Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 15

Találatok száma: 1102


Oh, dare to attack us

Away from us America
And other enemy countries
Don't mess with the Serb brothers
Or they will screw your women! (x2)
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna
Away from us Arabs
Serbian lands aren't rotten
Don't mess with the Serb brothers
Or they will fuck you up! (x2)
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna
Away from us world horde
Serbs wage a honorable battle
We will die 'till the last man
All for Serbdom and Serbia! (x2)
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna
Oh, dare to attack us, and the battle will be bigger
Serbia will then be from Greece to Vienna

Ma este jöjj el hozzám

Tudd, amikor lezárod a szemeid
fény nélkül marad a városom
s a sötétben álmodozva élek
Ezért ne, végül is sohasem
ne csukd be őket én előttem
hogy megmaradjon a világom
Csak kérdezd meg a szívedet
van-e még hely benne kettőnknek
tudjuk, hogy mit veszítettünk
ismerjük mindketten...
Bánatomra nincsenek szavak
csak hadd fájjon, hadd gyógyuljon
egyetlenem, kitárom ablakom
Ma este jöjj el hozzám

Nekünk szól a rádió

Egy kicsi bár a város szélen
Direkt egymagam jöttem el ide
Az utcai lámpák világítanak,
Mintha tréfálnék, ajkaimat nyújtom neked
A parfümöd és a cigarettád
Szállnak a gondolataink,
Az ujjaink a szívekhez tapadnak
Csak vezess
Nekünk szól a rádió
Nekünk, csak azért hogy szeress!
Vártam, hogy kioltsd a fényeket
Azt, hogy elsötétíts bennünket
Hallasz -e te engem?
Nekünk szól a rádió
Nekünk, azért hogy szeress
Vártam, hogy kioltsd a fényeket
Kövess, kövesd minden mozdulatom
Ülünk a kabrióban ketten
Az utcai lámpák világítanak
Most az ajkaimat nyújtom,
Majd mindenemet odaadom.
A parfümöd és a cigarettád
Szállnak a gondolataink,
Az ujjaink a szívekhez tapadnak
Csak vezess
Nekünk szól a rádió
Nekünk, csak azért hogy szeress!
Vártam, hogy kioltsd a fényeket
Azt, hogy elsötétíts bennünket
Hallasz -e te engem?
Nekünk szól a rádió
Nekünk, azért hogy szeress
Vártam, hogy kioltsd a fényeket
És amíg a szemünk ragyog
Akkor már mindent meglátsz
Elmehetünk a világ végére
És a holnap nem létezik
Nem számít semmi sem
Mert mi egymáséi vagyunk
Csak vezess
Nekünk szól a rádió
Nekünk, csak azért hogy szeress!
Vártam, hogy kioltsd a fényeket
Azt, hogy elsötétíts bennünket
Hallasz -e te engem?
Nekünk szól a rádió
Nekünk, csak azért hogy szeress!
Vártam, hogy kioltsd a fényeket

Kosovo Peonies

She dreamt a big dream Rada from Kosovo,
She was grieving for her dear, beloved in her arms
She was grieving for her dear, beloved in her arms
Hey dear, dear plant peonies,
I will water, and you the roots, let them grow young,
I will water, and you the roots, let them grow young.
Do you see dear, the long field, there are no peonies
only rocks, angry thorns take a nap under the clouds
only rocks, angry thorns take a nap under the clouds
Hey dear, dear plant peonies,
I will water, and you the roots, let the root sprout young,
I will water, and you the roots, let the root sprout young.
To blossom the flat field around the monastery,
and that the shepherd playing the flute under the hill,
and that the shepherd playing the flute under the hill.
Hey dear, dear plant peonies,
I will water, and you the roots, let the root sprout young,
I will water, and you the roots, let the root sprout young.

Where have you been, my child

Where have you been, (was) my child


Everything about you, I like, everything about you
You have magic in every move
I feel your scent close to me
You get my pulse racing to 200
You have supernatural powers
You control my time
And that's not fair
I follow all the signs through your body
Because I know that in the end
What I feel is inevitable
You wake up, what is asleep
Come and undress me.
And the silence turns to noise
If you and I hit each other
What will be, what will be, what will be1
What will be, what will be, what will be, I don't know
What will be, what will be, what will be
What I feel is inevitable
Lights out, little clothing
You look good and it shows
From you, I keep learning
You tell me what to do with my mouth
For you, I'd even cross the desert
I take a picture of myself naked2
And I swear I don't regret it
You have supernatural powers
You control my time
And that's not fair
I follow all the signs through your body
Because I know that in the end
What I feel is inevitable
You wake up, what is asleep
Come and undress me.
And the silence turns to noise
If you and I hit each other
What will be, what will be, what will be
What will be, what will be, what will be, I don't know
What will be, what will be, what will be
What I feel is inevitable
I'm waiting
For you to sink in my blue love
A pirate like you wants my trunk
I have full petrol to get to you
We make a film and it's not high school
My mouth is thirsty, it wants your sweet mint
It knows how to unleash your storm
Baby kiss to kiss sweet, everything 'for' you
I have already undressed my soul
It's what I do to you
You wake up, what is asleep
Come and undress me
All 'for' you
I have already undressed my soul
What happens if I set myself 'for' you?
Silence turns to noise
If you and I hit each other
What will be, what will be, what will be
What will be, what will be, what will be, I don't know
What will be, what will be, what will be
What I feel is inevitable
  • 1. It is the significance but it might also be understood as 'what will become of us' or 'happen to us'
  • 2. 'En pelotas' is slang for 'naked'.

Love less

I folded my arms so they can't trick me
and go touch you for the last time
I tied my heart, tied it with chains
so I can't even think about forgiveness
The worst delusion of the best years
For you, I totally went mad
Waited for nights, looked through my fingers
it all came out on my nose
My heart tells me - Stop for a little
And my mind - Get away you fool
If I had chosen the beauty, you would always be the first
If I had asked your mother, you are the blood of her blood
Who undressed with you, tell me and crush me
One love less, three zero for regret
I hid the words behind a smile
Let the false glow hurt you
I looked away, looked away from you
So you cant even think about a hug
The worst delusion of the best years
For you, I totally went mad
Waited for nights, looked through my fingers
it all came out on my nose
My heart tells me - Stop for a little
And my mind - Get away you fool
If I had chosen the beauty, you would always be the first
If I had asked your mother, you are the blood of her blood
Who undressed with you, tell me and crush me
One love less, three zero for regret
If I had chosen the beauty, you would always be the first
If I had asked your mother, you are the blood of her blood
Who undressed with you, tell me and crush me
One love less, three zero for regret


Under your Acacia tree it is cool
I guard your house, I am a
young man
Who just arrived in your city
Behind me the vineyard remains
Golden sun, (there are many) years
But that love comes with a price
Ref. 2x
Let me get to know you
I will take you to Mostar
You will fall in love with it
And in the end stay with me
Behind me I leave my mom
A cold river and my friends
But the love comes with a price
Ref. 2x
I’ll collect the stars into a bouquet
And I’ll bring it to your door
Admittedly or not
I will not leave

Peonies from Kosovo

The peony of Millis walked into my dream
Smelling it, it seems like a painful return to the room where I was born
My room was silent, no one was there
Only the scent of the roses!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They are the part of my dream!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I am it!
It came into my dreams, when it was born in front of the house
Now only peonies guard the home!
There is only one flower left that can smell
Millis nurtured it and kept it from turning white!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They are the part of my dream!
Only from smelling peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I'm it!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They're part of my dream!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I'm it!

Falcons, grey birds

Falcons, grey birds,
Dražinići, my sons,
Draža's calling, The Crown needs us
to battle we shall go.
From Ravna Gora the trumpets call:
'Do you feel sorry for your loves back home?'
We don't miss them,
our hearts are set on fighting.
When your chests and hearts are bleeding,
do you feel sorry for your mothers?
Our mothers' blessings are always with us,
we will gladly give our lives.
Do you feel sorry for our native land,
for our enemies are ruling her?
Her we mourn and for her we struggle,
for her we shall all give our lives.
Uncle Draža, you dark wolf,
you Serbian father, guard of mountains,
you're the leader of Serbdom,
and defender of your people.


ha egyszer gázt adok, nem váltok rükvercbe
a visszapillantó elrejt minket, de nem nézek bele
küldj át egy boldog útra,üdvözöld őt a nevemben
késő új kört kezdeni, mit akarsz itt mellettem?
ismerjük egymást, vagy csak nekem tűnik úgy?
azt mondod, hosszan vagy a közelemben
nem leszel többé, ne aggódj
az vagy, aki elárulnak a rúzsok,
amiket gyorsan felteszel estére
egyre közelebb kerülünk az igazsághoz
többé nincs 'mi', könnyebben lélegzem, rossz idők jönnek számodra
elrejtem a nyomokat, egyre inkább el tudlak felejteni
jól vagyok, de csak egy bizonyos határig,
azon túl csak szikrák szállnak
ismerjük egymást, vagy csak nekem tűnik úgy?
azt mondod, hosszan vagy a közelemben
nem leszel többé, ne aggódj
az vagy, aki elárulnak a rúzsok,
amiket gyorsan felteszel estére
egyre közelebb kerülünk az igazsághoz
ismerjük egymást, vagy csak nekem tűnik úgy?
azt mondod, hosszan vagy a közelemben
nem leszel többé, ne aggódj
az vagy, aki elárulnak a rúzsok,
amiket gyorsan felteszel estére
egyre közelebb kerülünk az igazsághoz


egyre rosszabbak a hazugságaim
rémálmok üldöznek téged
miattam hervad a fiatalságod
fiatal az éj, vár az ördög
megérintesz, érzed, hogy összetörsz,
és én ezt elfogadom
az ellenkezés örök szövetségesed
térden járva kell visszatérned hozzám
ki lesz ma este szolgálatban órabéren?
próbálkozz, szívem, majd szólj nekem
vége van, hazudod magadnak, azt mondod, vége
tudod, hogy nem bírod nélkülem, újra hívsz majd
unalmas, unalmas lenne neked vele próbálkozni, értsd meg
mérgező, csak vaddá, hajthatatlanná tenne
még csak nem is nézhet rám más férfi
nem vagyunk őrültek, ez csak a mi pato-patológiánk
patológia, a-a-a
ha egyedül maradunk, az egóm megetet
ki az a nő, hova ment?
tudja az a kurva, hogy itt nem látják szívesen?
sokba fog neki kerülni, aha
tök édes, rövid szoknya
figyel téged, érzi, hogy megadod magad nekem,
de tudja, hogy nem engedlek el?
az ellenkezés örök szövetségesed
térden járva kell visszatérned hozzám
ki lesz ma este szolgálatban órabéren?
próbálkozz, szívem, majd szólj nekem
vége van, hazudod magadnak, azt mondod, vége
tudod, hogy nem bírod nélkülem, újra hívsz majd
unalmas, unalmas lenne neked vele próbálkozni, értsd meg
mérgező, csak vaddá, hajthatatlanná tenne
még csak nem is nézhet rám más férfi
nem vagyunk őrültek, ez csak a mi pato-patológiánk
patológia, a-a-a
ha egyedül maradunk, az egóm megetet
az egóm megetet
az egóm megetet

tudja-e az a nő

igazi, az a nő azt hiszi, ő az igazi,
és veled akar aludni,
de nem tudja, hogy az enyém vagy
szőke, tán fontos, hogy ő szőke?
mikor fekete hajam minden szála
nyugtalanítani fogja
tudja-e az a nő, ki vagyok én számodra,
mit jelentettem neked,
hogy felderítettem, és felöltöztettem a napjaidat
tudja-e az a nő, kit nem szeret,
kivel ellenkezik,
és hogy én vagyok az, aki elhagy
dráma, az élete dráma lesz,
a szégyen oszlopján ragad,
mikor megérti, hogy az enyém vagy


Another broken dream that doesn't give hope, but
I don't give up, I don't give up
even though the world goes like this
my world keeps going and I don't give up, I don't give up,
what's around me will have no end
because I live as if everything is possible
I'll travel into the universe
and I'll live again through my dreams, my dreams
because I'll travel into the universe
I'm gonna find again what I lost
I swear I will
If my life were a movie,
I'd watch it just to understand, to understand
the mistakes that you make
if you're in it you can't hear them, hear them
I'd go back, now I'm gonna find a way
I'll erase everything to start over
I'll travel into the universe
and I'll live again through my dreams, my dreams
because I'll travel into the universe
I'm gonna find again what I lost
I swear I will
What's around me will have no end
because I live as if everything is possible
I'll travel into the universe
and I'll live again through my dreams, my dreams
because I'll travel into the universe
I'm gonna find again what I lost
I swear I will

Have you again

Versions: #1
I've been dancing in your shadow
The rose petals just drizzle
I want to have you again, have you again
[Verse 1]
[I'm] sitting on my bathroom floor
Have been sitting there for several days
Trying to look for answers
I understand what I'm doing is wrong
I should just get out
Should realize you and me are over
No, I don't want to know who you're going [home] with tonight
Is it some douchebag, are you doing it just because?
No, I don't want to hear if he's calling you babe
No, I just want to know, are you thinking anything of me?
I've been dancing in your shadow
The rose petals just drizzle
I want to have you again, have you again
[I] take a sip of holy water
To survive the night
I want to have you again, have you again
[Verse 2]
I'm living on your Instagram
You look so f*cking happy
And you're posting more than before
How can you forget so easily
I was the most beautiful you had seen
You've got to feel something
No, I don't want to know who you're going [home] with tonight
Is it some douchebag, are you doing it just because?
No, I don't want to hear if he's calling you babe
No, I just want to know, are you thinking anything of me?
I've been dancing in your shadow
The rose petals just drizzle
I want to have you again, have you again
[I] take a sip of holy water
To survive the night
I want to have you again, have you again
Everything we were
I want
I want to have you again, have you again
Everything we were
I want
I want to have you again, have you again

My Sweetheart

Versions: #1
My sweetheart, where are you wandering?
Oh, why don't you take with you?
Oh, why don't you take with you?
How I love you, oh, how much I love you!
Alas, my dear Lord!
Alas, my dear Lord!
Take me to the marketplace
Oh, then sell me to the trader!
Oh, then sell me to the trader!
How I love you, oh, how much I love you!
Alas, my dear Lord!
Alas, my dear Lord!
Take three pounds of gold for me*
(Sell me for three pounds of gold)
Oh, so gild your palace doors with it!
Oh, so gild your palace doors with it!
How I love you, oh, how much I love you!
Alas, my dear Lord!
Alas, my dear Lord!

take my soul

they say rap a text about partying
money, drugs, sex and other faux pais
performers, they all have the same sound
same disgusting breathe
big corporations control this business widely
like everything else in society
and they probably want me as a sock puppet
i spit them right in the face
trying to find a way to get out and reach you
without rapping about shooting and beating you
yo, can i get you to listen
without rapping about drugs and pussy
i'm sorry my sisters that way that i put it that way
i use it as a way to explain
how crazy messages have made us so desensitized
to the degree that we think it's the norm
a select few control who sells music
same pigs that are rich on famine and war
a pyramid, i see none of us at the top
the truth is they've got us in chains
no vic vem on the radio here
because rules, norms and the laws teach
that the one who pulls through, he creates trouble
they want to take my soul
and they don't want to see what, for who we are
but watch it for idols they feed us with
keep the love together in a fairy tale
they want to take my soul
and it used to be how nice you were
now it's about how many likes you got
get recognition one day by soulless hipsters
who is right, who is wrong
who is next in line
to follow a standard for the success of the week
artists sell poison to make a living
like systembolaget och svenska spel
they blacken more than any hustler i've ever known
maybe it's only for some people that they laws are justified
polticians, businessmen in dangerous gangs
spread their message, of course you get famous
like an IRLRPG:er, styling for the advertising
and the companies suck up to the critics wank
the business stinks like shit in the sewers
music without soul, the schlagerfestival
no vic vem on the radio here
because rules, norms and the laws teach
that the one who pulls through, he creates trouble
they want to take my soul

Elítélnek engem

Egy magunkfajta vitéz könyvet ír,
leláncolva, távoli földön.
Hűséges szerelmének küldi
a fehér város falai alá.
Óh, szerelmem, tündérem
Napok jöttek, évek mentek
mióta nem vagy mellettem,
mióta testvéreim kiadtak.
Elítélnek engem, mert kötődök ahhoz, ami az enyém,
amit legjobban szeretek, és mert megvédelmeztem
ami a legdrágább nekem.
Elítélnek engem ellenségeim, szerelmem.
De nem tudják, hogy az igazság vize milyen mély.
Óh, édes gyerekeim, csapkodó hajtásaim,
Emlékezzetek mit mondok:
Aki nem szereti és nem óvja mi sajátja,
nem láthatja meg az Úr arcát.
Elítélnek engem, mert kötődök ahhoz, ami az enyém,
amit legjobban szeretek, és mert megvédelmeztem
ami a legdrágább nekem.
Elítélnek engem ellenségeim, szerelmem.
De nem tudják, hogy az igazság vize milyen mély.

I know of a river

Versions: #1
I know of a river
I know of a river
in which the only stars
which are hoovering over it
are the lights of the city
I know of a river
I know of a river
river where the own lie
has the flavor of truth
I know of a river
My love give me your lips
Give me the lips of that river
Which was born within my thirst
But the dream goes on
And until when will my mouth,
in separating from yours,
keep repeating and remembering
I know of a river
I know of a river
And until when will my mouth,
in separating from yours,
keep repeating and remembering
I know of a river
I know of a river
I know of a river
until when

Return Return

This impassioned love unruly
has me all contorted, to return.
I'm on my way to madness
as all within me tortures,
Yet I do know how to love.
Long time ago we broke up,
But only now I admit how I must give up.
You were so right on your part, I feel the call on my heart
and I'm dying to return.
Yes! Return, return, return once again into your arms,
I will go wherever you are: I humble myself,
yes humble myself, I long to return, return, return.

I'm powerful

First I got scared, I was disturbed
I thought I couldn't live if you weren't by my side
And when I had many late nights
With only these puzzles on my mind
I got strength
Now I can live on my own
Only back to me
You came like that
I bumped into a man that has regrets
But I can barely forgive you
I'm gonna change my locks
So that you will be left outside
And someone else can get the key
Someone that I can share everything with
So go away
Away from my gate
Never again
Do I want to see you on my lawn
Don't you remember how you left me laughing
And I cried after you
I'll never cry for you again
You will see that
I am strong
I will find a new love
And again sun will shine on me
I went through rebirth
I can still give so much
I'm powerful
I'm powerful, hey, hey
My powers I strained
So that I wouldn't die
Now I'm recollecting the pieces of my life
Before, I spent many nights
Until I beat my sorrows
I don't want you back
And you will see
Today I'll do it
I'll throw you out to the cold frost
Don't bother banging on my door
You're not welcome anymore
I'll keep my love for something much better
So go away
Away from my gate
Never again
Do I want to see you on my lawn
Don't you remember how you left me laughing
And I cried after you
I'll never cry for you again
You will see that
I am strong
I will find a new love
And again sun will shine on me
I went through rebirth
I can still give so much
I'm powerful
I'm powerful, yeah
So go away
Away from my gate
Never again
Do I want to see you on my lawn
Don't you remember how you left me laughing
And I cried after you
I'll never cry for you again
You will see that
I am strong
I will find a new love
And again sun will shine on me
I went through rebirth
I can still give so much
I'm powerful
I'm powerful
I'm powerful!


másnapos vagyok, még mindig a delírium fázisában
felkeltem, de nem ébredtem fel
nem emlékszem, kit csókoltam meg
tegnap késő este
forró a nyár, harminc fok árnyékban
nappal alszom, éjjel a városban vagyok
azt mondják az emberek, egyszer vagy fiatal
gyerünk gyorsan, tele van a város
kettesével, ma éjjel így megy az ivás
kollektívan gyógyulunk
még kettőt mindenkire, és ez a nyár a miénk
csak gondolkozz pozitívan
csak gondolkozz pozitívan
aki józan, emelje fel két ujját,
mondja meg, ez a jégtorta én vagyok
milyen hónapot és évet írunk?
duplán látok, megint ugyanazok a jelek
én és a tudat távol vagyunk egymástól
jobb így, szebb a világ
mosolyogj, és adj egy ötöst
ref. 3x

We are one

The blue sky inside us
The moon filled with light,
It strung bright stars
In its thin necklace.
The young man embraced the lamp,
The soul starts loving the soul,
We are going to the Garden of Eden
Because we are one, we are one.
Hearts full of love,
Faces shine with light,
The pearls of the Heavens meadow
Rejoice in the believer.
The young man embraced the lamp,
The soul starts loving the soul,
We are going to the Garden of Eden
Because we are one, we are one.

We Finished School

Five of us finished the school, one gang
My two classmates, two girl friends and I
The last bell was in a hand of the first grader
We tried to stay awake as long as possible
We drank beer like crazy for leaving school
We drank vodka for those who were friends
We smoked twenty cigarettes for every time we were punished for only being students
I wish you would have seen how our Kristė looked
She drove all the boys crazy
It was a little miracle to hold her breast in hand
It was a big miracle to take her home
A silent Agnė dreamed about an eternal love
They are both sitting under birches of their childhood
Talking about men they love
They are both laughing because they are not living with them
Our souls and brains were disappointed by many people
Guilt and fears will not leave us
We cry as much as we want
But were waiting with smiles on our faces for the things that will happen
My deskmate is a great boss now
He has thousands of ties, there is no such a word as 'stop' for him
When he is sober, he lies that everything is fine and he is happy
When he is drunk, he says 'Let's set everything on fire and go to hell'
Another one used to follow the wrong paths
He tried everything first, he didn't choose any ways.
I can't believe he was found in the river in London
I can't believe he had friends besides us
Our souls and brains were disappointed by many people
Guilt and fears will not leave us
We cry as much as we want
But were waiting with smiles on our faces for the things that will happen
Our souls and brains were disappointed by many people
Guiltiness and fears will not leave us
And I, without any meaning. As if I bloomed on the wrong time
With a muzzle of clown, fireworks in the background
When I'm full, they say: 'what a boring man'
When I'm empty, they call me a celebrity

Don't Stop! Carry on!

Everything I could see was the suffering.
Days have passed vainly.
In a town where disappointments continue,
only you are shining gently.
Don't Stop! Carry On!
I won't give up.
Don't Stop! Shinin' On!
I won't let them destroy.
I will transform into love, so I can wrap the universe.
I am embracing you.
A headwind that makes you forget
to live your own way.
The only correct answer is my heart.
The other hearts I met will guide my way.
Don't Stop! Carry On!
I won't swept away
Don't Stop! Shinin' On!
I won't get hurt.
I will transform into love, so I can wrap the time.
I am embracing you.
Don't Stop! Carry On!
I won't give up.
Don't Stop! Shinin' On!
I won't let them destroy.
I will transform into love, so I can wrap the universe.
I am embracing you.


szeress, szeress
szeress, szeress
csak azt akarom, hogy mellettem legyél,
hogy minden olyan legyen, mint előtte
szeress, szeress
szeress, szeress
legyél túl a zónámon,
tudod, mennyire fáj
ha a csillagoknak van terve
azt mondtad, csak legyek elég közel hozzád, je je
nem vagyunk tökéletes pár, lépésről lépésre a mélybe tartunk
délben eldobod a szívem
és megzavarod az elmém
csak körbeforgatsz, századszorra
hogy ne érje meg nekem, hogy ideges legyek
minden alkalommal hátat fordítasz, nem vagy fair, jee
szeress, szeress...
csak róla álmodom
el akarom neki mondani, mennyire tetszik
csak róla álmodom
el kell mondanom neki, hogy ő volt az egyetlen
és megzavarod az elmém
csak körbeforgatsz, századszorra
hogy ne érje meg nekem, hogy ideges legyek
minden alkalommal hátat fordítasz, nem vagy fair, jee
szeress, szeress...

He wept at night ...

He wept at night, about what? - never mind.
Things are well hidden and mixed in a bind.
He wept at night then he fully awoke
Quietly over him flew burnt life’s smoke.
Different words in the morning may come
I try to recall them but remember just some.
He wept at night and responding in turn
A weak far away but still light was discerned.

I'm Gonna Get Off My Nuts 2

On Friday at 10, I'm stressed
I've got my heart somewhere in the throat
There's no coffee, Jesus Christ!
Everything is infected with a virus,
closed and under surgical mask
It's dragging on, Lord be with us!
I'm gonna get off my nuts...
I'm waking up with a tear in my eye
I'm above 60 years
Endangered species, like a panda
That's not funny anymore, guys
You're skiing
And I'm having breathing issues
I'm gonna get off my nuts...
Klaus* doesn't wear a respirator
He says he's Terminator
And it has nothing to do with him
That's the politics
He is simply other level
And we, down there, we are only weed!
I'm gonna get off my nuts...
Dáša** is flying to Zanzibar
And I'm buying Lybar*** for my wife
Beauty salons are closed
So she's dyeing her hair herself
The most difficult thing is to get the right colour
So I'm stuffing my shopping basket with three of them!
I'm gonna get off my nuts...
Children are studying home
Computers in their hands
And mother is calling grandpa
Grandpa is yelling: 'I can't do that!
I live peacefully here
Reared with Nokia'
I'm gonna get off my nuts...
It's as if I knew, what's gonna happen
Luckily I quit drinking
You can't talk with anyone, you can't sit with anyone
You just stare on a TV at home
You've got a hole in a sofa
It's hard to be an alcoholic
I'm gonna get off my nuts...
People, don't be sad
Sputnik is rushing from the east
Astrazeneca from the Union
I'm curious about what's gonna happen
In April, at the most in May
When they all gonna prick us!
Before I'm gonna get off my nuts!!!

Ivan Lăznișanu's Song

Ode to Ivan Lăznișanu,
Lord, what has he done?
He left the village
and met with Laza:
'Oh, you Lazo,
we're both brave and strong men,
why are we doing forced labour?
When the guard will come,
you grab him from behind,
i will grab his neck
and we'll hide him behind the door.
We will escape
and hide in the bushes.'
That what he did,
Oh, Lord, he layed in the bushes,
in the bushes, Lord.
An what else he done?
For twenty years
Ivan lived in the dense forest.
Oh Lord, he kept watch
who was coming and going near the forest.
He heard a girl's voice,
an old man was telling her:
'We'll find Ivan,
we'll find him and we'll kill him.'
Ivan heard
the girl telling him:
'Dont kill him,
poor him, he's a human being too.'
Ivan heard her
and gave her a coin.
But he (the old man) got beaten,
the girl was a lot smarter.

I Love The Romanian Dances

I love the Romanian dances,
ila, ilai, ilai-la, 1
i love to spin my girl around,
ila, ilai, ilai-la.
Forward and backward,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
like we dance in our village,
ila, ilai, ilai-la.
I love the dances from Banat,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
and the ones i danced with,
ila, ilai, ilai-la.
With all the Romanian-like moves,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
i would dance an entire week if i could,
ila, ilai, ilai-la.
I love this type of wavy dance,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
wavy and methodical,
ila, ilai, ilai-la.
I love it when we sing and dance,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
when everybody's happy,
ila, ilai, ilai-la,
  • 1. ila (interjection) - i dont know what it means, could be a loan word. But it doesnt really matter, Romanians use lots of stuff like this in folk songs at the end of a line/verse.

Last Night And The Night Before

Last night and the night before,
my girl's dogs have barked at me.
It's a different kind of bark,
almost like their mocking me.
Tie your dog, my love,
he's making me go nuts.
I've slept on my back
and i've dreamed something.
I've dreamed a bad dream,
my girl was ugly.
She had some weird curly bangs,
but she doesnt have much hair on her forehead.
She had some weird curly bangs,
oh, my love, i kiss you fondly.

Next Door

Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
I've fallen over, on you baby, on you baby
Way way over on you baby on you baby
Boy I can not believe that I amIn yours arms I'm a sing it loud
Boy I can not believe you’re my man
And my Loves only for u now
We'll take a ride on forever
When we turn up don't turn us down
You know I'm down for whatever
My days so bright when you’re around
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
I've fallen over, on you baby, on you baby
Way way over on you baby on you
I'm falling for you
Innocent Like fifteen
The flavor of this moment is sweet
I don't need tweet IG
Don't want to share this
No flexing in public
Let's keep it a secret
I always been dreaming
This kinda situation
No more waiting
Motherfuck a patient
All my love I'm a ctrl+p paste it
No liquor but I'm wasted
You make me hot like some sake
Daaaamn girl you're so cute
I be like amazed
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
When I close my eyes it's you I see
Oh, No I'm acting like a fool
Wanna stick to you like glue
Love the way you driving me crazy
Oh my God, When you smile
My world's becoming so shine bright
You and me got that harmony
Don't want to spill you like Texas tea
Lean on me now shawty
Wanna kick it with you all week
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
Cuz I'm fallen All, all the way over
On U baby, u baby, So-over-ya
I've fallen over, on you baby, on you baby
Way way over on you baby on you baby yeah