as we can.
The skin wrinkles to the old tuber
the same that with the years our skin hangs.
And when it wrinkles it becomes fatal
that neither the Gerovital can fix it.
Enough with Darwin hussling so much
if the man comes from the potato.
Enough with Darwin hussling so much
if the man comes from the potato.
Patatín-patatán patata-patatona
The potato stuff has been doubtlessly
a very tricky subject.
Patatín-patatán patata-patatona
When Adam and Eve made a mistake
it wasn't for an apple, but a potato.
Patatín-patatán patata-patatona
Grab a potato and softly
look at its eyes and call it mom.
Becasue when we eat baked potato
it's a parricide and a mischief
And is so tasty in every moment
the starch is always a great food.
And when you die the priest says
'In fécula feculorum Amén'
Enough with Darwin hussling so much
if the man comes from the potato.
Enough with Darwin hussling so much
How tasty
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


To me you mean something superior
I know how it feels like to cry due to prestige
I know that at the end it's useless
But I will go far away from you to a place much worse
I hope you remember me now and then
Basically I know how you are going to remember me
As a bad memory that used to come to you at nights and hold your hand so you're not afraid
Three years ago I fell in love with you
I can tell you that I was confused
But I looked in your eyes for 3 minutes, a task so we weren't laugh was the reason that I got enchanted
But I didn't get enchanted by your eyes
I have to say it
I saw your soul inside of them
Fuck, you have the most wonderful soul I have ever seen
Don't you ever listen to their vulgar opinion
And just remember that I never reviled you
Even when I was angry, you should know that
Instead I was reviling myself that I did nothing when I was seeing you suffering
That still haunts me
If I was doing bullshit I'm sorry, I'm sorry
I still love you
You are still and you will be forever a part of me
How many nights I was a rim?
How many, nights I was at the park so I wouldn't think about you?
How many? Look at the asshole
There is no way to go back there
Fuck that day at the stairs
I was telling you what I feel, you didn't look at my eyes
You didn't look at me at all and I couldn't take a breath
Fuck the whore1, I was crying for 2 months
Or later at the party do you remember?
Do you remember? When I told you a truth
You didn't believe me you thought that if you're crying
I would come and lie straight to your face
Then I started the worst habit
Finaly you know the truth
I destroyed myself for that fucking night, finaly I said it, I said it
I never lied to you
And whatever I do, I don't do that just for show
I still love you and whatever I have written
You should know that everything is about you Katherine (x2)
You don't feel me2 and if you do
Talk to me now that you have time
Tomorrow I will disappear from your life once and for all
Maybe then you appreciate what you mean to me (x2)
Do you understand what I'm saying?
How can I not be angry when for months
I was a fucking wallflower down there
I was crying at the bottom alone
Believing that I did something wrong
I never put myself first, never
I still remember my every lyric
Every lyric is one of the tears
That I dropped but you never learned, never
And when you say that you like my songs
I never felt a feeling like that before
It's like you accept a part of what I feel
And not have the intention to decrease it
And yeah, I have psychological issues
I broke up with three girls after you
Because I was looking for something yours in them
But some things are just impossible
I heard many times from everyone 'she doesn't worth it'
'She is a whore' they say 'and a bitch'
I don't care about what they say
And you know very well my love
That I rejected them all
If I have to say a last word to you
I really don't know what to say first
You symbolized three years of my life and
You made me what I am, so thank you for that
I never lied to you
And whatever I do, I don't do that just for show
I still love you and whatever I have written
You should know that everything is about you Katherine (x2)
You don't feel me2 and if you do
Talk to me now that you have time
Tomorrow I will disappear from your life once and for all
Maybe then you appreciate what you mean to me (x2)
And you might think that I am hyperbolic about that
But every song that I have written is about you
You should know that

I said no more epic
But epics never end
You were the epic, you were the waves
You were the 'forever' to my 'here'
You were my only fellow at nights
You my repressed emotion, you existed in my thoughts
You were the blue of my sky
And you were the motif of the haze that was eating3 me for months
You were the 'we fell' in the 'fast'4
You were the 'million' in the 'eyes'5
Behind the diamond tear the feelings that I felt
Are hiding inside other million songs
I can't write good enough
To honor your shape, it's macabre
They all say to me that you treated me shitty
I say to them with confidence that you will change in a tomorrow
If you ever felt something for me
I stumbled and I lost it at the corner
Even if it was friendly or even a fraud
Will come to free me for this eternal prison
I know it's bullshit and I'm sorry
But the night I fell you didn't give me your hand
Just get over it forever
My shouting star will be also your shouting star
I never lied to you
And whatever I do, I don't do that just for show
I still love you and whatever I have written
You should know that everything is about you Katherine (x2)
You don't feel me2 and if you do
Talk to me now that you have time
Tomorrow I will disappear from your life once and for all
Maybe then you appreciate what you mean to me (x2)
  • 1. 'Fuck the whore' is a greek insult.
  • You don't understand me.
  • 3. When somethings eats you it means that you think about it all the time and you can't just forget it.
  • 4. Reference to his song 'Πέσαμε Γρήγορα'(=We Fell Fast).
  • 5. Reference to his song 'Χίλια Μάτια'(=Thousand Eyes).

The Egg of Columbus (spanish version)

In all history
without discussion
there's not a more famous egg
than the egg of Columbus
He became friend of the queen
through very singular means
by making with an egg
some juggling
And he said: 'Isabelita,
let's see if you give me a boat
because I wanna take a look
on the other side of the Pond'.
The queen got convinced
one doesn't know how it was
if it wasn't because of the egg
who knows the reason!
And he sailed with the Pinzones
who were sailors
and they were soaked
more than three months
And when everyone said:
'Columbus, up yours!'
they heard a calypso
'We're at the Antilles!'
And happy of being on land
he kissed the ground with devotion
like the Pope of Rome does
when he's on a trip
and they went back to Spain
and it's the end of the story
that began with a joke
and ended in a discovery.
And he brough as memoir
for thee queen and the king
four natives with maracas
who were singing 'Siboney'
And so thanks to Columbus
we have corner shops
tobacco, potatos, mulatos
and argntinian psychiatrists
and the Mother country thing
and the three hundred millions
corridos, guarachas, pachangas
and other tasty beats
In all history without discussion
there's not a more famous egg,
nor an egg so attractive,
so glorious, so snazzy
so generous, so lively
than the egg of Columbus
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Great Manolo (spanish version)

On a Saint Eugene day
going to el PArddo he met you
and put you as minister
in the Information Ministry
and so in the sixties
little by little and secretly
you filled the whole Spain
you filled the whole Spain
with inns and bikinis
You were enacting press laws and similars
the same as you were washing your boxers in Palomares
Almost every week you were on the NODO
and is that when one worths, he's useful for everything.
Manolo Fraga Iribarne
with that wasp waist, with that highland body
Manolo Fraga Iribarne
with that endless anger that no gipsy dodges
how can you consent that the ones you repressed before
today they occupy your sections and even subsecretaries
Manolo, ay Manolito
get stuck into them, get stuck into them
because Manolo.... you are Spain!
Then you were ambassador
because your thing was diplomacy
and you returned with the bowler
newely converted to democracy
and now you're on the seat
of loyal opposition chief
and you mess with your father
and you mess with your father
for defending the constitution.
How they get wrinkled with that talking that God gave you
all the members in the Representatives congress
Manolin don't hold yourself, Manolin don't restrain yourself
that by walking even the Lions of the Courts tremble
Manolo Fraga Iribarne
You're indeed the greatest, nobody has your calliber
Manolo Fraga Iribarne
look how you changed, defending the free world
you even occupy the street without measure and calmness
demanding for freedom, specially in education.
Manolo, ay Manolito
In the highest nail the spear
Great Manolo, the street is yours!
Manolo Fraga Iribarne
Manolo Fraga Iribarne
All Spain shivers from Almería to Betanzos
when you roar in the courts 'How much the chickpeas cost?'
Manolo, ay Manolito
get stuck into them, nail the spear
because Manolo.... Spain is yours!
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Blue Danube (spanish version)

The Blue Danube...
The Duero is brown, the Nervion is grey lead
the Sil is greenish, the Genil is brownish
the imperial Tajo is potty ochre
and the Ebro shines while passes
with nuclear whiteness.
Toxic waters, septic waters
like melodious toilets
Putrid waters, stinky waters
that coat Spain with an intoxicating smell
There are of mangy grey
of a greasy litmus
of a disgusting khaki
because the filth is multicolor
Exhale the gentle brook
a subtle outpour
and the weak west wind while passing
makes you puke
Almost intact cow pats
decayed sardines
swollen chickens
is all the fauna of the waterway
And the oldest of the place
seem to remember
that in their childhood the river
there was a fish once
And the fearless fisherman
finds overwhelming
to get with precision
to tell a salmon of a condom
Pathogenic liquids, caustic detritus,
atomic fluids, plastic bags
Because the filth, because the filth
because the filth is multicolor
Because the filth, because the filth
because the filth is multicolor
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.