Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 247


Felébreszteni a démont

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tehetetlen, a szemeim véreznek
A félelemtől, ami belülről fakad
Megpecsételted a haláleseted
Amikor elvetted azt, ami az enyém volt
Ne próbáld megfékezni
Hogy bosszút álljak a világon
Egyetlen hangot sem hallani
Felébreszteni a démont
Hová futnál
Sétálni az árnyékokban
Nézni, ahogy ömlik a vér
Már nincs sok hátra
Szóval ne próbálj ellenállni
A tested gyengül
Sétálj a fény felé
Azok a fájdalmas idők
Annyira egyedül, annyira szégyenkezve
Nem jövök vissza
Semmit sem lehet szerezni
Vigyázz, egyszerűen nincsenek korlátok
A határokra, amiket áttörsz
Figyelmeztettelek, de te mégis csak
Nincs menekvés
Ettől a dühtől, amit érzek
Semmi sem valódi
Felébreszteni a démont
Hová futnál
Sétálni az árnyékokban
Nézni, ahogy ömlik a vér
Már nincs sok hátra
Szóval ne próbálj ellenállni
A tested gyengül
Sétálj a fény felé
Azok a fájdalmas idők
Annyira egyedül, annyira szégyenkezve
Nem jövök vissza
Semmit sem lehet szerezni
Lélegezz értem
Ne kelts fel ebből a könnyű álomból
Maradj velem
A megszállottság felülkerekedik
Lélegezz értem
Ne kelts fel ebből a könnyű álomból
Maradj velem
A megszállottság felülkerekedik
Lélegezz értem
Ne kelts fel ebből a könnyű álomból
Maradj velem
A megszállottság felülkerekedik
Lélegezz értem
Ne kelts fel ebből a könnyű álomból
Maradj velem
A megszállottság felülkerekedik
Felébreszteni a démont

Bíbor Király

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Mutasd meg nékem lobogód
Mutasd meg a Jeled
A Bíbor Király Szeme
A Jel, hogy hozzám tartozol
Én vagyok a mestered
Valóra váltom álmaid
Én vagyok a messiásod
Egy eszelős fajta, ahogy tán sejted
A jobb kezeim, a szolgáim
A katonáim, az eszközeim
Elterjesztik a jó hírt
Találd meg Gyermekeim, gyűjtsd mindnyájukat össze
Visszük az összes alacsony embert
Az összes gyűlölt, gonosz lelket
Egy vágyon osztozunk
Egy sötéten, ahogy tán sejted
A Bíbor Királytól érintve
A Megmentőtől érintve
A Torony hanyatlik az Ítélet Napján
A Bíbor Királytól érintve
A megmentőtől érintve
Ahogy réges-régen megírták
Én vagyok az Angyal, én vagyok a Téboly
Én vagyok a Szó, én vagyok a Törvény
Az igazat beszélem, oldd fel bánatod bilincsét
Én vagyok a Kulcs, én vagyok az Ajtó
Old fel!
Oh, van
Háború és gonoszság
Szajhák és bűnösök
Fogd a kezem és megmutatom
Merre menj
Szólíts Flagg-nek
Én vagyok a Jó Ember
Én vagyok a Sötét Ember
Fogd a kezem és
Megmutatom merre menj
Old fel!
Jöjj, fogd a kezem
Az Ígéret Földjére
A démon
A Feketébe Öltözött Ember
Az univerzum üres
Csupán te és én
S lőn világosság
A csillagok emelkednek
Majd ismét alábuknak
A tetejére mászni
Egy üres szoba
Ez minden ami itt vagyon
Attól félek, így vagyon
Próféciák születtek rólad és rólam
A vízió erős
De közben tovább zuhanás
Oh, miféle csoda az élet
És még nagyobb a méret
Így áll a helyzet
Attól félek, így van
Így áll a helyzet
Az élet csupán egy kerék, semmi több
Csak megy körbe és körbe és k...
Én vagyok a Kortalan
Én vagyok “Légió”
Én vagyok az urad
Terrort fogok hozni
Démon vagyok álruhában
Ezrek borzongása
Egyszeriben világok pusztulnak
De az én végső célom
Több mint eme a hanyatlás
A Bíbor Királytól érintve
A megmentőtől érintve
A Torony hanyatlik az Ítélet Napján
A Bíbor Királytól érintve
A megmentőtől érintve
Ahogy réges-régen megírták

Démonok a lányok legjobb barátai

Versions: #1
Óvakodj az éjszakától
Óvakogy az éjszakától míg nincs hajnal
Óvakodj a sötétségtől, mikor a fény kialszik
Mert ébredezik egy képzeletbeli vágy
El akarnak csábítani és azt szeretnék, hogy sikíts
Meg szeretnék fogni a kezed és elvezetni Vénusz fényébe, lány
Gyere és engedd, hogy elvigyenek egy körre
Felejtsd el az urat és a keresztet
Hagyd, hogy testi vágyaid vezesenek, ma este
A démonos elhozzák ma este a véget
Démonok a lányok legjobb barátai
A démonok életre kelnek és parancsolnak neked
Démonok a lányok legjobb barátai
Óvakodj a tűztől
Óvakodj a szemükben égő tűzzel
Óvakodj a kéjvágy vezérelt hazugságoktól
Mert az igazság el van takarva
Az elfelejtett rítusok részévé tesznek
Védd a grált a combjaid közt
Te vagy a gonoszság orvossága, lány
Szállj fel a magasba
Búcsúz el az ártatlanságodtól
És hagyd, a vágy uralkodjon rajtad
A démonos elhozzák ma este a véget
Démonok a lányok legjobb barátai
A démonok életre kelnek és parancsolnak neked
Démonok a lányok legjobb barátai
Mikor álmaidban megjelennek éjjel
Lány, ne merj gyertyafénynél keresni
Mert a sötétben, démonaid érzéki dinamitként jönnek el
Az éjszaka démonai eljönnek és megfogják a kezed
Démonok a lányok legjobb barátai
Démonok a combjaid közé kúsznak és felállnak
Démonok a lányok legjobb barátai

Thank You

I have heard many unpleasant words
Fortunately, I was not defeated
Actually not as bad as they said
Reality doesn't let me get down
I own a warm home
She told me how strong love is
She let the most bleak past bloom
Smiling is the best way to face life
Thank you for those punishments
Thank you for all your concerns, true and false
Thank you for those passable scars
They remind me that this is the price of growth
Thank you for your concern
Thank you, whether it is good or bad
Thank you, those who encourage me and those who despise me
I thank you all for giving me a chance to restart
Even if there is more laughter ahead
Even if the memories hurt
I won't give up my first dream
Thank you for those punishments
Thank you for all your concerns, true and false
Thank you for those passable scars
They remind me that this is the price of growth

Tökéletes paradicsom

Milyen lehet lenézni egy tökéletes paradicsomból?
A koronádat viselve, biztos jó, a koronádat viselve, biztos jó
Milyen lehet lenézni egy tökéletes paradicsomból?
A koronádat viselve, biztos jó a túlvilágon
Itt lent a láncok gúzsba kötnek, mint a pokol a rabjait
Tudtuk, hogy elkerülhetetlen, hogy a varázslat hatása alá kerülj
A sötétség átvette az uralmat és te feltartottad a tüzet, óh
Lángra lobbant a hús és az ég feketébe fordult
Óh, milyen kár, milyen kár!1
Alig várom, hogy újra láthassam az arcod, még ő2sem helyettesíthet
Az emlékek, amiket közösen szereztünk, a dallamok, amiket eljátszottunk
Milyen lehet lenézni egy tökéletes paradicsomból?
A koronádat viselve, biztos jó, a koronádat viselve, biztos jó
Milyen lehet lenézni egy tökéletes paradicsomból?
A koronádat viselve, biztos jó a túlvilágon
Bele kellett vetned magadat a tűzbe
Megjelentek a démonok és elvitték őt2
Egyedül maradtam újra, hogy elszenvedjek még egy napot
Elnyelte őt a sötétség, beborította a füst
A démonok átvették az irányítást, hogy felnyissák a lelkét
Alig várom, hogy újra láthassam az arcod, még ő2sem helyettesíthet
Az emlékek, amiket közösen szereztünk, a dallamok, amiket eljátszottunk
Milyen lehet lenézni egy tökéletes paradicsomból?
A koronádat viselve, biztos jó a túlvilágon
Mindannyiunkat itt hagytál, keresünk valami rohadt okot, hogy még egy nap felkeljünk
De te még csak itt sem vagy, hogy azt mondd nekünk, hogy minden rendben, mindennap szenvedünk
Itt hagytál minket a sötétben, ahogy mi okot keresünk rá, hogy folytassuk
  • 1. Egy másik lehetséges fordítás: 'Óh, micsoda szégyen, micsoda szégyen!'.
  • Hímnemű személyes névmás.

Little thrills

I've walked barefoot on a minefield
I've run on a thin blade
Often accompanied by those who have no alternatives,
them short on ideas but dressed with style
Eyes pointed to the skies, with a bit of mistery
Hitting a dark wall in an impasse with my fist
I've watched my reflexion in shopwindows
I used to tell myself 'the accounts are done at the end'
Who knows what divinity is making fun of me,
it is having fun putting me to the test
Witout a solution, the enigma appears irresovable to you.
Then, you're as if taken by
a thrill of happiness
you don't see clouds any longer
above you, above you
You take flight in your car
and you circle above all your town
Now you've turned the page
Within yourself, within yourself, within yourself
Under the street lamps of a parking area
I dared betting with myself
Seeing that I was losing, I told myself
'You better be satisfied with 1'
An evening, there I was with a serious mind
On my head a black cloud
Loooking nowhere in a discoteque
I've danced the music of a thunderstorm
It seemed as if it was raining
Certain promises looked more like an SOS
My system, which, I'm not sure whether it crashed or it grew, I've not even a minimmum interest to change, in the meantime, I restart myself
I look at things for not how they are
I look at them for how I am
Raise the goblets and let's toast to health
of bad things whom I said good bye
Then, you're as if taken by
a thrill of happiness
you don't see clouds any longer
above you, above you
You take flight in your car
and you circle above all your town
Now you've turned the page
Within yourself, within yourself, within yourself
Within yourself, within yourself, within yourself
Leve behind yourself the things you no longer need
The words, and half done victories
Then, you're as if taken by
a thrill of happiness
you don't see clouds any longer
within yourself
  • 1. the tie

Loving you is so crazy and strange

Hey, where is your warmness?
I want to feel it again
I will come to you
I'll wait for your glance silently
My happiness is so close
Loving you is so crazy and strange
Loving you
Loving you is so crazy and strange
Loving you
A smile on your face fits you so well
I like it when you fondle me
How do I run from myself? How do I close my eyes and do not see?
How can I fool myself?
Loving you is so crazy and strange
Loving you
Loving you is so crazy and strange

Without Reflectors

Let's try again?
We are different than others
Let me [drive], I know this road
Ask me without a hesitation
For something you've never asked before
Drop your jobs finally
You'll be mine today
To the happiness, to the love
In a speed of wind, without reflectors
And no one will catch us tonight
To the happiness, to the love
In a speed of wind, without reflectors
Now and here, we younger than ever
And a sleepy city will be too little for us
The far lights of windows
Are aiming to our backs
We will run through the field of mines courageously
Stars will fall into our hands
Isn't it enough?
To the happiness, to the love
In a speed of wind, without reflectors
And no one will catch us tonight
To the happiness, to the love
In a speed of wind, without reflectors
Now and here, we younger than ever
To the happiness, to the love
In a speed of wind, without reflectors
And no one will catch us tonight
To the happiness, to the love
In a speed of wind, without reflectors
Now and here, we younger than ever

Until When

Becoming very impatient
Being spiteful with every second
When I remember you
I cannot even do anything
Go home, baby
I'm not used to not having you around
It's hard being alone
And every night I long for you
Until when will I wait to be with you again
In my life that is full of misery
And you're the only one who can wipe away my tears
And the one who can put a smile on my lips
I cannot stop thinking about something
That the more this is prolonged, you may fall for another
It's making me anxious
Knock on wood, I hope not
Go home, baby
I'm not used to not having you around
It's hard being alone
And every night I long for you
Until when will I wait to be with you again
In my life that is full of misery
And you're the only one who can wipe away my tears
And the one who can put a smile on my lips
Go home, baby
Go home, baby
Go home, baby
Go home, baby
Go home, baby
Go home, baby

The Whereabouts of Dreams

It seems you’ve cast a spell on me
That’s why strange things are happening
In the town overflowing with people,
time has stopped and no one is moving
Like a desert, silence returned to the evening town
Only your voice is calling me
In the western night sky, the scorpion-shaped
constellation rises
and told me to fall in love
This is certainly a dream
For some reason, I’m not the same person I was yesterday
Both of us are following a far distant story we once heard
The night train runs, the steam whistle rings in stardust
Overlooking the town’s lights, it’s almost like the milky way
The lemon-colored crescent moon floats in the eastern sky,
whispering for us to be happy
The night train runs, the steam whistle rings in stardust
You don’t even know where to go
There’s only a single word of prayer for you and us
I hope this mysterious journey doesn’t end

From the Edge

I don't want to be enveloped with sadness
I don't want to keep shedding tears and looking down
Unleash your destiny
Surely, you're able to break into a run
Surely, your wishes will come true
Crush the conflicts of yesterday
cry for the future from the edge of darkness
Seize the headwind,
Even if you can't see the end of the storm
You can no longer choose a path, just survive!
Doubt always weighs up love against anger
Come now, get up again once more
Now, where will you strike down
That blade of yours?
I don't want to get used to kindness
Even if your hands can reach them, there aren't many things that can be saved
Move your legs forward
Surely, to some sunny place,
You'll eventually arrive
Surely, you'll be able to laugh together
We break the advancing darkness
cry for the future from the edge of darkness
No matter what you screamed and cried about
It will be stained with the grief of this stagnant world
There's no going back, a spring of love
The things you lost that your memory froze in a snowstorm
Hey, they won't come back, not one
Even the weakness you wanted to throw away
It won't let go of your hand
It had become the final chain
cry for the future from the edge of darkness
You're able to keep running
Even if you can't see the end of the storm
You can no longer choose a path, just survive!
Doubt touches your emotions with the pain called freedom
Come now, get up again, no matter how many times it takes
Right now, in the land you're headed to
Snow is piling up
A future of pure white

GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~

Glory Day! Even in pouring rain,
Glory Day! Even in a strong north wind,
Glory Day! Just accept it all,
And push ahead! Glory Day!
The clouds flow into the distance,
Revealing the sun.
When the sweat pours down
I feel I'm alive!
There are times I'm so down,
It seems the worst, but
Surely I can keep going
If I believe in myself.
Glory Day! When you lose your way
Glory Day! You should ask the wind
Glory Day! If you listen quietly
You will hear it: 'Believe Myself!'

Mega V

Dragon, Ghost, Ground, Flying
Poison, Bug, Water, Electric, Rock, Grass, Dark
Ice, Normal, Fire, Fighting
Steel, Psychic, Fairy
Come on, this adventure continues ahead even through the darkness
Just shine like a shooting star and don't hesitate
Come on, use your will power to be better than yesterday
On the way there's sure to be something
Super exciting and dangerous!
Someday I'll become proud of myself
That's what you taught me, and that's why I fight on
Once you've packed the power of a dream into your heart
It's certain that someone will call out your name
When the wind laughs through the trees of the green forest
The yellow flowers open
Dragon, Ghost, Ground, Flying
Poison, Bug, Water, Electric, Rock, Grass, Dark
Ice, Normal, Fire, Fighting
Steel, Psychic, Fairy
The yellow flowers open

I want the light

You say that you're not strong enough to left me go
But do you think that I'm strong enough to let you go
You say that you're not strong enough to left me go
But do you think that I'm strong enough to let you go
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
You say that it's been a year since I stopped loving you
But how can I love you if you think I don't love you anymore
You say that it's been a year since I stopped loving you
But how can I love you if you think I don't love you anymore
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
You say that you're not strong enough to left me go
But do you think that I'm strong enough to let you go
You say that it's been a year since I stopped loving you
But how can I love you if you think I don't love you anymore
God, touch me
God, touch me,
God, touch me,
Athena, touch me,
Athena, touch me,
God, touch me,
God, touch me
With your grace,
God, touch me,
Athena, touch me,
Athena, touch me,
God, touch me,


We’re all so beautiful
Everyday we have to face the world
And at the end of the day, lonely night makes us insecure
Why do we have to hurt our feelings ourselves
Each and everytime we remember the cruel words others say
Sometimes it’s hard to accept everything
Everything doesn’t seem going right at all
With eyes full of tears dropping your heads
I want you to smile no matter what
When it makes you down
No matter what you do
The sun will always be shining up there
The clouds will always bring rain down on here
So you do you, and you be you
Because we’re all so beautiful
We know we’re more than beautiful
Sing with me now
We know we’re always standing strong
I see you always standing strong
Sing with me
If we go together we can go further
Our souls are connected as you finally grab my hand
No one can take our free spirit away
You’ll see you’re always shining if you look in the mirror
When you wanna give up everything
Or even if you don’t feel you deserve this
Even though you’re still hurt and pain has not ended
You just let it go
I’m sure you can get over it
We’re all so beautiful
We know we’re more than beautiful
Sing with me now
We know we’re always standing strong
I see you always standing strong
You know that
I know you’re still worried
If you’re heart is still aching and crying
woo~ woo~
I know, I know
Because I’ll always be there if you just believe
You know
We’re all so beautiful hey~
You are not alone anymore because I’ll be there
We know we’re always standing strong
So you do you, and you be you
We’re all so beautiful
We know we’re more than beautiful
Sing with me now
We know we’re always standing strong
I see you always standing strong
sing it
If we go together we can go further
Our souls are connected as you finally grab my hand
No one can take our free spirit away
You’ll see you’re always shining if you look in the mirror
Yes you’re always shining…


I have told you,
That here we did not move forward.
I have told you
and now it's pointless to think about.
I have told you,
yes, so why didn't you listen to me?
When I told you, where were you?
And anyway if I told you it was already too late.
Now I don't remember
what you replied to me
I am almost certain, that for you I
am like a dead man.
So therefore do me a favor now.
Go back to my past,
and if you can bring me a nice/pretty flower
Because my funeral has already happened.
I have told you.
Don't look at the lives of others.
I have told you and now look
You live with regrets.
I have told you many times, more than a thousand,
but now what can I do?
If you want, I will repeat it another time,
If you want to listen to me.
'Hello'... it's a word that is too nice, 'Hello'
although in these cases I prefer 'Goodbye/Farewell'.
Hello, I am happy if you tell me 'Hello'.
You cannot respond to me with 'I love you'... to tell me 'Hello',
but it is a word like any other now... hello!
'Hello'... it's a word that is too nice, 'Hello'
You cannot respond to me with 'I love you'
'Hello'... it is a word like any other now... hello!

We're Setting Out Now

This world is big, but you know where to find me
We're together and we follow our own path
We're friends and we trust one another
Going on adventures together, you and I
The world is waiting, come along already
We're setting out now!
We're setting out now!
We're setting out now


I have my eyes closed now
and donť know which way to go in the dark
I'm just seeking the right direction
recently it seems to me that I'm just drowning
We only wanted more and more and more and more
And our bodies ain't enough, not that, not that
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
When the vultures arrive to a bit lower
You hammer down the last cross to my grave
When you will go to wash away my blood of your hands
You have what you wanted
Now you can move on to the next
We only wanted more and more and more and more
Then you don't feel the shards in your hands, not that, not that
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
That deamons you have inside
you can't bind them down, you have to live with them
you are wandering and don't know which way to go
So I only wish you to find your peace
That deamons you have inside
you can't bind them down, you have to live with them
you are wandering and don't know which way to go
So I only wish you to find your peace
That deamons you have inside
you can't bind them down, you have to live with them
you are wandering and don't know which way to go
So I only wish you to find your peace