Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 404


The King Who Arose Early

The king who arose early
to the queen's quarters went.
The queen's hair was loose
as she gazed at her beauty.
The king in playful mood
squeezed the queen's hand.
Stay, stay, Anderlino,
you my first love.
Two sons by the king I have,
your two make four.
The king's sons eat separately,
and yours at my side,
The king's sons shoot arrows
and yours golden darts,
The king's sons wear silk,
yours pearls and brocade.
The king's son ride on mules,
yours ride on horses,
As she turned her face to him,
the king she saw there.
Forgive me, forgive me,
Sire I must have been dreaming.
Early tomorrow as soon as day breaks,
you and your first love
a red rope will wear.

The King sent for you

David summoned Siba and asked him:
Is there anyone from Saul’s household whom I can help?
I was remembering the covenant I made with my friend Jonathan,
And I want to show mercy honoring our friendship.
Siba replied:
Ah! There’s one, my lord, Who lives in Lodebar, Land of sadness and pain,
where wickedness reigns, misery is a reality.
It’s a land with no dreams, a dreaded place.
David asks Siba:
Tell me more about this man, Please tell me his name.
My lord, his name is Mephiboset, but he cannot walk,
He’s handicapped, he can’t even drag himself.
Send for this man, because I want to speak with him.
Tell Mephiboset that the King sent for him.
(And looking into his eyes he told him):
What belonged to you, I’ll give it back to you. I’ll restore what life stole from you.
The last in Saul’s household will no longer be the one whom no one gives value.
You’ll live in the King’s house,
you’ll eat at the King’s table,
You’ll wear the King’s clothes,
you’ll sit beside the King.
You will no longer live in misery,
you’ll say goodbye to Lodebar.
Your life will never be the same.
The King sent for you.

Életet adsz

Hé, bébi, mi történik? Hogy megy a sorod?
Meg tudjuk csinálni, bébi, én és te
(Én és te, én és te, én és te, én és te)
Ez nem igazán volt, nem igazán
Ez nem igazán volt sok egyáltalán
Nem igazán volt
Szóval, nyár van, bor csobbanása
ÉS felejtsd el
Ha annyira hajlamos vagy, akkor gyerünk utazzunk ma este
Így aztán talán, amikor a csillagok feljönnek
Helyrehozzuk a gondolatainkat egy másik tangensen
És ez körülbelül lehetetlen, hogy felülmúljuk ezt mind
Életet adsz és ez minden
Arra gondolok, mikor 17 évesek voltunk
Úgy érzem magam, mintha Jeane Norma lennék
Itt a karjaimban kellene lenned
Ez nem igazán volt, nem igazán ez nem igazán volt sok
Nem igazán volt sok
Nem igazán, nem igazán
Nem igazán volt sok egyáltalán
Ó, a filozófiám
Nem igazán vonatkozik rád és rám
De nem fogom túl sokat gondolni
Szóval gyere és érezd az érintésem
Nem is volt olyan sok
Csak egy kis érzékenység, igen, ez minden
Itt, a szívemben kellene lenned
Ó, neked
Életet adsz és ez minden
Arra gondolok, mikor 17 évesek voltunk
Úgy élni, mint Babs mert ez örökzöld
Itt, a karjaimban kellene lenned
Ez egyáltalán nem igazán volt, nem igazán volt sok
Nem igazán volt sok egyáltalán (igazán nem volt)
Nem igazán volt, nem igazán volt (A Ruler)
Nem igazán volt sok egyáltalán
Mi van? Csitt, elrepültek
Egy kérdés: miért mentél el? Az én összezavart szemem volt? Miért?
Visszaemlékezés, wannabe, há?
Látod, az első csajtól követő bárányka lettél
Clark Wallabees (bíp, bíp)
Menő, méz csöpög, egy kevés idő eltelik
Emlékszel a versekre?
A homlokod jobban néztek ki, mint az enyém
Ecstasy volt, dobogás a BM-ben
Bolondozott velem, és az jóval megviseltebb köpenyek voltak, és a bőr ad nekem életet
Életet ad és ez minden (Mariah Carey)
Arra gondolok, mikor 17 évesek voltunk
Úgy érzem magam, hogy én vagyok Jeane Norma (LA,la la-la)
Itt, a karjaimban kellene lenned (Kellene lenned)
Ó, életet adsz nekem
ÉS ez minden (minden)
Arra gondolok, mikor 17évesek voltunk
(Arra gondolok, amikor azok voltunk)
Úgy élni, mint Babs, mert ez örökzöld (Mert ez örökzöld)
Itt, a kezeimben kellene lenned
Ó, életet adsz nekem és ez minden
(Nem volt igazán, nem volt igazán)
Arra gondolok, amikor 17 évesek voltunk
(Rávettél, hogy arra gondoljak, amikor azok voltunk, igen, igen)
(Egyáltalán nem volt sok)
Úgy érzem magam, hogy én vagyok Jeane Norma
(Azt mondtam, úgy érzem magam, az vagyok)
(Nem volt igazán, nem volt igazán)
Itt, a karjaimban kellene lenned (Itt, a karjaimban)
(Egyáltalán nem volt sok)
Életet adsz, és ez minden
Egy kő horony volt, én emberem
Te vagy a legtisztességesebb
Igen, így van, csak jussunk ki innen a faszba
(Jussunk ki innen, jussunk ki innen
Jussunk ki innen, jussunk ki innen a faszba)
Ó, ó, ó-ó, ó
Életet adsz, és ez minden (Életet adsz)
Életet adsz, da-da-da, igen, (Igen, adsz, életet adsz)
Életet adsz és ez minden (Egyáltalán nem volt sok, egyáltalán)
(Életet adsz)
Életet adsz és ez minden (Nem volt igazán, nem volt igazán)
Életet adsz, és ez minden
Életet adsz, és ez minden
Életet adsz, és ez minden
Életet adsz, és ez minden
Váó, váó-váó
Életet adsz, és ez minden
Ó, Életet adsz, és ez minden

Wish I loved you only for this

birds are migrating together
wish I loved you only for this
I have nothing else than the street flowing by
wish I loved you only for this
when I had seen you that close
wish I loved you only for this
resembling each other after buzzing buses
wish I loved you only for this
we sit together with the screenwriter woman
wish I loved you only for this
your voice becomes deeper in your good moments
wish I loved you only for this
I looked at, the footsteps put the earth in order
wish I loved you only for this
a bunch of people sitting at doorways
wish I loved you only for this
fazıl hüsnü says, what does fazil hüsnü say?
wish I loved you only for this
the decor of our play is a paper tissue
wish I loved you only for this
and an incomplete silver box on the console
wish I loved you only for this
you were far away, there on the other continent
wish I loved you only for this
there is a secondary gleam in your eyes
wish I loved you only for this
I have found a short poem titled 'prophecy'
wish I loved you only for this
we walk in a failed exam-silence
wish I loved you only for this
we ordered two teas there, one of them light,
wish I loved you only for this
there was a faraway look of yours at the cafeteria
wish I loved you only for this
there is something, but I can say it only by the bushes
wish I loved you only for this
the moment, the fountain of the eternity
wish I loved you only for this

ver.Sou Harehare YA ハレハレヤ (English Lyrics)

As I get lost in the city at night, I take an impure and random stroll
Where did you come from? How shabby
Hey, come over here and I’ll warm you up
Up until now, we’ve kept at it, right?
Why don’t we take a break around here?
Why don’t we have a nice, slow chat?
For now, this night gives me peace of mind
The snow erased our footprints and my voice was terribly pained
It’s dry and parched
In the distance, a fox cries out, seeming as if it were searching for us
I softly held my breath
Let’s keep on going, just like this
Inside of the freezing snow, I let out a certainly feverish breath (and it) scorched my voice
The flames of the purification ceremony burned and burned
Come, cross over the hedge on the very edge
I want to know more about you, but the words won’t come out
Before I knew it, the snow became rain
Right before the dawn, you quickly went away from here
Even though I was crying so much, they overflowed and spilled out
“Thanks for everything up till now” –Don’t say that, don’t leave me
Surely, I can’t go home
as it is
as it is
Even if someday we were to meet each other in a dream,
surely, I can’t reach to you
I’m here, I’m right here,
simply waiting for your return while I soak my sleeves
Come, cross over to the banquet in full swing
Shall we try to live even now?
The flames of the purification ceremony and the blaze of it were getting wet in the downpour of rain
I wonder, are you looking at the clear and sunny light of dawn?

O sky sky

This is a sacred thread. This is essential for my long life. I tie this around your neck, O maiden having many auspicious attributes may you live happily for a hundred years.
O sky sky sky
I'm your cloud
O sky sky sky
I'm your cloud
I want you nearby me and nearby my eyes
I should be with you even underground
The love which could not be explained
The attachments which cannot be expressed in words
A desire which couldn't be dreamed
I feel on you..
You are my wife, I'm your other half
You are my wife, I'm your other half
O sky sky sky
I'm your cloud
O my sweety,
I'm in a situation like an ant
which fell inside a fruit juice vessel
in front of your eyes,
O flower, I don't like to separate from you
It's a miracle! O love,
I don't have anything in my mind apart from your face
and from birth whatever I knew I forgot
This is a life even soldiers haven't lived..
Just thinking about that, it yearns for it
The rain is drizzling
Just the rain smell is enough
The sky over the floor is enough
If I leave you even for a second,
my life breath will also leave
You are my...Hmmm mm mm
wife...Hmm mm
I'm your..Hmm mm mm
other half
You are my wife, I'm your other half
O sky sky sky
I'm your cloud
O sky sky sky
I'm your cloud
I want you nearby me and nearby my eyes
I should be with you even underground
The love which could not be explained
The attachments which cannot be expressed in words
A desire which couldn't be dreamed
I feel on you..
You are my wife, I'm your other half
O sky...

谿壑の欲 (Keigaku no Yoku) [Insatiable desire]

A morning which is calmer than usual
It's come to a lazy halt
Opening my eyes
In the middle of an obvious bright red pool of blood
The righteous face which smiles as it says it can't forgive
Young memories
Are its eyes cold?
The righteous face which weeps as it says it can't forgive
Young memories
Are its eyes wild?
Am I too broken?
Where shall I fall
From endless starvation
Worthless hesitation
Infecting someone, singing that song
It was too bad, prepare your funeral clothes
Opening my eyes
In the middle of an obvious bright red pool of blood
The righteous face which smiles as it says it can't forgive
Young memories
Are its eyes cold?
The righteous face which weeps as it says it can't forgive
Young memories
Are its eyes wild?
Not trying to meet its gaze
Is that how much you want to deceive?
That righteous person, who wishes for them?
And who says this next: 「」


Facing emotions vomited in anger and destruction
The meaning is...the meaning is...the meaning is...
The fury of others captured in a note
That which is traced starting with the curves
Is essentially the scream of a brief paper maché
A future which seems fun
Facing emotions vomited in anger and destruction
The meaning in howling obediently
Where is the meaning in howling obediently?
The answer based on justice
The fury of others captured in a note
That which is traced starting with the curves
Is essentially the scream of a brief paper maché
A future which seems fun
You say I can still make it?
I doubt it
Not in this world
The meaning in howling obediently
Where is the meaning in howling obediently?
That's not an answer
Borne from justice
The meaning in howling obediently
Where is the meaning in howling obediently?
The meaning borne of justice
The meaning is... the meaning is... the meaning is...

Values of Madness

Living is the worst
While thinking like that
I cannot love myself
Just by imagining it, I want to throw up
Pretending to be like all of you
Worthlessly seeing value in that cheap friendship
What I want to break beyond recognition
Is this world, and myself
Now who can't understand each other?
What doesn't have value is... this entire world
Go mad
I cannot love myself
What I can't throw away yet is
That someone will find me
The feeling that I want to believe that
Is off dreaming somewhere
A miserable life
While crawling about like that
Declaring an undying shame to be alive
What I want to break beyond recognition
Is this world, and myself
Now who can't understand each other?
What doesn't have value is... this entire world
Go mad
I cannot
Go mad
Chase it until you die
Go mad
I cannot
Stay on target
What I can't throw away yet is
That someone will find me
The feeling that I want to believe that
Is off dreaming somewhere
What color did you see as I bled?
The kind gaze disappears, without so much as a goodbye
Living is the worst
While thinking like that
I cannot love myself


The song I hate is playing
Without even noticing it
The song kills the words like a lie
Just then, I notice
My heart
Pretending not to notice from the start that
I lived a repressed life not so that
I could live well
Oh spring, like a dream
By the fear of losing people
Before I knew it, I was deceived
Like someone else
Just then, I notice
My heart
This alluring path
Pretending not to notice from the start that
I lived a repressed life not so that
I could live well
Oh spring, like a dream
Not so that I could hate, right? Will I laugh for someone today, too?
Scream and live, I am alive

絶縁体 (Zetsuentai) [Insulator]

Measuring happiness by comparison
Hiding oneself to fit in well
Don't go, oh intolerable song
You laugh today, too
Will it be audible next year too?
What will the scream sound like?
A laughable life? That's up to you
Don't go, oh intolerable song
Someone cries today, too
Everyone obtains happiness
and even love
By deceiving each other
Doesn't matter who it is, I want them by my side, I don't need anything
What is this time to you?
Broken endlessly without reason
Without it being anyone's fault
「Living, no more or less」
Are you telling me, who can't even be allowed to do that,
To find value for myself?
Because those people just steal
And I've realised that their world is all worthless
You mean to say that makes it better?
「Believing, no more or less」
Burning blood
If you don't see the world, you can be yourself
Everyone obtains happiness
and even love
By deceiving each other
Because if I try believing
Things will be better?
If the song will be rewarded, then
I can live being slandered
I am me
Selling loneliness without value
「Living, no more or less」
Are you telling me, who can't even be allowed to do that,
To find value for myself?
Because those people just steal
And I've realised that their world is all worthless
You mean to say that makes it better?

軽蔑と始まり (Keibetsu to Hajimari) [Slander and Beginnings]

I don't have anything
Besides living this way
So I don't think Im pathetic
That's all of you thinking that
This isn't for you
Laugh and look down on me
With the same old words
Which endlessly flowed
I grew tired of life
and fascinated with death
That is persecution
This isn't for you
Laugh and look down on me
Oh successful ones who could find themselves
Laugh and look down on me
I don't care even if I die
So celebrate the wounds
I don't care even if I die
I don't have anything
Besides living this way
That is persecution
Which are you?
Ah me, why do I hesitate?
Uncommon sense of a parasite
Paradise of fear, a dive of death
Uncommon sense of a parasite
More than anything
I want my value more than anything
I don't care even if I die
So celebrate the wounds
I don't care even if I die
I don't care even if I die
So celebrate the wounds
I don't care even if I die

人間を被る (Ningen wo kaburu) [Wearing Human Skin]

Stitching together the pieces of the wound
A lump of hatred has now been made
The worst of the worst quality, right?
Who can that be?
The slutty full-blown suicide
A cutting message has now been made
The worst greatest quality, right?
That’s why now…
Blessing to lose heart
The untarnishable happiness
It doesn’t matter who’s right
Whose rule do you live by?
Who will you live for?
Who would you live for?
The 30cm blade of reality
Peeks out from the hood
You with the dreams, die
Sounds right, no?
Reverberation Twelve
Blessing to lose heart
The untarnishable happiness
It doesn’t matter who’s right
Whose rule do you live by?
Who will you live for?
Who would you live for?
Why am I living?
I don’t care if I never wake up
Blessing to lose heart
…more meaning to live on

詩踏み (Utafumi) [Poetry Trampling]

I am alone
A lonely death is all that’s left
I’m back stabbed easily
The view worth risking my life, is it now dwelling in the eyes?
The meaningless hesitation marks
And my soul that’s been empty for more than 10 years ha ha
Those scumbags talking bullshit
They’re like pet dogs, unable to break free from the chains
Almost like a complete stranger
I’m a monster with the same face
Loneliness was the only thing that was loved
We will not give up
From freedom with form suicide
The answer everyone believes may not necessarily be the correct one
The world of noise. What do you desire?
Just ask the future you came to realize
If I could love the bottom of my heart, it would then be somewhat comforting
We could’ve just smiled at each other without having to face this world
Come on
Those successful big shots
They’re always swarming around me
I don’t want to hear voices from anyone
I’ve had enough, should I try to find the purpose to live and carve THE FINAL on my arm?
Envy, love, freedom, they all turn into shit

Devote My Life

It's not your fault that I want to die
I'm regretting that I was ever born
Being born was already a mistake
to die in
Oh father, mother, please forgive me
Loved you
I want my value, I want my value in living
How cruel my words and actions must be
to these two people?
Surely, more than to myself
to die in
Oh father, mother, please forgive me
I want my value, I want my value in living
You are cruel

Celebrate Empty Howls

With a panicked face, dodging their gaze
An unbelievable expression
Smile in spite of that
Can you do it?
Does it begin with comparison?
That's right
Comparison with all of you
Who are like that is in itself a mistake
Repressing even your way of belief...
Just howling emptily
Where is my answer?
Are those who are crowded out just deformed children?
That's how they look, right?
That's right
Comparison with all of you
Who are like that is in itself a mistake
Why is it that we are painted over and destroyed
With the deranged changes of generations?
Even if you love or are loved
Everyone is defiled the same
That's right
Comparison with all of you
Who are like that is in itself a mistake
Repressing even your way of belief...
Just howling emptily
Does it feel empty because I'm living in a different world to you?
It feels empty because I see a different world to you
Neither are the solution so
Both may as well die

Rubbish Heap

The things I am born with
Are different to all of yours
Maybe this isn't for anyone
Maybe tomorrow will bring a bright future
Want to live, want to live, you want to live don't you?
Why do you want to live so much?
Everything I see should rot
Died for someone
That wasn't any of you
They are surely justice
Want to live, want to live, you want to live don't you?
Why do you want to live so much?
Raise your fist
Howl and live covered in shit
Laughter wells up
3, 2, 1, countdown
Live with me
You all cry big tears
Pretending to listen
I salute you
We shall meet again
Please do your best until then
This value which is crumbling
I know it cannot not save anyone
Unceasing blood and tears
I hope one day that love will wipe them clean
I want it

赫 (Aka) [Red]

In among suffering, starving for love
There's a world where even I can live a proud life?
Oh spring, please take me
Casting distant eyes to the red sky above my head
It's too vast, days of weeping wounds amassing
Oh spring, please take me
When I make it bloom,
Even I am forgiven, as I have one beautiful thing
I don't know love
I don't even know love
Will love protect me?
Meaning in the rope hanging from my ceiling
In among bitterness, starving for love
There's a world where even I can live a proud life?
Oh spring, please take me
When I make it bloom,
Even I am forgiven, as I have one beautiful thing
I don't know love
I don't even know love
Will love protect me?
Unchanging from that time

激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 (Hageshisa To, Kono Mune No Naka De Karamitsuita Shakunetsu No Yami) [The violence and the darkness of the burning heat entwines in my heart]

The violence and the scorching darkness entangled within my heart
mingle with the unwavering tomorrow
Expose yourself
The hazy sky gathers close unleashes an abundance of rain
in a gushing downpour towards a future Suicide
Buried At Sea
Nurture your nature bow to corruption
Salute the slyness in breeding
A positive mindset and feelings of love
become fading pleasures Suicide
Don't care about how you look
The season of anxiety
The season of spring comes like the phantom killer
The bunny that tells lies find it's way
The bright-red garden and the decaying of ashes
It covers itself in pure white
Reaching out for another, regretting until death...
Repeating again and again...
The violence and the scorching darkness entangled within my heart
mingle with the unwavering tomorrow
The other side of death (x6)
The hazy sky gathers close unleashes an abundance of rain
in a gushing downpour towards a future Suicide
Buried At Sea
Nurture your nature bow to corruption
The worst existence
Dive like hell and destroy
The season of anxiety
The season of spring comes like the phantom killer
The bunny that tells lies find it's way
The bright-red garden and the decaying of ashes
It covers itself in pure white
Reaching out for another, regretting until death...
Repeating again and again...
The violence and the scorching darkness entangled within my heart
mingle with the unwavering tomorrow
The other side of death (x6)
Show me your lewd self (x4)

鱗 (Uroko) [Fish Scales]

You say, eyes averted, wrist awakened
「I'm being reborn」
Mysteriously until the remains are pulled
Intertwining with the caterpillar
Underneath the sofa of the claw foot table the sphinx hides
It peers in the displayed tattoo
Gently the claw digs into short tail fin butter is lathered upon
I choose the wording in order to tame you
The chandelier shines for your sake alone
Touching the stale fish scale
You say, eyes averted, wrist awakened
「I'm being reborn」
Mysteriously until the remains are pulled
Intertwining with the caterpillar
Gently the claw digs into short tail fin butter is lathered upon
Swaying it gets enchanted
Fluttering it struggles, getting robbed of its beauty
I choose the wording in order to tame you
The chandelier shines for your sake alone
Touching the stale fish scale

Az ezüstszürke ég alatt

Az őrület romjain
A lehetőség szelleme
Új remény születik minden tragédiából
És a világ, látom lecsupaszodni
Egy misztérium vár a kinyilatkoztatásra
És nem tudod, hogy
minden felhő rejt magában vigaszt?
Hívhatsz álmodozónak
Hívhatsz bolondnak
Csak vakon hiszek benned
A zavarodottság korában
Könnyek és kétségbeesés
Had mutassam meg neked a jólét vízióját
Ebben a nagyszerű illúzióban
Mélyen elrejtjük szerény szándékainkat
Hiszen nem tudod, hogy
minden felhő rejt magában vigaszt?
Hívhatsz álmodozónak
Hívhatsz bolondnak
Csak vakon hiszek benned
De ezért a valakiért meghalnék
Egy pillanat alatt
Szóval mondd meg... kérlek mondd meg
Miféle bolond vagyok én?
Mikor a félelmeimtől fulladozom
A bánat sötétségében
Ott a kegyelem ígérete
Az ezüstszürke ég alatt
És félszárítom s könnyeimet
A napfény pászmáinál
A vágyott képet egy csók pecsételi meg
Tán hívj álmodozónak
Hívj bolondnak
Csak vakon hiszek benned
De ezért a valakiért meghalnék
Egy pillanat alatt
Szóval mondd meg... kérlek mondd meg
Miféle bolond vagyok én?
Tán hívj álmodozónak
Hívj bolondnak
Csak vakon hiszek benned
De ezért a valakiért meghalnék
Egy pillanat alatt
Szóval mondd meg... kérlek mondd meg
Miféle bolond vagyok én?
Miféle bolond vagyok?

Üss és fuss

Versions: #2
Hollywood és New York, Nagy Uraság
És itt vagyok én
A színpad kis királynője, igen
Ő egy Isten,
Egy a csillagok közül, Teremtőnek hívják.
Üdvözöld az ipar játékosainak királyát.
Vedd le az üzleti nyakkendőd.
Ülj az öledben az interjúmhoz.
Üss és fuss.
Gyerünk üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.
Kicsim, üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.
Vegyél fel a fehér Lamborghinidbe.
London város,
Te vigyázol,
Míg én éneklek.
Elbűvölő a színpadon,
Fiú, higgy nekem,
Tartsd vissza a csajod,
Semmi versengés.
Szemezni veled a szobán át,
Míg te engem nézel,
Ahogy én téged nézlek.
Üss és fuss.
Gyerünk üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.
Kicsim, üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.
Te és én,
Egy kis muris,
Mindegyik engedelmeskedik hé,
Lennék a szolgád.
Üss és fuss,
Kicsim, üss és fuss,
Üss és fuss,
Üss és fuss.
Oh oh oh,
Tudod ez a világ hitvány.
Semmi sincs ingyen,
Ez pénz és technológia.
Ketten halálosak lennénk.
Tudod ez a világ hitvány.
Semmi sincs ingyen,
Ez pénz és technológia.
Ketten halálosak lennénk.
Üss és fuss.
Gyerünk, üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.
Kicsim, üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.
Te és én,
Egy kis muris,
Mindegyik engedelmeskedik hé,
Lennék a szolgád.
Üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.
Üss és fuss.


Versions: #2
Minden, amit akarok az mind meg van:
Pénz, hírhedtség és rivérák.
Én még azt hittem, hogy megtaláltam Istent
A csinos kamerák friss izzóiban
Csinos kamerák, csinos kamerák,
Elbűvölő vagyok? Mondd meg, hogy elbűvölő vagyok-e?
Helló? Helló?
H-hallassz engem?
Lehetek a kínai babád
Ha akarsz látni esni.
Fiú, te nagyon menő vagy,
A szerelmed halálos.
Mondd, hogy az élet szép,
Ők mind azt gondolják, hogy meg van mindenem.
Semmim sincs nélküled.
Minden álmom és minden fény
Semmi nélküled.
A nyár szép és forró,
És az életem édes, mint a vanília.
Arany és ezüst vonalazza a szívem
De be éget az agyamba azok az elopott képek,
Elopott képek, kicsim, elopott képek.
El tudod képzelni?
Kicsim, az életet, amit élhetnénk?
Helló? Helló?
H-hallassz engem?
Lehetek a kínai babád
Ha akarsz látni esni.
Fiú, te nagyon menő vagy,
A szerelmed halálos.
Mondd, hogy az élet szép,
Ők mind azt gondolják, hogy meg van mindenem.
Semmim sincs nélküled.
Minden álmom és minden fény
Semmi nélküled.
Két gyerek voltunk, csak próbáltunk elhúzni,
Amerikai álom sötét oldalán élünk.
Táncolnánk egész éjjel, játszani a zenénket hangosan,
Amikor felnőttünk, semmi sem volt az aminek látszott.
Helló? Helló?
H-hallassz engem?
Lehetek a kínai babád
Ha akarsz látni esni.
Fiú, te nagyon menő vagy,
A szerelmed halálos.
Mondd, hogy az élet szép,
Ők mind azt gondolják, hogy meg van mindenem
Semmim sincs nélküled.
Minden álmom és minden fény
Semmi nélküled.
Helló? Helló?
H-hallassz engem?
Lehetek a kínai babád
Ha akarsz látni esni.
Fiú, te nagyon menő vagy,
A szerelmed halálos.
Mondd, hogy az élet szép,
Ők mind azt gondolják, hogy meg van mindenem.
Semmim sincs nélküled.
Minden álmom és minden fény
Semmi nélküled.
Minden álmom és minden fény
Semmi, ha nem vagy az enyém.

Nyugati part

Versions: #2
[1. versszak]
Lent a nyugati parton, van egy mondás
'Ha nem iszol, akkor nem szórakozoll'
De megvan a zene
Megvan a zene benned, nem de?
Lent a nyugati parton, elkap ez az érzés
Mintha bármi megtörténhetne, ezért elhagylak
Téged a pillanatért
Téged a pillanatért, szomorú fiú, igen téged
Magasan szárnyalsz a műsorban, forrónak érzem az érintésed
Azt mondod én fogok hiányozni a legjobban, majd aztán mondom, hogy nekem te jobban fogsz hiányozni
De valami nagy csendben tart, élek és felhevülök
A szerelmed, a szerelmed, a szerelemed
Látom a kicsim libegni
A parlamentje ég és a kezei fent vannak
A teraszon és én éneklem
Ó, kicsim, ó, kicsim, szerelmes vagyok
Látom s szép fiúm lebegni
Őrült és kubai, mint én, szerelmem
A teraszon és én mondom
Menj kicsim, menj kicsim, szerelmes vagyok
[2. versszak]
Lent a nyugati parton, megvannak a bálványaik
Az ezüst csillagaik, a semmi királynőik
És megvan a zene, megvan a zene benned, nem de?
Nagyon keményen nyomod, én elhúzom, forróbbnak érzem magam, mint a tűz
Azt hiszem eddig soha senki nem repített ilyen magasra
Vágyom rád, drágám, te vagy az a fiú, akire vágyom
A szerelmed, a szerelmed, a szerelmed
[Refrén 2x]


Versions: #2
Mindketten tudjuk, hogy nem divatos engem szeretni
De te nem mész el, mert neked igazán nincs senkid, csak én
Hajókázhatunk a blues-ig
Wilshire körút, ha választjuk
Vagy bármit, amit akarsz csinálni
Mi írjuk a szabályokat
A nászútunk
A nászútunk
A nászútunk
Mondd, hogy akarsz engem
Mondd, hogy akarsz engem
Sötét kék
Sötét kék
Mindketten tudjuk az erőszak történelmét,
Ami körülvesz téged
De én nem félek,
Nincs mit veszítenem már, hogy megtaláltalak
És hajókázhatunk a hírekig
Pico körút a használt kis bullet kocsidban, ha választjuk
Mr. Veszíteni születtem
A nászútunk
A nászútunk
A nászútunk
Mondd, hogy akarsz engem
Mondd, hogy akarsz engem
Sötét kék
Sötét kék
Ibolyák vannak a szemeidben
Pisztolyok, amelyek lángolnak körülötted
Rózsák a combjaim között és tűz, ami körülvesz téged
Nincs semmi csoda minden férfi a városban
Nem harcolt a nem megtalálásodért
Minden, amit csinálsz az nehezen megfogható, is,
Még a méz csepped
A nászútunk
A nászútunk
A nászútunk
Álmodozz el az életedtől
Álmodozz el az életedtől
Álmodozz el az életedtől

The king of the house

The king of the house was born this morning
fathers and sisters sing of joy
a little boy to honor
the noble surname of the father.
When he aged two his dad gave him
a toy gun, an electric train
but he likes more to play with toy kitchens
and the dad gets scared and says, this kid came out queer
When he aged eight he was slapped
because by watching Pinocchio the fool cried
and they emphasized him well,
that crying is reserved for women.
And once embroidering happy in a canvas
he's discovered by his mother and pegged
he shocks his father for leaving his hair long
and he gets spanked, punished without dinner... and called girl
They force him to do military service
the poor will clean toilets everyday
the discipline will transform him
into a man with military uniform
He returns from the service without a change
the unnaturalized son drives his dad crazy
he's kicked out of the house without money nor food
and he goes whistling to face life
Finally he found, the perfect match
she's a male engineer, both clean the dishes
he's a professor of greek and latin
both take care of the house and the garden
Oh my dear, I love you so much
you're braver than the very Espartero
Boys and girls come out of this union
Everyone laugh, everyone cry
Everyone cook, everyone embroider
everyone study music
at the public school
Everyone gets covered with colors,
everyone make flowers bouquets
Everyone rule the machines
and Maths
Everyone laugh, everyone cry
Everyone cook, everyone embroider
Everyone shout, everyone sing
Everyone run, everyone jump
To the sun heads over heels
Everyone climb the trees
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Can't take that away from me

They can say,
Anything they want to say,
Try to bring me down,
But I will not allow
Anyone to succeed
Hanging clouds over me
And they can try
Hard to make me feel that I
Don't matter at all,
But I refuse to falter
In what I believe,
Or lose faith in my dreams
'Cause there's,
There's a light in me
That shines brightly,
They can try
But they can't take that away from me,
From me
No, no, no
Oh they, they can do
Anything they want to you
If you let them in,
But they won't ever win
If you cling to your pride
And just push them aside
See I, I have learned
There's an inner peace I own,
Something in my soul
That they can not possess,
So I won't be afraid
And the darkness will fade
'Cause there's,
There's a light in me
That shines brightly,
Yes, they can try,
But they can't take that away from me
They can't take this
Precious love I'll always have inside me,
Certainly the Lord will guide me where I need to go
They can say
Anything they want to say,
Try to break me down,
But I won't face the ground,
I will rise steadily
Sailing out of their reach
Oh Lord, they do try
Hard to make me feel that I
Don't matter at all,
But I'll refuse to falter
In what I believe,
Or lose faith in my dreams
'Cause there's a light in me,
That shines brightly,
They can try, but they can't take that away from me, from me
No, no, no

The King and Me

There was once a great king
Who had many lands, a castle
And a love too
But the whims of this love
left him with time, without castle and without land
Today the King can't be happy
Because he has neither castle nor love
Today the King can't be happy
Because he doesn't already have his love
I was happy with you too
I gave you my love and my money
And today the poor and I only cry for you
(Repeat the whole song)
Chorus (× 2)


Remember me wherever you go,memory
When you go to the other side of the earth, remember me
Remember me wherever you go,memory
When you go to the other side of the world, remember me
Beside every anemone flower wherever you saw a lover
Remember me...remember me...
Wherever a voice was tired, wherever a heart was broken
Wherever there was someone sitting by the road waiting...
Wherever someone could not breathe, did not have any opportunity
Wherever you saw a bird has no home but a cage
Remember me...remember me...remember me...
Remember me wherever you go,memory
When you go to the other side of the world, remember me
Beside every anemone flower wherever you saw a lover
Remember me...remember me...

Bársonyos feszítővas

A függőségemmé váltál, de nem tudtam róla
Függtél az alkoholtól,
De nem mutattad ki, huh
Az élet egy bársonyos feszítővas
Megüt a fejed felett
Vérzel, de többet akarsz
Ez annyira olyan, mint te, azt mondtam:
'Feküdj vissza az ágyba'
Olyan vagy nekem, mint a crack, nem akarok elmenni
Nézlek, ahogy alszol, imádkozom, hogy lélegezni kezdj
A szeretőm a nyolcadik életében* van, drágám
Vele maradok reggelig
Olyan vagy nekem, mint a crack, olyan szórakoztató, hogy nem látom
A golden grill*-eddel, a lila álmoddal
A szeretőm a nyolcadik életében van, drágám
Figyelni fogom őt reggelig
A függőségemmé váltál, de nem akartam nagyon ragaszkodni
Egy f*sz voltál a bandáddal,
Mindig úton
Keményen akartál élni
Miért nem tudtál tartani egy kis szünetet?
Nem vagy annyira tehetséges egy világsztárnak
Kiégetted magad, semmi nem maradt
Kiégetted magad, semmi nem maradt
Olyan vagy nekem, mint a crack, nem akarok elmenni
Nézlek, ahogy alszol, imádkozom, hogy lélegezni kezdj
A szeretőm a nyolcadik életében* van, drágám
Vele maradok reggelig
Olyan vagy nekem, mint a crack, olyan szórakoztató, hogy nem látom
A golden grill*-eddel, a lila álmoddal
A szeretőm a nyolcadik életében van, drágám
Figyelni fogom őt reggelig
Hungarocell a mikrofonon
Nem tudod feladni, nem tudod elhagyni
Lángszínű paradicsom számodra, édesem
De a halál nem figyelmeztetéssel jön
Az élet egy bársonyos feszítővas
Megüt a fejed felett
Szerelmi bájitalt vérzel
Halálra vérzel
Olyan vagy nekem, mint a crack, nem akarok elmenni
Nézlek, ahogy alszol, imádkozom, hogy lélegezni kezdj
A szeretőm az utolsó életében van, drágám
Vele maradok reggelig
Olyan vagy nekem, mint a crack, olyan szórakoztató, hogy nem látom
A golden grill*-eddel, a lila álmoddal
A szeretőm a nyolcadik életében van, drágám
Figyelni fogom őt reggelig
(A szeretőm az utolsó életében van, drágám)
(Mellette maradok reggelig)
(A szeretőm az utolsó életében van, drágám)
(Muszáj mellette maradnom reggelig)
Ha valami pontatlanságot észleltek, üzenetben vagy kommentben jelezzétek! :)


Versions: #2
Tell me what you have been busy with
That u are so silent and unfriendly
You were my peace
And you yourself made me worried
At the bottom of your heart
There must be a feeling for me
How long should I wait
To find someone like you
In my days and life
There is no happy days without you
You are my world (life)
But world (life) is not trustworthy
In my days and life
There is no happy days without you
You are my world
But world (life) is not trustworthy
Hello the whine of the rain
Hello the crying eyes
Hello my bitter days
I still love her
Hello the hatred in my heart
Hello the moan of mirror
Hello the nights of abandon
I still love her
You don't know in these days
How I am distracted
I miss you when you leave
And if you stay my heart is in pain too
I feel so terrible without you
I cant get better I blossomed in your hands
Let me die with crying
In this fall I am so traceless or unknown
In this fall I am so traceless or unknown
Know me as a part of yourself
Hello the whine of the rain
Hello the crying eyes
Hello my bitter days
I still love her
Hello the hatred in my heart
Hello the moan of mirror
Hello the nights of abandon
I still love her


Midnight on a Friday, full of anticipation
Staying up a little bit late is okay
Because Saturday and Sunday are coming,
And there's a Happy Monday right after--
In other words,
It's a three-day Roman holiday
I'll take Princess Ann out on a drive,
Go somewhere on my Vespa
It's her majesty's guilty pleasure
A three-day Roman holiday
Putting on airs on a Saturday morning
Slept in a little, but that's okay
Waking up to
Just-baked croissants and coffee for breakfast
In other words,
Eating breakfast at Tiffany's
Open for business on a holiday
Getting a little hungry, it feels good
Coffee with free refills
Eating breakfast at Tiffany's
The eternal fairy1, descended to the silver screen
It's a three-day Roman holiday
And a three-day Florentine, Venetian,
and Neapolitan holiday too
I'll take Princess Ann out on a drive,
Go somewhere on my Vespa
It's her majesty's guilty pleasure
A three-day Roman holiday
The eternal fairy, descended to the silver screen
  • 1. This was the name of a large photo exhibition featuring images of Audrey Hepburn held in Kyoto in 2017.
Happy to take requests for Japanese music in particular :)