A keresés eredménye oldal 3
Találatok száma: 89
Erős, vadállat, vadállat, vadállat, vadállat, állat
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Mert mikor sétál, mérgez
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Miért szenved, amit akar
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Mint egy büntetés, megragadja a méregét
És megsemmisít téged a csókjaival
Nem érdekli, tudja, hogy jó
Ezért teszi, amit akar.
Tedd a szeretetet, mint egy fenevadat, fenevadat
Senki nem tud vele,
Esküszöm, ha meztelenül égetsz
Az ujjlenyomatait a bőrére hagyja
Mint egy pók a weben, azt szállítják.
Ez szexisebbé teszi az életet
És az ágyban nincs ember, aki irányíthat
Senki nem nyeri meg a szerelmes gyűrűt
Ez egy fenevad, az asszony nő.
Intézkedéseket kell tennie
Be kell állítanod az irányítást
De nagyon óvatosan jelölje meg a helyzetet
Gazdag, jó, ő a fejtől a lábujjig szexi
Ezért van az egész Liao környéke.
Szereti a pénzt és a jó életet
Szereti az éjszakát a barátaival
És a parri a másik napig tart.
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Mert mikor sétál, mérgez
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Miért szenved, amit akar
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Tehát tedd az elemeket
Tegye be az elemeket
Tudom, hogy előbb-utóbb belekerülök a lábaiba
Senki sem mondhatja ezt a banditát
Nem tudom, mi van, de amikor vágyakozik, belekeveri az életébe.
Szívod a vért, mint egy vámpír, ami elhagyja a zsebedet
Otthon nélkül, autó nélkül, bankszámla nélkül hagyja el a pénzt.
Azt mondja neked, hogy szeretlek, szeretlek, de nem tud állni a laóban
És nem tudod, hogy pénzt akar!
Már átmentem, és neki kellett adnom neki egy laót
Szerelmes vagyok, mint egy őrült, amíg nem kapok trofiaót
Még mindig időben vagy, hogy elmenjen az oldaláról
És ahogy te és én van egy lista, amit nem tudok
De már elhagyod a játékot
Mutassa meg, hogy nem az egyetlen chip a táblán
Mondd meg neki, hogy először úriember vagy
Pa egyedül marad a házával és a pénzével
Szereti a pénzt és a jó életet
Szereti az éjszakát a barátaival
És a parri a másik napig tart.
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Mert mikor sétál, mérgez
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Miért szenved, amit akar
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Sarokba szorítva
Sarokba szorítva
Olyan sok gonosz és annyi történelem között,
olyan hazugságok között, amelyek a levegőt megszakító álmok között \ t
az illúziók romjai között, a magányok tengerén,
annyira tele van a szomorúsággal, de szeretettel
szeme mögött született, és
a lélek sarkában, lelkében.
Szinte lehetetlen szerelembe szorult,
kiutat keres, némi fényt
szárnyak nélkül repül, csendben szenved
megpróbál túlélni, annyira fájdalmat
és ugyanakkor egy okból küzdenek
a szereteted ...
Az idő elhalad, és minden egyre nehezebbé válik
a valóság azzal, hogy szinte lehetetlen,
és egy csepp könnyek esik a hitére
a megválaszolatlan kérdések hegye
kétségek, amelyek felrobbannak a fejeden
nehéz álom mindkettő számára,
de a szeretet a tekintete mögött született,
és egy sarokban maradt
a lélek, az ő lelke.
Szinte lehetetlen szerelembe szorult,
kiutat keres, némi fényt
szárnyak nélkül repül, csendben szenved
megpróbál túlélni, annyira fájdalmat
de ugyanakkor harcolnak egy okból
A szerelme ... a szerelme!
harcol a szeretetért ...
de ugyanakkor harcolunk egy ok miatt.
Szinte lehetetlen szerelembe szorult,
kiutat keres, némi fényt
szárnyak nélkül repül, csendben szenved (annyira fájdalom)
de ugyanakkor harcolnak egy okból
A szereteted ... a szereteted!
45 brains and one heart
They found
Where they always knew
They were
45 brains and one heart
In front of such a discovery
And the amazement of the present ones
They saw the light, conserved
Like bodies of pharaos
Here, without myth or rite
Left to time
Wrapped up in mud
Near some urbanization
45 brains and 1 heart
They're still there in silence
Their longings suspended
Dirty fate
Their dreams whisper
Dirty silence, yes
They're still there
They found
Where they always knew
They were
45 brains and 1 heart
In front of such a discovery
And the amazement of the present ones
They saw the light, conserved
Like bodies of pharaos
The soil made them of themselves and ours
Heaven had them alive and dead
Jewels of modern fortgetfulness
Who forgets, who remembers?
45 brains and one heart
Tell me, death, little death of mine
Where will you burn?
The lady answers:
'I will come at dawn
I will come at nightfall
I will come where you will be'
My time is not your time
It wanted to explain
That I live in the stones
The ones of today and the ones of yesterday
I am the course of the world
I am only a second
Afterwards there will be no afterwards
After eighty years
After eight decades
While I sing
While he plays
While you listen to me
While you breathe
While, during, afterwards
They're still there
In silence
Older than hope
More common than chicory
It's dismem...ory
Like a false accusation
The most faithful story
Is not always mem...ory
This treadmill turns
Swing door
There's no glory
If there's memory
If you stay silent you kill it
It's like a skin
You find it if you scratch
Fertile orchard
The flower of the present
Will be born in it
This treadmill turns
Swing door
There's no glory
If there's mem...
I lost the thread
The thread to this story
I lost the thread
The thread to this
It might seem innocent to you
But even so, it is evident
that not even the most eloquent
and not even thousands of serpent's tongues
could answer me
if someone, among so many people,
including the claircoyants
with their budding visions
sees in recent history
of Orient and Occident
a reason that nourishes
this insane dimension
if my mind does not lie to me
someone among the listeners
could answer me
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes:
If water has an owner
who owns light?
Who owns this soil?
Who profits off of our
who profits off of our
Your Prison
Versions: #2
My love, you're leaving, if that's what you want what can I do?
your vanity doesn't let you understand
that in poverty we know how to love
I want to cry and it destroys me that you feel that way
especially now that I'll be without you
it hurts me to know what you will suffer
Just remember nobody's perfect and you'll find that out
more than a thousand better things you will have
but sincere love, never
go on forgetting what today you leave behind and will exchange
for the affair that you shall find
will be your prison and you'll never get out
I want to cry and it destroys me that you feel that way
especially now that I'll be without you
it hurts me to know what you will suffer
Just remember nobody's perfect and you'll find that out
more than a thousand better things you will have
but sincere love, never
go on forgetting what today you leave behind and will exchange
for the affair that you shall find
will be your prison and you'll never get out
If the sky fell
Somewhere far away, she's waiting for me
A whole world separates us again
Time passes slowly, always alone
A whole world separates us again
I'd stop time and the moments
I'd live the memories today
Just to embrace you again
I'd find the path and I'd follow you
Wherever you might go, I'd fight for us
To embrace you again
If the sky fell
And whatever happens
I will not let anything separate us
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
Ever, ever . . .
I couldn't live
If you didn't smile at me
I see a whole world in your eyes
When I embrace you
I can dream again
I see a whole world in your eyes
I'd stop time and the moments
I'd live the memories today
Just to embrace you again
I'd find the path and I'd follow you
Wherever you might go, I'd fight for us
To embrace you again
If the sky fell
And whatever happens
I will not let anything separate us
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
Ever, ever . . .
When the horrible storm tries to take you from me again
I will offer it my own life instead
When the storm tries to take you from me again
You'll see that love will overcome
Love . . .
I will not let anything separate us . . .
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
I will not let anything separate us . . .
If even the sun went out
And the stars disappeared
I wouldn't let anything separate us
No, no, no, never . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
That flame which is lighting me up
My beautiful fire,
Whether I'm near
Or far,
Will be always burning
For you, my dear eyes,
Without losing its heat
My soul really likes
That flame which is lighting me up
And which will never put out
And if my destiny is to be with you,
Wandering rays of my beautiful Sun,
She will want no other light,
Nor she will we ever be able to
Because you have blue eyes
And your hair enjoys challenging the sun
By its fiery glare
Because you are twenty years old
And you crunch the life just like a red fruit
Which we grab while laughing
You believe that everything is allowed for you and you can do anything that comes to your mind
You get sorry for an instant and are ready to start again
You play with my heart
Like a spoiled child
Who asks for a toy to smash it into pieces
Because you have too much love
You come to steal my nights from the depth of my sleep
And make my days cry
But take care darling ! I do not respond anything
If my reason goes astray and I lose patience
I can scratch our hearts by a spear from existence
So you are the sole aim and unique linkage
Because I do not have anyone but you
Heart is my only master
Love makes the law for us
Because you live in me
And nothing can replace the moments of happiness
And when I hold you in my arms
I do not give a damn neither to God , nor to men
I am ready to die, if you die one day
Because death is only a game compared to love
And life is nothing without the love it gives to us
Because I am at the doorstep
Of an eternal love
I do not want my heart
to mourn
Girl Don't Be Discouraging
She's strong, her grace is divine
This is not luck, her Father made her blessed
And she shines, great girl
She can just didn't know, she just didn't know
If she suffers, she writes poetry
Neckline for what? If she has sympathy
She is not even noble, and the king calls her daughter
She wins by stubbornness
Who gave you all this boldness?
Who stirs up such joy in her?
It's not the prince of the lame horse
It was that King of the White Horse
This is the secret of this girl.
Not everyone will love you
Not everyone will appreciate you
Yet you have everything
Go and conquer your world
So girl, don't be discouraging
Close your eyes and you will find
The strength you need to achieve
The sky on you will bet
If you fall, get up and walk.
You're beautiful and have company.
You're strong, you just didn't know
Don't be discouraging
Don't be discouraging
Don't be discouraging
Don't be discouraging
When they decide to believe
They are strong and know how to dream.
Imperfect princesses made of royalty
That in their stories chose to fight
A börtönöd
Elmegy a szerelem
Ha így akarja
Mit fogok csinálni?
A hiúságod nem engedi megérteni
Hogy megtudjad a szegénységben hogyan kell szeretni
Szeretnék sírni
És az elpusztít engem amit így gondolsz
És többet mint most, itt maradtam nélküled
Fáj nekem amiért te szenvedsz
De emlékezz
Semmi sem tökéletes
És te látni fogod
Talán ezer jobb dolog lesz
De ez a szerelem sosem volt őszinte
A felejtés eltűnik
Ez hogy ma távoztál és hogy így átváltoztál
A kaland amit te már látsz
A te börtönöd lesz és soha nem léphetsz ki
Elmegy a szerelem
Ha így akarja
Mit fogok csinálni?
A hiúságod nem engedi megérteni
Hogy megtudjad a szegénységben hogyan kell szeretni
Szeretnék sírni
És az elpusztít engem amit így gondolsz
És többet mint most, itt maradtam nélküled
Fáj nekem amiért te szenvedsz
De emlékezz
Semmi sem tökéletes
És te látni fogod
Talán ezer jobb dolog lesz
De ez a szerelem sosem volt őszinte
A felejtés eltűnik
Ez hogy ma távoztál és hogy így átváltoztál
A kaland amit te már látsz
A te börtönöd lesz és soha nem léphetsz ki
De emlékezz
Semmi sem tökéletes
És te látni fogod
Talán ezer jobb dolog lesz
De ez a szerelem sosem volt őszinte
A felejtés eltűnik
Ez hogy ma távoztál és hogy így átváltoztál
A kaland amit te már látsz
A te börtönöd lesz és soha nem léphetsz ki
Elmegy a szerelem
Szeretnék sírni
Elmegy a szerelem
Because It's You
Like a torrent of lava
Slave of flames
That burn, consume
Without ever tiring
You came
Into my life
Into my days
Into my nights
To burn, to consume
All that I was
Because it's you
Who put all that music in me
Because it's you
Who made my body sing
Even better than my voice
Because it's you
Who gave me the rage to love
Because it's you
Who made a woman of the child I was
You are my life
My soul
I'm only a woman
Caress, tenderness, sadness
When you leave
I am flame
When you take me
Dust when
You return
And my flesh, and my blood
Burn only for you
Because it's you
Who put all that music in me
Because it's you
Who made my body sing
Even better than my voice
Because it's you
Who gave me the rage to love
Because it's you
Who made a woman of the child I was
Are you an angel or demon, tell me
Because it's you
Who put all that music in me
Because it's you
Who made my body sing
Even better than my voice
Because it's you
Who gave me the rage to love
Because it's you
Who made a woman of the child I was
Yes it's you
My love
Yes it's you
Yes it's you
My love
Yes it's you
Yes it's you
Israel returns home
/: Israel returns home
From the east and the other horizons
Today, the Lord is calling them to the dinner table
They come from the four distant corners of the earth : /
Ref. 1: On horses and dromaderies, they were filled with strengh
With money, fortune and with great riches
They keep coming, the Shepherd is calling His flock
The route is mapped out by Him, He's waiting for you to come.
Ref. 2: Deported by enemies, got killed and burned in ovens
When the cruel death was lying in wait,
Thirsty, they were just shouting to the Lord
In your love, You've always heard their cries.
The people of the world have struck you,
And you've suffered much trouble and pain
Today, the Lord calls you again by name,
Israel, your trouble is over.
Get down the shroud from your face,
To see for yourself the salvation
The whole Law speaks of Him,
But your eyes could not see Him.
I love you with a mother love
My anger against you is over
And My merciful voice calls you today,
Come home, My beloved people
And you will forget the mournful songs
For new songs will be put in your chest
Not to go down the valley anymore
For God Himself will be with you.
You're the water that refreshes my summer,
I can hear your voice in the wind.
You made melodies that open today in you
A place inside my heart.
You're the air that refreshes my summer,
You renews me from within and I bear fruit.
I know in every season I'm sure with you,
Your grace remains upon me.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
You come as a cascade,
You love me strongly,
Like no one else can.
The size of your grace is indescribable,
Your love is enough for me.
You're the rain that awake my hope,
You're generous without comparison.
Infinite, inexhaustible, you are love,
You're my eternal abode.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
You come as a cascade,
You love me strongly,
Like no one else can.
The size of your grace is indescribable,
Your love is enough for me.
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
oh, oh, oh, oh...
You come as a cascade,
You love me strongly,
Like no one else can.
The size of your grace is indescribable,
Your love is enough for me.
- En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .
Fly Away
I'm far from home for too long now
And with time you learn
Being proud is so useless
The word is ephemeral
And what is the importance of fears
If time makes them irrelevant?
Life is just a rehearsal of an eternal life
In this life I don't get anything, my emptiness is as big as me
I'd just want to fly away, leave everything behind
I'd just want to fly away, leave everything behind
I miss what I've never seen
I yearn for what I never felt
Why did they stop talking about heavens?
We're thinking a lot about this life down here
You didn't give me wings because you knew
That I wouldn't stay down here
After I knew everything up high
I wouldn't ever look back to the Earth
I'd just want to fly away, leave everything behind
I'd just want to fly away, leave everything behind
Only you know how to care for me so much
Only you will ever love me so much
Only you know how to care for me so much
Only you will ever love me so much
Angels, sing louder, so my soul can hear
It came from the sky and misses it so much that it wants to come back
Angels, sing louder, so my soul can hear
It came from the sky and misses it so much that it wants to come back
It wants to come back, it wants to come back, it wants to come back, it wants to come back
It wants to fly away, it wants to fly away, it wants to fly away, it wants to fly away
It wants to come back, it wants to come back, it wants to come back, it wants to come back
It wants to fly away, it wants to fly away, it wants to fly away, it wants to come back
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Friendly Advice
She lost her ground, sat down and cried
Where's your heart? You gave it away
And it went off, it went away
You trusted him, and him, oh, he lied
But let me tell you something, girl
It's better to cry now
Than to cry for a whole life
God rid you of those who didn't care for you
He really loved you all along
Could a father give his daughter
To a liar?
Take what is yours back
Take what God gave you back
Don't let anyone take
Don't let anyone say your worth
If he doesn't love, he doesn't deserve your love
God made you so whole, God made you so wise
Now, try to mend it, take this as a lesson
More than just a pretty smile
Less promises, more character and compromise
Take what is yours back
Take what God gave you back
Don't let anyone take
Don't let anyone say your worth
Take what is yours back
Take what God gave you back
Don't let anyone take
Don't let anyone say your worth
If he doesn't love, he doesn't deserve your love
Stop hurting yourself
If only you knew how much God loves you
You wouldn't beg for love
If only you knew how much God loves you
You wouldn't beg for love around
I'm not the wisest one around, but if it fits
Take my friendly advice
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
I'm The Difference
My Mom told me
'Do everything you want
Just don't disappoint God
And don't lose your faith'
So I realized
That I don't need to sin
To be happy
Much on the contrary
I wrote a list of things for my life
But it is so big that
I haven't done half of them
I put some smiles on my face
And filled my life with friends
I jumped from the bridge that drew us apart
In the sea of forgetfulness I drowned the hurt
I revolted against the lies
I got addicted to your joy
I took revenge by forgiving
And now I go, not feeling any shame
The opposite way
The opposite way
I don't believe in hearsay
Fads or theories
I believe in facts
Jesus Christ and the Bible
Call me old-fashioned
Christian or believer
In a world of similarities
I'm the difference
I don't believe in hearsay
Fads or theories
I believe in facts
Jesus Christ and the Bible
Call me old-fashioned
Christian or believer
In a world of similarities
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I dreamed
I achieved
I got here
I cried
But I'll sleep in peace
That's why I sing
Because I know in whom I trust
If I get tired
I get up
Because I love a challenge
And those who think that I lost
Don't know half
Of what I've been through
My life with God is an adventure
I've been through so much
That it barely fits this song
I don't believe in hearsay
Fads or theories
I believe in facts
Jesus Christ and the Bible
Call me old-fashioned
Christian or believer
In a world of similarities
I'm the difference
I don't believe in hearsay
Fads or theories
I believe in facts
Jesus Christ and the Bible
Call me old-fashioned
Christian or believer
In a world of similarities
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I don't believe in hearsay
Fads or theories
I believe in facts
Jesus Christ and the Bible
Call me old-fashioned
Christian or believer
In a world of similarities
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
I'm the difference
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Your Prison
You want to go my love
If you want that what can I do
You can't understand
That even if you are poor you know how to love
I want to cry
And it destroys me that you think so
And that I am now without you
It hurts me because you are going to suffer
But remember
Nobody is perfect and you are going to see that
Maybe you will have thousand better things
But true love never
Go forgetting
From what you leave today and what you will change
For an adventure that you will see
It will be your prison and you will never leave
You want to go my love
If you want that what can I do
You can't understand
That even if you are poor you know how to love
I want to cry
And it destroys me that you think so
And that I am now without you
It hurts me because you are going to suffer
But remember
Nobody is perfect and you are going to see that
Maybe you will have thousand better things
But true love never
Go forgetting
From what you leave today and what you will change
For an adventure that you will see
It will be your prison and you will never leave
But remember
Nobody is perfect and you are going to see that
Maybe you will have thousand better things
But true love never
You want to go my love
I want to cry
You want to go my love
It's me who comes to you
the one who plays in the courtyards
I come to you and play
sing of you, excited city
Oh Barcelona Barcelona
'me'odi' not 'peratich' on musical instruments
Oh Barcelona Barcelona
on stringed instruments,
with a guitar and mandolina.
The splendor of your soil captured my heart
Oh Barcelona!
To you I brought the best of my song
accept this present
and remember the echo of my voice
like a souvernir of love
lalalala memememiah.
Oh Barcelona Barcelona
ever since I exist
not as your strings of a musical instrument
Oh Barcelona Barcelona
on stringed instruments,
with a guitar and mandolina.
I passed roads, continents and seas
Oh oh Barcelona!
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.
Love is a nice way to pass time
It's a great pity
Having to work
Every day
To earn a living
You have to get up
But for the rest
Thanks life
Love is a nice way to pass time
Mother it rains
Inside my attic
Tiles were blown away
By the wind
But for the rest
Thanks life
Love is a nice way to pass time
I had a few hens
Inside their coop
But the fox ate them
During the night
But for the rest
Thanks life
Love is a nice way to pass time
My neighbor Georges
My enemy
He keeps salt for me
In his shotgun
But for the rest
Thanks life
Love is a nice way to pass time
It's a great pity
Having to work
Every day
To earn a living
You have to get up
But for the rest
Thanks life
Love is a nice way to pass time
Because I love you more than myself
I've in my head
The sound of your stopping footsteps
While I rush at my window
Believing you're already coming back
And I shiver.
I see nobody on the street
And yet all these noises resonate
It's only my heart beating
Because I love you more than myself
You won't ever know I cried
You won't ever know that
On the platform I saw
My most beautiful memories
Leaving with you.
You, who my heart chose to love,
You, who my body couldn't refuse
We say that's how it is
When it's the first time
The day takes away
Your image night has brough me.
I think you're knocking at my door
It's only the shutter hitting (the wall)
Because I love you more than myself
You won't ever know I cried
You won't ever know that
On the platform I saw
My most beautiful memories
Leaving with you.
You, who my heart chose to love,
You, who my body couldn't refuse
I can't forget you
Because I love you,
Because I love you more than myself
Because I love you more than myself
Because I love you more than myself
Blue, white, blond
White, blond, white, blond, white, blond
White, blond
Blue, blue, the sky in Provence
White, white, seagull, white ship dancing
Blond, blond, like the blazing sun
And in your eyes my dream in blue, blue, blue
When I need some holidays
I get on board your eyes
Blue, blue, blue, blue like an endless sky
And we sail off together
We go away...
Blue, blue, blue
Blue, blue, blue
Blue, blue, blue
Blue, blue, the sky in Provence
White, white, seagull, white ship dancing
Blond, blond, like the blazing sun
And in your eyes my dream in blue, blue, blue
Blue, blue
White, white, white
White, white, white
When wind slams the canvas
Your pretty white skirt, white like a sail
And I sail madly
From Africa towards the dunes
Blanc, blue, blue, blue, blue
White is the ship that dances
Blue, blue
In your eyes my dream in blue, blue, blue
Blue, blue, white, white
The blazing sun and in your eyes my dream in blue
Blue, blue, blue, blue
Your dreamy blond hair surges like a light flood
Blond, blond on a shore
Where I would like to be shipwrecked
Blue, blue, the sky in Provence
White, white, seagull, white ship dancing
Blond, blond, like the blazing sun
And in your eyes my dream in blue, blue, blue
Blue, blue, blue, blue
Blue, blue, blue, blue
White, blond, blue, white, blond, blue
White, blond, blue, white, blond, blue
White, blond, blue, white, blond, blue
Because you were there
I came your way one of these bad days
I came your way because you were there
You asked me for a long time why I chose you
I did not lie to you, I've always said
because you were there.
Because you were there.
After the fist night nothing held us together.
I thought it was enough but I asked for more.
You opened up your arms, I felt I was
better when you were there, I felt alive again
because you were there.
Because you were there.
You never liked coincidences, you said
everything is always written and you didn't like
the way I approached you because I felt bad,
the way I came your way just
because you were there.
And you don't have much to give indeed,
except you are there, what can be said about you?
I was happy with that, you weren't.
Yet it was perfect, this love I felt
because you were there.
Because you were there.
Because you were there.
Because you were there.
Because you were there.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Sixty years without light
Again the key doesn't fit
It's the wrong house and the walls are moving
And it's a force march like a helltrip
There are too many pedestrians
But none of them is looking back
And I am standing and falling
It's just a small kiss on the kerbstone
And then they hear the boom
Oh, I am standing and falling
Forty years, this tape
Backache, a sick mind
At some point it got out of hand
And there's a wife who doesn't love you
And there are children you see only at the weekends
Before the others noticed anything
I had long gone everywhere
Oh, I'm standing...
And I'm standing and falling
It's just a short moment
*''Saarbrooklyn' is a portmanteau word composed of 'Brooklyn' and 'Saarbrücken'. Saarbrücken is the capital of Saarland, one of the 16 federal states of Germany.
Tell me
Tell me why you're leaving
and tell me when you'll return,
the light of the full moon
doesn't know how to comfort me.
Spiraled memories,
traces of stardust,
a monstrous strength
that awakened us.
Your farewell is part
of a universal dance,
comfort for those
who wait in the darkness.
For you the horizon breaks,
the sea is tainted with the burning red
of your abandonment.
The heart slows down and reason surrenders
to a long and cold dream
in which I'll drown my voice
until sunrise.
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.