Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 269


The Black Rose - A fairytale of Thorns and Vines

Behind the roses you still sleep today
Been waiting so long for a sign...
Once upon a time, there was a castle at the end of the world
There once lived a prince, behind thorns black as ravens
No one really knows what the castle has to hide
Behind velvet she sleeps, unseen by stranger's eyes
I'm hoping so much you'd wake up with me
I'm waiting for so long for a sign from you
If you sleep forever I'll be staying close to you
And soon in the future, you'll be back with me
Back then you were awake, dancing with me
But this had to end so soon because you fell asleep
I forgot why you left
But now I remember, it was deep inside my head
I'm hoping so much you'd wake up with me
I'm waiting for so long for a sign from you
If you sleep forever I'll be staying close to you
And soon in the future, you'll be back with me
I remember now, you wanted to leave
But I wanted you to stay
I gave you enchanted wine
It brought death upon you
I'm hoping so much you'd wake up with me
I'm waiting for so long for a sign from you
If you sleep forever I'll be staying close to you
And soon in the future, you'll be back with me
And behind your velvet you fell asleep so sound
I know I'll have to go, into the flames, not to you
But we will ever be united in death
And I will always think of why you wanted to leave
I'm hoping so much you'd wake up with me
I'm waiting for so long for a sign from you
If you sleep forever I'll be staying close to yu
And soon in the future, you'll be back with me
I'm hoping so much you'd wake up with me
I'm waiting for so long for a sign from you
If you sleep forever I'll be staying close to you
And soon in the future, you'll be back with me
I'm hoping so much you'd wake up with me
I'm waiting for so long for a sign from you
If you sleep forever I'll be staying close to you
And soon in the future, you'll be back with me
Behind the roses you still sleep today
Been waiting so long for a sign from you
Been waiting an eternity long, so long
But I've been asleep for an eternity, too
Translation by Albaniana. If you ever want to republish this translation, please ask for permission first and cite me as the author. Lyrics are protected by copyright./Përkthimi nga Albaniana. Në qoftse ndonjëherë doni të ripublikoni këtë përkthim, të lutem pytni për leje para dhe me citoni si autoria. Tekstet janë mbrojtur nga e drejta e autorit.

We're Painting The Roses Red

We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
It isn't finished yet
So just paint
We're doing it all the way
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
That's what we do for a living
We know
There's no time for games
They'll probably die from it
But that doesn't bother us
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
I was wondering,
Tell me, clover three,
Why are you painting them red?
[Clover Three:]
Well, dear, we planted the white roses by mistake, and...
The Queen of Hearts wants red
Not that she forbade this
But when she gets angry
It's already too late
And heads will roll
Oh my gosh!
We're absolutely terrified!
So the roses will be red
Oh dear, I'll help
[Cards and Alice:]
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
But don't tell
What you saw here
For her anger is great
But we're painting the roses red
Yes, we're painting the roses red
Not yellow or green
You can't do that
We're painting the roses red!
This translation is my work, unless stated otherwise. If you want to republish this translation, please credit me by publishing a link to my LyricsTranslate profile.

I always appreciate corrections and feedback, even if 'proofreading requested' isn't enabled.

The Rose

Love is like wild water
That forces its way between cliffs
love is like a knife
which burns in your heart
it is sweet and bitter
A heavy gale and a breath
for me it is a rose
for you a thornbush
Who never cries and never mourns
doesnt know anything of happiness
who only seeks what lasts forever
misses the moment
Who never takes, can give also
Who is afraid of dying for a lifetime never starts to live
If you are thinking that ur are left alone
and no way leads out of the night
starts to hate the world
which only rejoices others
but don't forget, at this branch there
which nearly has frozen to death
blooms in spring a rose
beautiful like never before

My friend the rose

Versions: #5
We are but so very little
And my friend the rose
Told it to me this morning
At dawn was-I born
Baptized by the dew
I have blossomed
Happy and in love
Under the sunshine beams
By night I was closed
And woke up old by morning
However I was very beautiful
Yes,I was the most beautiful
Flowers in your garden
We are but so very little
And my friend the rose
Told it to me this morning
See the God that created me
Made me bent my head
And I feel I am falling
And I feel I am falling
My heart is almost bare
My foot is in the grave
I am already history
You admired me yesterday
But I will be ashes
Forever tomorrow
We are but so very little
And my friend the rose
Dies this morning
Last night the moon
Watched over my friend
In my dreams I saw her
Sparkling and bare
Her soul was dancing
Way over the clouds
And smiling at me
Believe or not as you wish
Hope I myself need
Otherwise I am nothing
We are but so very little
It's my friend the rose
Who told it to me yesterday.


Bocsánat, de soha nem ígértem neked rózsakertet
A sok napsütés mellet néha kicsit esnie is kellett
Adnod is kell ha elveszel, élj és enged el a múltad
Bocsánat, de soha nem ígértem neked rózsalugast.
Ígérhettem volna gyémántos gyűrűket,bármi áron
De rózsa az soha nem nő lóhere száron.
Ezért jobban gondold át, ezt elvárom.
Életre kelted szép beszéddel, és megteszed bizonnyal
A világod ezüst tálcán felajánlanám azonnal
De már nincs jelentősége.
Kicsit mosolyogj,légy vidám, nem kellene ily szomorkásnak lennie a szerelemnek.
A szép napokat, ameddig tudjuk, gyere osszuk meg.
Bocsánat, de soha nem ígértem neked rózsakertet
A sok napsütés mellet néha kicsit esnie is kellett
Bocsánat, de soha nem ígértem neked rózsakertet
Lehoznám neked a Holdat is, dalolok, verselek
Ha ez az ára hogy karjaimban ölelhesselek
Épp most elengedném, de van egy dolog amit meg kell tudnod
Jobb lenne ha előre néznél, mielőtt mély vízbe ugranál
nem lesz mindig aki kihuzigál
Ugye érted mire utalok
Kicsit mosolyogj,légy vidám, nem kellene ily szomorkásnak lennie a szerelemnek.
A szép napokat, ameddig tudjuk, gyere osszuk meg.
Bocsánat, de soha nem ígértem neked rózsakertet
A sok napsütés mellet néha kicsit esnie is kellett
Bocsánat, de soha nem ígértem neked rózsakertet
A sok napsütés mellet néha kicsit esnie is kellett


elevator - basement - metro funnel
staircase - subterranean garage
It's just before 8 o'clock in the morning.
goosebumps - to tremble
(skin) eruption - cold and hot
tension - to flutter - cold perspiration
claustrophobia, I have claustrophobia
hypochondria and hysteric as never before
claustrophobia, such schizophrenia.
to analyse - to dialyse - cardiogram
electroshock - therapy
Love on the couch
Siegmund Freud - C.G.Jung - to psychoanalyse
Nietsche - Bukowski - Doctor Rainer Brüse
claustrophobia, I have claustrophobia
hypochondria and hysteric as never before
claustrophobia, such schizophrenia.

Where Is Jane?

Where is Jane?
Have any of my friends seen Jane tonight?
Where is Jane?
I'm afraid that something has happened to Jane
After the argument with him she ran away
And now I'm afraid that she's done something wrong
Jane, that wouldn't be good
Where is Jane?
She believes that something happened between me and him
Where is Jane
She's being lied to, no word is true - I have to see her
Yes, I like him a lot, but nothing more
He is only my friend, no, he's nothing more to me
Jane, he loves only you
(And Jane, he loves you
And Jane. he needs you
And Jane, he loves you)
He's waiting only for you
(And Jane, he needs you
And Jane, he loves you)
There was never a place for me
(And Jane, he needs you)
(And Jane, he loves you)
He's only ever loved you
(And Jane, he needs you)
I'm afraid for you
None of it is true
Where is Jane?
Have any of my friends seen Jane tonight?
Where is Jane?
I'm afraid that something has happened to Jane
She simply ran away, spoke not a word
And now I'm afraid that she's done something wrong
Jane, that wouldn't be good
(And Jane, he loves you
And Jane, he needs you
And Jane, he loves you)
He's waiting only for you
(And Jane, he needs you
And Jane, he loves you)
There was never a place for me
(And Jane, he needs you)
(And Jane, he loves you)
He's only ever loved you
(And Jane, he needs you
And Jane, he loves you)
Bye-bye, Jane
I'm not fluent so feel free to correct
Ich bin nicht fließend, Korrekturen sind wilkommen

Roses and nettles

Towards what world, under which reign
and to which judge are we promised?
At what age, at which page
and in which box are we registered?
The same questions we ask ourselves
Where are we going and to whom?
And not much in the way of clues
Roses and nettles
The painted hands, the clasped hands
we bow down and give thanks
We beg, we worry
and it’s too late when we have understood
Despite all that we hope for
and sometimes achieve
We won’t leave much behind
Except for roses and nettles
We are heavy, trembling
like candle flames
We hesitate at each crossroads
In the speeches we have learnt
But as we are heavy
Heavy with love and poetry
Here’s the emergency exit
We come closer, we speak again
we pardon ourselves and rebuild
The only world which is worth the trouble
there’ll be everything that that reunites us
And from all that stands against us
we will emerge stronger
And if we don’t leave much behind
There will be more roses than nettles
We are heavy, trembling
like candle flames
We hesitate at each crossroads
With the speeches we have learnt
But as we are heavy
Heavy with love and poetry
Here’s the emergency exit

Don't Ignore the Roses

Versions: #1#2
Why is your heart so heavy laden?
Why does everything seem so meaningless to you?
Look, the clouds are drifting by and the flowers are in bloom
Don't you see it anymore?
Don't close your eyes …
Don't ignore the roses
Take delight in their hues
Get rid of your worries
And leave the many questions be
The sun, the rain, the stars at night
Are wonders of life just wrought for you
So just don't ignore the roses
That border the roads
Don't ignore the roses
The hours are too precious
And renew your life again
Time heals all wounds
Children are laughing, I hear a song
The world is so delightful as long as there is love
So just don't ignore the roses
Life is so beautiful
You've suffered many a grief
There's a lot you can't understand
But happiness is there, it's within your grasp
You only have to see it.
Don't close your eyes …
Don't ignore the roses
The hours are too precious
And renew your life again
Time heals all wounds
Children are laughing, I hear a song
The world is so delightful as long as there is love
So just don't ignore the roses
Life is so beautiful
Don't ignore the roses
Take delight in their hues
Get rid of your worries
And leave the many questions be
The sun, the rain, the stars at night
Are wonders of life just wrought for you
So just don't ignore the roses
Life is so beautiful
Don't ignore the roses
The hours are too precious
And renew your life again
Time heals all wounds
Don't ignore the roses
Take delight in their hues
Get rid of your worries
And leave the many questions be
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!


I feel tired tonight
A word that you can’t forget in a breeze
Sorry, for not turning back
Sorry, for selfish self of mine
The paled city lights
A chilling voice
Sorry, for not turning back
Sorry, for selfish self of mine
Sorry, even if I’m late already
A night with a covered face
I’m in blurred thoughts
Why everything is getting harder again?
I’m lonely
A night that I’m the only lonely
Perhaps waiting without knowing
Why you have not called me yet?
I’m sorry don’t go, don’t forget me
I’ll be there with you
I’ll only see you Tonight
I’m sorry, really sorry so please don’t girl
Come back to me again
Cause without you, there’s no me anymore
I feel tired tonight
A word that you can’t forget in a breeze
Sorry, for not turning back
Sorry, for selfish self of mine
The paled city lights
A chilling voice
Sorry, for not turning back
Sorry, for selfish self of mine
Sorry, even if I’m late already
I think of you all the night
In memories thah I’m not included
Why everythings getting clearer again?
I’m falling
Girl I never let you go
Come back to me again, please
Cause without you, there’s no me anymore
I feel tired tonight
A word that you can’t forget in a breeze
Sorry, for not turning back
Sorry, for selfish self of mine
The paled city lights
A chilling voice
Sorry, for not turning back
Sorry, for selfish self of mine
Sorry, even if I’m late already
The eyes that looked at me before
Your hands, I’ve get used to already
Now I’m in the picture too
But my tears have turned red
The street I’ve met with you
The hours that we spent together
I think I can’t let them go
I feel tired tonight
A word that you can’t forget in a breeze
Sorry, for not turning back
Sorry, for selfish self of mine
The paled city lights
A chilling voice
Sorry, for not turning back
Sorry, for selfish self of mine
Sorry, even if I’m late already

Gyere egyedül

Azt mondják, ez csak idő kérdése,
Ezer nap múlva a nap nem fog ragyogni,
Mielőtt én visszajövök hozzád.
Boldog vagyok, hogy semmi sem állíthat meg engem
Megteszem az utam hazafelé, én megteszem az utamat
A te szerelmedért én messzire elmennék
Ott akarok lenni, te bárhol is vagy
Tudom azt, hogy én még visszajövök érted.
A mi szerelmünk egy hosszú folyó,
A legjobb dolog a millió rossz között,
Tudom azt, hogy én még visszajövök hozzád.
És én boldog vagyok, hogy semmi sem állíthat meg engem
Én megteszem az utamat hazafelé
Én megteszem az utamat

Rózsaszín fiú

Visszafogott, semmi nyomás
Csak lógj velem és az időjárásommal
Rózsaszín fiú,
Hallom, ahogy a zajokat csinálod a világról, amit látni akarsz
És nagyon dühös vagyok,
Mert megöltem annak az optimistának a maradékát is, aki bennem volt
A szívek törnek, a háborúk tombolnak,
És én pedig levettem a szemüvegem
Idegessé tettél, épp a kötelem végén állok
Egy félig üres lány - ne nevettess meg, mert meg fogok fulladni
Csak hagyj sírni egy kicsit tovább
Nem fogok mosolyogni, ha nem akarok
Hé haver, nem lehetünk mindannyian olyanok, mint te
Azt kívánom, bárcsak mi is rózsaszínek lehetnénk
Az én rózsaszín fiúm
Visszafogott, semmi nyomás
Csak lógj velem és az időjárásommal
És azt akarom, ne ragaszkodj ahhoz, hogy nem vagyok egy reménytelen helyzet
Mert rengeteg dolgok túl vagyok már
Tényleg, minden amit tennem kell, csak dühösnek maradnom,
Ha neked ez oké
De a szívek törnek és a háborúk tombolnak tovább
És én pedig levettem a szemüvegem
Ideges lettem, amikor egy viccé tettél
Egy félig üres lányt - ne nevettess, mert...
Csak hagyj sírni egy kicsit tovább
Nem fogok mosolyogni, ha nem akarok
Hé haver, nem lehetünk mindannyian olyanok, mint te
Azt kívánom, bárcsak mi is rózsaszínek lehetnénk
Az én rózsaszín fiúm
Hagyj egyedül egy kicsit tovább
Azt hiszem a kocsiban akarok maradni
Nem akarom, hogy bárki is lássa, ahogy sírok most
Azt mondod 'nézzük a jó oldalát'
Erre én 'nos, talán akkor, ha meg akarsz vakulni'
Azt mondtad, a szemeim túl sötétek lettek
De fiú, még csak nem is láttad az elmém
Csak hagyj sírni egy kicsit tovább
Nem fogok mosolyogni, ha nem akarok
Hé haver, nem lehetünk mindannyian olyanok, mint te
Azt kívánom, bárcsak mi is rózsaszínek lehetnénk
Az én rózsaszín fiúm
Visszafogott, semmi nyomás
Csak lógj velem és az időjárásommal


Akkor mikor a sötétségben voltam
Remegő szájjal sírtam a sarkában
Minél többet harcolok, annál több sebet ejtek
A tönkrement ígéret bánt engem.
Senki se ment meg.
Egyedül csak az Isten.
Úgy tűnik a szerelmem megállít és megoszt
Szükségem van a szerelmedre
Egy törött rózsa vagyok
A szétszórt szomorúság a dalodban
A magányos életem nincs sehol
Szükségem van a szerelmedre. Törött rózsa vagyok
Édes, ments meg a jeges fájdalomtól
a mosolyoddal, a szemeddel
és énekelj nekem, csak nekem.
Akarom, hogy szükségem legyen a szerelmedre
Egy törött rózsa vagyok
Akarom, hogy szükségem legyen a szerelmedre
Akkor mikor velem voltál
Üldöztem az árnyékod
Mezítláb futottam, megállítottál
Minél többet zártam ki annál bonyolultabb lett ez a szerelem.
Csókolj meg lassan és gyengéden.
Senki nem ment meg
Mint egy fagyott rózsa
Aludni szeretnék gyengéden a könnyeimmel.
Szükségem van a szerelmedre. Törött rózsa vagyok.
A sötétség marja és eldobja a lelkem.
Egy magányos pici lány, aki összeomlik
Szükségem van a szerelmedre. Egy törött rózsa vagyok.
Édes, ments meg a jeges fájdalomtól
a mosolyoddal, a szemeddel
és énekelj nekem, csak nekem.
Akarom, hogy szükségem legyen a szerelmedre
Egy törött rózsa vagyok
Akarom, hogy szükségem legyen a szerelmedre
Akarom, hogy szükségem legyen a szerelmedre
Egy törött rózsa vagyok
Akarom, hogy szükségem legyen a szerelmedre