Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 39


Who Is 'Mad'?

Who is 'mad'?
Who is 'sane'?
Who is the perfect creature?
Don't use intermediaries -- [I swear] by your glory, I'm intoxicated
And I'm not in the mood [to talk to] anyone
I'm not blaspheming -- I am [simply] asking
I have a truck load of impossibility
I'm just beginning to understand what I'm doing here
I'm rotating and making [things] rotate, I'm a planet
I just realized that I am your word of reason [in creation]
[that] I am the pure gold of your [creation]
I just realized that I have a heart, I closed it
I saw a path untaken, and took1it
The unbudded sprout, I made it grow
The virus that was in oblivion, I am it
The answer to my being alive was not death -- would you really say it was?
My death was not [like] the death2 of a leaf -- would you say, for God's sake, it was?
All those tales and enchantments -- just leave it [behind]3?
This pain-stricken heart [of mine] -- just leave it [behind]?
The fear of losing the passage in Maroon River -- just leave it [behind]?
Watching birds over the Karoon River -- just leave it [behind]?
The streets, the whistling, the pitter-patter of the rain -- just leave it [behind]?
Who is 'mad'?
Who is 'sane'?
Who is the perfect creature?
You told me, 'Come, life is beautiful', I ran [toward it]
You sent me eyes to see

The Expedition of the Seven Wonders of Iroha.

'Over the northeast, looking back, the children will (the children will)
fall into the night at the bridge in the dark shade.'
(And you end looking back...)
At the other side of the other world, there's a deserted town
with a hidden twilight.
When I hear the poet's undetermined words
I can wander into the next world.
With the seven stacked karuta of wonder and
a way home or this is a one-way ticket?
The difference between going and coming is
like a sheet of paper, two sides of the same coin.
God or the ayakashi, who is hidden here?
They're lost in the great fantasy vision.
It's a preface to a poem written in the quiet of the night
Before me to dissappear.
Ah ah
How many more phrases'll be until the end?
Tohijira ni
Erite Aimo
Erite Aimo
I'll stride over the stitched shadows and get lost.
(Today is the last time...)
That at 4:44 p.m. on the footbridge the karuta make
a lock that sticks a key in my hand, when the bottom phrase
while the reins of the other world slacken.
The Seven Hidden Wonders of Karuta are
just a ramble or a beacon in the deep night?
Is for a guide outside of this world who is
remembering the rumored ghost story.
The moon or the lantern, what will illuminate me?
I can run without a scratch in my face.
Where will the Iroha cards lead me now?
Is the end of the maze or the night of the neverending punish?
I think the story goes on and on about how we shouldn't do any tricks and mischiefs.
Is it the moon or the lantern?
God or illusion, who is hidden?
The ephemeral city fades away
One phrase after another, every time I pick up a bill with my hand
I can feel the world is returning.
I go on and on, but the evening never ends.
Ah ah
How many more phrases'll be until the end?


Versions: #1
OK, represent your country
Latinos hands in the air
Show in the dance what you know how to do
The party's started, get going
Shake your hips don't drop it
Because the rumba has begun
My body demands rumba
Until the sun comes up
Until the sun comes up
My body demands rumba
Until the sun comes up
Until the sun comes up
Verse 1:
I hope you understand that
Whenever we dance like this, you can feel the air on fire
Let's see papi move like this
Don't be afraid

Sunflowers And a Girl

Stroking my cheeks is the exotic wind blowing forth from afar
Crossing the sea, it has finally reached the island where I am
I feel badly blushy, taking on a fever like forever
At the end of the long journey, I leaped through time
For the seasons that go round and round
In the overgrown garden
Gazing up at the eastern sky dying red
I wait for the dawn to come
Sun! Sun! Sun! Sun!
The story begins as sunflowers set about blooming
Sun! Sun! Sun! Sun! At the very moment
I begin weaving out sweet summer memories
Because I’ve found an anticyclone on the other side where they’re facing upward
Say, is the rain letting up?
As the scent of the half-dry soil hangs on
(I’m putting up my hand)
Where a lingering daydream ends
I’ll cross over the rainbow bridge to the crystal skies
Sun! Sun! Sun! Sun!
The story begins as sunflowers come into full blossom
Sun! Sun! Sun! Sun! Falling for the sun
My secret feelings (I’m telling you)
The light that came down at my innocent eyes isn’t a dream
A brand-new wind, tell me, where does it blow?
The sunflowers waver as if seeing it off
Sun! Sun! Sun! Sun!
The story begins as sunflowers set about blooming
Sun! Sun! Sun! Sun!
The sunflowers are smiling at me when I turn around
Sun! Sun! Sun! Sun! Even at a single moment
They are so bright, so kind
For sure, I can be true to myself
This summer and sunflowers
I won’t forget
I won’t forget
Sun! Sun! Sun! Sun! Even at a single moment
They are so bright, so kind
For sure, I can be true to myself
This summer and sunflowers
I won’t forget
I won’t forget

In my city

in my small city
when you walk
when you walk
my feelings become a song
how cute my feelings become
how cute my feelings become
you're stealing my heart
you're stealing my heart
you're stealing my heart
you're stealing my heart
the allies in my city
because of your footsteps
are filled by the light of love
are filled by the joy of love
the allies in my city
because of your footsteps
are filled by the light of love
are filled by the joy of love
you are the one I want
you are the one that in my dreams
won't let me be peaceful
and I am awake every night
you are the one I want
you are the one that in my dreams
won't let me be peaceful
and I am awake every night

Bassdrop Freaks

The strongest phrase to awaken any slumber
Give me as much sound pressure as I can endure
In this stillness, cut up by lasers, in an instant
Everything will blur into smoke
Come on! Co-co-come on! (Yay yay)
(Wub wub wub wub wub wub)
Wobble bass fires into the floor
And the empty glasses shake
Taken out, lead by the hand, wildly enthusiastic vibrations
I don't know such a thing as 'how to dance'
Pump this party!
Monster bass!!
Raised hands, the lend, heart, hand of the camera
The cheers of the crowd get fired up
Flashes of light, sensations trembling everywhere
And it keeps on until you lose yourself
Are you ready?
The strongest phrase to awaken any slumber
Give me as much sound pressure as I can endure
In this stillness, cut up by lasers, in an instant
Everything will blur into smoke
Pump this party!
Make some noise~!!
The best


Rain was our family heritage
When i was little, It was leaving the roof of our house
When i grew up , from my eyes ...


Mióta ezáltal a pohár áltál rájöttem az igazságomra,
azt érzem be vagyok zárva a saját szobámba.
Elpocsékolom a fiatalságomat,
elvesztettem a szavakba vetett hitem.
A múlt örökké fájni fog
s a jövő teljesen értelmetlen.
Néhányan azt mondták szeretnek, aztán eltiporták a büszkeségem
és ezután még várták, hogy a bocsánatukért esedezzek.
Nem, nem tudom elmondani mi jár a fejemben
ez a fajta szabadság az, amit elutasítok.
Hát egyszer és mindenkorra elhagyom ezt a világot,
füstfelhőkön magasra szállok.
Ez az egyetlen módja hogy érezzem a szerelmet,
de néhányat azt mondják túl veszélyes.
De ez az egyetlen módja hogy felszabadítsam magam,
felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam.
Az egyetlen módja hogy felszabadítsam magam,
felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam.
Egyszer és mindenkorra elhagyom ezt a világot,
az egyetlen módját hogy érezzem a szerelmet.
Hát egyszer és mindenkorra elhagyom ezt a világot,
füstfelhőkön magasra szállok.
Ez az egyetlen módja hogy érezzem a szerelmet,
de néhányat azt mondják túl veszélyes.
De ez az egyetlen módja hogy felszabadítsam magam,
felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam.
Az egyetlen módja hogy felszabadítsam magam,
felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam, felszabadítsam magam.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Zöld szemek

Azt mondod túl fiatal vagyok a törődéshez,
mert neki van pénze,
én meg le vagyok égve.
Fegyverei vannak,
miközben én puszta kézzel küzdök,
nála ott a gyermeked,
nekem csak a barátok jutottak.
Most az éjjel az, mit az otthonunknak hívunk,
mert el kell rejtenünk, hogy ő, hogy ő ne tudjon róla.
Hogy megpróbáltad
megölni a legbelső érzéseidet.
Igen, megpróbáltad,
de nem tudsz szabadulni a zöld szemeimtől.
Nem, nem tudsz szabadulni.
Nem, nem tudsz szabadulni.
Nem, nem tudsz szabadulni,
nem tudsz szabadulni a zöld szemeimtől.
Azt mondod túl fiatal vagyok itt legyek,
mert ő nem iszik,
én meg részeg vagyok.
De én ismerem a dalod
a zenegépből,
amire feltett karokkal
tudsz táncolni.
Most az éjjel az, mit az otthonunknak hívunk,
mert el kell rejtenünk, hogy ő, hogy ő ne tudjon róla.
Hogy megpróbáltad
megölni a legbelső érzéseidet.
Igen, megpróbáltad,
de nem tudsz szabadulni a zöld szemeimtől.
Nem, nem tudsz szabadulni.
Nem, nem tudsz szabadulni.
Nem, nem tudsz szabadulni,
nem tudsz szabadulni a zöld szemeimtől.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Amikor lemegy a Nap

Amikor lemegy a Nap
és kialszanak a fények.
Amikor lemegy a Nap
oh nem félek semmitől.
És kialszanak a fények
oh nem félek semmitől...
Amikor lemegy a Nap
és kialszanak a fények.
Amikor lemegy a Nap
oh nem félek semmitől.
És kialszanak a fények
oh nem félek semmitől...
Oh nem, nem, nem...
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

See You Later

You think that I am a woman, a beautiful woman
Naive and stupid like a young person, a toy just for you
You think I've melted, I've been captured, I've loved you
You thought very wrong
You come to me and tell me that you love me a lot
And then you go far away and I don't believe you anymore
Calling me is useless, that's enough, I won't let you
Let you break my heart
Every time I got upset with you
You convinced me and I forgave you again
If i saw you changed and knew how to love a bit
I would give you everything my love
But you lied and I understand that well
You have lost me so get ready to understand that
You won't see me from far anymore
Today I want to let you know
My love, see you later
I'm leaving and I don't care about any issues
Believe me leaving is the right thing to do
I'm forgetting your made up story
My love, see you later
I'm leaving and I don't care about any issues
Believe me leaving is the right thing to do
I'm forgetting your made up story
Without your arms I can fly freely
The sky loves me and is a friend to me
I know you're going to search, come back and feel it
As to who you lost
Every time I got upset with you
You convinced me and I forgave you again
If I saw you changed and knew how to love a bit
I would give you everything my love
But you lied and I understand that well
You have lost me so get ready to understand that
You won't see me from far anymore
Today I want to let you know
My love, see you later
I'm leaving and I don't care about any issues
Believe me leaving is the right thing to do
I'm forgetting your made up story
My love, see you later
I'm leaving and I don't care about any issues
Believe me leaving is the right thing to do
I'm forgetting your made up story
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

Asta La Vista

You think that I am a woman, a beautiful woman
Naive and stupid like a young person, a toy just for you
You think I've melted, I've been captured, I've loved you
You thought very wrong
You come to me and tell me that you love me a lot
And then you go far away and I don't believe you anymore
Calling me is useless, that's enough, I won't let you
Let you break my heart
Every time I got upset with you
You convinced me and I forgave you again
If i saw you changed and knew how to love a bit
I would give you everything my love
But you lied and I understand that well
You have lost me so get ready to understand that
You won't see me from far anymore
Today I want to let you know
My love, asta la vista
I'm leaving and I don't care about any issues
Believe me leaving is the right thing to do
I'm forgetting your made up story
My love, asta la vista
I'm leaving and I don't care about any issues
Believe me leaving is the right thing to do
I'm forgetting your made up story
Without your arms I can fly freely
The sky loves me and is a friend to me
I know youre going to search, come back and feel it
As to who you lost
Every time I got upset with you
You convinced me and I forgave you again
If i saw you changed and knew how to love a bit
I would give you everything my love
But you lied and I understand that well
You have lost me so get ready to understand that
You won't see me from far anymore
Today I want to let you know
My love, asta la vista
I'm leaving and I don't care about any issues
Believe me leaving is the right thing to do
I'm forgetting your made up story
My love, asta la vista
I'm leaving and I don't care about any issues
Believe me leaving is the right thing to do
I'm forgetting your made up story
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

Reggae salsa

Oh, come, come, come, come, come here
oh, but come, come, come, come here
come dance with me reggae salsa like this
oh, but come, come, come, come here
to feel the fire inside that´ll make you
happy to enjoy in reggae salsa
Oh, come, come, come, come, come here
oh, but come, come, come, come here
come dance with me reggae salsa like this
oh, but come, come, come, come here
to feel the fire inside that´ll make you
happy to enjoy in reggae salsa
When you move for me
I love you
when I move for you
you love me
when you get closer and closer
I feel
and if you start touch me
I tramble
And come, come, come, come with me
I go, I go, I go, I go with you
and come, come, come, come with me
I go, I go, I go, I go with you
Oh, come, come, come, come, come here
oh, but come, come, come, come here
come dance with me reggae salsa like this
oh, but come, come, come, come here
to feel the fire inside that´ll make you
happy to enjoy in reggae salsa
When you move for me
I love you
when I move for you
you love me
when you get closer and closer
I feel
and if you start touch me
I tramble
And come, come, come, come with me
I go, I go, I go, I go with you
and come, come, come, come with me
I go, I go, I go, I go with you
And come, come, come, come with me
I go, I go, I go, I go with you
and come, come, come, come with me
I go, I go, I go, I go with you
Oh, come, come, come, come, come here
oh, but come, come, come, come here
oh, come, come, come, come, come here
oh, but come, come, come, come here
come dance with me reggae salsa like this
oh, but come, come, come, come here
to feel the fire inside that´ll make you
happy to enjoy in reggae salsa

Taste of me

I´m for your palate
Just a bite of night, a flash
a taste of what can be
a spoonful of moon, splash
only one drop of me
The appetizer that will leave with flavor
what´ll continue will be of your choice
I´ve the perfect recipe
the ingredient and seasoning
I have what you need
hidden in menu
The appetizer that will leave with flavor
what´ll continue will be of your choice
Come and try this little corner of me
come and take a taste of me
The sweetest treat
is undress with passion
it has the light envelope
but in the center it keeps its flavor
Only at the slow good love is cooke
touch me very slowly to my point of compulsion
Come and try this little corner of me
come and take a taste of me
Come and try this little corner of me
come and take a taste of me
Come and try this little corner of me
come and take a taste of me

To see you again

You changed the school
and today I don´t see your name
in my english book
if destiny wanted to not be
the owners of decision
What´ll be with walk with you
my star is still turning
and looking for your light
To see you again
I´ll be the rain that wet your skin
to see you again
I´ll go by ship or train
I´m still turning in the classes
and I see the smiling ghost of you
if destiny is ours
you´ll see it crosses us somewhere
and it´ll be a thousand walks with you
and my star will stay floating on your sky
to see you again


Fly in balloon
it takes your name with mine
it goes through the world of ilusion
where you and I live
it´s very bright like the light
of many thousand of stars
magical and big
like the sun
is for me our love
It´s a chemistry between the two of us
the temptation theorem
simple rule of reality
when you love, you love for real
it´s a chemistry between the two of us
a sweet bomb of passion
the oxygen that makes the breathe
it give me, it give you, it give us happiness
The key of love
the key of love
music written with verses
tender caresses
that makes vibrate
the strings of the heart
It´s a chemistry between the two of us
the temptation theorem
simple rule of reality
when you love, you love for real
it´s a chemistry between the two of us
a sweet bomb of passion
the oxygen that makes the breathe
it give me, it give you, it give us happiness

First love

What happens at this age
which is comes and starts to arise
that feeling of biorhythm walking more than a million
What happens at this age
when nobody wants to understands us
and around us everything is so confusing
It happens that if you don´t see, the air is extinguished
that everyone that leaves your mind follow him
that seems too strong
to leave your life to luck
that every second your world is turning
You start to fall in love, you belive in crazy things
your pulse is faster, and you just think about him
you start to fall in love, you go from girl to woman
your pupils dilate, you turnin on, you cheer up
the spark comes to your lfe
What happens at this age
when you suddenly start to feel
that with each ilusion
a dart goes straight to your heart
What happens at this age
that you cross to the freedom at once
and seeing you grow, then the mind goes away
It happens that if you don´t see, the air is extinguished
that everyone that leaves your mind follow him
that seems too strong
to leave your life to luck
that every second your world is turning
You start to fall in love, you belive in crazy things
your pulse is faster, and you just think about him
you start to fall in love, you go from girl to woman
your pupils dilate, you turnin on, you cheer up
the spark comes to your lfe
You start to fall in love, you belive in crazy things
your pulse is faster, and you just think about him
you start to fall in love and everything go upside down
your pupils dilate, you turnin on, you cheer up
the spark comes to your lfe
You start to fall in love and everything has why
your transmit happiness through the pores of your skin
you start to fall in love, you go from girl to woman
your pupils dilate, you turnin on, you cheer up
the spark comes to your lfe


Don´t see only the body on me
I know that I have it and you like it
look, I´m something more
I also have an ideal
and my life experience
you know, I´m something more
Sexy, sexy
don´t see me only sexy
I´m thinking about love
I´m the woman who has a heart
This is my truth
maybe bad, but it´s mine
I know I look good
much below my skin of a woman
What I have to have
what I have put on me I have
and I demand, my love, that you have it and you put it also
This is my truth
What I have

Portion of love

Take yours
it´s your turn
my love is going to you like the missile
take yours
it´s your turn
what is choosen from me
It was looking at you and fall in love
there I said that man is mine
you discovered me and you approached
and you ask me if I want to dinner with you
Mister waiter, one portion of love
I´m hungry to be loved
I want a table only for two
in this dark corner
Many candles and soft wines
the melody didn´t move
I reached for your hand looking for a glass
with neglect I take mine
Mister waiter, one portion of love
I´m hungry to be loved
I want a table only for two
in this dark corner


For so much time
I keep this feeling
I feel united with you
I see you and I feel like I´m dying
I know what I should feel
and I can´t say it
my love, I don´t want to pretend anymore
I´m stupid if you escape me
For so much time
I keep this feeling
I feel united with you
I see you and I feel like I´m dying
I know what I should feel
why you can´t say it
you would make me so happy
i you could share that with me
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
always together
together and distant when there is so much to live
together dreaming the two of us, a magical moment
we´re together , you and me and the love
you and me and the love
together both of us
For so long
I keep this feeling
I feel united to you
I see you and I feel like dying
I know what I should feel
I can not say
Love I do not want to pretend anymore
Silly I am if you leave me
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
together both of us
together and distant when there is so much to live
together dreaming the two of us, a magical moment
we´re together , you and me and the love
together both of us
you and I and the love
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
always together
together and distant when there is so much to live
together dreaming the two of us, a magical moment
we´re together , you and me and the love
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
together both of us
together and distant when there is so much to live
together both of us