Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 16

Találatok száma: 539


Just for tonight

The round ice melted and became shapeless
While I hold a glass of whiskey at 3 A.M
Although it's a strange request, can you listen to me?
I spent the entire night blaming myself
When I look behind, I can't go back anymore
Her voice is still in my head
Are you ready? Not yet
Are you ready? Not yet
It's just tonight, just for tonight
Can I take shelter in your bed?
My painful memories are coming after me again tonight
Your smile seems to have become nebulous
While holding a glass of whiskey at 3 A.M
I rotated the ice twice with my fingers
Is your answer a 'Yes'?
When I look behind, I can't go back anymore
I can see she smiling behind her eyelids
Are you ready? Not yet
Are you ready? Not yet
I just need it tonight, just tonight is enough
Can I take shelter in your bed?
My distant days of happiness are coming after me again tonight
I just need it tonight, just tonight is enough
Can I take shelter in your bed?
My painful memories are coming after me again tonight
I just need it tonight, just tonight is enough
Can I take shelter in your bed?
My distant days of happiness are coming after me again tonight
♫Enjoy the lyrics
Your support is welcome♫


Every day that passes, I can feel
(That bad, that bad, that bad, that bad I am)
That although the sun rises, in me everything is grey
(That bad, that bad, that bad, that bad I am)
Enough with the gazes that lie about goodness
Because there's only darkness in my tender eyes
It's like a spell that cannot break
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad)
There's no chiaroscuro
Just darkness
(That bad, that bad, that bad,
that bad I am)
What's wrong with being bad when the world is bad
(That bad, that bad, that bad,
that bad I am)
Enough with the gazes that lie about goodness
Because there's only darkness in my tender eyes
It's like a spell that cannot break
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
Enough with the gazes that lie about goodness
Because there's only darkness in my tender eyes
It's like a spell that cannot break
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
That bad, that bad

While it Lasted

I tried to make things matter
I overcame many problems
I found that I was sufficient
But I wasn't for you
I tried to be the perfect guy
I did things your way
I wanted to be more important
But I wasn't for you
While it lasted
Tell me why
You lost so much time here
I do you a favor
It's best I disappear
Was [just] another in your hands
I don't know if for lack or need of option[s]
I only know that I felt love
What a pity only I felt love
What will do I with my plans
of the next years
I promise I don't now
I only know that I felt love
What a pity only I felt love
I only know that I felt love

Ojamajo Doremi Opening 4 (European Portuguese)

We'll sing all together
Bampara, bampara, bampara, bampara
To cheer you up
Nothing will go back to normal
Mumuru, mumuru, mumuru, mumuru
It's very original
Let's meet people
And learn many new things
Just a sprinkling
A lot of laugh
And move your body
Witches with magic
Are the coolest ones that you'll find around here
Witches and happiness
It's so easy to say 'pirica pirilala'
Just give me one chance, chance, chance, chance
Just one more chance, chance, chance, chance
Witches with magic
Are the coolest ones that you'll find around here
Witches with happiness
It's easier if you ask me to dance
So let's dance, dance, dance, dance
Just one more dance, dance, dance, dance
Witches and Doremi
Let's go!

To Pure Pain

Excuse me, if I'm calling you at this time
But I needed to listen you again
Even be an instant your breathing
Excuse me, because I'm violating our oath
I know you're with someone that is not the time
But there is something urgent to tell you today
I'm dying, dying for see you
Agonizing, very slow and very strong
My Life, give me back my fantasies
My desire of live life
Give me back the air
Honey mine, without you I feel empty
Afternoons are a labyrinth
And the nights taste me
To pure pain
I would like to tell you that today I'm great
That I was not affected by your departure
But with one only finger does not cover the sun
And I'm dying, dying for see you
Agonizing, very slow and very strong
My Life, give me back my fantasies
My desire to live life
Give me back the air
Honey mine, without you I feel empty
Afternoons are a labyrinth
And the nights taste me
To pure pain
I'm dying, agonizing to pure pain
To pure pain
Agonizing, I do not have you by my side
I'm dying, agonizing to pure pain
To pure pain
To pure pain
Come back please

I'll make men of you !

Let's begin the manoeuvres
For defeating the Huns
Should have gave me their sons ?
I don't see even one
You're more fragile than little girls
But till the end, and bit by bit
I'd know how making real men of you !
As the arrow which vibrates
and hit in bulleye
In finding the balance
you'll be winners
You're just a brunch of sissies
But against all odds
I'd know how making real men of you !
I'd start a diet
Say goodbye to my friends for me
I'd have not skip the sport class !
This guy scare us !
But if he see the girl in me
I sweat but I can't swimm !
Like a man
Be more violent than the stream of the torrent
Be a man
Be more powerfull than the hurricanes
Be a man
Be morte ardent than the fire of volcanos
Secret as the mooning nights of the East
Days are passing and Huns are not far away
Following well my way
You'll survive tomorrow
You'll never be valient and strog
As men, go back to home
I couldn't make real mens of you.

Corrupted world

I had a dream that I was a snoop
I had chutzpah more
Than enough and about this nightmare
For you some verses
I was looking after the corrupted world and
To prevent others from breathing
That was the point - honors
Was granted for me abundantly
I dreamed that I was who betrayed you
And that the slipknot was waiting for you
They waited until you became adult
And then the party was finished you
The power granted me blood-money
With both hands
In order to keep everything as it is
And prevent any change
The corrupted world
Was taken care of
By evil mercenaries and medals of honor
Was granted only for those
Who was a snoop, who was an informer
Who was a snoop, a cover agent
My Id is
My cover-name is rat
I was sitting in velvet chairs too
There was a government
Who didn't refuse me
But on me they told a parole
I dreamed that I was a mole
And I skinned you
I dreamed that I was who betrayed you
And that the slipknot was waiting for you
They waited until you became adult
And then the party was finished you
I had a dream that I was a snoop
I had chutzpah more
Than enough and about this nightmare
For you some verses

No Christmas

the product is a waste
regardless the agitation of
the star with the mouth covered with saliva
I don't need from him any
Chinese condom
silk veil from Moscow
I'm not a gay
better keep in mind
that you knock on the wrong door
for me it's too high
even the discount price
feel free to shove off
I don't need from him
any perfume
no matter how he's preaching
to kill a man
I have no mood
the pig slaughter is canceled
I reject the agent
I close the door
He receive no candies from me
There's no Christmas
No, No Christmas
I close the door
the man is nuts
the perfume on the fire
I don't know why he pours
my hands are clean
I have no mood
to punch him in the face
no matter how he grunts
it's hard to laugh
on the dirty stories
with toy-boys
I make no business
that's not for me

Along the Murom Tract Road

Along the Murom tract road three pine trees stood chagrined,
My darling bid his farewell to me until next spring.
He crossed his heart and swore that just me alone he'd love,
That he would not forget me in faraway wild lands.
He mounted his horse and [then] he hurried to depart,
Just sadness and despair he left in my sick heart.
On one occasion I saw a terrible night dream,
My darling married someone, he broke his pledge to me.
I laughed at this bizarre dream, I told my girlfriends that
It really can't be true that he could forget me, brat!
But soon my dream has come true, and in the early spring
My darling has returned with beauty wife and ring.
I stood at city gates when he passed across the town,
His glance found me in crowds of people all around.
He saw my bitter tears and lowered eyes in shame,
The love rat realized that my life went up in flames.
Along the Murom tract road three pine trees stood chagrined,
My darling bid his farewell to me until next spring.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


Amikor kialszanak a fények
Nem látom okát,
annak, hogy sírsz
Átmentünk ezen már ezelőtt
Minden szezonban
Isten tudja, hányszor próbáltam
hát kérlek, nem kérd tőlem többet
Nem látod a szememben
hogy ez lehet a mi utolsó búcsúnk?
Carrie, Carrie,
A dolgok megváltoznak, barátom
Carrie, Carrie,
talán találkozunk még
Valahol újra
Olvasok a gondolatodban
nem barátságtalan szándékkal
Bárcsak elmagyarázhatnám
Ez mind időbe telik, egész sok türelemmel
Ha ez bűn,
miért nem érzek fájdalmat?
Nem látod a szememben
hogy ez lehet a mi utolsó búcsúnk?
Carrie, Carrie,
A dolgok megváltoznak, barátom
Carrie, Carrie,
talán találkozunk még
Valahol újra
Nem látod a szememben
hogy ez lehet a mi utolsó búcsúnk?
Carrie, Carrie,
A dolgok megváltoznak... Carrie... Carrie... Carrie
Carrie, Carrie
talán találkozunk még
Valahol újra
Amikor kialszanak a fények...


Békében éltek, nem régóta
Egy hatalmas indián törzs
De a változás szele
Rádöbbentette őket, hogy az ígéretek hazugságok voltak
A fehér ember mohósága, az arany keresésben
Nemzetek vérét okozta
Elveszítették hitüket
És most meg kell tanulniuk
Hogy nincsen hely a visszatérésre
Sehová nem fordulhatnak
Cherokee - menetelés a könnyek nyomán
Keményen áthajtottak, keresztül a síkságon
Sok holdon át sétáltak
Mert a változások szele
Rádöbbentette őket, hogy az ígéretek hazugságok voltak
Túl sokat elviselni, mindazokat a fájdalmakat
Kétségek között hagyva
Elvesztették hitüket
És most meg kell tanulniuk
Hogy nincsen hely a visszatérésre
Sehová nem fordulhatnak

Ringasd az éjszakát

Változásokon mentem keresztül
Fájdalmakon estem át
De ez nem volt elég ok arra, hogy megőrüljek
Ismerem az érzést, amikor növekszik
Dühös vagyok tetőtől talpig
Tudom, ez nem könnyű
Tudom, ez nem könnyű
Amikor nem tudod, mit akarsz
Ringasd most, ringasd az éjszakát
A korai reggeli fényig
Ringasd most, ringasd az éjszakát
A legjobb, ha elhiszed, hogy ez rendben van
Ismerem a határaimat
Csak ami kell
Amikor a dolgok nem elég jók
Csak behúzom a féket
Néha ez könnyű
Néha olyan nehéz
De egy dolog tiszta
Semmi sem elég

Tárd ki a szíved

Örömmel töltött napok és szomorú napok
Csak azt nem tudom, hogy én mit tegyek
Ma boldog vagyok, holnap magányos
Minden lehetőség csak tetőled függ
Vártam, hogy angyalok kopogtassanak az ajtómon
Azt hittem, hogy minden olyan lehet, mint azelőtt
Tárd ki szíved, és mondd el, mi a baj
Miért nem beszélhetsz úgy, mint korábban
Nem tudom, gyenge vagyok-e, vagy erős
Hé lány, nem bírom már tovább
Már eleget vártam...
Tárd ki a szíved, hadd halljalak
Döntsd el, szeretnélek hallani hogy hívsz
Nyisd ki a szíved, ha közeledni akarsz
Hozz döntést, ó lány, mielőtt elesnék
Talán a nap továbbra is ragyogni fog
Talán az eső továbbra is esni fog
Talán el akarsz hagyni engem
Lehet, hogy meg akarsz változni, és felhívsz

The bells of Notre Dame (reprise)

When the bells ring, the bells question
In the sky of Notre-Dame
Is the man a monster or the monster a man?
And the bells ring, ring, ring, ring…
Heaven sounds the alarm, hell spits flames
When the bells bewitch our souls
They chime in Notre-Dame

Red moon

I wander absentmindedly, feeling abandoned...
My eyes, hidden under the hat,
My hands inside my pockets and the collar liften...
I wander whistling to the stars on the sky...
And the red moon tells me about you,
I ask her if you are waiting for me,
And so she answers: 'if you really want to know,
There is no one here...'
And I call your name, just to see you,
But, everyone talking about you
Responds: 'it's late already! What do you want to know?!
There is no one here!...'
Red moon,
Who will be sincere?
Red moon,
She left the other night,
Without saying goodbye... 1
And I still saying she is waiting for me,
Tonight at three, under the balcony,
And she prays to saints, hoping to see me...
But there is no one here...
A thousand and more dates I've had...
So many cigarettes I've smoked...
Many cups of coffee I've drunk...
So many lovable mouths I've kissed...
And the red moon tells me about you.
  • 1. lit. transl: without seeing me.

Black drops

Flower which blooms
In this fleeting, heartless and ruthless world
As if not knowing sorrow
Blooming only for happiness
Escaping into
A perfect and unparalleled world
Without any impurities
It’s about time to quit doing that
A single drop of falling black
Towards a pure white heart
Won’t stain it, just deepen it
So come
Erasing evil leaves no judgement
Subliming karma, emotions, and all
Don’t reminisce only on the beautiful
Encompass sour, sweet and all
Despite grudges and hard feelings
Why do flowers still bloom in the wasted plain?
Feel love, even for sorrow
Be beautiful
Be beautiful
A heart full of sensibilities
Is still precious
Humans are like pendulums
That detonate when swung too hard
A single drop of falling sin
Towards a pure heart
Will turn into painful love
What a nuisance
Erasing darkness leaves no light
Deteriorating manic, Low, and all
Pulling out of sadness
From the maze of love and justice
Despite grudges and hard feelings
Why do flowers still bloom in the wasted plain?
For an instant, for someone
Become beautiful
Aah, what a nuisance
Erasing evil leaves no judgement
Subliming karma, emotions, and all
Don’t reminisce only on the beautiful
Encompass sour, sweet and all
Despite grudges and hard feelings
Why do flowers still bloom in the wasted plain?
Feel love, even for sorrow
Be beautiful
Be beautiful


Oh my dear love, oh my lotus
Having a tight sleep at nights
You have fallen sleep alone in your bed
You have left me and my heart, oh you moon
Oh the lady of the desert, niloofar
Oh Niloofar, oh niloofar
Come back to me, to my loneliness
Oh Niloofar, oh niloofar
Now who is in love? Me or you?
Don't be cruel to me
I will go to mountains and deserts
to perhaps I find you
between the green bushes
oh you shy flower...
you are unkind to me
Don't be cruel to me
I will go to mountains and deserts
to perhaps I find you
between the green bushes
oh you shy flower...
Oh my dear sent from the skies
Oh my love my lotus
Oh my love, my beautiful lotus
Oh my dear love, oh my lotus
Having a tight sleep at nights
You have fallen sleep alone in your bed
You have left me and my heart, oh you moon
Oh the lady of the desert, niloofar
Oh Niloofar, oh niloofar
Come back to me, to my loneliness
Oh Niloofar, oh niloofar


Beautiful ladies, beautiful gentlemen
Music on the programme
Singers, get ready
May the best win
The borders are open
What should I say if tonight is a party?
The stars are nervous
They do their make up, smoke a cigarette
Before going on stage
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Old Europe cheers
The country that wins
Then a tear
The spell is broken
The eyes of the whole world are
Waiting, impatiently, for news flashes
That are going to announce
By satellite and by shielded cables
What's happening in their regions
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision
Eurovision, Eurovision, Eurovision

Remember Me

Remember me
Despite my saying goodbye
Remember me
Without pain in your eyes
Though I'll be far away
You'll stay within me
And you'll hear the melody that unites us
Remember me
Though I'm heading far away
Remember me
If you hear the guitar cry
Forever I will live within you
Until our paths cross again
Remember me


Hey! all of you
who aren't interested
you're blinded by ambition,
you're blinded by ambition!
It's something despicable
that blood don't run in you!
being completely alive
I wish to change you
Because the world moves
in a different way
what's the worth of money
if you're just a man
completely stupid completely stupid
completely stupid completely stupid
Hey! all of you
who want to change the world
don't stop, don't stop!
I'll help you until the end.
I'll help you until the end.
Because one dies
and nobody can stop it
and what's the worth of all this
of being just a man?
Always trying to make you happy
I'm the wind
always trying to make you happy
I'm the wind
stronger! stronger!
stronger! stronger!
I'm not here!
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Mercy (Eurovízió Verzió)

Versions: #2
Ma reggel születtem,
a nevem Mercy,
a tenger közepén,
mely elválaszt két országot.
Hosszú út volt és Anya rálépett.
A szíve alatt hordott, nyolc és fél hónapig.
Oh igen, nyolc és fél hónapig.
Elhagytuk az otthonunkat, melyet háború tépázott.
Persze igaza volt, nem volt mit vesztenünk.
Oh nem, csupán az életünket.
Ma reggel születtem,
a nevem Mercy.
Ők kezet nyújtottak nekem,
és életben vagyok.
Én vagyok az összes gyerek,
akiket a tenger magához szólított.
Százezer évig fogok élni,
a nevem Mercy.
És ott, a szemünk előtt, ott volt az ellenség,
a kék végtelenség, talán végtelen,
de igen, tudtuk az árát.
A hullámból kiemelkedve, egy segítő hajó
visszaadta az esélyt a túlélésre.
Ott sírtam fel először.
Ma reggel születtem,
a nevem Mercy.
Ők kezet nyújtottak nekem,
és életben vagyok.
Én vagyok az összes gyerek,
akiket a tenger magához szólított.
Százezer évig fogok élni,
a nevem Mercy.
Ma reggel születtem,
a nevem Mercy.
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm.
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm.
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm.
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Crossroad, Both Sides

Where am I? The first time in Mei's hands,
The place we went together was really, really stunning!
Something far away is moving
Let's go catch it! Mei wants to show it to Mei!
Hey, Mei came here like she should
Mei calls out to Mei, 'I'm here!' but... is that being bad?
Hey, which Mei is the real Mei?
Beyond the crossroad, front and back
If you don't get something, you shouldn't lose anything
Light and shadow will never be apart
Even if we're apart, Mei can hear
Mei's voice, Mei's voice...
It's dark... night is scary
Mei doesn't know where Mei is at all
What if the morning is
Hiding from Mei - what'll Mei do all alone?
I smell someone who's smiling
But I don't know what's over there...
I don't think I remembered, yesterday
Wonder if it remains inside Mei's heart?
We've done it lots of times since the beginning, so
We'll become friends again
No matter where you go, the world is wide
Let's make a promise with Mei's friends
After we say, 'See you later,'
We'll always smile
Hey, does Mei know the real Mei?
At the crossroad, who is front and who is back?
We laughed just as much as we smiled
Mei and Mei's light and shadow
Hey, which Mei is the real Mei?
Beyond the crossroad, front and back
If you don't get something, you shouldn't lose anything
Light and shadow will never be apart
Even if we're apart, Mei can hear
Mei's voice, Mei's voice...
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

Golden Girl

I won't turn around anymore
No, I won't stay behind anymore
I won't hold me back anymore
No, I won't stop anymore
Here you will see who's the golden girl
On the beat, attitude, she's a knockout and dynamite
Then after I can be a ballerina
With my classy rhyme, my elegance is always on
Don't rush me
Everything has its time
To make it happen
I learned to be careful
I left my heart in your hands
Then I took it back
Now I need to get my sight back
I won't turn around anymore
No, I won't stay behind anymore
I won't hold me back anymore
No, I won't stop anymore
I won't turn around anymore
No, I won't stay behind anymore
I won't hold me back anymore
No, I won't stop anymore
We win to lose
And we lose to win
The balance of life is like this
These are moments to consider
I'm very demanding
And competition is my middle name
My words are my weapons
And also my defense
So, if you wanna fight
I'm not gonna stop you
But just don't complain later
Because I won't give up
I will never give up, no
I won't turn around anymore
No, I won't stay behind anymore
I won't hold me back anymore
No, I won't stop anymore
I won't turn around anymore
No, I won't... Ooh
I won't hold me back anymore
No, I won't stop anymore
Golden girl
She's a knockout, a knockout and dynamite
Or a ballerina
With my classy rhyme
My elegance is always on

Don't Tell (Me)

I never thought I'd fall
How we've passed through it all
The sun won't shine any longer
And the moon is hiding
If you'd just look back
You'll see that we can still return
It was hard, I won't lie
But you promised not to give up
So don't tell me 'Enough, don't love'
I've only got half a heart left and now
I don't know how to move on
I was used to you being next to me
And if one day you'll feel alone
Just know that I am always the one
Who would never give up, would never leave
Because I will never stop loving
The wind has been silent for long
The happiness is no longer here
The dreams never stop
And the nights never end
After such a long period of time
I understood the problem
It's not us, it's life
You've got to learn from your obstacles
So don't tell me 'Enough, don't love'
I've only got half a heart left and now
I don't know how to move on
I was used to you being next to me
Now the silence speaks
Only a recurring memory remains
I sit and wait
For the day where we'll finally live

I Wait for You

To tell you the truth, I thank you
That you loved and made sure I won't fall
And if I have to, I promise I'll wait for you
Until you come and we'll change everything
Let me hold you again, let me feel you
For without your eyes there's no use, you left and I'm empty now
And it's another morning without you
Without the smile on your face
Another day passes, I'm counting each minute
And it's another night, I wait for you
I gaze at the moon again
When will it inform me that love has returned
Every second that you're absent, I'm tearing up
Don't be mad but I miss you
Away from you I felt emptiness
Just come back, I'll love you till I die

Heartbeat Clocktower

The sound of the clocktower’s gears
That is the proof she’s alive
So that this second hand doesn’t stop
Watching over it is “my” role
The former master, a personification of greed
Why couldn’t he notice sooner
That his own sin would ruin himself
One of these days?
The ugly burn marks that remain on half of her body even now
Etch those two’s memories
Today again there are lost
Pitiful visitors who don’t know anything
Before long they’ll probably be delivered
Into the “Master of the Graveyard”’s stomach
That “girl” pretending to be the lead role
As usual is absorbing herself in selfishness
While the loneliness of having lost her “counterpart”
Shows a little on her face
Just before his death a solitary man created
That small theater deep in the forest
In that time when it was left behind, it began to ring out
The clockwork lullaby
“Bloodstained scissors”, “Violet katana”
The days we wait for those who have yet to wake
When all the songs have been recited
It appears Utopia will complete
The clock hand stopping
Means the end of herself
The time left in the rusted and chipped gears
Isn’t long
Just before his death a solitary man created
A small theater deep in the forest
The one acting as curator is the one he loved most
“The Clockwork Doll”
Resolving myself
I gently placed my hand
Into my own left breast and reached in deeply…
My spring resounds with the gears of the clocktower
And the story begins anew
So that the clock hands don’t stop
Continuing to turn is my role


(I like u, bye!)
I like of being immature with ya
I like of giving me and losing myself
I wanna be able to tease your way
Smoking anything to be entertained
I take the risk in this life just to see you
All our youth is running in our veins
It's because I'm weak, fragile, stupid to talk about love
But with you I will (I like you, bye!)
It's because I'm weak, fragile, stupid to talk about love
But with you I will (I like you, bye!)
I like of being immature with you
Whether I lie I'm careful to you don't notice this
I wanna be able to tease your way
Smoking anything to be entertained
I take the risk in this life just to see you
All our youth is running in our veins
It's because I'm weak, fragile, stupid to talk about love
But with you I will (I like you, bye!)
It's because I'm weak, fragile, stupid to talk about love
But with you I will (I like you, bye!)
It's because I'm weak, fragile, stupid to talk about love
But with you I will, I will

One hundred weddings

I can't hide the fact that I feel a little sorry for my friends
But anyway I am very happy for them
There were so many weddings in this year
Everyone wants to see a friend as a wedding guest
I dance at the wedding without stopping
When they sing I sing loudest
But in this situation
I'd like someone to notice my sadness
But in this situation
I'd like someone to notice my sadness
I've had a good time at a hundred weddings
I've congratulated the happy couples
Now I have a hundred married friends
I've had a good time at a hundred weddings
Everyone was impressed with my cheerfulness
But when will I celebrate at my own wedding?
The music fills the neighborhood
The bride has so many friends
And I'm sure that this wedding of my friend
Will soon result in a hundred-and-first wedding.
And I'm sure that this wedding of my friend
Will soon result in a hundred-and-first wedding.
I've had a good time at a hundred weddings
I've congratulated the happy couples
Now I have a hundred married friends
I've had a good time at a hundred weddings
Everyone was impressed with my cheerfulness
But when will I celebrate at my own wedding?

I'm going to Europe

I'm going to Europe mom, I'm going to Europe,
I'm so depressed that I want to escape.
I'm going to Europe, get my clothes ready
and the cards of dad.
Maybe I get relief watching the jet set
at the top of the Eiffel Tower
and I forget those crazy goddmaned ignorants
who don't even know the Louvre.
I'm going to Europe mom, I'm going to Europe,
I have it decided, I can't stand anymore.
I'm going to Europe, cut it with the soup
because I wanna get there very slim.
I'd like to go to the beach to see
the topless of the sweden girl because I'm free.
The nudes if are blondes... is very artistic
here the cola less is tacky.
I'm going to Europe mom, I'm going to Europe, to Italy...
I'll make my way to Pisa, Roma, Milano.
I'm going to Europe to see if in the European Cup
they can stop Maradona.
But after the months passing I will miss a lot,
after all I'm sentimental too
that's why I'm thinking well this trip now,
I'm a bit sad but I know what to do...
I'm going to Europe mom, I'm going to Europe
I'll take the yerba mate
and four records of chamamé
and the photograph laughing all day
of Pocho and Carlos Gardel
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

My European

She is Gallic with little white wine
She is against governments
She is not the daughter of religions
She is not a moneywhore
She is wind from the North or the West
She is wind from the South or the East
She is homeless in the street
She is always a waste of time
She is a gypsy she is profane
She is when the Gallic woman glides
She is always the smoker of joints
She sleeps in the train stations
She is in solidarity with the combat
She is Warsaw, Messina
She is not a banker for a penny
She is not boots at attention
She is homeless without borders
She is against totalitarianism
She is 'Fuck you with your money'
Come on, go get a brunette
She is my face of Picasso
She is all my friends with a paintbrush
Kusturica Sarajevo
The Gestapo is not far away
My European is not Brussels
My European is not Geneva
She's not the money you walk or die
You know, for me, my European
She doesn't really have borders
Her body is the entire planet
No offense to the bourgeoisie
You know, this is my European, to me
She is keupon rat on the shoulder
She is the prison tattoo
She is the sobbing accordion
She is 'give me a tango'
She is the destiny of origins
She has greco-latin roots
She is against the bank union
She is my revolutionaries
She is friends with Mimi Pinson
She is Romania without money
She is guillotine for the kings
She is rather like you and me
She is not from the media I think
She is not a bourgeois politician
She is a peasant in combat
She is a partisan when she drinks
She is a licensed worker
No, she's not the daughter of progress
She is a bandoneon in the métro
She is rather Manu Crado
She is northern, north-african
She is a little baltic too
She looks like a greek statue
She looks like Italy
It seems from Paris to Venice
It seems from Namur to the Marquesa Islands
It's Gauguin who paints the Earth
Like a paintbrush tells you my brother
My European is not Brussels
My European is not Geneva
She's not the money you walk or die
You know, for me, my European
She is not Merkel or Hollande
It's not false propaganda
Hate speech in the pub
She is romanian in the métro
She does not have a round end of the month
No offense to the bourgeoisie
She is not Mercedes I believe
She is rather Greek in combat
She is Swedish threesomes
She is my tab when I drink
She is greco-latin, Germanic
She is British when she hangs out
She loves bars, she loves beer
She loves the smell of the people
She is part wolf part dog
She is from where we are from, wherever we come from
She is Barcelona at heart
She is Venice, she is Verona
It's not the market of London
It's the hell of the Babylons
She is Cherbourg Saint-Petersburg
She is all the prostitutes of Hamburg
She is Russia, American
You know me, my republic hate
She is polka in the métros
She is gypsy she is Djangi
She is not the Calais ghetto
She is not the kingdom of the ticket
She is flamenco under Franco
She is the smile of the proletarian
She is the little morning in the pub
She is the face of Greta Garbo
She is the sobbing accordion
She is 'Give me a tango'
She has Ukrainian beauty
My European is not Brussels
My European is not Geneva
She's not the money you walk or die
You know, for me, my European
She is not what happens on the radios
She is not what we read on social media
She is German, she is English
She is Flemish, she is French
She is Bulgarian, she is Slovak
Fist lifted against the truncheon
My Spaniard, my Italian
In farandole my European
She is Lithuanian, she is Hungarian
She is Walloon, she is from Liège
She is baltic, she is bohemian
My Bolshevik, my Norwegian
She is Athenian, she is Danish
She fucks me my Swedish woman
She is latin, anglo-saxon
And often it's true she is stupid
She is a continent with an old history
She is often at trading posts
She is Welsh, she is Gallic
She especially knows how to leave me the tab
She is the Polish revolter
She has blood from Northern Ireland
She is a greco-roman statue
You would see her, my European
My Venus for me when I hang out
More than everything, my European
Whether she is Chinese or Japanese
She can even be American
From Saigon to Tian'anmen
You know, for me, my European
She can come from all the lands
As long as she sings to me about missionaries
Yeah, it's sure, she has no borders
She has the body of the entire Earth

English Lesson

- I draw a building in chalk
What is written on it?
What is written on it?
- Kino
- Now...
What is this building called in English?
what is this building called in English?
- Cinema
- Yes, that's right!
- A class is going to the cinema
Who is waiting to go in?
Who is waiting to go in?
- Deti
What are they called in English, please?
What are they called in English, please?
- Children
- Well done!
- Everyone gets top marks today
We'll see each other again tomorrow
We'll see each other again tomorrow
- Tomorrow is Sunday
- You can understand me
If you can understand what I say
If you can understand what I say...


So come on, try wholeheartedly indulging yourself
A spiral staircase that heads to pleasure, into the darkness
On that path that twists and turns
You've taken out your sword, countless times
And the night bloomed in beauty with your enemies blood
Come on, I'm going to make you
Forget everything
No need for sly kisses
I just order you to obey me
The sounds that turn over the ornaments with cold hands
Are faintly conveyed from the Enamel.
Inside the fragmentary memories
Inside the reeled in memories, to the thinly transparent back of my mind
Not wanting to go back there, we stand here, bound to inside of this cage
We're fine with just each other, for however long, into madness
I'm going to make you forget, anything and everything
No need for sly kisses, just your obedience that says 'Yes my lord'
Not wanting to go back there, we stand here, bound to inside of this cage
We're fine with just each other, for however long, into madness.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission