Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások
Találatok száma: 102301
Tiltott út
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A tiltott úton jártam én,
Tudnom kellett, hová vezet.
Mint a napba szálló madarak.
Futnom kellett,
Nem vagyok az egyetlen.
Miért nézel így rám?
Nem vagyok megoldandó probléma,
Az Igazság még mindig alakul.
Az élet az általunk meghozott döntések
Saját sorsunk urai vagyunk
A festő és a kín.
El kell vesztened az eszed,
Hogy visszatérj a fénybe,
A tiltott úton jártam én,
Tudnom kellett, hová vezet.
Mint a napba szálló madarak.
Futnom kellett,
Nem vagyok az egyetlen.
Talán sosem vagyok elégedett,
Sok rossz döntést hoztam,
Csináltam pár ismétlést.
És még mindig igyekszem rendbe tenni
Élő ellentmondás vagyok.
A gyógymód, s a szenvedés
El kell vesztened az eszed,
Hogy visszatérj a fénybe,
A tiltott úton jártam én,
Tudnom kellett, hová vezet.
Mint a napba szálló madarak.
Futnom kellett,
Nem vagyok az egyetlen.
Szóval most szeretsz már?
Vagy én hagytalak cserben?
Mondtad, minden titkomat akarod,
Így megmutattam minden démonom.
Szeretsz most már?
A tiltott úton jártam én,
Tudnom kellett, hová vezet.
Mint a napba szálló madarak.
Futnom kellett,
Nem vagyok az egyetlen.
Hírességek csarnoka
Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
A csillagok közé írom most a nevemet
A galériában mindenhol ott leszek
A Nap körülöttem kering
Oh, Galileo újra felfedez, yeah, én vagyok a reflektorban
Sírj, szárnyalj nappal és éjjel, bárhová is megyek, vendégszeretet kapok
Ez nem lehetetlen, a büszke lábnyomaim keretezve vannak, ezután
A vágyott helyekre megyek
Ha 10 szám lenne sem tudnám ezt elmagyarázni, mert túl elfogalt vagyok
Ez óriási történelem
Filctollal írják, ey
Oszd meg az egész Világgal
Ez a főműsoridő nem foglalkozik az időeltolódással
Az ötlet, ami eszembe jutott olyan, mint
Thomas Edison villanykörtéje
Mire a tempóm végére érek addigra mi, a futók már vezetni fogunk
Pump Pump, írd ki ezt az önéletrajzot
Taposni, taposni fogom a lábnyomaimat, mint Armstrong
(Erős vagyok)
A karrierem a csúcsát járja (Whoo)
Sokkoló a látvány, legendás
Halld, ahogy az emberek a nevemen szólítanak
Itt, a Hírességek Csarnokában
Leplezd le a moraljást
Kövesd nyomon a mozgást
Írd ki ezt az önéletrajzot
Ingasd meg a szakmát
Reszket a valóság
Tedd ikonikussá
Most halomba rendezem (Most)
A naplóim, amelyek felhalmozódtak és be lettek csomagolva (Most)
A rekordok már most történelmet írnak
Vesd meg a lábad a reflektorban
Most állj a lábadra, fel a fejjel
Gyerünk, nah, nah
Hívj Shakespeare-nek
Tele írom a lapjaimat
Élvezd a harcot a kritikusokkal szemben
A játékot Faker megfordítja
A minták olyanok, amiket még Einstein sem tud számszerűsíteni
A következő szint magasabban van, a jelenlegi szint erejéhez képest
Halhatalan vagyok, mint Hawking
A fekete lyukban sétálok
Az írásaim és firkáim
Állandósult jelzések
Leírtam a sorsom minden részletét (a sorsom)
Egyébként tényleg ez az utam (utam)
Én vagyok az, aki még a túlvilágot is felrázza
Én vagyok a Grand Slam
Pump Pump, írd ki ezt az önéletrajzot
Taposni, taposni fogom a lábnyomaimat, mint Armstrong
(Erős vagyok)
A karrierem a csúcsát járja (Whoo)
Sokkoló a látvány, legendás
'Kis lépés egy embernek,
de hatalmas ugrás az emberiségnek.'
Többet akarok
A Hírességek Csarnokában
Számos rekordokat kell még megdöntenem
Halld, ahogy az emberek a nevemen szólítanak
Itt, a Hírességek Csarnokában
Leplezd le a moraljást
Kövesd nyomon a mozgást
Írd ki ezt az önéletrajzot
Mert tudod, hogy
Megingatom a szakmát
Reszket a valóság miattam
Ikonikussá teszem
Taposd, taposd ki a csúcsig
Megingatom a szakmát
Reszket a valóság miattam
Sokkoló a látvány, legendás
Cha Cha
Click to see the original lyrics (Korean)
ChaCha ChChChaCha
ChaCha ChChChaCha
ChaCha ChChChaCha
Utállak, kedvellek, kérlek, mondj valamit
Megvan benned? Nincs? Van bátorságod idejönni hozzám?
Biztos vagy benne, hogy nem fogod megbánni?
Nem fogok örökké várni
Előre szólok, türelmetlen típus vagyok
Érzed, érzem, érezzük, mi közelít felénk
Hisz már tudod, akkor miért csinálod ezt?
Tudom, mit érzel
Így akarlak téged
Csak tovább akarsz nézni, igaz?
Érezni akarlak, szeretni akarlak
Nem félek kimondani
Még ha folyton meg is kérdezed, elmondom
Minden egyes nap rád gondolok
Érezni akarlak, szeretni akarlak
Szereted, mikor ezt mondom
Jól tudom, hogyan érzel
Ezért egy kicsit többet mutatok magamból
Cha Cha, már nem tudom visszafogni vagy elrejteni
Sosem voltam jó ebben
Egyértelműen kimutatom, mit érzek
Hogy mit szeretek benned
(Utállak, kedvellek)
Tetszik, tetszik
(Megvan benned? Nincs?)
Mondd, szeretnél még egy kicsit játszani?
Mindig észreveszem
A nyugodt hangod mögött a remegést
Nem bírom örökké elviselni, hogy kisbabaként viselkedsz
Mikor visszafordulok, hűvösen teszem
Érzed, érzem, érezzük, mi közelít felénk
Hisz már tudod, akkor miért csinálod ezt?
Tudom, mit érzel
Tudom, hogy sok mindentől félsz
Azt mondod, nem tudod
Akkor most tudod vagy sem?
De ne aggódj
Mert mindenkinél jobbak leszünk
Úgyhogy mondd el
Ne veszítsd el ezt a ritka érzést
Érezni akarlak, szeretni akarlak
Nem félek kimondani
Még ha folyton meg is kérdezed, elmondom
Minden egyes nap rád gondolok
Érezni akarlak, szeretni akarlak
Szereted, mikor ezt mondom
Jól tudom, hogyan érzel
Ezért egy kicsit többet mutatok magamból
Utállak, kedvellek, kérlek, mondj valamit
Megvan benned? Nincs? Van bátorságod idejönni hozzám?
Biztos vagy benne, hogy nem fogod megbánni?
오 아무 말 없이 너 (COOL)
바라본 곳은 슬픔에 찬 나의 눈
이제 말 하겠지
우리는 밤을 새겠지
말하지마 (COOL)
돌아보며 너 나직한 한마디
이렇게 밤이 지나면
더 이상 너는 없겠지
매번 우리 헤어지잔 나의 말에
잡아준 건 항상 너였는데
이렇게 가면 난 어떻게 해야 해
때론 너 늦어도
늘 돌아왔는걸
어떤 말을 해~ (해도)
무슨 말을 해~ (해도)
오늘 가면 넌 떠나갈 테니까
내게 말해줘~
뭐가 싫어?
나 알고 싶은 한가지
너를 잡을 한마디
나 아무 말 없이 널 (COOL)
보내는 것은 괜찮아서가 아냐
곧 돌아오겠지
그렇게 믿고 싶었지
날 떠나지마 (제발)
날 버리지마 (WOO)
눈만 봐도 알았잖아 우리
아직 널 기다린 다니까
아직 난 못한 말이 많다니까
많이 아파 그렇게 너 가니까
더 가지마 나 가니까 (ok)
너 거기서 기다려
멈춰 날 보고서 돌아서
한번만 안아줄래
무슨 말을 해야 너 돌아볼래
떠나는 맘 보이니까
눈물이 고이니까
가지 말란 말 그 한마디가
잘 가란 말 대신이었어
그 한마디가
어떤 말을 해~ (해야)
무슨 말을 해~ (해야)
떠나가는 널 잡을 수 있는지
그런 말 하지마~
너무 싫어
내겐 너무 아픈 한마디
잘 지내란 한마디
말 한마디로 끝날
그런 사이였다면
이별 조차 내겐 거짓말이야
아픈 추억이 될까
나 두렵단 말이야 가지마
어떤 말을 해~ (해도)
무슨 말을 해~ (해도)
오늘 가면 넌 떠나갈 테니까
내게 말해줘~
뭐가 싫어?
나 알고 싶은 한가지
너를 잡을 한마디
다시 너 돌아와
왜 감추는 거야
널 뜨겁게 만드는 내 입술
니 맘 떨리게 한 내 Touch
나를 보는 니 눈
내게 닿는 니 숨
나를 갖고 싶잖니
나를 원하잖아 I see
니가 꿈꾸는 Fantasy
데려다 줄게
오늘 밤이 지나도
저 불을 꺼줄래
아무도 우릴 못 보게
Little Little Little
I will settle settle settle
날 갖는 것도 오늘뿐이야
니 마음대로 해
Just a Little Little Little
I will settle settle settle
넌 내 하룻밤의 꿈
막 가슴 뛰게 해
I wanna make you fly
Cause I wanna make you fly
왜 또 참는 거야
내 몸 위에 맴도는 네 손 끝
날 꼭 끌어안는 한숨
품에 들어올 듯
입술이 닿을 듯
네게 안겨 있잖니
나를 이끌어봐 I see
니가 바라던 Ideal type
바로 나인데
어느 곳을 찾아도
저 빛을 내릴래
너만이 날 볼 수 있게
Little Little Little
I will settle settle settle
날 갖는 것도 오늘뿐이야
니 마음대로 해
Just a Little Little Little
I will settle settle settle
넌 내 하룻밤의 꿈
막 가슴 뛰게 해
I wanna make you fly
다른 소린 듣지 마
그 누가 뭐라 하든지
너의 눈 앞에 나 하나만 봐
남에게 보이지 못한 흠까지
날 몰라봤었던 날까지
다 사랑할 테니 Fly away
Little Little Little
I will settle settle settle
날 갖는 것도 오늘뿐이야
니 마음대로 해
Just a Little Little Little
I will settle settle settle
넌 내 하룻밤의 꿈
막 가슴 뛰게 해
I wanna make you fly
Little Little Little
I will settle settle settle
날 갖는 것도 오늘뿐이야
니 마음대로 해
Just a Little Little Little
I will settle settle settle
넌 내 하룻밤의 꿈
막 가슴 뛰게 해
I wanna make you fly
Little Little Little
I will settle settle settle
날 갖는 것도 오늘뿐이야
니 마음대로 해
Just a Little Little Little
I will settle settle settle
넌 내 하룻밤의 꿈
막 가슴 뛰게 해
I wanna make you fly
Oh no, look who guessed your password right, huh
Oh no, and the girl you said who ain't your type
Is sendin' messages, messages, they never end
That's a whole lotta messages for just a friend
Oh no, had a feelin' I knew what I'd find
You met with Veronica late last night
You had a bit of Elena on the side
Was chattin' up Anita late last week
And now you're doin' Nina, how'd you even meet her?
Hittin' on Bianca, are you dumb?
Got with Alexandra and her mum
You're tellin' every girl they drive you mad
yet you're callin' me the psychopath
I'm the psychopath
I'm the psychopath
Oh, I'm the psycho
I'm the psychopath
Oh, I'm the psycho
Oh no, you got to be kiddin'
You say how much you respect women
I'm buying your meals, I'm paying your bills
While you're out here switchin' positions (Ah)
Hold up, wait, babe, I ain't finished (Hold up, wait, yeah)
All up in my face, girl, you trippin' (Why you trippin' for?)
It's not what it looks like, they're bruises not love bites (Haha)
Good luck with the hole that you're diggin
I don't fuck with Emily, on my life
Had to cut off Beverly, at least I tried (I swear I tried)
All these other girls that I can't see (Huh)
I just want a lil' Anne-Marie (Haha, ha)
Oh no, call me crazy all you like (Ugh)
Oh no, turns out I was fucking right
You met with Veronica late last night
You had a bit of Elena on the side
Was chattin' up Anita last week
And now you're doin' Nina. How'd you even meet her?
Hittin' on Bianca. Are you dumb? (What?)
Got with Alexandra and her mum (Nah)
You're tellin' every girl they drive you mad (Ugh)
Yet you're callin' me the psychopath
I'm the psychopath
I'm the psychopath (Haha)
Oh, I'm the psycho
I'm the psychopath
Oh, I'm the psycho
Oh, I'm the psycho
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Hey, ez egy gyönyörű nap arra,
hogy egy seggfej legyek,
hogy egy seggfej legyek.
Van valami mondanivalóm:
Takarodj az utamból!
Nem tudom kihúzom-e holnapig
anélkül, hogy elveszítsem az eszem.
Mindenkit meg akarok ölni,
nem sajnálom,
nem sajnálom.
Jobb vagyok mindenkinél,
nem sajnálom,
nem sajnálom.
Hey, kurvára őrült vagyok,
gyógyszerezve kellene lennem,
de az orvosom szabin van.
Mosollyal az arcomon
ásom meg a sírodat,
és bár a felszínen normálisnak tűnök,
de amikor bepillantasz a színfalak mögé..
Mindenkit meg akarok ölni,
nem sajnálom,
nem sajnálom.
Jobb vagyok mindenkinél,
nem sajnálom,
nem sajnálom.
Hey, ez egy gyönyörű nap arra,
hogy egy seggfej legyek,
és kurvára le se szarom.
Hey, ez egy gyönyörű nap arra,
hogy egy seggfej legyek,
hogy egy seggfej legyek,
és kurvára le se szarom.
Mindenkit meg akarok ölni,
nem sajnálom,
nem sajnálom.
be with you.
On this road showered with cherry blossoms
I'm walking alongside you
The wind is still chilly
But for some reason, I'm h-a-p-p-y
With each and every step taken
What we call today, turns into tomorrow
Time spent with you
Is something I take for granted
Do you still remember the promise
That we made to one another at some point?
And that I can go ahead and believe
That it will surely be fulfilled someday...
Which is why I'm here
Right now, together with you
Stopping and standing still
You are looking up at the sky
As you're wrapped in the wind
With an expression of calm...
One second's actually
A very long time
Or so I feel, probably
Because you're near me
Do you still remember the promise
That we made to one another at some point?
Right now, even
Promises that haven't been fulfilled yet
Are precious, and so
I am here together with you
In these times, one can't have
Hopes that materialize just as intended
In each instance, one grows more anxious
But since you're here with me...
Do you still remember the promise
That we made to one another at some point?
When we can surely keep it someday
We'll be able to achieve
An even deeper bond, and that's why
The two of us are here
When they repeat that sun is red,
That sea is blue, that the spring
Is always green – it’s clear to me,
That sounds the vulgar string.
It’s clear to me that one who called the sun
Other than red is foolish:
Who rhythm will pound: “in the end,”
Having taken pistil of stencil columns.
It’s clear to me, that these paints
Are banal, like a stereotype,
And it’s clear to me which coloring
Consuming their “type”…
And it’s clear to me that sun is blue,
That sea is red, that the spring –
Is almost brown!.. – thus now
Near window I am convinced…
And here I hear demonic voice:
“I’ll tell you who is the watchman,
That this false moment of impressions
And a mirage of Dalton.”
In this world, I've grown isolated, alone
I became a plant in the heart of the desert
Like Majnun, a madman fleeing mankind
I rushed after Leila
How hollow my laughter,
how vain my tears,
Why in failure am I disgraced?
Why infatuated in love I am embraced?
I know that sweet-mannered belle,
I know that quick familiar soul.
The love between us was God's decree,
From this, I've come to know divinity.
How ineffectively I laugh,
How fruitlessly I cry
Why in failure am I disgraced?
Why infatuated in love I am embraced?
Blessed be the day
When this world comes to end,
When resurrection with its judgment descends.
At the hem of divine justice, I’ll plead,
Asking when a lover’s heart shall be freed.
How ineffectively I laugh,
How fruitlessly I cry
Why in failure am I disgraced?
Why infatuated in love I am embraced?
Weep no more, my weary, wounded heart lover
Weep no more, my broken-wing bird ,
For I share your pain, in this way
My witness is my quiet lament
Depart, O grief, my love has come at last,
My fortune moon has lighted tonight,
God has answered prayers and that unkind one
Has heard my heart-burning melody
Now joy fills my heart
In this world, I am free
She who once withdrew her skirt from my hand,
Now rests beside me, in my loving snare.
Reply to Gerbera
Wrapped in a fleeting dream
I saw a brilliant light
At the very least, I hope no one forgets
This flame that I prayed for, the scenery of those days
What do you
Think of now?
Even if I curse fate
It’s useless
At the end of suffering
Beautiful memories lie
Hoping you’ll never be forgotten
Or wither away
I grieve for you…
Your dreams are illusions
My fantasies are nothing but a fabrication
At the very least, I hope that you won’t forget
So that my tears won’t be lonely
I keep chasing
A phantom
To the sleeping flower, wandering aimlessly,
Everyone will forget you
So I will call out the name of the flower that once bloomed in this world
Until the day my life ends
I will never forget you
I will never forget your name
Gas station
Refueling, tyres, oil and water
Will you please do it for me?
Refueling, tyres, oil and water
Today all has to be perfectly prepared
She is waiting for me all over in the South
I am going to drive all night
crossing the whole country
Refueling, tyres, oil and water
Will you please do it for me?
Refueling, tyres, oil and water
Today all has to be perfectly prepared
If ever I would have been late for
A woman somewhere
I am afraid of arriving too late
My chance is under the hood (of my car)
Above all, please check carefully
The needles of all levels
Here you are: 100 francs, keep the rest
She thought I had forgotten her
Another man is going to marry her
And I hurry to prevent him
Refueling, tyres, oil and water
I restart right away
Make really quickly
Refueling, tyres, oil and water
I restart right away
Make really quickly
Refueling, tyres, oil and wate
Gypsy love
Yesterday I saw you walking with her arm to arm
and I followed you without being noticed
Yesterday I could check that you were lying
after you swore that you didn't love her.
Take this dagger, open my veins,
I want to bleed until I die.
I don't want to live if I must see you of another,
because it's useless without your love.
Why, tell me why you cheated on me
if I always gave you whatever you wanted.
Why you make fun of me, my dear.
Why after loving you you pay me badly
Take this dagger, open my veins,
I want to bleed until I die.
I don't want to live if I must see you of another,
because it's useless without your love.
It's useless!
I wish to say no
I wish to say no, continuously
and I'm saying yes, time after time,
I wish to destroy myself suddenly,
I wish to come back to life in every dawn.
I'm left with the taste of your sad kisses,
my face hurts with the bitter thorn,
and I carry through the river of my bones
that thing that begins and doesn't end.
I see you when I close my eyes,
I call you without calling with lead voice,
I love you when I still hate you,
I take you like a yell in my insides,
and I don't know why, nor when nor how,
hating you, I say my dear, my dear, my dear.
Even if you don't mind
Your vanity always indifferent
to the naked rose of my years.
Your bad faith always trying to hurt
my good condescending love.
I have a brave and wild heart
that bears your cheating at ease,
and its bravery is enough big
to bear eternally your tricks.
But it could happen that one day
ends this bitter constant refrain,
of crying and silencing so much cynicism, so much cynicism.
That another mouth comes upon mine
and I get lost in a forest of joy,
Even if you, dear, don't mind, don't mind.
My friends betrayed me
My brothers, my family
Now awaits me, my sorrow,
a long prison sentence
I won't my serve my sentence, I'm not guilty at all
Fuck this life if you're not alive
I haven't stolen anything, sold a kilo or two
So I'm going to Zenica forever
I won't my serve my sentence, I'm not guilty at all
Fuck this life if you're not alive
I haven't stolen anything, sold a kilo or two
So I'm going to Zenica forever
My brothers sold me out
I fed all of them
They grew with me, they drank with me
I defended all of them
I won't my serve my sentence, I'm not guilty at all
Fuck this life if you're not alive
I haven't stolen anything, sold a kilo or two
So I'm going to Zenica forever
I won't my serve my sentence, I'm not guilty at all
Fuck this life if you're not alive
I haven't stolen anything, sold a kilo or two
So I'm going to Zenica forever
I will leave Zenica
If God lets me
But where will their evil soul go
May they die, if God wills it
I won't my serve my sentence, I'm not guilty at all
Fuck this life if you're not alive
I haven't stolen anything, sold a kilo or two
So I'm going to Zenica forever
I won't my serve my sentence, I'm not guilty at all
Fuck this life if you're not alive
I haven't stolen anything, sold a kilo or two
So I'm going to Zenica forever
It's Late Now
The day passes, disappears, and takes with it seconds so precious
That fill up, come together, and then are called life.
Perhaps there's always a lot of work to do friends, important and valuable
But sometimes we forget that they await us at home, when we return.
It's late now, I'll head home, so my darling doesn't weep in private
Her eyes wet, a bit upset, she's waiting for me to say 'open the door'
It's late, I know, I'm heading home, so my darling doesn't stay up
I'll arrive, embrace her, forget everything, stay by her side forever.
You know well that wherever I'll go, wherever I'll be, I'll always have to come to you
You're in my head with a tender longing every minute, every hour
So cry not understand, don't forget that I love only you
I wouldn't trade your smile for the world even for a second.
It's late now, I'll head home, so my darling doesn't weep in private
Her eyes wet, a bit upset, she's waiting for me to say 'open the door'
It's late, I know, I'm heading home, so my darling doesn't stay up
I'll arrive, embrace her, forget everything, stay by her side forever.
If I could make a choice
If I could make a choice, a choice
Make a choice
If I could make a choice, a choice
Make a choice
I would take Jacques Brel for weiting my chanson
Francis Blanche for making you laugh
Jean-Paul Sartre for reflection
If I could make a choice, a choice
Make a choice
If I could make a choice, a choice
Make a choice
I would take Fred Astaire for dancing
Marilyn for being a beauty
Jesus for praying
Are you still there?
Dance, dance with the time
If I could make a choice, a choice
Make a choice
If I could make a choice, a choice
Make a choice
I would take François Cevert for driving
Marcel Cerdan for boxing
And Duke Ellington for swinging
If I could make a choice, a choice
Make a choice
If I could make a choice, a choice
Make a choice
I would take Charlie Chaplin for crying
John Kennedy for dying
And I would take you and go away with you
But I am here
I do not have a choice! There i s no option!
What’s It to Anyone
I went to the fair and sold my cow
For five pounds in coins and a guinea of gold
If I drink the money and spend the gold
Oh, what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
If I drink the money and spend the gold
Oh, what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
If I go to the leafy woods to pick berries or nuts
To pluck apples from the branches or herd cows
If I stretch out for a while under a tree for pleasure
Oh, what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
If I stretch out for a while under a tree for pleasure
Oh, what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
If I go out visiting, dancing, or having fun
To fairs or races, or gatherings of that kind
If I see people being sociable and enjoy the craic with them
Oh, what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
If I see people being sociable and enjoy the craic with them
Oh, what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
People say I am without luck or prospects
Without goods, possessions, livestock, or wealth
But if I am content with living in a hovel
Oh, what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
But if I am content with living in a hovel
Oh, what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
I know a girl who is kind, fair, and good,
Her neck like a swan and her cheek like a rose
If she and I often enjoy each others’ company
Oh, what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
If she and I often enjoy each others’ company
Oh, what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
Oh Connacht folk, Connacht folk, stop your fighting
Oh Munster folk, Munster folk, stop your drinking
Oh Leinster folk, Leinster folk, go seek your gold
But what’s it to anyone it doesn’t concern?
Song of the Mountain Man
Young lady, listen well—don’t fall for a mountain man.
Caught in a storm, you’ll be left a young widow.
Caught in a storm, you’ll be left a young widow.
Young lady, listen well—what the mountain man loves most
Are news from the mountains and meals cooked in mess tins.
Are news from the mountains and meals cooked in mess tins.
Mountain man, listen well—don’t fall for a young lady.
A woman’s heart changes like the mountain weather.
A woman’s heart changes like the mountain weather.
The spirit shared among mountain men
Is forged in the mountains as they learn together.
Is forged in the mountains as they learn together.
Through all four seasons, the hearts of those who trek the mountains
Long for the peaks and the camaraderie of close friends.
Long for the peaks and the camaraderie of close friends.
Young lady, listen well—if you do fall for a mountain man,
Don’t let your sons take to the mountains.
Don’t let your sons take to the mountains.
Young lady, listen well—the heart of a mountain man
Is his rugged spirit, forged in the mountains.
Is his rugged spirit, forged in the mountains.
Tonight i’m getting drunk on raki, and you
Do it, you’re not normal
Do-do it, you’re not normal
Do the valle with a handkerchief, your eyes
Do it, you’re not normal
Do-do it, you’re not normal
Oh come on stop, bc my mind went
Tonight you’re mine
There aren’t details my heart doesn’t want
They know who you are, i’m not naming names
Tonight i wanna take you, take you
Don’t say any words
There’s not an end to this night
if i’m with you
Slowly, slowly I come to you
Oh, how i love those black eyes
to tell you i don't know
Inside i feel it, i still feel it
Oh come on stop, bc my mind went
Tonight you’re mine
There aren’t details my heart doesn’t want
They know who you are, i’m not naming names
I just said “I’m yours”
Two tears fell
Your still my weak spot
Tell me how much you love me
I just said “I’m yours”
Two tears fell
Your still my weak spot
Tell me how much you love me
The Legionnaire's Honour
Battle-hardened fighters returned from the uprising
They buried their banner, there, on the edge of the village
“Poland will be back” my father whispered to me
They took him in the morning, sent him to katorga¹
Just before death itself, my ensign returned
He spoke of freedom, but didn't live to see it
Pain pierced their thoughts, pain of loss of family
Many laughed and sneered at them
The times of childhood passed in cold and hunger
We dreamed of Poland during the years of the partitions
High was the price of defiance
(It was) Loneliness in the decadent masses
The prisoners of conscience pushed against the majority
The spirit of independence flew from the prison cells
Among indifference, betrayal, and hate
We marches – the first legionnaires
You call for me, Poland, yet I can not hear
Over the grave, the wind sways a dry leaf
Your words flow, setting hearts on fire
You have one less marksman in your troop
There, where is my wife and our two children
The last thought flows, flows to her
To my daughter and my son
The final letter has arrived, it is a sad time
Under his uniform, the soldier carried his father's words
“Never stop, Poland will be once more”
The retrieved banner, though torn in battle
Led the lost to the torturer's earthworks
In a series of battles his glory rose
The commander's order didn't let him sleep
The legionnaire's honour is victory in battle
So they went to win, capturing the earthworks
The invaders looked on with a cynical smile
Looked at flaming spirits, the power of youth
It fed the flame, the light of many sacrifices
He who loved this land, put his fate on the line
Alone against all, a spark in the dark
We kept to out will, the testament of our ancestors
That was fulfilled in November²
When the dream became reality, in this desired day
Desert Bird
You are near the border line
Captive, in the magic of the desert
You're a pillar of fire in front of the camp - in the begining
You divert to the water line so the fire won't burn
You're the flame and the blade
Like a bird you are free
Want to touch the sky
Like a bird you are free
You divert to the water line
Desert bird
You are near the finish line
Thirsty, in the rear side of the desert
You are a dry stream in scorched river beds - in the desert you
Divert to the water line so the fire won't burn
You're the love and the blade
Like a bird you are free...
Song of four seasons
A person who loves spring has a pure heart.
It’s a friend of mine like a violet flower.
A person who loves summer has a strong heart.
It’s my father like ocean waves breaking the rocks.
A person who loves autumn has a loving heart.
It’s my darling like the poet Heine telling a love story.
A person who loves winter has a generous heart.
It’s my mother like the earth melting snow.
On a Boat in Oslo
I don't give a shit about my lyrics
They're somewhat helpless creations
That's why the way I treat others
That, what I do, causes mass horror
I don't give a shit about my lyrics
I'm looking for God, and He is very close
How much I poisoned your lives
Bad text messages are my environment
So what, we'll write a book about me
I'm surrounded by yes-men
I feel like the only infallible one
That's my life to a hundred
It wasn't easy on a boat in Oslo
Finally, I can do shit to you
People will learn what a
Small human!
Small human I am!
I don't give a shit about my lyrics
I wrote, I'll bore you until the end
I pray that it won't be worse
I have no mercy for other beings
I don't give a shit about my lyrics
Will I stop myself before it's too late
What the factories made for hangovers
I don't sing about that, because it doesn't pay off
I'm sorry, but most of my lyrics
Are primitive, unintelligible shit
Father poet, son poem writer
Who did they speak of? Let me guess, what about you!
I want to team up with a friend
Kick out another friend out of the band
Why would a man wander the earth
Kult-tourists¹ will be amazed!
To become better is out of my reach
I live hoping that I'll end this farce
Let this truly be the last album
It can't be worse, he who asks is never lost
The underground band plays its game
How nice it must be to not interact with me
Homes in America, homes for rent
And who's poor and takes², is poor or a jerk
My band's new name
Will summon a lot of psychofans
Wish you the best on your new path
There's no such shit like a last album
It wasn't easy on a boat in Oslo
Of what, how does freedom taste now?
You now breathe deep breaths
And I feel how I feel!
I don't give a shit about my lyrics
Idependently from public money
Everyone stopped cooperating with me
My surroundings don't want anything to do with me
I don't give a shit about my lyrics
Who keeps ratting out their friends?
Will I get better? Save myself?
We swim in place, can't see the coasts!
I'm sorry but most of my texts
Are primitive, unintelligible shit
Father poet, son poem writer
A beautiful diploma, nothing to speak of
I will repent for what I've done
To all the boys from the band
I'm helpless against violence
I have no strength or power anymore!
Power, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I don't have power
I will take you to this exact place
I will take you to this exact place
Where the sweet taste of tomorrow [is]
I will take you to this exact place
Where the Sun rises for us
I will take you to this exact place
Where the time flies slower
I will take you to this exact place
Where there’s no danger for happiness
I have enough of the empty days already
And the holidays that did not come
There’s something between us
Don’t deny
I can give you so much
The salt of life is love
You’re afraid of grand words
It’s no reason to be ashamed
I will take you to this exact place
Where the sweet taste of tomorrow [is]
I will take you to this exact place
Where the Sun rises for us
I will take you to this exact place
Where the time flies slower
I will take you to this exact place
Where there’s no danger for happiness
I’m waiting for a single gesture
Faith is my strength
I am sure you still
Need me
A day after day passes
Again it became less of us for each other
Life is too short
So make up your mind
I have enough of the empty days already
And the holidays that did not come
There’s something between us
Don’t deny
I can give you so much
The salt of life is love
You’re afraid of grand words
It’s no reason to be ashamed
I will take you to this exact place
Where the sweet taste of tomorrow [is]
I will take you to this exact place
Where the Sun rises for us
I will take you to this exact place
Where the time flies slower
I will take you to this exact place
Where there’s no danger for happiness
Tiramisu Cake
A boy, a girl, a blank sheet
There was a girl like that
Ooh you know
She came to me silently
She came in like a rumor, yeah
Night of my friend's birthday
I got to know you and
Fell in love
It was that shy smile
And the ocean waves in your eyes
When I see you
Tiramisu Cake Tiramisu Cake
(You're like) Tiramisu Cake
(A sweet) Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake
(Your) Tiramisu Cake
(Lips and) Tiramisu Cake
(Pupils) Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake, Tiramisu Cake
(You're like) Tiramisu Cake
(A sweet) Tiramisu Cake
(More and more) Tiramisu Cake
(I drеam about you) Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake Tiramisu Cake
My emotions, fastеr
The scene that returns
Ooh, hello
Your face that fills my thoughts
It just felt too good to be true, yeah
I gather up my courage
Even if you won't respond
Going heart
I keep getting close to you
Even though you keep running away
I think of you
Tiramisu Cake Tiramisu Cake
(You're like) Tiramisu Cake
(A sweet) Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake
(Your) Tiramisu Cake
(Lips and) Tiramisu Cake
(Pupils) Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake, Tiramisu Cake
(You're like) Tiramisu Cake
(A sweet) Tiramisu Cake
(More and more) Tiramisu Cake
(I sing for you) Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake Tiramisu Cake
(You're like) Tiramisu Cake
(A sweet) Tiramisu Cake
(You, you) Tiramisu Cake
(Make me smile) Tiramisu Cake
Tiramisu Cake Tiramisu Cake
I don't know
I don't know how to say,
That you seem to have reached my heart.
I don't know how to say,
That when you talk,
It always seems to me, that
I'm sitting by a brook.
Hoi nar, hoi nar,
Hoi nar nar, nar, hoi nar nar
I don't know how to say,
That you seem to have reached my heart.
I don't know how to say,
That when I see you,
It always seems to me, that
A flower has sprouted within me.
Hoi nar...
I don't know how to say,
That you seem to have reached my heart.
I don't know how to say,
That when you look at me,
It seems in my mind,
That I've plucked the moon from the sky.
Hoi nar...
Click to see the original lyrics (Serbian)
Tűnés, tűnés,
tűnés, tűnés
[1. strófa]
Mindenki elfogadná
ezt a szép arcot a füstfelhőben,
látom, hogy nézel, és emelem a poharam,
azt akarod, hogy ma este neked játsszak.
Íme, csillogok, mint a száraz arany,
partizni akarok, pontosan azért,
hogy olyan legyek neked, mint só a sebre,
mert csak egy gyengeségem van
Más lányok ajánlják fel magukat neked,
és bármi lesz veled, velük legyen veled,
de én, a kis őrült,
minden taxipénzemet a zenére költöttem
Tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
Máshoz vagyok hű,
Tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
Akkor is, ha nem vagyok józan
[2. strófa]
Veszélyes manírok,
azt mondod, 'gyere velem, egyszer élünk',
számodra mindenki igaz szerelem,
de én tudom, hol van a macska elásva*
Íme, csillogok, mint a száraz arany,
partizni akarok, pontosan azért,
hogy olyan legyek neked, mint só a sebre,
mert csak egy gyengeségem van
(Tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj)
Tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
Máshoz vagyok hű,
Tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
Akkor is, ha nem vagyok józan
Más lányok ajánlják fel magukat neked,
és bármi lesz veled, velük legyen veled,
de én, a kis őrült,
minden taxipénzemet a zenére költöttem
Tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
Máshoz vagyok hű,
Tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
tűnés, tűnés, bájbáj,
Akkor is, ha nem vagyok józan
Gluve Usne
Ista soba, isti krevet
Isti likovi po slikama na zidu
Prepoznajem sto sitnica
Al sa lica naša dva
Je spao sjaj
Isto jutro, isto veče
Iste reći kojih nema stanom lete
Tišina je sve glasnija
A niko da izgovori
Da je kraj
Gledam ženu iz ogledala
Pa mi tužno da bih gledala
Kaže, nemoj da se predaješ
A ja ne znam šta to ne bih predala
Nije lepo ako nema nikog to da kune
Nije ljubav ako nije bila rodjena da umre
Nije tuga kad imaš nekog pola da je uzme
Nisu sreća nemi dodiri i gluve usne
Isto jutro, isto veče
Iste reći kojih nema stanom lete
Tišina je sve glasnija
A niko da izgovori
Da je kraj
Gledam zenu iz ogledala
Pa mi tuzno da bih gledala
Kaže ,nemoj da se predaješ
A ja ne znam šta to ne bih predala
Nije lepo ako nema nikog to da kune
Nije ljubav ako nije bila rodjena da umre
Nije tuga kad imaš nekog pola da je uzme
Nisu sreća nemi dodiri i gluve usne
Nije lepo ako nema nikog to da kune
Nije ljubav ako nije bila rodjena da umre
Nije tuga kad imaš nekog pola da je uzme
Nisu sreća nemi dodiri i gluve usne
Eto, eto prodje leto
Eto, eto prodje leto
stize rana jesen
momci mladi meni dragi
nude zlatan prsten
A ja cura mala
jos bih cvece brala
necu da mi prsten stave
neka me ostave
Pricekajte tog proleca
neka zima prodje
kod koga je ljubav jaka
opet ce da dodje
Od jeseni do jeseni
varacu vas ja
al' kad dodje pravo vreme
udacu se ja
Click to see the original lyrics (Bosnian)
Hé, elég a bánatból
a szívemben és a dalokból,
hé, te mást csókolsz, míg én
szerelmeskedem koktélokkal
Repülőgép vagyok neki... A te kicsikédnek!
Az alkohol a napokban
homályosítja a képet rólunk,
de ma este utána kényszerít,
ezért gyere ide kicsit,
hogy felmelegítselek a számára,
hát hűts le
Az alhohol létezik, tudom,
hogy ne emlékezzek semmire,
mikor a holnap nehezebb lenne,
mindenki szenved, aki tudja,
hát duplán iszom én
az egyensúlyért
( egyensúlyért)
( egyensúlyért)
(Az alkohol a napokban...homályosítja a képet rólunk...homályosítja a képet rólunk)
Hé, elég a bánatból
a szívemben és a dalokból,
hé, te mást csókolsz, míg én
szerelmeskedem koktélokkal
Repülőgép vagyok neki... A te kicsikédnek!
Az alkohol a napokban
homályosítja a képet rólunk,
de ma este utána kényszerít,
ezért gyere ide kicsit,
hogy felmelegítselek a számára,
hát hűts le
Az alhohol létezik, tudom,
hogy ne emlékezzek semmire,
mikor a holnap nehezebb lenne,
mindenki szenved, aki tudja,
hát duplán iszom én
az egyensúlyért
Az egyensúlyért
Az alkohol a napokban...homályosítja a képet rólunk
Az alkohol a napokban
homályosítja a képet rólunk,
de ma este utána kényszerít,
ezért gyere ide kicsit,
hogy felmelegítselek a számára,
hát hűts le
Az alhohol létezik, tudom,
hogy ne emlékezzek semmire,
mikor a holnap nehezebb lenne,
mindenki szenved, aki tudja,
hát duplán iszom én
az egyensúlyért