Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 100



Nincs itt semmiféle politikai korrektség
Se balra, se jobbra, de egyenesen a húsba
Egy dal a fejbe, hogy a fogaikat is kiverje
Hogy motyoghassanak a parlamentbe', míg az alkotmányt vitatják
A zsarnokság elleni lázadás
Ami széttépi a bilincseket
Nincs irányítás felette
Ez már tömegreakció
Ébresszétek a miniszterelnököt
Hadd halljam a bilincseket
Sorolja fel a minisztereket
Elő a kincstár kulcsaival
Gyerünk, most évértékeld a népnek, hogy ki lopott
Ki tett tönkre minket és nem volt számon kérve
Jól összejátszottatok, hát nincs visszavágó
Lopás törvénykönyve van, amit senki sem vallott be
És az emberek nem emlékeznek minderre

Sajnálom Szerbia

Belgrád. A képzelet bűnösen az aszfalthoz köt. A szarság borzalmas itt, az utca mindent lát. Tíz dűne, a kölyök, apáé hazajön. „Vigyázz, vége van fiam! Ma vihar közeleg!” A banda még mindig lop tőlünk. A tagság továbbra is fontos. A jelvény még mindig letartóztat minket. Nem a Marsról pottyantam le. Tudom, hogy mindez bohózat. De ha nem megyek át, nincs visszaút számomra. Pár főiskolai haveromat régen felgyújtották. Szerencséjük volt, de hiányzik nekik Szerbia. Ha ez így folytatódik, senki sem marad itt. Én: tolvajok, kutyák, robotok.. az utolsó kapcsolja le a villanyt.
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Az aranykor sátra valójában koromsötét. Mint a pezsgő, amikor ünnepelnek, kinyitják a fejünket... gumi labdák repülnek a gyerekek fölött. Sisak, lovasroham. Páncélozott járművek, kórházi furgon. A tüdőmet elpusztította a háborús méreg. Nem huligánok vagyunk, csak zavarodottak és magányosak. Nem, nem az ország ellen vagyunk, hanem a rezsim ellen. Nem állunk senki oldalán, nem vagyunk párt ügynökök. De nem most jöttünk a falvédőről. Ez rosszul veszi ki magát?! Akkor csak magyarázza el nekem, hogy van itt a felosztás. Mindent a csókosok kapnak, akik a kincsesládán ücsörögnek. Erős hálók, sovány alkatrészek. És amikor jönnek a lezárások, senkinek nincs szüksége rájuk.
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Senki nem kérdez tőlünk semmit, csak bólogatnak. Aztán mindent visznek a kincstárba, ahol eladják a földet. Kiagyalják, hogy a harcnak nincs értelme. Csak összeesküvés-elmélet - mondják. Ha itt nincs változás, akkor nincsenek emberek, akik elkezdenék. Nincs más lehetőség, mint összecsomagolni. De nem menekülhetünk, mert itt vannak a gyökereink. És, ha százszor eltaposnak, feltámadok. Mindent elloptál, és továbbra is ítélkezni akarsz felettem?! Bármit kínálsz nekem, bűzlik! Nem leszel képes megvenni engem. Lehet, hogy a város most a tiéd, de ezek az én utcáim. És amikor az emberek megtöltik őket, ne csodálkozz utána!
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Sajnálom, Szerbia, én nem voltam ott neked
De mindent megteszek, hogy kijavítsam a hibákat
Bocsáss meg, életért, minden elveszett időért
De soha nem késő újra elindulni

Watch out watch out

Watch out I just got here, watch out, watch out, let me tell you,
Watch out I'm leading the crew, watch out, looking for the jerks
So try to manage it, watch out we're like brothers,
Who wants to mess with us will live shorter.
Watch out where you go, so watch out who follows you,
Watch out, watch out how you spread it, since it can come back to you
Watch out what you're rejoicing at, watch out you shall not covet your neighbour's goods
in the cold cell, you're hanging out in a nasty group
You say this has nothing to do with me, this has nothing to do with us.
Watch out that's a mistake! No, watch out, remember the days,
when you cheated, pillage the city, fucked the whores, bothering people,
everything, watch out for everything, even breaking the laws
Watch out, watch out, like pitbull I was training and killing it,
Now we're reducing bills, I've heard you had lots of them,
Arguing with God, watch out you fucked up big time,
Opening the doors with your leg, selling drugs to kids.
Watch out, they told you: Watch out, be careful what you do,
But you didn't care, you just didn't stop.
Cus life didn't treat you well, so you didn't treat others well either
now you have what you wanted, cus you never watched out.
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Watch out, watch out, time flies, first gray hairs are showing up,
You think you're young for them, but the streets don't spare
You weren't lucky, you weren't, that's right,
but that's what makes you stronger, you're not a kid anymore.
Not a kid anymore, so watch out what you do, the world's cruel
people are cruel. Watch out, watch out for the mistakes.
Watch out to not burn yourself, the streets are boiling,
like African plains. Watch out, watch out for hyenas.
Do you hear it in the distance? It's death laughing at you.
Now you're greedy like never before, cus your time is running,
success withing reach, but they're watching out for you.
You feel the looks of jealousy, envy, the punches.
Watch out for dorks, snitches, bad influences,
be careful who is who, take care of real friends.
Open your eyes wide and watch out where you take your steps,
there are hungry vipers at every turn
Open your eyes wide, keep moving bravely,
but watch out that you don't get blinded by all the ignorance.
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Look, I can't believe what our destiny is like,
When I gotta watch out where I go and to not believe people.
Watch out, as far as I can see, nobody takes care of others,
but they only care about themselves, steals from others.
Watch out, nothing is worth it, authority is always safe here,
they don't have to watch out, they do everything without any effort.
They don't need to use force to ride us without kicking,
We watch out for ourselves, cus we don't ask questions.
But we do care about stuff that have expiration date,
Watch out everything draws your attention, only for your vigilance to be lowered.
Watch out, watch out, this car, this whore, this money,
Watch out, watch out, new bonehead from a reality show
That's only a part of their plan for brainwashing,
watch out, the news they give you affect you like Prozak.
Watch out, you're your own prison, watch out, your complex is your compass,
watch out, it'll be too late when you realise you're reaching for your own failure.
Watch out, be careful, so that you don't regret it tomorrow,
that you were always watching out and breaking your spine.
Watch out, it's still not too late to say some things out loud,
let the ones that you watch out for watch out for you.
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Look we won't last too long if we keep going this way,
But look, it doesn't seem like it until you change the perspective.
Whilst you look at everything passingly, you can't judge it,
Cus you don't watch out for anything but satisfying yourself.
And in good weather, people are still gloomy,
cus nobody is watching out for them, nobody pays attention.
They go where the wind blows, cus that's easier,
instead of filling the sails and grabbing the rudder.
Look someone will say that it's like it used to be,
but in their time, it wasn't any better,
just ask him if he's willing to let their kid go out,
and not care that they're not back, and it's getting late.
Watch out, before kids used to love marbles,
were able to fight when they see djidanje*
now they love video games, shooting on their screens,
they don't know how to punch, yet they're already killers.
Maybe I didn't pay attention in class, so I don't understand,
how this life without a meaning is an improvement.
Where has love between the close ones gone,
and why is science more important than the truth?
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Watch out, watch out
For this crucial moment, you gotta stay awake!
Watch out, watch out
And when the storm begins - your faith is protecting you!

Guaranteeing Nothing

Versions: #1
Are you actually seeing me?
Are you actually seeing me?
Are you actually seeing me?
Aren't you actually seeing me?
You lock me in
in your dreams
You lock me in
You lock me in
You say that you want :
and that I stay
Are you sure?
I'm not sure
Say, do you like what you see?
Or do you see what you like?
If you see what you like :
It's not steady, it changes
Are you you enduring it or do you keep up with it?
Are you suppressing it? that'd be vain
Hold yourself out otherwise hold yourself tight
Be careful, it's moving!
Are you coming with me?
I can't guarantee anything
Or are you staying here?
I can't guarantee anything
Are you staying by me?
I can't guarantee anything
Do you trust me?
I can't guarantee anything
Do you really mean me?
Do you really mean me?
You say that you want :
that I remain this way
and indeed forever
I say: not forever
You hold me tight
In your arms
You hold me tight
You hold me tight
Say, do you like what you see?
or do you see what you like?
If you see what you like:
If it likes, what it wants1
Say, do you want to come with me? say, Are you keeping the pace?
Or are your steps doubtful?
Throw it away or pursue it
Watch what a lightening does
Are you coming with me?
I can't guarantee anything
Or are you staying here?
I can't guarantee anything
Are you staying by me?
I can't guarantee anything
Do you trust me?
I can't guarantee anything
  • 1. I wanted to stick to the Grammar but I'm not sure if it actually makes sense

Single Dog (Don't Leave Me)

Single dog, just keep going ahead.
I don't wanna hold your hand.
I don't wanna listen to your sweet talk,
I just want you to really love me,
Even if one day you leave me.

I'm dead like Buddha

When I wake up, I'm inside the ground
When I stretch my hands, I only crawl through the dark
In my lifeless lips, the embers of love tremble
Who left me like this?
While thinking you were a bad man
I dreamed of having a home
Serving you like this, I became an obstacle
Have you fell into temptation?
You sucked me to the bones and revived me
When I noticed it was a lie, you left me
'Goodbye to this world'
Yells my spirit
For saying 'I love you' I took the risk
And in the name of Buddha I punch you
When I was young I was that pampered
I'm not old enough to worry for the appearances
I'm a woman drowned in a sweet kiss
But a man suddenly laid his hands
With your innocent face you appear on TV
The world knows nothing about the truth
Sudden strong rain and lightnings
Take me back to my hometown
The eyes seeing other person and evilness in dress are forgivable
Just your way of holding chopsticks is unjustifiable
I'm leaving this world
My spirit understood
Sorry mother
I want to eat Mitarashi Dango
Even if the sun rises in the west and the moon turns back
I can't become Buddha
And I'd embrace a man again

mondd, hol a sok virág

mondd csak, hol a sok virág ?
vajon hol maradtak el ?
mondd csak, hol a sok virág ?
mi történt velük ?
mondd csak, hol a sok virág ?
lányok szedték, befonták
mikor értjük meg egymást,
mikor értjük meg egymást ?
mondd, hova lett a sok kislány ?
vajon hol maradnak el. ?
mondd, hova lett a sok kisleány ?
mi lett velük ?
hová lettek álmaik ?
szörnyek tépték szárnyaik.
mikor értjük meg egymást,
mikor értjük meg egymást ?
mondd, hol vannak a férfiak ?
vajon hol maradnak ?
mondd, hol vannak a férfiak ?
mi lett velük ?
messze tűntek lépteik
háborúba vitték mind.
mikor értjük meg egymást,
mikor értjük meg egymást ?
mondd hol vannak a katonák ?
vajon hol maradnak ?
mondd hol vannak a katonák ?
mi lett velük ?
mondd hol vannak a katonák ?
sírjuk felett vad virág.
mikor értjük meg egymást,
mikor értjük meg egymást ?
mondd hol vannak a sírjaik ?
ott várnak régen.
mondd hol vannak a sírjaik ?
mi lesz most velük ?
hol vannak a sírjaik ?
föld anya vigyázza mind
mikor értjük meg egymást ?
mikor értjük meg egymást ?
mondd csak, hol a sok virág ?
vajon hol maradtak el ?
mondd csak, hol a sok virág ?
mi történt velük ?
mondd csak, hol a sok virág ?
lányok szedték, befonták.
mikor értjük meg egymást,
mikor értjük meg egymást ?
fordította Gaál György István

To Veterans

Thank you for the silence!
I bow down to you, veterans!
You have gone through that terrible war.
Your wounds remain for you as a keepsake.
You see in your dreams those horrible times
When you were young.
You couldn't ever forget those times.
It is not possible not to remember the past.
It is not possible to ease the pain of the past.
You will remember forever
That the war has broken your hearts!
It has taken your brothers and friends,
Your sisters and mothers.
It has taken and burned everything.
It has ruined your lives.
It has separated you and your families,
Your native houses and your country.
But you didn't die in the battles.
You didn't capitulate to fascists.
You remained faithful to your Motherland.
You gave a precious gift to your Fatherland:
Victory and happiness without war!
Thank you for the silence.
Thank you for surviving that war!
I thank you for peace and joy!
Thank you for the sweetness of freedom!
We will be grateful forever to you, dear veterans!

We are still

It's about
Blumenau, municipal public housing,
The southeast tangent (1), morning traffic
November days in gray-on-gray
Photo-tourism, super disasters
The time of the Kaiser (2), construction on the ring road (3),
Central displays of celebrity corpses,
Most-loved is to chew on schnitzel,
Not just the Danube (4), blue, so blue...
Here, everything stays just as it is,
Which is why nothing is so quickly missed.
What doesn't fit in here, doesn't belong
And so we are still in...
Marveled at by the whole world,
Where whatever you believe in still counts,
We could also move away from here,
But we are still in...
Peter Nidezky, Interpol,
Uncle Willis, Rohypnol,
Our media monopoly,
The main thing is lots of alcohol...
Federal capital city,
Where everyone has something to blab about.
A Ferris wheel (5) and a plaza,
Which has not had only heroes for so long,
History takes place.
Here, everything stays just as it is,
Which is why nothing is so quickly missed.
What doesn't fit in here, doesn't belong
And so we are still in...
Marveled at by the whole world,
Where whatever you believe in still counts,
We could also move away from here,
But we are still in...
Rapid or Austria, Viennese sports-club
and Viennese musical super-star,
Donauinsel (6), year after year,
Volksgarten (7), Roxy, Chelsea, Flex,
Anonymous one-night-stands,
Ambros, Danzer, Fendrich,
Their lives seem endless... and finite
Here, everything stays just as it is,
Which is why nothing is so quickly missed.
What doesn't fit in here, doesn't belong
And so we are still in...
Marveled at by the whole world,
Where whatever you believe in still counts,
We could also move away,
But we are still in...
It's about beautiful summer days,
A location in central Europe.
Good quality of life,
Which it seems not everybody understands.
And also the 23 hard blows (8),
Models of love-hate perfection.
And when I'm sometimes cheeky,
It can be hard to get out, if you're already in.
Old friends make sense,
I'm still getting up,
I'm still getting up...
Here, everything stays just as it is,
Which is why nothing is so quickly missed.
What doesn't fit in here, doesn't belong
And so we are still in...
Marveled at by the whole world,
Where whatever you believe in still counts,
We could also move away from here,
But we are still in Vienna.

In The Middle Of The Abbey

Versions: #2
In the middle of the abbey, there's a pool
Good old pool
This dormitory's girls, all of them are resolute
We play and rollick
In the middle of the abbey, there's a fountain
Good old fountain
This dormitory's girls, all of them are noble
We play and rollick
In the middle of the abbey, there's a fount
Good old fount
This dormitory's girls, all of them are sycamore
We play and rollick

Just one word

I see that you think,
I think that you feel,
I feel that you want,
But I can't hear you, I...
...borrowed a dictionary,
And shouted A thru Zs in your ear.
I pile up a thousand woolly words
That tug at your sleeves.
And where(ever) you want to go
I'm clinging to your legs.
If you have to fall on a mouth,
Then why not fall on mine?*
Oh, please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one
Please, please, gimme just one Oh
Please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one
Please, please, gimme just one word.
It's crazy how beautifully you stay silent
How you tilt your cute little head
And thus give the whole noisy world and me
The cold shoulder.
Your silence is your tent,
You place it right out in the world,
You tighten the ropes and watch in silent awe
When a girl falls over them at night.
At your feet I talk myself
Into an early grave.
Over your deep waters
I want to make big waves.
Oh, please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one
Please, please, gimme just one Oh
Please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one
Please, please, gimme just one word.
In my blood, endorphins
Are bubbling up,
Whenever thoughts are rushing
Behind your silent bunny eyes.
Oh, please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one
Please, please, gimme just one Oh
Please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one Oh
Please give me just one
Please, please, gimme just one word.

Die Gedanken Sind Frei (Thoughts Are Free)

Thoughts are free,
my thoughts freely flower.
Thoughts are free,
my thoughts give me power.
No scholar can map them.
No hunter can trap them.
No man can deny
thoughts are free.
No man can deny
thoughts are free.
I think as I please
and this gives me pleasure.
My conscience decrees
this right I must treasure.
My thoughts will not cater
to duke or dictator.
No man can deny
thoughts are free.
No man can deny
thoughts are free.
And should tyrants take me
and throw me in prison,
my thoughts will burst free
like blossoms in season.
Foundations will crumble
and structures will tumble
and free men will cry:
'Thoughts are free!'
And free men will cry:
'Thoughts are free!'

Thoughts Are Free

Thoughts are free,
who can guess them?
They fly past
like shadows in the night.
No one knows them,
no hunter can shoot them
with powder and lead:
Thoughts are free!
I think what I want
and whatever makes me happy,
but all in silence
and as it is suitable.
My wish and desire
can't be refused by anyone,
it stays this way:
Thoughts are free!
And if I get locked up
in a dark dungeon,
that would all be purely
futile work.
Because my thoughts
break down barriers
and tear walls in half:
Thoughts are free!
Freedom and imagination
are all just phrases,
in the future we'll be
the real slaves...
...who never think again
and let themselves be controlled
by the NSA and FBI,
thoughts are free.
Thoughts are free,
who can guess them?
They fly past
like shadows in the night.
No one knows them,
no hunter can shoot them
with powder and lead:
Thoughts are free!

Creatures of Flesh and Blood

Ha, ha, ha - you laugh without a care
Ha, ha, ha - it's despicable!
You don't understand that love has meaning
You just laugh it off, always,
'Ha, ha, ha' - well, keep on laughing!
Laugh yourselves straight to hell!
You haven't thought twice - don't try now, you might strain something!
You can't even comprehend
What's happening right in front of you
Ha, ha, ha, look who we have here!
Standing there in her turban, is it another swan?
She wants Romeo?
Here's hoping that he chooses his friends
Over the pain of love
We're creatures of flesh and blood
Sometimes bad, sometimes good
Life's full of riddles
The way forward leads high and low
Often life is more illusion than reality
You often know this deep down inside
So if love happens to draw us in
Ha, ha! We walk away unscathed
Ha, ha, ha - animals, the lot of you!
Ha, ha, ha - oaths mean nothing to you
You live jealous lives, but you pray for escape
Stupidity reigns here!
Ha, ha, ha, 'they're in love!'
Ha, ha, ha, - ridiculous!
They're just spoiled kids, it'll never come to love
Romeo's fancies change by the hour
That's a man's gift!
We're creatures of flesh and blood
Sometimes bad, sometimes good
Life's full of riddles
The way forward leads high and low
Often life is more illusion than reality
You often know this deep down inside
So if love happens to draw us in
Ha, ha! We walk away unscathed
We know exactly
Who we are!
We have no doubts
No one can take that from us!
We're creatures of flesh and blood
Sometimes bad, sometimes good
Life's full of riddles
The way forward leads high and low
Often life is more illusion than reality
You often know this deep down inside
So if love happens to draw us in
Ha, ha! We walk away unscathed
We really stay unscathed!

We've Been Lost For A Long Time

I can't see where you're going
when there is silence and loneliness.
The mind makes it hard for me and
a wind of grief and sorrow blows.
You don't want to tell me where
your travels lead your repugnant self.
Then I must painfully, but with purpose,
ask the question that you ask.
It's been looming over me for so long.
It's been surging up within me for so long.
The longing that once was
has now been replaced by indignation.
We've been lost for a long time.
We've grown distant in our hearts.
We are a tail of yesterday's magic
and in our souls burns nothing but pain.
Yesterday is melting, tomorrow is stone.
Hope is headed for ruin.
In no world are we still safe
and I walk alone, who knows where.
Such abundant happiness was granted to us,
now it has died out in our souls.
The long wait is followed by the giving way.
My heart is cold, it's no secret.
We've been lost for a long time.
We've grown distant in our hearts.
We are a tail of yesterday's magic
and in our souls burns nothing but pain.
We've been lost for a long time.
We've grown distant in our hearts.
We are a tail of yesterday's magic
and in our souls burns nothing but pain.

We're the natives of Trizonesia

My dear friend, my dear friend
The old times are over
Whether you laugh or cry about it
The world keeps moving one, two, three
A small group of diplomats is making the big political decisions today
They are creating zones, modifying states
But what about us right now?
We're the natives of Trizonesia1
Hi-dee chim-cheree chim-cheree chim-cheree boom
Our women are wild and passionate
Hi-dee chim-cheree chim-cheree chim-cheree boom
We may not be cannibals2
But we sure know how to kiss
We're the natives of Trizonesia
Hi-dee chim-cheree chim-cheree chim-cheree boom
Columbus discovered America
A whole new continent
All the things Marco Polo saw
Were touched by culture afterwards
Sven Hedin traveled to the Himalaya
And walked through hot desert sands
Amundsen reached the North Pole
But nobody had known us before
But know this, foreigner
A Trizonesian has a good sense of humour
He's cultivated and intelligent
He's second to none in that regard
Even Goethe is from Trizonesia
It's well known that Beethoven's cradle stood here
No, you won't find these things over in Chinesia
That's why we're proud of our country
  • 1. Refers to the fact that at the time the song was written, West Germany was split into three zones by the Western Allies -
    American, British and French.
  • 2. In other words, 'we're not the monsters you think we were during the Nazi regime'.

Busindre Reel

Don't come back
anymore to my house,
making a ruckus
with your clogs.

elhagyott idő

fordíts hátat a háznak
fordíts hátat a háznak
fordíts hátat a háznak
fordíts hátat a háznak, ne gyere közelebb
ha itt vagy, túl sok zaj támad
menj fordíts hátat a háznak
fordította Gaál György István

We Are!!!

We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
your children!
We have nothing.
We're worth nothing.
We're depraved and vulgar.
We are the scum
and the magnificence.
We are the urges
of your night.
We are
your children!
Have you all forgotten?
We try.
We are pampered.
We're spoiled
and obscene.
We are the evil
and the magnificent.
We are the urges
of your night.
We are
your children!
Have you all forgotten?
We are
your children!
Have you all forgotten?
We are
your children!
Have you all forgotten?
(Have you all forgotten?)
We are just hard to correct.
We work and frustrate,
but someday we'll be alone
and we'll take your places.
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
(We are)
We are
(We are)
We are
your children!
We are
your children!
Have you all forgotten?
(Have you all forgotten?)
We are
your children!
Have you all forgotten?
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
We are
(Your children)
We are
We are
We are
We are
your children!

(the) eyes are red

pick us up, all five of us
we need no Berlin, we only need us
the streets are black
I can't see my hand in front of my face
smoke fumes up the nose, every night
'cause it's just a phase, yes
we're driving with your mom's Fiat
I'm sitting in the middle of the rear seats
and your eyes are red
hungry and stoned
the wind blows, icy and cold
your hair, it's blowing in the wind
black and so light
so black, so light
so pull ahead
so easily
so easily
the forest passes by
we tell jokes that only we get
your mom hates us so much
red eyes don't lie easily
and from up here one can see farther
it's all a little quieter, yes
I can't believe that this shit is over now
you smile at me in a sadly manner
and your eyes are red
hungry and stoned
the wind blows, icy and cold
your hair, it's blowing in the wind
black and so light
so black, so light
so pull ahead
so easily
pull ahead
so easily
and the boys, the car, the intoxication
you'll stay in a place, deep within my heart
and yes, I know, you'll stay
I think about it a lot, even if I don't write to you guys often
and I can't believe that shit is over now
you blow smoke into my face
so pull ahead
so easily
so easily

I will practice my whole life to love you the way I want to love you when you'll leave

I don't fall asleep anymore
Two fingers at your wrist
Every hearbeat is my
Fragile gift
I don't stay calm
But I can learn to do so
Then I'll let you go sometime
Without walking away
I will practice my whole life
I want you to understand
I will practice my whole life
To love you
The way I want to love you
When you leave
Until then I'll be with you
Two fingers at your wrist
I catch all your hours
And I keep them for you
I don't stay calm
But I can learn to do so
Then I'll let you go
The last bit to the stars
I will practice my whole life
I want you to understand
I will practice my whole life
To love you
The way I want to love you
When you leave
I will practice my whole life
To love you
The way I want to love you
When you leave

Green, green, green are all my clothes

Green, green, green are all my clothes,
green, green, green is all I own.
That's why I love everything that's so green,
because my darling is a hunter.
Red, red, red are all my clothes,
red, red, red is all I own.
That's why I love everything that's so red,
because my darling is an equestrian.
Blue, blue, blue are all my clothes,
blue, blue, blue is all I own.
That's why I love everything that's so blue,
because my darling is a sailor.
Black, black, black are all my clothes,
black, black, black is all I own.
That's why I love everything that's so black,
because my darling is a chimney sweep.
White, white, white are all my clothes,
white, white, white is all I own.
That's why I love everything that's so white,
because my darling is a miller.
Colourful, colourful, colourful are all my clothes,
colourful, colourful, colourful is all I own.
That's why I love everything that's so colourful,
because my darling is a painter.

We are the Old People!

You know what? I gotta confess that a lot of my friends went to the polling station now that have never been voting before.
Julia for example, she started an online petition, via facebook. Against the tightening of the asylum laws. They got more than 20.000 signatures in one week.
Yeah. Just hold your panel discussions. Make online petitions.
Go on the street for manifestations. Share everything. From Böhmermann to Bernie Sandes.
Vote red or green, just try to make the world a better place. Good luck!

Just go to the election this year,
vote liberal-left, social-radical or neutral.
That just makes no frigging difference,
because we are the majority again
in the polling station.
'Cause we are the old people
We are old!
We are the old people!
You might think you are the coolest,
but we are the majority.
We are the old people!
You want to make a change,
but the world belongs to the retired.
You are tolerant.
Want any migrant here in the country,
but we vote for Donald Trump.
You dream of a borderless Europe,
but brexit was decided by grandma and grandpa.
You think nuclear phase-out is a good thing.
We don't give a damn about climate change, let the devil take the hindmost.
'Cause we are the old people!
We are old!
We are the old people!
You might think you are the coolest,
but we are the majority.
We are the old people!
You want to make a change,
but the world belongs to the retired.
We are the old people!
You might think you are the coolest,
but we are the majority.
We are the old people!
You want to make a change,
but the world belongs to the retired.
The voter turnout of the last federal election was for the 60- 70 year olds at 79,8 %, followed by the 50- 60 year olds at 75,5 %.
Where would Donald Trump be without the old people? Right, in Trump Tower.
Where would England be without the old people? In the EU.
Where would the AfD be without the old people? Right, beneath the 5% barrier!
So, who's making politics here, you lactose-intolerant liberals?

We might have to take a leak 5 times a night
Or write down parking offenders all the time.
We do what we want
and you can't stop us.
Deal with it!
We are the old people!
We are old!
We are the old people!
You might think you are the coolest,
but we are the majority.
We are the old people!
You want to make a change,
but the world belongs to the retired.
We are the old people, old people!
Old, old people, yeah!
'Cause we are old!
We are the old people, old people!
Old, old people, yeah!
'Cause we are old!
We are old!

Aïe aïe aïe

[Verse 1]
Hand in hand with you
you stroll around without a care
and when we cross paths
you let go of her hand like a reflex.
Baby I can explain everything.
Yeah that's right, always a new excuse.
You've even prepared some tears
to stop my accusations.
[Pre-chorus 1]
It's no use crying out,
you got caught.
You wanted to mess around
but I'm stronger than you.
Aïe aïe aïe you wanted them all.
In the end you've got no-one to run to.
Aïe aïe aïe I'm sure now.
There's no way I'll forgive you now.
Bye bye bye, we're on different paths now.
Don't bother sounding off at me.
Bye bye bye, shot to the heart from me to you.
You think I'm feeling down but I'm just fine.
[Verse 2]
You brought out the big guns,
you promise you love me
but lying straight to my face
has never been a problem for you.
How many girls
have you tried this with?
When I talk to you you're evasive.
You flit away like a firework.
[Pre-chorus 2]
It's no use crying out,
you got caught.
You wanted to mess around
but I'm stronger than you.
[Chorus] (x1)
[Verse 3]
You want 1,000's of women
don't try to deny it.
Get lost, stop wasting my time.
I've already moved on.
I can't trust you.
Don't try to fight it,
I won't break.
I've already moved on.
[Chorus] (X2)

To Those Who Fear Nothing

I can steal your soul, write a book out of it
But not gamma with dracamma, drama gram, jealousy
Analyze mistakes of the lords, emotions that melt iron, heal on the road
Power without willpower does not heal
Who drinks mead, beer, who fists the face, and the criminal police struggles
I lacked intellect, cred, motto, conscience - it is all my fault
I like to fold origami out of complexes
You are interested in that unruly history of mine
You want it as much as the bee wants to fall in a honeycomb
As much as vegetarians want to climb the Everest
As much as Indiana Jones wanted to rob the City of Gods
But they have not seen any streets, only the TV casting
They scare this type of thinking, this type of thinking
Scold, promise to flourish the war, the crisis, the plague
Keep calm, we will teach you not to be scared any longer
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
My mike is my weapon
My mike is my weapon
My mike is my weapon
My mike is my weapon
Those who are afraid of the rain are afraid that they will be shot
Afraid that kompromat will leak to the press
The soldier is afraid that the chick will not wait for him
The chick is afraid that he will pull out at the wrong time
Stern faces, it is bad to be without money
Dilated pupils not because of love but because of fear
There was gangsta rap, the pistols of the old men are dry
While the youth turned out to be spoiled
Rap kings are afraid of losing rap crowns, some are taking selfies behind the bushes
Some smoke I let out from the corner of my lips, smiling
Some low-frequency nonce announces that the ship is drowning, the bottom is pierced
Last glass, dead-face to the moss
The fear goes away when you lose your conscience
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
You say that everyone fucks with your mind, everyone is afraid to die, even more so to lose their money
Float with one leg grabbing the glitter, it's fun to make fun of and troll of people like these
Thank-yous, kisses, knick-knacks, it seems we have everything, but give us some more
A few tofu falafels, sofa-bird-kings interested only in their of well-being coefficient
They stole, stole, stole, stole, didn't steal enough
They stole, stole, stole, stole, didn't steal enough
They stole, stole, stole, stole, didn't steal enough
They stole, stole, stole, stole, didn't steal enough
The life will be cruel, will cry you are lame, will tear your aura apart, will say you're powerless
It has an annoying habit to give trophies to the audacious
What if the shivers will push you from the rails
It will be like that if you quake in your boots, it will be like that if you cocoon yourself
And when you will feel like you cannot be afraid anymore, from that moment on you're the part of the Syndicate!
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
Those who everyone is afraid of, are afraid of those who fear nothing
That's right party people

Still Waters Run Deep

I saw him at a party
For the very first time
And he wasn't even dancing
He couldn't hold my interest at all
And my friends said,
'There's not much to know about him.'
They said, 'He's shy,
And a wet blanket as well.'
But just then I remembered the old saying
That everyone knows:
Still waters run deep
That gave me pause
And so from then on I started
To send looks his way
Still waters run deep
There must be something to that saying
Otherwise, there wouldn't be any meaning
In this old saying at all
Out of pure curiosity I
Asked him about all sorts of things
But he hardly looked at me
And hardly said anything.
But later he took my hand
He even kissed me
That's when I realized
How true the old saying was
He held me in his arm
My heart pounded with alarm
Still waters run deep
That gave me pause
And so from then on I started
To give him my heart
Still waters run deep
Yes, there is a lot to that saying
It was a very smart fellow
Who came up with that saying

Jövőre Prizrenben!

Merre tartanék ha nem tudnám az indulási pontomat - ahol sírjaink a babarózsa mezein vannak,
az elmúlt századok nagy tetteinek néma tanúi a hősöknek akik inkább talpon állva haltak volna meg?
A termékeny földet csontjaink táplálták netán hogy ma hallgatnunk kelljen, míg a hatalom eltépi tőlünk?
Fontos-e hogy Metóhijából vagy Dorcolból származom-e, hogy a lelkem fájjon az igazságtalanság miatt?
Ebben a harcban a repülőgépek mit sem érnek, csak azok a tankönyvek amelyek világosan kimondják:
ki emelte fel a kolostort, ki gyalázta meg az oltárt, mely örökség az örök büszkeség és mi a szégyenletes.
Se a bombák se a szavazatok nem törölték el Lázárt, mindaddig, amíg új generációk nőnek fel rajta.
Ami szent, soha nem lehet elveszett. Reményben növekedj, piros virág, valaki újra fel fog szedni.
Az iránytűm a gyökered, a mellkasomban az én szívem. Nélküle a pénzemmel a Kegyelem útján átkozott vagyok.
És mint a papír hajók melyek a hazugság tengerén vitorláznak, de alapvetően csak süllyedek...
Folyamatosan kérdezitek tőlem, mit jelent számomra Koszovó. Nem értitek? Ismét megmagyarázom:
Koszovó az a mag, amelyből megszülettem, a forrás és a völgy, ahonnan a nép származik.
Gonosz nyelvek azt mondják, hogy Koszovó összeomlott. Az ártatlanok és a gyengék azt mondják, hogy Koszovónak vége van.
Én mindenkinek azt mondom, hogy Koszovót csak elrabolták, lerombolt és égetett az átkozott fő ellenség által.
Furcsa számotokra, hogy a városi gyereknek nincs más témája mert most itt ilyen a helyet – mindenki csak a maga érdekét nézi.
Hit nélkül, remény nélkül és vágy nélkül élünk. Tornyokat emelünk de elfelejtjük az alapokat.
Mert egy nép származás nélkül csak egy kiszárított folyó. Anya nélkül tejtől megfosztott gyermek vagyunk.
De itt a régi helyen, ahol Milos életét áldozta, Lázár igazságosságával vezetve újra feltámad a nép.
Mert bennünk továbbra is él a jóslat - A koszovói fogadalom amely örök időkig él majd.
Ezért tanítjuk a gyermekeket, hogy ismerjék a valódi igazságot. És az üdvözletünk legyen: 'Jövőre Prizrenben!'
És én imádkozom,
Kandallómhoz, hogy visszatérjek.
A lelkem téged csókol,
Égtől megvett szent föld.
Koszovó, Koszovó, szeretett földem, Sas vagy az egemen de a szárnyaid töröttek.
Keserű a könnyem, a mellkasomban űr van, a hazám szíve a személyiségem lényege...
Félelmet nem ismerő hősök véréből a mezőn babarózsák nyíltak. Azon a helyen, ahol országom felemelkedik az égre,
az uralkodó megmutatta nekünk, miért érdemes szenvedni. Koszovóhoz kötött minket Lázár, mítosszal és átokkal.
Az ördög akkor sem állt meg és a gonoszt továbbra is küldte - undorító fő ellenségeket, kevesünkre akik megmaradtunk.
Csak egyszer voltak a törökök, majd éhes farkasok jöttek. Tegnap nyársra húztak minket, most egy sárga házban kínoznak.
És még mindig tiltják, hogy nem láthatom a freskóimat mert emlékeztetni fognak a dicsőséges őseimre,
hogy soha ne halhassam a Decani szerzetesek dalát, Milos hős szívében, hogy ne ébredjen fel az erő.
Ismerem mindezeket a csínyeket és számtalanszor láttam már keresztjeinket mikor törik és megszentségtelenítik Vidovdán-t,
De ez itt nem az első alkalom hogy elvándorlásban vagyunk. De amikor eljön az idő, a paraszt eljő a mezőjéhez.
Mert mi életünket adtuk mindenhol a szabadságért, hogy holnap a szerb gyermeket hősnek nevezzék.
Ezért hallgasd meg, fiam: És a legrosszabbnak is bocsáss meg de a hazáért add az életed.
Kosmet örökre a mi földünk!
És én imádkozom,
Kandallómhoz, hogy visszatérjek.
A lelkem téged csókol,
Égtől megvett szent föld .
Babarózsáink, hogy feltámadjanak dicsőség,
Jövőre Prizrenben!

The Hills are my home

The hills are my home
There is it wonderful
My dear, you have to see the hills
For us couldn't give it more beautiful things
The sky there is so clear and blue
For us is shining the sun
We will be really happy
At our home
In front of us is laying a wonderful time
Come let the worries being worries
Cause soon you aren't alone anymore
I will be always with you
Since these days I think about you often
My dear, I just want to belong to you
If you are so far these days
I really like you
The big world is sometimes dull
So don't lose your courage
Even if it does so little today
Everything will be alright
And should the world go down too
Nothing can happen to both of you
We want to stand each other
And that is nice
And should the world go down too
Nothing can happen to both of you
We want to stand each other
And that is nice
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

These Days Are Eternal (Demo Version)

Today we celebrate ourselves and life
This is our best time
Every moment is perfect
It should never be different
We hold it tight, every moment
We're dreaming of infinity
We trust ourselves blindly, we stick together
We're like one and we feel free
These days are eternal
It would be beautiful if it could always stay like this
We celebrate life
It can't get any better than this
These days are eternal
And they should be immortal
These days are eternal
It can't get any more beautiful
We are experiencing the greatest now and today
And that which remains for all time
These days are eternal
Life can be so beautiful
We turn night into day
Until the early sunrise-red,
Embrace life and the world,
invincible, weightless.
Feverish with happiness, we believe it's time,
Hold on tight, you're never alone.
Let's drift,
Floating through life, stretch your wings
And fly high.
These days are eternal
It would be beautiful if it could always stay like this
We celebrate life
It can't get any better than this
These days are eternal
And they should be immortal
These days are eternal
It can't get any more beautiful
We are experiencing the greatest now and today
And that which remains for all time
Because we are experiencing the greatest now and today
We let go and are ready
These days are eternal
Live, love, feel freedom,
every day a new start.
Dreaming, dancing, like floating on clouds
Life can be so beautiful
These days are eternal
And they should be immortal
These days are eternal
It can't get any more beautiful
We are experiencing the greatest now and today
And that which remains for all time
These days are eternal
Life can be so beautiful
These days are eternal

Who We Are

We have, at every feast,
turned night into day.
We stole the leftovers at the end
and laughed about it.
There was nothing to lose,
the world was like a dirty rag,
we wanted to risk everything,
the freedom both a blessing and a curse.
And we went on the journey
in a long-lost land,
on the hunt and on the lookout,
our fate in our hands.
Who knows, who even knows, who we are,
only the wind knows the truth,
who knows, who knows, who can understand,
where we've come from, where we're going.
The hearts soaked up
with dark tobacco juice
and spat out into the waves
of the drunken black night
We swore
to stand together
and to
go this way together.
And we went on the journey
in a long-lost land,
on the hunt and on the lookout,
our fate in our hands.
Who knows, who even knows, who we are,
only the wind knows the truth,
who knows, who knows, who can understand,
where we've come from, where we're going. [x3]