Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 7

Találatok száma: 463


Because Life is Worth Living

They took my life
They snatched it away
Sad that day
The sun turned off
The flowers cried
The angels cried
Some stars too
The world stopped
They took my life
They snatched it away
The dreams ended
The illusions too
From here in the heavens
Where we the dead live
Stop crying, I ask you
in this song
What I want to say
Is that life is worth living
And because it is worth living
you need to live
In any instant
When you least expect it
Just like that, everything comes to an end
They took my life
They snatched it away
Sad that day
The sun just turned off
Money is not important
Nor social classes
Only honoring the moment
And happiness
What I want to say
Is that life is worth living
And because it is worth living
you need to live
In any instant
When you least expect it
Just like that, everything comes to an end
What I want to say
Is that life is worth living
And because it is worth living
you need to live
In any instant
When you least expect it
Just like that, everything comes to an end
In any instant
When you least expect it
Just like that, everything comes to an end
Life is worth living


[Vers 1]
Nem tudom elmagyarázni, de érzem, hogy valami van
Egy őrült energia bennem
Először csak egy bizsergés, majd átváltozott égéssé
Mintha tűz lenne a véremben
És hallom ahogy a testem beszél, beszél, beszél
Egy íz minden, minden amire vágyok
Azon vagyok hogy megmásszam a falat
Biztos hogy nem leszek ma este egyedül
Gyere át, gyere át
Túl vagyok nélküled csinálni
Gyere át, gyere át
Hé szeretőm, adj egy kis cukrot
[Vers 2]
Függővé tett, nem tudod elvenni
Teljesen kielégít
És hallom ahogy a testem beszél, beszél, beszél
Egy íz minden, minden amire vágyok
Azon vagyok, hogy megmásszam a falat
Biztos, hogy nem leszek ma este egyedül
Gyere át, gyere át
Túl vagyok nélküled csinálni
Gyere át, gyere át
Hé szeretőm, adj egy kis cukrot
Csak egy kis csókba került, hogy megmutassam hiányzott
Hozzád képest senkinek nincs dicsekedni valója
Az ajkaid forrók és édesek, térdig érzem
Most már csak egy cukrot akarok a nyelvemen
Kellenek a csókjaid bébi, jönniük kell
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

Just like you

Just like you became my dark side of the world
A hole in the sky that i can not patch up today
So will l become something disappearing little by little
Your emptiness, your dark road with no return…
Just like you became my question mark
What life commands me, what it forbids me
So will I become a dream that passes irrevocably
In that black shirt that you always liked so much
You know it well, we need to go
As if nothing happened, as if time
Didn’t at all
Cut us in half
We need to go as if time
Didn’t at all cut in half…
Just like you left sand and dust after yourself
And this incessantly darkening sky above me
So will I leave a few traces after myself
Imprinted in you
Trampled down in wild grass
Just like you left after yourself just like that
A few torn up roads
A few demolished bridges
So after me, finally, only silence will remain
In which even our heartbeats won’t be heard
You know it well, we need to go
As if nothing happened, as if time
Didn’t at all
Cut us in half

Ismét újrakezdeni

És ígérem, hogy mikor a karjaimban tartalak
Egy szépséges és új szerelmet fogsz érezni
Ezúttal még jobban foglak szeretni
Mint korábban tettem
És a szívembe zárlak az örökkévalóságig
Túl fiatalok voltunk ahhoz, hogy értsük
Szerelembe estünk és mindent elengedtünk
Olyan egyszerű kimondani a szót, hogy viszlát
Olyan nehéz hagyni, hogy meghaljon az érzés
Most már tudom, hogy mennyire szükségem van rád
Az idő valahogy visszafelé jár
Amint a szívünk és a lelkünk eggyé válik
Biztosan tudom, hogy megtaláljuk az érzést
És most ismét újrakezdjük
Ami nem a legkönnyebb ügy
Bejutottam újra, úgy érzem
Mert valahányszor rád nézek
Tudom, hogy ismét újrakezdjük
Ezúttal szeretettel gyógyítunk minden fájdalmat
Üdvözöllek otthon szerelmem és barátom
Újrakezdjük, ismét újrakezdjük
Ha sosem éltünk volna egyedül
Akkor lehet, hogy sosem tudtuk volna meg
Minden idő, amit külön töltöttünk
Nem tettünk mást csak egymás szívét összetörtük
És ígérem, hogy mikor a karjaimban tartalak
Egy szépséges és új szerelmet fogsz érezni
Ezúttal még jobban foglak szeretni
Mint korábban tettem
És a szívembe zárlak az örökkévalóságig
És most ismét újrakezdjük
Ami nem a legkönnyebb ügy
Bejutottam újra, úgy érzem
Mert valahányszor rád nézek
Tudom, hogy ismét újrakezdjük
Ezúttal szeretettel gyógyítunk minden fájdalmat
Üdvözöllek otthon szerelmem és barátom
Újrakezdjük, ismét újrakezdjük
És most ismét újrakezdjük
Ezúttal minden esőfelhőt elűzünk
Üdvözöllek otthon szerelmem és barátom
Újrakezdjük, ismét újrakezdjük
Újrakezdjük, ismét újrakezdjük

Te tudod hogyan kell engem szeretni

Annyi idõ eltelt
Végül felfedeztem csókjaidat
Belegabalyodtam a tekintetedbe
Az összes hibámmal együtt öleltél
Te tudod hogyan kell engem szeretni
Te tudod hogyan kell engem imádni
Kedvesem, ne menj el
Maradj örökkön-örökké
Hogy szerethesselek az idõk végezetéig
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Én vagyok a lángoló virág, mely színt ad
Életed kertjének
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Kérlek, ne hagyj el
És én elég bátor leszek ahhoz, hogy viszont szeresselek
Annyi idõ eltelt
Mostmár tudom, hogy készen állok
Oly nehéz szerelmet találni
Hogy csak itt állok nyitott sebekkel
Nem érdekel mit gondolnak mások
Itt maradok, hogy az élet tanuja legyek
Örökkön-örökké itt,
Hogy szerethessünk az idõk végezetéig
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Én vagyok a lángoló virág, mely színt ad
Életed kertjének
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Kérlek, ne hagyj el
És én elég bátor leszek ahhoz, hogy viszont szeresselek
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Én vagyok a lángoló virág, mely színt ad
Életed kertjének
Szívem, te tudod
Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni
Kérlek, ne hagyj el
És én elég bátor leszek ahhoz, hogy viszont szeresselek
Szívem, szívem te tudod
(Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni)
Szívem, te tudod hogyan kell engem szeretni, szerelmem
(Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni)
Au, ne menj el
Maradj örökre
(Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni)
És én elég bátor leszek ahhoz, hogy viszont szeresselek szerelmem
(Hogyan kell engem helyesen szeretni)

My heart

Versions: #1
The music is relaxing her
everything she does, she believes
I need such a girl
she never gives up
If she knew, if she knew
how it was once
I need such a girl
she never gives up
How happy she is
when mine she is
how wonderful it is
when mine she is
My heart is beating the fastest
my love only trusts you
know that my heart beats the fastest
my love only trusts you

It's my Night

My edge, I will find my edge
Since my love for you no longer exists
My night, it's my night
And the level tonight I will drop low
Whatever now I drink
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
Then I do not consider you
Whatever I drink now
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
I don't even recognize me
Dreams, we made dreams
That you never believed them even for a moment
You left instead and all around
To leave me empty body through the time's crack
Whatever now I drink
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
Then I do not consider you
Whatever I drink now
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
I don't even recognize me
Whatever now I drink
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
Then I do not consider you
Whatever I drink now
I drink and celebrate
And when I feel dizzy
I don't even recognize me

Pá gyönyör

Versions: #1
Egyik reggel, mikor felébredtem -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Egyik reggel, mikor felébredtem -
szemben állt az áruló
Óh, partizán, vigyél el engem -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Óh, partizán, vigyél el engem -
mert érzem, hogy haldoklom
Ha partizánként porladok el -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Ha partizánként porladok el -
temess el, testvérem
Hegyek között temess el, kérlek -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Hegyek között temess el, kérlek -
hantomra virágot ültess
S aki arra jár majd, elámul rajta -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
S aki arra jár majd, elámul rajta -
mily szép a partizán virága
Szép virág az: a partizáné -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Szép virág az: a partizáné -
szép virág a szabadságé!

First letter

I'm writing my first letter to you,
Let it tell, let it remind you of me.
How I missed you, how I waited for you,
Let it all pass, it all pass, just not in vain.
It will all pass, listen,
It will all pass, I'm not sorry,
The tenderness of love, joy of meeting and silent sadness.
Let me see you in your fairy-tale dream
And I'll understand, that I didn't write you in vain.
I'm writing you, hoping for nothing,
I quickly tell you three words only,
First letter, like a first love,
Let it all pass and not come back to us again.
It will all pass, listen,
It will all pass, I'm not sorry,
The tenderness of love, joy of meeting and silent sadness.
Let me see you in your fairy-tale dream
And I'll understand, that I didn't write you in vain.

The sun burns

The night flew by like a vicious wind,
But I don't believe, that now
You and I will part so easily
And I'll close the door behind you.
I won't betray our love forever,
I'll always love you.
Only that person will be happy,
That wants to be happy on earth.
The sun burns,
It burns in the sky today, just for you.
Time flies,
Flies without delay, burning hearts.
I know the day will come,
And you'll remember -
There's no greater power than love.
You see - the door is open,
And I'm waiting for you to come,
So that we'll be happy again.
The sun burns,
It burns in the sky today, just for you.
Time flies,
Flies without delay, burning hearts.
The day will pass,
Life will pass, and with it, love.
Time flies,
Flies, like the wind, you can't bring it back again.


You swam up to me with the current
A huge amount
Everything is circulating in me now
Where to - I don't know
Is it normal
To lose your mind like this from day to day
Love doesn't fit in words
I will let the silence sound
This moment disconcerts me slightly
And repeatedly
I am catching its vastness in my hand
And I am hiding it so that it has shelter there
It has shelter there
And there will be as much of us
And there will be as much of us
As there is light in us
As there is light in us
I hope that everything else slowly fades away
Every minute I can feel it how I'm turning into you
Sometimes this confusion frays my nerves
Sometimes I feel better
Is it normal
(Is it normal)
To lose your mind like this from day to day
To lose your mind like this
And there will be as much of us
And there will be as much of us
As there is light in us
As there is light in us
I hope that everything else slowly fades away
In the world that doesn't exist
In the world that doesn't exist
In the world that doesn't exist
In the world that doesn't exist
In the world that doesn't exist
In the world that doesn't exist
In the world that doesn't exist
In the world that doesn't exist
In the world that doesn't exist
In the world that doesn't exist

Don't Play Games

You want to leave, you love someone else,
I love you and I can't forget you.
But listen carefully: I will not allow you
To make even a step.
I don't believe in your tears and words anymore,
No, I won't lose you.
Chorus (x2):
Don't play games, you can't convince,
Don't play with my life!
Just the moment of luck
It stop again a spot for us,
The spot of love is reserved.
Say whatever you want, I still don't listen to you.
I love you and I don't want too much:
Just a sweet whisper, as it once was,
I want your love.
I don't believe in your tears and words anymore,
No, I won't lose you.
Chorus (x3):
Don't play games, you can't convince,
Don't play with my life!
Just the moment of luck
It stop again a spot for us,
The spot of love is reserved.

It’s a different epoch I live in

It’s a different epoch I live in,
And the country is different too,
Just the little kids and the pets that are giving
Me the strength and the wish to come through.
And people are people, they’re asses,
On them, I am just giving up
I haven’t got rose-colored glasses,
It’s the only world, no backup.

I love you to the earth

Star pierced earrings, and a rainbow bandana.
I would say I love you to the dazzling earth.
I discarded a love letter for you into the sea.
I spread my hand on the sandy beach
and hugged you.
The flowers of the four seasons are your dress.
I would say I love you to the unconcerned looking earth.
When you smile,
a lovely poem of love
will shyly blushes,
and runs into the hiding bush.
The sound of the waves is your husky voice.
You're so sexy, I'll say I love you to the earth.
Star pierced earrings, and a rainbow bandana.
I would say I love you to the dazzling earth.

Ace of diamonds

And I've found the ace, gotten the exact same suit,
I've achieved the goal - love is knocking at the door.
Okay, might not be love, let it be passion.
So I'm caught in the crossfire.
Your torment is so sweet, yes-yes-yes...
Come to me, don't be shy.
Hold my shoulders, stroke them, stroke, stroke...
Hold me in your arms, my ace of diamonds.
Ace of diamonds, my ace of diamonds,
Kiss me, cuddle me, sweet sugar!
Ace of diamonds, my ace of diamonds.
I love
Kiss me, sugar...
I love to scream with whisper at nights,
To moan in your arms.
And you stroke me, stroke, stroke, stroke...
Kiss me, don't be shy.
It's very sweet, yes-yes-yes...
Love me harder, my ace of diamonds!
Ace of diamonds, my ace of diamonds,
Kiss me, cuddle me, sweet sugar!
Ace of diamonds, my ace of diamonds.
I love
Kiss me, sugar...
I will show you love, my ace, watch and learn,
Don't be shy, come closer to me, enjoy.
Take me, my ace, faster, feel no shame.
Leave a scar on my heart,
I've gotten in your trap.
Don't let me go, hold me tighter,
You will be mine, no one else's!

farrewel my darling farrewell

Farewell my darling, farewell
as the army is leaving,
and if I didn’t leave too
it would be cowardly.
The haversack is ready,
I’ve got the gun with me,
and at sunrise
I’ll be leaving you.
But I’m not leaving you alone
I’ll leave you a child too,
it will console you:
the child of our love.

I Don't Care

My life is lacking you
I'm feeling great, but it's not true
You say you are the best
One day you will see that there is no one like me (for you)
And I'll say that's the main point
I don't want someone like you anymore, I'm tired of you
Go and never come at me again
I'm comfortable without you
See, I'm comfortable without you
I don't care anymore, I don't care
I don't care whatever you're gonna say
I don't recall, I don't recall
I don't recall what you did to me
I don't care anymore, I don't care
I don't care whatever you're gonna say
I don't recall, I don't recall
I don't recall what you did to me
I'm feeling great since you're not here
Yeah, I have a quiet life
I'm not with anymore
Open your eyes
I am (good) with my loneliness, I eliminated people around me from my life
I'm calm, I'm calm, I'm calm
Don't think that I am ruined because of you
I don't want someone like you anymore, I'm tired of you
Go and never come at me again
I'm comfortable without you
See, I'm comfortable without you
I don't care anymore, I don't care
I don't care whatever you're gonna say
I don't recall, I don't recall
I don't recall what you did to me
I don't care anymore, I don't care
I don't care whatever you're gonna say
I don't recall, I don't recall
I don't recall what you did to me

You and me.

It all started with just one call,
Only one encounter, only one word,
Time passes, even if I don't want to, I think of you.
And without your eyes, I remember your look,
Every night I wait for you at my window,
Although your taste is forbidden, it stays with me.
Stay here, don't leave my mind,
You live in me, my soul doesn’t shut up,
I will not say anything, your secret I will keep.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two of us,
Between the two.
I'm going to save everything this morning,
To give you my gypsy soul,
Only you have the key to enter me.
Stay here, don't leave my mind,
You live in me, my soul doesn’t shut up,
I will not say anything, your secret I will keep.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two of us,
Between the two.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two.
You and me,
It's just you and me,
Whatever happens,
This is between the two of us,
Between the two.


Anything will do
As long as you can smash it
An anarchist
Forever and always
The one who’s breaking it all down
Ain’t no one but you
You’re an opportunist
You’re nothing but paste
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
Anyone’s fine
As long as you can hold hands
A communist
Forever and always
Like cockroaches
Your numbers keep increasing
A Stalinist
Always clapping along
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s you!
A man of principles!
You say it’s honestly
As you reach your hands out
A moralist
Who says it’s to save us
No dignity
You turn up unannounced
A humanist
Raping us with your odor
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s the weather’s fault
You say with a laugh
A naturalist
Who poses no harm to the environment
It’s instant peace when you
See the sunset
A Japanist
A heavenly oracle
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
You’re an anarchist
A naturalist
A Stalinist
An opportunist
A stylist
A formalist
A liberalist
A humanist
A socialist
An ist
An ist
An ist
An ist
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s all so romantic
It makes me wanna puke
It’s you!

Rio de La Plata

Versions: #1
Tearing up, I was moving away
I went through the harsh
Leaving it all behind
My people and my hood
Having to walk away alone
From my land, one day
When I was just a child
Leaving it all
For my fantasies
Coming from Rio de La Plata (1)
A Latino heart
Candombe runs through my veins (2) (3)
Always smiling
Taking my dream with me
I'm borderless
Coming from Rio de La Plata
Long live hot-blooded Candombe
Rhythm that ignites my soul
And shines through all my people's eyes
My tears started to dry
I flew over so many roads
Didn't even realize
I almost touched the sky
Today, I sing to everyone with all the strenght
Living inside of me:
A dream
Is worth fighting for
Coming from Rio de La Plata
A Latino heart
Candombe runs through my veins
Always smiling
Taking my dream with me
I'm borderless
Coming from Rio de La Plata
Long live hot-blooded Candombe
Rhythm that ignites my soul
And shines through all my people's eyes
Making a dream come true
Can change your life
I grew up, looking for luck
And healing wounds
Today, even if I went the extra mile, I know
Looking for a destiny
I'm always the same girl
Treasuring in my heart
My beloved land
Coming from Rio de La Plata
A Latino heart
Candombe runs through my veins
Always smiling
Taking my dream with me
I'm borderless
Coming from Rio de La Plata
Long live hot-blooded Candombe
Rhythm that ignites my soul
And shines through all my people's eyes
Coming from Rio de La Plata
A Latino heart
Candombe runs through my veins
Always smiling
Taking my dream with me
I'm borderless
Coming from Rio de La Plata
Long live hot-blooded Candombe
Rhythm that ignites my soul
And shines through all my people's eyes...

Loving O

Google me!
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O (1)
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Look how I watch myself
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Love me like I love myself
Thailand massage at 3
Freddy goes out and here comes Inés
'Crystalline Water' (2)
Flax seeds, I like cute things
Cocktail at 10, tests, tests, such a stress!
Jet set, ginger ale, ginseng
Thermage at 3
Bondage, kindess, compassion
Hermitage, mashup, mashup?
Deaf, fat, on edge
A forehead
What are they doing to me?
What happened?
Is this what I wished for?
What am I doing to me?
What went wrong?
I wish I could be someone else!
Oh, google me, c'mon!
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Look how I watch myself
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Love me like I love myself
Night time Yoga along to Tai Chi Chuan
Ayurvedic yogurt, everything trascendental
Rave rhythm, rabbis, robbings
Good wine, divine
What a wine bouquet! What did I look for?
I found Charly but he's gone.
Who's Demo? Who's Dante?
Where has Net gone?
Kombucha, harem pants, a fight, panties (3)
Good looking, a rut, chia and olé. (4)
What are they doing to me?
What happened?
Is this what I wished for?
What am I doing to me?
What went wrong?
I wish I could be someone else!
Oh, google me, c'mon!
Peeling, feeling, tilin-tilin
Mini, my, la, my-my-my
Let's watch the Golden Music Awards
Don't eat meat, only mineral salt
Everything veggie, a timbale, Gua Sha and guarana (5)
A pinch of cinnamon, I get cross-eyed
Give me cappuccino! Give me Chinese tea, Chi!
Oh my God, some more wine!
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Look how I watch myself
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Love me like I love myself
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Look how I watch myself
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Loving Amanda O
O, O, O, O, O-O, O Love me like I love myself
Google me!
Amanda, are you ready?
I'll tell you when I'm ready


What happened to the changeable that changes by the year
Your love doesn't die, it has been established in my heart
The heart is exhausted, it's tired
Our feelings have become as clear as water
After so many times that has passed,
you have become the only one in my heart
Among those false loves
You have become the truth in my heart.
I cannot forget you
Your flowers haven't withered in my heart
I cannot bear to be without you anymore
I have become worn out, I have run out of patience
Even if there is consolation for the loss of anything,
only you have no replacement.(nothing can console your loss)
Even if there is consolation for the loss of anything,
only you have no replacement.(nothing can console your loss)
Even if I don't see your face for a long time,
Even if I don't want to think about you,
Even if I say I have forgotten about you so many times,
I realize that I was wrong in my words.
After so many times that has passed,
you have become the only one in my heart
Among those false loves
You have become the truth in my heart.
I cannot forget you
Your flowers haven't become withered in my heart
I cannot bear to be without you anymore
I have become worn out, I have run out of patience
Even if there is consolation for the loss of anything,
only you have no replacement.(nothing can console your loss)
Even if there is consolation for the loss of anything,
only you have no replacement.(nothing can console your loss)


Engedtük a vizeket emelkedni
Sodródtunk, hogy túléljük
Szükségem volt arra, hogy maradj
De engedtelek sodródni
Szerelmem hol vagy? Szerelmem hol vagy?
Amikor készen állsz (amikor készen állsz)
Amikor készen állsz (amikor készen állsz)
Megadhatjuk magunkat?
Megadhatjuk magunkat?
Megadom magam.
Ezúttal senki sem fog nyerni
Csak azt szeretném, hogy visszagyere
Hozzád futok
Lobog a fehér zászlóm, a fehér zászlóm
Szerelmem, hol vagy? Szerelmem, hol vagy?
Amikor készen állsz (amikor készen állsz)
Amikor készen állsz (amikor készen állsz)
Megadhatjuk magunkat?
Megadhatjuk magunkat?
Megadom magam.

You've Got Such Eyes

You've got such eyes
That look like they have two pupils in each,
Like the latest cars have.
At night
Cars fly from highway to highway, whirring
With two pairs of headlights.
You've got double eyes,
Enough for two faces.
All the oceans shine through the eyes
Multiplied by two.
You see, your eyes are
A map of the two hemispheres of the Earth.
When you close them,
The equator sinks into the night.
And when I ask them to open,
They reveal two blue poles
At the moment of opening.

Chicka Chicka Egy, Kettő, Három

Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Lesz nekem hely?
Az egyik kettőnek, kettő pedig a háromnak mondta,
Megvetem az almafa tetejére.
Mássz fel mondta négy-öt és hat
fényes kis számok, amelyek csatlakoznak a keverékhez.
Siet! hétet kiáltott a nyolcadik számra,
lassan piszkáló fickó, aki mindig késik.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Itt jön kilenc az almafához.
Következik tíz, majd tizenegy.
Hű, ezeknek az almáknak mennyei íze van!
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Forró rózsaszín tizenkettő, szerencsés tizenhárom,
piros és zöld almát szedni.
Tizennégy, tizenöt, nem látod?
Mindannyian fel akarnak mászni az almafára.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Tizenhat következik a helyszínre,
ágakat mászni tizenhét.
Tizennyolc, tizenkilenc, még egy húsz.
Számok, számok, rengeteg van.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Kanyargós harminc, lapos lábú negyven
felmászni, hogy csatlakozzon a partihoz!
Ötven rendben van, hatvan pedig dandy.
A Hetven haja hosszú és homokos.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Másszunk tovább mondja a nyolcvanéves fafejű
egyre magasabb, akár kilencven,
míg végül kilencvenkilenc van
és minden szám jól érzi magát,
nulla kivételével, aki sírni kezd.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Óh ne!
Zümmögés közel! Darázsok!
Zero elrejtőzik a fa mögött.
a darázs kiabál,
és az összes szám kidől.
Kilencven, nyolcvan, hetven esik,
mindenki számára ingyen érje a földet.
Hatvan, ötven, negyven futás.
Nincs több mászás, nincs több móka!
Harminc következő, aztán édes húsz.
Számok, számok, már nem sok!
Tizenkilenc és tizennyolc, én, jaj!
A rémült számok ugranak és repülnek!
Még tizenhét, tizenhat, tizenöt.
Most tizennégy érte a padlót.
És tizenhárom is, szerencsétlen fickó!
Tizenketten majdnem megérintették az eget!
Hajlított tizenegy.
(Várj! Hol van tíz?)
Akkor kilenc, nyolc, hét következik.
Hat és öt cilinder csavarása,
Négy, három, kettő, egy, merülj el!
(Menjünk!) Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Most már tudom a helyet nekem!
Nulla ugrik az égre.
Bátor kis szám, nem szégyenlős.
Nulla leszáll a fa tetejére.
Csatlakozik tízhez, most százan látod!
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Itt a hely, ami csak nekem való!
Minden szám kijön,
Egyre magasabbra, ahogy kiabálnak. (Hé!)
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
A számfa nulla hőse!
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?

In the Bluebell Woods

After we’re finished drinking tea, let’s go explore the world together with Unicorn
The wind flutters his mane, Daoine Shee is singing and the Pixies are in a good mood
Passing by Cotswolds and heading towards Calton Hill
Is anyone there at Holyroodhouse Palace right now?
“Ah, the flag! Her Majesty the Queen is here☆”
In the Bluebell Woods, the Fairies are having an afternoon tea party
Lively talks and smiles as always
Robin Goodfellow looks like he’s been up to mischief
Frolicking with friends that are looking this way Next time again
Going down the River Conwy heading to Bodnant Garden
The beautiful garden soothes me
It smells of the ocean, I wonder where I’ll go next
The Westerlies fan me and I can see the Arch of Triumph
“Oh, Isn’t this his house~!?”
Returning slowly from the Dover Strait
I feel relieved seeing my favorite scenery
Buying lots of baked beans and ale
I should go back home soon where my friends await
At Trafalgar Square, I fill my chest with deep breaths
As expected, this air makes me feel relieved
In the Bluebell Woods, the Fairies are inside a dream
With so much fun the day passed by in a blink of an eye
Still going westward, beyond the Irish sea
Come now, let’s go on a trip to the next place I’ll be back

Thorny Path

There is no such a power...
...which can break my heart
I will stand up even if I fall
My wings are behind, those give huge hopes to me
I'm not alone, you are with me
Oh, how hard this thorny path
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
I will pass through all flames together with you
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
My heart takes wing in your hands
I'll walk
Walk on my path
I'll walk, that's not easy
Even if winds break trees
It can't break me easily
I'll laugh always even if I cry
While passing many roads
Walls are not be punctured
I came for you to give my frosty
Oh, how hard this thorny path
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
I will pass through all flames together with you
I'm strong, oo
I have no fear at all
My heart takes wing in your hands
I'll walk, walk on my path
I'll walk, that's not easy


So, then I breath
Even when my head is trapped in darkness
So, then I breathe, even when my heart stops beating for me. Ha, ay
So, then I breathe even if the world understands nothing
So, then I breathe
And breathe even if the sky is still not clear
Breathe and let time teach you
That we need to keep believing it
Breathe and let the wind teach you
That it is never too late
Every harmony that the wind brings me
Makes me sing again
Never forget that everything is easier
And it's good to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe
So, now I breathe even
when my head is trapped in darkness
And sometimes it passes
So, then I breathe, and breathe because after the rain
A new start
Breathe in every moment and forget all thoughts
Ay, breathe and let go of regret
Breathe, come and become wind
Every harmony that the wind brings me
Makes me sing again
Never forget that everything is easier
And it's good to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Every promise that time brings me
Makes me dance again
I never forget that everything is easier
That I want to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe
(With hands... go youth...
I present to all of you my musicians...
and you... Camille, Théo, François)
Every harmony that the wind brings me
Makes me sing again
Never forget that everything is easier
And it's good to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Every promise that time brings me
Makes me dance again
I never forget that everything is easier
I want to learn to trust
If you forget, breathe
If you forget, breathe
Sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe
And... sorrow, heartache, sorrow, now you breathe

Our name

I don't want to convince myself
That nothing is for forever
I don't know if I'm doing it well
I am beginning to see
Our name all over the place
I think I don't know how to recognize
That it's possible that
Love doesn't remain
And what if we are
no longer two
I no longer really love you
That's why I have to leave
I'm no longer your other half
I don't want to wake you up
If you aren't going to wake me up
I'm no longer at your place
It's getting late and I don't want to go back
Now I'm thinking of going out and having a good time
I don't know anything because when I ask you
You always say we won't end up together
But now it's all the same to me if you aren't here
Although it's going to be hard not to think about you
I've had a lot of sleepless nights
Something in me is going to explode
And it's possible that
Love doesn't remain
And that if we are
No longer two
And it's possible that
Love doesn't remain
And what if we are
no longer two
I no longer really love you
That's why I have to leave
I'm no longer your other half
And I don't want to wake you up
If you aren't going to wake me up
I'm no longer at your place

Your prison

You go, llove
if you want
What am i going to do?
your vanity does not let you understand
that in poverty you know how to love
I want to cry
and it destroys me that you think like this
and more that now I'm left without you
what you are going to suffer hurts
But I remember, nobody is perfect
and you will see it, more than a thousand things
better you will have
but sincere darling never
forget about this
that you leave today and want to change
that in the adventure
that you will see
it will be your jail and you will never leave

Everyone look at me

You made me feel that I was worthless
And my tears fell at your feet
I looked at myself in the mirror and I was not found
I was just what you wanted to see
And I changed my hairstyle, I dressed as a queen
I put on shoes I felt like a star
I walked to the door and heard you yell at me
But your lies can no longer tie me
And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was sequined
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I know I'm fine because of my hair they admire me
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I do what few will dare
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Some with envy but in the end
But in the end, but in the end, everyone will love me
You made me feel that I was worthless
And my tears fell at your feet
I looked at myself in the mirror and I was not found
I was just what you wanted to see
And I changed my hairstyle, I dressed as a queen
I put on shoes I felt like a star
I walked to the door and heard you yell at me
But your lies can no longer tie me
And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was sequined
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I know I'm fine because of my hair they admire me
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Because I do what few will dare
And they all look at me, look at me, look at me
Some with envy but in the end
But in the end, but in the end, everyone will love me
And I changed my hairstyle, I dressed as a queen
I put on shoes I felt like a star
I walked to the door and heard you yell at me
But your lies can no longer bind me
And I looked at the night and it was no longer dark, it was sequined