A keresés eredménye oldal 32
Találatok száma: 1477
Bukott angyal
Versions: #1Késő este hallom a sírást
Hallok mindent, miközben próbálok elaludni
Amikor a téged körülvevő szeretet haldoklik
Hogy maradsz ilyen erős?
Hogy titkoltad el mindezt idáig?
Hogyan vehetném el a fájdalmad?
Hogyan menthetnék meg
Egy bukott angyalt a sötétben
Sosem hittem volna, hogy ilyen mélyre zuhansz
Bukott angyal, hunyd be szemed
Ma este nem hagylak lezuhanni
Bukott angyal
Mindent az én érdekemben teszel
Elhiteted velem, hogy rendbe jövök
Mégis, annyi kérdésem van
Hogy maradsz ilyen erős?
Hogy titkoltad el mindezt idáig?
Hogyan vehetném el a fájdalmad?
Hogyan menthetnék meg
Egy bukott angyalt a sötétben
Sosem hittem volna, hogy ilyen mélyre zuhansz
Bukott angyal, hunyd be szemed
Ma este nem hagylak lezuhanni
Bukott angyal, nyugodtan lélegezz fel
Nem kell egyedül lenned
Bukott angyal, hunyd be szemed
Ma este nem hagylak lezuhanni
Végig melletted voltam
Mikor ismét megjártad a poklot oda-vissza
Végig melletted voltam
Mikor ismét megjártad a poklot oda-vissza
És nem, nem tudtam megmenteni egy bukott angyalt
Egy bukott angyalt a sötétben
Sosem hittem volna, hogy ilyen mélyre zuhansz
Bukott angyal, hunyd be szemed
Ma este nem hagylak lezuhanni
Bukott angyal, nyugodtan lélegezz fel
Nem kell egyedül lenned
Bukott angyal, hunyd be szemed
Ma este nem hagylak lezuhanni
Bukott angyal
Áldott, aki jön az Úr nevében,Áldott, aki jön, aki jön,
Áldott, aki jön az Úr nevében,
Áldott, áldott, aki a névben jön,
Aki az Úr nevében jön,
Áldott, aki az Úr nevében jön
Áldott, aki jön, aki jön,
Áldott, aki az Úr nevében jön.
Hozsanna a magasságban!
Hozsanna magasságban, a magasságban!
Áldott, aki az Úr nevében jön
Hozsanna magasságban, a magasságban!
Hozsanna a magasban, a magasban, a magasban, a magasban!
Come on
MelodiesRinging through my head
When you lay eyes on me
The rush is from above
It feels so heavenly
Come and charge me up like electricity
My remedy
All in my, in my head,
All in my lucid dreams
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live another day in my embrace
We'll go farther together in my embrace
Grow wings and fly in my dreams
You could be my only one
Na na na na ni, oh my god
Aa aa, come on, come on, come on
Aa aa, come on, come on, come on
Moving to the beat in perfect harmony
I’ll show you what it’s like beyond your fantasy
My remedy
All in my, in my head,
All in my lucid dreams
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live another day in my embrace
We'll go farther together in my embrace
Grow wings and fly in my dreams
You could be my only one
Na na na na ni, oh my god
Aa aa, come on, come on, come on
Aa aa, come on, come on, come on
Oh my god, oh my god
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live another day in my embrace
We'll go farther together in my embrace
Grow wings and fly in my dreams
You could be my only one
Na na na na ni, oh my god
Come on, come on, come on
Come on, come on, come on
Good evening
Good evening to those who are not asleep yet,Including you gray astronomer
May you dream about grove's rustle
And fields with milk and honey
Let the road run smoothly
For a driver rushing home
Let the night be clear to you
Greetings to all cities
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Good evening to those who are not asleep yet
And to you who became an angel.
Let it smell to you like a smoky stove,
A stork with a baby will arrive
Let the magic pot boil
And the porridge floats into the houses
Let the beloved don't quarrel any more
The warmth to all, relatives and parents
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Sandman Walks
There's Sandman outside the windowFollowed by a snowstorm
Everything that swirls and blows the snow around
Sleeps quietly without a care
Sandman walks quietly
Wrapped in a white linen
A black mountain, a blue sea
There are silver bells outside the window.
Sandman walks
Sandman walks
There's Sandman who leads the night
The mountains will pass through the sky
down the silver circle,
The white moon will fall down
Sandman walks where it will pass
Who will remember how to find.
Everything that was in pain yesterday
He would heal, take it away.
Sandman walks
Sandman walks
Sandman walks, a sea of dreams
Silver shuttle of hopes.
The sun will rise
He will disappear
leaving his whisper
Silver dream, strange singing
He leads dreams between dreams
What was unfulfilled
Everything won't happen in a dream.
In the spring ...in the spring ...in the spring
Ole Ole
Ole, ole, ole, oleOlali,olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Very good!
Mikołajki, Mikołajki
In Mikołajki, Masuria.
Everybody together we will sing***
Mikołajki is beautiful
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Very good!
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Mikołajki, Mikołajki
In Mikołajki, Masuria
Everybody together we will sing***
Mikołajki is beautiful.
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Mikołajki, Mikołajki
In Mikołajki, Masuria
Everybody together we will sing
Mikołajki is beautiful
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Olali, olala
Oh, wow
Thank you
Oh, yea, nice
Galaxy Express 999
The steam train goes through the darkness to the sea of lights.It's an infinite universe where dreams are strewn about.
Let's go across the hanging bridge of stars.
Every person is like a traveler
in search of happiness.
People will keep walking
until they meet the star of their hope.
I'm sure that someday you will find,
your little blue bird.
The train goes beyond the galaxy to the farthest end.
The stars are the stop stations in the universe.
The orbit of your dreams are inviting you.
Life is burning
in the pure eyes of the wanderers.
People will keep walking
as they are humming their song of heart.
Beyond the weeping distant stars,
I can see your little blue bird.
Every person is like a traveler
in search of happiness.
People will keep walking
until they meet the star of their hope.
I'm sure that someday you will find,
your little blue bird.
Bring back Stalin
Let those who are young know that we survived hunger, devastation and a great war. They went on the attack and parted with their lives. We believed him with all our hearts.And it was a right thing, we entered the battle boldly - only in hell is metal tempered. And Stalin, the clear falcon, looked at Sevastopol, stood on the forecourt.
Return Stalin to the station square, he raised the city from ruin! We keep a documentary history - he stood here on this square! Return Stalin from opinions regardless - the hero cannot be taken away from the people. Return Stalin, he is our generalissimo, he should stand over Sevastopol! Return Stalin, he is our generalissimo, he should stand over Sevastopol!
Believe me - we are not asleep, we will not accept the Nazis, and the spirit is high and there is ammunition. And if necessary, we will crush the bastards - we have enough courage for this.
And in marble-granite you will return the Leader to us - I demand in the name of the old people. Let Stalin, the clear falcon, look at Sevastopol and make all his enemies tremble.
Return Stalin to the station square, he raised the city from ruin! We keep a documentary history - he stood here on this square! Return Stalin from opinions regardless - the hero cannot be taken away from the people. Return Stalin, he is our generalissimo, he should stand over Sevastopol! Return Stalin, he is our generalissimo, he should stand over Sevastopol!
Return Stalin to the squares and streets - he led a great country into battle. Let's straighten our shoulders - stop stooping - we won the war with Stalin! Return Stalin from opinions regardless - the hero cannot be taken away from the people. Return Stalin, he is our generalissimo, he should stand on Red Square! Return Stalin, he is our generalissimo, he will accept the victory parade!
Bring back Stalin!
Abhorred be that God
And said he: abhorred be that GodWhom my prayers please
And Who's anger my sins arouse.
He Himself being a slave to me,
Whatever may come of me, let be!
Your Mercy
Oh Lord!By me, any sin committed has two sides. One side expects your mercy, and the other reflects my impotency. Either grant mercy for the sinful side, or forgive me for the feeble side.
Muslim Saints and Mystics (Tadhkirat Al-Auliya)
Attar of Nishabur
are you ready?
your eyes staring into spaceare too new for this world
you let yourself go
without being close to anything
you were in everything
you learned that life is a starry scam
that it's a dream to be here
are you ready to forgive life
to see the truths now?
i should have been with you
in your hands that i left alone
my wounds are bleeding
at behind doors every day
in the middle of wars
thinking is not enough sometimes
it doesn't make life innocent
all the facts you haven't seen
are hiding inside me
i was in everything
I learned that life is a starry scam
that it's a dream to be here
are you ready to forgive life
to see the truths now?
i shoud have been with you
in your hands that i left alone
my wounds are bleeding
at behind doors every day
in the middle of wars
i shoud have been with you
in your hands that i left alone
my wounds are bleeding
at behind doors every day
in the middle of wars
i shoud have been with you
in your hands that i left alone
my wounds are bleeding
at behind doors every day
in the middle of wars
The Bayraktar
Versions: #1Russian invaders came to us in Ukraine
They have a new uniform , a new armored cars
But they suddenly are melted up
By the Bayraktar By the Bayraktar
The Russian tank men
Hidden themself in the bushes
To eat that fricking shchi with their boots
But there are in the bushes became so hot
Because of The Bayraktar Because of the Bayraktar
That sheep came to us from the East
“For recovering of great country”
But the best Shepard for them
Is The BayraktarIs the Bayraktar
Various weapons are their argument :
Mighty rockets and vehicles of steel
But we have an answer to all of that they have
It’s The Bayraktar It’s the Bayraktar
They wanted to capture us in a short time
And we still remember that
Turning up into ghost from that Russian bandits
The Bayraktar is The Bayraktar is
The Russian police is dealing with crime
But they unable to find a rashists’ killer still
And who is guilty that field became a wasteland ?
The Bayraktar The Bayraktar
That Kremlian cunt spreads propaganda
And a people is believing in that
From this moment a Tsar knows a new word
The Bayraktar The Bayraktar
Come on
Melodies ringing through my head when you lay eyes on meThe rush is from my perfect view, so heavenly
Come and charge me up like electricity
My remedy
All in my, in my head
All in my, lucid dreams
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live one more day in my arms
In my arms, let's go further
In my dreams, get wings and fly (away)
You can be my only one
Oh-ooh, oh-ooh-ooh
Come on, come on, come on
Oh-ooh, oh-ooh-ooh
Come on, come on, come on
Moving to the beat in perfect harmony
I'll show you what's it's like beyond your fantasy
My remedy
All in my, in my head
All in my, lucid dreams
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live one more day in my arms
In my arms, let's go further
In my dreams, get wings and fly (away)
You could be my only one
Oh-ooh, oh-ooh-ooh
Come on, come on, come on
Oh-ooh, oh-ooh-ooh
Come on, come on, come on
Take my pain away
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Live one more day in my arms
In my arms, let's go further
In my dreams, get wings and fly (away)
You can be my only one
Come on, come on, come on
Come on, come on, come on
Your name
Who are you? What's your name?Who are you? What's your name?
I'm (a) spirit of the woods. My name is Evridiki.
Juan Pachanga
Oh le le ah la la la le!It's 5 in the morning and daybreak,
Juan Pachanga, well-dressed, shows up.
Everyone in the neighborhood are resting
and Juan Pachanga, in silence, is thinking
that, even though his life is all about parties and rum, night and rumba,
his appearance is as fake as the love that betrayed him.
And the sunlight can be seen shining
and Juan Pachanga, the vain one, walks and grieves.
Dressed in the latest fashion and scented
with well polished yé-yé colored shoes.
Those he crosses on the street greet him: 'Hey man!'
'Juan Pachanga is so happy!' everyone says.
But he carries in his soul the pain of a betrayal
which is soothed only by drinking, tobacco, and the drum.
And, while people sleep, he shows up
Juan Pachanga, with his grieving, it's daybreak.
Listen to me, Juan Pachanga, forget her!
He wakes up with grief.
Listen to me, Juan Pachanga, forget her!
No, no, no, no, no, no, the brunette doesn't love you.
Listen to me, Juan Pachanga, forget her!
Look, it 's daybreak now...
Listen to me, Juan Pachanga, forget her!
...and you're dying of love.
Listen to me, Juan Pachanga, forget her!
Forget her, forget her, forget her, forget her, forget her...
...forget her, forget her, forget her, forget her, forget her.
Listen to me, Juan Pachanga, forget her!
Please, wake up and dump her!
Listen to me, Juan Pachanga, forget her!
Because she has never loved you,
Listen to me, Juan Pachanga, forget her!
you can leave her behind too.
Listen to me, Juan Pachanga, forget her!
Leave the appearances and the lie behind,
Listen to me, Juan Pachanga, forget her!
because love isn't to be begged for.
A spring evening in Reykjavík.
Sun kissed clouds sweep over Esja,west facing windows sparkle, and burn the house façades.
The warm spring breeze softly strokes our cheeks,
the desire for love awakens in our breasts anew.
A young, warm woman is kissed in the middle of the street
Lads drive around looking out for girls,
Akrafjall and Skarðsheiði are like purple dreams.
Nothing is more beautiful than a spring evening in Reykjavík.
The pond lies quietly in the evening glow
The crows, though diligent and busy on the islet.
Snuggle up, sires and damsels, on the benches,
the poet Jónas listens to the songs of the thrushes.
Among hidden birch limbs on a soft downy duvet
daughters of a spirit mother with their heads under their wings.
Akrafjall and Skarðsheiði are like purple dreams.
Nothing is more beautiful than a spring evening in Reykjavík.
Silence reigns around Ingólf and every tear there is depleted
ensuring relief from the debauchees with their empty bottles.
They sleep soundly with drooping eyelids,
southerly winds mildly brush cheeks and hair.
There is an aroma of grass and the smell of dust,
the setting sun casts a purple hue in the west.
Akrafjall and Skarðsheiði are like purple dreams.
Nothing is more beautiful than a spring evening in Reykjavík.
But Akrafjall and Skarðsheiði are like purple dreams.
Nothing is more beautiful than a spring evening in Reykjavík.
Almost Gone Crazy
You're with him, right?Just to forget me
Does he know about that?
That you call me every late night
You tell me you miss me
You ask me to come back
I was told one time
That you've almost gone crazy
Who told you to leave me?
Who told you to leave me?
The saying is true
After you lose, you know how to treasure
The saying is true
After you lose, you know how to treasure
You're with him, right?
Just to forget me
Does he know about that?
That you call me every late night
You tell me you miss me
You ask me to come back
I was told one time
That you've almost gone crazy
Who told you to leave me?
Who told you to leave me?
The saying is true
After you lose, you know how to treasure
The saying is true
After you lose, you know how to treasure
That you call me every late night
You tell me you miss me
You ask me to come back
I was told one time
That you've almost gone crazy
Who told you to leave me?
Who told you to leave me?
The saying is true
After you lose, you know how to treasure
That you call me every late night
You tell me you miss me
You ask me to come back
I was told one time
That you've almost gone crazy
Who told you to leave me?
Who told you to leave me?
The saying is true
After you lose, you know how to treasure
The saying is true
After you lose, you know how to treasure