Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 168

Találatok száma: 99664


Injection Girl

Oh, you're awake. You must still feel faint
I put a little drug in your tea
I tied you to a chair while you were passed out
You ask me why I've done of all this?
Thinking that I didn't know anything, you must be a real idiot
This syringe is filled with poison
Poison that kills you instantly is simply unobtainable
I suppose you'll be left here to suffer for a long time
Not like it matters since you're going to end up dead anyways
It stings ever-so slightly, but will hurt more if you move
Just kidding, that was all a lie! You're not going to die
There's not a single moment I'd ever kill the one I loved
There's no need to fret, it was all lies. This isn't poison
But now do you understand a bit of my frustrations?
My revenge on you has come to an end
Though, I still won't untie you from that rope
The rest of this was all my personal doing
So please stick around for just a little longer
You've deceived me, how could I ever forgive myself
The syringe really does contain poison
I'm going to jab myself with it
I'll writhe in pain and agony
Watch me until I stop moving
Witness the girl you betrayed fall to her end
Come watch as I start to puke blood and my limbs can't move anymore
Everywhere is already covered in the blood that I coughed up
Come and look how messed up my face looks. It's looks like hell, doesn't it?
Though, something about the way I look now feels a little sexy


Between two lands

You can sell yourself,
Any offer is good if you want power, uh,
And how easy it is,
To open your mouth so wide to express opinions,
And if you think of stepping back,
You have many traces to erase.
Let me be, I’m not to blame for seeing you fall,
If I’m not to blame for seeing you fall.
(If I’m not to blame for seeing you fall.)
You lose faith,
Any hope is in vain, and I don’t know what to believe,
Bu-bu-bu-bu-but forget me,
No one has called you, and here you are again.
Let me be, I’m not to blame for seeing you fall,
If I’m not to blame for seeing you…
Between two lands you are,
And you don’t leave any air to breathe, oh-oh-oh,
Between two lands you are,
And you don’t leave any air to breathe.
Let me be, I’m not to blame for seeing you fall,
If I’m not to blame for seeing you…
Between two lands you are,
And you don’t leave any air to breathe, oh-oh-oh,
Between two lands you are,
And you don’t leave any air to breathe.


Lead Me to You

Lead me to you
My heartbeat is puzzled by passion in your arms
The roses shed bitter tears in longing for you
Death, life, I don't mind, my heart is with you
Lead me to you
I sip the light
I extract the nectar from the edge of the fragrance
Red roses filled with demise embrace my soul
Oh laughter, the shadow's dew retreated from
Lead me to you
Lead me to you
I am darkness praying for a morning's face
Longing that wanders like illusion's whisper with fantasy died
Racing a revival's glow full of hope
Lead me to you
Gift me the sky
An angel tired of the destination and flames of adoration
Resisting the image of pleasure containing life
Awaiting a promise of fresh water of deliverance
Lead me to you


Changing Luna

There's still a lot to be done
But there isn't much time!
Don't you worry, just sign it
Since that's the only thing important to us!
It won't necessarily be all good
The hair, the make-up, the color, oh my!
We know what's the issue
But it'll change
One or two or more things
We're only with you, we're only for you!
We'll give you great wealth and success!
We know how to change things
We're only with you, we're only for you!
It could be, that it still hurts a bit
But you just keep playing, don't you stop!
And when your success comes
They'll love you!
We're only with you, we're only for you!
We'll give you wealth and success!
We know how to change things
Only with you, only for you!
This is yours, believe us!
Only with you, only for you!
That's us!


My Father

I run into your arms
to snuggle up to your shoulder again as always
Dad I wanna tell the most beautiful words to no one but you today
You gave me joy, you were always with me
Dad if you only knew how proud I am of you
I'm scared of nothing in life if you're around
You make all my dreams come true just
like a magician does
My dearest father
Father, just stay always with me
Day and night you pray for me, pray to God
My dear dad!
I bow before you low
My dear dad!
I bow before you low
You say my dearest daughter
And it's enough to make my heart sing right away
I'll give you my biggest hug
Thank you for your love, unearthly kindness
My dearest father
Father, just stay always with me
Day and night you pray for me, pray to God
My dear dad!
I bow before you low
My dear dad!
I bow before you low
My dearest father Father, just stay always with me
Day and night you pray for me, pray to God
My dear dad!
I bow before you low
My dear dad!
I bow before you low


Immigration song

My dad is on the other side of the acrylic board
Say you've grown up
He strokes my hair through that wall
But when I grow up too
I'm sure I'll be trapped in this place
He lost the country to return to
Inside the cage of Japan
My mom is on the other side of the acrylic board
She is getting weirder by the day
And pulls out her hair
But when I grow up too
I'm sure I'll be trapped in this place
She lost the country to return to
Inside the cage of Japan


Grateful (Agradecido)

How about a duet?
Uno, dos...
We have things in common, even if we're different
The chaos and trouble and we know how to pluck the strings
And it's much better together
Because we're better that way!
Our hearts will break if you leave us
But we'll keep making memories as long as we can
Mis amigos nuevos, like you1
Like you!2
Like you!2
Like you!2
Like you!2
Like you!1
Thanksgiving fiesta!
Of course!
Would you let me have its beak?
Grateful, por todo!
Agredecido, for every tiny thing!
Grateful, por todo!
Agredecido, that the wall has crumbled
And for everything, of course!
  • Second person plural.
  • Second person singular.


Inferior, profane, ugly, worst

Inferior, profane, ugly, worst
Today, today
Inferior, profane, ugly, worst



This is the end!
Or it's all just inside me
Maybe it's only in my head
Lori, read this!
I could hardly do it!
If I call him a friend
And he looks for me
Come, look at this again
Tell me, what could this be?!
He feels exactly like how you feel
That's all it means
Only give it a like
If you understood
That this is only virtual
It's often not realistic
Every feeling is a simple sign
That's what this song is about
Come and let's hum it together!



The shields of our countrymen cloven by swords.
We march forth as one. We fight armed with iron.
Blood-red heroes, mighty as oak trees.
Fatherland! We bleed! By death, you are made free!
On the fields of our fathers
Weapons raised, we stand as one.
We yell and we beat broad shields.
If we must, then to the death we fight.
We will take victory. Men are doomed to die.
In another life, we will meet again.
Our meadows and our streams
of our blood are worthy.
Our children, under the sun.
It is for them we give up our lives.


Without you

I don't want to dance without you.
And I don't want to sing without you.
What would my life be like without you? I don't know.
You are like music in my head. I wish for flowers,
You bring me weed. We are rebellious and free.
And one plus one makes two.
You and me, I think I love you.
You and me, I think I need you.
And I can dance without you. And I can sing without you.
I shine brighter without you. I don't need you.
I don't need you. Now that you are gone, I realize again.
I can manage without you and you only bring me down.
You weren't the music, it was just me.
And you don't fit in, no, you don't belong there.
Because I'm only me when you're not with me!
Because I'm only me when you're not with me!
Because I'm only me when you're not with me!
Because I'm only me when you're not with me!


Bella Ciao (Alba 1944)

Early one morning I was awaken
oh beauty hi beauty hi
beauty hi hi hi
Early one morning I was awaken
and found the occupier here
Mama, oh mama, I'll scale the mountains
oh beauty hi beauty hi
beauty hi hi hi
mama, oh mama, I'll scale the mountains
to get revenge on my sweet love
Oh my sweet lover, oh they have killed him
oh beauty hi beauty hi
beauty hi hi hi
oh my sweet lover, oh they have killed him
because he was a partisan
Partisan hear me, there on the mountains
oh beauty hi beauty hi
beauty hi hi hi
partisan hear me, there on the mountains
I'm carrying you inside my heart
There on a mountain, there is a graveyard
oh beauty hi beauty hi
beauty hi hi hi
there on a mountain, there is a graveyard
a graveyard for the partisans
A graveyard for the partisans
oh beauty hi beauty hi
beauty hi hi hi
the partisans of the mountain
who have died for liberty
The partisans of the mountain
who have died for liberty
the partisans of the mountain
who have died for liberty



Good morning I've been feeling tired lately
Is it fatigue? Or is it my heart that's about to burst?
Tragic news is all over the TV
I can't feel anything. I lack a sense of reality
I'm more worried about myself tomorrow than the end of the world
I'm just trying to get on with my life
What kind of future do I envision?
And what will I leave behind?
I'm stuck and I'm staring down
My feet are stepping on our land
How are you? Not bad, not great
Sometimes I'm not in tune. I'm don't laugh well together
We don't know each other's faces or names, We fight, we comfort each other
People are connected. I didn't fit in very well, and I got tired of it
Bring your loneliness, come here
I want to love someone and be loved by someone
You only live once, you meet someone, you say goodbye.
Who do you care about in this life?
Where will you go if you don't protect the people you need to protect?
That's not good enough. It's a powerless fate
very merry-go-land very merry-go-land
Don't get desperate
And we'll still be struggling
Good night, sleeping families living in fear of air pollution
I don't mean to attack anyone, but we're really running out of time
What we see and what we don't see are equally important
So let's feel with all our senses what the heavens are asking of us
I'll never forget the sad story
Even the pain in your heart can be turned into something positive
The turning point of a lifetime may be now Instead of lamenting, you can start your own
I'll walk out strong again and again on the muddy road
Don't decide where it ends
This place we love is our LAND


Falusi gyerekek

Click to see the original lyrics (German)
Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, baszd meg a városod
Louis V menő, ha nincs más
Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, tudjuk, hogy csinálják
Eszkalálunk éjszaka és korán ébredünk
Minden, amire szükségünk van, megvan nekünk itt a sárban
Ragadj meg egy mopedet és egy rekeszt és lássunk hozzá
Igen, a buszmegállóban vagyunk az embereimmel
Ki iszik Wildberry-Lillet? Itt perec és sör van (Egi)
Egy disznót sem érdekel, mit engedsz meg, megteszem
Az én légierőm az Engelbert Strauss, igen
A Fendtemmel utazunk a lövészfesztiválra
És ott adjuk magunknak a többit
Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, baszd meg a városod
Louis V menő, ha nincs más
Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, tudjuk, hogy csinálják
Eszkalálunk éjszaka és korán ébredünk
Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, baszd meg a városod
Louis V menő, ha nincs más
Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, tudjuk, hogy csinálják
Eszkalálunk éjszaka és korán ébredünk
Az udvar, az istálló, a mező, ez a mi környékünk
Van önkéntes tűzoltónk és nincs szükségünk Klubra
Van kétezer hektáram, te meg panelt bérelsz
Nézed a szürke falakat, nekem fa van a kunyhó előtt
Kerületi foci, piros lap a játékvezetőtől
Berlini és teljesen idióta
Gyere el a porfészkünkbe, mert mindig megéri
Ha nem köszönsz, akkor kitagadunk a faluból
Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, baszd meg a városod
Louis V menő, ha nincs más
Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, tudjuk, hogy csinálják
Eszkalálunk éjszaka és korán ébredünk
Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, baszd meg a városod
Louis V menő, ha nincs más
Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, tudjuk, hogy csinálják
Eszkalálunk éjszaka és korán ébredünk
(Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, fa-, fa-falusi gyerekek vagyunk)
(Mi mind falusi gyerekek vagyunk, fa-, fa-falusi gyerekek vagyunk)


Nu när jag ser dig [I See the Light]

Jag har sett världen från mitt fönster,
många år sökte jag ett svar - lång,
lång tid utan att jag visste, tänk,
så blind jag var.
Här och nu bländad av ett stjärnljus,
här och nu börjar jag förstå.
Min plats är att vara här,
det måste vara så.
Jag ser allt så ljust och klart
känner världen blir en annan,
jag ser allt så ljust och klart
himmelen öppnar sig för mig,
det känns varmt och underbart
som om tid och rum vill stanna.
Allt är nytt, allt är helt förändrat
nu när jag ser dig.
Flynn Rider:
Jag har sökt guld och gröna skogar,
många år gick jag som i trans.
Lång, lång tid utan att jag visste
var min lycka fanns.
Här är hon vacker i ett stjärnljus,
här är hon allt jag som jag vill få.
Min plats är precis just här
det var hit jag skulle gå.
Rapunzel & Flynn Rider:
Jag ser allt så ljust och klart
Flynn Rider:
känner världen blir en annan
Rapunzel & Flynn Rider:
jag ser allt så ljust och klart
Himmelen öppnar sig för mig
Rapunzel & Flynn Rider:
Det känns varmt och underbart som om tid och rum vill stanna
allt är nytt allt är helt förändrat nu när jag ser dig
Nu när jag ser dig.
Nu när jag ser dig.


Meggyógyítani téged

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ott vagy-e még, a szemek mögött, amikbe oly sokszor belenéztem?
Félsz-e te is, mint ahogy én, hogy nehezen leszek felismerhetö számodra?
De mi a rosszabb, föladni most a harcot, vagy továbbmenni ezen a gyötrelmes úton? Képtelen vagyok dönteni.
Az a segítség szeretnék lenni, amire szükséged van
Szeretnélek meggyógyitani, ha vérzel
Odaadnám neked a vérem, a csontjaim, a lelkem
Ha valamilyen módon meggyógyítana téged
És ha valaha eljön a nap, hogy nem tudsz majd járni
Segitek majd apránként araszolni
Mert egy valami rosszabb annál, hogy így látlak
Ha téged soha többé már nem látlak
Úgy siklom ki a kezeid közül, mint ahogy érzem, hogy kisiklasz az én kezeim közül?
A legutolsó dolog, amit kivánnék neked az, hogy emlékké válj
Az a segítség szeretnék lenni, amire szükséged van
Szeretnélek meggyógyitani, ha vérzel
Odaadnám neked a vérem, a csontjaim, a lelkem
Ha valamilyen módon meggyógyítana téged
És ha valaha eljön a nap, hogy nem tudsz majd járni
Segitek majd apránként araszolni
Mert egy valami rosszabb annál, hogy így látlak
Ha téged soha többé már nem látlak
Szeretnék elmenni, hogy éljem az életem
De képtelen vagyok téged itthagyni.
Az a segítség szeretnék lenni, amire szükséged van
Szeretnélek meggyógyitani, ha vérzel
Odaadnám neked a vérem, a csontjaim, a lelkem
Ha valamilyen módon meggyógyítana téged
És ha valaha eljön a nap, hogy nem tudsz majd járni
Segitek majd apránként araszolni
Mert egy valami rosszabb annál, hogy így látlak
Ha téged soha többé már nem látlak


Is Good To Be King

Is good to be king
and possess total authority
with the dimension of divinity
everyone adores me,
in me they see their religion.
I am a good king
and well I´m not
pretending that mercy I give,
I grow the devotion,
I will keep them in tribulation.
Look at those poor people, their backs breaking,
sitting on my throne I can exploit them,
I never stop manipulating them,
It is so delicious to be king.
Mine is the kingdom,
mine is the command,
mine is the glory,
forever and more.
(Kiss my ring, pretty ones, kiss it.
Everybody hates me, eh.)
It´s good to be king
and give this order: 'Decapitation!'
or be the one who grants them forgiveness,
I relish denying someone compassion.
I bring the knife closer and I let it sink,
my face brightens and I start to laugh,
is this your pleasure, I don´t know how to resist,
It is so delicious to be king,
I love it!
Mine is the kingdom,
mine is the leadership,
Mine is the glory,
forever and more...
Forever and more,
forever and more,
How delicious it is to be king!


Forget both

Is the opposite of “truth” just “lie”?
If that's all the world revolves around
The word 'mercy' is a dead word
As if there is a side profile that can only be reflected in a three-way mirror
Someone is watching you that even you can't see
Behind the mistakes are the scars of my heart resisting
A lie I didn't tell myself
The more I hide it, the more it rages in my memory
The truth is that no one misses it
Even if your mouth is closed, your body language still speaks
Sprinkle the spray of smiles as if to erase the air
If you point at someone's misfortune as if to admonish them
Someday you will be hit by a stray bullet that you shot
Mistakes will be exposed
What should we feel from news that is only correct?
I missed a step, got hit, and even though I was torn to pieces, I climbed back up
When I look up, the clear sky is reflected in my eyes
Every time I touch your heart, your expression locks
I'm sure you are afraid of trusting people
Behind the mistakes are the scars of my heart resisting
A lie I didn't tell myself
Waiting in the shadow of memories, I hug my shoulders
The day will come when I can talk
In the light that embraces the long-awaited dawn
I wish I could walk away quietly


On the Morning of Determination

Let's just draw a lousy dream anyway
Let's have a bad, cheerful, joyful, loving dream anyway
'Don't be pretentious. It's more you if you're not pretentious.'
The harder we try, the more we spin out of control
Our journey is like the march of a schoolboy's hands and feet going out together
It's a good way to live, isn't it?
It's probably just as well that people laugh at us
The real me, locked away in the back of my mind
Just be yourself, 36 degrees 5 minutes, no decorations, now we don't stop
But I'm still holding strong, I'm still putting up barriers.
I'm fighting the pain
I wish we could say it's hard when it's hard
We're weaklings who smile when we're weak
You're lonely, but you're pretending you're fine
To protect yourself from falling apart
I'm not the only one who's felt like this This feeling of having nowhere to go
This loneliness with no place to stay
I'm holding on to...
I am indifferent to other people's pain
But I'm anxious when it comes to myself
I hated people and thought I was the only one who was unhappy
Just lamenting what you can't give yourself, ranting like a three-year-old.
Sitting and waiting for a snack called love
People are not afraid of the asphalt glare
I see people walking on their own two feet
If I have legs that can move, if there is a place I want to go
I'll walk with these feet
I'll never be able to smile again
Some nights I thought I might never be able to
Supported by the warmth of my loved ones
I thought I might try to believe again
I wish we could say it's hard when it's hard
We're weaklings who smile when we're weak
You're lonely, but you're pretending you're fine
To protect yourself from falling apart
The mistakes, the scars, the lost days, the wet days...
I will make all of this my proof that I have lived as me
From now on, I'm going to draw a dream that's worse than anyone else's
I'll put away my excuses, and stand tall and proud
I'll keep singing about who I am


Summer nights

Come, my brunette, come, my sweet:
We will take it easy
Under the tamarind trees.
Come, gorgeous, life begins.
We will make advances to each other
In the blue sea
We hang out a bit
All alone, à deux
And if you lift your eyes,
A star falls and you make a wish.
Summer nights
Are like a music
Of beguine and merengue
Summer nights
Have a magical scent
A sweet and salty taste.
Sitting under the moon on the terrace
We will eat ice cream and
Watch, as it passes by,
The palace of vacation nights
Where everything invites you to dance,
And more than that**
We stay a bit,
All alone, à deux
And if I look closer:
You still have the sun in your eyes.
Summer nights
Are like a music
Of beguine and merengue
Summer nights
Have a magical scent
A sweet and salty taste
Are like music
Of beguine and merengue
Summer nights
Have a magical scent
A sweet and salty taste.
Sweet and salty
Summer nights


Divined by Trophonios

Divined by Trophonios
Divined by Trophonios
Divined by Trophonios
Divined by Trophonios
(flute playing)
Divined by Trophonios
Divined by Trophonios
Divined by Trophonios
Divined by Trophonios
Divined by Trophonios
Divined by Trophonios
Divined by Trophonios
Divined by Trophonios
Since I've offered the necessary sacrifices
deliver me from the voracity of the underworld monsters
I am ready to accept your oracle
deep darkness surrounds me


The olive falls

The olive and the leaf falls
Your beauties never fall
You are like the sea that grows to wave
It grows for wind but for water ever
And you’re like tender grass
The more you grow, the cuter you get
And you’re like tender grass
The more you grow, the more beautiful you get


December 17th

Is this what you want?
Are you sure that this is what you want?
Wait a minute. Let's be cool.
You'll catch a cold. Let's get back in the car.
The sea is twilight and December (Dissenber) The silent couple
Flowing away, drifting on the dangerous waves
The anxiety of just melting together and gitting back.
Will it be over if I let it pass?
Let's be brave and tell each other how we feel.
Let's be brave and confess our feelings
Don't cling to the days gone by
Bright memories, though they hurt
At this rate, I'm sure if we don't do something about it
We'll be a few hours to the place of no return.
Well, I'll just say one last thing.
I'll tell you something.
To you, who has a forced smile and watery eyes...
Christmas Eve is next week.
Ambiguous relationship between two people
I've made up my haert. Time is not waiting for us.
Let's get this over with before it all goes down the drain.
I've made up my heart. Time is not waiting for us.
Let's end this before this sweet, sweet night wraps around us.


Tendril Vine

O, grown tendril vine
toddler on my chest
Been earth dirt all life
to let you stand up!
Have eyed the enigma
of your climbing lifelong
You are reaching the sun
On top of the same me
In times of growth, humans trellis you
Water your roots, erode me each time
Hell or high water, have saved you lifelong
Taking a bullet for you, from stinging wind
A raid of humans ripped your green leaves
Left me a bare trunk, in autumn and winter
They enjoy your shade, I bear your weight
A wine barrel gets your grapes in the end
Not this time, I'm standing up
Free from shadows of doubt
Soaring proudly, sky high
Claiming the throne of the sun
No yielding to the shadows
Enough I had of the throes
Such suffering I did endure
Until my dream came true
Let children of men realize
Futile rotting is no man's fate
You can be the sun, shine,
Soar high in the sky


Perfect sin

Ice in a Chivas and a kind word (Yeah, yeah)
It's so hot next to you (Yeah, yeah)
You'll be my summer, even just for a moment (Yeah, yeah)
When I free you from your dress
Breathing loudly in the dark, I'm doing what you say
This act is scandalously perfect
Rules don't apply, the Scorpio in my sign scans every weak point
You just need to follow my signs
Ooh (In a room full of smoke, she lost control from the wine, yeah)
Ooh (She's so beautifully wild)
Everything turns me on (While we burn the flower)
Her body tempts (To perfect sin)
It, it, it, it's up to you
If you want a replay, call me, you suit me wonderfully
Everything turns me on (While we burn the flower)
Her body tempts (To perfect sin)
It, it, it, it's up to you
If you want a replay, call me, you suit me wonderfully
I'm sliding like silk with my lips while my body tingles
I won't even think that she's using me for her reputation
I'm sliding like silk with my lips while my body tingles
I won't even think that she's using me for her reputation
My talisman and I'm a bit unstable
I would do everything with her, even though I said 'No'
She's so cute, but not at all naïve
I really don't get it, she's a real accomplice for sin
Ooh (In a room full of smoke, she lost control from the wine, yeah)
Ooh (She's so beautifully wild)
Everything Turns Me On (While We Light the Flower)
Her body beckons (To perfect sin)
On, on, on, it's up to you
If you want a replay, call me, you look so wonderful on me
Everything turns me on (While we burn the flower)
Her body tempts (To perfect sin)
It, it, it, it's up to you
If you want a replay, call me, you suit me wonderfully
Everything turns me on (While we burn the flower)
Her body tempts (To perfect sin)
It, it, it, it's up to you
If you want a replay, call me, you suit me wonderfully
Everything turns me on (While we burn the flower)
Her body tempts (To perfect sin)
It, it, it, it's up to you
If you want a replay, call me, you suit me wonderfully


No Going Back

I've slept for long, now there's no going back
Everything will be forgiven if you have a gift
We're dancing on a string until the last day (And now)
We're going, the lights are on us
You'll count the stars when I'm not there
You'll lose me at dawn
And above all, I'm not crazy
All of the effort will return eventually
You'll count the stars when I'm not there
You'll lose me at dawn
And above all, I'm not crazy
All of the effort will return eventually
I'm not reasonable, you're right
The performance is over, I'm empty again
A foundation shaken by every wave
Is it all about attention or money?
With a personality of glass, unadapt until today
I don't have a balance (Where will you go like that?)
But the fire under your eyelids keeps me alive
And nobody knows how often I fall
I've slept for long, now there's no going back
Everything will be forgiven if you have a gift
We're dancing on a string until the last day (And now)
We're going, the lights are on us
You'll count the stars when I'm not there
You'll lose me at dawn
And above all, I'm not crazy
All of the effort will return eventually
You'll count the stars when I'm not there
You'll lose me at dawn
And above all, I'm not crazy
All of the effort will return eventually
And I always remember what my dad told me
'This life awaits a chance to trick you
Your happiness, son, you buy by yourself
So beat your story till the heat cools (Yeah)
And always say 'Thank you' to your mom
Because she taught you to shine even in the dark
I see you in her when it gets loud
Because the mistral always gets you back to land (Yeah)
Believe that the world is made up
That we fight alone when it's most difficult, know that
Believe that the universe sees everything
You'll count the stars when I'm not there
You'll lose me at dawn
And above all, I'm not crazy
All of the effort will return eventually
You'll count the stars when I'm not there (When I'm not there)
You'll lose me at dawn (At dawn)
And above all, I'm not crazy (I'm not crazy)
All of the effort will return eventually
You'll count the stars when I'm not there (When I'm not there)
You'll lose me at dawn (At dawn)
And above all, I'm not crazy (I'm not crazy)
All of the effort will return eventually
You'll count the stars when I'm not there


Magic Hour

It's sparkling and dazzling
But open your eyes and tell me
When the contrail in the blue sky says bye
The pattern in the sky, this feeling goes round and round
Yeah, dyed you and me, olé
Pastel bite, baby
Lay down to the sun
The sunlight melts the illusion
My heart beats like it's going out of control, but I don't care
No one can get in my way, yeah
With a thousand little stars
We ride the wind like a Aladdin
My heart falls into your eyes, bluer than summer
It's time to bungee
Bye in the sunshine, chillin', when you ride the waves
A magical moment will come
The vibe at dawn, chillin', if we ride the waves
The twilight will float on the horizon
Bye in the sunshine, chillin', when you ride the waves
A magical moment will come
The vibe at dawn, chillin', if we ride the waves
Just for now, we'll be starlight
Magic hour, oh, just stay here, ya
That's right, let's scream
Oh, magic hour
A miracle named you
Yah, we don't need a clock
Beyond my wishes, a shooting star
Barefoot, chasing my running back and mourning
The end is still too early
The E-N-D, what kind of ending is this?
The feeling that draws the night sky, awakening from a dream, boom
The dancing fireworks explode beyond a moment
Feeling, broom, my engine crashes
With a thousand little stars
We ride the wind like a Aladdin
My heart falls into your eyes, bluer than summer
It's time to bungee
Bye in the sunshine, chillin', when you ride the waves
A magical moment will come
The vibe at dawn, chillin', if we ride the waves
The twilight will float on the horizon
Bye in the sunshine, chillin', when you ride the waves
A magical moment will come
The vibe at dawn, chillin', if we ride the waves
Just for now, we'll be starlight
'Cause I finally found you
A world for you
What is your favorite color?
If you want it to go the way you want
Color it ambiguously
Shining brighter than anyone else, yeah
Higher than the universe, oh-oh-oh, oh
Bye in the sunshine, chillin', when you ride the waves
A magical moment will come
The vibe at dawn, chillin', if we ride the waves
The twilight will float on the horizon
Bye in the sunshine, chillin', when you ride the waves
A magical moment will come
The vibe at dawn, chillin', if we ride the waves
Just for now, we'll be starlight
Magic hour, oh, just stay here, ya
That's right, let's scream
Oh, magic hour
A miracle named you


Peach Peach

I'm your peach, peach
I'll crack open with a bang
And I itch, itch
My heart tickles
Cuteness isn't everything
Coolest peach, peach
Don't be surprised
I'm feeling it for the first time
What should I do?
Oh my, my heart is ringing
Tickin' even faster
It feels like I've fallen under a spell
(Yeah, yeah) I've decided
(Got you) I want you
Why are you laughing even though I'm serious?
A sweet smile that wakes you up
I'll show it only to you (One, two, three)
I'm your peach, peach
I'll crack open with a bang
And I itch, itch
My heart tickles
Cuteness isn't everything
Coolest peach, peach
Don't be surprised
(Oh, peach) 'Cause of you, I'm spinning in circles
(Oh, glitch) I can't walk, I'm broken
(Oh, peach) My cheeks are red
I may be clumsy but I can protect you
What's our name? (Peach)
Yeah, we are TOZ
Existing in your heart
I can't hide my smile
Take a fresh bite
The scent of the fruits you nibble at
It's so refreshing, that's us, yo
Yeah, we are TOZ
(Yeah, yeah) I've decided
(Got you) I want you
Why are you laughing even though I'm serious?
A sweet smile that wakes you up
I'll show it only to you (One, two, three)
I'm your peach, peach
I'll crack open with a bang
And I itch, itch
My heart tickles
Cuteness isn't everything
Coolest peach, peach
Don't be surprised
You and I, just the two of us
Shall we make a secret?
There's no way out, you're falling
Leave it to me, you, you, you
I'm your peach, peach
I'll crack open with a bang
And I itch, itch
My heart tickles
Cuteness isn't everything
Coolest peach, peach
Don't be surprised
(Oh, peach) 'Cause of you, I'm spinning in circles
(Oh, glitch) I can't walk, I'm broken
(Oh, peach) My cheeks are red
I may be clumsy but I can protect you


I love you

Your dark hair locks have my heart trapped in a spell,
I'm your captive, what's the toll for your gaze, do tell?
You're a blossom on a stem, while I'm a thorn beneath your feet, my love,
Darling, I'll be your eternal mate
Whatever you desire, I'll willingly pay the cost,I'd give my life for you,
I'm the one who loves you most, a devoted buyer indeed,
But, if unfaithfulness becomes your art, Woe to this suffering heart, torn and apart.
I'll pay the cost with my life, that much I love you
Your dark hair locks have my heart trapped in a spell,
I'm your captive, what's the toll for your gaze, do tell?
You're a blossom on a stem, while I'm a thorn beneath your feet, my love,
Darling, I'll be your eternal mate
Whatever you desire, I'll willingly pay the cost,I'd give my life for you,
I'm the one who loves you most, a devoted buyer indeed,
From the start you knew, how much I love you
You used to say : 'I'll stay, It is not possible that I leave you alone'
You had said to me : 'Tell me again that you love'
My love, I am captivated, this is how much I love
But, if unfaithfulness becomes your art, Woe to this suffering heart, torn and apart.
I'll pay the cost with my life, that much I love you
Your dark hair locks have my heart trapped in a spell,
I'm your captive, what's the toll for your gaze, do tell?
You're a blossom on a stem, while I'm a thorn beneath your feet, my love,
Darling, I'll be your eternal mate
Whatever you desire, I'll willingly pay the cost,I'd give my life for you,
I'm the one who loves you most, a devoted buyer indeed,


I have fallen in love

I have fallen in love in this lifetime,
The hidden fire of love ignited the soul
My life is reaching its edges from this love
Tears of longing have flowed over my face
On one side, his sorrow

Soul Of The Soul

We are the people of the land,
The original inhabitants,
Roots reaching back to the tenth generation,
Chanting 'Palestine'
If you pretend like you've forgotten,
I am the owner of the house, I won't yield,
I am a voice that neither remains silent nor dies,
I am a promise, a certainty,
Even if my eyes close with gunpowder,
The scent will permeate the eyes of millions,
Freeing their spirits, shaking the prison's pavilions.
Roses will return, blooming in other hearts,
Then the world will know who liberates whom, in all its parts.
We are the people of the land,
The original inhabitants,
Roots reaching back to the tenth generation,
Chanting 'Palestine'
If you pretend like you've forgotten,
I am the owner of the house, I won't yield,
A voice that won't be silenced or stilled.
I am a promise, a certainty,
Even if my eyes close with gunpowder,
The scent will permeate the eyes of millions,
Freeing their spirits, shaking the prison's pavilions.
Roses will return, blooming in other hearts,
Then the world will know who liberates who, in all its parts.
And for you, 'soul of the soul',
oh piece of heaven on earth,
Even if my life departs,
I'll neither tire nor fade in mirth.
Here I am on my land, ready to die,
Laughter hasn't left me.
I am a child teaching the world to live,
'soul of the soul',
Oh piece of heaven on earth,
Even if my life departs,
I'll neither tire nor fade in mirth.
Here I am on my land, ready to die,
Laughter hasn't left me.
I am a child teaching the world to live


Everything will change

Tonight, everything will change
We make a fresh new start
The snow has whitened the world
Children are full of hope
Tomorrow, everything will change
You just have to open your hands
So a shower of gifts may rain down on you
Under a torrent of stars
Tomorrow, the weather will be good
Tonight, everything will change
As we please,
The streets will be stages
We will play on the sidewalks
Tomorrow, everything will change
Nothing remains of yesterday
Tomorrow is the big show
Whether millions of candles are lit
Whether we change costumes
Tonight, life is beautiful
Tonight, everything will change
We make a fresh new start
The snow has whitened the world
Children are full of hope
Everything has changed already
While we sang all that
Tomorrow came quietly
And the race will not stop
No more than the Great Bear
No more than you and me