Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 25

Találatok száma: 876



The way you're sitting there, your hair almost white
The wrinkles on your hands
So friendly and soft who would've ever thought
How you've changed so much
I didn't become what you wanted me to, but dad please listen
The things I do, I do them with my eyes closed
You had set out to do so much, but little of it took off
I don't accomplish anything
I hardly learned, did everything just wrong
Have a hard time with relationships
I don't walk in line, I break and fight my way out
And the things I do, I do them with my eyes closed
Button up your coat, wear a scarf and wash your hands first
Comb your hairs, straighten your shoulders, mind your teeth
Don't stay out, go straight home, speak with two words
Introduce yourself kindly, eat with manners, and be polite
I'm standing here singing, doing my thing
You have to accept that
Please just listen dad, it's not too late
Because living is something you can learn
I don't know where I'm standing, I don't follow anyone
But the things I do, I do them with my eyes closed
Button up your coat, wear a scarf and wash your hands first
Comb your hairs, straighten your shoulders, mind your teeth
Don't stay out, go straight home, speak with two words
Introduce yourself kindly, eat with manners, and be polite

Try again

With eyes closed it's so easy to make a mistake
And not to realize whether it's a flight or a fall
If only for a short moment to lift your eyelids
And to see the ground, to feel it is very scary
But you try to open, because trying makes anything possible
And you try again, if afraid - if only out of curiosity
Always try again and again to be brave, even though you're dazzled instantly,
You know - the ground doesn't attract, just stop being afraid.
With eyes closed like puddles they seem,
Like huge tides the wind blows splashes onto the face
And small boys become big generals
And build ships which wither in a cup of tea.
But you try to open, because trying makes anything possible
And you try again, if afraid - if only out of curiosity
Always try again and again to be brave, even though you're dazzled instantly,
You know - the ground doesn't attract, just stop being afraid.
But you try to open, because trying makes anything possible
And you try again, if afraid - if only out of curiosity
Always try again and again to be brave, even though you're dazzled instantly,
You know - the ground doesn't attract, just stop being afraid.

No longer afraid of oneself

Dances, she dances so swiftly
And she laughs, even while standing on a cliff!
He's left without armor or words
And captivated, it seems, by how she dances...
Such confusion he has for the first time in his life,
And now he's bound, even though he's been captured many times.
And still, it's not easy to make the move against the cliff
And to give way to a dance while others laugh.
To stand beside him seems difficult
And hard to go away, because he's not alone
Before him centuries stand.
And he lets himself be stabbed, torn and bitten
Lets everything be pulled off until he becomes bare
So others become confused, he's not afraid!
Not afraid of the cliff!
Still she dances so swiftly
But now - he laughs and walks along the cliff
And bids farewell. And goes further
along the footsteps of centuries
No longer feels the scars
They're no longer there...
No longer afraid of himself...
No longer afraid of himself...
No longer afraid of himself...
No longer afraid of himself...

Sword & Soul

Feel the moment
Right now, reality is leaking through my hands
I attempt to cry but refuse to surrender
As the endless skies have become blue,
We prayed a wish to them
We only wanted to love each other, even if it wasn't real
We loved each other madly, unable to release the other
Getting stronger to to be able to carry your tears,
I challenge the frontiers and smash everything that brings you despair
I dash to you through the gloomy darkness with the speed of light
I don't want to apart from you any longer
With a vow engraved on the blade
And the tip glowing bright,
My sword shall guide me to a promising tomorrow
When I fly up to the sky, will you follow me?
O wind, please carry my frail wings
Reality is crushing our memories dear to us,
But as your gentle whisper reaches me, I do not hesitate
I have no fear, since I'm determined to change our fate
I lighten the torch of hope, whose fire warms my heart
Faster than light I soar up to the skies
In order to reach for your hand, separated from mine once again
My soul ignores the pain
As I grasp for the strength
To break your cage that is tougher than steel
Feel the moment, overtake the instant
Is there hope or only despair? The dice has already been cast
In my hands I hold my sword and soul
Having faith in my determination right here and now
As I promise you a new beginning
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

He Rolls (The Flowers from the ball)

His heart is bleak
And without reason
Five hours later
He leaves the house
He gets going
Leaves without reason
Beckoned by
The horizon
Perhaps love
Perhaps life
The death of the day
Or just boredom
To leave in the night
To go like that
This need
Everyone has that
Outside the black of the plains
And then black inside
He leaves he leaves
Like he had somewhere to go
Leaving there - in the hall
On the sun scatters
The flowers from the ball
In the road is his motor
He gets going
His throttle
The consolation
The guitars play loud
In his cockpit
They are his comfort
He rolls he rolls
Like the tears that flow
Leaving there in the hall
On the sun scatters
The flowers from the ball
To leave in the night
To go like that
This need
This need
Everyone has that
He rolls he rolls
In the wind and the stars
Back there - in the hallway
On the sun scatters
The flowers from the ball

It's your turn

If you find comfort at the bottom, whatever you see further
Makes you so careless
Thus, for us to be okay, I'll put things in order tonight
You believed that I would take it, I couldn't, I took a step back
It's your turn to become a memory
It's your turn to cry for me
You remind me of a broken record
I'm leaving, I'm pissed, it's the end
It's your turn to become a memory
It's my turn to run far away from you
I suffered what I suffered with you
Now, it's your turn
It looks like coming and going, logic and madness
That's what I'm doing now because of you
Thus, for us to be okay, you must learn in reality
What happens to the one who burns love, if he is guilty
It's your turn to become a memory
It's your turn to cry for me
You remind me of a broken record
I'm leaving, I'm pissed, it's the end
It's your turn to become a memory
It's my turn to run far away from you
I suffered what I suffered with you
Now, it's your turn

Love is a Sultan

Love is a sultan
Love is a sultan
Oh lovers, love is a sultan
I complain to time
And so time tells me
Love is a sultan ruling over hearts
Oh my heart's dearest
Oh my darling
Oh, love
It deprives my eyes of sleep
Its heart is filled with joy
when I have sleepless nights
To be tortured for it comforts me
And honestly
In all honesty,
My heart is very happy being tortured by it
Love is a sultan, love is a sultan
ruling over hearts, love is a sultan
I call upon its shade
Oh, my eyes
If it goes away
I complain about my passions to my lover
I miss its torture
And the cruelty of its youth
To be tortured for it comforts me
And honestly
In all honesty,
My heart is very happy being tortured by it
Love is a sultan, love is a sultan
ruling over hearts, love is a sultan
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Emléktől emlékig

Versions: #2
Magányos szoba, egy üres szék
Elviselni a napot olyan nehéz
Körülöttem minden tárgy egy régi emléket idéz
A múltról mesél, milyen volt rég
Már csak emléktől emlékig élek én
A régmúlt napokkal mikor velem voltál még
Már csak emléktől emlékig élek én
Álmaimmal mit itt hagytál
Mindegyik emlék rám talál
Mint te, más nem jön el hozzám
Kivel a világot megoszthatnám
Most a magány az mi elfoglalta a helyed
Nem látlak, mégis arcod feldereng

Szörnyű Hang (Ó Eurüdiké)

Te és én egy kisvárosban születtünk
Még azelőtt, hogy megszólalt volna a szörnyű hang
Ó ne, ó
Hazajöttél az iskolából, tudtad, hogy futnod kell
Kérlek, most már állj meg, és engedd, hogy én legyek számodra az egyetlen
Tudom, hogy képes vagy látni dolgokat, amiket mi nem láthatunk
De mikor azt mondom, hogy szeretlek, némaságod beterít
Ó, Eurüdiké, szörnyű ez a hang
Csalódott voltam, amiért nem kellek neked
Ó, hogy lehetséges ez, Eurüdiké?
Melletted álltam a fagyott tenger partján
Szabad leszel valaha?
Add át nekem az összes fájdalmadat,
Hogy lélegezhess
Amikor majd elrepülsz, a földre fogsz zuhanni?
Szörnyű ez a hang
Tudom, hogy megvan rá a mód, hogy megfizessenek
Gondold át, és mond 'Soha többé nem megyek vissza'
Tudom, hogy megvan rá a mód, hogy ma szabaduljunk
Gondold át, és mond 'Soha többé nem megyek vissza'
Egy kisvárosban születtél
Még azelőtt, hogy megszólalt volna a szörnyű hang
Annyi minden van benned, amit nem engedsz látnom
Elrepülsz tőlem, de szörnyű a hang, mikor a földre zuhansz
Szörnyű a hang, mikor a földre zuhansz
Tudom, hogy megvan rá a mód, hogy megfizessenek
Gondold át, és mond 'Soha többé nem megyek vissza'
Tudom, hogy megvan rá a mód, hogy ma szabaduljunk
Gondold át
Tudjuk, hogy fizetnünk kell a szerelmünkért, ebben a visszatükröződő korban
A színpadon ismertelek meg, szerelmünk a visszatükröződő korban
Ó ne, most nem vagy itt velem

Mea culpa

She tells me she's tired
She tells me she wants to quit
Don't even have time to explain
No use in going on
But it's the time that flies(...)
But it's the time that flies
I'm sorry for all this wrong [I did]
I blew it yet again
But it's the time that flies
But ...
Mea culpa
Mea culpa
I tell her she got me tired
It's because of her I'm gonna quit
Don't know how to explain
One of these days I'll be gone
But it's the time that flies
But it's the time that flies
I'm sorry for all this wrong [I did]
I blew it yet again
But it's the time that flies
... (...)
But ...
Mea culpa
Mea culpa
Admitting reluctantly
Forgiving all your faults
Admitting reluctantly
But ...
But ...
Mea ...
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Bye stranger

Your book, your newspaper, your cigarette
Your warm slippers next to our bed
And your pleasures once a week
The pain when you avoided me
Your sharp words during breakfast
Your faked friendliness
When you say goodbye to me
It's so strange
Bye stranger
Man of my dreams
You stranger
You come and go
The time will come
When I'll say
It's too late
You're sarcastic, not thoughtful
An almost impossible guy
I'm no longer your wife alone
You have another wrapped around you
You are celebrated and populair
You're traveling, preferably far away
And when do you even come home?
You're becoming a stranger in our house
Bye stranger
Man of my dreams
You stranger
You come and go
Bye stranger
The time will come
When I'll say
It's too late
Bye stranger
Man of my life
Ah, who are you?
Where are you going?
Bye stranger
Nothing has stayed
for you and me
You'll remain alone
Where are you?
I love you

We're going to marry tomorrow

We're going to marry tomorrow. we're going to be a pair tomorrow
But I don't want that, I'd rather sleep for another 100 years
I have to marry a prince I don't truly love
Because, my dear Jonathan, I only love you
Dear, dear Jonathan. You're the only one I want as husband
No, I don't need a prince next to me
Even if he's so rich
Dear, dear Jonathan, I know we can't be
But I'm still happy when I look at you
They are going to marry tomorrow, they are going to be a pair tomorrow
One more night, and that nightmare will be reality
Why does the love in our life not count?
Still I'll keep dreaming about a life with the two of us
I don't have to offer you gold
but love
Dear, dear Sleeping Beauty, who I love so dearly
Tomorrow this life will stop
Maybe I'll never see you again
'Love conquers all' you hear that in every song.
But for me, and for you as well, love songs aren't true
Dear, dear Sleeping Beauty
Dear, dear Jonathan
Come live in my heart
That seems so nice
Dear, dear Sleeping Beauty
Dear, dear Jonathan
There will be room in my heart
for only one habitat
Dear, dear Sleeping Beauty
Dear, dear Jonathan
Come live in my heart
That seems so nice
Dear, dear Sleeping Beauty
Dear, dear Jonathan
There will be room in my heart
for only one habitat
Dear, dear Jonathan
Dear, dear Sleeping Beauty

When the sun shines

When it's in the sky
It seems like everything goes better
Everything looks different when the sun shines
Everyone awakes from their hibernation
Because of that beautiful red copper boy
Everything looks different when the sun shines
Nobody knows any evil
All misery is extinguished
Oh, life is so nice when the sun shines
And the biggest pessimist becomes a wanted humorist
Oh, life is so beautiful when the sun shines
The whole world is a flowery carpet
And the neighbor (♀) a pretty girl
Everything looks different when the sun shines
Silver birds fly though the sky
Every drama becomes a mere farce
Everything looks different when the sun shines
Every hospital becomes empty
And the baker's wife rolls dough
Oh, life is so nice when the sun shines
The whole world is getting a new color
Everywhere there is such a blisful, sweet smell
Oh, life is so nice when the sun shines
Oh, life is so nice when the sun shines
And the terraces are crowded
All people are so excited
Oh, life is so nice in the sun
If the sun had not been there
There'd never be reason to party
Oh, life is so nice when the sun shines
When the sun shines
When the sun shines
When the sun shines

I Am Not Your Trash

You changed
You left me and went to enjoy the Carnaval
You did not respect the love that you had
And you still came back thinking that you're the one
You, you
You didn't even fight
You didn't hesitate to hurt me
And take me down
I'm the one who gave you only love
You treated it like something trivial
I gave you all of my friendship
All of my inspiration
Cowardly kid
You couldn't hear 'no'
I'm not your trash
My love, I'm sorry for you
What's the good of being beautiful on the outside
But awfull on the inside?
I'm not your trash
My love, I'm sorry for you
What's the good of being beautiful on the outside
But awfull on the inside?
You changed
You left me and went to enjoy the Carnaval
You neglected the best of love
And you still came back thinking you're the man
You, you
You didn't even fight
You made plans for our future
And then, you turn around
You who lives only for you
You got crazy and you think you deserve more
I gave you a real life
Life of courage and pleasure
Cowardly kid
Go back to your delusion
I'm not your trash
My love, I'm sorry for you
What's the good of being beautiful on the outside
But awfull on the inside?
You couldn't hear
My inquiry
What's the good of being beautiful on the outside
But awfull on the inside?
And the time will pass
And the beauty will be erased
And the only thing you'll have left
Is the emptiness inside
What's the good of being beautiful on the outside
But awfull on the inside?


I’v swiped the streets with water x2
My lover comes nor as durt nor as dust x2
Such a way she comes and leaves x2
The words and stories comes along but does Not stay x2
Separation, separation spiritual separation
Of all the hurtings separation is the most hurtful
For thinking of you i could not sleep at nights
i could not get the thought out of my mind
What can i do since i can not reach you
Separation, separation spiritual separation
Of all the hurtings separation is the most hurtful
Because of you deserting me the nights are black and never ending
At nights i do not know where i should go
At nights my heart is bleeding
Separation, separation spiritual separation
Of all the hurtings separation is the most hurtful


Defining the possible to defy the impossible
And exploding my heart.
I no longer give a fuck
Repelling limits and reading your hand
Surfing on the oceans,
Never touching bottom
Always these highways
Our hearts in the cemetery
Ideals to the fire, ideals to the fire
No doubt you will be my death,
I hope you will still be...
Because every night at her aurora
Because Lisa still sings
You know well that we are alive
As long as we are ignorant
And the last of the judgements,
It can come, we will wait
There is no use in thinking,
Immortal is the wound
From avoiding the combat
But you are familiar with it
Reaching summits
That we may bite the dust
And believing in ideas, it's no longer for me
You know well that we are alive
As long as we are ignorant
And the last of the judgements,
It can come, we will wait

Soura Selfie

I saw him once and once, I saw him once and he was the last time
I saw him once, and this time, he kidnapped my sense
He wore jeans and a fresh sun, jeans and a fresh sun
I wear jeans and the freshness of the sun, and in my lap
And we prefer to talk as if we have a superficial relationship
We talked about social issues and personality
Munkrsh from the first of the first movement
Especially since he preferred my side and had his shoulder in my shoulder
And before we walk in memory, we have served as my ancestral image
This is the sugar of the Oskar, his words are drunk, Oskar
His words are drunk, the Oscar, Hadi and Rasi
His eyes are green and his responses are present, his eyes are green and his responses are present
His eyes are green and his responses are present, as a politician

Father, I dedicate to you this song

Up there,where you are and reside, father
a song that i would write for you,i told you that one day
i kept my word, but i was a little bit late
i weren't able to listen to it and you travelled far away
Father, I dedicate to you this song
Father, my soul, i am in a lot of pain
around me there is so much hapiness, but you are still in my mind
my thought will always follow you,my dear
if you could know,my father, how much i miss you
you are gone, and our home is full of sadness
you left and i couldn't take a word from you
you probably had an 'appointment' with death,father
Father, I dedicate to you this song
Father, my soul, i am in a lot of pain
around me there is so much hapiness, but you are still in my mind
my thought will always follow you,my dear

Chest of Dreams

If you told me that I was just a toy,
That would amuse me!
You'd finish by cleaning me up, they'd take me away.
The rules of the game, I'd break them.
You could even doll me up* like a washed-up princess of a sordid fairy tale.
Close and destroy the closet where the shadows lie in wait.
Forget what's under the bed, what's** watching us in the darkness.
Under my pitted skin, I feel atrocious things.
My nylon hair tangles around my heart, my veins crack open.
I just want to find a way out.
Sometimes, I have crazy dreams.
In my chest, I waited for you with a dress, the*** stars, and sharp scissors.
Give me, give me, give me, give me
Give me an hour to destroy your heart
Give me an hour to waste your time.
Refrain x3
(I crush you, I break you, as long as you live I don't live.
The world digs deeper.
And the wind rushes, as long as I laugh you don't live.
The world struggles.) x2

asoud aljazeera

زادنا كثر الخطَر عزم وعِناد وكِلّما يزيد الخطر نَرويه دَم
نرفَع الرَّايات ونمد الأياد لأهلنا أهل الشَّهامِه والكَرَم
للسِّعوديِّه موَدَتنا وكَاد ولليِمَن وأهل اليمن أولاد عم
جيشنا الباسل جنود الإتِّحاد نِعم بجنوده سِقوا العادين سَم
عند خطْ النَّار قابض ع الزِّناد ينصر اللِّي حقَّه بظلم إنهضَم
حافظين العهد وإن حق الجهاد بالدِّما يفدونها أرض وعَلَم
يا أسودٍ للجزيره باعتماد عند بوخالد لكم قَدر وأسِم
نعم به قايد على جيش وبلاد له يردِّ الأمر ويردِّ الحكِم
ساعة يدبِّر على درب الرِّشاد وساعة إيأمِّر فله بنقول تَم
فيه من زايد مراعاة الوداد وفيه من ذاته صفات أهل الهِمَم
وأذكر إبْطيب الذِّكر من به يشاد كل فضل ويذكر أسمه كل فم
ذاك بن سلمان به تم المراد المعادي إن سِمِع به ينهزم
يا محمد فضلكم عم العباد نعم ب آل سعود حامين الحَرَم
نحن وإنتوا شعب واحد بالوكاد يجتمع فَ أنسابنا دَم ورحَم
واليمن منَّا وف الأيام الشِّداد يوم نادانا فل قلنا نَعَم
عن عدوٍّ باع شعبه م الفساد وساق أتباعه إلى الرَّاي العَسَم
وإتبعوه أهل العثيره والكساد وإتركوه أهل الشَّرف وأهل الكَرم
ما نحب الحرب وإن حق الجلاد وإعتدى العادي فيبشر بالنِّدَم
كل نَصْر وله ثمَن غالي يِقاد والنَّصِر ما يستوي من غير دَم
يا شَعِبنا الحر وأهلي والبلاد دامنا عَ الحق لا ما نَنهزم

Your crook

we played a game and we had rules
but my love, it didn't go well
and our love, like a rain with storm
but we fell together into the same trap
but we fell together into the same trap
you were the one who said 'i will be your crook'
I blame my self because i said ' my heart is your home'
you were the one who said that i will have you as my lighthouse
I blame myself because i told you 'you are all i want'
We played a game, hot and cold
look what happened, we both lost
and our love, like a rain with storm
but we fell together into the same trap
but we fell together into the same trap
you were the one who said 'i will be your crook'
I blame my self because i said ' my heart is your home'
you were the one who said that i will have you as my lighthouse
I blame myself because i told you 'you are all i want'
you were the one who said 'i will be your crook'
I blame my self because i said ' my heart is your home'
you were the one who said that i will have you as my lighthouse
I blame myself because i told you 'you are all i want'

See you like this

You know it's hard for me to see you like this,
that I don't spend a minute without thinking of you
You know I hate to remember
That you suffer like a human while being so angelical
And you know how much I hate it to see you sad
if your laughter is so pretty, why would you hide it?
And you I just want to be
with you forever, to help you get over it
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
Come, let's go somewhere else, to escape the pain
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
For I swear, you look much better when you are happy
You know I love seeing you well
your figure is natural and so special, without makeup
And you know I can look at you all day
gorgeous and prettier than the sky, the sun and the sea
I am dying to ask you why
you don't look into my eyes when I tell you I love you
I hope to know what to do in order to heal you, to
inmensely brighten every part of you
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
Come, let's go somewhere else, to escape the pain
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
For I swear, you look much better when you are happy
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
come and escape with me to a much better place
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
For I swear, you look much better when you are happy
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
come and escape with me to a much better place
Don't be sad, don't be sad, my love
For I swear, you look much better when you are happy


The look of you when i open my eyes
So bright that i couldn’t dare to approach
My heart that wants to be like you
Gets colored, filled with you
Willing to get closer to the sun
Flapping of the burnt wings
My miserable appearances
Only then i learnt my new days
All my life by my life
Take a look at me now
All my life by my life
Blooming like sweet seduction
Another shape of me found inside of me
My face in the mirror
I ask myself who it is
In the cold breeze of early morning
Pulsating heart
That moment i looked myself squarely
I realized my new face
All my life by my life
Soar up into the sky now
All my life by my life
It all seemed to reachable
The lights on the stage drift apart
Light, the beam inside of my heart
When it shines on my dream quietly
The new me learn about me
Always, always all my life
Refreshed new days
All my life by my life
Always all my life
I’ll trust myself, all my life
No matter what, by my life
With bright lights, all my life
I’ll hold myself, all my life


In a call that’s
just like the usual banter
One, two hours pass by
Something’s strange, how you feel?
The moonlight is getting heavy with time
While the flow of time changes
Give me more messages now
Talk to me before the time out
(Don’t be shy)
Your obvious words
somehow made today different
(Don’t say bye)
Turning onto a night that
seems to conceal my useless trembling
A bridge decorated with a rainbow of twinkling stars
Hold on to what’s between us, don’t miss it, let go
Tell me
What you wanna do?
What you wanna do?
The sweet warmth that leaves me breathless
I think this is the moment right now baby
How you like me now?
Oh it feels like we might touch
In the back of my mind you wrap
your arms around me and hold me
For now I’ll take just
one step closer, closely slowly
How you like me? Could you tell me now?
There’s another slow and
steady ticking of a clock yeah
Not much is left of the night
Half of a quarter till, how you feel?
The moonlight wanes with time
Before the magic of the night ends
Tell me, tell me yeah
Who you want who is it now?
The trembling I get from your voice
I think this is the moment right now baby
How you like me now?
Oh it feels like we might touch
In the back of my mind you wrap
your arms around me and hold me
For now I’ll take just
one step closer, closely slowly
How you like me? Could you tell me now?
I want things to change starting tomorrow
I want this dream today to keep coming true
I’ll wake up in the morning, I’ll be with you now
I can show my mind inside
It’s this moment baby
How you like me now?
Oh just a feeling like you might come
When you encircle me
it’s like a moment I can cherish
For now I’ll take just
one step closer, closely slowly
How you like me? Could you tell me now?

Valentine Girl

One day, when it started getting cold
One day, when we first ran into each other
That's when my heart started to be this way
It was awkward, I couldn't even look at you
I stuttered even when I was saying hello
When I turned around, I felt so frustrated
The timid me, with trembling hands
I was determined as I gave you chocolate in February
Oh boy, the box was too small
To place all of my heart inside
It's not even half of half of half
But if you still felt it, if you realized my heart
Can I wait for you next month?
Has the earth gotten slower?
Is this February longer than usual?
Why am I so impatient?
Did I give you too much pressure?
I'm spending my days in useless worries
oh boy, the box was too small
To place all of my heart inside
It's not even half of half of half
But if you still felt it, if you realized my heart
Can I wait for you next month?
I hear your voice calling my name
I feel a soft sweetness
I'm confused, is this a dream?
But you can't just give me nothing
Things can't be the same as yesterday
Then my heart will get too complicated
So please show me your heart this spring
I'll be looking forward to you, who is sweeter than words
Please, can I wait for your next month?

It's serious, so smile

Hey little Miss Blue
I see your mascara
on your cheeks.
It's streaming down
I agree with you:
bastards, the lot of 'em.
Still, drop your
water painting act.
There are better things to do
when fate dogs you.
Breaking into tears
is just too common.
It's serious, so smile.
Only jokes require
the utmost seriousness.
It's serious, so smile.
If you're disappointed in gods,
give them a radiant face.
Since it's so serious,
have a little smile.
Dear Miss Blue, the world
is not all rosy.
There is red everywhere,
and for a reason.
It's not ketchup [you see]
on the evening news.
Lots of blues
on this old turntable.
The more reason
to keep your cool
as everything
collapses around you.
It's serious, so smile.
Only jokes require
the utmost seriousness.
It's serious, so smile.
If you're disappointed in gods,
give them a radiant face.
Since it's so serious,
have a little smile...
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

I'm asking you for love

Another night that i'm alone
Into empty streets
I'm wandering
You're missing and i'm searching for you again
And i wanna tell you so many things
I'm asking you for love
Don't deny it
My dream is fading
And i'm crying again
I'm asking you for love
Come back
I'm waiting for you
I'm burning for you
They say that love is fire
And you make ashes by my heart
And i do not care if you are a fire
I don't care if i going to get burnt into your kisses

I didn't ask you about anything

With tears in my eyes with
A bitterness in my look
I'm leaving i cannot do this anymore
I'm the only one who loves you
I erase oaths and kisses
And i'm not coming back
However i'm trying to react, a 'why' is hurting me
I didn't ask you about anything, nothing was missing to you
I loved you and i believed in your heart
Ididn't ask you about anything, nothing was missing to you
But you destroyed everything into a night
You were my 'every moment'
You were my whole life
You took everything i loved and i lost everything
I erase oaths and kisses
And i'm not coming back
However i'm trying to react, a 'why' is hurting me

Karna theme

Versions: #2
Suto va suta putro vayo ,vakova Bhavamyaham... - [ Though am from suta caste but my valour and bravery has nothing to do with it , i'll prove myself with my supernatural skills and abilities ]
Daiva yettam kule janme bhadyastam - ( one who is Superior among Gods too ,Was abandoned after being born in a royal Caste )
tu-paurusham,paurusham - [ full of positive energy]
Suryaputra karna ,parshurama shishyah karna ( Son of sun god ,disciple of lord parshurama )


I wish that I had a box
In which I'd occasionally
Collect moments for later
And in that pretty, magical thing
That treasure chest of memory
I kept the hours that we talked
I close my eyes and see that picture
[Of] the dreams that I shared
The warm hand did not get any colder
I still remember every smell
The door with a sign that says 'Welcome'
The warm smile of my dear parents
I wish it were time for bed again
The books you once read me
With voices and all those beautiful pictures
Father invented again and again
And suddenly, mother didn't like it anymore
We laughed together, wiped our tears
I keep track of each moment
That I've experienced* with you
So glad I can relive them
For I recognize my own laughter
Now I can give my children every day
The love I received from you
And I recognize my own laughter
Now I can give my children every day
The love I received from you
You said 'keep it up!' So I did.


Every morning,
think about nothing
and endure
spend the day
move close,
hurt yourself
support everything
and get stressed.
and then, fall,
begin again,
and collapse,
we have to hold
and hide everything
always going up
and say nothing.
to see the future,
and being oriented,
to a peace,
I know one day
the end will come
of this painful
But, never again child of fear.
Just learning.

I'm Like That

I don't want to be Mr. Nice Guy
But I'm like that
That's really how I am...
I see so many wrong stuff
And nobody does anything
They only talk about me
I'm like that...
They say that I'm nothing special
And that my road is almost over
They want to destroy the love
I got suffering, keeping it to me
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'll keep walking my way
Not caring about anything they might say
Because what I really care about is my faith
And I won't change
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I don't want to be Mr. Nice Guy
But I'm like that
That's really how I am...
I see so many wrong stuff
And nobody does anything
They only talk about me
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
I'm like that...
(I'm like that...)
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.