Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 7

Találatok száma: 371


A Legélesebb Életek

Versions: #1
Esik és csöpög
Amikor egyedül vagy kinn
Ha a kanapédon pihenek,
alhatok a ruháimban?
Mert egész éjjel táncoltam
Részeg vagyok, gondolom
Ha úgy néz ki, mintha nevetnék
valójában csak el szeretnék menni innen
Egyedül, időben jöttél a műsorra
Te vagy az, akire szükségem van,
én vagyok az, akit gyűlölsz
Nézheted, ahogy rozsdásodom,
mint egy bestia nyugalomban
Mert imádom a mérget
messze, a fiúkkal a bandából
Tényleg egy tivornyán voltam, és meg is látszik
Szóval miért nem dobsz nekem egy csókot, mielőtt ő elmegy?
Adj egy lövést, amire emlékezhetek
És utána elveheted minden fájdalmamat
Egy csók és megadom magam
A legélesebb életeket a leghalásosabb élni
Egy fény elégetni minden birodalmat
Oly fényes, hogy a nap szégyell felkelni és lenni
Szerelmesnek lenni ezekbe a vámpírokba
Hogy távozhass, mintha az épelméjű elhagyott volna engem
Van egy hely a sötétben
ahová az állatok mennek,
Levetheted bőrödet
a kannibál ragyogásban
Júlia imádja az ütemet és
a vágyat, melyet az parancsol
Ejtsd el a tőrt és habozd fel a vért a kezeiden, Rómeó
Tényleg egy tivornyán voltam, és meg is látszik
Szóval miért nem dobsz nekem egy csókot, mielőtt ő elmegy?
Adj egy lövést, amire emlékezhetek
És utána elveheted minden fájdalmamat
Egy csók és megadom magam
A legélesebb életeket a leghalásosabb élni
Egy fény elégetni minden birodalmat
Oly fényes, hogy a nap szégyell felkelni és lenni
Szerelmesnek lenni ezekbe a vámpírokba
Hogy távozhass, mintha az épelméjű elhagyott volna engem

After Your ressemblence

Once a week even in Heaven is a holiday,
angels are sitting on the grass bursting in the sun
Smells like meat rolls and beer as in the past lives
highlanders are understanding something else from 'virtue'
All the old sinners are singing in a choir
They didn't expect God to have humour
There are some rebels smoking marijuana
Who cares now for Carmina Burana?
It's no bad thing
that we're made after Your ressemblence
It's no bad thing
that we're made after Your ressemblence
After so many falses, God takes the mike
and says: 'Guess it's case for someone to give the tone
Got some professionals, a little percent
I'm giving Janis Joplin access to Jim Bean
May Jim Morison and Hendrix come more in front
Tone deafs are not learning even in another life
that it's a command given by me, the one from above
and that's: 'Any false is a sin in plus!'. '
'I'd love a gig of 1000 voices
and the one who's got a tuxedo, may give a shot of scotch
And if it'll happen to hear one more false note
I'm calling some guy, Strauss to introduce you to the waltz!
And in the movie 'Woodstock' it's just better
In my opinion, well, it's all up to me
that we'll do it next week,
But if you annoy me, I'll give you only still water!'

Sad number

I want to talk well to you
If we walk together
Funny things
Even a single one of those stupid exchanges
I remember and say such things
I wanted to keep them contained in my heart
So I closed it off
'I wanted to be close to you
Close enough to spread a yawn'
Hiding the name
Of the night bus' destination
Passing by according to our promise
If I take away the springtime too
We left behind even the night
That was impossible
Even comparing our answers
If we're talking hypothetically
Maybe we could still laugh together
At meaningless things
Goodbye, substitute sad number
Unable to sleep
Tossing and turning on the bed
Searching for a secret
That the radio won't tell me
Sweeping through the radio waves
In the space where the stars twinkle
If the tepid wind carrying the seasons
Takes away the springtime too
Thinking back occasionally
To the repeating days
That time when a lengthy sigh
Would turn into a hummed song
As to give a ride to the wind
That blows in your city
Goodbye, substitute sad number

Movie theatre

[Verse 1: Samuel]
Movie theatre always there
Tinto Brass flyer
You skip the song a hundred times
You can't stand your silence
Shitty music starts playing
Sticking to my brain
Coca-Cola I don't like it this way
Why not? Why not? Come here
How sad life is in the city
Maybe afrobeat will save us
[Pre-chorus: Samuel]
You know I don't care about being alone? (Alone)
I want to share the night with you
And when you think about going to sleep
We'll start jumping again
[Chorus: Samuel]
Start jumping again
[Verse 2: Francesca Michielin, Francesca Michielin & Samuel]
Movie theatre always there
I'm waiting for you in front of the bar
Skimming through a hundred thousand pictures
I can't be alone
I'd like to go to the dance hall
And disappear in this night
No Vasco, not now, I don't feel like it
Why not? Why not? Come here
And who knows if the ice will hold in this heat
[Pre-chorus: Samuel & Francesca Michielin, Francesca Michielin]
You know I don't care about being alone? (Alone)
I want to share the night with you
And when you think about going to sleep
We'll start jumping again
[Chorus: Samuel & Francesca Michielin]
Start jumping again
[Post-chorus: Samuel & Francesca Michielin]
Movie theatre always there
Tinto Brass flyer
I don't feel like Jules et Jim
It's not the right night for Truffaut
Movie theatre always there
Tinto Brass flyer
Jackie Brown, Tenenbaum
400 Blows
[Outro: Samuel & Francesca Michielin]
You know I don't care about being alone?
I want to share the night with you
And when you think about going to sleep
We'll start jumping again

At the subway

It would be something else if we'd go so I can show you something:
You'd see even landscapes with turning points and rails
yeah, yeah, yeah, you can't help it, shut up
So you'll see how in an era withouth life and echo,
in the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
So you'll see how in an era with turning points and rail units,
the new man is sitting on the chair and solving crossword puzzles
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
There are neon lamps in the ceiling
seeds at the barrows on the platform
Kids are still hoping for a stogies of Carpaţi
stop desconsidering us!
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
One-two, one-two, how beautiful, how beautiful
towards the midday, the air is happier
One-two, one-two, how beautiful, how beautiful
the new people are standing and eating from the floor
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,

I ask you

There were only mysteries around us until now,
And our meetings were almost accidental for you,
But the night is lighting up the stars for us,
Now you can hear a heartbeat,
There is no more mystery, it's out.
I ask you, don't believe words,
Hearsays, they only tell lies.
Please, look into my eyes,
You'll understand yourself.
Only the heart can know what happened between us,
And no one can keep us apart.
And I won't let your look be cold,
I repeat, we don’t dream about all that anymore, we don't.1
I ask you, don't believe words,
Hearsays, they only tell lies.
Please, look into my eyes,
You'll understand yourself.
  • 1. Что - 'все это'?


Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, ismertem egy lányt
Szakadt farmer, kócos haj, csillogó, mint egy gyöngy
Mint egy nyári nap, olyan messszire taszította az éjszakát
Ha érzed, amit érzek, látod, amit látok
Ne húzd le magad
Nem vagy egyedül, most nem vagy egyedül
Oh, elvesztettem önmagam, megpróbáltam mindent
A világ magát rohanásban érzi és ő azt mondják, hogy ezt mind tudják
Oh, elvesztettem önmagam, megpróbáltam mindent
Önmagad szeretete amnéziával, ne aggódj ha elkapott
Mert nem vagy egyedül, nem vagy egyedül
Belefáradtam a harcba, de erőre kapok, erőre kapok, erőre kapok
Oh, elvesztettem önmagam, megpróbáltam mindent
Ön magad szeretete amnéziával, ne aggódj ha elkapott
Mert nem vagy egyedül
Mindent oda akartak adni ezzel elvesztetted az irányítást
Olyan szavakkal prédikálnak, amelyeket ismernem kellene
Az emberek mindig azt mondják: 'Vigyázz mit kívánsz'
Ha érzed, amit érzek, látod, amit látok
Ne húzd le magad
Nem vagy egyedül, most nem vagy egyedül
Oh, elvesztettem önmagam, megpróbáltam mindent
A világ magát rohanásban érzi és ő azt mondják, hogy ezt mind tudják
Oh, elvesztettem önmagam, megpróbáltam mindent
Önmagad szeretete amnéziával, ne aggódj ha elkapott
Mert nem vagy egyedül, nem vagy egyedül
Belefáradtam a harcba, de erőre kapok, erőre kapok, erőre kapok
Oh, elvesztettem önmagam, megpróbáltam mindent
Ön magad szeretete amnéziával, ne aggódj ha elkapott
Mert nem vagy egyedül
Önmagad szeretete (önmagad szeretete) ez nem tűnhet el
Önmagad szeretete (önmagad szeretete) tedd vissza
Oh, önmagad szeretete, önmagad szeretete, nem vagy egyedül
Oh, elvesztettem önmagam, megpróbáltam mindent
A világ magát rohanásban érzi és ő azt mondják, hogy ezt mind tudják
Oh, elvesztettem önmagam, megpróbáltam mindent
Önmagad szeretete amnéziával, ne aggódj ha elkapott
Mert nem vagy egyedül, nem vagy egyedül
Belefáradtam a harcba, de erőre kapok, erőre kapok, erőre kapok
Oh, elvesztettem önmagam, megpróbáltam mindent
Ön magad szeretete amnéziával, ne aggódj ha elkapott
Mert nem vagy egyedül

Sending Of The Deceased

You sole straw, you sole straw, you rose flower,
Why did you took so long,
Why din you rush then?
And why have you not bloomed?

A Lad Went Hunting

A lad went hunting
Lad, such a good lad
A lad went hunting
Through virgin and wild forests
Lad, such a good lad
Through virgin and wild forests
The entire Summer he was out, hunting
Lad, such a good lad
The entire Summer he was out, hunting
From dawn till dusk,
Lad, such a good lad
From dawn till dusk
Close to evening
Lad, such a good lad
Close to evening
He found the lion's tracks
Lad, such a good lad
He found the lion's tracks
And they followed the tracks
Lad, such a good lad

In the Lasers

Light plus heat makes fire, fire plus heat makes me
And if I and song come together with you, things will heat up quickly
So you should come close to me and stop sealing yourself off
Now you belong to me and you can't hide (hey)
Give this night to me, and I'll sing you all my songs
I'll unleash my moves, shuttling to and fro in the lasers
And lock you up with thousands of songs
No matter what your surname or horoscope is
As long as you have ears, I shall enchant you
I want to touch you, touch your heart with good songs
Now you belong to me and you can't hide (hey)
My voice is unrestrained like the lasers

It Was God

I don't know... Nobody knows
Why I sing the fado
In this aggrieved tone
Full of pain and tears!
And, in this torment,
All of the suffering...
I feel that my soul
Becomes calm deep within
The stanzas that I sing...
It was God
Who gave a voice to these eyes,
Lent to roses their perfume,
Gave gold to the sun
And silver to moonlight!

It was God
Who placed, in my breast,
A rosary of sorrows
The beads of which I keep counting
As I weep while singing!

And He placed the stars in the sky
And created the boundless space,
Covered the swallows in mourning...
Ah! And gave this voice to me!
If I sing... I don't know what I'm singing!
Blend of fortune,
Melancholy and tenderness
And, maybe, love!
Yet I know that, while singing,
I feel the same as when
One is beset with woe
And tears, down our faces,
Make us better in the end...
It was God
Who gave its voice to the wind,
Filled the firmament with light
And gave their blueness
To the waves of the sea!

It was God
Who placed, in my breast,
A rosary of sorrows
The beads of which I keep counting
As I weep while singing!

He turned the nightingale into a poet,
Placed the rosemary in the fields,
Filled the Spring with flowers...
Ah! And gave this voice to me!
He filled the Spring with flowers...
Ah! And gave this voice to me!

Tell Me

Everything... Today, everything is nothing!
Passion is a bird that flew away

You're Not There For Me

I end the day
Thinking of you,
I wake up in bed
And you're not there for me!
It is reborn once again
Within my heart,
This maddening desire
To feel passion.
The truth hurts
When I think about you.
I try not to remember
That because of you, I've suffered!
In a world that is only mine,
I don't feel so lonely...
Not having what is yours,
I feel a knot in my throat!
Why is it that I want
Your body, for me?
I've already lost the power
Of making you feel like that!

I end the day
Thinking of you...
The truth hurts
When I think about you.
I try not to remember
That because of you, I've suffered!
In a world that is only mine,
I don't feel so lonely...
Not having what is yours,
I feel a knot in my throat!
Why is it that I want
Your body, for me?
I've already lost the power
Of making you feel like that!

Like that...

Listen to Me (Oh My God)

Listen to me, oh my God!
I have prayed for love,
But nothing is happening for me...
Listen to me, oh my God!
I have that which I don't deserve,
What isn't worthy of me!
Listen to me, oh my God!
Could it be that I'm bereft
Of Your divine hand?
Forgive me for telling You this,
But I'm going crazy
Because of this fate of mine!
Tell me, my Lord
What must I do to be happy?
I endure love pains
Without knowing what pain I have caused!
Always, wherever I may go,
I will ask with devotion:
Please, dear God, do listen
This prayer of mine!

Tell me, my Lord
What must I do to be happy?
I endure love pains
Without knowing what pain I have caused!
If it's necessary, I'd go
And light up yet another candle...
Please, dear God, do listen
And do forgive me, as well!

Listen to me, oh my God!
I have asked for it so many times,
And nobody appears...
Listen to me, oh my God!
Could it be that You're far, then,
Even of my plea?
Listen to me, oh my God!
I don't doubt that You love me...
I'm just desperate
For every time, the pain
Appears to be growing
And it never, ever ends!
Tell me, my Lord
What must I do to be happy?
I endure love pains
Without knowing what pain I have caused!
Always, wherever I may go,
I will ask with devotion:
Please, dear God, do listen
This prayer of mine!

Tell me, my Lord
What must I do to be happy?
I endure love pains
Without knowing what pain I have caused!
If it's necessary, I'd go
And light up yet another candle...
Please, dear God, do listen
And do forgive me, as well!

Tell me, my Lord
What must I do to be happy?
I endure love pains
Without knowing what pain I have caused!
Always, wherever I may go,
I will ask with devotion:
Please, dear God, do listen
This prayer of mine!

Tell me, my Lord
What must I do to be happy?
I endure love pains
Without knowing what pain I have caused!
If it's necessary, I'd go
And light up yet another candle...
Please, dear God, do listen
And do forgive me, as well!


No certainty

You go away from here
And loneliness
Turns into a shadow that
Digs in my soul
And so I
Want to destroy it
Seeking around me
Music only
I miss you, I miss you
I miss you here beside me
I miss you, I miss you, I miss you
You're not here and I don't know why anymore
I'd like to go out tonight
To forget your name
Tell me that
I'm there for you
In this life that
Gives me no certainty
Wipe away
Until music
Will play for us only
Turn into notes
Carved into the soul


Verse 1
Look what you've done again
I'm not usually like this
But I'm moving to your rhythm
You're the wind and the music
This force which has attracted me
It's something that's too hard to control
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
The memory of you doesn't, doesn't, doesn't leave me alone
Your scent is my oxygen, oxygen
You're a typhoon, yeah, you leave me breathless
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
Take me to your heart
Verse 2
Look what you've done with us
How my heart beat
It beats for the both of us
It beats exactly like yours beats
This force which has attracted me
It's something that's too hard to control
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
The memory of you doesn't, doesn't, doesn't leave me alone
Your scent is my oxygen, oxygen
You're a typhoon, yeah, you leave me breathless
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
Take me to your heart

It's winter

Snow flakes are slowly falling down
Today it's a celebration
The cold is settling in, soon it will be late
Tonight's the big party
I bought a cassette with brand new music
At the corner store, they have everything
Cotton candy, oranges, chocolate
Pocket flap jeans and tall boots
It's winter, it's evening
Everything's ok
Lights are being turned on
People are having fun
Forgetting about their problems
It's winter again ..., it's winter again ...
Tomorrow there's a carnival at Disco Planet
It will be a celebration again
I have an outfit especially ready
For this big night
There's a big commotion in the amusement park
Bumper cars, honking, yelling, balloons
Surprised and photos with Santa Claus
Nobody's children waiting for candy

My dear summer in the woods

My dear summer in the woods
Și-ai lai lar la la!
With little pride after berries.
Și-ai lai lar la la!
The wind beating the leaf
Și-ai lai lar la la!
I'll be with the proud girl.
He loves me to take me
Ai lar, lar la lar, lar lar lai lar la!
He loves me to take me
Și-ai lai lar la la!
Through the woods to get fruits
Și-ai lai lar la la!
With little pride next to me
Și-ai lai lar la la!
Nobody forces us on our knees
Și-ai lai lar la la!
Ai hai lar, lar la lar, lar lar lai lar la!
Because the woods are very thick
Și-ai lar la la!
And my little pride is pretty
Și-ai lar la la!
And the sun doesn't burn her
Și-ai lar la la!
Eyes and eyebrows
Și-ai lar la la!
Ai hai lar, lar la lar, lar lar lai lar la!
Dear, I'm proud of you
Și-ai lar la la!
When I see you next to me
Și-ai lai lar la la!
To catch you behind the tree
Și-ai lar la la!
And to kiss you with love
Și-ai lar la la!
To catch you at your waist
Și-ai lar la la!
And to kiss you with fire
Și-ai lar la la!
Ai lar, lar la lar, lar lar lai lar la!

Don't forget

sit and listen
maybe you won't understand
or maybe you won't believe.
it's the best day
to step with the right leg
for you have nothing to lose.
You got no reason to sit and think in vain
Believe in yourself whatever it is and just don't give up!
Don't forget to believe in miracles
Don't forget - there are even good people
Don't forget about all that's beautiful
when you think that everything is upside down.
Don't forget - you also have your chance
you've got a star up in the sky
And then, when it'll be hard for you, just don't forget!
what's rushing you
That's no use to run
to hide in your shadow!
maybe even tomorrow
the sun is showing up
shining with its ray
Prechorus 2:
That's no reason to cry your loneliness
Believe in yourself whatever it is and just don't give up!


Daouda Sané plays the drum then i will dance.
The dragon has cornes but it doesnt hurt no one
The world is a big village so lets be one. Black and white lets be one.
Because we all from our mum Eve and our dad Adam.

Nothing Romanian Will Be Lost

The sweet language that we share
Will never be forgoten,
Cuz in it lays dormant and lives
All that's beautiful and just.
The brave and passionate voice
Resounds all over the plains and mountains,
Bringing close all our heats
To an undying destiny.
It is the bugle that you hear,
It is telling all those that are far away:
Nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!
No matter what hardships we will endure, we swear that,
Cuz nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!
The Romanians know how to deal with harsh times,
They believe in their own justice and in God!
When our country will aks us to give it our lifes
We will,
When the moment will come
We will make amends!
Cuz nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!
All our history is being reborn inside me,
Full of youth and vigor,
The voice of those that paid their tribute
Is sending us word:
No matter what storm will be unleashed
Over our unmovable fate,
The Sun will rise up again
To light the path of our destiny!
Romanians, be ready when you will hear
The signal that will eliberate you!
When our country will aks us to give it our lifes
We will,
When the moment will come
We will make amends!
Cuz nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!


The day seems empty without you.
I'm not alone, you're not alone.
Twelve at night
We live in different worlds.
We can change phone numbers
Make it all clear
And take self-deception.
But if you ask what I need ...
I need only you!
I can't forget,
I can't sleep without you.
I need only you!
Another night without you could kill me.
I only need you, I only need you
I only need you, I only need you.
Second verse:
You can forget, hide from everyone,
You can start a new life on the other side.
Go somewhere else and forget my address forever.
We can change our phone numbers
Make it all clear
And take self-deception.
But if you ask what I need ...
I need only you!
I can not forget,
I can't sleep without you.
I need only you!
Another night without you could kill me.
I only need you, I only need you
I only need you, I only need you.
I need only you!
I can not forget,
I can't sleep without you.
I need only you!
Another night without you could kill me.
I need only you.

Go, longing

Go, longing, and howl
Howl loudly to be able to hear me
Give him sweet and numerous kisses
So that he never forgets me again.
It's been eating away at me for a while,
I feel like it's gotten under my skin
Even my heart is racing.
My thoughts are fixated on love
Today it leaves and tomorrow it comes
It doesn't know me and I'd really like it to.
Let him cry at night and under a full moon
Let him dream of my eyes and soft skin
Let him want to come and for me to listen to him
Because he calls out my name more and more and more.
Go, longing, and howl
Howl loudly to be able to hear me
Give him sweet and numerous kisses
So that he never forgets me again.
I'm being consumed by longing and grief
I'm dreaming of the lips which
Would sate my thirst for everything I want.
I know both the sky and the ground
Where my thoughts wander to
I'm going after my thoughts, I won't stay any longer.
Let him cry at night and under a full moon
Let him dream of my eyes and soft skin
Let him want to come and for me to listen to him
Because he calls out my name more and more and more.
Go, longing, and howl
Howl loudly to be able to hear me
Give him sweet and numerous kisses
So that he never forgets me again.

Blow me up

Versions: #1
Throw Me (Blow me up)
Throw my love away
You don't need it

I Withstand

Versions: #2
A watercourse now the life while you're jilting
Is1as cold as a welldigger's ears in January2
My heart's iced over
The life's at a standstill
Inside my heart is like post-war
In a welter of blood
It's just like a snowball, believe me
Your absence is a tortion under the sun
There's a life dyed with my transgressions for the rest
Written with tears per line in my words
I withstand your anguish again, the world!
Your loves were pork pies3 too
I'm continuing to live from pure spite but, don't ask
In the midst of the apocalypse...
  • 1. The life
  • 2. 'Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey' is also a great alternative for those who are interested, it's simply, very cold
  • 3. British slang for 'Lie'

Unattached romance

We talk
Without any words
Just by sight
And when you hold my hair in your hands
Clothes on the floor
We like each other as lovers
And do crazy things as lovers
You ask me where I am and with whom I went out
But our compromise is just a fling
Too many couples pretending to love themselves
Too many single people falling in love
For me, our way to love is perfect
An unattached romance
Too many couples pretending to love themselves
Too many single people falling in love
For me, our way to love is perfect
An unattached romance

Oath of the Peach Garden

When saying the names Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei,
although the surnames are different, yet we have come together as brothers. From this day forward, we shall join forces for a common purpose:
to save the troubled and to aid the endangered.
We shall avenge the nation above, and pacify the citizenry below.
We seek not to be born on the same day, in the same month and in the same year.
We merely hope to die on the same day, in the same month and in the same year.
May the Gods of Heaven and Earth attest to what is in our hearts.
If we should ever do anything to betray our friendship, may heaven and the people of the earth both strike us dead.

MashUp:Romance like Shahrukh Khan

God made this pair
Was it you or some ray of light?
Was it you or a smiling flower bud?
The soul touched the fragrance of the body
When you came close
When you came close
Hold my hand
As long as you’re with me
Some talks happen
As long as we can talk
Sit in front of me
As long as it is night
Beloved, look, the distance has erased
I’m here
I’m here
Beyond boundaries, beyond helplessness
I’m here
I’m here
When has the heart ever walked the straight path?
If the road bends, let it
How long shall I stay quiet?
Now I have to say something
You say something, I say something, O Beloved
The caravan of dreams lasted two moments
Then you left, where are you, where am I
You’re the brightness of my heart
You’re the wealth of a lifetime
And I don’t know anything else
Just this I know
I see God in you
O friend, what shall I do?
I see God in you
Oh friend, what shall I do?
Beyond boundaries, beyond helplessness
I’m here, I’m here
God has made this pair.

The Spark

Like the first kiss, the one that lifted us up

Igen, anya

Nem fogadom el a gemetriát a szerelemben
Szerelmi háromszög, vékony szállon jár
És nem félek, hogy elesek, attól félek, te le leesel
Nem folythatod sokáig borba a bánatod
De az idő telik és látni akarom a szerelmet is múlni
Látni a szerelmet is múlni
De van egy táskám tele álmokkal
Félek a sötéttől, de kialudt lámpákkal futok az utcán
Hogy ne lásson senki,
Ahogy sírok a szerelemtől.
De van egy táskám tele álmokkal
Félek a sötéttől, de kialudt lámpákkal futok az utcán
Hogy ne lásson senki,
Ahogy sírok a szerelemtől.
Igen, anya, részeg vagyok
Mert máshogy nem tudom elfelejteni
És nincs szükségem a megbocsátásodra
Ne mond nekem, hogy te nem voltál így valaha
Igen, anya, részeg vagyok
Mert máshogy nem tudom elfelejteni
És nincs szükségem a megbocsátásodra
Ne mond nekem, hogy te nem voltál így valaha
Nem csak a fájdalom, de a remény is megöl
És megpróbálom elfelejteni minden este
És nem félek, hogy elvesztem, attól félek, te veszted el
Ígérem, nem hívom többet, akkor se ha kétségbe esek
Mint minden egyes alkalommal
Mosolygom most, de csak mert látsz engem
De van egy táskám tele álmokkal
Félek a sötéttől, de kialudt lámpákkal futok az utcán
Hogy ne lásson senki,
Ahogy sírok a szerelemtől.
De van egy táskám tele álmokkal
Félek a sötéttől, de kialudt lámpákkal futok az utcán
Hogy ne lásson senki,
Ahogy sírok a szerelemtől.
Igen, anya, részeg vagyok
Mert máshogy nem tudom elfelejteni
És nincs szükségem a megbocsátásodra
Ne mond nekem, hogy te nem voltál így valaha
Igen, anya, részeg vagyok
Mert máshogy nem tudom elfelejteni
És nincs szükségem a megbocsátásodra
Ne mond nekem, hogy te nem voltál így valaha
Nem sírok most, no, no, no, no, no, no
Ez nekem elég volt, no, no, no, no, no, no
És elfelejtem a szerelmét
És iszok...
Igen, anya, részeg vagyok
Mert máshogy nem tudom elfelejteni
És nincs szükségem a megbocsátásodra
Ne mond nekem, hogy te nem voltál így valaha
Igen, anya, részeg vagyok
Mert máshogy nem tudom elfelejteni
És nincs szükségem a megbocsátásodra
Ne mond nekem, hogy te nem voltál így valaha
Igen, anya, részeg vagyok
Mert máshogy nem tudom elfelejteni
És nincs szükségem a megbocsátásodra
Ne mond nekem, hogy te nem voltál így valaha
Mert máshogy nem tudom elfelejteni
És nincs szükségem a megbocsátásodra
Ne mond nekem, hogy te nem voltál így valaha
Igen, anya, részeg vagyok
Mert máshogy nem tudom elfelejteni
És nincs szükségem a megbocsátásodra
Ne mond nekem, hogy te nem voltál így valaha


Will you come to take some love?
I can't drive a car, so come to pick up
There is so much love, so come to me anytime
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us
Why can't you love me?
We have to love, enough to please you
I'll make you happy somehow
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us

Made in Romania

Versions: #1
I will also sing a song, the newest melody for everyone present, for all of our brothers and for the ones who don't know me I am Ionut Cercel, the son of Petrica Cercel, easy, just me and my guitar can do ...
Da dumla dumla da da dumla dumla da
Daga dumla dumla da
Made in Romania
Da dumla dumla da da dumla dumla da
Daga dumla dumla da
Made in Romania
Even if you are Moldovean, Ardelean or Gypsy, we are made in Romania, iali iali iali
Even if you are Moldovean, Ardelean or Oltean, we are made in Romania, iali iali iali
Da dumla dumla da da dumla dumla da
Daga dumla dumla da
Made in Romania
Da dumla dumla da da dumla dumla da
Daga dumla dumla da
Made in Romania
It doesn't matter who you are or what language you speak
This is your country, Romania.
It doesn't matter who you are or what language you speak
This is your country, Romania.
Soloo hear the newest.
Come with the Moldovean, with the Ardelean, the Bucharestean.
Come up with the Gypsy.
And with the Oltean, with the Moldovean, with the Ardelean, da da da da.
Even if you are Moldovean, Ardelean or Gypsy we are made in Romania, iali iali iali
Even if you are Moldovean, Ardelean or Oltean we are made in Romania, iali iali iali
Da dumla dumla da da dumla dumla da
Daga dumla dumla da
Made in Romania
Da dumla dumla da da dumla dumla da
Daga dumla dumla da
Made in Romania
It doesn't matter where you live or what accent you have
Enjoy yourself and drink because it's your country.
It doesn't matter where you live or what accent you have
Enjoy yourself and drink because it's your country.
Even if you are Moldovean, Ardelean or Gypsy we are made in Romania, iali iali iali
Even if you are Moldovean, Ardelean or Oltean we are made in Romania, iali iali iali
Da dumla dumla da da dumla dumla da
Daga dumla dumla da
Made in Romania
Da dumla dumla da da dumla dumla da
Daga dumla dumla da
Made in Romania
It doesn't matter who you are or what language you speak
This is your country, Romania.
It doesn't matter where you live or what accent you have
Enjoy yourself and drink because it's your country.
Even if you are Moldovean, Ardelean or Gypsy we are made in Romania, iali iali iali
Even if you are Moldovean, Ardelean or Oltean we are made in Romania, iali iali iali
Da dumla dumla da da dumla dumla da
Daga dumla dumla da
Made in Romania
Da dumla dumla da da dumla dumla da
Daga dumla dumla da
Made in Romania