Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 8

Találatok száma: 454


A Fling

It will not be a fling,
it can’t be only one spring,
this love is is not a star
that, in the morning, goes away.
This is not a quick adventure, no no,
that begins with love so sweet
and ends in sorrow,
is here today, gone tomorrow,
this is not a midnight fling,
this is now, it’s happening,
yeah, this is love.
In love, always more, yeah,
just give your best to me, baby,
and don’t be afraid, no, no.
We’re gonna make it, I know,
yes, I know,
it is good and it is right,
we got a life to live
starting tonight,
starting tonight.
starting tonight.
In love, always more, yeah,
just give your best to me, baby,
and don’t be afraid.
We’re gonna make it, I know, baby,
yes, I know, yeah,
it is good and it is right,
we got a life to live
starting tonight.
Woah, baby,
always more, yeah,
just give your best to me, baby,
and don’t be afraid, no.
Hey, hey, hey,
yes I know...

Rám akaszkodsz

(Rám akaszkodsz)
Miért nem fogsz felszabadítani?
Miért nem tűnsz el az életemből?
Mert nem is szeretsz igazán,
csupán rám vagy akaszkodva.
Miért nem fogsz felszabadítani?
Miért nem tűnsz el az életemből?
Mert nincs is szükséged rám igazán,
de mégis rám vagy akaszkodva.
Miért maradsz közel
és játszadozol a szívemmel?
Miért nem tűnsz el az életemből
és hagyod, hogy minden újra kezdjek?
Engedd, hogy túllépjek rajtad,
ahogyan te is tetted velem, yeah.
Miért nem fogsz felszabadítani?
Miért nem tűnsz el az életemből?
Mert nem is szeretsz igazán,
csupán rám vagy akaszkodva.
Mert nincs is szükséged rám igazán,
de mégis rám vagy akaszkodva.
Azt mondod, attól, hogy szakítottunk,
még mindig a barátom akarsz lenni,
de hogy lehetünk barátok,
amikor csak újra összetöröd a szívem?
(És nincs semmit, amit ellene tehetnék)
Wow, wow, wow, wow ..
Tűnj el, tűnj el az életemből,
és hagyd, hogy éjszaka aludhassak,
mert nem is szeretsz igazán,
csupán rám vagy akaszkodva.
Azt mondod, még mindig törődsz velem,
de a szívem és a lelked szabad akar lenni,
és most, hogy tiéd a szabadság,
még mindig velem akarsz lenni.
Nem is magadnak akarsz,
úgyhogy, engedd, hogy találjak valaki mást.
Miért nem fogsz felszabadítani?
Miért nem tűnsz el az életemből?
Mert nem is szeretsz igazán,
csupán rám vagy akaszkodva.
Miért nem leszel férfi és engedsz el?
Már egyáltalán nem is érdekellek,
csak használsz - hey, bántasz.
Tűnj el, tűnj el az életemből,
és hagyd, hogy éjszaka aludhassak,
mert nem is szeretsz igazán,
csupán rám vagy akaszkodva.


What a thunderstorm!
Blanket over the head, the ears tightly plugged with cotton wool
(Uh uh, uh uh)
What going on there, what is that, hell is going on the sky
(Uh uh, uh uh)
Seems like somebody is angry up there, night is being flooded
The clouds are spitting fire, and I almost wet my pants!
I chatter with my teeth, hide myself in my bed
(Uh uh, uh uh)
My cat is in panic, lies there flattening out like an omlet!
(Uh uh, uh uh)
Bright lights on the walls, and no end is near
Apparently the water pipe is not tight in the sky!
Lightning and thunder dazzling and loud
(What a thunderstorm)
All nails chewed off
(During a thunderstorm)
When there's a bang, I get goosebumps
(A thunderstorm)
Press stop, turn it off, can't you see how we dread it?
(During a thunderstorm)
Like in the movies, my hair stands up
(Uh uh, uh uh)
Because Mister Weathergod is apparently not in a good mood today
(Uh uh, uh uh)
At the next thunder strike, I've had enough, and go
to my parents' bed, but both shiver as much as me!
Lightning and thunder, dazzling and loud...
Faces are pale and wan
(Faces are pale and wan)
My knees weak like butter!
(Uh uh, uh uh)
Suddenly the dazzling light fades away
But we have the feeling that it's too good to last
(Because here comes the next)
Lightning and thunder, dazzling and loud...


No matter how much this war disgusts me
I deem it a service to the case in question
To erase your existence
Quiet Willem
Our concurration messes everything up
The people need you
Time for your lecture
They don't call me The Tactiturn for nothing
Quiet Willem steals your girl, like a German steals your bike
More effective than tyfus, more broken than you cherish
I'm so silent, sailors call me Pacific
Quality above quantity, don't got no time for negligence
I am the hunter in a friction bearer¹ against mediocrity
On the top of the surface level when I write a metaphor on my banner
And if you threaten my being then I'll be able to take on the entirety of Pieter Baan²
I'll let you lead³ like Francisco de Valdez⁴
So much better than the rest, like in the shower after korfball class⁵
Slang after slang, I already understand six
Rappers make you curl your toes, giving my feet ALS⁶
Pray your oral prayer to the barrel of my musket
Shoot yourself through the atmosphere like Elon Musk's rocket
But I'm already at Mars, cause my heart beats

The whole world is sky blue

The whole world is sky blue
When I look into your eyes
And ask: are you also just as loyal?
Like the blue, like the blue in your eyes.
A look at your face
And around it forget me not blooms
Yes, the whole world makes you, you cute man
So blue, so blue, so blue

Ruhe in Frieden

Schreit’ sachte, hier ruht sie
in kalter Erd’,
und flüstre, dass sie die
Maßliebchen hört.
Ihr Haar, schimmernd wie Gold,
welkte wie Laub.
Sie, die einst jung und hold,
zerfiel zu Staub.
Lilienrein und zart
des kaum gewahr,
dass schon zur Frau sie ward,
ging sie ins Jahr.
Sarg, Erd und schwerer Stein
decken sie nun,
mir bleibt die Qual allein,
ihr ist die Ruh.
Friede und Ruh sei ihr,
kein Wort, kein Lied,
mein ganzes Sein liegt hier,
begrabt es mit.

Ah, if only I were a little bee

Ah, if only I were a little bee
fresh, brisk and free and small and delicate:
from each sweet blossom
I would sip in fragrant Spring.
How would I absorb, from dawn to dusk,
Spring's refreshing splendour.
Quickly I would fly to all the flowers
and they well know that it's me.
And all the passion of Spring
I would breathe in,
and once it was entirely part of me,
I would offer, my beloved, Spring to you.

Örült élet

Bámulom ezzeket a váratlan vízeséseket
Könnyek, amiket egyáltalán nem értek
Ez az élet az, ami történik miközben tervezünk
Nem tudom mi fog történi vagy hol állok
Élni akarom ezt az örült életet, örült, minden nap
Mondani akarom a dolgokat, mit az emberek sosem mondanak
Elveszem az összes szeretetet és fájdalmat
Élni akarom ezt az örült életet örülten ma
Add nekem az összes szereteted és fájdalmad
Élni fogom ezt az örült életet örülten ma
Bámulom a kopott táblákat elöttem
De mind ez csak rettegéssel tölt el
De az élet az, ami történik miközben te tervezel
Merülj vagy lépj bele, de kérlek ne állj
Élni akarom ezt az örült életet, örült, minden nap
Mondani akarom a dolgokat, amit az emberek sosem mondanak
Elveszem az összes szeretetet és fájdalmat
Élni akarom ezt az örült életet örülten ma
Add nekem az összes szereteted és fájdalmad
Élni fogom ezt az örült életet örülten ma
Élni fogom ezt az örült életet örülten ma

If She Is Not, The Sun Doesn't Shine

If she1is not,2the sun doesn't shine
A chill runs through my skin
She torments me with her goodbye
In darkess I'm left
And again to suffer
I don't know the course she took
and if some day she'll come back
If she's not, the sun doesn't shine
My heart clouds
And again to suffer
Not anymore, not anymore, not anymore ...(x5)
Not anymore, not anymore, not anymore ...(x5)
Oh, I can't understand for what reason
She leaves and the sun shines no more
If she's not, the sun doesn't shine (no, not anymore, not anymore)
And I dind't see the day dawning
She torments me with her goodbye
My heart clouds
And again to suffer (x3)
Not anymore, not anymore, not anymore ...(x7)
Not anymore, not anymore, not anymore ...(x7)
I can't understand for what reason
She leaves and the sun shines no more
If she's not, the sun doesn't shine (the sun doesn't shine, the sun doesn't shine)
If she's not, the sun doesn't shine
  • 1. In the original there's no gender asigned, I'm putting it as 'she' 'cause the singer is male.
  • 2. Most probably it's 'not here' but it can be 'with me' or 'around'. It can be undefined in Spanish.

My life is coming

Look at the world, it's so close to me
It's calling me to come out
Now you have to go
Just one step forward and all fear will fade immediately
Should I? No
Let's go!
I lie down on the grass and I smell the scented pastures
Who knows how far the breeze will lead me today
And I feel like I'm completely free
I can now fly and spin
Hover and drill
And jump and swim
And try and try
For my heart is pounding
Let me have what I long for
My life is now coming


Yet another lonely day
where everything comes undone.
See, I never knew
how to talk to people.
I feel ill-at-ease,
somewhat frightened.
Slowly, gently
I sink like a boat.
I'm a poor captain,
just a laggard
people turn their back on.
But if you had time
to listen to me more
and I had the proper words
to catch the images
I'd say to you
looking at you
I'd nearly feel like
following you
Even for a moment
I might be happy
to see you live.
But I just stand there
not daring to say much.
A first glass too many
in a last smile
and that's more than enough
to love you to death.
I'd like to fall asleep
slowly, gently
under the Bridge of Sighs
or in the first subway train
like a last delirium.
But if you had time
to listen to me more
and I had the proper words
to catch the images
I'd say to you
looking at you
I'd nearly feel like
following you
Even for a moment
I might be happy
to see you live.
looking at you
I'd nearly feel like
following you
Even for a moment
I might be happy
to see you live.


Vérzek a fájdalmamból
Megbosszulom az áruló kígyókat
Fizetni fognak
Átvágom a húst
Kifaragott sebek, a katarzisom
A szívbe
A fecskendő gázolajat fecskendez
Az, akit elárultak
Az tette ezt velük
Megkínozva a rohadékok által
Megölve a dühöm által
Ordíts az arcomba
A szörnyű hegek büntetlenül maradtak
Mélyen a lyukban
Öklendezel és sikítasz
De senki sem hall
Megfulladsz a hányásodban
Nézed, ahogy a kezeidet levágom
Majd a lábaidat
Az, akit elárultál
Így fog megölni
Megsebesítve a rohadékok által
Megölve a dühöm által
Meg kell, hogy öljelek
A torokba
A szike belevág
Meleg vér spriccel kifelé
A spriccelés csábít
Kitépem a szívedet
És hagyom, hogy nézd
Belenyomom a szádba
Majd ágyékon szúrlak
Nézem a szenvedésedet
Éves fájdalmak után
Eljött a halálod
Halott vagy

The Hills Are In Bloom

My love, come back,
the hills are in bloom
and I, my love,
am dying from pain.
A year is almost already over
from when you went away,
I remember what you said
on the day you left me:
“I love you so much,
I’d like to stay, forget to go
but it’s not right, I’m a nobody,
for you I’ll become someone”.
My love, come back,
the hills are in bloom
and I, my love,
am dying from pain.
My love, come back,
it’s all right, it doesn’t matter
if you did not
become more important
because you are important to me.
A day is long
and a year is bitterly long.1
I think of what you wrote me
and feel so much cold in the heart.
“Everything is all right,
I always think of you and hope to come back,
any day now, luck
will make up its mind and arrive”.
My love, come back,
the hills are in bloom
and I, my love,
am dying from pain.
My love, come back,
it’s all right, it doesn’t matter
if you did not
become more important
because you are important to me.
My love
  • 1. Literally, “a year is long to the point of death”

Winter was long

Versions: #1
Winter was long without your love
Winter was long without your smile
You've been away from me so far from here since autumn
Tell me when you'll be you back, for then it will be summer
Winter was long without your love
Winter was long without your smile
Come when it's spring, give me your warmth as long as I live
Winter was long, lonely and cold
Come when it's spring, give me your warmth as long as I live
Winter was long, lonely and cold
Winter was long, lonely and cold

Willy Fog's ballad

It's night out on the suburbs,
Willy finally opens his eyes.
There had been a trap at dawn,
maybe smashes.
He gets up, washes, gets his clothes done,
his jacket and his gun.
He's in pain, too bad,
the party.
Night round
in the black alleys.
Funny life
for Willy Fog
The cop.
Baston at the Voltigeur,
not good, I'll go you on time.
I don't weigh in on my own without the buddies.
and I don't have my handcuffs.
Direction the Intermarket

A kert

Hervadt a liliom kelyhe már,
Töve körül arany a por:
S a bükk-erdőben haldokol
Az utolsó búgó madár.
A napraforgó bús fejét
Aszott szárára hajtja le:
S a kerti út vándor lelke
Holt lombokat szór szerteszét.
Halvány szirmok hullonganak,
Míg kész a tejszín hólepel:
S egy rózsa fekszik a gyepen,
Mint karmazsin selyemdarab.

Hob XXI, 3 II, 7 Welcome now, o shady grove.

Welcome now, o shady grove,
where the roof of an ancient oak
provides a cool umbrella,
and where the slender aspen’s leaves
whisper a soft rustle!
Near soft mosses the brook
runs here in bright waves,
And swarm of burring insects
dance gaily and confusely in the air.
The Zephir’s wing bears
the fragrant woodbine’s balmy scent,
and from from the nearby bush sounds
the sheperd-boy’s flageolet.
What refreshment for the senses!
What a rest for the heart!
Flows through every vein,
and in every nerve runs
a refreshing feeling.
The soul awakes
to delightful enjoyment,
and new strength arises
by mild urge the chest.

Uh, I'd wish I were you

If you love fully, you love completely
Is no split nature
And one is faithful, faithful to amour
So I want to1 be loved again
Therefore, listen to me, my friend
For uh, I'd wish I were you
Uh, how I should love myself
Pat my cheek and stroke my hair and give me sun and spring
A thousand kisses and a thousand caresses I often wouldn't begrudge2 myself
So uh, I'd wish I were you
Uh, how I should smother me with love
What a rush and what a life and what a perspective
Yeah, uh, I'd wish I were you
That's why I ask you: did you go the same way
And would you meet yourself in the play of kisses, if conversely you were me
When we turn ninety, we say: who is who's?3
Enchanting you, I'll sing like now: da du da da dej da du
So uh, I'd wish I were you
Uh, but if one day you propose to me
Then I say: you, it went as it should, then you marry me
So uh, it was good that you were you
That's why I ask you: did you go the same way
And would you meet yourself in the play of kisses, if conversely you were me
When we turn ninety, we say: who is who's?
Enchanting you, I'll sing like now: da du da da dej da du
So uh, I'd wish I were you
Uh, but if one day you propose to me
Then I say: you, it went as it should, then you marry me
So uh, it was good that you were you
  • 1. The Danish verb can both mean 'want to' and 'will be'.
  • 2. The Danish verb is a positive 'I do think you deserve it', whereas the English verb is negative 'I do not begrudge'.
  • 3. The Danish text uses genitive wrong, perhaps not in context, but the words would be a bit different.

In the hour of the wolf

Versions: #1
For a good few years,
I'd rather kill myself, only there is as much sense in that as in enduring, and I am scared stupid
For a good few years
I've been crammed in an articulated joint, in a congestion of human breath - glaring so as you won't speak to me
For a good few years
I long for winter in July, though when it's already night at 4 p.m, I can't stand it no more
For a good few years
I know that a lie becomes a virtue of convenience
Out of many fairy tales I had fallen
Always on my fat ass
For a good few years
I so much want to be honest, and if I'm being honest, I'd like you into her, turn you into her
For a good few years
I'm deprived of sleep - not thoughts, the houses won't turn upside down anymore and no one's left dancing - asa tadarasa*
For a good few years
I confess my sins at 3 a.m
Then I know my things perfectly well
In between croaking and resurrection

Senki más nem fog várni rád

[1. Versszak]
Azt mondtad nem vagyunk összeláncolva
Hogy értetted ezt?
Találkozzunk a lépcsőházban egy perc múlva
Egy pohár gin erejéig
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
[2. Versszak]
Mondd, hol is laksz pontosan?
Úton vagyok hozzád
Megint hideg lesz, New York mégis oly gyönyörű
Ezúttal metróra szállok
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
[3. Versszak]
Miért ácsorgunk még mindig idekint?
A kabátunkat szorongatva
Úgy nézünk ki mint két gyerek
A búcsúzkodás mindig órákba telik
Nem mehetnénk csak egyszerűen haza?
[4. Versszak]
Hé drágám, hol voltál amikor
szükségem volt rád?
Azt hittem, ha mindenemet odaadom
Sikerülne végre megnyílnod előttem
Hitehagyott és egyre zárkózottabb lettem
Csak téged akarlak
A búcsúzkodás mindig órákba telik
Nem mehetnénk csak egyszerűen haza?
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád

The Weathervane

Versions: #1
The wind plays with the weathervane
on my beautiful darling’s house.
And I thought in my delusion,
that it was mocking the poor fugitive.
He should have noticed sooner
the sign up on the house,
then he’d never have tried to look
for a faithful image of a woman in the house.
Inside the wind plays with hearts
like on the roof, just not so loud.
What do they care about my suffering?
Their child is a wealthy bride.
Inside the wind plays with hearts
like on the roof, just not so loud.
What do they care about my suffering?
Their child is a wealthy bride.

Senki más nem fog várni rád

[1. Versszak]
Azt mondtad nem vagyunk összeláncolva
Hogy értetted ezt?
Találkozzunk a lépcsőházban egy perc múlva
Egy pohár gin erejéig
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
[2. Versszak]
Mondd, hol is laksz pontosan?
Úton vagyok hozzád
Megint hideg lesz, New York mégis oly gyönyörű
Ezúttal metróra szállok
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
[3. Versszak]
Miért ácsorgunk még mindig idekint?
A kabátunkat szorongatva
Úgy nézünk ki mint két gyerek
A búcsúzkodás mindig órákba telik
Nem mehetnénk csak egyszerűen haza?
[4. Versszak]
Hé drágám, hol voltál amikor
szükségem volt rád?
Azt hittem, ha mindenemet odaadom
Sikerülne végre megnyílnod előttem
Hitehagyott és egyre zárkózottabb lettem
Csak téged akarlak
A búcsúzkodás mindig órákba telik
Nem mehetnénk csak egyszerűen haza?
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád


Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Even if that makes me a megalomaniac
Come and tickle my ego
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let me enter into your matrix
Let me taste your delights
No one can talk me out of it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to accompany you
How stubborn I am
I'm fine in my bubble
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
As long as I command it
Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
What have you done with my head?
This dishonest transformation
That’s not what I was asking
Let's go, let's go, let's go
The buzz was only a fake
I’m not in the matrix anymore
There’s no one left to talk about it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to recover
What I’m currently wasting
I'm out of my bubble at last
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
Before my ego imposes itself
I’m done looking at you
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Ego Ego (x10)
Let's go, let's go, let's go


Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Even if that makes me a megalomaniac
Come and tickle my ego
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let me enter into your matrix
Let me taste your delights
No one can talk me out of it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to accompany you
How stubborn I am
I'm fine in my bubble
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
As long as I command it
Tell me who’s the most beautiful
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
What have you done with my head?
This dishonest transformation
That’s not what I was asking
Let's go, let's go, let's go
The buzz was only a fake
I’m not in the matrix anymore
There’s no one left to talk about it
Let's go, let's go, let's go
I’ll do anything to recover
What I’m currently wasting
I'm out of my bubble at last
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Everything is fine
Everything is rosy
Before my ego imposes itself
I’m done looking at you
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Ego Ego (x10)
Let's go, let's go, let's go

Summer Morning

What a lovely rising summer morning you are!
The rising sun smiles towards me
The rooster goes “cock-a-doodle-doo,” the pigeon goes “chirp-chirp”
I also want to sing, in a cheery tone
Now, every living thing chips in
Foals, calves, horses, and cows
Geese snorting, sheep baa-ing
Happy lambs frolicking and jumping
Birdie in the clouds, the ducklings in the pond
Sparrows and swallows sing their songs
The storks clap, plovers flap their wings
A bird squawks from the fence
While I was laying sound asleep, I didn’t wish for gold
I'm so serene at the break of day
Starlings chatter, magpies cackle
And when everything is cheery, so am I


Because you're beautiful
Because you're pretty
I'm just only you
Make sure to always
Hold me like that
You're my living room
Even being in the swaying wind is freezing
Let's keep letting loose a lot of stories
Yeah I
Feel like, feel like, feel like a butterfly
Looks like I'm like a butterfly
Living alongside you is just like
a miracle, to set up a monumental monument
Let's run away tonight
La La Twilight
Even in that darkness you bloom
With the hum's verse
It becomes a star just for us
I'm forever your volunteer
It's a dramatic melody
Tell me how to make a simple way
You're a brightly shining star in the twilight
I put you in
A picturesque blue light
Hurutututu hurutututu Ay
I'll listen to all you have to say Bluetooth
I only have eyes for you
I'm trapped inside the star for only us
I embroider each one, one by one
Here or there or anywhere
Whatever you do, do it without rules or pretense
Make it a rule
My key is after I express my feelings to you
Woo, I'm filling myself with you
It is like a twilight
The false acting inside the illusion whoo
Your moonlight that is broadly trickling down
Beautifully blooming
Over that hill
Feel like, feel like, feel like a butterfly
Looks like I'm like a butterfly
Living alongside you is just like
a miracle, to set up a monumental monument
Let's run away tonight
La La Twilight
Even in that darkness you bloom
With the hum's verse
It becomes a star just for us
I'm forever your volunteer
It's a dramatic melody
Tell me
How to make a simple way
You're a brightly shining star in the twilight
I put you in
A picturesque blue light
The eyes that look at me
The dream that I dream when I fall into them
I draw them over a hundred times
An ending that's too beautiful
At that brightly shining starlight, I follow the line
I feel like, feel like, feel like a butterfly
My wings are spreading
La La Twilight
Even in that darkness you bloom
With the hum's verse
It becomes a star just for us
I'm forever your volunteer
It's a dramatic melody
Tell me
How to make a simple way
You're a brightly shining star in the twilight
I put you in
A picturesque blue light

The Dear Color

I want to dress in green,
In green weeping willows,
My darling is so fond of green.
I want to look for a cypress grove,
A heather of green rosemary,
My darling is so fond of green.
Well here we go to the happy hunting!
Well here we go through heathland and holt!
My darling loves hunting so much.
The game that I hunt, it is Death,
The heather, I call it the distress of love,
My darling loves hunting so much.
Dig a grave for me in the wet meadow,
Cover me with green lawn,
My darling is so fond of green.
No small cross in black, no colorful flower,
Green, everything green all around!
My darling is so fond of green.


A-a-aitio got that smoke
Believe me when I say that we'll shine again
Believe me when I say that we'll try again
Believe me when I say that we'll win again
We'll win again
I just want that my name will be remembered when I depart from here
I want them to remember how this guitar sounded
I know that they try to copy me but they can't
I know that they try to copy me but they can't
Copycats everywhere
Copy my stuff carefully
All the facts that you printed using my style
Aitio has a sticker that says, don't you wanna die young
We're not vegans, we don't avoid steak
And he's with us, he has trained his aim
I trust my guys, I trust my clique
I trust my plug, no need for fiction
Now it's time for me to shine like a star
Time to pop the pills like a rock star
You said that you wouldn't leave, but you left anyway
Now I can't trust anyone anymore
Believe me when I say that we'll shine again
Believe me when I say that we'll try again
Believe me when I say that we'll win again
We'll win again
I just want that my name will be remembered when I depart from here
I want them to remember how this guitar sounded
I know that they try to copy me but they can't
I know that they try to copy me but they can't
Copycats everywhere
Shoutout when mom gave birth to a goat
So what if I spend my money
Plot twist for you, I can't spend them when I'm dead
These guys are trying to sit down at a table that has already been set up [for dining]
If you were not with us from the beginning, you're not with us now
This is my wave and it's too high up for you
This is my wave and it's too high up for you
No sense to even bother to try [?] till Christmas Eve
Concentrate on yourself and ride your own wave
I stay productive, I slap together these substances
And with the help from them, I'll achieve everything
Believe me when I say that we'll shine again
Believe me when I say that we'll try again
Believe me when I say that we'll win again
We'll win again
I just want that my name will be remembered when I depart from here
I want them to remember how this guitar sounded
I know that they try to copy me but they can't
I know that they try to copy me but they can't

Wolf blizzard

Run your finger on the trail of my scars,
To connect our ways, in defiance of stars.
Open these wounds, and then heal them,
Until they arrange themselves in the intricate pattern of fate.
You escape from my dreams in the morning,
Sour as a gooseberry, sweet as a lilac.
I want to dream about tangled black curls,
About violet eyes, moist with tears.
In the wake of wolf I'll go in the snowstorm
And I'll track your stubborn heart down.
Through anger and sadness,
Hardened into stone, I'll kindle the lips lashed with the wind.
You escape from my dreams in the morning,
Sour as a gooseberry, sweet as a lilac.
I want to dream about tangled black curls,
About violet eyes, moist with tears.
I don't know if you are my destiny,
Or if love has bounded us by blind luck.
When I uttered my wish,
Did you fall in love with me in spite of yourself then?
You escape from my dreams in the morning,
Sour as a gooseberry, sweet as a lilac.
I want to dream about tangled black curls,
About violet eyes, moist with tears.

Arnold and Willy

No one in the world walks the same way
And even if the Earth is round, we do not meet each other
Appearances and preferences
Have too much importance, accept differences
It is true
You need everything, you know
You need everything, it's true
You need everything to make a world
No one in life chooses their color
The important thing is to listen to your heart
If the friend's is different, fine!
It's his, you have yours and I have mine
So let's reach out
No one in the world walks the same way
And even if the Earth is round, we do not meet each other
Appearances and preferences
Have too much importance, accept differences
It is true
You need everything, you know
You need everything, it's true
You need everything to make a world
What counts in life is happiness
Each one of us finds it at their own time
You can share it, so it's earned
Don't wait here tomorrow, everything's fine
We can all be happy
No one in the world walks the same way
And even if the Earth is round, we do not meet each other
Appearances and preferences
Have too much importance, accept differences
It is true
You need everything, you know
You need everything, it's true
You need everything to make a world
You need everything, you know
You need everything, it's true
You need everything to make a world
Yes it's true, you know
You need everything to make a world


Всё море в бликах бледно-сивых,
И нудный ветра вой жесток,
Луна, как сорванный листок,
Парит над волнами залива.
Как черный контур на песке
Лежит баркас: моряк веселый
В него влезает ловко, споро,
С улыбкой дерзкой на лице
Крик куликов над мысом где-то,
Где сумерки сквозь травы веют,
Жнецы идут, загар на шеях,
Как на небесном фоне силуэты


Versions: #1
I walked like an Egyptian
Have cried with pigeons
Was a voodoo child
Like a rolling stone
In the thorn forest Maria sang for me
I died in your arms, Bochum '84
I never let the sun go down
In my wonderful world
And I sing these songs
Dance' with tears in the eyes
Bowie was my hero for a day
And EMF can't believe it
And I stand in the purple rain
I want to be a fire starter
Whitney will always love me
And Michael does not leave me alone
I was welcome in the jungle
And foreign in my own country
My personal Jesus
And totally sick in the brain
And I wonder when
I will, I will be famous
Like Rio, my king for eternity
I had reached the end of the street
Was a loser, baby, but then
Was I holding a cover in my hand
On it a monk, who was on fire
Kurt Cobain told me to come as I am
I was one of five boys
'One minute' off, then it was over
I sang only for me, for an infinitely long time
Then I met her
And she reminded me
We were worlds away
And yet from the same star...
I walked like an Egyptian
Have cried with pigeons
Was a voodoo child
Like a rolling stone
In the thorn forest Maria sang for me
I died in your arms, Bochum '84
I never let the sun go down
In my wonderful world
And now I sing my songs
Dance' with tears in the eyes
Bowie was my hero for a day
And EMF can't believe it
And I stand in the purple rain
I want to be a fire starter
Whitney will always love me
And Michael does not leave us alone
For we sing these songs
Dancing with tears in the eyes
Bowie was a hero for a day
And EMF can't believe it
And we stand in the purple rain
We want to be fire starters
Whitney will always love us
And Michael does not leave us alone