Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 34

Találatok száma: 3981


Lachish cattlemen

From Lachish to Azeka
Ho ho ho-ho
Ho ho ho-ho
Ho Lachish Lachish-a
Wake up cattleman to gather cattle
Hurry, hurry up
Ho Lachish Lachish-a
Herds went down
In front the valley slope
Caressing wind
Tracing the flock
Morning sings the evening song
In front of Hebron Mountains
Ho Lachish, Lachish-a
Wake up cattleman ...
Longing to laying calves
Ho, beautiful Lachish
The land of mounds
Morning sings ...

Soar with me

Be like a bird that soars into the sky
Without restrictions, without borders
Freely and untethered it travels

The rock band Wounded Knee

Big sister was pregnant the third time
When we all realized
That Eino's garage door
Can be locked and the noise won't wake him up
We were Käpä and Antsu,
Pykä and I and the crazy son of the salesman
He was later caught burning the church
when he stopped to fry potatoes there
At the corner of the garage we pondered
what shall we do with his
When someone said: Let's start a rock band
and call it Wounded Knee
The road is open all the way to heaven and never back
Shala la la laa la la la la
Shala laa laa la didadamdii
The road is open up to heaven, we sang with our hair standing up
My friends and I
The rock band Wounded Knee
We painted onto that corrugated metal door
A circle and a damn big A
So that all would remember
What we are playing for
Käpä brought his deceased uncle's drums
And all else we bought
I guess Eikka could heat his flat with the ads for half a year
And so we tasted crow blood
And smoked tea from a pipe
made a cocktail of aspirin and pilsner
And so Wounded Knee could jam
The road is open all the way to heaven and never back
Shala la la laa la la la la
Shala laa laa la didadamdii
The road is open up to heaven, we sang with our hair standing up
My friends and I
The rock band Wounded Knee
Then Pykä left for the military
And Antsu got a job in Stadi 1
He got too good for aspirin-beer
When he visited some Saturday
Käpä set out to naval cuisine school on Christmas
and left to the seas to cook
So the crazy son of the salesman and I
were left to rock alone
But when I was sad and depressed
I guess he remained in the heavens
His coat said Wounded Knee
when he was arrested in the churchyard
The road is open all the way to heaven and never back
Shala la la laa la la la la
Shala laa laa la didadamdii
The road is open up to heaven, we sang with our hair standing up
My friends and I
The rock band Wounded Knee
  • 1. Helsinki

Your place in this world

Tonight it's autumn in your head
And you won't be partying
On the dance floor
The made-up excuse
You're left alone to listen
To sad songs
To chase away your melancholy
There are notes of hope in your bed
In the voice of the singer who rumbles
You're looking for your place in this world
Your place in this world (x2)
You say we live in strange times
And how many take drugs
To fall asleep
You know that elsewhere it rains bombs
That it will take doves
To get out of it
Still lying in your feather*
You press the volume button
So that the emotions flood you
And you look for your place in this world
Your place in this world (x2)
You dream of a great love to live
Why not write a book
And travel?
Never be part of the herd
And then plant the flag
Of freedom
Among all those who succeed
And on the networks show it off
You doubt yourself every second
But you have your place in this world
Your place in this world (x4)
Like you, while the city dances
I wonder if I'm exactly
In the right place
Deep down, I think there are millions of us
Asking the same question
In front of the mirror
In the parking lot of happy people
Sometimes you have to turn a little
To find a place in the circle
And as long as it fits you
Your place in this world
Your place in this world that rumbles
Your place in this world (x4)

Dance For Me

The first time that I saw you
Like a princess in a fairy tale
I went numb, totally enchanted
(I asked)
What's your name, what's your name
What's your name?
Suddenly (Yeah, it feels quite special)
I could see (That I lose all control)
It is you (It's indescribable)
Paradise (So indescribable)
It's so hot (It's as if you give me shock)
You and I (Yeah, I lose all control)
Two becomes one (It's indescribable)
In a love scene
Come and dance for me, dance for me
Dance for me, dance for me
Cause you can not decline, dance for me
Dance for me, dance for me
You are a star, star in the distance
In my dreams, without you they're empty
You are a star, star in the distance
In my dreams, come and dance for me
In your eyes, it's like the sun
Oh, it's beautiful, but it's you who's hot
Yeah, I like when you're watching
Come here, come here, come here
Suddenly (Yeah, it feels quite special)
I could see (That I lose all control)
It is you (It's indescribable)
Paradise (So indescribable)
It's so hot (It's as if you give me shock)
You and I (I lose all control)
Two becomes one (It's indescribable)
In a love scene
Yeah, come and dance for me, dance for me
Dance for me, dance for me
Cause you can not decline, dance for me
Dance for me, dance for me
You are a star, star in the distance
In my dreams, without you they're empty
You are a star, star in the distance
In my dreams, come and dance for me
You cast your magic, I get chills inside
You take hold of me, I can't say no
It's so hot, it's Paradise
Two becomes one in a love scene
So come and dance for me, dance for me
Dance for me, dance for me
Cause you can not decline, dance for me
Dance for me, dance for me
Come and dance for me, dance for me
Dance for me, dance for me
Cause you can not decline, dance for me
Dance for me, dance for me
You are a star, star in the distance
In my dreams, without you they're empty
You are a star, star in the distance
In my dreams, come and dance for me

Az Egyetlen Dolog Amit Tenni Akarsz

Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
Úgy gondolom mind egyetértünk
Én vagyok a tizes ez a sok hármas között
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
És kislánykorom óta
Megvadítom a fiúkat
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
Nézzük az első zene tanáromat
Henry Manox
Fiatal voltam, ez igaz
De már akkor is tudtam,
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz az...
Széles, sötét, szexi Manox
Mindent megtanított a dinamikáról
Ő huszonhárom volt
És én voltam tizenhárom
A harminc felé haladva
Órákat töltöttünk a lantott pengetve
Az akkordokat ütve és a furulyát fújva
Egészen G-ig pengette a húrjaimat
Majorról mollra ment
C-ről D-re
Mondd meg mi kell neked
Mit szeretnél
Nem kell könyörögnöd
Mert én érzem
A kémiát
Minthogy én értelek
És te értesz engem és
Tudom, ez az
Annyira törődő
Ez igazi
Valódi kapcsolatunk van
Szerintem ez a srác más
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
Megfogni engem, szeretni engem
Nincs eleged, látod
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
A kedvemben járni, megszorítani engem
Madárkák és méhecskézni
Az ujjaidat a hajamba futtatni
Azt mondani, hogy én vagyok a vásár legszebbje
A játékidőnek vége
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz az
De aztán volt egy másik srác. Francis Dereham
Komoly, zord és lassú
Megkapja amit akar és nem fogadja el azt, hogy nem
Szenvedély mindenben amit megérint
A szexi titkára az özvegy herecgnének
Segítettem az irodájában, egy kötelességet kellett teljesítenem
Még azt is megengedte, hogy használjam a kedvenc írótollját
Kiömlött a tinta a pergamenre
Annyira fáradt volt a csuklóm
Mégis visszajöttem másnap
Ahogy ő kívánta
Látod, én vagyok minden, amire szükséged van
Minden, amit akarsz, nem kell könyörögnöd
Mert érzem a kémiát
Minthogy én értelek téged, te pedig engem, és
Tudom, ez az
Annyira törődő
Ez igazi
Valódi kapcsolatunk van
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy ezúttal más a helyzet
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
Megfogni engem, szeretni engem
Nincs eleged, látod
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
A kedvemben járni, megszorítani engem
Madárkák és méhecskézni
Az ujjaidat a hajamba futtatni
Azt mondani, hogy én vagyok a vásár legszebbje
A játékidőnek vége
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz az
Ja, hát ez nem sikeredett
Szóval, úgy döntöttem, hogy szünetet tartok a fiúktól
És el nem hiszitek kivel találkoztam
Magas, hatalmas, VIII. Henrik
Az angliai egyház legfelsőbb feje
Globálisan tisztelik
Bár azt a szakálla külseje alapján nem gondolnád
Udvarhölgyet csinált belőlem, feldobott
Engem és a családom a világba
Feladatokat adott nekem az udvarban, és megesküszik, hogy ez igaz
Hogy nélkülem nem tudja, mit csinálna
Látod, én vagyok minden amire szükséged van
Minden ami neked kell, mindketten egyetértünk
Ez a hely számomra
Végre ott vagyok ahol kell lennem
Aztán elkezdi mondani ezt a sok dolgot
Annyira törődik, 'szerelmem'-nek nevez
Azt mondja, hogy van kapcsolatunk
Hát azt hiszem ez nem annyira más
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
Megfogni engem, szeretni engem
Nincs eleged, látod
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
Megkapni engem, megszorítani engem
Madárkák és méhecskézni
Nincs idő a mikor és hogyanra
Mert csak most kellek neked
A játékidőnek vége
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz az
Szóval összeházasodtunk. Woo
Henryvel nem könnyű
A kedélye alacsony, társai nyavalyásak
Kivéve ezt az egy udvarmestert
Ő egy igazán kedves srác
Olyan őszinte
A királyi élet nem az, amit elterveztem
Thomas azonban segítő kezet nyújt
Olyan édes, megbizonyosodik a jóllétemről
És sokat lógunk együtt, amikor a király távol van
Ez a srác végre
Amit akarok, a barát, akire szükségem van
Csak haverok, semmi kémia
Megértem őt, és ő is megért engem
És nincs hozzá semmi több
Annyira törődő, odaadó
Azt mondja, van kapcsolatunk
Azt hittem, ezúttal más
Miért gondoltam, hogy más lesz?
De ez soha, de soha nem más
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
Megfogni engem, mikor lesz
Az elég az elég, látod?
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz,
Az egyetlen dolog amit tenni akarsz, baby
Megnyomdosni, nem érdekel
Ha nem tetszik nekem
Harapd meg az ajkamat és húzd meg a hajamat
Ahogy mondod, én vagyok a város legszebbje
A játékidőnek vége
A játékidőnek vége
A játékidőnek vége
Az egyetlen dolog
Az egyetlen dolog
Az egyetlen dolog, amit tenni akarsz, az...


Későn léptél be
Az életembe
És megjelöltél
Ennyi maradt belőled
Mikor hazugságok
Csapdájába estél
Csakis te
Az összes szereteted
Amit szeretek
Az összes szereteted
Mint egy ember
Aki játszadozik
Hogy begyógyítsa
A sebeit
Te is játszottál
Újra és újra
Bolondul - őrülten
Mély szeretetben
Csakis te
Az összes szereteted
Amit szeretek
Az összes szereteted
Csakis te
Csakis te
Csakis te
Csakis te
Csakis te
Csakis te
Az összes szereteted
Amit szeretek
Az összes szereteted

Hívj szellőnek

Ők szellőnek hívnak
Süvítek az úton tovább
Ők szellőnek hívnak
Süvítek az úton tovább
Nincs senkim
Terheket nem cipelek
Nincs változás az időjárásban
Bennem se
Az időjárás nem változik
Én sem változom
Nem bújok el senki elől
Senki sem bujkál előlem
Zöld utat kaptam, bébi
Tovább kell lépnem
Zöld utat kaptam, bébi
Tovább kell lépnem
Lehet, hogy elmegyek Kaliforniába
Lehet, hogy lerongyolok Georgiába
Meglehet itthon maradok


You ask
You ask to be born
You ask for instructions,
Work and dignity
You ask
To have heirs
A god you believe in
A certain autonomy
A life that's only yours
That no one will bother you
Justice and honesty
A world that functions.
You ask for
Rules and tools
Ten Commandments
But not for the trade unions!
You ask for
Consistent examples
Politicians and
Distant relatives
You can ask for guarantees
Keep your ideas safe
From bad company, if you can...z
Make them respect you
You keep your TV off
It's where the strangers come from.
It's a struggle but yet you exist.
How many sacrifices you must make.
They lynch you if you don't buy
Or if you don't vote for them.
Are you sure that you can bear it?
Turn the reasons upside down and then
You'll get used to the pain...
You need to:... React!
You ask
But no-one hears you.
You ask insistently
But it won't be any use.
To no particular destination.
It is only by blackmail
That they can hold us here.
It's been taking you here and there
For centuries now.
This pushing around will not end
Don't ask me why
This world goes like this.
Man can save himself and he does not.
It is a struggle and yet you exist.
How many sacrifices you must make.
Weren't these the agreements?
Equality and fraternity.
Ask yourself to change
Appeal to your determination.
Give your heart free rein
Ask for... love.
At least out of spite, you exist!
And you, yes you can get... Them!


Like it would burst my ears
I lose my voice
When I want to receive a rocking comfort
Within a persistent hateful time,
It's locked up
Nobody and nothing
Will stay by my side
A night like that I think would be alright
I need you
Whatever I'll do
I need you
Whatever you say to me
For anyone, even anyone
A moment where something and anything are useless
Is on its way
A moment where even anything is useless
The truth is...
Even if it was something
It wouldn't be the moment I need
I need you
I don't care about anything else
I need you
To me that will be the only thing
Oh wherever we can dance
Whenever we can sing,
Stand close to me
Oh wherever we can dance,
Wherever we can sing
Stay beside me

English and Italian

These foreigners are so strange – the English and the Americans

Letter To Latvia

I feel so lonely and redundant here in the distant foreignness
The joy about this chance is lost long ago.
Maybe the time has come to toss it all aside?
How to heal the hurting and expectant heart?
There my Latvia blooms, children sing about the fatherland
Await me there, mother and beloved!
There my Latvia blooms, children sing about the fatherland
To run along with migratory birds to home I wish to run.
Days and months run, more and more I feel,
That this land drags me in like a swamp.
Although I would get here the world's treasures,
The longing for the land I loved and lost remains.
There my Latvia blooms, children sing about the fatherland
Await me there, mother and beloved!
There my Latvia blooms, children sing about the fatherland
To run along with migratory birds to home I wish to run.
There my Latvia blooms, children sing about the fatherland
Await me there, mother and beloved!
There my Latvia blooms, children sing about the fatherland
To run along with migratory birds to home I wish to run.

War And Fear

And I feel only fear, fear, fear, nothing more
And I'm afraid that the world will break my heart
What will happen 'cause this time, time, time...
There's less and less time
And everywhere I see pain, pain and longing
And I pray 'cause I don't know what will be later
What will tomorrow give me?
What plan do you have for me?
And I regret that something divides us here all the time
Though I'm a bit older today
I still don't know where the world is heading
What will be next day?
Is some tomorrow waiting for us
When a brother is an enemy for a brother today?
And I don't want to cry but how?
And I feel only fear, fear, fear, nothing more
And I'm afraid that the world will break my heart
What will happen 'cause this time, time, time...
There's less and less time
And everywhere I see pain, pain and longing
And I pray 'cause I don't know what will be later
What will tomorrow give me?
What plan do you have for me? (x2)
What plan do you have for me?
What plan do you have for us?


We met on Instagram
We have nothing left to say to each other
But in the end we're here
We ran into each other at the Postamat
Without even a verb to spend
Loving is out of style
But you come get me and don't let me drive
The ship of my dreams is still hanging there
You leave me alone and don't make me pay
The Chinese dinner and the Negroni at the bar
We fell in love on Telegram
We never even saw each other
What's the difference?
We go out tonight at the cinema
They're showing a film about nothing
That won't bore us
But you come get me and don't let me drive
The ship of my dreams is still hanging there
You leave me alone and don't make me pay
The Chinese dinner and the Negroni at the bar
If you knew how easy it is to explain
Telling you with words
Without damn filters
We travel in a spaceship
If you saw how easy it is to fly
Life is a shark
And I can't swim
We're just faraway galaxies
But you come get me and don't let me drive
The ship of my dreams is still hanging there
You leave me alone and don't make me pay
The Chinese dinner and the Negroni at the bar

If Wealth offered life for gold

If Wealth offered life
to mortals for gold,
then I would persevere in hoarding it,
so that if Death came
he could take some and pass on.
But since mortals
cannot buy life,
why should I groan in vain,
why weep and wail?
If I am fated to die,
what use is gold?
Let me drink, then,
and when I have drunk the sweet wine
join my friends and
on a soft bed
perform Aphrodite’s rites.


Face glued against the hearse window
My lighthouse eyes, two yellow bursts
light up a world that is still surprised to see itself
Pedaling without advancing, indignation without thought
Who knows
Stuck on top of the garbage dump
The king of the hill works even harder still
Who knows
Pushed against pedal, last call of the reservoir
The hitchhikers make a line
All waiting for something better
During that time, headed nowhere
Only four horses in my motor
The pale look of the driver
Who knows
Stuck on top of the garbage dump
The king of the hill works even harder still
Who knows
Oh, who knows
Your newsfeed already says that it is too late
For the gang of ravens without foxes
Jean predicted it, Nostradamus too
Labrèche on the TV in the nineties
Still today, we persist around the same handlebars
Who sees the bottom, yeah well
It remains to be seen

Come, best of painters

Come, best of painters
o, best of painters
thou chief of the Rhodian art
in her absence, as I may direct thee
paint my mistress.
Paint, in the first place, for me her locks
-both soft and black-
and, if the wax be able,
paint them also breathing of fragrant ointment.
And, out of a perfect cheek
paint, beneath dark brown ringlets,
an ivory forehead.
And do not part, nor yet confound for me
the meeting of the brows,
-but let here have, as she hath
the being imperceptibly joint of brow
and with the rim of the eyelids black.
And now, make the glance of the eye
verily of fire
-at once blue, as Minerva's

Song-Battle between Obama and Putin

A little bit of Crimea in my life
A little bit of Donezk would be fine
The whole of Ukraine I wouldn't mind
And later on Poland, basically
Listen Vladi
You are not hip, you're a flop
You stupid hippie
are a fucked-up funky hippie
with such a small cock
You are bang-bang-Putin
you embarrassing pudding
Your Crimea-stuff just sucks
You have a small-man inferiority complex
I tell you that straight in your face
And I, my boys and the whole world
We're gonna kick your ass
You Barack-barack
Kiss my heinie and the whole E.U. can do that
Kiss my heinie, you do the same thing
Hey, you know what, Rumpelstiltskin?
You suck!
You are the crazy Russian
and you are nuts!
You just suck,
You are Soviet Union
I'll have a sanction imposed against you
Ha, a sanction
Your mother is a sanction
It should rain red Russians
for me1
in all the countries
I happen to see
I'm going to
rearrange the world
There will be war again
precisely the cold one
Or maybe the hot one?
  • 1. Pun with a German song 'Für mich soll's rote Rosen regnen'


Careful! Hard of heart, soft of hips,
treat me with care and I will fall on my face.
Only my eyes have wandered because of you,
my heart is pure, though not my eyes.
Let the eyes gather in your countenance
roses and lilies that were planted together.
I will take the fire from your cheeks to quench flame with flame

Sailboat to Home

On the backs of the waves, we're yielding and swaying
On the tideway where moon shines, a boat trip to return home
Our land will be there, beyond that isle in the hazy scene
Our dreams are still hauntingly alive
The regrets I've left behind, have become mine
Now and then, I'm still sad
When I close my eyes, It goes straight to my heart
The sound of gongs on a foggy dock
When we reach our home country, the tears of farewell
They'll turn into tears of joy
Gulls, if you know what I wish
At least tell that girl I'm here

My dear love

I call this heartbreaking name
life without you is empty
I bit my lips before, I was afraid
tears well up to my eyes.
I open my heart and breathe
Like for a recent promise
but in my solitude it's unbright
my tired worn gaze
my treasure, miss you so much my dear love
I'm burning with fever much suffer
my treasure, how much am I going to pain
before I recover?
My treasure, oh my foolish, my heartbeat
I can not let go of greed, of clinging to you
Because I’m sad about unfinished love hurts so much
and so I cry again
My treasure, how much am I going to pain
before I recover?
My dear love

It's prayer again

Sir! It is ridiculous to shed tears
sitting in the quiet warmth of my room
for foreign, seemingly distant fates
look, I am grinding my throat
but my voice just falls silent in
nothing. My complaint trembles quietly
'Have mercy, God!' I'm just moaning
to you 'Why did you give guns instead of piety?'
Can not catch up with common sense never
I was not able ... I didn't want to, perhaps
that human against human if clever
what kind of power leads?
That was the beginning and it will be the end.
I can't delete it!
I can't wash it!
from my forehead the mark of Cain.

Δάκρυα να Ρίξω (Μόνο το κομμάτι της Έμιλυ)

Εάν αγγίξω ένα αναμμένο κερί δεν νιώθω κανένα πόνο
Ένα με κόψεις με ένα μαχαίρι είναι το ίδιο
Και ξέρω ότι η καρδιά της χτυπάει
Και ξέρω ότι είμαι νεκρή
Ωστόσο ο πόνος που νιώθω εδώ
Προσπάθησε να μου πεις ότι δεν είναι αληθινός
Γιατί φαίνεται πως έχω ακόμα δάκρυα να ρίξω
Εάν αγγίξω ένα αναμμένο κερί δεν νιώθω κανένα πόνο
Στον πάγο ή στον ήλιο είναι ακριβώς το ίδιο
Ωστόσο νιώθω ότι η καρδιά μου πονάει
Παρόλο που δεν χτυπάει διαλύεται
Και ο πόνος που νιώθω εδώ
Προσπάθησε και πες μου ότι δεν είναι αληθινός
Το ξέρω ότι είμαι νεκρή
Αλλά φαίνεται πως έχω ακόμα κάποια δάκρυα να ρίξω.

Father, I am Yusuf

When the gentle wind played with my hair, they were jealous
When the gentle wind played with my hair, they were jealous
They flamed up with rage against me and you
What did I do to them, oh Father?
I am Yusuf, oh Father
I am Yusuf, oh Father
Father, my brothers do not love me
They do not want me among them, oh Father
They assault me and cast stones and words at me
They want me to die so they can eulogize me
They closed the door of your home and left me out
And they expelled me from the field
They poisoned my vineyards, oh Father
Father, Father, oh Father
I am Yusuf, Father
I am Yusuf, Father
Father, my brothers do not love me
They do not want me among them, oh Father
The butterflies stopped on my shoulders
And hovered over my ears
And the birds flew over my hands
What did I do Father?
Why me?
What did I do Father?
Why me?
You named me Yusuf, Father, oh Father
You named me Yusuf, Father, oh Father
You named me Yusuf, Father, oh Father
You named me Yusuf, Father, oh Father
They threw me into the well and blamed the wolf
The Wolf is more merciful than my brothers
Father! Father! Oh my Father!
Father! Father! Oh my Father!
Father! Father! Oh my Father!
Father! Father! Oh my Father!
Oh, my father! Did I wrong anyone when I said that:
I saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon, I saw them kneeling before me?
I saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon, I saw them kneeling before me
I saw them kneeling before me
I saw them kneeling before me
They were kneeling before me
They were kneeling

An Octopus Story

I am an octopus living on the seashore
I'll come closer behind you quietly and say a bit
'Love,' you're running away
You're a sensitive bivalve, though
I'm in love with you
Separating the swaying wakame, I come closer and say a bit
'Love,' I'm in love with you
With my very delicate suckers
I wish I could stroke your pearls
It's a lie, I really wanna eat
Such a creature
Such a creature
Such a creature
Such a creature
I'm an octopus living on the seashore
Lurking in the depths of a coral crevice and
'Love.', I've been watching you
You are a sea anemone in full bloom, now
I'm in love with you
Even busy, I come closer on purpose and say a bit
'Love,' I'm in love with you
With the very thick ink of me
I wanna dye your tentacles black
It's a lie, I really wanna eat
Such a creature
Such a creature
Such a creature
Such a creature
I'm an octopus living on the seashore
There's a lost moray eel, run for it
'Love,' you're a sea urchin
You're a fresh pearl oyster, I say a bit
'Love,' turban shell
'Love,' scallops
'Love,' jellyfish, wakame
'Love,' squid too
'Love,' I love you all
With my very delicate sucker
I want to stroke them all gently
It's a lie, I really wanna eat
Such a creature
Such a creature
Such a creature
Such a creature

Girl from Rianxo (Our Lady of Guadalupe)

When she came to ,
The little ship that brought her
Was made out of orange wood!
Little waves come,
Little waves come,
Little waves come and go...
Don't get on the boat, girl from Rianxo
For you're going to get seasick!

Our Lady of Guadalupe
When she's walking by the riverbank,
Barefoot on the sand
She looks like a girl from Rianxo!
Little waves come,
Little waves come,
Little waves come and go...
Don't get on the boat, girl from Rianxo
For you're going to get seasick!

Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Whatever made her look so swarthy?
It was a little ray of sunshine
That came in through the window!
Little waves come,
Little waves come,
Little waves come and go...
Don't get on the boat, girl from Rianxo
For you're going to get seasick!



It's not the first time I ended up around here
I know you too well and I know exactly what you're going to say
That you've been down too and you have no reason to
Lend me a hand like there's nobody else
You don't see any point in stopping from your path
And being the one who would save mine
And this is how we slowly become just strangers
In a world that we are all sharing
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Through the sun, through the clouds
Had ups, had downs
I was young, I was old
Both slave and master
But I remain human
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Through the sun, through the clouds
Had ups, had downs
I was young, I was old
Both slave and master
But I remain human
Why don't we try more often to smile to each other
And instead we are always ready to build
Cold walls that go sky high
And protect us against what we felt until yesterday?
But, starting today, maybe it would be a lot better
If we tried to tear them down to the ground
Because through the places that would crack
The sun, with thousands of rays, would caress us
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Through the sun, through the clouds
Had ups, had downs
I was young, I was old
Both slave and master
But I remain human
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Through the sun, through the clouds
Had ups, had downs
I was young, I was old
Both slave and master
But I remain human
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Through the sun, through the clouds
Had ups, had downs
I was young, I was old
Both slave and master
But I remain human

Behold the rainbow of peace (The global deluge)

Behold the rainbow of peace,
Wherein souls may gaze on
Divine clemency.
Within the circle of a sphere,
The bright dawn of mercy,
Though veiled, still blazes.

Békét a világnak

Emeljétek fel a kezeteket
És mosolyogjatok
Mindenkihez szólok
Az egész emberi fajhoz
Büszkék vagyunk és erősek
Állj tehát fel
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világnak
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világnak
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világnak
Minden férfi és nő
Lány vagy fiú
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világnak
A szeretet vonata
Innen indul
Szóval ugorj fel rá
Ne félj
Ezek a tieid, az enyéim
Tehát válaszolj a hívásra
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világra
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világnak
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világnak
Minden férfi és nő
Lány vagy fiú
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világnak
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világnak
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világnak
Minden férfi és nő
Lány vagy fiú
Fogjunk össze
Hozzunk békét a világnak


Fáj a sziv s szólitalak üres nélküled a lét
összeszoritom fogaimat mielőtt könnyeznék
Mint egy új igéretnek kitárom a szivemet
de magányomban fénytelenebb kopott tekintetem
Szerelmem úgy vágyom rád szerelmem
lázban ég a testem, sorvadok
Szerelmem, még mennyit szenvedjek én
hogy végre lássalak
Szerelmem ó én bolond szerelmem
elengedni a ragaszkodást nem tudom, szerelmünk
nem ért véget, még érzem itt belül-
hogy sirjam el neked
szerelmem még mennyit szenvedjek én
hogy végre lássalak


The sun is shining, I'm lying on a cloud
In pink sunglasses
Purple fog above the clouds
I'll try it because it'll come in again
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Look, you haven't seen anything like this
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Paradise and abundance grove
This is beef good as an airship
This is beef good because you fly like an airship (2x)
Hey wait, smoke a cigarette
Enjoy this biblical bug too
Adam, Eve above the clouds
Maybe I'll move there tomorrow
There the Pope is vacationing in, the Vatican it’s too cold
His legs are hanging there, but I know what he's like now
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Paradise, abundance grove
This is beef good as an airship
This is beef good because you fly like an airship (2x)
The sun is shining, I'm lying on a cloud
In pink sunglasses
Purple fog above the clouds
I'll try it because it'll come in again
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Look, you haven't seen anything like this
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Paradise, abundance grove
This is beef good as an airship
This is beef good because you fly like an airship (2x)
Hey wait, smoke a cigarette
Enjoy this biblical bug too
Adam, Eve above the clouds
Maybe I'll move there tomorrow
There the Pope is vacationing in the Vatican it’s too cold
His legs are hanging there, I know what he's like now
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Paradise, abundance grove
This is beef good as an airship
This is beef good because you fly like an airship (2x)

Free market economy

a free market economy and the right to speak
whatever may speak, the western nations
I'm talking away this long evening