Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 28

Találatok száma: 1211


Gray world

Honestly, I have been awake for some days
And watching television static
I'm used to that with what's been earned
But I still want something more
I've seen colors that someone else
Can never see in this world
I'm colourblind and that's why I dare to look
Into your gray world
Where I once was
Do not know how to get out of here anymore and do not want to
That's why I'm here
Honestly, I have felt that I am dying
And for some reason, it does not surprise me
I've done sins no one else
Should never try
I have danced tango in the dark Paris
I have tried to fight with a dragon
Then, when the sun rises at the end of my slumber, I find myself again
In your gray world
Where I once was
Do not get out of here anymore and do not want to
That's why I'm here
Honestly, I have felt that I am dying
And for some reason, it does not surprise me
I've done sins no one else
Should never try
I've seen colors that someone else
Can never see in this world
I'm colourblind and that's why I dare to look
Into your gray world

Vigyél el vagy hagyj el
De ne kérd tőlem, hogy higgyek benned
Amikor későn jössz haza
Nincs okunk hazudni
Mert a ruhád szaga olyan, mint egy másik ház tüze
Vigyél el vagy hagyj el
Ha nem vagyok ébren, hadd álmodjak
Ne csókolj a homlokomra
Tudod, hallottam, hogy jössz
És a csókod,olyan mint a bűntudat
Imádsz engem, mert csendes vagyok és felnézek az égre
De nem látsz sírni
És mindennap ülsz [kisebbnek látszol]
És nem nézel a szemembe [a szemeddel]
És én hiszek mindenben
Ja, tévedtem
Milyen ostoba vagyok
Vigyél el vagy hagyj el
Nem kémlelek, és ad vissza szabadságom
De ha elhagyod a fészket
Ha el fogsz engedni
Tedd meg, mielőtt elkezdek tisztán látni
Imádsz engem, mert csendes vagyok és felnézek az égre
De nem látsz sírni
És mindennap ülsz [kisebbnek látszól]
És nem nézel a szemembe [a szemeddel].
Vigyél el vagy hagyj el
És ha visszajössz, hozd magaddal az igazságot
Hozd magad magasra
Hozd magaddal a riválisomat
Ha [ő] jobb, mint én, akkor sírok

ó Istenem
Adj erőt nekem
Nem tudok nélküle élni
meg fogok halni
Az én szívem
Sír folyamatosan
Most, hogy soha többé nem fogja érezni a szerelmet
Gyere vissza hozzám
Ne mondd, hogy mindennek vége
Nézz szembe velem és 'bocsáss meg nekem'
Gyere vissza hozzám
Ne mondd, hogy ez véget ért
Add nekem a szerelmedet
Emlékszel az összes szenvedélyre?
A bőred közel volt az enyémhez
Édes hőség
Minden véget ért miattad
Repülni akarsz
És befejezted a szerelem történetét
Gyere vissza hozzám
Oh szerelmem
Érzed a szerelmem?
Ne játssz a fájdalmammal
Próbáld megérteni
Ami te vagy, és a jó dolgokat rólunk
Azért ver a szivem
Gyere vissza hozzám
Ó, elveszítelek
Ezt kérdezem, szerelmem
Vigyél el, mondd meg, hogy ez nem a valóság
Ez az, ami a szemedben van
Gyere vissza hozzám

Mire készülsz?
Tudnom kell az életedről
Valaki, aki a napjaidról mesél
Sötét van és tudnom kell
Mire készülsz?
Az egész életemet megváltoztattad anélkül, hogy tudnád
Mert a béke miatt elfelejtettél
Nem tudom hogy kedvelnél e jobban mint én téged
Gyere,szomjazok arra hogy szeresselek
Jót teszel nekem
Fel akarok ébredni
Veled szerelmem
Szeretném, ha boldog lennél
Gyere, az idő megy
És elmúlik
Az élet elhagy minket
Tudnom kell
Mire készülsz?
Mire készülsz?
Az egész életemet megváltoztattad anélkül, hogy tudnád
Mert a béke miatt elfelejtettél
Nem tudom hogy kedvelnél e jobban mint én téged
Gyere,szomjazok arra hogy szeresselek
Jót teszel nekem
Veled akarok felébredni szerelmem
Szeretném, ha boldog lennél
Gyere az idő megyen és elmúlik
Az élet elhagy minket
Tudnom kell...
Mire készülsz?

A szív a torokban dobog

Olyanok vagyunk, mint a testvérek
mert itt olyan érzés, mintha otthon lennénk
Amikor az utcán haladunk
Nem gondolunk a tegnapra
Úgy hiszük, hogy egyre nagyobb lesz,
Mert egyáltalán nincs mit veszítenünk
Vakon megértjük egymást
és anélkül, hogy bármit is mondanánk.
A végső aggodalmat is elsöpröm az útból
ott ahol vagyok, minden mozgásban van
És nincs olyan kő, amely egy másikon lenne.
És a torokban dobog a szív
igen, a torokban dobog a szív
Ez az az este, amiről beszéltünk?
Amikor a gyerekek később megbeszélik,
vagy a fények vándorlását a kikötőben
a torokban dobog a szív.
Ha azt mondod, hogy csak egyszer élünk,
és ki tudja, mit hoz a holnap.
Nem merünk kérdezni,
mert a félelem felfalja a választ,
mindent hátrahagyunk,
egyszerűen távol ezektől a szörnyektől
amik nyugtalanítottak éjszakánként.
Elengedjük minden gondunkat,
az éjszakába kiáltjuk a nevünket.
És ne állíts meg,
engedjük elmenni az utolsó vonatot
és az utolsó centik költsük el a pénzt,
nincs semmire sem szükségem.
És a torokban dobog a szív
igen, a torokban dobog a szív
Ez az az este, amiről beszéltünk?
Amikor a gyerekek később megbeszélik,
vagy a fények vándorlását a kikötőben
a torokban dobog a szív.
Ha azt mondod, hogy csak egyszer élünk,
és ki tudja, mit hoz a holnap.
Nem merünk kérdezni,
mert a félelem felfalja a választ.
A szíven hangosan, a tiéd halkan ver.
De valamilyen módon,
a mi időnk csak most kezdődik.
És a torokban dobog a szív
igen, a torokban dobog a szív
És a torokban dobog a szív
igen, a torokban dobog a szívEz az az este, amiről beszéltünk?
Amikor a gyerekek később megbeszélik,
vagy a fények vándorlását a kikötőben
a torokban dobog a szív.
Ha azt mondod, hogy csak egyszer élünk,
és ki tudja, mit hoz a holnap.
Nem merünk kérdezni,
mert a félelem felfalja a választ.

What irony

What irony
that night can unite with day
that rivers will join with sea
what irony
that we still can´t
What irony
that I´m yours but you don´t be mine
that is sad to fell so much joy
what irony
that even happiness would hurt us
Thalía and Carlos:
It´s not the same wanting let you go
as trying to stop loving you
if rain falls from the sky
and flowers are born from the ground
how loves can be forbidden
As much I want
to rip you out from my life, I can´t anymore
my moans are mute without your fingers
and I can´t go on anymore
imagining your mouth in other kisses
As much I want
to rip you out from my life, there is no way
summer, autumn, winter and never spring
and I can´t continue anymore
if it were easy I would throw a coin
What irony
seeing love begging to the luck
having you close but don´t be able to have you
what irony
that even happiness would hurt us
Thalía and Carlos:
It´s not the same wanting let you go
as trying to stop loving you
if rain falls from the sky
and flowers are born from the ground
how loves can be forbidden
As much I want
to rip you out from my life, I can´t anymore
my moans are mute without your fingers
and I can´t go on anymore
imagining your mouth in other kisses
As much I want
to rip you out from my life, there is no way
summer, autumn, winter and never spring
and I can´t continue anymore
if it were easy I would throw a coin
As much I want
to see you arrive
like december
wait for january
The calendar
forgets that I´m waiting for you
and although I don´t cry
a downpour is falling on my window
As much I want
my moans are mute without your fingers
And although I don´t cry
a downpour is falling on my window
What irony!

amikor elvisz a tiltott területre
a szája elárul engem
amikor merésszé válsz
Szeretnék elégni a karodban
mint egy papír hold
ha bűn, hogy szeretlek
újra érdemes
Felébredek melletted
amit a múlt éjjel álmodtam
hogy így kedvelsz engem
hogy belülről, belülről, belülről jött
ennek az erőszakos szívnek
ölelj újra
a később nem létezik
Add meg, hogy is van
Kezdjed a lábbal
de lassan, lassan, lassan
Töretlen szikla vagy
Gente de Zona:
ölelj újra
a később nem létezik
Add meg, hogy is van
Kezdjed a lábbal
de lassan, lassan, lassan
bűnbánat nélkül
És valamikkor meg foglak enni
meglátod, milyen finom
Hogy van ez?
Csináljuk, ahogy te akarod
hol akarod baby
menjünk és menjünk át a pozíciókra
látod ezt a kubait, ahogy meg kapja
Ha nem bánod, akkor az asztalon csináljuk
Garantálom, hogy ma este elveszíted az eszed
menjünk és menjünk át a pozíciókra
látod ezt a kubait, ahogy meg kapja
Felébredek melletted
amit a múlt éjjel álmodtam
hogy így kedvelsz engem
hogy belülről, belülről, belülről jött
ennek az erőszakos szívnek
ölelj újra
a később nem létezik
Add meg, hogy is van
Kezdd a lábbal
de lassan, lassan, lassan
Töretlen szikla vagy
Gente de Zona:
ölelj újra
a később nem létezik
Add meg, hogy is van
Kezdd a lábbal
de lassan, lassan, lassan
bűnbánat nélkül
Egy, kettő, három - Gyerünk!
Gente de Zona
Hogyan adod ide? Hogyan adod ide?
Gente de Zona:
Én is szeretnék felébredni
Beakarok lépni,ezer oka van
csináljuk újra és újra
Erről a pillanatról álmodtam
ölelj újra
a később nem létezik
Add meg, hogy is van
Kezdd a lábbal
de lassan, lassan, lassan
Töretlen szikla vagy
Gente de Zona:
ölelj újra
a később nem létezik
Add meg, hogy is van
Kezdd a lábbal
de lassan, lassan, lassan
bűnbánat nélkül
Akarom látni ezt a kubait ahogy megkapja!
Gente de Zona:
Én is szeretnék felébredni
belépni, ezer oka van
csináljuk újra és újra
Erről a pillanatról álmodtam

Being Real

Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
Verse 1:
You look great and keep up with everyone
else with being perfect step by step
Your world is digital and turns fast
Your friends, names you don't even know.
Let it go and don't stand still
doesn't matter how the others see you
Your feeling is the thing that really counts
in a not perfect world.
Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
Verse 2:
Want to prove ourselves to be always at first place.
A copy from faster, farther, all sham
Feelings, a back and forth between yes and no
Facade, let yourself fall and dare to be good
Let it go and don't stand still
doesn't matter how the others see you
Your feeling is the thing that really counts
in a not perfect world.
Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
Go ahead and show who you are
you missed yourself too long
Did not believe yourself that you can be anything
seen nothing, done nothing and not danced.
You were not ready to be yourself,
It's about time your way to.
Don't look from the outside, but finally from the inside,
because there is the power to win!
Let it go and don't stand still
doesn't matter how the others see you
Your feeling is the thing that really counts
in a not perfect world.
Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise...
Hallelujah to the world,
Hallelujah, everybody sing
In one single word
The heart is filled with thanks
And it also beats - oh what a wonderful world.
Hallelujah with the song,
Hallelujah for a shining day,
Hallelujah for what was before,
And what's yet to occur -
Hallelujah to the world
Hallelujah, everybody sing
And the great tongues of the bells
Shall echo with many sounds
And with us they shall say, Hallelujah.
Hallelujah with the song,
Hallelujah for a shining day,
Hallelujah for what was before,
And what's yet to occur -
Hallelujah Israel,
Hallelujah - the heart is astounded,
From a tiny lonely country
You turned into a legend overnight
And to you we've retuned from the edges of the world.
Hallelujah, carry a blessing,
A birthday is a day of assurance
Of a homeland and a nation and of hope
We shall sing to you with love
Hallelujah for everything
Praise for the tomorrow and yesterday
Hallelujah, and bring hand in hand
And sing together from a single heart -
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...
Praise, praise, Hallelujah...


Árulj el valamit, te lány
Boldogan élsz ebben a modern világban?
Vagy többre van szükséged?
Van valami más is, amit keresel?
Amikor jó napjaim vannak, vágyom a változásra
És mikor rosszak, félek magamtól
Árulj el valamit, fiú
Nem fáradtál bele, hogy megpróbáld kitölteni az űrt?
Vagy többre van szükséged?
Nem nehéz ezt folyton ilyen kőkeményen nyomni?
Amikor jó napjaim vannak, vágyom a változásra
És mikor rosszak, félek magamtól
Indulok a mélybe, nézd, ahogy merülök
Sohasem érek le
Áttöröm a felszínt, ott nem árthatnak nekünk
Most már messze vagyunk a sekélyestől
A sekélyesben
A sekélyesben
A sekélyesben
Most már messze vagyunk a sekélyestől
Indulok a mélybe, nézd, ahogy merülök
Sohasem érek le
Áttöröm a felszínt, ott nem árthatnak nekünk
Most már messze vagyunk a sekélyestől
A sekélyesben
A sekélyesben
A sekélyesben
Most már messze vagyunk a sekélyestől


Here are lovers tonight, we're staying with them
I want to guide all my enemies
I'll make them turn around in streets (lost)
And those that are jealous of us just do like us
Sahara, land of sand, Sahara land of dates (fruit)
Be patient, be patient until the Lord relieves us
Don't cry, don't heal me, you were thinking (changing your mind)
I got tired trying with you, so you put your mind back
They played with you and me (bad people)
You made me cry today, you made me swelled grieves
Sahara, land of sand, Sahara land of dates (fruit)
Be patient, be patient until the Lord relieves us

Can you hear me, do you listen to me?

Are you there, my loves, are you there?
Can you hear me, do you listen to me, do you feel me? (do you feel me)
Are you there, my loves, are you there?
Can you hear me, do you listen to me, do you feel me? (do you feel me)
Can you hear me, do you listen to me
do you listen to me, can you hear me, do you feel me?
I´m happy, happy, happy
happy, happy, happy that I have you (that I have you)
that I have you, have you, have you
that I have you (that I have you)
that I have you, have you, have you
that I have you (that I have you)
that I have you, have you, have you
that I have you (that I have you)
that I have you, have you, have you
Tiqui-tiqui-tin (tiqui-tiqui-tin)
taca-taca-tan (taca-taca-tan)
tiqui-tiqui-tin (tiqui-tiqui-tin)
taca-taca-tan (taca-taca-tan)
Thank you, thank you, I love you all, adios
adios, adios, adios
adios, adios, adios
how do I turn it off?

Here again, I'm in Jerusalem

Here again, I'm in Jerusalem,
Upon all the things, under two thousand stars in the skies
Among sparkling gold, eternal and great
When we find ourselves in Jerusalem, we can understand everything
Ravishing land, beautiful city of creation,
And within my heart pray is flowing,
Everything here is saint, simple, pure and warm,
Here it is Israel, and Jerusalem in its heart, that will shine forever
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Ribancnak nevezel, mintha az valami rosszat jelentene

Felvittél a kis kecódba
Gondolom, ezt nagy dobásnak szántad
Eddig csak a nedves álmaidban szerepeltem
Most itt az ideje, hogy valóra váljon
Nem keresem a szerelmet
Nem, ma nem
De te felhívtál, és volt képed azt mondani:
Találkozunk jövő kedden
Ribancnak hívsz, mintha az valami rosszat jelentene
Szörnyszülöttnek, mintha az bármit is jelentene
Nem jött össze, így hát duzzogsz
Asszem a folytatást mindketten tudjuk
Gyerünk, ki vele
Én szarok rá
Szeretem, amikor ribancnak hívsz, mintha az valami rosszat jelentene
Bárhova megyek, te mindenütt feltűnsz
Szedd össze magad, idiótán viselkedsz
Ne fizess nekem Jägereket
Innen már magam is elboldogulok
Meg kell tanulnod: ideje lelépni, ha a parti véget ért
Nem igazán érdekel, mit mondasz a barátaidnak
Mondd csak újra
Ribancnak hívsz, mintha az valami rosszat jelentene
Szörnyszülöttnek, mintha az bármit is jelentene
Nem jött össze, így hát dühös vagy
Asszem a folytatást mindketten tudjuk
Gyerünk, ki vele
Én szarok rá
Szeretem, amikor ribancnak hívsz
Szerintem azért utálsz, mert kívánsz
Csak az kell neked, ami nem lehet a tiéd
Én csak vagyok, aki akarok
De te ezzel nem tudsz mit kezdeni
Ribancnak hívsz, mintha az valami rosszat jelentene
Szörnyszülöttnek, mintha az bármit is jelentene
Nem jött össze, így hát fel vagy dúlva
Asszem a folytatást mindketten tudjuk
Gyerünk, ki vele
Én szarok rá
Szeretem, amikor ribancnak hívsz, mintha az valami rosszat jelentene


Imádsz olyan messze lenni
Nem olyan hosszú az út, a fájdalmadban végződik
Jó kitárt karú idegen
Csináld a zűrzavart, nem vagy épelméjű
Azt akarom hogy az utolsó menjen, hogy a parázs túlélje,
Hát maradj
Egy egész életet akarsz leélni minden egyes nap
Küzdöttél régebben, megígérem, hogy újra megteszem
Megmondtad, mielőtt, míg legyöngültem és megbetegedtem
Keresd a szentföldet
Imádsz keresztüllátni a vénáimon
A homályos tükörkép mindent elárul, a túlsúly megmarad
Mássz át a földre vagy a hegybe
lásd meg a végső menekvést
Egy árny leszáll, elmondhatatlanul megragadó
Egy egész életet akarsz leélni minden egyes nap
Régebben hívtál, soha többé nem fogsz
Régebben imádkoztál, kiért szólt az ima?
Menjenek el a bolondok, akik vezetnek - nem kell tudnom
Elfogadom a szellem támaszát, amit el kell viselnem
Próbálsz egy egész életet leélni minden egyes nap
Az ígéret e rövid ideje alatt, te egy emlék vagy...


Nélkülem, nélkülem
Nélkülem, nélkülem
Megtaláltalak, mikor össze volt törve a szíved
Feltöltöttem a poharad amíg túlcsordult
Olyan sokáig tartott, hogy közel tartsalak (közel tartsalak)
Féltem Téged magadra hagyni
Azt mondom, elkapnálak, ha zuhansz
És ha a többiek nevetnek, akkor szard le mindet
Aztán felállítottalak a térdedről
Visszatettem a talajra a lábaidat
Csak hogy hasznot tudj húzni belőlem
Mondd, milyen érzés ott fent ülni
Olyan magasnak érezni magad, de túl messzinek hogy átölelj
Tudod hogy én vagyok az, aki feljuttatott oda
Név az égen
Magányos lesz valaha?
Gondolva, hogy nélkülem is tudsz élni
Gondolva, hogy nélkülem is tudsz élni
Tudod hogy én vagyok az, aki feljuttatott oda
Nem tudom miért
Gondolva, hogy nélkülem is tudsz élni
Gondolva, hogy nélkülem is tudsz élni
Tudod hogy én vagyok az, aki feljuttatott oda
Nem tudom miért
A századik próbálkozásra is szerelmet adtam
Csak futottál a démonok elől a fejedben
Majd elvettem a tieidet és magamévá tettem
Nem vettem észre, mert a szerelmem vak volt
Azt mondom, elkapnálak, ha zuhansz
És ha a többiek nevetnek, akkor szard le mindet
Aztán felállítottalak a térdedről
Visszatettem a talajra a lábaidat
Csak hogy hasznot tudj húzni belőlem
Mondd, milyen érzés ott fent ülni
Olyan magasnak érezni magad, de túl messzinek hogy átölelj
Tudod hogy én vagyok az, aki feljuttatott oda
Név az égen
Magányos lesz valaha?
Gondolva, hogy nélkülem is tudsz élni
Gondolva, hogy nélkülem is tudsz élni
Tudod hogy én vagyok az, aki feljuttatott oda
Nem tudom miért
Gondolva, hogy nélkülem is tudsz élni
És nélkülem élni
Tudod hogy én vagyok az, aki feljuttatott oda
Nem tudom miért
Nem kell mondanod hogy mit tettél
Már tudom
Csak ki kellett derítenem tőlük
Szóval mondd, milyen érzés
Mondd, milyen érzés ott fent ülni
Olyan magasnak érezni magad, de túl messzinek hogy átölelj
Tudod hogy én vagyok az, aki feljuttatott oda
Név az égen
Magányos lesz valaha?
Gondolva, hogy nélkülem is tudsz élni
Gondolva, hogy nélkülem is tudsz élni
Tudod hogy én vagyok az, aki feljuttatott oda
Nem tudom miért (nem tudom miért)

Hello Life

Anchor love
Like every kiss on one's mouth
Are you still in love?
Is there still a 'us'?
Let us stop wondering
What holds or separates us
We are leaving dry land
We are going in search of our happiness on the horizon
So that the fire burns again
Hello life, come closer
We set sail and feel like newly born
Hello life, hello life, hello life
Hello life, I am not afraid of you
In search of land, we are like newly born
Hello life, hello life, hello life
We have loved and lived
As if we had vowed
We have never surrendered
We have never lost each other
Let us stop wondering
What holds or separates us
We are leaving dry land
The flood draws us to sea
The aim is unknown
Hello life, come closer
We set sail and feel like newly born
Hello life, hello life, hello life
Hello life, I am not afraid of you
In search of land, we are like newly born
Hello life, hello life, hello life
I look at my life
Is there still a 'us'?
Or have we definitely lost each other on the harbour?
Stars are shining up in the sky
We cling to them firmly
The flood draws us to sea
The aim is unknown
Hello life, come closer
We set sail and feel like newly born
Hello life, hello life, hello life
Hello life, I am not afraid of you
In search of land, we are like newly born
Hello life, hello life, hello life

© Pires Philippe

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.


My Dear One

(My Dear One)
My dear one.. my mind got preoccupied/distracted
My dear one.. I've got tired
My dear one
Why did your heart forget me
My time hardened for me
My dear one.. my mind got preoccupied
My dear one.. I've got tired
My dear one
My dear one.. My dear one
I would've never believed you would go away.. & (let me) suffer in my days.. My dear one
And you know, my love
That I can never tolerate your absence
You are the meaning of my life
My existence.. my love
My dear one.. my mind got preoccupied
My dear one.. I've got tired
My dear one
My dear one.. My dear one
You, the delight of my life
My soul.. my hopes
My dear one
Why did you forget the nights
Leave & not care..
Who is left for me other than you?!.. My life.. My dear one
My dear one.. my mind got preoccupied
My dear one.. I've got tired
My dear one
My dear one.. My dear one

You Who Occupied the Heart

You who occupied the heart (of me), come
Answer me, & have pity on me.
Before I loved you I was free of concern
And what happened to me, never occurred to 'the mind'
Look into my eyes, & let them tell you
About what's in me (how I am).. & the beat of my heart .. to complain to you
If they make me choose.. between you.. & my eyes.. I choose you
Forget all that you saw before & smile to the happy love
What's gone is gone, it was in the past & your love created (formed/made) me anew
Don't make my blamers (in your love) happy (with my misery)
You, the first love to ever occur to the mind
Before I love you I was free of concern
And what happened to me, never occurred to the mind
I hear what you say, I see .. from the words your love
I see what you do, I find.. treachery in your heart
I've got confused about you.. I wish the heart never loved you
I'll keep on hiding it & saying 'Please God give me patience!'
But between me.. & my heart.. I, I love you!


Versions: #3
It's your warmth
That got me addicted
To the great feeling
That no law applies to
Then the endless eloquence came
If I was away for a second
It was eternity for you
We were so close to each other
It was perfect love
Somewhere that 'but' was hanging
That we swallowed
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's look at the wavering grain
It bends beautifully from your gaze
And so do I
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's not fix the leaky bowl
Let's make love at the same time
As those butterflies
That fade away slowly
We were the perfect love, I guess
The other had the knob of power
The other one was left with the hinges
You limited everything
That I had in life
A ring doesn't bring love
In a raging hand
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's look at the wavering grain
It bends beautifully from your gaze
And so do I
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's not fix the leaky bowl
Let's make love at the same time
As those butterflies
Everything died from your gaze
As did I too
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's fall in the middle of a fur rug
Let's say goodbye to these times
Just like those butterflies do
Honey, now we're quiet
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Güneş Şehri

Götür beni güneş şehrine
Götür beni Götür beni
Kalbimi bıraktığım yere
Götür beni götür beni
Güneş şehrine götür sadece
Götür beni
Kalbimi bıraktığım yere
Götü beni götür beni
Götür beni
Yollara döneli iki gün oldu
Ve sana geliyorum
Beni çağırdığını duyuyorum, o halde bana gel bu gece
Ne yapmak istediğimiz hakkında düşünme zamanı değil
Sadece benimle ilgilen, kontrolü ele almana izin vereceğim
Geceleyin gel
Bu yüzden seninle birlikteyim.
Şehrin kalbini kırmasına izin verme
Benimleyken ağlamak zorunda değilsin
Götür beni güneş şehrine
Götür beni Götür beni
Kalbimi bıraktığım yere
Götür beni götür beni
Güneş şehrine götür sadece
Götür beni
Kalbimi bıraktığım yere
Götü beni götür beni
Götür beni
Dürüst olmayan biri aşık olamaz sana
Benden korkma
Bu gece nerede olmak istiyorsun?
Sorun yok bu arada
Eğer beklemem gerekiyorsa, sabırlı olacağım bebeğim
Bu gece geliyorum
Bu yüzden seninle birlikteyim.
Şehrin kalbini kırmasına izin verme
Benimleyken ağlamak zorunda değilsin
Götür beni güneş şehrine
Götür beni Götür beni
Kalbimi bıraktığım yere
Götür beni götür beni
Güneş şehrine götür sadece
Götür beni
Kalbimi bıraktığım yere
Götü beni götür beni
Götür beni
Yavaşça dans et benim için, haydi
Yavaşça dans et benim için, haydi
Yavaşça dans et benim için, haydi
Yavaşça dans et benim için, haydi
Götür beni güneş şehrine
Götür beni Götür beni
Kalbimi bıraktığım yere
Götür beni götür beni
Güneş şehrine götür sadece
Götür beni
Kalbimi bıraktığım yere
Götü beni götür beni
Götür beni
Sana sarılışımı gönderiyorum
Ve, umarım seni yakında görürüm

The sea of Piraeus

The sea of Piraeus
the sweetest of all,
from Tzelepis' coast¹ up to Karaiskakis²
at nights I used to walk as if I were a sailor.
Oh my Piraeus, my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf)
that your pride is your Olympiacos,
that your pride is your Olympiacos
my Piraeus, oh my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf).
I'm also a child of Piraeus at sea and in the land,
I was born and raised close to Terpsithea³
and I studied engineering here at Prometheus⁴.
Oh my Piraeus, my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf)
that your pride is your Olympiacos,
that your pride is your Olympiacos
my Piraeus, oh my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf).


I cannot, I cannot resist
Excuse my Spanish
Vamo’ pa mi casa
I probably have a bottle of chardonnay in the fridge
Cute in the car, one has to live
Come, shall we live?
I have some songs we can make out to
We uncork a bottle, babe
And light all the scented candels
Run a bath, touch each other a little
I see you naked, and my jaw drops slightly
Come and try something different, babe
Position, baby
Because I cannot wait any longer
I cannot resist
I cannot resist
Se no me miras yo me meuro
I cannot, I cannot resist
Excuse my Swedish
You make me long
You are like the forbidden
The fruit no one gets but want to touch
I am lying if I say
That I, that I didn’t die for you
But baby, I can promise
My mum warned me about you
Come and dance a little flicky, baby
I have a little sticky icky, baby
I want you in my halloumi salad
Want halal, I know they have it
Because I promise a foot from doso (???)
Baby, I am loco
I can’t wait any longer
I cannot resist
I cannot resist
Si no me miras yo muero
I cannot, I cannot resist
We should go out out and celebrate life
We should dance all night long
Wanted to lose perspective
As if it was the end of the world
It happened on Saturday, here on Sunday
They practice on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
We fuck on Thursday
I cannot wait any longer
I cannot resist (I cannot wait any longer)
I cannot resist
Si no me miras yo me meuro
I cannot, I cannot resist
I cannot resist
(I cannot, I cannot)
I cannot resist

Kept my tears in my throat

Maybe it's raining in April, or snowing in Prauge or are we dancing together, yeah?
Or are we dancing together, yeah
Maybe we find eachother, some things caught up
Some things ran away, yeah
Some things ran away, yeah
Ran away
I used gangsigns on the class photo like a big idiot
Grew up fast and remained in the same apartment and
Time caught up with you like a summer towards the end
Me and Katta tog the party from Café Opera to the emergency room
Grab a drink with me
Who can drink the most?
My Sony Ericsson was my wingman, send texts
It always ended with .com as a webbadress and everyone was like Micke Bindefeldt
They had a houseparty
But I was home the most
Tears in my throat
A little shaky voice
I kept my tears in my throat
In degrees below freezing, I try to move forward
Do you mean that it's over?
I'll do anything to get back what we used to have
Who said that boys don't cry?
Eyo, we used to roam around, just you and me
I remember how I was
An idiot in the capital, nights out
Trädgårn, Slaktis, Stureplan
I was way off (Tour de France)
Summer in the city
High as a hippie
Both in love with you and my weed
I was so dumb and you were totally cool with it
Not like the other girls I went to school with
Me and my boys
We were all weird
Behind eachother we were cold and nonchalant
The people who were like us were the ones we called friends
Did shit, never ratting eachother out
Hung out, the whole troop, everyone shared the weed
Before we went home, tog the bag and spit it
Wanted to get down to earth but I was more in the air
Tried to play tough but you saw through my bluff
Because you have to be cool, så I kept my
Tears in my throat
Because you have to be cool
I kept my tears in my throat
In degrees below freezing, I try to move forward
Do you mean that it's over?
I'll do anything to get back what we used to have
Who said that boys don't cry?
Answer texts to slowly
High constantly, halfdead in Zombieland
And even though you were a helping hand
It was clear that I wasn't even half of a man
So I'm sorry, that I was a motherfucking douchebag
It wasnt my intention to be unworthy
Havent found home, but im on good way
And when I do I hope that you stood there
I mean stand there and then I'll know what cool is and wont keep my
Tears in my throat
No! Because I promise, I promise
I kept my tears in my throat
In degrees below freezing, I try to move forward
Do you mean that it's over?
I'll do anything to get back what we used to have
Who said that boys don't cry?

Your Place is Empty

Versions: #2
That's true that I won't die in your absence
But I have forgotten my tranquility
You are my folk, my world and my family
If you leave, what will remain for me
Even if I imagine you're with me
Still your place is empty
How to get days back
Cause seperation kills
Whenever the night comes,
My tears fall down
Whenever I laugh without you
I just pretend to do so
So let it be concealed
I don't want to continue (complaining)
Cause I love you
I swear I love you
If you leave me
What'll remain for me
What could I complain to you about me
Without you, I don't feel that I am me
Now I'm leading a sad life
Without you, I have no other
Your awayness has broken my heart
I don't know what it's done to me
I can't feel comfort unless,
You're beside me
Come back cause I'm bored
I'm in dire need of you
It is unbearable,
My life without you
Just explain to me
How you live without me

A 16 year old nigga's day

Parents are failed, Friends are stoned
I can't get a way to get out of this place
Misery, crime, trash, disease
Niggas are stealing to feed their addictions
Get the fuck out, let me go
I'm an old thug, not afraid to shoot
I don't have plans, I'm a suburban vandal
Violence, thugness are my day to day
Hey, pal, don't enter my hood
The last one paid with his life, was stabbed because of a cigarette
The old lady, Maria Imaculada, a respected person
Was caught, sent, imprisoned
She had half a kilo of cocaine below her bed
Like that, they closed Father Góis's Church
Fucking degenerates, they baptized little boys using sperm
Uh, António from Aguiar Street, he's so changed
I saw him sitting in Park Eduardo Sétimo, last Saturday
Poor boy, he is so thin
(Selling his ass to buy heroine)
(Selling his ass to buy heroine)
(Selling his ass to buy heroine)
(Selling his ass to buy heroine)
It's a pretty cool job
Just like being a Prime Minister
You don't have a tie, you don't have a suit
But you need to govern your ass
God, I'm a citizen from Hell
In the left a black man wants to rob me
In the right a white man wants to exploit me


I´m in the middle of a triangle
without solution or even justification
I fell in love when I saw him for the first time
knowing that he´s impossible for me
Also in the middle of a triangle
he stays because just as I shudder
he compromised his heart and never thought
that belonging to another woman
he´ll put his eyes on me
that would make us
guilty for turning
our love
in a triangle, triangle
triangle of our love
I´m in the middle of a triangle
without solution or even justification
I fell in love when I saw him for the first time
knowing that he´s impossible for me
Also in the middle of a triangle
he stays because just as I shudder
he compromised his heart and never thought
that belonging to another woman
he´ll put his eyes on me
that would make us
guilty for turning
our love
in a triangle, triangle
triangle of our love
Triangle of our love
triangle, triangle
of our love

I want to reward so

I want to so reward
I want to appreciate with my hands
That she raised me, coddled me, beyond her power.
From now you be always happy
As long as I live you will not have any trouble
From now I will care for you.
I want to reward so
Or atleast try
To reward all, all the good things
What my mum did for me.

Girl Of The Sea

Girl of the sea, you were born out of the love of your father
A submarine wolf, together with your mom siren of the sun
Girl of the sea
sweet pieces of naivety
they know how to put away the salts of the sand
Girl of the sea
And if any day they ask where is dad?
You tell them loud and clear that he is always going to be by the sea
Girl of the sea
And when you sorry I'll braid your hair
Invisible that will make you go straight to the sea
(Always will be your place)
Oh oh oh oh no.
Oh oh oh oh no.
Oh oh oh oh no.
Girl of the sea
And while you are the most profound
to sail
you're going to build your own truth to support
Girl of the sea
The sea now is salty to cry
but with your sweetness, it was possible to mix
and become immortal
Girl of the sea
And like a lioness I'll take care of you
I know you'll be brave as I taught mom
and you're going to fight
Girl of the sea
And when you are sorry I'm going to embroider
with immense yellow thread
landscapes of the sea
When you see the ocean
when you think it can't feel like you're around
I know you're strong even if the darkness obscures your vision
look at those eyes and let the light guide you to wisdom and
calmness, to my stoned bitter part
a new remote process I never knew
to alleviate my craving, at least there is not fight in your calm home.
No offense or jealousy that kills,
no thinking now of my absent body but not of my soul
I was eager to escape of the abyss that binds me,
for you for my end,
away from everyone who drowns me in the water
I appreciate those looks at dawn,
This decision is already taken and is clear.
Oh oh oh oh no
Oh oh oh oh no
Oh oh oh oh no
Girl of the sea
And when you are feeling sad I will always go to
Love you more.

They Won't Be Able To Stop The Overflowing Flood of The People

Their guards, their judges and their solicitors
All are against the people
Their laws, their codes, all their judgments
All are against the people
Their magazines, their newspapers, all their publications
All are against the people
None of these will be able to save them
They won't be able to stop the overflowing flood of the people
Their panzers, their handcuffs, all their weapons
All are against the people
Their dungeons, their remand centers and their torture places
All are against the people
Their stock markets, their companies and their authority
All are against the people
None of these will be able to save them
They won't be able to stop the overflowing flood of the people

Quiet, Enough

Quiet, enough, I don’t hear anymore
As you decided to betray, leave and forget me
Bye, enough, my love you
are the criminal
Separation and quarrel became the normal
Quiet, enough, I don’t hear anymore
As you decided to betray, leave and forget me
Bye, enough, my love you are the criminal
Separation, quarrel became the normal


She gave me her hand
She told me I love you
And I was on cloud nine
And found my old self again
I don't know, maybe she loved me
But one night she said
With me she learned to open her wings
And that's how she flied away from me
Angela, Angela
I'll always have you in my heart
Angela, Angela
Even if you shattered my dreams
Oh, how wrong I was
I saw everything the way I wanted
I saw in you all I wanted to see
A spontaneous, simple romanticism
Angela, Angela
I'll always have you in my heart
Angela, Angela
Even if you shattered my dreams