A keresés eredménye oldal 46
Találatok száma: 1477
How far i'll go
Every day I like to look over this ocean
The other side without boundaries
But not understanding why
Perhaps you want me to listen to you
I have also tried hard
Yet I still return to the ocean
Every turned, every pathway
Every decision, every disappointment
No matter how hard
That familiar place is my loging
I hear a calling from beyond the horizon
Who will know how far I can go
Ride the wind, meet the waves, raise the sail, bravely advance
Finally I will know
I'll go no matter how long the path I take is
Altrough everybody on this Island
Seems happy and without sorrow
Everything is prearreanged
Altrough everybody on the Island
Each has their duty
Perhaps I have my own stance
I can lead, make you strong
I can also concede, no longer have hope
My heart rings out another voice
I lose self-control
The shoreline is singing a dazzling light
Who will know how deep the ocean is?
It's as if it is awaiting my response, I am here
Please tell me
What future should that expect?
Call me from the other side of that horizon
Who will know how far i can go?
Ride the wind, meet thr waves, raise the sail, bravely move on
Finally I will know if I can go
Triangular Wave
Morning. Cup of coffe. City.
I live in this now.
Life is burn when you're young,
I catch every moment of happiness.
I'll turn on the music so loud
That I don't hear the noise of the crowd.
My sun is so far away
From the emptiness of the soul.
Tearing the skyes
My dream is flying up
Covering with the head
By triangular wave
I don't like to walk alone,
Hearing the fuss of the streets.
The silence is necessary, sometimes,
To catch your wave.
Morning. Cup of coffe. City.
I live in this now.
Life is burn when you're young,
I catch every moment of happiness.
Tearing the skyes
My dream is flying up
Covering with the head
By triangular wave
Tibor from QS-FB
Tin Can March
Two, three, four, we're marching on
In a quick run up the hill
Once above every man
Watch astute where enemy is
All the cans nothing see
General all at once
Yells 'Hooray!
Enemy arrived!'
Aye aye, tin cans: Roll, roll, roll!
Yes, then it goes: 'Clanky, spanky, danky, roll, roll!'
Aye aye, aye aye!
Aye aye, aye aye!
Yes, then it goes: 'Clanky, spanky, danky, roll, roll!'
Aye aye, aye aye!
Aye aye, aye aye!
Sister DIS (Sunnova Remix)
Doing just what you want, way too much
Don't bite at the [...] of the sweets of a self-conscious lover
Carrying huge fish hooks in your hand hurts
Tilting at windmills, unintelligible
Isn't it that you just won't heal? But capable
The boys and the money keep coming, so
You shouldn't be extorting, sister
In your thirties this year, no steady job bachelor
Been living with your parents your whole life
With eye contact the tongue clicks disapproval
Opened mouth and grumbles fall out, irritation
You've never put money into your house but
How come your shoes and bags keep increasing
Call in, shut up, I don't wanna hear it
Call in, plug my ears, la la, I don't wanna hear it
Call in, you walk and walk but without a road
Call in, call in, call in, call in
Fall in, falling head over heels
Fall in, there's already a [...]
Fall in, a voice calls from below 'Come, step in'
Fall in, fall in, fall in, fall in
All that connects you and I is obligation
You should be living your best, but you're a disgrace
Blonde hair, nose piercing, like from the mold of a bitch
Suddenly you're seeking youth with frilly black underwear
Fake eyelashes flapping
You're overbooked, like one person using two rooms
As if an old lady like you'd get partners
Call in, shut up, I don't wanna hear it
Call in, plug my ears, la la, I don't wanna hear it
Call in, you walk and walk but without a road
Call in, call in, call in, call in
Fall in, falling head over heels
Fall in, there's already a [...]
Fall in, a voice calls from below 'Come, step in'
Fall in, fall in, fall in, fall in
Once you eat it, it's eaten. After not knowing how to clean
Once you consume it, there's the taste of bubbles
Seriously, are you ok? If you have to time for tanning booths
Why don't you learn some home-skills too
I don't wanna be like you, I've known since I was young
So I'm thankful you were there to show me what not to do
I'm stepping up, I drew 'great luck'
By the way, mom loves me more, haha
Call in, shut up, I don't wanna hear it
Call in, plug my ears, la la, I don't wanna hear it
Call in, you walk and walk but without a road
Call in, call in, call in, call in
Fall in, falling head over heels
Fall in, there's already a [...]
Fall in, a voice calls from below 'Come, step in'
Fall in, fall in, fall in, fall in
TL Note: I hope this translation was helpful for you! If anyone ever sees any errors or has any suggestions about my translations, please let me know. -nmuth
The wind is picking up
The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
There's not even time
To reflect.
Have you heard?
Another man looked back,
He gave up,
Just when there were just a few meters left.
The wind is picking up,
If you look outside, you'll see the trees shaking.
I'm going to pick you up,
Let's go all the way to our best mistake
In the deserts
And in the parks that are emptying out
In the open seas
And among the crowd and the faces that get all mixed up.
The slaves, the pyramids
The plagues and the promises.
The night that lights up
With whispered words.
The game rooms are thundering,
You can hear it from outside too.
Let's get away from here,
To see that at the bottom of these hearts of ours,
The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
Day and night
Falling in love with an amazing idea,
The rock’n’roll
The freedom that was under the tables when we were kids,
Those things
That we say to each other and then let go.
For instance,
Try to really do what you wanted.
The slaves, the pyramids
The plagues and the promises.
The night that lights up
With whispered words.
The game rooms are thundering,
You can hear it from outside too,
Let's get inside and see what's there.
At the bottom of these hearts of ours,
The wind is picking up,
We need to live.
The wind is picking up,
We need to live, try to live.
Winter is coming
Carpathian Rap
Listen, dear people
What I want to tell you.
I want to sing a song
About all the guys.
If only my Mom knew
What Dmytro is capable of
Every Sunday she would
Dress me up in an artful way.
If only my Mom knew
What Mikhaylo is capable of
Every Sunday she would
Dress me up nicely.
If only my Mom knew
What Ivanchyk is capable of
Every Sunday she would
Let me go to the dancing.
If only my Mom knew
What Vasyl' is capable of
She would just tell me
'Oh my God, no way!'
A cuckoo was calling
Somewhere over there
Where all the guys a good
But Mykola is the best.
A cuckoo was calling
Over there near the forest.
I don't love anyone
Like that Yurchik guy.
Yurchik, go to bed
Because you are tired.
Petryk, come to me
Because I like you.
My guelder-rose, my raspberry.
My guelder-rose, my raspberry.
I love Havrylo very much
And I'm in love with Lukin.
But when I don't see Andrey
I perish in vain.
And when I don't see Andrey,
I don't tell anyone.
I gave my hand to Yelavko
And went home.
I gave my hand to Yelavko,
And my kerchief to Hrytsko.
And I hug Semén
Like a small child.
As I was going home
I passed plum-trees.
I met Anastasiy there
Bringing me marigolds.
My guelder-rose, my raspberry.
My guelder-rose, my raspberry.
I was going home
Across a green meadow.
I met Shtefan and Onufriy.
I follow them everywhere.
As I was going home
The day was clear.
I met Khedor and Mykyta.
Those are my darlings.
A lily started to bloom
In front of my house.
I've cooked pastils
But Makoviy isn't around.
My dear Makoviy isn't around
And his Dad isn't around too.
I wish my Mom would marry me off
To that Ihnat guy.
Cause Ihnat has a nice house
And a new barn.
I don't know whether I'd become
Ihnat's destiny.
I don't know whether I'd be
Together with Ihnat.
Maybe Kuz'ma will marry me
If he wishes to.
This night at midnight
I had a miraculous dream.
If Kuz'ma doesn't marry me,
Then Danylo will do.
Though Danylo has a nice field
But his house is old.
I won't marry Danylo.
I would rather marry Safat.
My guelder-rose, my raspberry.
My guelder-rose, my raspberry.
Though Safat has a nice house
But his mother is old.
I won't marry Safat.
I would rather marry Slavko.
As I came to Slavko
I slammed the door.
I won't marry Slavko.
I would rather marry Yakym.
Yakym has bulls and horses.
Yakym has cows too.
If Yakym doesn't marry me,
Bless you all!
I've sung you
This song
So that all good people know
How I sorted out the guys.
My guelder-rose, my raspberry.
My guelder-rose, my raspberry.
Married Woman
Go and take that woman it does not matter if she is married
She tells me that it is very in love with me
To take me far away
Even if it is just a season
She tells me crying Leave me
My life is running out and I want it for you
Do not you be martyring me or have doubts of me
Well, my little lover, do we go or do we stay
Do not be afraid of anybody, not even your husband because that boy does not count
I have you here with me
we've become past
you and I have become distant past and folded page
even our loyal wounds got tired
I will love you to my last breath and I will forget tomorrow's burdens
you will remain as a memory in my mind as I search for new dreams
you and I have become distant past and folded page
even our loyal wounds got tired
O my heart and it's enough, stope this war between us
I'm tired of this love, and tired of trying to Satisfy your disturbed heart
you and I have become distant past and folded page
even our loyal wounds got tired
Spasm, magnificent
It is a moment that will come back.
Little miracle
It's a shiver that will kill me.
I'll hide myself
Far from here
You will reach me
Pretending so
I will tell you
A part of me
I will confuse myself
With you
Dancing dragonflies
When it's arising
A life that is not mine
It mingles in this soul
Lightweight by
An unlikely idea
I'll hide
Far from here
You will reach me
Pretending so
I will tell you
A part of me
I will confuse myself
With you
It's like an answer I do not know
It's like a caress I do not have
I repeat a word
That made no sense
It's the limit that today I will not have!
Thanks a lot for your attention!
The gypsys
Come on, gypsy girl, dance!
From heaven came down Saint John,
holding hands with Saint Peter,
(From heaven came down Saint John,
holding hands with Saint Peter)
and on seeing such pretty gypsy girls,
they never went back to holy heaven.
(and, on seeing such pretty gypsy girls,
they never went back to holy heaven)
The gypsies, we all, have
a happy face, and crazy body.
We don't eat, we don't sleep
but we drink, and we laugh.
Come on, gypsy boy, dance!
Dance, gypsy boys, dance,
and you, gypsy girls, dance too,
(Dance, gypsy boys, dance,
and you, gypsy girls, dance too)
so that nobody may say, may say,
say and say, that we are not graceful here. 1.
(so that nobody may say, may say,
say and say, that we are not graceful here)
The gypsies, we all, have
a happy face, and crazy body.
We don't eat, we don't sleep
but we drink, and we laugh.
Come on, dance!
All together, by train,
come whatever I am,
(All together, by train,
come whatever I am)
that at Seville's 'colmao' 2.
they take care of your grief with white wine. 3.
(that at Seville's 'colmao'
they take care of your grief with white wine)
The gypsies, we all, have
a happy face, and crazy body.
We don't eat, we don't sleep
but we drink, and we laugh.
Come on!
Everything goes quiet
And the pulse goes up
And the breathing goes flat
It's about to start
My heart a fist
Beating in the cage
For the one moment
That lives forever
Nerves are on edge
Like polished gold
You wanted the game
You're more than awake
And it's buzzing in your ear
And you count aloud
This countdown to yourself
House lights down
Stage light on
Break out
Feel the push
Stage light on
Break out
Feel the push
Now and here
That's everything that counts
Everything that counts
Everything that counts
I give you this support
That you lack
Support that you lack
Support that you lack
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
Spread your arms
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
I breathe in
You breathe out
When no one believes in you
And demons torture you
Write it onto your skin
You can count on me
Turning around now wouldn't make sense anymore
Better to lose with you
Than to win alone
House lights down
Stage light on
Break out
Feel the push
Stage light on
Break out
Feel the push
Now and here
That's everything that counts
Everything that counts
Everything that counts
I give you this support
That you lack
Support that you lack
Support that you lack
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
Spread your arms
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
I breathe in
You breathe
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
Spread your arms
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
I breathe in
You breathe
The air around us (is burning)
This here is your hour
Use every second
A spring(board) in front of the abyss
Let it pass you by
Go out and show them
The air around us (is burning)
This here is your hour
Use every second
A spring(board) in front of the abyss
Let it pass you by
Go out and show them
I give you uplift
Spread your arms
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
I breathe in
You breathe
The air around us (is burning)
This here is your hour
Use every second
A spring(board) in front of the abyss
Let it pass you by
Go out and show them
The air around us (is burning)
This here is your hour
Use every second
A spring(board) in front of the abyss
Let it pass you by
Go out and show them
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
Spread your arms
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
I breathe in
You breathe
I Dream at Night
You dream at night and wander
Into another world
When you close your tired eyes
You'll get everything you wish for
If you believe in nightly dreams,
A new morning will yet dawn
And no matter how much it hurts at times,
If you believe, this will change
Your nightly wish will come true
And maybe once...
My nightly dreams will come true
And no matter how much it hurts at times,
If you believe, this will change
Your nightly wish will come true
Thousands of truths told by other people
Everyone has one of those inside them
Did you find any?
Thousands of opportunities - we haven't missed them
To do something small but for someone else
Will you be able to?
How little we were for the big dreams
We were lied to and we ran, and it hurts, we were alone
How little separates us from the big dreams
We were lied to and we ran, but we can be together
Be one, be better together
Not much is needed
Thousands of differences with continuations
They closed the eyes to our souls
Did you find them?
Thousands of opportunities are left
To do something small but for someone else
Will you be able to?
How little we were for the big dreams
We were lied to and we ran, and it hurts, we were alone
How little separates us from the big dreams
We were lied to and we ran, but we can be together
Be one, be better together
Not much is needed
It's easier, it's easier, it's easier
To do something little but for someone else
It's easier, it's easier
To be together, together with you
How little we were for the big dreams
We were lied to and we ran, and it hurts, we were alone
How little separates us from the big dreams
We were lied to and we ran, but we can be together
Be one, be better together
Not much is needed
When tired I will lie
When tired I will underlie
Liedowned by the barn
But the barn was yet demolished:
Nor destroyers, nor not destroyers
Just had rided maiden,
Waved to my soul
And I burned with the barn,
And ceased sore my heart.
Here are riding two ploughmans
They are fighting with the Reaper.
Lying Reaper tired
Glinting blood into the temples.
And the ploughmans like this saying:
War - starvation, starvation - war,
I don't need already nothing
Just a you so much I miss.
By the barn lied - in
I will rise - will arise
And to sky will have comed
I will call to you right now:
,,Good morning, my beloved,
How are you, how existing?
Here, I'm died,
In the dream I'm talk with you.'
Here are riding two ploughmans
They are fighting with the Reaper.
Lying Reaper tired
Glinting blood into the temples.
And the ploughmans like this saying:
War - starvation, starvation - war,
I don't need already nothing
Just a you so much I miss.
when I forget you
I can't forget my memories
neither can't erase you from my life
I can say I've totally forgotten you
once I stop scrolling through our photos
once you die inside me
it won't feels like death everytime I see you
I can't forget my memories
neither can't erase you from my life
once you mean nothing to me
I wouldn't be asking about your life
won't bother myself to know where do you spend your day
and I wouldn't be asking my friends about you all the time
I can say I've totally forgotten you
once I stop scrolling through our photos
once you die inside me
it won't feels like death when I see you
I can't forget my memories
neither can't erase you from my life
Now I Am Dead. I'm In Book Lines...
Now I am dead. I'm in book lines, not boulders,
Your hands adorn...
The chains of love are taken off your shoulders,
My ashes burn.
I can be flipped through in the times of trouble
From this day on,
Your roads forever will keep through life's rubble
My seal foregone.
I've dug myself a grave, the tomb of my verse,
With rolled up sleeves,
But listen - do you hear singing sky birds?
My verse - it lives!
My tomb's not empty, do not leave confused like
Poor Magdalene...
Just for a single moment touch my lips with
Your lips serene.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
My heart, they sold you out
Drop by drop, the rain pierces through marble
bitterness* by bitterness, the soul ends up black
My heart, they sold you out
very cheaply, on clearance
but you have so many dreams
that were in vain
Pull pull the rope, it'll break at some point
patience is too a tree that gives way
My heart, they sold you out
very cheaply, on clearance
but you have so many dreams
that were in vain
*a bitter incident
I miss you
Nobody thought
but it still happened
what we feared that would
occur between you and I.
It wasn't planned,
we didn't saw it coming
it was so obvious, that it surprised
the both of us.
And every time that you call,
you shake my world and I dream again
and each morning, from my window
I wanna tell the world, even if it looks bad
That I miss you,
I miss you,
every night I'm alone
Without you I cannot live,
I die of love for you.
That I miss you
I miss you
every night that I am alone
Without you I cannot live,
I die of love for you
That I miss you
I miss you
every night that I am alone
Without you I cannot live,
I die of love for you
The King of Fools
My kids
Don't mock any more
If you see this poor devil
Passing by here
Now I am the king of fools
Today we celebrate the great festival of kings
And for a day I will impose my own laws
Will you love me,
My Esmeralda?
Will you love me?
Is it the same to you,
My Esmeralda
Is it the same to you
That I am
The king of fools
The king of fools
The king of fools
I am the king
I Live Alone on An Island (I Am a Rock)
Snow is falling
And I'm looking out of the window
I'm alone
Down there is the street, dark and snowed-under
People go over there, but they are so endlessly far
I live alone on an island
I'm the only one
Who knows my world.
A big sea surrounds it.
Once I had friends
They are strangers to me now
There's no one who still recognizes me today
I live alone on an island
Don't talk about love
For I know it quite well
The word conjures up memories
I don't want to hear it anymore
It touches on so many things
Tormenting me and what I cannot forget
I live alone on an island
And I've got books
And poems that comfort me
There's also music for me
I have no questions
Und nobody posing them
I build a world out of my dreams
I live alone on an island
Nobody can see me there
When I'm crying for you.
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!
My Phoebus
My Phoebus
If luckily he is still alive
I, here, still love him
If you hear me, come here
Yell the truth for me
Oh Phoebus
How could I have hurt you?
My Phoebus
My dagger is in whose hand? Who
Stole it from me and hit you?
Oh, Phoebus
A dark man follows us
You held me and he hit you
He hit you with my dagger
My Phoebus
In your memory, think that
Your Esmeralda is next to you
Oh Phoebus
She who danced and then no more
But her life, you have it
Oh Phoebus
Oh if you were to take me away
To the mountains of Andalusia
My Phoebus
Hey lady
Don't be tricked by sweet words
After all, it's just an all-talk guy
Hey ladies
I won't allow a man who can't do anything
To touch my body - don't touch me
I'm not the type to be cheated on and thrown away
Being taken here and there like a flunky, say goodbye
Hey boy, those brilliantly shining accessories
'Are they in the way???'
Just throw away
I dodged the bullet, bullet
Baby boy, we're gonna pull it
Killing time at the window shop
I won't let you lick my lollipop
I dodged the bullet, bullet
Baby boy, we're gonna pull it
I won't be tricked
By dangerous men, my lollipop
Hey lady
'I want to touch you till morning comes', you say?
Don't speak so familiarly
Hey ladies
I like my girls over light men
All day long, ride on time
In the end, you don't understand
The spot that feels real
You're gonna wake from your sweet dreams at your level
Hey boy
Don't you know
That women are messing with you?
You're so dumb
I dodged the bullet, bullet
Baby boy, we're gonna pull it
Killing time at the window shop
I won't let you lick my lollipop
I dodged the bullet, bullet
Baby boy, we're gonna pull it
I won't be tricked
By dangerous men, my lollipop
Please notice that thinking
You're special is embarrassing
When you know the existence of true love
That's the start of your life
I dodged the bullet, bullet
Baby boy, we're gonna pull it
Killing time at the window shop
I won't let you lick my lollipop
I dodged the bullet, bullet
Baby boy, we're gonna pull it
I won't be tricked
By dangerous men, my lollipop
I dodged the bullet, bullet
Baby boy, we're gonna pull it
Killing time at the window shop
I won't let you lick my lollipop
I dodged the bullet, bullet
Baby boy, we're gonna pull it
I won't be tricked
By dangerous men, my lollipop
Naked visage
In the direct light.
Suspended visage,
bare and permeable,
Slow osmosis.
Mouth agape as if it drank,
Attentive head.
Undone visage,
Visage without refusal where nothing is defended,
Visage that arises in the doubt of the demand,
Visage that the voices traverse.
Visage deriving
Sensing what the oranges secret,
Abandoned and transparent visage
That the black nights of love in it are received
rays of coldness run upon the sea
In silence the landscapes prop themselves up
And I touch the solitude as if it was a stone.
Lost visage
That bitter winds of drought bury themselves in it
And that the purest waves of the sea lament.
How it is difficult to give up
Say 'Thank you' and leave
We speak only of the future
When only emptiness is around us
Can it still be fixed
Make the extinguished spark
I smile more and more
When I feel the emptiness around me
Do I still carry
Do I still carry dreams of what was buried
Do you still think, only needs fixing
Sleeps beneath days
I've tried to understand
How one loses everything in the end
And just feel gratefulness
Though I want to be elsewhere
Is it always more beautiful
What one cannot reach
Now only longing colors my evenings
When I notice the emptiness around me
Do I still carry
Do I still carry dreams of what was buried
Do you still think, only needs fixing
Sleeps beneath days
Do I still give
Do I still give my soul to yesterday
Why build an altar for promises
We're left with only words
Do I still carry
Do I still carry dreams of what was buried
Do you still think, only needs fixing
Sleeps beneath days
Do I still give
Do I still give my soul to yesterday
If I loose the scissors to dance on the paper
Even words won't be left
Put a stop to ruining us (singable translation)
Ă prăyĕr mádĕ's ă prŏmĭsĕ képt, my Gód,
Sŏmethĭng ăbóut Ĭ'm nĕvĕr fŏrgétfúl
Stĭll nŏthĭng's háppĕnĭng, Ĭ múst bĕ fláwed
Thóse păst mémŏrĭes ŏf yóu măke mĕ féel sŏ rĕgrétfŭl
Plĕase fŏrgíve, Ĭ'm nów ŏn ă hátrĕd-béndĕr
Ĭf Ĭ tóld yŏu ĭt's nŏt lĭkĕ thát, wĕll, Ĭ wŏuld just bĕ lýĭng
Yŏu dŏn't nĕed nó prŏof, Ĭ'm nŏ góod prĕténdĕr
Jŭst knów yŏu áre thĕ óne Ĭ stíll ăm
Ágŏnízĭng óvér...
Sĕt ăsíde ănd síng ălóng tŏ thĭs tŭne clóselý
Thĭs ĭs ă sóng Ĭ wrŏtĕ tŏ quéstiŏn ŭs sŏ clóselý
Nĕvĕr ăgáin wĭll wé ĕĭthĕr lăugh ănd cry ăt thĕ sámĕ tĭme
Thĕ săme wáy wĕ wĕre úsed tŏ
Ĭ thĭnk só, ănd só dĭd yóu
Ărĕn't thírtў yeărs wăy lóngĕr thán ă mŏnth ŏf Súndáys?
Thĭs vĕrў mómĕnt ăll Ĭ'd ásk fŏr ĭs ă dáy‿in thĕ Sún, thóugh
Sŏ wĕ dŏn't néed nŏ tíme-ŏff
Lĕt's tŭrn báck thĕ hánds ŏf tíme
Ănd lĕt's rĕmínd thĕ wŏrld whát wĕ hávĕ bĕen ríght óff
Wĕ căn pút ă stóp tŏ rŭinĭng ús
Fŏr ăll mў lífĕ Ĭ hăve rĕached óut fŏr ăfféctiŏn
Wĕ áll hăd lóvĕrs, friénds ănd állĭes, bút dĭdn't sháre ănў réăl cŏnnéctiŏn
Í fĕel éverўthĭng sŏ déeplў, so‿ĭdéallў
Í jŭst néed ŏne whŏ cŏmfórts mĕ, sŏ tŏuchў-féely
Thăt ĭs thĕ réasŏn whý Ĭ kéep yŏu át ă dístánce
'Căuse ĕverў tímĕ Ĭ tŏuch yŏu, yóu jŭst móunt rĕsístănce
But wĕ've knówn thăt sínce Twŏ-thóusănd-ănd-thĭrtéen:
Gĭve úp yŏur hátrĕd ŭnléss yŏu gŏt ă tíme máchíne
Sĕt ăsíde ănd síng ălóng tŏ thĭs tŭne clóselý
Thĭs ĭs ă sóng Ĭ wrŏtĕ tŏ quéstiŏn ŭs sŏ clóselý
Nĕvĕr ăgáin wĭll wé ĕĭthĕr lăugh ănd cry ăt thĕ sámĕ tĭme
Thĕ săme wáy wĕ wĕre úsed tŏ
Ĭ thĭnk só, ănd só dĭd yóu
Ărĕn't thírtў yeărs wăy lóngĕr thán ă mŏnth ŏf Súndáys?
Thĭs vĕrў mómĕnt ăll Ĭ'd ásk fŏr ĭs ă dáy‿in thĕ Sún, thóugh
Sŏ wĕ dŏn't néed nŏ tíme-ŏff
Lĕt's turn báck thĕ hánds ŏf tíme
Ănd lĕt's rĕmínd thĕ wŏrld whát wĕ hávĕ bĕen ríght óff
Wĕ căn put ă stóp tŏ rŭinĭng ús
Thĭs músĭc ĭs ă pórtăl tŏ‿ĕvĕrywhére ĭmmórtăl
Mў wóunds ăre áll ălréady héalĭng
Músĭc's kĕepĭng mé fĭt fŏr lívĭng
Sĕt ăsíde ănd síng ălóng tŏ thĭs tŭne clóselý
Thĭs ĭs ă sóng Ĭ wrŏtĕ tŏ quéstiŏn ŭs sŏ clóselý
Nĕvĕr ăgáin wĭll wé ĕĭthĕr lăugh ănd cry ăt thĕ sámĕ tĭme
Thĕ săme wáy wĕ wĕre úsed tŏ
Ĭ thĭnk só, ănd só dĭd yóu
Ărĕn't thírtў yeărs wăy lóngĕr thán ă mŏnth ŏf Súndáys?
Thĭs vĕrў mómĕnt ăll Ĭ'd ásk fŏr ĭs ă dáy‿in thĕ Sún, thóugh
Só whăt's ŏur déal? Kĕep ĭt réăl
Săy ĭt ŏut lóud thĕn, tĕll ĕvĕryŏne élse
Whát wĕ hávĕ bĕen, hŏw wĕ wĕre ónce
Yŏu căn put ă stóp tŏ rŭinĭng ús
Míg Vége Nem Lesz A Világnak
Ez beütött, elvitte a cica a nyelved, látom
Bökd csak ki, mert meghalok egy kis társaságért
Észrevettem, hogy benned meg van
Te észrevettem, hogy akarom
Tudod, hogy elbírok vele
A következő szintre, bébi
Ha akarod ezt a jó ****
Betegebb, mint egy remix
Bébi, hagyd, hogy elcsavarjam a fejed ma este
Nem bírom, bírom, bírom tovább ezt elviselni
Sosem érzetem így magam az előtt
Gyere, vigyél, vigyél a táncparkettre
DJ mire, mire vársz még?
Nézd, hogy mozgok mikor nagyon, nagyon benne vagyok
Kizökkentelek egy érintéssel, a sötétben táncolva
Észreveszed mit viselek
Észreveszem a bámulásod
Tudod, hogy elbírok vele
A következő szintre, bébi
Dögösebb, mint az A-listás sztárok
A következőt a slágerlistámról
Bébi, hagyd, hogy elcsavarjam a fejed ma este
Nem bírom, bírom, bírom tovább ezt elviselni
Sosem érzetem így magam az előtt
Gyere, vigyél, vigyél a táncparkettre
DJ mire, mire vársz még?
Látjuk a napfényt, mi nem állunk le
Addig táncolunk, míg vége nem lesz a világnak
Ha érzed, hagyd, hogy megtörténjen
Addig táncolunk, míg vége nem lesz a világnak
Addig táncolunk, míg vége nem lesz a világnak
Addig táncolunk, míg vége nem lesz a világnak
Látjuk a napfényt, mi nem állunk le
Addig táncolunk, míg vége nem lesz a világnak
Ha érzed, hagyd, hogy megtörténjen
Addig táncolunk, míg vége nem lesz a világnak
Please, don't renounce your love
Versions: #5
Please, do not renounce your love.
Our lifes won't end tomorrow,
I'll stop await for you...
But you'll come all of a sudden...
Well... Don't renounce your love.
You will be back when it is a dark,
When the snowstorm is in your windows,
And you will remember how long
We had not comforted one another.
Yeah... You'll be back when it's very dark.
And you will die for that warmth,
The one you have despised for ever.
You won't await another day...
This's how much you'll need it...
Oh yes, you're desperate for that warmth.
And I'll give anything for it,
But before I can believe it...
I know it is impossible for me do not await for you...
All day... away from that door...
I'll give anything for it.
Please, do not renounce your love...
Our lifes won't end tomorrow,
But I'll stop await for you...
But then, I know you'll come all of a sudden...
Oh well... Don't renounce your love...
Don't ever renounce your love...
Let It last
let It last
How about dancing
With me you fall In love
And after a couple of sups
I land In your mouth ( the king )
How about dancing
Let's take off our clothes
And If this rhythm plays for you
We'll forget the hour
And let It last let it last
Let It sweat let it sweat
No doubt no doubt
That to my house you move In
Let It last, let it last
You came from nothing
You stole my sight
And If I didn't know you
In your mind I already knew
That the night guides you
That you'll be mine
Let yourself go and don't laugh
If you try It you'll love It
If you stick around you'll love It more
If this rhythm plays
We'll forget the hour
How about dancing
Let's take off our clothes
And If this rhythm plays for you
We'll forget the hour
And let It last let it last
Let It sweat let it sweat
No doubt no doubt
That to my house you move In
And let It last let it last
Let It sweat let it sweat
No doubt no doubt
That to my house you move In
Let It last, let it last
You know I'm not going to quit
On your hip to dance I'm going to stay
When you decide to confess to me
It'll be a matter of time
You'll see that If you try It you'll love It more
If you stick around you'll love It more
And If this rhythm plays
We'll forget the hour
If you try It you'll love It
If you stick around you'll love It more
If this rhythm plays
We'll forget the hour
And let It last let it last
Let It sweat let it sweat
No doubt no doubt
That to my house you move In
And let It last let it last
Let It sweat let it sweat
No doubt no doubt
That to my house you move In
Let It last, let it last
I oh'
I don't want the whole night to pass
It's over
Let's put an end to this wait
The king
And let It last let it last
Let It sweat let it sweat
No doubt no doubt
That to my house you move In
And let It last let it last
Let It sweat let it sweat
No doubt no doubt
That to my house you move In
Let It last, let it last
This is a classy street
It was time
let's throw It a candel
So that It moves
Little cuban and the Puerto Rican
they can Interest you
Come close
Just tell me that you're all alone and you're not with him
For the nights are so long, you already want to see me oh oh
If he asks you what happens to you, Just lie to him
I know that I'm missing something in the mouth mami I know it
Come close, get naked
Your sweat ends up on my skin
I wanna finish you mami
Come close, get naked
Now we're going to do it one more time
I wanna finish you
I wanna finish you
Come close come close come close
Oh no mami, let's go to the party
If you behave well, I'll be your daddy
I know all the evils like you
And when you walk staring from the kitchen
I know you like it when I throw it on you
I like touching , you already know me
I wanna please you in all poses
Come close, get naked
For your sweat ends up on my skin
I wanna finish you
Come close, get naked
Now we're going to do it one more time
I wanna finish you
I wanna finish you
Come close come close come close
Move it, move it let's lose control
Come close and let's lose our head
Move it, move it come on give it some control
I like it when she gets down and gives me a kiss
Come close, get naked
For your sweat ends up on my skin
Come close, get naked
Now we're going to do it one more time
I wanna finish you ma
Come close come close come close
Végső Búcsú
Te sosem akartad el hinni,
Hogy ez alatt az álom alatt valamiben nem értünk majd egyet
Most hideg van, mint mindig
Mindig tagadni akartam
De az óceán teszi olyanná az eget, mint te és én vagyunk
Mindig itt volt, örökké vár
Igen, mindig azokat bántjuk, akiket szeretünk
Azokat bántjuk, akiket szeretünk, szeretünk, szeretünk
De ez nem azt jelenti, hogy neked és nekem egyedül kellene lennünk ma este
Egyedül kellene lennünk ma este, ma este, ma este
Tartogasd a végső búcsút nekem
Még egy csillogó emlék
Amire mindig emlékszünk
Égve hagyom neked, neked, neked a fényt
Tartogasd a végső búcsút nekem
Ébressz fel mielőtt elmész
Mindig emlékszünk
Égve hagyom neked, neked, neked, neked a fényt
Olyan fényesen égtünk, mielőtt elbuktunk
A motorok lassan elkezdenek vontatottan mozogni
Mindenünk meg van
Szóval mire várunk?
Mert ha nehéz is kitartani
Nem, nem engedhetjük csak úgy el
Messzire, szóval maradj
Védd meg ezt a fényt a fakulástól
Igen, mindig azokat bántjuk, akiket szeretünk
Azokat bántjuk, akiket szeretünk, szeretünk, szeretünk
De ez nem azt jelenti, hogy neked és nekem egyedül kellene lennünk ma este
Egyedül kellene lennünk ma este, ma este, ma este
Tartogasd a végső búcsút nekem
Még egy csillogó emlék
Amire mindig emlékszünk
Égve hagyom neked, neked, neked a fényt
Tartogasd a végső búcsút nekem
Ébressz fel mielőtt elmész
Mindig emlékszünk
Égve hagyom neked, neked, neked, neked a fényt
Tartogasd a végső búcsút
Tartogasd a végső búcsút
Tartogasd a végső búcsút
A végső búcsút, a végső búcsút
Te és én át tudjuk vészelni a ma estét
Át tudjuk vészelni a ma estét, ma estét, ma estét
Tartogasd a végső búcsút nekem
Ébressz fel mielőtt elmész
Mindig emlékszünk
Égve hagyom neked, neked, neked, neked a fényt
Te és én át tudjuk vészelni a ma estét
Át tudjuk vészelni a ma estét, ma estét, ma estét
Következő Lépés
Első lépés
Csak két barát voltunk, akik jól érezték magukat
Második lépés
Nem tudtam nem rád gondolni
A harmadik lépés
Az volt mikor átkaroltál engem
Negyedik lépés
Már nem csak barátok voltunk
Mikor rám nézel, már nincs mit mondanom, csak azt hogyan érzek irántad
Mást nem tehetek
Hogy ne érintsem az ajkaid, ne csókoljam meg az arcod, nincs mit mondanom
Tegyük meg a következő lépést
Mert még sosem jártunk ott
Tegyük meg a következő lépést
Mert a szívem nem bírja már tovább
Az ötödik lépés
Az volt mikor könnyeket csaltam a szemedbe
Hatodik lépés
Már nem is tudom mit tettem
A hetedik lépés
Akkor történt, mikor kisétáltam az ajtón
Nyolcadik lépés
Már barátok sem vagyunk
Mikor rám nézel, már nincs mit mondanom, csak azt hogyan érzek irántad
Mást nem tehetek
Hogy ne érintsem az ajkaid, ne csókoljam meg az arcod, nincs mit mondanom
Tegyük meg a következő lépést
Mert még sosem jártunk ott
Tegyük meg a következő lépést
Mert a szívem nem bírja már tovább
Tegyük meg a következő lépést
Jobb, ha elengedjük egymást
Tegyük meg a következő lépést
Vagy sosem tudjuk meg
Mikor rám nézel, már nincs mit mondanom, csak azt hogyan érzek irántad
Mást nem tehetek
Hogy ne érintsem az ajkaid, ne csókoljam meg az arcod, nincs mit mondanom
Tegyük meg a következő lépést
Mert még sosem jártunk ott
Tegyük meg a következő lépést
Mert a szívem nem bírja már tovább
Tegyük meg a következő lépést
Jobb, ha elengedjük egymást
Tegyük meg a következő lépést
Vagy sosem tudjuk meg
Gyönyörű napkelte a szemedben
Ég, akár egy láng
Gyönyörű színek bennem
A nevedet kiáltják
Elutasítottál engem
Mint nyári esőt
Semmit sem viseltünk csak a szerelmed
Megmagyarázhatatlan borzongást
Éreztem, mikor nevemet kiejtetted
Szivárványokat festett a lelkemen
Gyönyörű napkelte a szemedben
Ég, akár egy láng
Gyönyörű színek bennem
A nevedet kiáltják
Gyönyörű napkelte a szemedben
Ég, akár egy láng
Gyönyörű színek bennem
A nevedet kiáltják
Gyönyörű színek a te...
Sokkolt engem akár egy óceáni vihar
És ajkait mozgatva mondta (Ne félj!)
Itt vagyok, elveszve a szemedben, s megkell hogy találjam újra
Mert te megváltoztattad ma az életem
Gyönyörű napkelte a szemedben
Ég akár egy láng
Gyönyörű színek bennem
A nevedet kiáltják
Gyönyörű napkelte a szemedben
Ég, akár egy áng
Gyönyörű színek bennem
A nevedet kiáltják
Gyönyörű színek a te...
Gyönyörű napkelte a szemedben
Ég, akár egy láng
Gyönyörű színek bennem
A nevedet kiáltják
Gyönyörű napkelte a szemedben
Ég, akár egy láng
Gyönyörű színek bennem
A nevedet kiáltják