Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 8

Találatok száma: 351


Les moments

Je ne sortirai plus à la recherche de l'amour jusqu'à ne apprendre à m'aimer comme il le faut, je vais mettre un cadenas et une clé à mon cœur et je laisserait. passer premièrement celui qui sache le démontrer.
Je vais cesser d'être si bon , ne plus me confier
Y valoriser celui qui montre un amour sincère
Ne plus désirer qu'ils me disent je t'aime parce que cela ne se décidé pas y m'empêche de voler de nouveau.
Donc je laisse de côté le mal,
Que mieux on vit quand tu simplifies,
Que s'aimer es une chose de deux mais c'est bon, si tu ne veux plus être dans ma vie alors va-t-en fille.
Aujourd'hui je ne veux plus de poésie négatives parce que la musique ne me fait pas me sentir seul
Et se sais maintenant que la vie va me sourire et que je suis en train de le faire bien si je m'écris une belle chanson et que je pleure.
Si l'amour nous échappe des doigts cela suffit de de le soutenir avec les remède de quelqu'un peut-être.
Qui est aussi fortement sincère à quoi bon ce je suis désolé si tu ne ressens pas que m'as fait mal ?
Dès fois ce qui est juste peut aussi t'offencé, mieux s'en aller à temps que le temps s'en aille et...
Aujourd'hui je vais me concentrer sur l'essentiel, le bonheur se choisit si on règle par moments.
Et si la vie est un mystère je préfère la vivre que de la résoudre.
Je ne prends pas tellement au sérieux les problèmes je trouve toujours des solutions pour réussir à les vaincres
Bien que l'amour nos rend libres, quand tu te serre, pour aimer celui qui te regarde
Et fais que ton monde tourne, il n'arrête pas de pleuvoir la grêle et?
Quelques fois ça fait mal et autres fois ça guéri
Que grandir c'est apprendre aussi que le bien s'achève, valorise celui qui reste et t'aime en biens et males
Que les amours qui vont et viennent ont des heures comptées.
Écoute-moi jusqu'à l'aube, quand se décline l'âme,
Quand le cœur ne supporte plus son poids, je serai en train de t'écrire du rap jusqu'aux beaucoup, comment ne pas choisir celui qui me calme et qui me sauve ?
Si l'amour nous échappe d'entre les doigts il suffit de le soutenir avec les remèdes de quelqu'un peut-être. Qui est aussi courageux que sincères

Our Sister Rafqa

our sister Rafqa, our kind sister
you who carried our pains with Christ
and became a scene for angels and humans
oh God, we ask you to keep our sister Rafqa
a holiness leaven in our houses and families
and a living example for all of us
for every poor and blind
and for every suffering and sick person
so they carry your cross with love and happiness
and oh God, bless all of the children with her intercession
and consecrate young men and girls
and monks and nuns
so we praise you with our sister and intercessor
in all of the days of our life
both now and ever

Biztos vagyok benne, hogy elfelejtelek

Nem érdekel, ha a hold visszatükröződik a vízen,
Nem érdekel, ha kivirágoztak egy új napra a virágok,
A fájdalmam, a szerelmem, mit számítottak ezek Neked?
Nem akarlak többé látni.
Nem érdekel, ha valaki más fogja a kezedet,
Nem érdekel, ha idegenek néznek a szemedbe,
A fájdalmam, a szerelmem, mit számítottak ezek Neked?
Nem akarlak többé látni.
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy elfelejtelek,
Bár gondolkoztam rajta, hogy visszamegyek,
De Te túlléptél rajtam mostanra,
Add át Istennek, a tettekért vállalt felelősséget.
Nem tudom milyen nap van,
Habár mindig szerettelek, sosem vetted ezt észre,
Nem számít többé, hogy kinek volt igaza, és kinek nem,
A neveden szólítottalak, éjjel nappal, mégsem hallottad.
A szemed vak lett, és a nyelved elnémult.
Nem érdemled meg a szerelmemet..

Old Photograph

We even took a photograph
When I was holding you
And the sun was falling down like a river
On your curly hair
Small black and white photograph
In the square's white stairs
It was midday on a Sunday
The blue sky was shining
And the way you were holding my hand
I believed you were strong
I squeezed your beautiful hand
The nice summer ended
Then winter took you away
The world's longing stole you away
Only the old photograph
Remembers the light of our love
Only the old photograph
That looks smiley and a little funny at the same time
We had rented a house
Looking at a small yard
Children were playing with all their heart
You used to tell me you loved me very much
One night you were late
And the key wasn't on the door.

Maybe me, maybe you

Wounded by words repeated many times,
as if we are afraid to be ourselves,
between these walls of ice.
Tired of feelings, our days slip away,
as if you believe me,
but will we be able to look ahead again.
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to continue or stop,
will not you say what?
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to pause,
to understand, there isn't anything to say to you.
Tired of thoughts faded in our dreams,
as if we're running, but we're coming with you to those ice walls.
Wounded by our feelings,
as if you want me, but we are distant -
will we look again?
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to continue or stop,
will not you say what?
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to pause,
to understand, there isn't anything to say to you.
Whether we hold each other sufficiently or inevitably.
Whether we are wrong together here again and impossible.
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to continue or stop,
will not you say what?
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to pause,
to understand, there isn't anything to say to you.
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to continue or stop,
will not you say what?
Maybe me, maybe you,
you will decide to pause,
to understand, there isn't anything to say to you.

In my cloud

[Part 1]
We wanted the game
Better if we would reduce the speed
Before something happens
Look angel they play flamenco in the sky
We wanted the game
Buy iPhone 7 for the whole family
Never forget the hood
Still chilling
Sechshauser Street with Emko
No time for stress, I’m in Tokio, eat my Bentö
No tears since years, same speed since years, menthol
Bit into the gras like Sinatra Francesco
No plan, someday everyone loses the ball also the boss from Schewtschenko
I am on my way, every minute a Chaya is texting me
How am I supposed to love her when she celebrates my music?
Sold a million CDs
Chill at the Playa (beach)
Loved by the audience but no one will miss me ajajaja
Im the best nie
Rapper Read comments
They get superpowers
Ah, blablablablabla
Zero point zero interes to earn so much money
Darling, daddy got money until the sky soon
Don’t write anything sentimental on my grave if I’ll be gone
From üsMG I’m thankful for everything
In my could, so don’t write anything sentimental on my grave
Achieved everything even more than I wanted that’s why I thank for everything!
[Part 2]
Anthazit the asphalt, no Red carpet
The skin is olive, no pink stuff
Dark brown hair became trendy- finally
So much changed
Since grandfather is gone
The weirder the text the more i think
Yea life is great but so fleeting
Your girlfriend sleeps like an angel and while you warm her she’s dreaming how I’m banging her in a RS7
We wanted the game
Gold and Platin
Or live a bullet to the head just like Kennedy
We wanted the game
Buy Mercedes CLA for madre mia (my mom)
She deserved much more
See all diamonds the world offers but never compare the worth

Unaware Of You

I’m unaware of you and impatient
After you who do I surrender to
Your love is still in my heart, my beautiful
My heart only wants you sweetheart
I’m drunk and crazy from the fragrance of your hair
I’m in love with the waves and curls of your hair
You left and my heart never settle even for a day
After you this sorrow never became a smile
I’m drunk and crazy from the fragrance of your hair
I’m in love with the waves and curls of your hair
You left and my heart never settle even for a day
After you this sorrow never became a smile
I swear to god I have no sweetheart other than you
Until when you’re going to escape from this lonely lover
If I head towards wilderness again
My love I have no complain against you
I’m drunk and crazy from the fragrance of your hair
I’m in love with the waves and curls of your hair
You left and my heart never settle even for a day
After you this sorrow never became a smile
I’m drunk and crazy from the fragrance of your hair
I’m in love with the waves and curls of your hair
You left and my heart never settle even for a day
After you this sorrow never became a smile
Forgive me that I love you this much
Forgive me for staying alive after you left

Cups and Bottles

Fate likes to play around
I never imagined
That one day I would find you in this place
With someone else
Using the perfume that I gave you
And I am dying of jealousy
Still I ask you
How's it going? Is everything alright?
Your new love arrived
Pulling out a chair
Sitting very close to me, he treated me coldly
He gave you a long kiss, now I can't take it anymore
The anger and jealousy controlled my mind
And I left breaking everything I could see in front of me
Cups and bottles thrown on the floor do not even compare to the damage in my heart
In your absence, I became an irrational guy
My craziness embarrasses you,I do everything the same
And please don't show up with anyone else in front of me
Or it will never be different
Your new love arrived
Pulling out a chair
Sitting very close to me, he treated me coldly
He gave you a long kiss, now I can't take it anymore
The anger and jealousy controlled my mind
And I left breaking everything I could see in front of me
Cups and bottles thrown on the floor do not even compare to the damage in my heart
In your absence, I became an irrational guy
My craziness embarrasses you,I do everything the same
And please don't show up with anyone else in front of me
Or it will never
The anger and jealousy controlled my mind
And I left breaking everything I could see in front of me
Cups and bottles thrown on the floor do not even compare to the damage in my heart
In your absence, I became an irrational guy
My craziness embarrasses you,I do everything the same
And please don't show up with anyone else in front of me
Or it will never be different
And please don't show up with anyone else in front of me
Or it will never be different


My every night’s weeping lover
My weep and fever
Tell my tears
Where is the illusion of seeing you?
O love, all my regrets right now
Reason for my burning heart
Take me to no lands of love
O pain, look you’ve reached the bone
The fact you’ve let go my heart
Take me to lands of love
The illusion of your laughs is my desire every night
Swear to your eyes I’ve had it with this life
Autumn came and you didn’t come, my sweetheart
If I don’t see you, you cry from me
O love, all my regrets right now
Reason for my burning heart
Take me to no lands of love
O pain, look you’ve reached the bone
The fact you’ve let go my heart
Take me to lands of love

Maga Maghella

Maga Maghella
Ha elborzadsz
Ha megringat
A jövődet megmondja
Maga Maghella
Maga Magá...
A varázspálcával Maga Maghella
Az égen egy csillagra mutat
Egy mikroszkopót vesz elő
És ott helyben elmondja neked
Hogy ha Ikrek vagy három szép napod lesz
Ma este szórakozz ha a Halak vagy.
A Mérleg elcsapja a hasát
Bika dolgozz, hisz befutsz majd!
Maga Maghella
Ha elborzadsz
Ha megringat
A jövődet megmondja
Maga Maghella
Maga Magá...
Maga Maghella
Maga Magá
Sok kedvesség a Skorpióknak
A Szüzeknek ezernyi csókot
Kosnak levele fog jönni
A Nyilasnak boldogságot.
Ha a Vízöntő vagy az különös
A Baknak egy szép napot
Az Oroszlánnak játékot és szenvedélyt
Rák fáradt vagy, ne dolgozz hát!
Maga Maghella
Ha elborzadsz
Ha megringat
A jövődet megmondja
Maga Maghella
Maga Magá...
Maga Maghella
Maga Magá

I love you

Lyrics: Kostas Karafotis - I love you
I gave a battle with the memories
I told myself a lot of lies
but how can you ignore the heart
it doesn't make mistakes when silence is speaking
I yelled, I burst, I broke into two
like the soul that leaves the body,
I miss you unbearably and inconsolably
there are my needs that are looking for cause
to look at you again
to tell you to stay here a little bit longer
to remind you again
that I still crazy love you,
I love you... I love you
I started a friendship with every fear
I faced my end
but in my mind the melancholy
what if the time passes, it won't stop
I yelled, I burst, I broke into two
like the soul that leaves a body,
I miss you unbearably and inconsolably
there are my needs that are looking for a cause
to look at you again
to tell you to stay here a little bit longer
to remind you again
that I still crazy love you,
I love you... I love you

The boys are crying too

Do not try anymore to lie yourself to infinity
Do not tell me that you didn’t love
Do not try to hide the pain that hit you
And cry, you can quietly cry
Just let me to reconcile your soul
The unhappiness to comfort it
The boys are crying too sometimes
( The boys are crying too, isn’t it )
The boys are crying too sometimes
(Sometimes they are crying, isn’t it)
The boys are crying too sometimes
( The boys are crying too, isn’t it)
The boys are crying too sometimes
When nobody sees them
I have been in your world
I have been unhappy too
I laughed too with tears in my eyes
And I cried, yes I cried quietly
Even this life hardly challenged you
Close to you let me to be
The boys are crying too sometimes
( The boys are crying too, isn’t it )
The boys are crying too sometimes
(Sometimes they are crying, isn’t it)
The boys are crying too sometimes
( The boys are crying too, isn’t it)
The boys are crying too sometimes
When nobody sees them

Now is the salvation and the strength

Now is the salvation and the strength and the kingdom and the might of our God
become [those] of his Christ,
since he has been cast out
who complained about them day and night before God.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

Ez Szerelem

Nem vagy jó, nem vagy jó
Megölhetnél és meg kellene
Egy idióta vagyok, mert az hittem
Ez a véren kívül bármi is lehet
A falon, a kanapén
A szám sarkában
Biztos szeretsz áldozat lenni
Mert nem tettél semmit, hogy kiszabadulj
Ebből a fájdalmas rendszerből
Amit az eső elmosott
Bocsáss meg, ha megígérem
És nem teszek mást, csak ugyanezt
Ez az élet a halálig
Lehet ez az utolsó haldokló leheletem
De ez szerelem, szerelem, fogd be, ez szerelem
Felejts el mindent, amit eddig tudtál
Azt hiszem, jobb ha azt mondod a barátaidnak, hogy menjenek
Maradj itt, mert készen állok megmutatni, hogy
A kezdet a vég
Igen, ismerem a rosszat és jót
De annyira szeretek harcot kezdeményezni
Tudok egy nyitott szemmel aludni este
Már ha alszok egyáltalán
Van késem, van pisztolyom
Lássuk, milyen gyorsan tudsz futni
Talán azt hiszed, hogy bánthatsz engem
De a kár már bekövetkezett
Ez szánalmas, tudom
Egy féltékeny bolond, aki nem fog elengedni
Ha sajnálnám a tetteimet
Meghajolnék ilyen mélyen?
Nincs okom élni
És nem maradt semmim, amit neked adhatok
Csak a szerelmem, szerelmem, fogd be, ez szerelem
Felejts el mindent, amit eddig tudtál
Azt hiszem, jobb ha azt mondod a barátaidnak, hogy menjenek
Maradj itt, mert készen állok megmutatni, hogy
A kezdet a vég
Ó, gyerekként vertek
Jó voltam, aztán kiléptem
Mindenki próbált megjavítani
Tudom, hogy picit sem tudok változni
Nincs szégyenem, nincs büszkeségem
Csak csontvázak, amiket el kell rejtenem
És ha megpróbálsz beszélni valakivel
Nos, annak a valakinek meg kell halnia
Csak te üldözöl le a lyukba
Igen, amint úgy hiszed, te irányítasz
Elhiszed, hogy társak vagyunk
És kényelmetlenül érzed magad
Ó, akkor fog beütni a sötétség
És el fogod felejteni, ki voltam
De szeretni fogsz, szeretni, szeretni fogod, ez szerelem
Felejts el mindent, amit eddig tudtál
Azt hiszem, jobb ha azt mondod a barátaidnak, hogy menjenek
Maradj itt, mert készen állok megmutatni, hogy
A kezdet a vég
Az egyszerű szerelem, amit a nagyszüleim éreztek
Ez a fajta szerelem csak őrületbe kerget, édesem
Elsőnek fáj, de nem olyan rossz
Az fogsz gondolkozni, mit jelentett ez
Ez szerelem
Ez szerelem

If I can smile

I met you at 20
and the difference between us was of so many years!
You teased me, told me to be alive
pity that of how old I was, I couldn't turn younger!
But now,
my time has come back, you see
So wrinkling
I straightened my shirt and I tell you so:
If I can smile, my cares are gone
If I can smile, my cares are gone
If I can smile, my cares are gone
and I want to enjoy my life, now that my cares are gone!
You knew that I like you, that I like your ass
and that's why you let it grow as big as mine
Such a lousy mouth you had, but I loved it!
It was kissing all your lovers and I didn't even see!
But now,
I've dusted myself off, you see
I straightened
my suit's neck and I tell you again:
If I can smile, my cares are gone
If I can smile, my cares are gone
If I can smile, my cares are gone
and I want to enjoy my life, now that my cares are gone!
All your shapes
tell me nothing
I give you all my wealth
and leave...
Look, my time has come back as you see
so wrinkling, I straightened my shirt and I tell you so:
Hoo-hah, if someone asks,
tell tha hoo-hah, I enjoy my life!
Hoo-hah, if someone asks,
tell tha hoo-hah, I enjoy my life!
And you know that hoo-hah, if someone asks,
tell tha hoo-hah, I enjoy my life!
And sing that hoo-hah, if someone asks,
tell tha hoo-hah....
If I can smile, my cares are gone
If I can smile, my cares are gone
If I can smile, my cares are gone
and I want to enjoy my life...
If I can smile, my cares are gone
If I can smile, my cares are gone
If I can smile, my cares are gone
and I want to enjoy my life, now that my cares are gone!

Hold me

I'm not staying a spectator anymore.
In what you say until you see
How I react
Why don't you understand me?
I'm not erasing my other half.
From the body I hate
I say this
' Cause everything's you get in time
If you want to change it
and fix acts
Hold me I can't believe
In my dreams, I don't have you
That I'm not in your life
your Love Yours
Hold me and don't let me
Another reason to not give up
You own my wounds
that I never counted
If I seek in silence
One word a twist
It's because
You insist in the wrong,
Before all the moments become
In the past routes
I mean, just
Everything you get in time.
If you want to change it
and fix acts

Your eyes

Versions: #3
It is not easy, nor hard it is
To try now to return from your way.
Maybe I, with my soul,
I’d have so much to tell you.
But your eyes will be lost in night,
Leaving me behind them,
I know that your eyes will be two whispers,
And I miss very much, I miss them so much.
I want to feel your warmth when the night will come,
Only the stars to know that you have come.
Your hair will get wet again by dew in the dawn of day, yes
And I’d want to can tell you:”Welcome!”
But your eyes will be lost in night,
Leaving me behind them,
I know that your eyes will be two whispers,
And I miss very much, I miss them so much.


The mind knows the way,
The will has the power
The emotion drives me,
But the fear takes the step
Understanding knows the way,
Will contains power,
Feeling drives me on,
But fear paralyses me
Reason knows the way
Will is my strength,
Emotion moves me forward,
But fear doesn’t stop me


We turn on the radiophone
We hear the transmission sound
By pressing a button with the speed of light
We reach high frequency
After a fine adjustment by hand
We listen to the Morse band
Electronic sounds from the radioland
Turn the dials with your hand
Till you find the short wave band
Electronic music sounds from Radioland
We are turning dials of the Radio
We are hearing the sound of transmission
By pressing a button fast
We reach the short wave band
After fine tuning by hand
We are listening to the Morse band
Electronic sound from Radioland
  • If this translation was in any way helpful to you, please thank me by clicking the green button at the bottom of this translation. It's a small effort but means the world to me.
  • This translation is my work unless I have stated otherwise below.
  • Feel free to repost my translation, but please credit me by publishing a link to my LyricsTranslate profile as well. As I am the author of this work, at least some credit would be appropriate.  
  • Proofreading is always welcome, even if I didn't explicitly ask for it, so feel free to do so! 


Our Shah (King) Has Gone On a Trip (One of the Oldest Persian Songs of Qajar Dynasty)

O Fellow Persian Countrymen, Say Prayers,
For the Shah (King) of Persia to be robust,
God willing to be robust,
Aye, our Shah has gone on a trip,
Aye, our moon has gone on a trip,
Aye, His trip be wholly a safe one,
You're the grass seed, I'm your devotee,
You're my beloved, I'm amazed by you,
It'll be that tomorrow....he's in my heart,
Wherever he is, God may keep my beloved safe and sound,
Our Shah has gone on a trip,
Our moon has gone on a trip,
His trip be wholly a safe one,
You're the grass seed, I'm your devotee,
You're my beloved, I'm amazed by you.
Agha Hossen Gholi Khan performed the lute for Seyed Ahmad Khan to sing.

As if it were a bad dream

I don't want to open my eyes for another moment,
So that I won't see that I don't have you, that I can't touch you
I can't take another day rolling by with the bitter taste it's left
In my soul, our love has been erased
As if it were a bad dream that I lost you, and if I woke up without crying out in the morning
Sadly, this is the truth and I haven't forgot how far away from you I'll be waking up for the rest of my life
As if it were a bad dream that I lost you, and if I woke up without crying out in the morning
Sadly, this is the truth and all that we asked for have taken their last breaths 1
My eyelids are like closed doors again,
So I won't have to see that you aren't lying near me
Another day is waiting for me like a prison
And I with that my heart didn't feel so wounded,
But when God is in pain, a love dies.
As if it were a bad dream that I lost you, and if I woke up without crying out in the morning
Sadly, this is the truth and I haven't forgot how far away from you I'll be waking up for the rest of my life
As if it were a bad dream that I lost you, and if I woke up without crying out in the morning
Sadly, this is the truth and all that we asked for have taken their last breaths (x2)
As if it were a bad dream that I lost you...
  • 1. As in, all their hopes and dreams are dead.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Laugh Maker

I hear someone knock on the door
in my room wet with tears
I have no face to turn to
What? Why? Who are you?
'It's not quite a name to give
but someone calls me Laugh Maker
I've come here to bring you a smile
Let me in your room because it's cold outside'
Laugh Maker?
You can't be serious!
I don't remember calling you
Leave me alone and disappear
because I can't cry in front of you
Lu la la lu la lu la la lu la
I hear you knock on the door
in my room hit by the great flood
You're still around, aren't you?
I told you to disappear, didn't me?
'I hear such a word
for the first time in my life
I've gotten very sad
What should I do? I'm about to cry!'
Laugh Maker?
You can't be serious!
It can't be helped that you cry as well
It's me that wants to cry
I don't remember calling you
Lu la la lu la lu la la lu la
Our cries reach far away
We sit back to back with the door between us
We hear our hiccups melt into our cries
We sit back to back with our arms wrapped around our knees
We're thoroughly tired of crying
Do you still want to
make me laugh, Laugh Maker?
'It's something I live for
I can't go home until I make you laugh'
I don't mind letting you
in my room now
But the trouble is that the door won't open
because the pressure of my tears is too much
Push the door from there
I already unlock the door
so give me some words
What's wrong with you? Hey, no kidding!
Laugh Maker?
You can't be serious!
You leave me alone and
disappear now
You betray me the moment I believe in you at last
Laugh Maker?
You can't be serious!
I hear the window on the other side break
as you take an iron pipe with a tearful face
'I've come here to bring you a smile'
Lu la la lu la lu la la lu la
You say as you take a small mirror
and point it at me
'Your tearful face makes me laugh'
Nonsense! But it makes me laugh

You Have

There, where you left the love
Where a star went out
You'll emerge again
Where two bodies became one
Where a tear fell
You'll emerge again
But you will not see my face
And you will not be in my heart
You need me, like fire in water
But when you reach the shore, it'd be too late
You need me, like sand needs wave
But when you reach the shore, it'd be too late.
There, where I believed in miracles
Where we used to play as children
You'll emerge again
Where you forgot about love
Where a tear fell
You'll emerge again
But you will not see my face
And you will not be in my heart.
[Chorus:] (3x)
You need me, like fire in water
But when you reach the shore, it'd be too late
You need me, like sand needs wave
But when you reach the shore, it'd be too late.Chorus:] (3x)

A Photo (Che Guevara)

A photo of you
Came to me too
A photo of you
From another place
One of those that the students hold
One of those that the finks tear up
One of those that the students keep
Close to their hearts
Che Guevara (x3)
Close the window
Seal the doors
I'm afraid of the man
With the boots
What he wants while he walks in the shadow
What he wants and why he's asking about you
What he wants and he's watching our house
Every night?
Che Guevara (x3)
All these roses
Burned from the snow
Oh, this spring...
Makes me bleed...


Who knows where they would fly to
Where the swallows would fly to
If you hadn't turned off
In eighty-three?
Who knows how many dreams,
How many dreams the bullet had put out
For a blue dream
Carefully folded?
You are cooling down, Željko,
On a wet pavement
How sadly,
In a right angle position,
You became a part of history
People will remember you
Like they do Gavrilo, Željko


Versions: #3
I'd like to make a country with you,
So that words such as 'homeland' or 'future',
'Flag', 'nation', 'frontier', 'race' or 'destiny'
Would hold any meaning to me
For it to border at the east with thousands of friends,
With your passions at the south, and the sea at the west,
At the north with those secrets I never tell you,
So I can rule them closely if you ever plan to conquer them
If you feel it too, if you also want it,
Don't think about it, let's just go, now there's two of us.
Why don't you take my hand and board this boat with me
Celebrating with a kiss that today's today
Our homeland is wherever you and me are
Everything will be near if we are nearby
Our homeland is wherever you and me are
Everything will be near, let's go
I'd love if our country would have
A whole arsenal of caresses under the sea
So that when night falls I'll light two candles
So I can invade you by surprise privately
With only two inhabitants it will be the smallest one in the world
Yet it would also be the greatest one I've ever seen,
I truly mean it when I say this anthem that I write is sincere,
It tells that there are many countries as there's people in each of them.
If you feel it too, if you also want it,
Don't think about it, let's just go, now there's two of us.
Why don't you take my hand and board this boat with me
Celebrating with a kiss that today's today
Our homeland is wherever you and me are
Everything will be near if we are nearby
Our homeland is wherever you and me are
Everything will be near, let's go, you and me

Don't return

You said how a sunbeam would have to appear in the middle of the rain,
A storm would have to break before you would deny me
You said how a touch of life would be a relief
You came and left early just like a parenthesis
Don't return for me, don't ask again
Everything was a lie and now it's too late
Don't ask around for me, the light has gone out
Our love is over, ego has won.
You said how it was a game, just a game of chance
There was a myth in your mind, and you'd become a victor
You said how it was all a joke, but how nobody laughed
Whenever you go searching in the darkness, you're only going to be alone and lost
Don't return for me, don't ask again
Everything was a lie and now it's too late
Don't ask around for me, the light has gone out
Our love is over, ego has won.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


I throw stardust
Over the two of us
We live in my dreams
But we are also two
And if the clouds will gather
Know that I will drive them away
Towards the stars for the two of us
But you come down, gentle star
And you light the spark where fire,
Fire hasn't burnt for a long time
You have entangled me in your love
You, well, a mere mortal
And you put a flame in my heart
(And you put a flame in my heart)
And if I had the power to make magic
I would ask time to stay still
I throw stardust
Over the two of us
We live in my dreams
But we are also two
And if the clouds will gather
Know that I will drive them away
Towards the stars for the two of us
You, do you know that we
We lose each other
Through my dreams and yours
Let's not lie to each other
Let's fuse together
I would like for time to stay still
So that I can always see you this way
We met when we needed to
Us two, us two
I throw stardust
Over the two of us
We live in my dreams
But we are also two
And if the clouds will gather
Know that I will drive them away
Towards the stars for the two of us
And if I had the power to make magic
I would ask time to stay still
I throw stardust
Over the two of us
We live in my dreams
But we are also two
And if the clouds will gather
Know that I will drive them away
Towards the stars for the two of us
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

I'm Here

When it gets dark, I feel an endless gap
These are the nights that have no end
And when morning returns, I'm a mess when I go to work
You should know how much I've been missing an embrace.
When the telephone drowns in silence
When my mind is searching to find anything
That's when I send messages and I search for you
So you can know, god help me, how much I want to see you.
I'm here and I'm still waiting
I'm here if you want to see me
I'm here and I'm still waiting
I'm here if you ever need me
The weekends are the worst
Another couple of nights with cigarettes and alcohol
And when you're receiving calls from a private number*
Know that it's me and I'm not talking
I'm not even living, I'm returning to what's been lost
And I've said so many times that we have a score to settle
I doubt that you're doing fine without me
And I have the need to scream it out, to say
I'll be here and I'll wait for you
I'll be here if you want to see me
I'll be here and I'll wait for you
I'll be here if you ever need me
Know that I'll be here and I'll wait for you
I'll be here if you want to see me
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Don't get stuck

I can't be alone when you're around
Leave me alone so I may be happy
I've cried enough times because of you
I can't take any more
And my heart is turning around
It's going to set you ablaze and burn you
You're searching for love, too
In that fake world you live in
And you're wandering around like a lost body in life
I want you here now.
Don't get stuck, come on, buddy
Don't get stuck, the time has come
Don't let the past hurt you
It's not right for you to cry
Don't get stuck, come on, buddy
Don't get stuck, the time has come
Search everywhere to find her
If you love her, you need to tell her
I can't be alone when you're around
I'm blaming you again for the nights that I've spent all alone
I can't take any more, I'll return to an empty house like a shadow and hurt
So many loves have betrayed us in our lives
But the time has come for the pain to end
I want you here now.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

The Man That I Once Was

I’ve seen1 possibly (a) thousand wonders.
I (have) lived (a) hundred lifetimes.
But until this hour none of it seemed real.
As fleeting as a shadow, time evaporated2 in the dark.
The hate that drove me forward is gone and I discover again:
The man that I once was.
Happiness within reach3
Love was mine, full of innocence, young and pure.
My dream has finally returned home and teaches forgiveness.
A man cannot escape that which (he) once was.
Live Albert, and whoever I am too,
In whom every day she recognises
The man that I once was.
And all the years fade away,4
The nights are much more peaceful.
Freed from every pain,5
Hope is what remains.
Never alone, I remain forever yours.
Mercy leads me to redemption.
No bitterness.
Free and now healed.
Show me the star that guides me home.
My heart awakens and feels again
The man that I once was
  • 1. literally “I saw”
  • 2. or “flew away”
  • 3. literally “for the grabbing near”
  • 4. literally “go there/thither”, possibly referring to all the years going back to when he was ‘the man that I once was’
  • 5. or “sorrow”

After covering my eyes

After covering my eyes,
They ask, 'Who are we?'
How can I take the name of someone,
When they always reside in my heart?
Huun Uun Uun Uun Uun,*
Huun Uun Uun Uun Uun.
After covering my eyes,
They ask, 'Who are we?'
How can I take the name of someone,
When they always reside in my heart?
Until we see that heart,
How can we feel trust?
Even to this attitude of yours,
Our heart feels more love.
Even to this complaint/protest of yours,
My love is no less.
After covering my... (repeat)
No, we will not thus be convinced,
So how can we make you understand?
Come show us your heart.
And where shall we bring this heart from?
Now that we've given it to you to keep,
How can we show it to you?
After covering my... (repeat)
Tell us why you gave it thus?
Because it belonged to you.
Tell us why you gave it thus?
Because it belonged to you.
For as long as it was with me,
There was this weird restlessness.
Fine, let's let these protests go,
Even the moon is at its peak.
After covering my... (repeat)