Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 32

Találatok száma: 3981


Where Happiness is Hidden

Hold your hands and take a deep breath, not shedding even a single tear
Because life is so lacking, anything can't be lost
Like a grass trying hard to penetrate through the cracks in a rock
Even though we're scarred, we still believe that the beautiful tomorrow will be my reward
We don't know where happiness is hidden
We only know that every step I take can make me closer to you
The road is so lonely and congested
But I can only rely on myself
Nobody in this world knows where happiness is hidden
They only know that the wind and sand cannot bury my smile and name
I don't care about the cost, for I'm very tough
Wanting to become the brightest star in your eyes
The grass has dreamed of the blue sky, just like I once dreamed of you
That's the strength that makes me keep continuing when I'm the most helpless
We don't know where happiness is hidden
We only know that every step I take can make me closer to you
The road is so lonely and congested
But I can only rely on myself
Nobody in this world knows where happiness is hidden
They only know that the wind and sand cannot bury my smile and name
I don't care about the cost, for I'm very tough
Wanting to become the brightest star in your eyes
I will never give up, until the future me embraces the future you
Even if I don't know where happiness is hidden
I still know that every step I take can make me closer to you
The road is so lonely and congested
But I can only rely on myself
Nobody in this world knows where happiness is hidden
They only know that the wind and sand cannot bury my smile and name
When all the darkness has finally passed
I will be the brightest star in your eyes

Missing You is the Farthest Trip

How many unbearable secrets can a heart hide?
When someone asks inadvertently, I respond with a smile
Time will blur traces, some people can't be recognized
Who can prove that I have met you?
Practicing to breathe alone
Practicing to forget alone
Those unforgettable memories, I want to forget but I can't
Practicing to separate alone
Wandering in memories alone
Without the wind, what should I do to fly to the sky?
In fact I have really missed you
Using my tears to determine the distance towards heaven
This world is too vast, where can it accommodate my name?
I am still not ready to give up
But losing love never needs a cause
I will remember you and those that come too late
Practicing to breathe alone
Practicing to forget alone
Those unforgettable memories, I want to forget but I can't
Practicing to separate alone
Wandering in memories alone
Without the wind, what should I do to fly to the sky?
Loneliness is because I suspect you
Leaving you is because I want to escape pity
Missing you is the farthest trip
Without you, what should I do to return to your heart?
I have really missed you
Using my tears to determine the distance towards heaven
You not forgetting my name is worth exchanging with my sincerity
It's not just you that I have lost
There's also much effort and difficulty
I will be heartbroken missing you because I cherish too much
I will remember you and those that come too late

Flower With No Name

I wish you good health
May your heart's filled with hope
I wish you safe and well
May I always be a companion to you
The alarm goes off at the break of down and you're transported back from the dream of your hometown
Outside it's a rainy day and inside your eyes are wet
This longing is like a river flowing homeward
Almost tangible
And yet hazy like a distant memory
You're a flower with no name
Blossoming in the foreign land
Travel across the seas for the dearest
To plant a humble wish
Safeguard it with your life
And wish for the well-being of your family
The evening falls and you barely have time to hang the coat that gets wet in the rain
You rush into the kitchen as hurried as ever
Life has its ups and downs and your love brings me comfort
The dinner we share together
The companionship along the way
You're a flower with no name
Blossoming in the foreign land
Safeguard the home in any weather
The humble wish
Will be realized one day
I wish for the well-being of your family
I'll hold your hand tight
I'll be a companion to you and love is the power
You're a flower with no name
Youth wasted in a foreign land
Being there for me as I grow up
The wish you made
Together we'll make it come true one day
I wish for the well-being of your family
I wish you good health
May your heart's filled with hope
I wish you safe and well
May I always be a companion to you

New Day

They told me it would never come to anything
Usually such petty, hurtful words are
more rarely spoken by me
But now a new day is rising
Life returns to me little by little
If now in color everything before was gray
Where I have been and who I am
Wandered the wrong way
I spread out two wings
I'm ready to fly and I'm going home
A better life awaits me there
No need to search anymore
I spread out two wings
I'm ready to fly and I'm going home
A better life awaits me there
There in bliss I float
Despite the headwind, I stood straight
No one to lead me, I was alone
Behind the smile a wound was hidden
Although no tears could be seen
How could my eyes
Have ignored this vision
My goal seems clear
For now a new day is rising
I spread out two wings
I'm ready to fly and I'm going home
A better life awaits me there
No need to search anymore
I spread out two wings
I'm ready to fly and I'm going home
A better life awaits me there
There in bliss I float

The End

Nobody is expecting it to come,
The thoughts cannot be heard anymore through the echo.
They opened their eyes – and saw darkness,
They ask me to wake up, but I don't want to.

My Homeland

Versions: #1
In the distance behind the river, a silver starfall
And the garden treats all with currant wine
Walking idly down the summer valley
And the soul is consolated with cherry and viburnum
This is the land where I was born and am living
Where everything is familiar, not indifferent
Where a star fell from the sky down on the grass
So you saw me, dear friend
This is the land of my delights and tears
With native words, native songs
Leaning to the Ukrainian beauty
For I took it from my mother and father
Meadows smell with grasses, smell to exhaustion
Sinful together with a righteous one, in two sillhouettes
Music above silence, might as well play strings
And the soul is consolated — this is my homeland!
This is the land where I was born and am living
Where everything is familiar, not indifferent
Where a star fell from the sky down on the grass
So you saw me, dear friend
This is the land of my delights and tears
With native words, native songs
Leaning to the Ukrainian beauty
For I took it from my mother and father

Melody for the Men

That the answer will come out if I just start running.
I am not counting on such a thing. I don't count on that.
If you are a man, you would always have
one or two stray bullets stuck in your chest. They're stuck.
Pick up your head
Throw away your blues
After all, you only live once for all.
The more you give
babe the less you lose yeah
You are gonna die if you don't have luck. You'll just die.
I and you are just like old friends,
But we must be meeting for the first time. First time.
Tomorrow, if you feel like it, you can stay with me.
But, don't interfere with me. Don't meddle me.
Pick up your head
Throw away your blues.
You only live once after all.
The more you give
babe the less you lose yeah
You are gonna die if you don't have luck. You'll just die.
When you feel you are ready to leave this city,
I will send you off with a smile on my face. Smile on my face.
Pick up your head
throw away your blues
You only live once after all.
The more you give
babe the less you lose yeah
If you are less fortunate you'll just die. You'll just die.

Szerelmes üzenet

Szerelmes üzenetet küldünk a világnak
Egy szerelmes üzenet a világnak
Hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
Szerelmes üzenetet küldünk a világnak
Egy szerelmes üzenet a világnak
Hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
[H.P. Baxxter (Scooter)]
Óvd meg az életed!
Szerelmes üzenet!
[Verze 1: Rod D. & Smooth T (Fun Factory) és Masterboy]
Figyelj, mert itt az ideje
A szerelem és a szex még mindig nem bűn
Egy nagy betegség kis névvel
Ez komoly, és ez nem játék
Mindenkinek szüksége van információra
Itt és ott, minden nemzetben
Menj ki, érezd jól magad, de élj és tanulj!
Védd magad -- ez a mi aggodalmunk
Ding, di-di-ding, di-di-ding ding dong
A világon minden ember rosszul gondolkodik
Ne veszítsd el a fejed, ne légy túl heves
Mentsd meg a lelked, és tartsd sokáig
A HIV az én aggodalmam
Inkább légy biztonságban, mintsem aztán sajnálkozz
Tudatában annak, hogy mi történik
Tedd a helyes dolgot, húzd fel!
Szerelmes üzenetet küldünk a világnak
Egy szerelmes üzenet a világnak
Hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
Szerelmes üzenet
Szerelmes üzenetet küldünk a világnak
Egy szerelmes üzenet a világnak
Hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
A szerelem üzenete, igen
Szerelmes üzenet, érzed?
Szerelmes üzenet, látod?
Szerelmes üzenet, hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
Szerelmes üzenet!
Szerelmes üzenet, érzed?
Szerelmes üzenet, látod?
Szerelmes üzenet, hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
[Utókórus: H.P. Baxxter (Scooter)]
Óvd meg az életed!
[Verze 2: David Brandes (E-Rotic) és LayZee (Mr. President)]
Szerelem, szerelem, szerelem mindenütt
Ne felejtsd el. Hogyha találtál
valakit a kielégüléshez
Először gondolkozz és használj védelmet
Szex, szex, a szex jó szórakozás
De ne légy ostoba - használj Billy Boy-t
Ne égesd meg a kezed!
Bízz a szavaimban, mert barátok vagyunk
A barátok barátok, és te tudsz gondolkodni
De kérlek légy elővigyázatos a HIV-vel
Ez egy ingyenes, kelletlen betegség, de fiam, te fizetsz
Neked vagy nekem, hogy Z-t A-ra vigyük
Add tovább a szót, ne légy ostoba
Szeretkezni akarsz? Akkor jobb, ha óvszert használsz
Itt az ideje, hogy megállítsuk
Védd meg a barátod, ha a csúcson akarsz lenni
Szerelmes üzenetet küldünk a világnak
Egy szerelmes üzenet a világnak
Hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
Szerelmes üzenet
Szerelmes üzenetet küldünk a világnak
Egy szerelmes üzenet a világnak
Hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
A szerelem üzenete, igen
Szerelmes üzenet, érzed?
Szerelmes üzenet, látod?
Szerelmes üzenet, hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
Szerelmes üzenet!
Szerelmes üzenet, érzed?
Szerelmes üzenet, látod?
Szerelmes üzenet, hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
[Utókórus: H.P. Baxxter (Scooter)]
Óvd meg az életed!
Szerelmes üzenetet küldünk a világnak
Egy szerelmes üzenet a világnak
Hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
Szerelmes üzenet
Szerelmes üzenetet küldünk a világnak
Egy szerelmes üzenet a világnak
Hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
A szerelem üzenete, igen
Szerelmes üzenet, érzed?
Szerelmes üzenet, látod?
Szerelmes üzenet, hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
Szerelmes üzenet!
Szerelmes üzenet, érzed?
Szerelmes üzenet, látod?
Szerelmes üzenet, hallod a szerelem üzenetét?
Szerelmes üzenet!

A szívem mélyén

A szívem mélyén
Itt fekszem és azt kívánom, bárcsak mellettem lennél
Szükségem van arra a gyengéd testre a közelemben
Meg akarom érinteni az arcodat és elmondani, hogy annyira sajnálom
És még utoljára könyörögni azért, hogy megbocsáss
Jóvá fogom tenni ezt neked, ígérem
Csak mondd, hogy adsz még egy esélyt nekem
A szívem mélyén az irántad való vágyódásom akár egy óceán
A szívem mélyen a szerelmem folyója özönlik
A szívem mélyén tengernyi fájdalomban fuldoklom
Kérlek, hadd mondjam el még egyszer
Hogy mennyire szeretlek a szívem mélyén
Lassan eljön a reggel és még mindig nem válaszoltál
Örökkévalóságnak tűnik, amióta próbállak elérni telefonon
Folyamatosan azon tűnődöm hol lehetsz, hogy vagy
Miközben ki-be sodródom összetört álmaimból
Tudod, nélküled csak egy fél ember vagyok
Szóval kicsim, gyere haza hozzám ma este
A szívem mélyén az irántad való vágyódásom akár egy óceán
A szívem mélyen a szerelmem folyója özönlik
A szívem mélyén tengernyi fájdalomban fuldoklom
Kérlek, hadd mondjam el még egyszer
Hogy mennyire szeretlek a szívem mélyén

Szükségem van rád

Ha változol, fontold meg újra a döntésed
És ha úgy érzed, hogy megéri
Csak csörögj rám
Meg fogsz találni - szükségem van rád.
Ha rosszul bánnak veled,
ha vérzik a szíved
Én akkor is is annyira akarlak téged - szükségem van rád
Olyan szavakat mondok neked, amit senki más nem fog hallani
A könnyekből gyémántot készítek
Higgy nekem.
Felejts el mindent - csak össze fogja törni a szíved
Gyere hozzám és bennem bízz, drága
Soha sem fogsz olyan szerelmet találni, mint amilyen az enyém irántad.
Szükségem van rád
Szükségem van rád
Ha úgy gondolod, hogy megéri
Éjjel-nappal elérhető leszek - szükségem van rád
Ha rosszul bánnak veled
Ha vérzik a szíved
Soha sem fogsz olyan szerelmet találni, mint amilyen az enyém irántad.

Pray for Ukraine

May God the Father listen closely to this prayer
Wipe away the tears, and stop the war
May He reach out to end all sin and uphold justice
And bless this land with peace
May He guard the old and weak, and give people strength
And bravery to protect their hometown
Though tears flow through the night, tomorrow will they surely cheer
I believe that the Lord will surely save them
May the Lord Christ watch over and protect them
May the people live in peace, and fear no longer
May the Lord Christ take full control
And give His blessing over Ukraine


The night is over - I think of us
I’ll wait for you at the rendezvous
Embrace yourself upon our bed
The moon will kiss your sleepy head
Your sleepy head, oh
Daydream of an endless love
I really want your promises
Can’t imagine a love that’s better
Can’t imagine us feeling closer
Turn it on - I’ll get to you
The nights are long without you, baby
Feel so strong when I’m with you
I miss the desire without you, baby
Daydream of an endless love
Can’t imagine us feeling closer
Oh, I'll come to drive away your pain
You’ll never feel alone again
Alone again, oh
Drive me on - I’ll get to you
The nights are long without you, baby
Feel so strong when I’m with you
I miss the desire without you, baby
Daydream of an endless love
I really want your sadness
Can’t imagine us feeling closer
Can’t imagine a love that’s better
Daydream of an endless love
I really want your sadness
Can’t imagine a love that's better
Can’t imagine us feeling closer
...I really want your promises
...I really want your sadness...

Woe to you

But woe to you, woe to you, ye Pharisees!
Hypocrites as you are
You hunt fools to seduce
The souls, you get hold on
They lend your heresy ears
Alas, and soon they are!
More lost than you!
But woe to you, woe to you, ye Pharisees!
Hypocrites as you are!
You are so sure of access to the kingdom
But there will be no seat for you.
Others who have piously and humbly coveted
Those you lead away!
From the right path!
Ye snakes, filled with scurvy1
To hellfire, ye all are doomed
I have sent priests and prophets
The word was preached, signs you have seen, however:
Faith you have neglected
(Hypocrites! Hypocrites! Hypocrites!)
But woe to you, woe to you, ye Pharisees!
Hypocrites as you are!
Sons of those who killed prophets
Do as they have done before you.
Now you have long mocked and laughed, yes
Now the time is short
Revenge hits hard.
Ye snakes, filled with scurvy
To hellfire, ye all are doomed
I have sent priests and prophets
The word was preached, signs you have seen, however:
Faith you have neglected.
Blind! Fools!
The blood you caused will be paid.
And the people, yes, the whole people
Will bear the blame for EVERYTHING!
But woe to you, woe to you, you
Blind fools!
  • 1. The Danish word seems weird, but I could hear no better.

My song

A new song begins today
The light shines and it's summer on Earth
The two of us are friends, flying
A holiday for us to spend together
My song, my song
We've had a good night's sleep
Today both of these are illuminated:
My heart and the world
It's impossible for my song to make you sad
Or for you to struggle,
Yes, pure, innocent happiness is there
Us humans must share it
A song for them, a song for them
From my house to everybody's
Today my song is just for you
A gift filled with promises

Come home in peace

A foreign country is like a mother-in-law
Her hands would be could, as cold as her milk
Don't hope from her to give you warmth
Hope, yes... Have some hope
Raise your hand, and look to the sea
Be embraced in your homeland's hands
Come back home quick, take your step
Re-inrich your nation, yes you
In peace, come home in peace
This is the right thing to please your God
Lift your cup, and pray with me my brother
For God to unit us again
In peace, come home in peace
In unity we're strong, we're powerful
Lift your cup, and let us pray my brother
For God to make us as one, to be as one once again
The sea between us, deviding us in two
We're scattered all around the world
While longing to go back, while looking into each other's eyes
Time is passing us... Life is passing us by...
But, Circassians say:
'All in it's time is good!' Yes!
Come back home quick, take your step
Re-inrich your nation, yes you

That Love Saves You In This Dark Night

That love saves you in this dark night
And that light embraces you at the right time
A love that rises in the hardest morning
Who shall cry when the voice goes silent?
There's still fire inside!
There still are fruits with no poison!
There's still light in the road!
Climb up to the temple's door
That love saves us...
And there's a light that calls,
And another light that goes silent,
And there's a light which is ours...
That the morning rises the rose of the winds
And a tight siege on the word 'war'
No one in this land owns time
The ground which waits for you dates from another time.
There's still fire inside!
There still are fruits with no poison!
There's still light in the road!
Climb up to the temple's door
That love saves us...
And there's a light that calls,
And another light that goes silent,
And there's a light which is ours...
The beginning of the world starts here
The seed will be a fruit all through life
This open door has never been shut
To let the last hour come in.
There's still fire inside!
There still are fruits with no poison!
There's still light in the road!
Climb up to the temple's door
That love saves us...
And there's a light that calls,
And another light which is hours,
And there's a light which goes silent...
There's still fire inside!
There still are fruits with no poison!
There's still light in the road!
Climb up to the temple's door
That love saves us...
Climb up to the temple's door
That love saves us...
As there's a light that calls,
And another light which is ours,
And there's a light that goes on...

In the Old House on the Sea

In a city that lies far from here in the South
Padron, the fisher, found a stone
The stone's force had won Sora's young heart
But her soul would never be
In the old house on the sea
The wind sighs heavily
And Sora, she must cry
In the old house on the sea
In this city that the sea surrounds far from here
Padron, the fisher, curses his stone
He knows, that Sora loves another
And traps her soul in a wicked dream
In the old house on the sea
The wind sighs heavily
And Sora, she must cry
In the old house on the sea
In this city that dreams in the evening far from here,
Padron, the fisher, grasps his stone
And where the sea foams at the edge of the tall cliffs
One dragged the other into the tide
In the old house on the sea
The wind sighs heavily
And Sora, she must cry
In the old house on the sea

Like You (Bright Eyes)

I had my home
I was satisfied with myself
You came and told me about yourself
And about your world
About your trip to the rainbow
About your bed under the stars
About the wind, that sings for you in the trees
It sounded wonderful
And I could understand you
I wanted to live like you
Like you- free, but with a purpose
I couldn't get rid of old feelings
Today I did it- like you
You went alone early in the morning
And everyday life moved in
Soon I felt
That only habit keeps me
And now I follow your steps
The wind shows me the way
And there, where the clouds and land touch
Where the mists turn
There I'll see you
I wanted to live like you
Like you- free, but with a purpose
I couldn't get rid of old feelings
Today I did it- like you
I wanted to live like you
Like you- free, but with a purpose
I couldn't get rid of old feelings
Today I did it- like you

To Live with You

To live with you every day
To be happy with you
To be totally entangled
In the feeling of togetherness
To live with you, only with you
I always want to be
To share everything
And to be there just for you
To live with you, close to you
In the feeling of security
Your hands show me
Your tenderness
To live with you, to be one
Until the day trickles away
To give everything, when the night
Brings us darkness
To share everything
And to be there just for you


Самый прекрасный из сего мира
Ты показала мне алас,
Где в глазах моих запомнился тот вечер
Когда сквозь облака плыла луна
Где там чайки
В шуме своем разлетаются
И где мы с тобой
Не забуду ли я
Те сосновые холмы аласа,
Чаек берег и
Буду ли я ещё в том прекрасном месте?
Услышу ли я ещё раз крики тех чаек?
Вспомню ли я ещё с содроганием
Невозвратные юности дни?
Где там чайки
В шуме своем разлетаются
И где мы с тобой
Не забуду ли я
Те сосновые холмы аласа,
Чаек берег,
Не забуду ли я и тебя!

The Riots

The ones on top, the ones who have ruled,
The ones who have raped and stolen,
The ones who have sold, even their soul,
Now they demand calm
That's how the riots begin
That's how the riots begin
That's how the riots begin
That's how the riots begin
Here the patience is over,
Here even fear was stolen,
Here a whole town gathered,
Here the system died.
So many lies and false promises
Corruption and money under tables..
Day after day poverty grows,
Here we behead the king..
You you you you you,
Don't make fun of your people,
You you you you you,
Don't make fun...!
This is the end of the line, not one more step,
The first line never goes backwards,
Without dignity there can be no peace,
The strength of the people is never lost.
This feeling, a sensation,
No one can stand in this situation..
You have to eat, survive,
I can't live on a diet of lies

I'm Going

I'm going to moisten my lips with holy water
To wash away the kisses that you once gave me, wicked mouth.
I'm going to put a hot iron in my eyes

Sound of waves still remains the same

Taking away a light from the fishing boat, let it warm my eyes.
Leaving a true love, let it moor at the Maple Bridge.
Helplessly, I have already been far from the relationship.
After many years, I find myself back in front of you.
The lingering sounds of bell keep beating me while I am sleepless.
The days covered by the dust will never vanish like cloud or mist.
For a long time, you must keep that smiling face.
After many years, can we accept the changes of each other?
The moon is falling and the crows are cawing, which is part of the wind and frost of thousand years.
The sound of waves still remains the same, but those nights in the past will never be seen again.
At this time, can you and I repeat our story of yesterday?
Would this expired ticket allow me to board on your boat?

McDull and Chicken

My name is McDull
My mom is called Mrs. Mak
I love McDonald’s McNuggets
And eating chicken and singing together
My name is McDull
My mom is called Mrs. Mak
I love McDonald’s McNuggets
And eating chicken and singing together
My name is McDull
My teacher’s called Miss Chan Chan
I love chicken rice on a plate
And eating chicken and singing together
But reality is like a duck
Every time things have got to be “duck”1
But - no, can’t do! Then what do I do?2
How do I turn a chicken into a duck?3
My name is McDull
My teacher’s called Miss Chan Chan
I love chicken rice on a plate
And eating chicken and singing together
But reality is like a duck
Every time things have got to be “duck”4
But - no, can’t do! Then what do I do?5
How do I turn a chicken into a duck?6
With a chicken dumpling in my mouth
I look at a chicken tofu skin roll longingly
Such a pity that reality always wants ducks7
And has me tied up with a taro
I love sizzling chicken
I love to eat chicken butt
I love chicken wings in soy sauce
Let’s eat chicken and sing together
Though I wanted chicken
I wanted chicken
In the end I became a dried duck, duck, duck
  • 1. A pun. In Cantonese, “duck” is homophonous with “得”(dak1), which roughly means “can (do something)” or “(something) can (be done)”. 下下一定要Duck/得 can mean both “Every time it’s got to be ducks”, and “Every time things have got to be able to be done i.e. go as planned”.
  • 2. 唔得(m4 dak1) literally means “cannot”.
  • 3. This line continues to use the word play on “duck” and “得”(dak1), meaning “how do I change the situation so that something can be done, when it so certainly can’t?” in the logic that a chicken can’t possibly be turned into a duck.
  • 4. See [1].
  • 5. See [2].
  • 6. See [3].
  • 7. Still the wordplay on “duck” and 得(dak1). It really means “such a pity that reality always wants things to be able to go as planned”.

Burn me

Verse 1:
Let me kiss you one more time
On the same bench, at the same street corner
Where you saw me and you came to ask me for a light
What a shame that I had one and look at how I burnt it all down
I'd rip myself open in order to forget
Leave me be with the wounds which cannot
They cannot give me my life from before you
Before you
Your eyes don't burn anymore
And your lips don't search in the night anymore
But I know that only with you would I be able to burn brighter than
All the stars
Burn me sadly, baby
Burn me like the last time
I can forget, but I'll leave
And you'll be left, forgotten
Verse 2:
Look at me
And realize that you're lying for the umpteenth time
For the umpteenth time, you're pretending that you still burn and you still feel
For the umpteenth time, you have a flame to ignite
Collector of lighters
With beautiful eyes and an extinguished soul
Leave me be with the wounds which cannot
They cannot give me my life from before you
Before you
Your eyes don't burn anymore
And your lips don't search in the night anymore
But I know that only with you would I be able to burn brighter than
All the stars
Burn me sadly, baby
Burn me like the last time
I can forget, but I'll leave
And you'll be left, forgotten
And of all that was
In the old park with lanterns burned over time
There are just seconds, just seconds remained
And we burned, and we burned
And we burned, and we burned
Burn me sadly, baby
Burn me like the last time
I can forget, but I'll leave
And you'll be left, forgotten

Flirting and Dancing

I have a shot every Friday night.
I stay awake even though the night is cold
I sing and I drink and I hit and I fight,
the next chance I get is good enough for me.
Because I love flirting and dancing,
I'm dreaming of happiness in women.
I'm pretty smart in the eyes of the devil
if not his special friend.
Every Saturday night I'm cheerful and in good shape
play with me and sing like a yellow-striped tomcat.
And if you meet a man that takes the pinch away
'shut up' you know that's not me.
Because I love flirting and dancing,
I'm dreaming of happiness in women.
I'm pretty smart in the eyes of the devil
if not his special friend.
I stay in my room every holy day.
and I think I will have a stroke now.
And the last moments of the man in pain
are now scorching his exhausted heart.
Because I love flirting and dancing,
I'm dreaming of happiness in women.
I'm pretty smart in the eyes of the devil
if not his special friend.
Every Monday when you start moving around
the morning is bitter cold and the daylight is grey.
My brandy nose is broken and deformed
and my windpipe has got bronchitis.
Because I love flirting and dancing,
I'm dreaming of happiness in women.
I'm pretty smart in the eyes of the devil
if not his special friend.

Am I losing you

One time that one time
I'd like to know just how you feel
But this time it does matter
So listen to what I say
'cause I long for you each night and day
I'll give you more
Oh, how I need you
Of all that I'll get from you
And even if you'll love me
If you would leave me I would die
I'll give you more more
Am I losing you?
La la la... I'll give you more more
Words are words
These words, it's true, I said before
But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter
Please help me anytime
'cause you're driving me out of my mind
I'll give you more
Oh, how I need you
Of all that I'll get from you
And even if you'll love me
If you would leave me I would die
I'll give you more more
Am I losing you?
La la la... am I losing you?


I drive and close my eyes when I get to the highway
You were my oxygen but I couldn't breathe
I had everything but sometimes it can be frustrating
Even Ramat Gan feels like Paris
With you, I feel like I'm in Paris with you
I'd love to be there but everything's been ruined
I wandered through the neighbourhood I wore the ego of a peacock
I'd give a million to not fall in the trash again
I'm not that strong
'Cause one more hit and BAM!
One more hit and BAM!
I'm on the floor
Why does this keep happening to me with you?!
I'm not that strong 'cause one more hit and...
And it's so sick that sometimes it feels healthy to me
How you said 'Live life because it's single-use'
That's illogical because
In the end it always falls apart easily
You keep repeating the same mistake
And it would be pathetic to give you another chance
'Cause everything is temporary with you
I'd love to be there but everything's been ruined
I wandered through the neighbourhood I wore the ego of a peacock
I'd give a million to not fall in the trash again
I'm not that strong
'Cause one more hit and BAM!
One more hit and BAM!
I'm on the floor
Why does this keep happening to me with you?!
I'm not that strong 'cause one more hit and...
I'd love to be there but everything's been ruined
I gave up, in the end even I have had enough
I'd give a million just to not fall in the trash again
I'm not that strong
'Cause one more hit and...

(But) a poet is a poet

But a poet is a poet.
Builds word houses,
word ships.
Doesn't reside, doesn't sail,
lets others reside, sail.
Builds word roads, gets lost.
Digs a pit in the ground,
drags words to cover,
eats them,


Travel, travel
That's life, do you want?
Going on a journey
Vacation of a lifetime
Board a 747
Destination is your heart


Dancing night
I watch in fascination the second hand stop as if by magic
Colouring me, who remains transparent, beautiful
Every time I rewind I'm told there wouldn't be a second time
Even today that I called to stop wasn't going to go well
In place of the real thing, I draw with a cheap pen
Wishing for a replica of you who are nowhere to be found
Within the diminishing amount of time
Without anything clear-cut to show you
I keep dressing myself up with something new
I'm getting rid of the real me for good
Dancing night
I watch in fascination the second hand stop as if by magic
Colouring me, who remains transparent, beautiful
I will shine here tomorrow
On an incomplete stage with no audience
Carried away and beautifully corrupted by the transparent night

My beautiful

As much as I love you, you're fire is burning me
Embarrassing! I cry — I'd break down if I don't
When there's too much hate on this world
You're my world, but I'm perishing
Since we're kids, your legs used to tremble
But your love used to make me so happy
Happy — is the one who doesn't know hate
My handsome, my heart's atrium is swelling
On our highest mountains the sun is shining
When it reaches my heart, it's flames burns me up
But the fire of life is so tenderly strong
My world, I'm burning into ashes
I forgot all about hate
When my soul entered into the beauty of spring with people's souls
I took a last look before I break down
My world, the earth's light made me go blind