A keresés eredménye oldal 11
Találatok száma: 406
Believing In Myself
If I weren't who I am,
who would I be?
I live for this love
day and night.
I know I can get confused,
but I know how to make melodies,
the air smells of songs
and I'm here, with emotion down my throat.
And I'm believing in myself,
knowing that this flower
is growing today, in my garden filled with colorful dreams.
And I'm believing in myself, feeling that love
is the only truth that lives inside me.
If I weren't like this
I would be lying,
I am the way that I am,
I've got a favorite song
that lives in your voice, day and night.
The air smells of songs
and I'm here, with emotion down my throat.
And I'm believing in myself,
knowing that this flower
is growing today, in my garden filled with colorful dreams.
And I'm believing in myself, feeling that love
is the only truth that lives inside me.
And I'm believing in myself,
knowing that this flower
is growing today, in my garden filled with colorful dreams.
And I'm believing in myself, feeling that love
is the only truth that lives inside me.
Við erum ljónynjur forynjanna Reykjavíkurdætur
Valkyrjur foringjanna þekkið þessar rætur .Dínamíska dúóið, þú og við
betra skiptum lið en að snúa við. Innblásnar af fortíðarsyndum
við undir þér kyndum, trúðu mér við myndum eður í aldingarði, spmámaðurinn
sagði og lagið okkur línurnar, vaxiði vagínurnar.
Ætlum að ónidda, reykjavíkursódóma takiði til fótanna.
Andsettar af rímum ógn á okkar tímum
rappkonukvendi búnar mæk í hendi
rífum kjaft með okkar rímnaflæði
það leggur enginn í okkar kvennmanskvæði
því reykjavíkur dætur
eiga þessar nætur
Ó 101, Þegar tungurnar tæta og allir fara að æpa, heltekur mig djúpstæður
leiði, helli í mig meiri mjöði, svarta solla er kominn aftur stærri en á fenrisúlfi er
hennar kjaftur, kraftur
enginn maður meiri svo þegið því ég andardrátt ykkar heyri., ég er ekki ein
úlfynja við erum töluvert fleiri.
Ég er skynvera, úlfynja, forvitið frík. Sveiflandi makkanum í Reykjavík.
Reykjandi heit í einni flík. Reynslurík, gjörólík, dramatískaren dínamít.
Litríkari en hver árstíð, gulur, rauður, grænn og blær. Svartur hvítur. Geri hlutina
uppá mínar eigin spýtur. Ég er indjánahöfðinginn, þarf ekki að kynna hann inn.
Ég fæddist með 17 rokkstig, ætla ekki að stilla mig. ertu að skynja mig? Tilfinna
er komin til að trylla þig!!!
Ég vil veita mér það skáldaleyfi að víkja frá, tek róandi í töfluformi og
trúi á stjörnuspá. orðin mín álög, kveðandi rýmur á nornadulmáli. heit er
orðin að báli þú veist við erum úr stáli, hrein mey skiptir ekki máli, hitnum
bara meira, brennum ekki ái! blótandi blindandi losna ég úr hlekkjunum
með glimmerið í munninum og naglaförin í lófunum! Ekki að fíla þetta
svefnherbergisdjammsesjón, kvenhormón með ambissjón að performa í
kaldalón. Þarf ekki medífer eins og Salómón því ég er kama kama kamílíón!
Í blikká renna baugar, í smásjá hvísla taugar
Smásjór og fjöll, glitrandi köll, hús og ein höll
og svo allir þeir sem breyst hafa´í drauga
Ég er í stíu. Og ég man eftir kvöldinu sem stjórnin féll,
eftir bálinu sem brann og dansinn í kring
hring eftir hring eftir hring. VANHÆF RÍKISSTJÓRN!
Von og bón um skilning, um að
Nú er kominn tími. Kominn tími. Löngu kominn tími
Við höfum valdið höfum vonina, flettum loksins ofan af
kvótakóngaklíku. Við ætlum ekki að sökkva í þetta sýki
Við viljum sanngjarnt réttarríki
Við ætlum ekki að sökkva í þetta sýki
Að ríkisstjórnin falli eða víki. Köllum þessu kalli!
Við göngum ekki í gildrurnar. Gapandi með grænar glyrnurnar
Við erum rödd andspyrnunnar.
Sæll Bjarni B, hér er Sigmundur D
mættir! til að græða meira fé
kominn í killer grúv, 39 uppsagnir á RÚV, gott múv
stjórnum fjölmiðlum, stjórnum hugsunum.
Enginn fær að vita hvað við bardúsum.
ég er með nýja markaðshugmynd fyrir Geysi
ég oní honum hótel reisi
ég veit hvernig ég græði ég Vatnajökul bræði
vatnsaflið virki og álverin styrki
Hver þarf Björk, Þórsmörk og Sigurrós
viltu ekki frekar kaupa þér coke í áldós
Seljum vatnið til Neslé, fáum 10.000 kr í veskeð
lækka bensínskatta, græði slatta
engar stelpur ná að stoppa mig með því að rappa
'Bulldoza listina, bomba náttúruna styrki bankana, geri sjálfan mig að forstjóra,
ég á jeppa fjóra og villu stóra, í flóóórida, ég ownidda'
peningar, peningar vúhú, menning, menning búhú...
Ég rúlla um göturnar með taumlaust flæði
Þarf ekk'að borgí fokking stöðumæli
ég er alltaf niðrí bæ. ég er alltof fokking flæ
Nærist bará rusli eins og Krua Thai
Reykjavíkur borg í ljósum logum
undan skíta, funky, rúnkara og marða orðum
frá stelpuskottum, með perraglottum og bæjarrottum í rauðum sokkum
Flæðið berst eins og blóð í bindi bundum, fundum gramm í öllum húsasundum
stundum þarf að segja sannleikan. Því ég reyki ekki gras, ég fíla bara metangas.
Ég borða ekki hass ég fæ mér frekar vatnsglas og ég
meika ekki Flass svo ég hlusta bará Kvennaþras
Stöðumælamörður, láttu mig í friði því ég er umhverfisvæn og ætla stúta þessu
liði...ratata bitch!
ég er stærri en orð fá lýst, það sem ekki má, ég geri það víst
rímnalæti, ég er í fyrsta sæti. Ég er svo sæt að þú gætir
fengið femínístablæti
sælgæti, dreymir- barefþú gætir
og komdu þá að kveðast á, þá skal ég þér sýna
að kveldúlfur er kominn í kjerlinguna mína!
sem gerir mig svo helvíti fríska, lifandi, tifandi, sataníska
heldur þú að þú sért eitthvað fyrir mig?
ég er alltof stór fyrir þig, komin til að roðfletta þig
það er eldur í mér fer að hitna BRENNUR! Því ég er hér
og ég fíla þegar hárið leikur í blænum
Ég er stormsveipur úr vesturbænum
Reykjavík, ég er svar við ykkar bænum
Feyki ykkur með mér í einum grænum
Við hænum alla að okkur er við stígum á stokk
Því þessi rappkonuflokkur er svo fokking mikið rokk
Æj úps ég sagði aftur fokk en þú mátt ekki fá sjokk Margrét Erla Maack.
Því hver er ber að baki nema systur eigi
Er í systralegi ekki systralagi
Þjóðin heldur ekki þvagi yfir þessu lagi
Mér nægir ekki að eiga borg og bæi
Ég vil heiminn segðu nú að þú fílir blæinn!
1, 2, 3
Sofía, future hits to ya
¡De La!
Oh baby, I’m thinking maybe
That you were always a piece of shhh…
You’re rubbing your dirt on everyone’s skirt
You know how to be a ddd…
Where are your manners, that you didn't learn nor said hello
It seems that today I like you a little more
Hello, how are you, you doing?
So nice to meet ya
You say we should go and get a room
If you wanna turn it on
Go get a lightbulb, then we'll talk
If you wanna turn it on
Go get a lighter, then we'll dance
Oh, one, two, three, one, two, three
If I give you a kiss you'll be at my feet
Say, one, two, three, one, two, three
La la la
La la la
Baby just hush the talkin'
And let my loving ease your mind
If love’s the game let’s play a million times
Baby, give it to me
I’ll be good company
Baby, my name is Jason Derulo
If you wanna turn it on
Go get a lightbulb, then we'll talk
If you wanna turn it on
Go get a lighter, then we'll dance
Oh, one, two, three, one, two, three
If I give you a kiss you'll be at my feet
Say, one, two, three, one, two, three
La la la
La la la
De La Geezy, baby
Excuse the ignorance, I never wanted to hurt you
What I want is to transform you into my goddess, my work of art
Tell me if you want, I don't care how it's done
We take all night and I'll take you to the clouds
I want to show you a lot of interesting things
Become my lady, in bed we'll make love
Kiss you from top to bottom to make it interesting
After all this you'll never forget
Hello, (Sofia) how are you, you doing? (Jason)
It’s ‘bout time we go and get a room…
If you wanna turn it on
Go get a lightbulb, then we'll talk
If you wanna turn it on
Go get a lighter, then we'll dance
Oh, one, two, three, one, two, three
If I give you a kiss you'll be at my feet
Say, one, two, three, one, two, three
La la la
La la la
La la la
La la la
One, two, three, one, two, three
Care for me one, two, three
One, two, three, one, two, three
Love how you count it out for me, babe
One, two, three I’mma make you a freak girl…
Care for me one, two, three (with the chulitos man)
One, two, three, one, two, three
Love how you count it out for me, babe
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.
Can I see them jumping?
The bass is so heavy
I feel the floor start to break
So if you want to come
Remember, don't mess around
Because I think it's pretty clear that Reykjavík is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
The city never naps so I'm not going to fall asleep
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
The city never naps so I'm not going to fall asleep
[Verse 1]
I clock out
Because I've done my job
Work overtime in a circus tent
Because I enjoy living on lines
In a utopia, in a dystopia
Bulldozers and a few artsy ones
My dear friend, please understand
There are no pictures allowed here in Kristania
Give me freedom, give me a bit of
Something that makes life longer
Give me gas, give me matches
Something that lights me on fire
I heard you talking, bla bla bla bla
Shoot at me, ratatata
Let's then laugh together
I'm so funny on the way to the bank
A blanket by the fireplace to keep the group warm
Don't come here with snuff in your nose, don't tread in on your shoes
This is such a calm party, I don't feel any threats
Because everyone that is someone is in the friend group
Can I see them jumping?
The bass is so heavy
I feel the floor start to break
So if you want to come
Remember, don't mess around
Because I think it's pretty clear that Reykjavík is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
The city never naps so I'm not going to fall asleep
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
The city never naps so I'm not going to fall asleep
[Verse 2]
I can feel the concrete knocking
On the bottom of my shoe and I gain consciousness
With a smirk on my face cause I'm on the way to the bank
Everything I do is intense, wow this is cool
Appear in the newspaper, is this news?
Mom see how cool I am
Mom look, mom see
But then look away so you won't get mad
Me and my friends are living the dream we always desired
And we surpassed a bunch of people we idolized
The sexual arousal is playing, the bass is sedating my brain
I chill so much at Prikið that they think I'm the owner
When I'm standing up on a table with my head upside-down
Abracadabra and I have disappeared
Can I see them jumping?
The bass is so heavy
I feel the floor start to break
So if you want to come
Remember, don't mess around
Because I think it's pretty clear that Reykjavík is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
The city never naps so I'm not going to fall asleep
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
Reykjavík is ours, yeah it is ours
The city never naps so I'm not going to fall asleep
In all gardens . . .
In all gardens I will flower,
In all I will drink the full Moon,
When at last at my end I will possess
All the beaches where the sea makes its waves.
One day I will be the sea and the sand,
To everything that exists I will unite myself
And my blood drags through every vein
That embrace that one day will open.
Then I will receive my desire
All the fire that inhabits the forest
Known in me as a kiss.
Then I will be the rhythm of the landscapes,
The secret abundance of this party
That I saw promised in the images.
So we are together again with your neck, among the numbered parts of your body
This is the longest neck of your own, to endure or
not to lose hope.
We are in a tram which leads us from Laleli to the world.
Somehow, you are touching to my heart
But somehow, as soon as you are touching to my heart
Making love is come into force again
At every pieces of lands
Including the Africa
You are really good at thinking intellectual, thanks
As much as you know laying down the bed.
According to dear Lord it is a sin to get in bed with you, how come?
Like it is pointless that your hair goes this much long
I haven't seen any other lively hair like this before
There is a beating heart at every each strand of them.
For all of the pieces of lands
Including the Africa
You have an air, which takes me indeed
With that, breathing is being more valuable
Right for being hungry at mornings
Beautiful for winning the day out
Beautiful like the names of a lot of flowers
Blooming in the most known reds
At every pieces of lands
Including the Africa
We are thinking verses some of them good some of them bad,
Your neck, I am saying, your neck, no body can appreciate
as much as I do.
Like everything will be good if we can say a verse more.
We are taking one or two steps together and they are keeping us.
So that they are executing us by shooting one more time
They already executing us by shooting everyday
all day long
At every pieces of lands
Including the Africa
It's the exact timing for mentioning about your courage now
When you were joining the song of freedom at the crowded streets
That was the boldness like a conqueror, that no other alluring women have that.
It reminds me you as holding chalice
In the evenings at Cicek Alley
The real poorness starting after then
At every pieces of lands
not excluding the Africa
The Last Flower
Oh, I felt horrible this morning
When I woke up and realized that
Drunk and for no reason
In front of my kids, I had hit my wife
This morning when I got up
So sad, she brought me my coffee
Her face swollen, I felt like a coward
I brought her flowers and won her over again
Her family told her to report me
I know because I overheard them
She said I hadn't done anything but love her
It was in the stairwell yesterday where I slipped up
A few days ago, I came home really late
I hit her again and this time much worse
I saw here determined to seek help
But she regretted it when I gave her a flower
A few days ago, she turned 30
And to celebrate, I got drunk again
The next day I woke up in prison
Please, someone explain, I don't know why
The judge told me hey, I'll remind you
You were drunk and killed your wife (what????? noooooo)
Shivers running up my spine, I felt so guilty
They gave me my sentence and I'll never leave here
Today is her funeral and I'm locked up
I don't know why she never turned me in
Sure, I'd be locked in prison, but at least she'd be alive
And now I can't even give her that last flower
Small Deviation in the Behaviour of the Three Wise Men
Look if suddenly the three wise men
in the middle of the road to our lands,
start to think 'What a precious, well made toys.
They deserve special treatments, another kind of benefit.'
Look if suddenly the three wise men...
Look if Balthazar or any of them
suddenly gets down of his camel
and laying in a cloud with boooks and dolls,
he plays the indifferent, the fool, the dolt.
Look if Balthazar or any of them...
Look if sorry of their kindness,
they think in their own needs.
And not happy with making the children happy,
they hog all the tricycles, all the skateboards.
Look if sorry of their kindness...
If the Magi Melchior, so old and bearded
suddenly wishes to play Ludo,
or if with nonstop obsession eyes he starts
to wind up a monkey toy, to ride a wooden horse.
If the Magi Melchior, so old and bearded...
Look if the three were misleaded,
by a different, selfish star,
and told them 'Wise men, think of what you're doing.
You can't gift it all. Realize that you're going broke.'
Look if the three were misleaded...
I don't want you to get dissapointed.
Think that these are just suppositions.
You know that the kings are the parents. You can sleep quiet
that for now nobody is thinking of sending you to an asylum.
I don't want you to get dissapointed...
I just supposed that on a Janurary sixth,
the magi didn't bring neither a rattle.
Who suddenly sick of a strange selfishness,
they put prices to the toys and place a toy shop.
I just supposed that on a Janurary sixth...
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
You’ll see the world adapting to us.
I see young guys, they play new music. I think they guess
I'm ancient thing who lived in the dark.
They stick to modern rhythms and have make-up on the face
I know they are not like us.
I have no great desire to teach others how to act
It’s useless I‘ve seen it many times
The world is changing. So don’t try to adapt -
Let it be adapting to us.
One day it'll start adapting to us.
A friend of mine was worth two guys. He didn’t wait long.
He acted as if he was living the last day.
He always tried to understand how strong the world was,
But the world won the game.
You was an idol of your time – You may sleep in peace.
You reached the top of skills more than once.
The world is changing. So don’t try to adapt -
Let it be adapting to us.
One day it'll start adapting to us.
Adhering to the fairway a man looked for the course
He avoided climbing steep banks.
He tried to be like other people to swim like the rest.
He has no home, no enemies, no friends.
His life is like fruit yogurt neither pleasure nor spice
I knew and saw this more than once.
The world is changing. So don’t try to adapt -
Let it be adapting to us.
One day it'll start adapting to us.
So even if your jeans are old and get quite worn out
And your guitar’s wheezing trying good sound.
The world is changing. So don’t try to adapt -
Let it be adapting to us.
You’ll see the world adapting to us.
One day it'll start adapting to us.
One day it'll start adapting to us.
One day it'll start adapting to us.
One day it'll start adapting to us.
One day it'll start adapting to us.
The Love that I Dreamed
Only two bodies, playing to love
Together in the darkness
We went on loving, each time more
Nothing could change
The passing of time, it wanted to ward us off
And our love could do more
And now I'm in front of you, loving you
My heart cannot hide
For without you I cannot love
I go back to living at your side the love that I dreamed
Alone in my room
Without your warmth
I went on knowing about fear
I loved you so much
My soul I gave you
Now that you're coming back to me
The emptiness is filled
Pain is shut off
Today I have your love
And now I'm in front of you, loving you
My heart cannot hide
For without you I cannot love
I go back to living at your side the love that I dreamed
For without you I cannot love
I go back to living at your side the love that I dreamed
I need you
exhausted, I see life passing by
I'm tired of waiting for my place in the sun
time make promises and I go
I hang around, I know, because you are missing
because everybody needs somebody
and I need you
to walk with me and to understand me
I need you
to go on and not lose myself
understand, you shall know
without a motivation it's hard to live
life taught me to want
only one reason and I must tell you
because everybody needs somebody
and I need you
to walk with me and to understand me
I need you
to go on and not lose myself
because everybody needs somebody
and I need you
to walk with me and to understand me
I need you
to go on and not lose myself
When she is not here
She loves sick and homeless dogs
and she couldn't stand people.
The night is open for her and she doesn't need the day.
She loves to leave in to the sunset, but dawn on guard, she doesn't fear,
So why are you beside yourself, when she is not here?
She wanders through the city following the rain,
every now and then changing the route,
And you won't catch up with her neither there nor here.
She can say ' Till tomorrow', and disappear for a few years.
So why are you beside yourself, when she is not here?
She is on her own, she does not want to hide
even the most simple things,
It's pity, that night without her became nobody's,
It's pity, that like a smoke of her cigarettes, her voice disappeared.
So why are you beside yourself, when she is not here?
You are a small woman, small as a hand.
White until the mornings and lashes
neighbor to some trees
resemble some flowers.
It would be better if we could close this here
I assume you had a person to your own
you had a song, a hope.
You must be pretty, you must be childish,
while you are at the window with your hair,
it is obvious, you aware that you had being searched.
While the ships getting older, the sea getting older at the dock.
Loved one...
The evening at outer harbour
Let's sing, my friends, for tomorrow we march on
We'll leave before dawn in the fog
Let's sing cheerfully and may sing along,
Our grey-haired combat captain.
Farewell, beloved city!
We leave tomorrow at sea.
And just before dawn will flash by the stern
Your blue familiar shawl.
And the evening again as good as can be,
That not to sing we simply can't.
On friendship that's great, on service at sea,
Let's sing along together my friends.
Farewell, beloved city!
We leave tomorrow at sea.
And just before dawn will flash by the stern
Your blue familiar shawl.
On big outer harbour the silence lay,
And the sea was enveloped in fog.
And our dear shore is kissed by the wave,
And quiet sound of accordion floats.
Farewell, beloved city!
We leave tomorrow at sea.
And just before dawn will flash by the stern
Your blue familiar shawl.
What are you dreaming of, Cruiser Aurora?
The city in the North, is silently dozing
Low-flying clouds above our heads
What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora ?
At the hour, when morning dawns over the Neva river. (1)
What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora ?
At the hour, when morning dawns over the Neva river.
See gun-salvos flaring in the distance
Or, as before, in black pea-jackets (2)
Your patrolmen marching boldly
Or, as before, in black pea-jackets
Your patrolmen marching boldly
The waves so steep, the storms so grey
Such is the fate, of many ships
Their fates are similar, yay somewhat similar
Somewhat similar, as the fate of people
Breathing the salt-soaked wind out in the open
Lightnings flash up in the dark thunderstorm (3)
What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora ?
At the hour, when morning dawns over the Neva river.
What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora ?
At the hour, when morning dawns over the Neva river.
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
On the other side of the love that continues to be broken
The night that is filled with pain was prolonged
I can no longer count them
The days in which I was betrayed and deserted are forever seared into my heart
I can't feel anything I'm cold inside that painful dream I had just a moment ago
I'm miserable I'm painful in the depths of the space I'm sinking into
The accumulated lies and excuses are torn off and start flowing red
I can no longer hold it
The days in which I went through sorrow and hatred seem to be linked to me to the bitter end
The endless dream slowly envelops me
I don't believe in the cold pure white future that had come to a stop
I can no longer count them
The days in which I was betrayed and deserted are forever seared into my heart
I can't feel anything I'm cold inside that painful dream I had just a moment ago
I'm miserable I'm painful in the depths of the space I'm sinking into
The endless dream slowly envelops me
I don't believe in the cold pure white future that had come to a stop
13 tengerpart
Nem tartozom ebbe a világba
Ez így van
Valami elválaszt engem a többi embertől
Bármerre fordulok
Van itt valami, ami nem hagy elmenekülni
13 tengerpart kellett ahhoz, hogy végre találjak egy üreset
De ez végre az enyém
Lédús barackokkal
Fotogén vagyok
Szinte mindig
De még mindig van, hogy magányos leszek
És, bébi, csak akkor
Engedhetem meg magamnak, azt hogy hátradőljek
És hagyjam, hogy táncoljon az emléked
Az emlékezetem báltermében
Átlépve a határvonalat
Téged fáj szeretni
De akkor is szeretlek
Egyszerűen így érzek
És hazudnék
Ha rejtegetném
A tényt, hogy nem bírok el ezzel
És hogy majd meghalok
Valami valódiért
Hogy majd meg halok valami valódiért
13 tengerpart kellett ahhoz, hogy végre találjak egy üreset
De végre jól vagyok
Ventura mellett elhaladva
Még mindig sok a kamera*
A vakító napfényben
De te még mindig megtalálhatsz
Ha szépen kéred
A fenyők alatt
Az emlékezetem báltermében
Átlépve a határvonalat
Téged fáj szeretni
De akkor is szeretlek
Egyszerűen így érzek
És hazudnék
Ha rejtegetném
A tényt, hogy nem bírok el ezzel
És hogy majd meghalok valami valódiért
Hogy majd meg halok valami valódiért
Téged fáj szeretni
De akkor is szeretlek
Egyszerűen így érzek
És hazudnék
Ha rejtegetném
A tényt, hogy nem bírok el ezzel
A tényt, hogy nem bírok el ezzel
Dum Dum
Egy vadóc vagyok, eszes gyerek
Az ajtódon kopogtatok
Azt hitted, végeztél
De most még jobban akarsz engem
Dum Dum
Még jobban akarsz engem, dum dum
Egy sztár gyerek vagyok, nagy mosollyal
Los Angelesben élek
Átugrok hozzád
Ma nem mehetsz suliba
Dum Dum
Ma el a suliba, dum dum
Egy letűnt korhoz tartozom
Mint Scarlett O'Hara
A belvárosi színről
Mert én csak innék
Csak innék
Pop-blues énekes vagyok
A haverok, a család mindig tartja értem a hátát
Kiköpött Mansfield*
A Hollywoodi mozivászonról
Hajdanán volt valamid
Valami gyönyörű
Sose leszel már ugyanolyan
Egykor tetszett neked, az ahogy élek
Örökre megváltozol
Egy vadóc vagyok, fellegekben járok
A padlódon fekszem
Tudom, hogy már sokat kaptam
De, bébi, még egy kicsit több kéne
Dum dum
Egy kicsit többet akarok, dum dum
A fehér bundámban, a rózsaszín
cigimmel a boltból
Mindenből árad a gazdagság
Elsétálgatsz a partra
Dum dum
Elsétálgatsz a partra, dum dum
Egy letűnt korhoz tartozom
Mint Bugsy Malone
A rózsaszín szaharáról
Mert ott vagyok a színen
Ja, ott vagyok a színen
Rossz jazz énekes vagyok
Beintek neked
Nem számít, ha késlekedsz
Mert, aztán akkor is szeretsz, ha gonosz vagyok
Én vagyok a királynő
Hajdanán volt valamid
Valami gyönyörű
Sose leszel már ugyanolyan
Egykor tetszett neked, az ahogy élek
Örökre megváltozol
Légy szabad
Átlépem a küszöböt
A hétköznapi életből
Egy helyre, ahol kitárul a szívem
Ez biztosan
Eltünteti a holtakat a tengerből
És a sötétséget a művészetből
Ez az én elkötelezettségem
A én modern kinyilatkoztatásom
Ezt mindenkiért teszem
Akik sose kaptak esélyt
erre...és arra...(hallgass, hallgass)
És az én összes madarom a paradicsomban (hallgass, hallgass)
Akik sose repülhettek éjjelente (hallgass, hallgass)
Mert annyira belemerültek a táncba
Néha úgy érzem, mintha háború dúlna a fejemben
Ki akarok szállni, de mégis folytatom
Valahogy sose tűnt fel nekem, hogy dönteni kéne
Hogy más játékában veszek részt vagy inkább élem a saját életem
És most már tudom
Elakarok mozdulni
A sötétségből (a sötétségből)
A világosabb felé (a világosabb felé)
Megszűnt a terhe
A Crowley életvitelnek *
Ami több energiából tevődött össze
Például abból a részemből, amit
Nem ismertem fel
És belőled, amikor rájöttünk, hogy
Nem voltál normális
Nincs több szivárvány keresés
És reménykedés, hogy megtaláljuk azok végét
Az ívük is csak illúzió
Első pillantásra kézzelfoghatónak tűnik
De aztán, amikor megpróbálod megérinteni őket (megérinteni, megérinteni)
Nincs semmi, amit foghatnál (foghatnál, foghatnál)
A színek elcsábítottak (hallgass, hallgass)
És megigéztek (ah,ah,ah, igen)
Néha úgy érzem, mintha háború dúlna a fejemben
Ki akarok szállni, de mégis folytatom
Valahogy sose tűnt fel nekem, hogy dönteni kéne
Hogy más játékában veszek részt vagy inkább élem a saját életem
És most már tudom
Elakarok mozdulni
A sötétségből (a sötétségből)
A világosabb felé (a világosabb felé)
A sötétségből (a sötétségből)
A világosabb felé (a világosabb felé)
A sötétségből (a sötétségből)
A világosabb felé (a világosabb felé)
Igen a mennyországra
Ha táncolsz, én is táncolok
És ha nem táncolsz, én akkor is fogok
Adj esélyt a békének
Engedd, hogy a félelmed elszálljon
Figyellek téged
Figyellek téged
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Ha te mész, én maradok
Amikor vissza jössz, pontosan itt leszek
Mint a bárka a tengeren
Itt maradok a viharban is
Mert te jársz a fejemben
Te jársz a fejemben
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Ha táncolsz, én is táncolok
És ha harcolsz, én is harcolni fogok
Már nem számít, most már mindennek vége
Te jársz a fejemben
Te jársz a fejemben
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Figyellek téged
Figyellek téged
Figyellek téged
Figyellek téged
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Te fütyülhetsz elsőnek
Bébi, te mindig fiatal maradsz az én szememben
Az arany fogékszereddel, az igaz szerelem sose hal meg
Akarod nézni, ahogy nézem a TV-t
Miközben meg é-é-érintesz
Örökké fiatalok vagyunk a paradicsomban
Amíg meg van a Chevrolet, addig vezetek
Úgy fogunk bulizni, mintha 1949-et írnánk
Júliustól júliusig a Chevroletben
Látni fogom az egészet, mielőtt elbúcsúzik
Minden férfi megérdemli, hogy lássa a napfelkeltét
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Ezt te mondtad nekem
És mi van az én kívánságommal?
Azt mondtad, sosem kerülök ki innen élve
Ahogyan éltem, szerencsém, ha meghalok
Olyan szomorúnak születtem, fiatalnak, őszintén igaznak
A legfényesebb csillag Hollywoodban és a Vine utcán
Úgy fogunk bulizni, mintha nem lenne több időnk
Berúgunk a cseresznye bortól és száguldunk
Soha nem tartoztam senkihez
Mindent, amit valaha ismertem magam mögött hagyok
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Ezt te mondtad nekem
És mi van az én kívánságommal?
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Ezt ígérted nekem
Nos, hazudtál
A filmekből tanultam, hogyan kell szerelmeskedni
A Ruby Tuesday-ban látott meg, miközben pincérkedtem
Azt mondta: 'Meghívlak egy klasszikus fehér tejturmixra.'
Én azt mondtam: 'Én pedig egy különleges szívtörést adok neked'
Különleges szívtörést.
Ott dolgoztam lent a sarki kávézóban
És te elvezettél mellette a Chevrolettel
Fütyültél nekem, ahogy mozgattam a csípőm
'Lana Del Rey, hogy kerültél ide?
Hogy kerültél ide?
Én azt mondtam, szereti a szív formájú napszemüvegem
És azt is szereti, hogy szív formájú a seggem
Kristály, Kristály pezsgős poharak
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Ezt te mondtad nekem
És mi van az én kívánságommal?
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Minden férfi megkapja, amire vágyik
Ezt ígérted nekem
Nos, hazudtál
King of licorice
I'm the king of licorice,
from the 14th acorn,
many cockroaches are behind me, as the shadow of mine.
I avoid locals
because I have plenty of wings
I stick my pucales
times goes by, silver turns black,
turns black if it's not washed,
darkened, from my melody.... to the dance of the spoon.
Confusano of essence, either essence or trust
monotony in school,
they want to catch me but the collar fits big in me, get in your
shosa, close the door, get out by the orchard
I go again with God, while going like crazy, it was chasing me
a national policeman, the situation surrounds me, when I see myself against the wall, like a dog in the pound.
Going upstairs by the left, I'll reach her, that it's not
a solution...I like seeing her, when my fatty (uncomprehensible) and by her beauty I go blind.
And the echo that comes from my throat.... and the reason without having a doubt.
Just learning.
A napban
Mindenki azt mondta, hogy ez nem szerelem volt
Túl sokáig voltam beállva a hiperaktivitásodtól
Azt mondtad, hogy meglehet mindenünk
Most pedig képeket posztolsz a faladra
Rólad és róla együtt, mi a pokol?
A mennyországban voltunk és lezuhantunk
Elhittem neked, amikor azt mondtad, 'sosem hagynálak el'
Azt gondoltam, szeretsz, tévedtem
Az összes pénzemet elvitted, és megléptél
A legjobb barátommal élni a napban, a napban
Azt mondtad, hogy meglehet mindenünk
Most pedig képeket posztolsz a faladra
Rólad és róla együtt, szórakozva, szórakozva
Mindenki azt mondta, 'légy óvatos azzal a sráccal',
Baby, nem tudtam leállni, öngyilkosság volt
Egy szirt felé tartva, tágranyílt szemekkel
Szerelmet színleltél szorosan tartva engem
De szükségem van rád, nem akarom, de szükségem van rá
Azt gondoltam, szeretsz, tévedtem
Az összes pénzemet elvitted, és megléptél
A legjobb barátommal élni a napban, a napban
Azt mondtad, hogy meglehet mindenünk
Most pedig képeket posztolsz a faladra
Rólad és róla együtt, szórakozva, szórakozva
Játszottál a dobogó szívemmel
Szégyellned kellene magad
Fiú, sohasem szerettél engem, már a kezdetektől
Milyen gonosz játék
Azt mondtam, szükségem van valakire
Sosem használtalak ki a szerelmedért vagy a pénzedért, fiú
Úgy érzem, nem tudok bízni senkiben
Szívenütöttél és az egészet vérezve hagytad
Azt gondoltam, szeretsz, tévedtem
Az összes pénzemet elvitted, és megléptél
A legjobb barátommal élni a napban, a napban
Azt mondtad, hogy meglehet mindenünk
Most pedig képeket posztolsz a faladra
Rólad és róla együtt, szórakozva, szórakozva
Ha valami pontatlanságot észleltek, üzenetben vagy kommentben jelezzétek! :)
Bollywood Hawaii
Секогаш кога одиш на мене
Се враќам кај оној кој не можам да го видам
Тој е некој за кого никогаш не сум зборувала
Зашто знам дека двајцата ќе бидеме мртви ако дознаеш ти
Секогаш кога ми кажуваш дека грешам
Едноставно не можам да запаметам како да играм сама
Има нешто што никогаш не сум ти кажала
Не сум од овој свет
Има нешто што држев
Не сум како останатите девојки
Лоха махи кати ане вах лоха махакана мани вах
Ти си тој во моите сонови за кого чекам
Ти си тој во моите сонови за кого чекам
Затоа ако почниш
Да мислиш дека моето светло може да биде суперприродно
И се е добро
Дојдов од место
Кое ти не можеш да го замислиш
Ние кажуваме воа
ох ох
И пееме
Лоха махи кати ане вах лоха махакана мани вах
Ти си тој во моите сонови за кого чекам
Ти си тој во моите сонови за кого чекам
Ми треба твојата љубов, душо
Ми треба твоето сакање
Ми треба твојата љубов, душо
Ми треба твоето сакање
The King
Versions: #2
I know full well that you think I’m an outcast, but the day that I die—I know that you will weep.
(Weep and weep
Weep and weep)
You’ll say that you didn’t love me, but you will be filled with sadness and you’re going to stay like that.
With or without money, I do always what I desire and my word is law.
I don’t have a throne or a queen or anyone that can understand me but, I’m still a king!
Along my path, there was a rock that taught me that my destiny had always been to roll and roll.
(Roll and roll
Roll and roll)
I also saw a mule driver that told me, “It’s not a matter of being first, but a matter of knowing how to arrive.”
With or without money, I do always what I desire and my word is law.
I don’t have a throne or a queen or anyone that can understand me but, I’m still a king!
Ogni volta che hai bisogno di un amico
Se sei solo
E hai bisogno di un amico
E i guai sembrano
Non avere mai fine
Ricordati solo
di mantenere la fede
E l'amore sarà lì
ad illuminare la via
Ogni volta che avrai bisogno di un amico
io sarò qui
Non sarai mai di nuovo solo
Quindi non temere
Anche se sei a miglia di distanza
sarò al tuo fianco
Quindi non sei mai solo
L'amore farà tutto per bene
Quando le ombre si avvicinano
E sei giù di morale
Ricorda solo che
non sei da solo
E l'amore sarà lì
Per guidarti a casa
Ogni volta che avrai bisogno di un amico sarò qui
Non sarai mai di nuovo solo
Quindi non temere
Anche se sei a miglia di distanza
Sono al tuo fianco
Quindi non sei mai solo
L'amore lo farà bene
Se soltanto credi in me
Ti amerò infinitamente
Prendi la mia mano
Portami nel tuo cuore
Ci sarò per sempre, tesoro
Non voglio mollare
Non potrò mai mollare
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
Ngoi Lên Để Thở
Em không mang lại điều gì tốt lành cho anh
Em không phải thứ anh cần
Anh đã nói rất rõ
Dù rằng em không đồng tình
Để anh ra đi
Để anh trôi đi
Vì một khi anh khám phá xong dòng nước rắc rối đó
Em tin rằng có ngày anh sẽ về
Và em vẫn sẽ ở đây thôi
Khi anh ngoi lên để thở
Hãy làm những gì anh cần làm
Em sẽ chờ anh, ngoi lên để thở
Vì trong thế giới rộng lớn này
Không có ai dành cho em cả
Vậy nên trong lúc anh kiếm tìm những câu trả lời trong lòng đại dương
Em vẫn sẽ chờ anh nơi này thôi
Hãy chắc rằng anh lặn thật sâu nhé
Vì nếu anh làm vậy
Kể cả nó có kéo dài cả ngàn đời
Tình yêu à, em biết rằng anh cuối cùng cũng sẽ tìm thấy sự thật, và trở về bên em
Và em vẫn sẽ ở đây thôi
Khi anh ngoi lên để thở
Hãy làm những gì anh cần làm
Em sẽ chờ anh, ngoi lên để thở
Và kể cả khi đây chính là kết thúc
Em chắc chắn rằng em sẽ ở một mình đến khi em chết
Vì không ai khác có thể sánh với anh được
Sẽ thật không công bằng với họ
Để nằm đây với một người mới
Nhưng tất cả những gì em nghĩ đến là anh
Nếu anh là Jack của em, em sẽ là Rose của anh
Và em hứa rằng em sẽ không bao giờ bỏ đi
Và em vẫn sẽ ở đây thôi
Khi anh ngoi lên để thở
Hãy làm những gì anh cần làm
Em sẽ chờ anh, ngoi lên để thở
Ngoi lên để thở
Ngoi lên để thở
Ngoi lên để thở
Ngoi lên để thở
Ngoi lên để thở
Ngoi lên để thở
Ngoi lên để thở
Ngoi lên để thở
Живеј или умри
Живеј или умри
Душо, ти си мојот Bugsy Malone и јас сум твојата самоубиец русокоса
Ти можеш да бидеш моја филмска ѕвезда, а јас твоја Калица на Сајгон
Ако тие мислат дека ние сме добри заедно, душо, само заборави ги
И нека минатото биде минато
Душо, не можам сама, зашто ти си тој што го сакам
Ти можеш да бидеш мој Тони Монтана и јас можам да бидам твоја Pfeiffer, оган
Можам да те одведам повисоко, можам да те загласам на љубов и желба
Здраво, души, можеш да ми бидеш цреша
Знам што направи, можам да бидам твоја алиби
Дали вечерва ќе бидеш мој војник?
Дали ќе бидеме Бони и Клајд?
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Дали ќе бидеш мој љубовник?
Дали ќе бидеме вистинска-љубов самоубијци
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Јас само ќе ги убивам и убивам нив само за забава
Ќе ги убивам и убивам нив, еден по еден
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Дали вечерва ќе бидеш мој војник?
Дали ќе бидеме Бони и Клајд?
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Душо, ти Силвестер Сталон а јас можам да бидам твоја Адриан
Со Thunderlips, те зедов во рингот, само кажете го моето име повторно
Кажете го моето име повторно
Кажете го моето име повторно
Душо, не можам сама, зашто ти си тој што го сакам
Ти можеш да бидеш мој Томи Мотола и јас можам да бидам твоја Мараја, тигрица
Викни погласно, можам да те однесам високо на љубов и желба
Велам Бони и Клајд беа две деца
Толку добри додека се лоши, лоши, лоши
Флертувам со бројачот на одјавување, душо
Ти стави ги парите во ташната
Дали вечерва ќе бидеш мој војник?
Дали ќе бидеме Бони и Клајд?
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Дали ќе бидеш мој љубовник?
Дали ќе бидеме вистинска-љубов самоубијци
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Јас само ќе ги убивам и убивам нив само за забава
Ќе ги убивам и убивам нив, еден по еден
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Дали вечерва ќе бидеш мој војник?
Дали ќе бидеме Бони и Клајд?
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Дали ќе убиеш за мене? Дали ќе умреш за мене?
Стави ги рацете да можам да ги видам
Крени ги во воздух
Дали вечерва ќе бидеш мој војник?
Дали ќе бидеме Бони и Клајд?
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Дали ќе бидеш мој љубовник?
Дали ќе бидеме вистинска-љубов самоубијци
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Јас само ќе ги убивам и убивам нив само за забава
Ќе ги убивам и убивам нив, еден по еден
Тоа е или живеј или умри, дечко, тоа е или живеј или умри
Пиеме коктели и гледаме надолу по немирите
Ми шепотиш ‘‘душо, изгледаш многу убаво вечерва‘‘
Сакам да те зачувам, да те зачувам од надворешниот свет
Знам дека изгледа како ти да си се што сакам и многу повеќе
Но, да ја кажам вистината, имам поминато низ сето ова
Тие кажуваат ‘‘јас ќе те спасам, спасам‘‘ но, никогаш не го направиле тоа
Мислам дека знаеш, сакам да ти верувам
Но, знам со срцето дека ќе те оставам
Тажно е како инстиктот може да те излаже
Или да те разочара
Се што кажуваш ме тера да останам
Но, се што направи ме тера да избегам
И одлучив дека не можам да бидам со тебе
Чекорам низ врата, но уште од сега ми недостигаш
Мислам на тоа како те бакнував
Добивам пеперутки, добивам пеперутки
Одлучив дека сум предобра за тебе
И тогаш те гледам ми се јавуваш, тешко е да те игнорирам
Се обидувам да бидам јака, но те обожавам
Добивам пеперутки, добивам пеперутки
Назад во средно, во дворот, се тепавме
Но, секоја вечер влегуваше низ мојот прозорец
‘‘сакам да те однесам, ќе те однесам во светот надвор‘‘
Па, предпоставувам дека тоа е тоа што го сакав тогаш
(ох, време)
Но, твоите очи беа како постојан педупредувачки знак
(предупредувалки знак)
‘‘Сакама да те однесам, да те однесам‘‘ и не ми пречи
И покрај тоа што не ти верував (не)
Лесно е да гледам низ твојата насмевка
Знам дека мал дел од мене секогаш ќе те бара
Ќе се обиде да те добие (што?), ќе се обиде да те моли
Се што кажуваш ме тера да останам
Но, се што направи ме тера да избегам
И одлучив дека не можам да бидам со тебе
Чекорам низ врата, но уште од сега ми недостигаш
Мислам на тоа како те бакнував
Добивам пеперутки, добивам пеперутки
Одлучив дека сум предобра за тебе
И тогаш те гледам ми се јавуваш, тешко е да те игнорирам
Се обидувам да бидам јака, но те обожавам
Добивам пеперутки, добивам пеперутки
Знам, знам, знам, не сме добри заедно
Не можам да си одам, сигурна сум дека теба да бидеме засекогаш
Гледам наоколу, нема никој над тебе
Мислам знаеш дека секогаш ќе те сакам
Душо, и јас сум лошо, не си само ти
Но, не можам да чекам заекогаш за да ти верувам
Се што кажуваш ме тера да останам
Но, се што направи ме тера да избегам
И одлучив дека не можам да бидам со тебе
Чекорам низ врата, но уште од сега ми недостигаш
Мислам на тоа како те бакнував
Добивам пеперутки, добивам пеперутки
Одлучив дека сум предобра за тебе
И тогаш те гледам ми се јавуваш, тешко е да те игнорирам
Се обидувам да бидам јака, но те обожавам
Добивам пеперутки, добивам пеперутки
Јас сум американската љубовница
Се обидувам да избегам
Правиш срцето да застане, но полесно е замене
Остани, зошто сум толку уплашена
Ми се здосаде од борбите
Душо ние не измамуваме никого овие денови
Не сакам да залутам
Но, многу се плашам
Не е љубовта таа која ме држи тука
И не е тоа што сакаш ти да слушнеш
Па, одам назад во Санта Моника, Њу Јорк до Л.А.
Никогаш не се враќам повторно без разлика што ќе направиш или кажиш
Зашто многу се плашам
Ми се досади со паниката и стравот
Нема ништо во твоето срце
Помислив дека можам да направам промена
Но, многу се плашам
Не е љубовта таа која ме држи тука
Бевме само тинејџери кога се заљубивме
Се возевме во твојот брз автомобил, гледајќи ги ѕвездите горе
Но, не беше доволно
Никогаш не би требало да застанеш исмеѓу жена и сон
И маж кој никогаш не си го знаеше местото
Нема лесен начин да се вратиш таму од каде си дошол
Не е љубовта таа која ме држи тука
И не е тоа што сакаш ти да слушнеш
Па, одам назад во Санта Моника, Њу Јорк до Л.А.
Никогаш не се враќам повторно без разлика што ќе направиш или кажиш
Зашто многу се плашам
Ми се досади со паниката и стравот
Нема ништо во твоето срце
Помислив дека можам да направам промена
Но, многу се плашам
Не е љубов, само страв е
Кој го потискаше сите овие години
Но, си одам сега
Назад во Санта Моника, Њу Јорк до Л.А.
Никогаш не се враќам повторно без разлика што ќе направиш или кажиш
Готово, не се плашам
Ми се досади со паниката и стравот
Нема ништо во твоето срце
Помислив дека можам да направам промена
Но, многу се плашам
Не е љубовта таа која ме држи тука
Готово, не се плашам
Готово, не се плашам
Duister paradijs
Versions: #2
Mijn vrienden zeggen dat ik verder moet gaan
Ik lig in de oceaan jouw liedje te zingen
Ah! zo zing jij het dus
Het kan niet verkeerd zijn om altijd van je te houden
Ik ga niet verder, ook al ben je niet hier
Ah! zo speelden wij het dus
Er is niets opgewassen tegen de herinnering van gezichten
Het blijft als een deuntje door m'n hoofd spoken
Je ziel kwelt me en zegt
Dat alles in orde is
Maar ik wou dat ik dood was
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Ik ben bang dat jij niet zult wachten aan de andere kant
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Ik ben bang dat jij niet zult wachten aan de andere kant
Mijn vrienden vragen waarom ik me ferm houd
Ik zeg dat het verder gaat wanneer je ware liefde vindt
Ah, daarom blijf ik hier
Er is niets opgewassen tegen de herinnering van gezichten
Het blijft als een deuntje door m'n hoofd spoken
Je ziel kwelt me en zegt
Dat alles in orde is
Maar ik wou dat ik dood was
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Ik ben bang dat jij niet zult wachten aan de andere kant
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Maar jij bent er net, behalve vannacht in mijn dromen
O o o , ha ha ha
Ik wil hier vannacht niet uit wakker worden
O o o o , ha ha ha ha
Ik wil hier vannacht niet uit wakker worden
Er is geen soelaas, ik zie jou in mijn slaap
En iedereen jaagt me op, maar ik voel hoe jij me aanraakt
Er is geen soelaas, ik voel hoe jij mij in mijn dromen
Zegt dat het met mij in orde is
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Ik ben bang dat jij niet zult wachten aan de andere kant
Iedere keer als ik de ogen sluit
Is het als een duister paradijs
Niemand is met jou te vergelijken
Maar jij bent er net, behalve vannacht in mijn dromen
O o o , ha ha ha
Ik wil hier vannacht niet uit wakker worden
O o o o , ha ha ha ha
Ik wil hier vannacht niet uit wakker worden
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!
Nỗi Buồn Mùa Hạ
Hãy trao em một hụ hôn nồng cháy trước khi anh ra đi
Nỗi buồn mùa hạ ơi
Em chỉ muốn anh biết rằng
Rằng, anh yêu, anh là người tuyệt nhất
Vận lên chiếc váy đỏ, em đi vào màn đêm
Nhảy múa trong bóng tối cùng ánh trăng mờ ảo
Cuốn mái tóc lên thật to, như một nữ hoàng sắc đẹp
Cởi giày ra, em như được hồi sinh
Ôi, trời ơi, em cảm thấy nó ở mọi nơi
Đường dây điện chằng chéo như mạng nhện
Anh yêu, em đang rực cháy, em cảm thấy nó ở mọi nơi
Chẳng còn gì có thể làm em sợ hãi được nữa
Hãy trao em một hụ hôn nồng cháy trước khi anh ra đi
Nỗi buồn mùa hạ ơi
Em chỉ muốn anh biết rằng
Rằng, anh yêu, anh là người tuyệt nhất
Em có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Oh, oh-o, o-o-oh
Em cảm thấy thật rạo rực, đêm nay
Chạy xe dọc bờ biển, khoảng 99 cây/ giờ
Có người tình xấu xa ở bên thiên đường của em
Nếu có phải chết, em biết rằng em sẽ chết một cách hạnh phúc vào đêm nay
Ôi, trời ơi, em cảm thấy nó ở mọi nơi
Đường dây điện chằng chéo như mạng nhện
Anh yêu, em đang rực cháy, em cảm thấy nó ở mọi nơi
Chẳng còn gì có thể làm em sợ hãi được nữa
Hãy trao em một hụ hôn nồng cháy trước khi anh ra đi
Nỗi buồn mùa hạ ơi
Em chỉ muốn anh biết rằng
Rằng, anh yêu, anh là người tuyệt nhất
Em có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Oh, oh-o, o-o-oh
Em nghĩ rằng em sẽ nhớ anh đến vĩnh hằng
Như những vì tinh tú nhớ thương mặt trời trên bầu trời buổi sớm mai
Trễ còn hơn không
Kể cả khi anh đi rồi, em vẫn sẽ chạy, chạy
Em có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Oh, oh-o, o-o-oh
Hãy trao em một hụ hôn nồng cháy trước khi anh ra đi
Nỗi buồn mùa hạ ơi
Em chỉ muốn anh biết rằng
Rằng, anh yêu, anh là người tuyệt nhất
Em có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Có một nỗi buồn, một nỗi buồn mùa hạ
Oh, oh-o, o-o-oh