Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 17



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Föld bölcső, láthatatlan láthatárok
Új világ a vágyakozásban, az elixírért
Mi vagyunk az eltűnt énekesek
Mi emlékszünk ,ahogy jött az élet
Föld bölcső, láthatatlan láthatárok
Valaki születése és a rengeteg mutatványos
Vagyunk ,voltunk és nem leszünk
Mi emlékszünk, ahogy jött a Makk
Egy másik születés ,egy másik moha zöld
Új világ a vágyakozásban, a láthatatlanságért
Egy üres állatkert, csillagfényes virrasztás
Teszünk egy látogatást, ahogy jött a szívdobbanás
Egy másik madár, egy másik szörny
Végtelen forma, egy új világrend
Erősebb állatkertje felé
Tartottuk a lélegzetünket, ahogy jött a szenvedés
Mi emlékszünk, Pikaia apára
Adta az utat, ahogy jött Sapien
A Föld bölcső, köszönti újjászületését
Örökkévalóság óta mint éppen az az első Makk
Most együtt ebben az időtlen parádéban
Az élet hazug, a halott fél
Mikor látták a holdat, és találtak gondoskodást
Mi emlékszünk, ahogy jött az írás
Hasonló világok voltak ott,halott állatkertek újra
Minden előtt, soha nem kellett volna megjelennünk
Föld űrhajó, az idők mezein keresztül
Ők megértették, ahogy jött a bölcsesség
Mi már itt voltunk egy ideig
Pi-nek a végén, ahogy jött az aratás
Emlékezni fogunk minden szenvedésre
Megírtuk egy nyelvben érteni fogod
Szavak és melódiák színes érintésével
Ott voltunk és emlékezni fogunk az emberiségre
A fajtánkra
Örökkévalóságokkal ezelőtt


He doesn't even reach my feet
I can't look any further
He will soon return to his original place
Chasing after me is your job, isn't it?
Always, always seek to the utmost
Hey, look, more, more
I hate people like you
Disgusting, stay away from me
Even if I refuse, I'm the only one who can see it
Let's crawl and talk about love
I can let you kiss this hand, it's ok too
Hug every word like a glass work
I'm not a good person, I'm not nice
A king? A god?
Worship, worship
Like idiots
Someone important? Me?
An unconscious king
I'm so into it that no one else can enter
I won't take this choker off
No matter what you do, what do I do with jealousy?
Turn all your consciousness towards me
I hate people like you
Egoistic and obstinate
An ambiguous favour that is not spread
Come closer and be greedy
Let's be honest
I'll be a king just for you

Little Farm

A wave runs along the Sosik.
A Cossack urges his pony on.
He is hurrying to a farm, to a famstead
To visit his darling wife, sons and daughters
He is hurrying to a farm, to a famstead
To visit his darling wife, sons and daughters
Just outside Izmail and Constantinople
Bullets were flying like lead hail.
Horses were straining, pikes were snapping.
They hacked, they fought with resounding whooping
Horses were straining, pikes were snapping.
They hacked, they fought with resounding whooping
They carried Suvorov standards
Across the snow-capped Alps.
From the walls of Moscow to Paris
The Cossack din is heard afar
From the walls of Moscow to Paris
The Cossack din is heard afar
A wave runs along the Sosik.
A Cossack unharnesses his pony
Hello darling wife, sons and daughters
I have not been to the farmstead for a long time.
Hello darling wife, sons and daughters
I have not been to the farmstead for a long time.
Hello darling wife, sons and daughters
I have not been to the farmstead for a long time.
Hello darling wife, sons and daughters
I have not been to the farmstead for a long time.

Word Processor

Versions: #1
Caught in a blackout membrane.
Liberation movement for the
sensitivity that'd severed all brain activity, path to recapture.
The consequent solitary armed uprising.
With regards to whether to live or die,
counting backwards from the end, it's a suburban memento mori.
An alley of shuttered down shops, iron bridge on the outskirts of the city,
the spirits of our ancestors always stand watch.
My secondhand car keeps making a hundred thousand kilometers
worth of round trips on a highway from each word to the next.
If I keep nursing my dreams unfulfilled at the beach,
then even those will finally be seen through to the end.
If you are to bury my bones, then let it be in my hometown.
But the final resting place of my words is right here.
Ten years later, a hundred years later,
I'm confident that they're seeds that will bud somehow or another.
I sing the songs we were told not to sing.
I scream the words we were told not to speak.
It must be a passion strong enough to burn
those tears of defeat we once shed.
I glared at tomorrow as if to say 'Like I'd let it end here,'
and desperately shot down my impulse of annoyance.
Without calling it hope, what is it to be called?
Reality and fantasy weigh equally
and become a lead downpour. From the hole it opened in that chest
I can see your faded thing called tomorrow.
The word processor that kept speaking in mathematical formulas.
Even the shortest little line ripped out and thrown away,
now that some years have passed
at last it bores into even rock-like despair.
I sing the songs we were told not to sing.
I scream the words we were told not to speak.
It must be a passion strong enough to burn
those tears of defeat we once shed.
I glared at tomorrow as if to say 'Like I'd let it end here,'
and desperately shot down my impulse of annoyance.
Without calling it hope, what is it to be called?
I sing the songs we were told not to sing. My head spins.

Heads or tails

Today it's raining
in the valley
and Roncocesi1 is far back by now
I come home
like the dogs
to savage
the kites
Heads or tails
time passes
short pants2, and then
in a moment
and a tear
worth half a dime
Where might you be,
my home,
how might you be,
my life
Oh, no no no
floating in the air
and you turn away
like flwers
oh, no no no
like feathers in the air
taken away, we are alone
Where might you be,
my home,
how might you be,
my life
Oh, no no no
floating in the air
and you turn away
like flwers
oh, no no no
like feathers in the air
taken away, we are alone
Na na
Naina, na na
Na na
Naina, na na
'If you make him cry'
Air, we are air
in the air
only air
'And don't make him cry'
heads or tails
I quietly come back
'cause what I'm looking form by now
it's already far.
  • 1. Zucchero's hometown
  • 2. traditionally, short pants are for kids, while a boy wearing trousers signifies he has reached adulthood

Let Us Proceed In Peace! In The Company Of Angels & Psalm 24 (23) Verses 7– 10 (Antiphon)

Let Us Proceed In Peace
In Christ’s Name So Be It
In The Company Of Angels And Children
We Shall Find The Faithful
Conqueror Of Death
Hosanna In The Highest
Lift Up Ye Heads O Ye Glorious Gates
And Be Ye Lifted Up Ye Everlasting Doors
And The King Of Glory Shall Come In
Who Is The King Of Glory?
The Strong And Mighty Lord
The Mighty Lord In Battle
In The Company Of Angels And Children
We Shall Find The Faithful
Conqueror Of Death
Hosanna In The Highest
Lift Up Ye Heads O Ye Glorious Gates
And Be Ye Lifted Up Ye Everlasting Doors
And The King Of Glory Shall Come In
Who Is The King Of Glory?
The Lord Is The King Of Hosts
He Has Proved True
Conqueror Of Death
Hosanna In The Highest


Most, hogy a füst eloszlott, látjuk,
Hogyan viseljük bűneinket saját bőrünkön
Végtelenné kezünk tette
Megpecsételtük a sorsunkat
Hogy lássuk
az igazát -
Túl késő

The internal action food processor

I bought a new food processsor. I already had one, but this one is better, because it's of internal action. You have to place it in the stomach. Bah! if you're a doctor and you have some skill you can place it yourself. The good thing about this processor is that you can stop cooking. Instead of preparing the foods, you eat straight up the ingredents. For example, you eat a pack of flour, then a butter bar, you eat half big spoon of baking powder, half glass of milk, a pack of cocoa powder and it feels like you're eating a chocolate cake.
At first you don't realize, but when the food reaches the stomach you understand it with full clarity.
Of course, you have to put on teeth in the stomach entrance, to be able to chew what is getting inside. That's a bit expensive, but it makes up for what you save in gas and electricity when you stop cooking. As soon as I can, I will do it. The doctor says that swallowing without chewing is not good. He's right, and the opposite is neither recomandable. But, placing a throat in the stomach would cost me an eye of the face, is it's not good for be, becuase I'm gonna need that eye there, close to the stomach, to see what I'm swallowing. That's why, instead of placing inside of me a synthetic throat, I'm going to transfer my stomach to my own throat. This also requires that, they sew my head over the shoulder blades, and that is a lot of stitches. About the aesthetic part, I'm not so worried. Some will say, 'that dude doesn't have a neck', or some will say, 'look, there goes a man with one single eye'.
But too bad for them. The ones who see me with an X ray device will realize that it isn't true: I keep all my organs, only that they're arranged in a more functional way.
With time, I'm thinking of making more improvements in my organism.
For examle, it's a shame that the brain is placed in a very exposed place like the head. I'm thinking of placing it near the stomach, for it to be more protected and also, it will control more efficiently my digestive process because it will be so near. These processes need a good supervision, at least during the first months after being modificated.
Besides, it's good that all the organs and the most important functions should be placed in the same zone. Yes, I will do it. It's like a strategic withdrawal of myself inside myself.
Some will say that I'm going to reduce myself, because some parts like the head, will remain as an ornament, being able to later become stunted and then to detach and fall like dry leaves, but all that is indifferent to me.
I'm not thinking of reducing myself: I'm thinking of compressing myself. I know that in my most intimate heart of hearts I'm irreductible, and any place is good for me to settle down. And if things work better that way, I'll laugh out loud about what people will think, even when that people won't har my laugh, because they will sound more precisely on the oesophagus sector and outskirts. But I don't wish to extend myself more in the description of my modifications program. It's long and besides is too wide and... I just wanted, for now, to recommend the purchase of the internal action food processor.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Επεξεργασμένοι Ρυθμοί

Τρέχω από την παλίρροια
Δεν θα σε αφήσω να κρυφτείς
Δεν θα σε αφήσω να κρυφτείς
Κάνω ρυθμούς από επεξεργασμένο κρέας
Από μια συζήτηση/ένας στοχασμός και
Κόβω κύματα σαν μια φασκομηλιά που δεν έχει γεννηθεί
Σαν τους τρομοκράτες τη μέρα που ξεκουράζουν τη φωνή τους
Τρέχω από την παλίρροια
Δεν θα σε αφήσω να κρυφτείς
Δεν θα σε αφήσω να κρυφτείς
Σπάω κόκκαλα, κλέβω κινητά τηλέφωνα
Και κάνω συμφωνίες γι' αυτά τα γεύματα για τους άστεγους
Κάνοντας αδρανείς απειλές χρησιμοποιώντας κινέζικα καψίματα
Καθώς φορτώνεις το κεφάλι μου με τους ευγνώμονες νεκρούς να τραγουδούν
Τρέχω από την παλίρροια
Δεν θα σε αφήσω να κρυφτείς
Δεν θα σε αφήσω να κρυφτείς
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The Trial

You have been accused and denied but in vain
For having wounded that captain
If he is wounded then he's alive
And if he's alive I wish he were here
But you have seduced and bewitched him
And then you had wounded him
I swear on my life - no
You were alone on that bed with him
There is a hellish preacher against me
He follows me everywhere, I know who he is
These are just hallucinations
It's only madness, only imagination
It's just that he looks like you
Look in her eyes, there's fire in her
Frollo, chorus:
There's the fire of a witch in her
She's a pagan, a gypsy, a stranger, she is
Away, confess
You are the accused one
I'm a victim and you know it
That I have nothing to confess