Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 606


My Oldest Daughter

You are my daughter
The other part of my heart
You are my daughter
My Soulmate
Be good, you
In school
So that you get
What you aspire to
When I am old
You are the one who takes care of me
If one day I fall
You are the one to guide me
Because you are my daughter
My oldest daughter
May your heart's desire be achieved
Because you are my daughter
My oldest daughter
May your heart's desire be achieved

I'm not getting my act together

I've learned to open my wings,
to fly in my own sky,
to go wherever my heart wants,
not needing anyone.
I never put rules in my life,
and if sorrow and happiness come, I want them all.
Refrain (bis)
I'm not getting my act together, I'm not coming to my senses,
the mistakes I made, I'll do them all over again.
I don't compromise, I'm not compelled,
it's my life, I don't back off.
I'm not asking them for favours,
I know well how to get out of the dead-end.
I want everything and a little isn't sufficient,
take me or leave me, I'm not apologising.
I never put rules in my life,
and if sorrow and happiness come, I want them all.
Refrain (4x)
I'm not getting my act together, I'm not coming to my senses,
the mistakes I made, I'll do them all over again.
I don't compromise, I'm not compelled,
it's my life, I don't back off.

My Paradise

Versions: #3
I guess it's my paradise
To find his hidden reflections
In items covered by blackness,
And hear birds in his voice.
I guess it's my paradise
Lights from a window tell me:
One touch away is the heaven
That's painted into his eyes.
And i don't mind he doesn't know
Who i am, what i do,
That i walk barefoot on ice,
Blizzard and storm through and through,
And that vanilla snowflakes
Keep falling within my dreams...
He'll stay forever in my thoughts
And on my mind, and it means
There is no shame in screaming out loud
That i am in love
Few words he said in just three minutes
Burned right into my blood
And though i tell myself
That everything is fine, so it be
I know for sure, i still need him...
Here with me.
I guess it's my paradise
To go flower hunting
Pretend to save them from bad wind
And lie that they were a gift.
And just 'cause you're in it
I meet each frozen dawn rising
Over your planet's horizon
Where bridges keep people split.

He Lives

gave shelter to life,
Look up at the top!
And hear your heart.
Remember –
He lives
In you and me.
With love and faith
He's in your day.
Into the wise river,
In countless sparks,
In your reflection –
He lives.
He lives,
He lives
In you and me.
With love and faith
He's in your day.
Into the wise river,
In countless sparks,
In your reflection –
He lives,
He lives.

A horizont

Folyton kanyarog, sosem kanyarodik jobbra
Az út, amin mész
Sosem állsz nyugton, tovább haladsz
Félsz, hogy máskülönben időt vesztenél
Már kicsúszott a fiatalságod a kezeid közül?
Már átléptél annyi dolgon,
Elvesztetted őket az életed történetében
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Tekints a végtelenbe, sose nézz vissza
Utána a szélben majd megkapjuk a válaszainkat
Esővel az arcunkon követjük a Napot
Gyere velem a horizont felé,
Hogy bevégezzük azt, amit el sem kezdtél
Kövesd a szíved, kövesd a célod, kövess engem
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Az, amire nincs időd,
Átváltozik valamivé, amit megbántál
Ez az, amire rájöttél
Amikor azt hitted, szünetet tartottál
Ütés nélkül, szúrás nélkül 1
Az utazás nem így fog elveszni, de nagy esély van rá,
Hogy ami megérint, az megerősít,
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Tekints a végtelenbe, sose nézz vissza
Utána a szélben majd megkapjuk a válaszainkat
Esővel az arcunkon követjük a Napot
Gyere velem a horizont felé,
Hogy bevégezzük azt, amit el sem kezdtél
Kövesd a szíved, kövesd a célod, kövess engem
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Ami sötét vagy nehéz, megint könnyű lesz
Néha jobban látod a dolgokat csukott szemmel
Mutasd meg a bátorságod, mutasd meg a félelmed, az arcod!
Nem tudom, hogy hova, de rögtön odamegyünk
Velem akarsz jönni, elmegyünk a 'sehova'
Ha egyedül vagyunk, együtt leszünk egyedül!
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Tekints a végtelenbe, sose nézz vissza
Utána a szélben majd megkapjuk a válaszainkat
Esővel az arcunkon követjük a Napot
Gyere velem a horizont felé,
Hogy bevégezzük azt, amit el sem kezdtél
Kövesd a szíved, kövesd a célod, kövess engem
Gyere velem a horizont felé
(Nem tudom, hogy hova, de rögtön odamegyünk
Velem akarsz jönni, elmegyünk a 'sehova')
Gyere velem a horizont felé
(Nem tudom, hogy hova, de rögtön odamegyünk
Velem akarsz jönni, elmegyünk a 'sehova')
Gyere velem a horizont felé
  • 1. holland szólás


Cecília, összetörőd a szívemet
Naponta meginog bizalmam benned
Ó, Cecília, letérdelek
Könyörgöm, kérem, gyere haza.
Cecília, összetörőd a szívemet
Naponta meginog bizalmam benned
Ó, Cecília, letérdelek
Könyörgöm, kérem, gyere haza.
Gyere haza.
Szerelmeskedni délután Ceciliával
Fent a hálószobámban (szerelmeskedni)
Felkeltem megmosni az arcomat
Amikor visszatérek az ágyba, valaki elfoglalta a helyem.
Cecília, összetörőd a szívemet
Naponta meginog bizalmam benned
Ó, Cecília, letérdelek
Könyörgöm, kérem, gyere haza.
Gyere haza.
Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
Újra szeret
Földre rogyok és nevetek
Újra szeret
Földre rogyok és nevetek.
Whoah-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh,

Legyőzni mindent

Ó, ó, ó, ó, ó, ó
Mi, emberek, annyira kicsik vagyunk
Annyira védtelenek tudunk lenni
Akárhova megyünk, utakat szelünk át
A játék néha annyira megjátszottnak tűnik
A szerepek megosztottak
De ki a nagy, ki a gonosz?
Értsd meg, hogy amíg szereted az embereket,
Hidakat építesz
Egy hegy sem túl magas ahhoz, hogy megmásszuk
Semmilyen gyűlölet se túl mély ahhoz, hogy szeressük a másikat
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni
Egy út sem túl hosszú ahhoz, hogy végig sétáljunk rajta
Egy éjszaka sem túl sötét ahhoz, hogy reménykedjünk
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni
Meg fogsz ütni a kezeddel
Vagy mi mindketten
Kezet rázunk egymással
Együtt érkeztünk
Ás együtt fogunk elmenni
Ki lenne hajlandó egyedül élni az életét?
Értsd meg, hogy amíg szereted az embereket,
Hidakat építesz
Ó, ó, ó, ó, ó, ó...
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni
Ó, ó, ó, ó, ó, ó...
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni
Ha a szerelem győz
És egy új időszak kezdődik,
Ami mindannyiunkat összeköt
Ó, ó, ó
Megint minden egyensúlyban van
Vagy a szerelem el fogja veszteni az esélyét
Neked és nekem
Egy hegy sem túl magas ahhoz, hogy megmásszuk
Semmilyen gyűlölet se túl mély ahhoz, hogy szeressük a másikat
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni
Egy út sem túl hosszú ahhoz, hogy végig sétáljunk rajta
Egy éjszaka sem túl sötét ahhoz, hogy reménykedjünk
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni

Legyőzni mindent

Ó, ó, ó, ó, ó, ó
Mi, emberek, annyira kicsik vagyunk
Annyira védtelenek tudunk lenni
Akárhova megyünk, utakat szelünk át
A játék néha annyira megjátszottnak tűnik
A szerepek megosztottak
De ki a nagy, ki a gonosz?
Értsd meg, hogy amíg szereted az embereket,
Hidakat építesz
Egy hegy sem túl magas ahhoz, hogy megmásszuk
Semmilyen gyűlölet se túl mély ahhoz, hogy szeressük a másikat
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni
Egy út sem túl hosszú ahhoz, hogy végig sétáljunk rajta
Egy éjszaka sem túl sötét ahhoz, hogy reménykedjünk
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni
Meg fogsz ütni a kezeddel
Vagy mi mindketten
Kezet rázunk egymással
Együtt érkeztünk
Ás együtt fogunk elmenni
Ki lenne hajlandó egyedül élni az életét?
Értsd meg, hogy amíg szereted az embereket,
Hidakat építesz
Ó, ó, ó, ó, ó, ó...
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni
Ó, ó, ó, ó, ó, ó...
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni
Ha a szerelem győz
És egy új időszak kezdődik,
Ami mindannyiunkat összeköt
Ó, ó, ó
Megint minden egyensúlyban van
Vagy a szerelem el fogja veszteni az esélyét
Neked és nekem
Egy hegy sem túl magas ahhoz, hogy megmásszuk
Semmilyen gyűlölet se túl mély ahhoz, hogy szeressük a másikat
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni
Egy út sem túl hosszú ahhoz, hogy végig sétáljunk rajta
Egy éjszaka sem túl sötét ahhoz, hogy reménykedjünk
Le fogjuk győzni, mindent le fogunk győzni


Cecília, összetörőd a szívemet
Naponta meginog bizalmam benned
Ó, Cecília, letérdelek
Könyörgöm, kérem, gyere haza.
Cecília, összetörőd a szívemet
Naponta meginog bizalmam benned
Ó, Cecília, letérdelek
Könyörgöm, kérem, gyere haza.
Gyere haza.
Szerelmeskedni délután Ceciliával
Fent a hálószobámban (szerelmeskedni)
Felkeltem megmosni az arcomat
Amikor visszatérek az ágyba, valaki elfoglalta a helyem.
Cecília, összetörőd a szívemet
Naponta meginog bizalmam benned
Ó, Cecília, letérdelek
Könyörgöm, kérem, gyere haza.
Gyere haza.
Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
Újra szeret
Földre rogyok és nevetek
Újra szeret
Földre rogyok és nevetek.
Whoah-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh,

Summer Morning

What a lovely rising summer morning you are!
The rising sun smiles towards me
The rooster goes “cock-a-doodle-doo,” the pigeon goes “chirp-chirp”
I also want to sing, in a cheery tone
Now, every living thing chips in
Foals, calves, horses, and cows
Geese snorting, sheep baa-ing
Happy lambs frolicking and jumping
Birdie in the clouds, the ducklings in the pond
Sparrows and swallows sing their songs
The storks clap, plovers flap their wings
A bird squawks from the fence
While I was laying sound asleep, I didn’t wish for gold
I'm so serene at the break of day
Starlings chatter, magpies cackle
And when everything is cheery, so am I

A horizont

Folyton kanyarog, sosem kanyarodik jobbra
Az út, amin mész
Sosem állsz nyugton, tovább haladsz
Félsz, hogy máskülönben időt vesztenél
Már kicsúszott a fiatalságod a kezeid közül?
Már átléptél annyi dolgon,
Elvesztetted őket az életed történetében
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Tekints a végtelenbe, sose nézz vissza
Utána a szélben majd megkapjuk a válaszainkat
Esővel az arcunkon követjük a Napot
Gyere velem a horizont felé,
Hogy bevégezzük azt, amit el sem kezdtél
Kövesd a szíved, kövesd a célod, kövess engem
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Az, amire nincs időd,
Átváltozik valamivé, amit megbántál
Ez az, amire rájöttél
Amikor azt hitted, szünetet tartottál
Ütés nélkül, szúrás nélkül 1
Az utazás nem így fog elveszni, de nagy esély van rá,
Hogy ami megérint, az megerősít,
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Tekints a végtelenbe, sose nézz vissza
Utána a szélben majd megkapjuk a válaszainkat
Esővel az arcunkon követjük a Napot
Gyere velem a horizont felé,
Hogy bevégezzük azt, amit el sem kezdtél
Kövesd a szíved, kövesd a célod, kövess engem
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Ami sötét vagy nehéz, megint könnyű lesz
Néha jobban látod a dolgokat csukott szemmel
Mutasd meg a bátorságod, mutasd meg a félelmed, az arcod!
Nem tudom, hogy hova, de rögtön odamegyünk
Velem akarsz jönni, elmegyünk a 'sehova'
Ha egyedül vagyunk, együtt leszünk egyedül!
Gyere velem a horizont felé
Tekints a végtelenbe, sose nézz vissza
Utána a szélben majd megkapjuk a válaszainkat
Esővel az arcunkon követjük a Napot
Gyere velem a horizont felé,
Hogy bevégezzük azt, amit el sem kezdtél
Kövesd a szíved, kövesd a célod, kövess engem
Gyere velem a horizont felé
(Nem tudom, hogy hova, de rögtön odamegyünk
Velem akarsz jönni, elmegyünk a 'sehova')
Gyere velem a horizont felé
(Nem tudom, hogy hova, de rögtön odamegyünk
Velem akarsz jönni, elmegyünk a 'sehova')
Gyere velem a horizont felé
  • 1. holland szólás

Fury of Living

Fury of living
My sins
Of another day
That tastes of nothing
In this anxiety of redoing
And winning the illusions that I know
Only deny me the reality
And as punishment
Are always true
I want to live
And I no longer even know
If as punishment
For good or evil
The love that was always denied
Has the rare taste that nobody
Will take from me
Fury of living, feeling vain
Of this desire that never minds
False words swig of gall
Ingratitude my black rosary
Which is the reason for this feeling
Raggedy man, pain and solitude
Fury of living
My sins
Of another day
That tastes of nothing
In this anxiety of redoing
And winning the illusions that I know
Only deny me the reality
And as punishment
Are always true
I want to live
And I no longer even know
If as punishment
For good or evil
The love that was always denied
Has the rare taste that nobody
Will take from me
Fury of living, feeling vain
Of this desire that never minds
False words swig of gall
Ingratitude my black rosary
Which is the reason for this feeling
Raggedy man, pain and solitude

Farewell My Brother Sea

Versions: #2
Here we are, we go
Farewell my brother Sea
We took some of your pebble
A little bit of your blue rich salt as well
Also a little bit of your everlastingness
A little bit of your gleam as well
A little bit of your grief as well
You gave some voice to us
About being a sea's destiny
We're full of hope a bit more
We mended our ways a bit more
Here we are, we go
Farewell my brother Sea

How Much I'd Have Wanted

I wonder what hope called you,
Which roads did you take today?
I wonder if it was true
Everything that, long ago, loving, we told each other...
I wonder if we could ever be,
After a while, just two strangers,
Who look at each other, smiling in silence,
And that's all...
How much I'd have wanted to understand
What my gaze was telling you,
How much I'd have wanted, with a word,
To calm down my anxiety!
How much I'd have wanted to smash in a hurry
The mirror I looked at,
So that I don't see again my loneliness in it!
How much I'd have wanted to stop me,
Even if you were to lie a little,
To tell me you still love me
And to call me in order to caress you!
How much I'd have wanted not to have been
That aimless silence,
And to keep all that was yesterday for tomorrow too!
I wonder which color would have
A spring in your absence...
I wonder if would arise again
My star, in the night sky.
I wonder if I would find myself again
In a time in which you are not there,
To give me hope for the day to come.
How much I'd wanted...

It's (just) memories

Versions: #2
The fire is burning again
It will burn, ashes would remain
I don't know what's going to happen
The rest is (just) memories
Snow is falling lightly,
Mountains are smiling,
These green leaves,
Their withering is memories
Oh blossom on the grass,
Why did your petal(s) wither?
The truths of this world,
The lies are just memories
Why did we get on the road,
This sea is wild and stormy
Our love is an island
Every inch of it memories
It's a fantasy, if not a lie,
When did it come and go?
Love lasts but a moment,
The rest is (just) memories...


Go, girl!
Right next to me, right next to me
It's been tough without you!
It's been tough!
I've been like a mad dog
Tossed on the curb
It's been tough without you!
It's been tough!
I feel cold when it's hot
My joy is gone
Without my honey bun
Without spooning to fall asleep
Without my baby, dear God
Sweet Jesus!
I'm at the bar night and day
It's really cowardly of you
Not to pick up the phone
When I call!
You're just begging me to die!
Oh sweetheart, sweetheart
If you come back to me, I'll leave the bar
Oh sweetheart, sweetheart
I miss our boinking
Our boinking
Our boinking
I miss our boinking
I miss our boinking
Our boinking
Our boinking
I miss our boinking

What kind of world is this brother?

What kind of world is this brother, lovers are everywhere
What kind of world is this brother
I'm strangely sad from inside, i don't know why
Probably it's because I don't have someone to love
What kind of world is this brother, everyone is smiling
What kind of world is this brother
Should I always smile like all of them
Even I'm deeply grieved
My cheerful heart doesn't want a fur coat
Doesn't want an inn nor a palace lara lay la lalalay
Eat, drink, be happy, your life is too short
Love, because to love is the easiest thing to do
What kind of world is this brother, everyone is traveling
What kind of world is this brother
I want to travel those places just for one time
To the lands which are full of dreams
What kind of world is this brother, everyone upsets each other
What kind of world is this brother
Of course best way to live
Is never hurting someone and never breaking a heart
My cheerful heart doesn't want a fur coat
Doesn't want an inn nor a palace lara lay la lalalay
Eat, drink, be happy, your life is too short
Love, because to love is the easiest thing to do
What kind of world is this brother, everyone leaves here
What kind of world is this brother
When you salute the angels in the skies
Then you have no chance to return to the ground
What kind of world is this brother, everyone leaves here
What kind of world is this brother
When you salute the angels in the skies
Then you have no chance to return to the ground
My cheerful heart doesn't want a fur coat
Doesn't want an inn nor a palace lara lay la lalalay
Eat, drink, be happy, your life is too short
Love, because to love is the easiest thing to do
Eat, drink, be happy, your life is too short
Love, because to love is the easiest thing to do

With a Very Little Kiss

You made me fall in love.
With a very little kiss,
with your sugary lips,
with a very little kiss
you made me fall in love.
I accompanied you,
then said goodbye
and, in front of the house, you remained alone with me.
A blue street lamp,
a street and you,
and a sliver of moon was suggesting to make love.
With a very little kiss,
with your sugary lips,
with a very little kiss
you made me fall in love.
I no longer forget you,
and I address you with you1
and, in front of the house, every evening I remain with you.
A blue street lamp,
a street and you,
and under the clear moon we remain making love.
With a very little kiss,
with your sugary lips,
with a very little kiss
you made me fall in love.
you made me fall in love.
With a very little kiss,
with your sugary lips,
with a very little kiss
you made me fall in love.
You made me fall in love,
in love.
  • 1. He is not addressing her with “lei”. Tu and Lei both mean 'you'. Tu is informal, used when talking to someone your own age or younger, or someone you know well. Lei is formal, used when talking to someone you don't know well or someone older than you.


[Chorus: RaiM]
Simpa-pa-pa fell in love
She was attracting guys
But fell in love with a tramp
She is his better half
She is his better half
She is his better half
[First Verse: Adil]
She said to me - hey what’s up!
She is soaked to the core,
My rear sapphire.
All the tramps know that tonight
You will come with me -
The night will be tremendous.
Endorphins go off scale
After it, you're mine and you're swept.
Today you will melt,
You will fly, you will fly again.
Simpa pa-pa-rapa-pa-ta,
I don't need no beard,
La-la-la-la those are not gopniks
Who caused trouble for a man.
[Chorus: RaiM]
Simpa-pa-pa fell in love
She was attracting guys
But fell in love with a tramp
She is his better half (x2)
[Second Verse: Artur]
Simpa-pa-pa is a cutie
I'll serenade about our Love, Love,
About how much you love a rastaman,
About how you were created just for me.
There is no one better than you in the world,
Your body is boiling,
You wanted it so bad.
How long have I've been looking for you,
Have been mistaking for many others and been disappearing,
But once I saw you - I just froze
And realized that we are connected.
Sweet, sweet babe
Surely will dance with me,
I want you to be close to me so bad,
My baby, let's fly together.
[Chorus: RaiM]
Simpa-pa-pa fell in love
She was attracting guys
But fell in love with a tramp
She is his better half (x2)

The age of youth

Versions: #1
You tell me 'I love you', 'I love you', every other instant [all the time]
I'm telling you something, and it is not because I don't believe you, not because I don't believe you
But real love, my love can be known only [by going] through life
If you love me like I love you, come and search for me
Come and search for me where life shines the most, because there I am
From my heart like a spring
Only joy, only joy flows
Our heart beats at the heart of the motherland
Every heartbeat, beautiful like a song
'Twenty years old', how [beautiful] this word sounds
Oh how many dreams it awakes within us
This white [pure] age, the age of youth
It blossoms its days within the bosom of happiness
And even if I really was not twenty years old
This life would make me feel so
Happiness smiles at us, at this land's every corner
When we say 'youth' we have also said 'happiness'
Tak-tak-tak, my heart is beating, lightly it talks to me
I'm twenty tears old, today I come out [emerge/sprout] into the life*,
It [she**] is calling me
A new light to light in its [her] eye
A new song to awaken in its [her] bosom
If you love me like I love you, come and search for me
Come and search for me where life shines the most, because there I am
From my heart like a spring
Only happiness, only happiness flows
Our heart beats at the heart of the motherland
Every heartbeat, beautiful like a song
'Twenty years old', how [beautiful] this word sounds
Oh how many dreams it awakes within us
This white [beautiful] age, the age of youth
It blossoms its days within the bosom of happiness
And even if I really wasn't twenty years old
This life would make me feel so
Happiness smiles at us, at this land's every corner
When we say 'youth' we also say 'happiness'
Happiness smiles at us, at this land's every corner
When we say 'youth' we also say 'happiness'
Like the morning dew
Our dreams full of light
Everywhere where people are
They come into life with love

On the Branches of the Willows

And how could we have sung
with the foreign foot on our heart,
among the dead abandoned in the squares
on the grass set hard with ice, at the lamb-like
cry of children, at the black howl
of the mother advancing on her son
crucified on the telegraph pole?
On the branches of the willows, as a vow,
our poets’ lyres were hanging,
swinging just a little in the dismal wind.

Come fill

Come fill, fill, my good fellow!
Fill high, high, my good Fellow,
And let's be merry and mellow,
And let us have one bottle more.
When warm the heart is flowing,
And bright the fancy glowing,
Oh, shame on the dolt would be going,
Nor tarry for one bottle more!
Refrain: Come fill ...
My Heart, let me but lighten,
And Life, let me but brighten,
And Care, let me but frighten.
He'll fly us with one bottle more!
By day, tho' he confound me,
When friends at night have found me,
There is Paradise around me
But let me have one bottle more!
Refrain: Come fill ...
So now, here's to the Lasses!
See, see, while the toast passes,
How it lights up beaming glasses!
Encore to the Lasses, encore.
We'll toast the welcome greeting
Of hearts in union beating.
And oh! For our next merry meeting,
Huzza! Then for one bottle more!
Refrain: Come fill ...1
  • 1. See Author's comment

The Kids Are Jumping

(everyone, everyone!)
All the kids are jumping, dancing
raising their hands
high to the skies
Putting their hands
on the hips
putting their hands
on the shoulders
putting their hands
on the head
counting: one, two, three!
All the kids are jumping, dancing
raising their hands
high to the skies
The tribe of Judah in the year 2000
the wind blows on the water
come let's go up to Jerusalem
and raise our hands
high to the skies
All the kids are jumping, dancing
raising their hands
high to the skies
Like monkeys, like monkeys
like beautiful people
like flying angels
that are raising their hands
high to the skies
The soul is floating
the body is dancing by itself now
because you have not yet noticed
you have not yet see what is present
and what is missing
the day passes and changes softly
and you are still there in the magic of childhood
The kids are jumping
going crazy, dancing
they don't see black
because they are inside the light
in order to see clearly
you must out to the big blue
don't close your eyes
and you will see all the good
The kids are jumping
going crazy, dancing
raising their hands
high to the skies
All the kids are jumping, dancing
raising their hands
high to the skies

I want to go

I think you have the urge to go (you want to go)
Where is your old enthusiasm my love
If my hair is white, you are my reason for that
I still have a single last breath, if you want to take it
If you are a fire, i want to burn with you
If you have turned into ash, again i will stay with you
Look i finally become salt into wounds
A hope faded in the blackness of my eyes
The troubles of the country are again on my back
Even if there is a lot of shearing
Goodbyes are approaching the dock
A crazy storm without a breeze
A crazy storm without a breeze
Burn a match, come on
Before my ambition is defeated
If you want to come, come before it is late
I have set my mind on your way
You made me tired crazy heart!
Life goes by and pass
I have set my mind on your way
You made me tired crazy heart!

Personal Visions

We are living our little tales
in the centre and the backstreets
drunken dreams, cancelled plans,
desperate phone calls
Again I'm thinking that maybe you weren't
what I dreamt of
but I remember how I saw one night the eyes of sadness
smiling at me
Maybe I wasn't what you dreamt of either
it's all personal visions, anyway.
I feel like I'm losing you...
my sweet love, goodnight.


You didn't count the suns
that asked for you all these years.
Where are you, lady
with the light blue eyelashes?
The withering girl
hid you in her dress
five winters ago they buried you
in muddy snow
A big bat is feeding
off of your youth
that's why the night falls early
before you're full.
The noon is burning
in the highest rooms
his blond wave
is covering the streets.
You're dying with the poets
every sunset.
Your hands smell
like their hair.
The church bell in which you no longer believe
is ringing.
In a stranger's back yard you're speaking
with the moon.
Milosz brought you
spring this year.
Who else could care about
your hunger?
His ivory car
made the neighbourhood mad.
Become pretty, become pretty,
he'll show you off to the orchands.
You have a smile
made of pearls,
Sicelian fishermen
gave it to you to wear.
Search for it and find it
before the night shuts you in
a basement deeper
than this one

Play, My Raspy Harmonica

Play, my raspy harmonica
for those who have come here tonight
who knows what the morning will bring
ladies and gentlemen, good evening
Play, my raspy harmonica
who knows if she remembers me now
play for my love
who's sleeping with another
Play, my raspy harmonica
play Paloma for me
don't leave, even though it's late
let's have another drink
play for those who have come
the night is still young

Diabolo Mint

Versions: #1
Within your schoolbooks
Are your dreams and secrets
All those words you cannot say
Words of love and tenderness
The words of a woman
that you hide, that we condemn
you're hiding little Anne
Within your schoolbooks
There's blood and tears
Your first heartbreaks
The first wounds
The first tears
That bruise your soul
That bruise little Anne
In the school cafeterias
You have to bluff and lie
Around the diabolo mint
When you recall the nights
From last summer
And all your first lovers
That you've only had while dreaming
Within your schoolbooks
are your dreams amd secrets
All the words you'll never say
of love and tenderness
The words of a woman
that you're hiding. that we condemn
You're hiding little Anne

You and only you

You and only you
I know time goes by
and so many things happen without understanding them.
The world is a dance
that doesn't stop and where everything can happen.
That's why you came
and in each day everything then changed later.
I fell in that mess
to say for fun
'you are my Love'.
My eyes don't look for the stars
when the night comes looking for me.
I don't need to see them
with the light that I always see only in your eyes.
There is only one truth
it doesn't matter when someone wants to censor us.
Even when they say 'it's too late',
it is always time for those who know how to love.
In the air walks the perfume of love
that persecutes us to the end perhaps.
It's stupid,
but you want me,
you see, oh, it's just you.
That's why you came
and in each day everything changed later.
I fell in that mess
to say for fun
'you are my Love'
'my love'...

Give Me A Sign

Who knew that you would pull us in another direction
and who knew that you and I would let our hearts go free
let's change the rules between us
get carried into the sea
it is easy to see on our faces1
it flows in our blood
Just give me a sign
before we end
somewhere else in a different place
i am yours
give me a sign
even in another reality
I wish something would work out
with you
Who knew that surprisingly with you
i would dive deep into a dream
all my life in pursuit
and then suddenly to relax
Let's change the rules between us
get carried into the sea
it is easy to see on our faces
it flows in our blood
Just give me a sign
before we end
somewhere else in a different place
i am yours
give me a sign
even in another reality
I wish something would work out with you
give me a sign...
  • 1. lit: on us

Now Life..

Versions: #1
I filled a glass of silence.
I drowsed off to skies.
Autumn passed, spring passed
We'd be lucky if we saw another day.
Problems of the world surrounded every side of me.
I still couldn't learn how to live.
Now let life come to me with flowers
or let it knock me down.
Or let it come at me
choosing one of it's most known lies.
I won't walk this path again.
I can't pass these places now.
After this age, I can't be impressed
neither by dark eyes and brows nor tall heights.
I wished a star upon every glass of wine.
I put it off in my palms.
I ran away from my childhood
But I still couldn't learn how to grow up.
Now let life come to me with flowers
or let it knock me down.
Or let it come at me
choosing one of it's most known lies.
I won't walk this path again.
I can't pass these places now.
After this age, I can't be impressed
neither by dark eyes and brows nor tall heights.

Don't leave me

Don't leave me
It's important to forget
Try to forget
What shall pass
Forget the time
Of misunderstandings
And the time, lost
In search of the wind
Forget for good
What incessantly
Tries to kill us
With so many 'whys'
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
I'll willingly give you
Pearls of rain
From a country where it doesn't rain
Where there isn't even wayer
I will leave treasures
After dying
To dress you all up
With lights and gold
I will make a kingdom
Where muttering
About loving you forever
Only you will be king
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
I'll invent to you
Words that cannot
Even be heard
And I'll tell you
Of whom, for love
Destroys the terror
Of all the laws
And the story of a king
Dead from mourning
For not finding me
I will tell too
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
It's already been seen
From underneath a sea
That it never occurred
For fire to blossom
It so happens one day
That a burnt field
Produces healthier wheat
Than the best April
And at sunset
They will go mix
Under the sky burning
So many colors in pairs
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
I will not say anything to you
I don't even now how to cry anymore
I will just be standing there
From there I shall watch you
Dance and smile
And I will listen to you
Sing and laugh
Until I feel like
The shadow of a shadow
That is in your hand
The shadow of a dog
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me