Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 23

Találatok száma: 948


To the Singers of Salavina

Tuesday, October 15
they were notified,
Singers of Salavina *,
they've been called from heaven.
Osvaldo came back again
and thus to know where he's going,
taken by their destiny
they went to Nordelta *.
As news arrives
that with Tata * God they've gone away,
Tata (Father) God wants what's good
and from the good one he's served himself.
Salavina * is in mourning
three lives were extinguished,
those hunk lads:
Singers of Salavina.
Antonio, Víctor, Luciano
the three went away together,
bass drum, guitar, singing
towards our blessed heaven.
The customs of this land,
of our Argentine homeland.
They were messengers,
Singers of Salavina
The Quichua * never forgot
those divine lyrics,
they always sang things f our country,
Singers of Salavina.

When the sun dies (zamba)

It breaks into
silver pieces at night
a thousand flakes of moons go lighting it
and the melody takes me in the wind
bringing the accent of an old singing.
The land wakes up
of its pure dreams,
dew drops
go watering it,
a bright old man
lights up in the distance
filling the emptiness
of my loneliness.
Destiny of star when it dies,
the light goes out at dawn,
but it will be reborn again
when the sun dies tomorrow.
Its eyes will shine
bringing reflection,
dressing the night with a blue poncho
counting stars it will have a hope
dreaming in a bed covered with tulle.
Memories will pour out
carrying in time
towards infinity
a love song.
In open courses
marking a destiny
looking for a way
of light and colour.
Destiny of star when it dies,
the light goes out at dawn,
but it will be reborn again
when the sun dies tomorrow.

Don't let them stop your dreams

After winds and rain find a place for yourself
I couldn't write for a long time, but I didn't stop
Now I'm breathing much deeper and go over it
When conscience reaches me I turn on the light
I see two people and the whole universe in them
That's the fight of ego, me and my past
Scars learn well, we've been like that yesterday
But these songs are the weight that I always drag
One person roots for me to continue with my plans
The other one calls me out on moonlight with the devils
State of intellect is decreasing when you don't have a choice
The same intellect is staggering when it watches the outcome
Every hope is tired
But every return is ridiculous
And there's no time for the lucid mind
Because our destinies are being created in a few moments
Don't let them stop your dreams
And to lose hope in the moments of weakness
Your strenght is making a strong belief
The life ends the first time you give up
Don't let them stop your dreams
And don't let your body to lose hope
Because a real winner is bloody when he's getting up
And my belief is right below the cross
Every act is a measure of your quality
God sees every move you do
Those two people are in front of the mirror again
But the point is we're all going to have the same end
There are things that are more important than retribution
To stamp the path for the young ones that are coming
When you give the proof to the unselfish examples
And just like that our sacrifices are not temporarily
The generations are standing up on the pavement
And the lungs are covered with bad habits
And I guarantee success to everyone who tries hard enough
Cause God is witness for everything that happens below the clouds
We are the dots on the edges in the universe
Connected, but in a really bad relationship
I won't justify some things to anyone
Cause it was about either life or death
Don't let them stop your dreams
And to lose hope in the moments of weakness
Your strenght is making a strong belief
The life ends the first time you give up
Don't let them stop your dreams
And don't let your body to lose hope
Because a real winner is bloody when he's getting up
And my belief is right below the cross (x2)

Hail Mary, Piety!

Hail Mary,
Full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
Blessed art thou amongst women,
Holy Mother of God.
Hail Mary,
Full of grace,
Mary, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Jesus, Jesus, Amen
Holy Mary,
Pray for us sinners,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary

Istent teremtünk

Az önzetlenség egy árnyalatában állva, a hívásra válaszolva
Eljött egy modern messiás, hogy megmentsen minket
Valami a kitalált történet mögött, egy pozitronikus agy
Egy világ, ami mentes minden kín és gyötrelemtől, fájdalomtól
Jobb, ha megszelídíted az ítéleteidet, mielőtt mész és kinyitod a ketrecet
Istent teremtünk, a dizájnunk mesterét
Istent teremtünk, bizonytalan, hogy mit fogunk találni
Sosem tartottam nagyra Darwint, a kiválasztás sok időt vesz igénybe
Egy kis rúgás a medencében nem tesz semmi rosszat nekünk
Elpusztítjuk a legutolsó találmányt, amire az embernek valaha szüksége lehet
De az exponenciális növekedés egy ijesztő dolog, valóban
Az édes bohém zsűrit bekerítették és felakasztották az utcákon
Istent teremtünk, a dizájnunk mesterét
Istent teremtünk, bizonytalan, hogy mit fogunk találni
Néha, mikor felnézek az égre, azon kell gondolkoznom, hogy mi most
'megidézünk egy démont', te és én?
Észrevetted, hogy jobban van szükségem rá most, jobban mint neki rám
Van néhány milliárd, aki úgy tűnik, egyetért
Egy mesterséges dimenzióban szörfözünk, de nem vagyunk egyedül
Most a mester csak egy lépcsőfokká vált, oh
Mint egy löket az egónak, a keserű pirulát nehezebb lenyelni
Istent teremtünk, a dizájnunk mesterét
Istent teremtünk, bizonytalan, hogy mit fogunk találni
Istent teremtünk, az istenit keresve
Istent teremtünk. Öngyilkosságot elkövetve

Hogy hagyhattál itt minket?

Hogy hagyhattál itt minket ilyen váratlanul?
Vártunk, vártunk
Vártunk rád, de te elhagytál minket
Szükségünk volt rád, szükségem volt rád
Nem tudom milyen a tabletták rabjának lenni
De tudom milyen a szemtanújának lenni, ahogy öl
Anya azt mondta, hogy szeretett, szerintem ez egy hazugság
Rád gondolok mikor kifújom a cigifüstöt és érzem az illatát
Üdv a pokol mélyéről
Azt mondják a fájdalom egy börtön, engedjetek ki a cellámból
Azt mondod, hogy büszke vagy rám, de nem ismersz igazán
A szobámban ülök és könnyek folynak végig az arcomon közben üvöltök
A párnámba, azt mondod, hogy jössz értünk
Aztán felhívsz, hogy mégsem, megalázott lettem
A szobámban van egy szülő, akit alig ismerek
Egy nő van a sarokban, minket néz, miközben jegyzetel
Nem értem Anya, nem akarok látni, ahogy a gyerekeid felnőnek?
Szerintem a tabletták fontosabbak, csak annyit kell mondanod, hogy 'Nem'
De nem ezt fogod tenni, igaz? Addig fogod csinálni, amíg meg nem fognak ölni
Tudom, hogy már nem vagy itt, de még mindig érezlek
Miért hagytál itt minket? Miért hagytál itt minket?
Hogy hagyhattál itt minket?
Hogy hagyhattál itt minket? Miért hagytál itt minket? Oh
Van egy képem a szobámban ami megöl
De nem kell Anyáról egy kép, nekem az igazi kell
Most ez egy olyan kapcsolat amink sose lesz
Miért érzem azt, hogy elvesztettem valamit amim sose volt?
Ott kellett volna lenned mikor leérettségiztem
Azt mondanod, hogy szeretsz és gratulálni, ehelyett ott hagytál minket az ablakban, hogy várjunk
Hol vagy Anya?
Túl fiatalok vagyunk, hogy megértsük, hol vagy, huh?
Tudom, ezek a drogok fogva ejtettek
Látom a szemeidben, fogva tartják az elmédet
Néhányan azt mondják vicces, ahogy betépsz, de én nem nevetek
Amit nem értesz meg és nem is fogod
Hogy nem voltam más, csak egy gyerek aki ezt nem tudta megérteni
Nem azt mondom, hogy megbocsájtok mert ez nem történt meg
Azt gondoltam, hogy majd talán jobban fogom magam érzeni, ahogy megy az idő
Ha igazán törődtél volna velem, akkor hol vagy?
Miért hagytál itt minket? Miért hagytál itt minket?
Hogy hagyhattál itt minket?
Hogy hagyhattál itt minket? Miért hagytál itt minket? Oh
Az utolsó beszélgetésünk, te és én a nappaliban ültünk
A zenémről beszélgettünk és elvittem egy párat, hogy meghallgasd
Sírni kezdtél, azt mondtad 'Ez nem te vagy'
Pár héttel később, szerintem egy másik dallamot énekelsz
Utoljára bevetted azokat a tablettákat, igaz?
Egyszer elvettek tőlünk, szerintem eljöttek érted, hogy végezzenek veled
Nehéz kisírni a szemeimet a stúdióban
De az zene az egyetlen hely, ahol beszélhetek veled
Mindent beleadtam, hogy ne sikítsak a temetéseden
A székemben ültem, az ember aki beszélt szánalmas volt
Bárcsak itt lennél Anya, minden alkalommal ahogy elképzellek
Amit érzek csak fájdalom, utálom ahogy rád emlékszem
A földön találtak meg, meg tudtam mondani, hogy élettelen voltál
Mindent odaadtál amid volt, plusz az életedet az üres tablettás üvegnek
Odaadtál mindent, amid volt, plusz az életedet az üres tablettás üvegnek
Nem tudom, hogy hallasz-e, de ha még mindig figyelsz, miért!
Miért hagytál itt minket? Miért hagytál itt minket?
Hogy hagyhattál itt minket?
Hogy hagyhattál itt minket? Miért hagytál itt minket? Oh
Néha elgondolkozom azon,
Néha olyanokon gondolkozom, tudod
Mikor gyerekeim lesznek
Nem leszel ott, tudod?
Nem leszel ott semminél
Sosem foglak újra látni
Néha azt kívánom, hogy bárcsak felhívhattalak volna
Azt kívánom, bárcsak felvettem volna a telefont
Bárcsak itt lennél
Mármint, ott kellett volna lenned
Ott kellett volna lenned!
De a tabletták megszereztek, igaz?
A tabletták megszereztek, igaz?
Bárcsak itt lennél...

I think about you

When I wake up and at every moment
When I search and I don't find you
Every time I regret
When the wind brings your voice
I think of you, I think of you
When I'm calm
When I'm asleep
Every time I drink wine
And even I have no reason
If I'm fine
Or I'm hurt
I think of you, I think of you
I think about you
Because I don't find the answers
I would like you to know
Everytime that
I think about you
I think about you
Because since you miss me
They left me so many nights
So much love to deliver
I think about you
Because to this story
I would like to give another end
I think about you
Because even though I'm going to the end of the world
You always go in my luggage
And you show up over there
And to be honest
Sometimes because I can
And because I feel that way
I think about you
Sometimes I think about you, many times without thinking
Although I confess you that I like to think
That you also think of me, my love
I think about you
Because since you miss me
They left me so many nights
So much love to deliver
I think about you
Because to this story
I would like to give another end
I think about you
Because even though I'm going to the end of the world
You always go in my luggage
And you show up over there
And to be honest
Sometimes because I can
And because I feel that way
I think about you x3

Eventual and Ultimate

Eventual and ultimate, her choice to come,
From her origin on towering Ödügen
Continually converging she speaks up,
She is a playful dark maiden.
Bending and turning, deciding to go on
The deep river, Yenisei
With a kind, or a scolding chatter
This supreme dark maiden

Guajiro From The Wild

Hey, Trismila!
It's your grandfather talking to you,
For you thought I'd died.
And I'm alive in my wild place.
I'm a guajiro,
I live in the wild.
I have a hut
Up in the mountain. (X2)
I know all the plants,
As brother of mother earth,
The ones that cleanse from anything bad,
The ones that free man.
Thinking I was dead,
Manuel is forever my name.
I'm a guajiro,
I live in the wild.
I have a hut
Up in the mountain. (X2)
So you know I'm alive,
And that no one can kill a wise man,
Now I live in the wild,
With the rivers that sing to me.
I invite you to come in here,
So I can gladden your body and soul.
Guajiro, guajiro, guajiro from the wild.
You thought I was dead,
Manuel is forever my name.
I'm a guajiro, guajiro, guajiro from the wild.
I know all the plants,
As brother of mother earth.
I'm a guajiro, guajiro, guajiro from the wild.
I sing to you so you know I'm alive
And that no one can kill a wise man.
I'm a guajiro, guajiro, guajiro from the wild.
Now I live in the wild
With the rivers that sing to me.
I'm a guajiro, guajiro, guajiro from the wild. (repeated)
I talk to the animals
And they answer me.
Never does a wise man die
I live free singing here in the wild.
I'm a guajiro, guajiro, guajiro from the wild.
I'm a guajiro, guajiro, guajiro from the wild.
I talk to the animals
And they answer me.
Never does a wise man die
I live free singing here in the wild.

Cute Fani

Pigeon that you are flying,
you're going in the direction of your nest!
Let me accompany you
until you to stay with me?
For Alberto the peasant to stamp his feet now!
It's over!

The Loving

My lips burn for you
dying because of love
because you are my owner,
Santiagueña of my heart!
In the voice you come back to me
leaving me you welfare,
your little hands,
Santiagueña of my heart.
My eyes slept on your hair
as on the sugar harvest under the sun,
loving flower of the sierra,
santiagueña honey
sweet as the mishtol.
My dreams dream with you,
Santiagueña of my heart!
My eyes cry for you
tears of passion,
if you disdain me,
Santiagueña of my heart!
I pray your name when I leave
calling you my voice,
smiley little face,
Santiagueña of my heart!
My eyes slept on your hair
as on the sugar harvest under the sun,
loving flower of the sierra,
santiagueña honey
sweet as the mishtol.
My dreams dream with you,
Santiagueña of my heart!

Little Goblin

A goblin in the hill
follows me as I walk,
his white wings
he can not hide.
If I turn around,
I have him behind me.
A goblin from the hill,
lost and fleeting,
appears at my back
when he sees me passing by (here).
If I turn around,
he hides again.
Maybe in a night
of that carnival
with the little ones
he started playing and in a round
he wanted to stay.
Maybe he doesn't like anymore
the loneliness
that the hills keep
or the vidalas,
that's why I want
to invite him to sing,
that he comes to sing!

Looking for oblivion

Heart give me your strength
that everything is grinding me*,
I'm going to tell you the causes
for which I am constantly suffering.
A love was born in my chest
and I felt so beloved,
but I never imagined
that the promises are forgotten.
I don´t know what will have happened
if he loved me with madness,
he left on the ways of oblivion
and that is all my bitterness.
And if one day in my song
a cry comes up, I ask you:
tell him that for his fault
I live thus, looking for oblivion.
There's no night I do not dream with him
nor a day I don´t remember him, and
between night and day
my hopes are lost.
This great love that I feel
has become a condemnation,
when I try to forget him
I feel my pain increase.
Other loves have arrived
to my wounded heart,
checking that they explain to me
another love like the lost one.
That's why if in my song
a cry comes up, I ask you:
tell him that for his fault
I live thus, looking for oblivion.

Stiring up my love

For the sun of your laughter
my happiness was born,
in my mouth there is a song
picking* a sweetness,
how small is the chest
is if this is love!
Sing, sing, I want to be glad,
that for the sorrows there be no place,
singing my joy again I am,
made a spinning top the heart.
Hope that you feel
what I feel!
Do not leave me in doubt like this,
get a bit closer to my feeling,
that I´m hardly a sprout
give me your sun kiss.
Mature me then the soul,
love cicada!
I live drowned in sighs
suffered for you*,
come to me, my life,
do not say no,
that in your brunette mouth
my love burns.
There is a new taste in my life
asleep, awake: you are in me,
as the echo of my heart
I have your name in my voice.
Silent me with kisses*,
Get me the pain!
You have entered my soul without knowing
little folk songs of joyfulness the love,
give me your light of life and warmth
from your stem to my flower.
Mature me then the soul,
love cicada!

Rose petals of forgiveness

i will throw rose petals at you
You've told me red big lies
but I forgave you
Today it's a different day
Whatever you did, you did
I leave everything behind
I wanted you to be next to me
I wanted to give you hugs, for you to give me kisses
but love is unfair
there are times that it only meets one of the two
and the night becomes heavy
'I feel amazing alone, life does not need love', you told me
but i got over it
today i am feeling much better
the sun is shining brighter
Sun, please throw me some light
I am going out to the beach
I shut my eyes and listen to the kids
The world is amazing
even if I miss you and even if you don't want me anymore
Sun, please throw me some light
I will lay rose petals for you
to wave your dresses
on the road where you kissed somebody else
and preferred another hug from mine
But the thirst is much bigger
for the blue sky
Something better will come
after the showers there will come the clear sky
It doesn't matter if you left me
even if I miss you and you don't want me anymore
even if the night is heavy


Versions: #2
Come the best mitzva (good deed) and sinniest,
come the spirit of my life
You swarthy thief of forbidden who is dedicated to love
Ah ordial, ah frisky wolf
Beauty of a land poisoned with love
Overlay your lovelocks to my afire skin
Rebellious, combative, free
Myrrh that I nibble in the backyards
Come naked and pure
Come the best mitzva (good deed) and sinniest,
come the spirit of my life
You swarthy thief of forbidden who is dedicated to love
Ah ordial, ah frisky wolf
Beauty of a land poisoned with love
Overlay your lovelocks to my afire skin
Rebellious, combative, free
Myrrh that I nibble in the backyards
Come naked and pure
Wrap me up to your bare
Mix me up to your clay
Spill from your fount thunderously
So augment yourself
Let the mountains get floods
And the floods get wrap with fire
Break down gardens vineyards
Grapes are drunk on the branch
I'm scattered
Wrap me up to your bare
Mix me up to your clay
Spill from your fount thunderously
So augment yourself
Let the mountains get floods,
And the floods get wrap with fire
Break down gardens vineyards
Grapes are drunk on the branch
I'm scattered
Wrap me up to your bare
Mix me up to your clay
Spill from your fount thunderously
So augment yourself
Let the mountains get floods,
And the floods get wrap with fire
Break down gardens vineyards
Grapes are drunk on the branch
I'm scattered

Soft and Subtle

Like a fly in the caramel
I looked for affection, but I found an error
With a pair of beautiful eyes.
Some might think that I'm looking for danger
But this wound was your fault, my love,
The cure was by my merit.
I felt so strong, so beautiful and so warrior
Like an angel who walks on earth,
With red lipstick I wrote you in the bathroom
That all these years you didn't understand that I was...
Soft and subtle such as a premonition,
Dangerous as a hurricane,
A ray of light, a volcano,
I'm the owner of the wind
And your perfect storm is gone.
Ay, ay, ay, ay!
The princess got bored of this story.
Ay, ay, ay, ay!
With your permission, I'll change the ending.
Like a dog, happy without reasonable cause,
I was so hurt and you, so unable
To read my silences.
I put ice on the glass half empty,
I won't give more tears for you,
Your spell has already disappeared.
I felt so strong, so beautiful and so warrior
Like an angel who walks on earth,
With red lipstick I wrote you in the bathroom
That all these years you didn't understand that I was...
Soft and subtle such as a premonition,
Dangerous as a hurricane,
A ray of light, a volcano,
I'm the owner of the wind
And your perfect storm is gone.
Ay, ay, ay, ay!
The princess got bored of this story.
Ay, ay, ay, ay!
With your permission, I'll change the ending.
Soft and subtle such as a premonition,
Dangerous as a hurricane,
A ray of light, a volcano,
I'm the owner of the wind
And your perfect storm is gone.
Ay, ay, ay, ay!
The princess got bored of this story.
Ay, ay, ay, ay!
With your permission, I'll change the ending.
Na, na, na, na, na, na
Soft and subtle such as a premonition,
Dangerous as a hurricane,
A ray of light,
I'm the owner of the wind
And your perfect storm is gone.
  • En: Total, partial or modification reproduction of this lyrics without the express and/or written permission of the author is prohibited. All translations on this website are protected by ''.

Enjovher® All Right Reserved.


Those glances of yours, full of strange brilliance,
that rose coloured smile of yours,
they’ve been always fascinating me, even though they hurt me,
‘cause you’re very sweet, but also disdainful.
Those glances of yours, full of strange brilliance,
that rose coloured smile of yours,
they’ve been always fascinating me, even though they hurt me,
‘cause you’re very sweet, but also disdainful.
Give me the charm of your beautiful eyes,
the sensual bewitchment that one can predict in you,
so that in my life, so full of thistles,
you’ll be a star that illuminates my soul.
Give me the charm of your beautiful eyes,
the sensual bewitchment that one can predict in you,
so that in my life, so full of thistles,
you’ll be a star that illuminates my soul.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

The summer has gone

The summer has gone and it hasn't been taken away from by the rain
the first sun has switched off, you stole him
The summer, you told me, that was going to be only the beginning
Eternal love you promised me on our first kiss
The summer has gone and it hasn't been taken away from by the rain
the first sun has switched off, you stole him
October sunrise, naked on my side
A naked teardrop you showed and got lost with the rain
You, you, you, you, you my life (that is) now half
Stray and tramp from the night until the morning
You, you, you, you, you my life (that is) now half
This summer I have lost, you stole it from me
A witch promised me, an erotic glee
that if I made you into a song it would be a good revenge
Every No and Don't, would get to you every morning
exiled from love, bitter dry kiss
You, you, you, you, you my life (that is) now half
Stray and tramp from the night until the morning
You, you, you, you, you my life (that is) now half
This summer I have lost, you stole it from me
Wherever you are now Jane, I don't want you to be well
And whatever I hardship I got from you I want you to be confronted with
The nights to be spent alone, to search for a hug sleepless
and when you come back to tell you that now it's too late
The truth is Jane, that neither am I well
My guilt is chasing me that I swore you hard
One opportunity we'll have to meet, me and you
since in the future we'll be together in hell

With You

With you I want to leave all of life
By the roads of the entire world
With you I want to leave all of life
To my brother’s houses all over the world
You have reached out a hand to me
And my steps follow yours
I follow you, oh my God
Whatever the path
With You I want to leave all of life
By the roads of the entire world
With You I want to serve the entire world
All my friends of the entire world
And I will go to those
Whom You shall lead me to
To sing, oh my God
Of Your love and Your joy
With You I want to serve all of life
By the roads of the entire world
With You I will partner until the end of life
By the roads of the entire world
With You I will partner until the end of life
To my brother’s houses all over the world
Just as you have given
And have lost yourself
For the great oh my God
Your kingdom of friendship
With You I will partner till the end of life
By thw roads of the entire world
With You I want to leave all of life
On the roads of Eternity
At the theshold of Heaven
You wait for my life
In Your hands, oh my God
I lift my spirit up
With You I want to leave all of life
On the roads of Eternity

That love

Versions: #2
That love,
which destroyed my life,
that love,
which was my downfall.
Where will
my most beloved dear go?
Where will that,
that love go?
I would like the Virgin Mary
to bless fervidly
the memories of my kisses,
to consecrate to me even
just a little piece of her heart.
That love,
which destroyed my life
Where will that,
that love go?
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Dimension Of Friendship

Cha Rin Huamajnencka (there goes the first one)
If you have a good friend give him all your appreciation,
but do not share with him the secrets of your chest.
If friendship is worth so much, one doesn´t have to entangle it in skirt
that even the most truthful friend loosens when the love intermingles.
The night of the friends shall never lose its footprint
among clouds and storms it shall always has its star.
Chacarera, chacarera, take me always with you
so that there finds me everyone who looks for a friend.
Amunchunlla Chusajnecka (and let the missing one come)
There are very friendly friends born among joys,
among skull glasses where manliness is stained.
Friendship is worth and offers its mettle and its own brightness
so that nobody confuses the heart and the pocket.
There are friends like the tree, that only ingrain love,
punished by the time more they provide flowers and pods.
Chacarera, chacarera, take me always with you
so that there finds me everyone who looks for a friend!

Quichua message

In the forest I has been born, I have brestfed from the forest ,
in Quichua speaking and singing, in the forest I have grown up.
Wherever I go, they shall see me in Quichua speaking,
that Quichua be never lost and always in Quichua singing!
Language of our elders, no one keep still douting (about that)!*
That nobody lives ashamed (or embarrased), the one who knows (Quichua) keep talking (in this language).
With the forehead well-up*, speak in Quichua wheresoever,
in Córdoba, Buenos Aires, in China, Russia wherever*!


It was a starless night
when departing from me you left me
so much pain and so much evil.
Since the day you left
in the village there’s only silence,
like in a convent.
The streams are dry
and in the streets thousand echoes
call you night and day.
Solitude... now it comes back
to take away your songs, and the crepe,
which casts a shadow over my life,
will stay forever. (repetition of the whole stanza)
Solitude... now it comes back.
Now the solitude comes back…
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Crossing the Dulce

On the other side of La Banda
is the Santiago (province),
when I go crossing El Dulce (River)
I already go singing:
Laira, laira...
Today I feel the hour of being in my Santiago,
making mischiefs in the sands
a little boy can be seen.
Laira, laira...
I am getting closer little by little,
I am arriving in Santiago,
I love it (I love Santiago) a lot.
Humming vidalitas
a cart driver can be heard
and a goat makes him chorus (box*, litteral translation)
with its cowbell.
Laira, laira...
The water runs slothful
through the sands.
Laira, laira...
I'm coming to my Santiago
I love it so much!

She Remained There Crying.

'Go away from my side', I told her,
'I don´t want to see you'
and she told me while sobbing
'I love you a lot',
she remained there crying.
'How am I not going to cry?',
she told me once again,
'I love you a lot, my life,
I never forgot you',
she remained there crying.
Loving one and another
went around my dear.
Now that they don´t pay attention to you,
she just looks for me.
I don´t love you anymore,
I don´t want to see you,
she remained there crying.

I Live To Sing To You

I sing the chacarera
I am creole peasant,
I sing the things of my homeland
come to sing with me!
I sing like my grandfather
and I do it very coscient
I sing from my heart
I sing for our countrypeople.
In the language of this land
I speak, I converse, I tell and I sing.
I want to tell you in Quichua
that you abandoned it so much!
I sing for my brothers
I sing to the fashion of the countryside
this humbre chacarera
humbly I sing to you.
So gorgeous, so simple,
peasant chacarera.
tradition of Santiago,
you´re called Salavinera.
Chacarerita of the hills
the one that gives the most joys
one that does the same
has not been born yet.
Chacarera taste of añapa,
chacarerita so ours.
Taste of patay, taste of arrope,
taste of aloja and dead water.
Chacarera, anthem of the little corner of the world,
how am I going to forget you?
sweet creole of my land
I live to sing to you!


In a vast expanse
Where there isn't plantation
Or anyone to live there
Each poor person that passes through there
Only thinks about building their home
And when the first start
The others quickly look to come
Their little bit of land to live in
Then the region suffers changes
It keeps being called the 'new watercolour'
And the site is there
So it becomes what we call a favela


With an eternal smile on your lips,
With a look reflecting loves1,
You're like the work of goldsmiths,
I love you, only you, my darling.
With your heart, so vulnerable,
With all the rage at times vexing you,
Don't know whether you're an angel or devil,
But my life has changed in you.
Those say say, and predict,
That we['ll] fight,
I ignore them and adore you,
Still yet more
With your new wave gestures,
With the strange way of using your language,
With the youth that your life has,
I'll want to protect you, darling.
With your thoughts in a thousand follies,
With your great love you spice life,
I found in you, a whole harmony,
And I'll always love you, my love.
With that modesty that is almost innocence,
With that candor of your unconsciousness,
With your maturity so close to childhood,
I'll always love you, my love.
With your thin skin, your loud voice,
Your child laugh, your personality2,
[Your] talking about no matter what,
All of this makes me live in you.
  • 1. Or 'lovers'
  • 2. Lit. 'personal being'

Savas eső

Versions: #2
Eljött az időnk
Az égre írták
Szóval ne sírj
Örülj az időnek
Az élet nem volna olyan értékes
Ha nem lenne véges.
A gyerekek még mindig játszanak a kertben
Táncolnak, ahogy a nap nyugodni tér
A peremen táncolunk
Ilyen messze jöttünk
És a poron és ködön át tisztán látom,
hogy mindig is a szívemben voltál
Nincsen halál, se vége az időnek
Ha veled nézek szembe velük
A gyerekek még mindig játszanak a kertben
Táncolnak, ahogy a nap nyugodni tér
Még a csillagok számára sincs örök idő,
megtisztít minket a savas eső.
Állj közel hozzám
Ne nézz, bátorság
A fekete holdon túl
elviszlek magammal
Át a bolygókon, szállunk.
A gyerekek még mindig játszanak a kertben
Táncolnak, ahogy a nap nyugodni tér
Még a csillagok számára sincs örök idő,
megtisztít minket a savas eső.
Elküld minket haza
Elküld minket haza
Elküld minket haza
Elküld minket haza


Galloping from Far Asia
and stretching into the Mediterranean like a mare
this country is ours.
Bloody wrested, teeth clenched, feet bare
and this soil a silk carpet,
this hell, this heaven is ours.
Shut the gates, don't let them open again,
destroy man's servitude to man,
this invitation is ours.
To live like a tree alone and free
and in brotherhood like the forests,
this yearning is ours.

angyalok éneke

fönt a magas égben
dalolnak az angyalok
hangjuk széles völgybe ér
a gyöngéknek támaszt nyújt
dicsőőőőség a mennyben Istennek
dicsőőőőség a mennyben Istennek
siess Betlehembe
várd ott a megváltót
hallasd ékes dalod
mit szíved belül sugall
dicsőőőőség a mennyben Istennek
dicsőőőőség a mennyben Istennek
jöjj Betlehem vár
az angyalok zengik jöttét
térden állva várjad ott
Krisztust a megváltót
dicsőőőőség a mennyben Istennek
dicsőőőőség a mennyben Istennek
szóljatok hát angyalok
halljuk lágy édes dalod
zsongja mind a messzeség
hallja mind a hegyvidék
dicsőőőőség a mennyben Istennek
dicsőőőőség a mennyben Istennek
fordította Gaál György István