Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 26

Találatok száma: 877


I'm Like That

I don't want to be Mr. Nice Guy
But I'm like that
That's really how I am...
I see so many wrong stuff
And nobody does anything
They only talk about me
I'm like that...
They say that I'm nothing special
And that my road is almost over
They want to destroy the love
I got suffering, keeping it to me
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'll keep walking my way
Not caring about anything they might say
Because what I really care about is my faith
And I won't change
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I don't want to be Mr. Nice Guy
But I'm like that
That's really how I am...
I see so many wrong stuff
And nobody does anything
They only talk about me
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

I'm Rebellious

I'm rebellious because that's what the world wanted
Because I was never treated with love
And people were not friendly with me
I'm rebellious because, always without a reason
I was denied all that I dreamed
And I was only given incomprehension
I wanted to be like a child
Full of hope and happy
And I wanted to give all that there is in me
All in return for a friendship
And dream, and live
And forget grief
And sing and smile
And feel nothing but love
I'm rebellious because that's what the world wanted
Because I was never treated with love
And people were not friendly with me
I'm rebellious because, always without a reason
I was denied all that I dreamed
And I was only given incomprehension
I wanted to be like a child
Full of hope and happy
And I wanted to give all that there is in me
All in return for a friendship
And dream, and live
And forget grief
And sing and smile
And feel nothing but love
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Fantasy Mythology

Deep in the abyss of light slumber, we sway with half-closed eyelids.
Smiling, the gods of dreams and fantasy elegantly impart death,
while the chains of karma, which dictates time and space, are becoming tangled.
It's a fantasy program bestowed by the gods.
Now, one, two, three! We shall become one.
Now, one, two, three! We shall evade death.
We'll snatch away the miracle that's thirsting for a survival game of annihilation,
just like a spiral.
As though to rewrite the transient foam-like future,
the noises of reincarnation, which holds the fantasies together, are resounding.
Time is distorting, while the melodies and laws of karma are crumbling away.
It's a succession program bestowed by the gods.
Now, one, two, three! We shall become links of one chain.
Now, one, two, three! We shall shake ourselves free of death.
We'll contend for a miracle that will fight against this eraser game of annihilation,
just like a fantasy dream.
It's a puppet program bestowed by the gods.
Now, one, two, three! We shall become one.
Now, one, two, three! We shall evade death.
Now, one, two, three! We shall become links of one chain.
Now, one, two, three! We shall shake ourselves free of death.
We'll snatch away the miracle that's thirsting for a survival game of annihilation,
just like a spiral.
The bystanders, while pitying us,
were even farther away than the life or death we longed for.
In a tiny garden at the end of the ends,
I believed that
there would be a boundless miracle.
Translations posted are mine unless otherwise specified. If the translation is mine, you may use on LT for the basis of other work, but please PM me first and credit me in a comment

What a beauty you are!

The mermaids
Got out of the sea
And in this place
They bewitch the patrons
The mermaids
Got out of the sea
The dance floor is shaking
The columns will fall off
Haide move your body
Haide let it burn
Dance, dance
My sweet girl dance
Dance, dance
I am about to die, my dear Virgin Mary
What a beauty you are
That sexy dress is on fire
What a beauty you are
I wish I had you kissing me
Angels came down from upon the sky
And in this place, they dance tsifteteli (1)
Angels came down from upon the sky
Ohh aman (2) and oh la la, the dance floor filled with beauty

You are not worth it

If whatever we have been through it looks like a joke to you
How could I ever explain how heavy this is for me
If whatever we have been through, you compare it to somewhere else
You take the blame for whatever you left behind
You are not worth being with me after all you have done
It was just my fault and now I am facing reality
You are not worth being with me after all you have done
It's a honor for you to be here, in my life, even for a while
If whatever we have been through, you rush to forget
Tell me how could I remind you, that leaving, you will lose
If whatever we have been through has the taste of the end
Tell me what else I could ever resist


В чистоте

A csend hangja

Versions: #2
Üdv, sötétség, régi barátom
Jöttem, hogy ismét beszéljek veled
Mert egy látomás finoman lopódzva
Itt hagyta a magjait, amíg aludtam
És a látomás, amit a fejembe ültetett
Még mindig megmaradt
A csend hangjában
Nyughatatlan álmokban egyedül sétáltam
Szűk, macskaköves utcákon
Egy utcai lámpa glóriája alatt
A hideg és pára felé fordítottam galléromat
Amikor a szemeimet megszúrta a neonfények villanása
Amely megtörte az éjszakát
És megérintette a csend hangját
És a meztelen fényben láttam
Tízezer embert, talán többet
Emberek, akik szólás nélkül beszéltek
Emberek, akik figyelés nélkül hallottak
Emberek, akik dalokat írnak, amit hangok sosem osztanak meg
És senki nem meri
Megtörni a csend hangját
'Bolondok!' mondtam én 'Nem tudjátok:
Csend - mint a rák - nő
Halld a szavaimat, lehet, hogy tanulhatsz
Fogd a kezeimet, lehet, hogy elérlek'
De a szavaim csendes esőcseppekként estek
És visszhangzottak a csend kútjaiban
És az emberek meghajoltak és imádkoztak
A neon Istenhez, akit ők teremtettek
És a jel megvillogtatta figyelmeztetését
És a szavakat, amiket formált
És a jel mondta:
'A próféta szavai a földalatti falakra van írva
És a szobákba'
És suttogta a csend hangjában
Dana Kósa

A csend hangja

Versions: #2
Üdv, sötétség, régi barátom
Jöttem, hogy ismét beszéljek veled
Mert egy látomás finoman lopódzva
Itt hagyta a magjait, amíg aludtam
És a látomás, amit a fejembe ültetett
Még mindig megmaradt
A csend hangjában
Nyughatatlan álmokban egyedül sétáltam
Szűk, macskaköves utcákon
Egy utcai lámpa glóriája alatt
A hideg és pára felé fordítottam galléromat
Amikor a szemeimet megszúrta a neonfények villanása
Amely megtörte az éjszakát
És megérintette a csend hangját
És a meztelen fényben láttam
Tízezer embert, talán többet
Emberek, akik szólás nélkül beszéltek
Emberek, akik figyelés nélkül hallottak
Emberek, akik dalokat írnak, amit hangok sosem osztanak meg
És senki nem meri
Megtörni a csend hangját
'Bolondok!' mondtam én 'Nem tudjátok:
Csend - mint a rák - nő
Halld a szavaimat, lehet, hogy tanulhatsz
Fogd a kezeimet, lehet, hogy elérlek'
De a szavaim csendes esőcseppekként estek
És visszhangzottak a csend kútjaiban
És az emberek meghajoltak és imádkoztak
A neon Istenhez, akit ők teremtettek
És a jel megvillogtatta figyelmeztetését
És a szavakat, amiket formált
És a jel mondta:
'A próféta szavai a földalatti falakra van írva
És a szobákba'
És suttogta a csend hangjában
Dana Kósa

Кладбище “Грейвсенд”

Тащусь в мороз на вершину.
Жду начала дня и сигнала к привалу.
Этот день подходит к концу,
А с ним угасаю я,
Позволь мне забыть о мотивах,
Для законов есть свои трюки,
Я готов оцепенеть,
Я готов оцепенеть,
Если демоны овладевают мной,
Я просто хочу быть навеки проклят,
Когда душа покинет меня,
Я умру, как и положено доброму мужу
Мне было всего 18, когда я зажил своей жизнью,
Обкрадывал мертвецов, будто ворон на улице,
Я никогда не пойму, пока мне не скажут об этом,
Живу во тьме, будто ворон на улице
Копаю бледно-белыми руками,
Стараюсь быть спокойным и пробую на вкус песок,
Сегодня оказываю услугу,
Прошу друзей держаться подальше.
Я могу себе это позволить,
Мне плевать на то, что я потерял,
Я готов оцепенеть,
Я готов оцепенеть.
Если ангелы забирают меня,
Им понадобится много времени,
Если душа издевается надо мной, я узнаю,
Что брал только то, что принадлежит мне
Мне было всего 25, когда я, наконец, покинул родной дом,
В поисках гонки, будто убийца на дороге.
Я пойму лишь тогда, когда ты оставишь меня в покое,
Умирая в темноте, будто убийца на дороге,
Будто убийца на дороге
Никогда не рано вспомнить о том, что ты стар,
В поисках выгодной сделки, как Дьявол на распутье.
Я пойму лишь тогда, когда мне скажут это,
Ожидаю во тьме, словно Дьявол на распутье.
Словно Дьявол на распутье,
Словно Дьявол на распутье,
Словно Дьявол на распутье.

What were you

What were you
nothing but a biscuit thief
now that I married you
you ask to be taken here and there
You were barefoot
roaming on the streets
now that I married you
you ask for butlers
You were in the market
gathering seeds
and now that I married you
you ask for air flights
You were at your mom's
feeding roosters
now that I married you
you ask for air flights
You were barefoot
gathering pennies
now that I married you
you ask for 10's
You were at your moms
gathering pennies
now that I married you
you ask for 10's
You were in the market
gathering chicory
now that I married you
you ask for earrings
I threw my dice and
got six and five
and for the cops in the corner get five and five
(My dice that I moved brought five and six, two cops go to the corner and get five and five)
I put death in jail
for 50 years
so that I could have you free forever
to enjoy life with you


Ahol elfeledtél mindent, ami közös,
S azt is, hogy élek-e, mert úgy hitted, kölcsönös,
Tán csak némi drámára volt szükséged, azért kerestél fel újra?
Vagy, hogy elvidd mindazt, ami kettőnkből még emlékeztet a közös útra?
Hurrá! És most, hogy megöltél,
És elraboltad megmaradt lelkemet egészen,
és most, hogy egy éles kést a szívem közepébe döftél,
eldobtál, széttörtél, árulásod tán csak mosolyogva nézzem?
Miattad hever az életem romokban,
De azért csak elvinnéd megint - hogy úgy mondjam,
ami megmaradt abból, ki az életénél is jobban szeretett Téged!
Ahol legyőztél engem, bizony, ott maradtam
és ahol sivár lett az egész életem
Most persze visszajössz, hogy még jobban eltiporj egy kíméletlen harcban,
csak a kés, mit szívembe döftél, csak ez marad örökké velem.
Hányszor elárultál, de szíved soha sem lett az enyém,
bár hiszem, hogy más vagy, olyan, aki mégiscsak szívvel él?

Let Me

What wouldn't I do for you?
I would do everything, and it still wouldn't be enough.
I would promise you in the silence,
Oh, my love!
An endless ritual...
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
(Oh, let me!)
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
Oh, oh, oh...
I wouldn't want to stop listening, even for a minute,
To the melody of your breathing.
You are more than a thousand reasons
That inspire me to express
Thoughts and hopes
That make me want to live even more.
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
(Oh, let me!)
Let me daydream
As time stops.
(Oh, let me!)
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
Oh, oh, oh...
And if I ever go far away, no,
Oh, I would never get lost!
Right inside your heart
I would find my way home!
And if I ever go far away, no,
Oh, I would never get lost!
Right inside your heart
I would find my way home!
And if I ever go far away, no,
Oh, I would never get lost!
Right inside your heart...
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
(Oh, let me... Let me...)
Let me daydream
As time stops.
(Oh, let me!)
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
Oh, oh, oh...
Oh, let me!
Let me!
Let me!
Right inside your heart!
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
(Oh, let me!)
Let me sleep during the day
So I can devote the nights to you.
Let me daydream
As time stops.
Oh, oh, oh...

What More Can I Say

What should I say?
What should I call this feeling?
It's like I'll run out of breath
Soon to stop
I get frustrated
You know the uncertainty
Words cannot express it
After you left me
Everything has changed
Without you girl
Without you girl
Without you, I really can't
Loving one person
And farewelling one person
I didn't know it was this hard
If I knew
If I knew then
What should I say?
If this is love
I don't think I can ever do it again
Everything's gone
What should I say
Wearing clothes, eating food
I have no interest
I get drunk in sleep all day
I dream and stop dreaming
I should say something
Like nothing happened
And leave
Without you girl
Without you girl
Without you, I really can't
Loving one person
And farewelling one person
I didn't know it was this hard
If I knew
If I knew then
What should I say?
If this is love
I don't think I can ever do it again
At the end, I call you
In the left photos
You and me together
Everything was perfect
Since when
Everything became dizzy
You tell me once
My heart right now
Loving one person
And farewelling one person
I didn't know it was this hard
Baby just tell me
Please just tell me
Leave me
What should I say?
If this is love
I don't think I can ever do it again
At the end, I call you


Suddenly I'm standing alone in the streets
The many stars are also sleeping
I often want to see you
And look at the space where you used to be
I still remember
All your complaints baby
Where would you be
Sharing love with someone (no no no)
I can't fall asleep
I walk until the dawn ends
(I don’t wanna cry,
I don’t, I don’t wanna cry)
I can't fall asleep anyways
I call you until morning comes
You, oh baby you, oh baby you
[Daehyun/ Jongup] Baby no no no whoa
You, oh baby you
Today I walk
And repeat until I forget you
I still remember
All the memories with you
I miss you so much
It’s gonna be alright
The autumn wind blows fiercely in my mind
I just smile
You must be well
Ay, word
I often want to see you
I look at the space where you used to be
I still remember
All your complaints baby
Where would you be
Sharing love with someone (no no no)
I can't fall asleep
I walk until the dawn ends
(I don’t wanna cry,
I don’t, I don’t wanna cry)
I can't fall asleep anyways
I call you until morning comes
You, oh baby you, oh baby you
[Daehyun/ Jongup] Baby no no no whoa
You, oh baby you
Today I walk
And repeat until I forget you
If I walk all night it would erase more
So I don't have the thoughts of you that only get deeper
(Walk past the dawn past this time)
If I walk past your house would I be able to see you?
I see your room with the light on
Wordlessly I leave that spot again
(Whoa whoa whoa whoa)
Disappear disappear if I don't see your light again
I walk until the dawn ends
(I don’t wanna cry,
I don’t, I don’t wanna cry)
I can't fall asleep anyways
[Himchan/ Youngjae] I call you until morning comes
You, oh baby you, oh baby you
[Daehyun/ Jongup] Baby no no no whoa
You, oh baby you
Today I walk
And repeat until I forget you
I walk until the dawn ends
(I don’t wanna cry, I don’t,
I don’t wanna cry)
I can't fall asleep anyways
I call you until morning comes
You, oh baby you, oh baby you
[Daehyun/ Jongup] Baby no no no whoa
You, oh baby you
Today I walk
And repeat until I forget you


It suffocates me the many hate, regret and distress
In this quiet night I try to bury you
Noone held your hand
And judged you from afar
Everyone used to cry a lot because of your braided thoughts and words
Why do I push you into the maze (push push) I lock you trust trust trust
The black and white mirror that shows your eye
I am weak but I can support you until the end
Why do you block freedom
I understand you and I dare to hug you
I close my two eyes wordlessly
Please hear the cry of this young lamb
Please forgive this sin of mine
Do you know that, you know that?
Please give me courage, Love, Wisdom
Light to me me me me
So I can breathe please
Depend on something so I can live more
Please lead me who is switching off
Light to me me me me
I can't breathe close my eyes
I put that darkness in my heart
Is there another unlucky person like me?
To a pessimist like you, you will say that your next life is like this, okay
I don't expect anything from you
Who would come to a human like you and offer a shoulder
Because you hate yourself who can't find the self inside you?
I don't have confidence that I'll go closer to tomorrow's sun
Why does this sky
Make you hate yourself
In a life so isolated
You hope for encouragement
The two ears belong in the lonely wind
The desperate dream in the despair
I kneel in front of you in the river of reality
Do Diving dyin wave I am living but why is there no answer?
The world that has no fault you know my life by force
I'll pray for myself be brave for my last
It's like I feel your existence then say it accurately
Give yourself a direction tonight
To be able to blossom freely from atrocities
We're on the brink
You'll see the light that shines
Please forgive this sin of mine
Do you know that, you know that?
Please give me courage, Love, Wisdom
Light to me me me me
So I can breathe please
Depend on something so I can live more
Please lead me who is switching off
Light to me me me me
Please give me courage so I won't collapse
Please give me wisdom to discard evil things
Please give me people to love in my life
Please shine a light in this darkness so I can walk
Rather than extraction and horror give me comfort and peace
Please hold on to hope and give me strength I can deliver
Please forgive this sin of mine
Do you know that, you know that?
Please give me courage, Love, Wisdom
Light to me me me me
So I can breathe please
Depend on something so I can live more
Please lead me who is switching off
Light to me me me me


The Window that shakes from the sound of the rain
The Pillow that becomes wet
By myself in the dark
The memories that are in each step
Even if I try to erase you
I can't erase you
Every day I still
Wait for you
On the day and place you left me
I wait for you to return
In the spot where I'm left by myself
I close my eyes
And draw again today Rewind
Do you hear? What is it now
The star still shines
The Anthony Hamilton LP that I used to enjoy listening to
I don't want to listen to it so I don't take it out
Even if I change it around
My mood still returns the same
Whether I come in after going out or going out
I am you, you are me take everything everything
U don’t even try don't go back
I don't match with you
The night that is very free
Honestly, these days my steps are light
The Rewind that isn't needed
If what I tried my best
Is interpreted that, I'm sorry
U made me like a loner
I don’t need to be same oh no
Looking up to the black ceiling
The Shadow that becomes darker
I can't step out of it
Every time I stop here
Wait for you everyday
On the day and place
You left me
I wait for you to return
In the spot where I'm left by myself
I close my eyes
And draw again today Rewind
I pray for you to return
In the spot where I'm left by myself
I close my eyes
And swallow again today Rewind
Into the picture I drew
I feel like you are still laying here
Even if I let go of the pen I'm holding
Someone holds the hand and pen again
Your eyes your body your soul is in shackles
Today I tomorrow I
In the end, I swallow Rewind

Under Water

Under water
Your cries no longer touch me
Your voices fade away
Under water
You have lost sight
of what made me blossom
Under water
You seem like strangers
more and more blurry
Under water
My tears no longer flow
heavy as a pebble
In weightlessness
Finding the air
In the depths
Where I lost you
A pain killer
My solo crossing
Under water
I puff my oxygen
If you see my bubbles
Under water
And if I stay a week
Will you come out of your fog


Huh! Miss thang!
You don't make sense
Like I won't even be able to breathe
You're pretty everywhere
Like a little girl everytime
Like (oh!)
Aim for my heart bang bang
Shh, with no warning
Come into me there's no knock
Uh I announce you
Like the world is being forced
I don't know
I feel like I've become a celebrity I can't hide
Your beauty, that's the result
Are you the same?
I think I've fallen completely
You know I love you bae
I'll save you
More than anybody else
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
Without any words
Will you hug me?
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
Listen! (oh!)
You are wo de, for me no doubt
any other approach (no)
Yeah I want to have you so badly a girl like you
Sure thing! (oh!)
My praise that came out by myself ah yeah
How are you so pretty?
It's such a waste even just to talk to you
Get it, your sexy bottom bow wow
Your kind hip line I can drown now
For you, man to man is so pretty
Wear all your clothes Tight right now
I think I've fallen completely
You know I love you bae
I'll save you
More than anybody else
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
Without any words
Will you hug me?
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
I'll show you everything
Of mine to you
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
I'll protect you
More than any words
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
I'll show you everything
Of mine to you
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita
I'll protect you
More than any words
You are my chiquita
You are my chiquita

All The Way Up

Like the wind that blows coolly
You're supposed to run like that
Anywhere's fine
I follow the place where my two feet touch
I'm sure a new road will open
I trust and follow my only heart
I follow the light that shines through the darkness fly
The voice that becomes louder the closer I get
I fly to a higher place I don't stop
I don't wanna go
Down down down down down
The second I fly the senses that pull me
I'll never go
Down down down down down
Cause I got me
All The Way Up
All The Way Up
A little bit higher
All The Way Up
All The Way Up
To the end
All The Way Up
Bingo where the new wind blows
We just have to run
We follow the blue ocean
Where you want to go
The sunlight shines on me
When the scent of the seasons greet me
Shout to the top of the sky
All The Way Up Up, Up in the air
The light shines in the heart where you find the truth
The world I never knew before greets me
I fly to a higher place I don't stop
I don't wanna go
Down down down down down
The second I fly the senses that pull me
I'll never go
Down down down down down
Cause I got me
All The Way Up
All The Way Up
A little bit higher
All The Way Up
All The Way Up
To the end
All The Way Up
I can say all these memories are fate
The times where it made me tired
The heartbeat that becomes bigger towards me
I feel freedom that grows bigger
I fly to a higher place I don't stop
I don't wanna go
Down down down down down
I don't let it go the moment that pulls me
I'll never go
Down down down down down
Cause I got me
All The Way Up
Don't think about others just react
Don't care Nobody
All The Way Up
Get started there's no tomorrow
Get this party started
All The Way Up
Put away any other thoughts
Stapler, I take you tonight
Don't stop us we're mortal
And U got me
Cause I got me
All The Way Up
All The Way Up
A little bit higher
All The Way Up
All The Way Up
To the end
All The Way Up


Megtiltom a szívemnek, hogy Rád gondoljon újra!
Mint régen, mikor, hallva a neved, az önsajnálatba bújva -
De vége van! Többé nem hagyom az ajtót nyitva Néked,
Ne is lépj be rajta eztán, legyünk inkább két idegen... csakis erre kérlek!
Mindig eltűnődöm, ki mondhatta Neked,
Hogy ennyi mindent kibírok, s mindvégig erős leszek?
Hisz úgy ragaszkodtam Hozzád, akárcsak egy tárgyhoz,
Gyermeklétem kezdetétől... Úgy magadhoz láncolsz -
De bármikor úgy éreztem, most már nem jó, nem helyes,
Akármennyire is fájt, mindig megbékéltem Veled!
Megtiltom, hogy felőlem bárkitől is kérdezz!
Akár ha egy közös barátunkkal találkozol - tilos!
Arról, hogy mit csinálok, hogy vagyok, hol élek
Létezem-e még egyáltalán, vagy magával sodort az enyészet?
Merthát, attól félek, Tőle arról is tudni fogsz,
Hogy lelkem épp olyan, akár egy kietlen ház,
Amit leromboltál, ahol már sosem jársz,
Elhagyatott, üres, a szél sem fúj már benne,
Megtiltom hát, hogy kérdezz! Szenvedj inkább Te is, örök bűntudatba esve!
Megtiltom a szívemnek, hogy Körülötted járjon,
Hogy folyton-folyvást szemed tüze után vágyjon,
Hány éjjelt sírtam át! Elég! Most hát vége!
Mert bár azt ígérted, itt leszel... nem vagy vélem... mégse'!

With you

Versions: #3
I'm looking outside
Thinking of care
What a wonderful light
In this life of pain!
There's going to be rain
It's your time to go out
I'm coming again
But you're busy now!
Under your umbrella I'll be
Asking 'How are you?'
And every time I will be missing
Walking in the rain with you!
I'll take your hand
looking in your eyes
And I see everytime:
It is a torture, when we're apart!
What is to say
with these frozen lips?
How would we again
be only good friends?
Too many 'Whys'
Make me hurt too much!
And I have understood:
I'm alone now!
Under your umbrella I'll be
Asking 'How are you?'
And every time I will be missing
Walking in the rain with you!
I'll take your hand
looking in your eyes
And I see everytime:
It is a torture, when we're apart!

Like a Nice Story

It started just like any nice story
One summer's day not far from here
He, an adventurer tanned a deep brown
She in search of a golden sunbeam
And as befits any nice story
He and she came together somewhere
Somewhere both paths crossed
And the blue sky was full of music
And the world suddenly came to a halt
Neither he nor she was thinking about time, time
And they quickly went in search of a spot amid the green
There their story started with a kiss
Both wanted to know everything about the other
But what they were telling was trivial, trivial
He talked about the sea and the nice weather
She talked about crazy holiday plans and fine golden beaches
Just like small children they danced freely
Picked flowers and sunbeams
Neither was thinking now about time, time
It started just like any nice story
One summer's day not far from here
He, a dark brown tanned adventurer
She in search of a golden sunbeam
And as befits any nice story
There's always an end to everything
The roads have to split somewhere
One more last kiss and then it came to an end
She continued to the south
Too little time caused their happiness to end, too little time
It started just like any nice story
One summer's day not far from here
Not far from here
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!


Don’t Think You Can’t See Me
Don’t Argue Amongst Yourselves
Because Of The Loss Of Me
I’m Sitting Amongst Yourselves
Don’t Think You Can’t See Me
Don’t Argue Amongst Yourselves
Because Of The Loss Of Me
I Haven’t Gone Anywhere
But Out Of My Body
Reach Out And You’ll Touch Me
Make Effort To Speak To Me
Call Out And You’ll Hear Me
Be Happy For Me
Ag Trasna An Linn/Going Across The Pool
Ag Feachaint Síos Tríd/Looking Down Through
Níl Aon Iarann I Mo Chroí Inniu/There's No Iron In My Heart Today
Ag Oscail An Síol/Opening The Seed
Ag Feitheamh An Scéal/Waiting For The Story
Níl Aon Airgead I Mo Phóca Innui/There Is No Money In My Pocket Today
I Mo Phóca Innui/In My Pocket Today
I Mo Phóca Innui/In My Pocket Today
Don’t Argue Amongst Yourselves
Because Of The Loss Of Me
I Haven’t Gone Anywhere
But Out Of My Body
Reach Out And You’ll Touch Me
Make Effort To Speak To Me
Call Out And You’ll Hear Me
Be Happy For Me
I Mo Phóca Innui/In My Pocket Today
I Mo Phóca Innui/In My Pocket Today

Delusion Katharsis

Past the deep, deep darkness,
I hear a faint voice at the door.
I listen close and stare
at the swaying lamp.
Even if it's delusion, dreams, or déjà vu,
every one of them is my precious story.
I can't give up this victory to anyone.
I promised my heart I'd never give up.
Cross into a distant, different dimension
while sharing the same feelings.
With a clear crystal heart,
we'll push through strongly.
Even if my heart cracks, and my dream blurs,
I'll hold closely the scattered pieces of sadness.
The day when tears will become a smile,
I believe in it, forever friend.
This pain that still cannot heal,
I'm sure it will heal through this process.
Wetting my cheek, the single katharsis.
That's right. I'm not alone.
Even if it's delusion, dreams, or déjà vu,
tied together by strong bonds, this story
continues towards a dazzling future.
The morning quietly dawns.


Oh money, you rands and dollars
What are you doing to me?
We kill each other over you
Money, money!
Cause of sin
We kill each other over you
I am chasing my dream
Oh money, money
I am separated from my family
Oh money, money
Politicians and in church
They fight over you
You tempted me as well, money
You did not succeed, oh money
Money, money!
Cause of sin
We kill each other over you
Money, money, money
We kill each other over you

További dalszöveg fordítások

Leïla Huissoud - Les Cocus dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

További dalszöveg fordítások

Leïla Huissoud - Les p’tits doigts glacés dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

További dalszöveg fordítások

Leïla Huissoud - Jamais dame dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Not lady ever

Versions: #2
I don't think I will ever call you lady
since you're not like the other women.
Don't know if I can call you
the way I use to describe men.
Putting a name on you seems difficult to me.
I can't call you like all the other girls.
But anyway I can call you all the time,
and should I cry too much, you'll cry just as much.
You're so strong it's frightening
to think I should be like that
to go through all these mistakes.
You're so beautiful you don't even know it,
but as for me, I know your biggest fan.
Sometimes you forget to be strong,
that's when I know where my passion comes from,
as after a feverish smile
you break into tears for no reason.
Your thin skin turns
the outrageous feelings
into bouquets of flowers1
so sentitive you might take offence.
If you try and push it farther,
you won't easily chill it out2.
I don't think I will ever call you lady
since you're not like the other women.
Don't know if I can call you
the way I use to write about men.
Putting a name on you seems difficult to me.
I can't call you like all the other girls.
But anyway I can call you all the time,
and for now it will be Mom.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Leïla Huissoud - La niaise dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Silly girl

The time has come to leave,
without anyone to go to.
I don't know what to plan for,
but no desire means no regrets.
The time has come to puke
on this bunch of surly faces,
to whom I no longer know what to smile,
to whom I no longer know what to say.
There has been much talk about the era
and these kids who no longer know how to love,
but since there are stocks to liquidate,
the logistics churns out babies.
The silly girl would rather not turn stupid,
just a small matter of subtelty.
Some say for too much faith in men1
some girls eventually get screwed.
Pick your notebook and become
all that you could never stand.
Write down the angst and the sorrow,
nobody dies without emptying onself.
We thought we would start from scratch
and be successful on our own,
with hands full of emptiness,
can you picture my pretty face?
Smile lost along the way
because nobody likes it anymore,
as the kid turns into a dog,
and the dog starts growling.
There had indeed been talks about faith,
the one you put where you can,
but when there is room for a cross,
chances are it will sound hollow.
You might say 'you still have your guitar,
your love is your music'.
Now I tell you, music is my desperation:
an drunkard of a spinster
who demands to see me every night
to assess my guts.
She takes whatever she pleases and has her fun
exposing it in front of the audience.
It should have been one of these songs
where the tiny bit of hope shows up in the end,
that won't let you jump off the bridge
without a harness nor a cushion.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Souad Massi - O Houria dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

További dalszöveg fordítások

Vagia Papapostolou - I apousia sou agiatrefti pligi (Η απουσία αγιάτρευτη πληγή) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

The absence is an incurable wound

The guilts of the past have tied you
in a slow rythm of death.
And it seems impossible to run away,
you let yourself in this unfair loss.
Your nights are full of nightmares,
the darkness will cover the moments.
Love, terrorist of the dreams,
taught you to live with obsessions.
Now the time is after every thought of yours,
the absence is an incurable wound.
Choices of yours that have destroyed you
and they dig you deep in earth.
And me, that I am slowly dying with you.
you didn't turned to see a minute.
You left me alone, here, waiting.
in tears - high seas to dive in.