Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 108

Találatok száma: 5099


Schuhplattler Boogie

I am bored, I am very bored
I am bored, very bored
What's going on here?
What's the point?
Cheers, that's like a folk festival
It creates a great weather
Girls are messed up immediately
Dancing, of course, no problem
Wild, and the hunter arrives
Today we blow them away
More 'Hi sweetie, how are you'
She tells me that I'm incredibly nice
Say, is she boozed-up?
This is the Schuhplattler Boogie
Put on the lederhosen
The Schuhplattler Boogie
That's what we play now
The Schuhplattler Boogie
Take your calf in your hand
The Schuhplattler Boogie
While your girl is only gazing
The Schuhplattler Boogie, the Schuhplattler Boogie
The Schuhplattler Boogie, boogldiwugldiwugldiyeah!
Wearing the lederhosen
Today we'll have a proper time
Everyone is feeling good
We dance until the tables are shaking
The calves are flashing ahead
We bring the hut to glow
And then it turns to schuhplattler because we dig it
Today everyone puts their foot down
We run a schuhplattler contest
The women have fun
Then we have intense sex
The 2-litre beer is standing on the table and we pick it up
This is the Schuhplattler Boogie
Put on the lederhosen
The Schuhplattler Boogie
That's what we play now
The Schuhplattler Boogie
Take your calf in your hand
The Schuhplattler Boogie
While your girl is only gazing
The Schuhplattler Boogie, the Schuhplattler Boogie
The Schuhplattler Boogie, boogldiwugldiwugldiyeah!
All the men, raise the glasses up
Why do all the girls suddenly look so pretty
All the girls, lift the skirts up
Because a little boogldi wugldi boom just works when you're loose
And now it's closing time, what
Closing time, no, I don't leave
I dance the schuhplattler
This is the Schuhplattler Boogie
Put on the lederhosen
The Schuhplattler Boogie
That's what we play now
The Schuhplattler Boogie
Take your calf in your hand
The Schuhplattler Boogie
While your girl is only gazing
The Schuhplattler Boogie, the Schuhplattler Boogie
The Schuhplattler Boogie, boogldiwugldiwugldiyeah!
The Schuhplattler Boogie, the Schuhplattler Boogie
The Schuhplattler Boogie, boogldiwugldiwugldiyeah!


Az első randinkon
Úgy ver a szívem, mint egy gyereknek
Mostanában, vasárnap,
A Nap amit úgy hívnak 'te' felemelkedik vasárnap
Az első randinkon
Úgy ver a szívem, mint egy gyereknek
Mostanában, vasárnap,
A Nap amit úgy hívnak 'te' felemelkedik vasárnap
24/7 egész nap, csak rád gondolok
Az első randink amire annyira vártam
Úgy hiszem az egy különleges nap lesz
Egy úriember leszek
Mert a barátod vagyok
Miután átgondoltam
Az egész éjszakát ébren töltöttem
Amikor még a Nap fel sem kelt
Miért olyan hosszú ez a nap?
Elkezdtem utálni az óramutatókat
mióta randizni kezdtünk
Így érzek mindig
Egész éjszaka, lány
Egész éjszaka rád gondolok, lány
Láthatlak majd ha eljön a holnap
És nem tudom mit mondhatnék
Vasárnap találkozunk
Vártam már erre a vasárnapra
(Hogy is legyen? Hogy is legyen?
Hogy is legyen? uh yeah)
Idő, kérlek siess
Vasárnap találkozunk
Van amikor erről csak álmodoztam
Azt hiszem ma nem tudok aludni
Az első randinkon
Úgy ver a szívem, mint egy gyereknek
Mostanában, vasárnap,
A Nap amit úgy hívnak 'te' felemelkedik vasárnap
Az első randinkon
Úgy ver a szívem, mint egy gyereknek
Mostanában, vasárnap,
A Nap amit úgy hívnak 'te' felemelkedik vasárnap
Holnap van a randink amiről eddig csak álmodtam
A hold és a csillagok olyan szépek
Fényük rám világít,
A világ olyan mintha
az enyém lenne, főleg ma, ugye?
Ma este,egy rendezett ember leszek, ez mind érted van kedvesem
Ha az idő egy részvény lenne amit úgy hívnak 'te', befektetnék
A ruhák amiket veled viselhetek majd, választás, elmerülök a szekrényben
A szívem olyan lármás, izgatottan dúdolok
Egész nap, csak rád gondoltam
Nem fogok tudni aludni csak te jársz a fejemben
Egész éjszaka, lány
Egész éjszaka rád gondolok, lány
Láthatlak ha eljön a holnap
És nem tudom mit mondhatnék
Vasárnap találkozunk
Vártam már erre a vasárnapra
(Hogy is legyen? Hogy is legyen?
Hogy is legyen? uh yeah)
Idő, kérlek siess
Vasárnap találkozunk
Van amikor erről csak álmodoztam
Azt hiszem ma nem tudok aludni
A tükörbe nézem folyton magam
A szívem gyorsan ver
Nem akarok többet mondani
Úgy érzem nem tudok többet mondani
(Tudom) Oh te
(Tudom) teszed
a napjaimat egy filmmé
Mostanában, vasárnap
Napról napra, vasárnap
(Hogy is legyen? Hogy is legyen?
Hogy is legyen? uh yeah)
Naponta többször is természetesen mosolygok
Van amikor erről csak álmodoztam
De nem most, valamikor
Úgy hiszem mosolyogni fogok
Az első randinkon
Úgy ver a szívem, mint egy gyereknek
Mostanában, vasárnap,
A Nap amit úgy hívnak te felemelkedik vasárnap
Az első randinkon
Úgy ver a szívem, mint egy gyereknek
Mostanában, vasárnap,
A Nap amit úgy hívnak te felemelkedik vasárnap

As I Love You

When the sun
rises over the sea
and shines down on us—
and I hold you in my arms
as I love you, as I love you.
You are here with me, I feel your breathing
in rhythm with mine
and I think I am dreaming
as I love you, as I love you.
You know I will live here with you—
you know I will live here with you—
and every day,
we will gaze toward the sea
and love one another.
This is what you wanted—
no one else around us—
and I feel happy—
and you are beautiful
beyond any other.
Your face
that I see here before me
speaks to me and smiles at me—
and shines like the sun
as I love you, as I love you.
You know I will live here with you—
you know I will live here with you—
and every day,
we will gaze toward the sea
and love one another.
You know I will live here with you—
and every day,
we will gaze toward the sea
and love one another.

What is Love?

maybe you don't know what love is?
do you hear those screams? You heard the pain.
maybe I don't know who gave me love.
you will tell me again - I will believe ..
maybe you don't know what love is?
do you hear those screams? You heard the pain.
maybe I don't know who gave me love.
you will tell me again - I will believe again.
Give me the will, give me the will, I will change everything.
Soon the train, I'm on the fast train. I will change everything.
You can't buy my soul like that.
I will not give in to you, I will not give in.
What goes inside you, our empire will laugh.
sorry, i'm sorry me (8)
I like it, girl. like it.
I like it. Oh, like it.
Oh, like it. Oh, like it.
maybe you don't know what love is?
do you hear those screams? You heard the pain.
maybe I don't know who gave me love.
you will tell me again - I will believe ..
maybe you don't know what love is?
do you hear those screams? You heard the pain.
maybe I don't know who gave me love.
you will tell me again - I will believe again.


The night doesn't sleep
And again in my eyes there's only a sky of stone
The night hurts
How can I be alone without you?
Don't grieve.
Your tears for me seem to flow out of my wounds
My tired heart that disappears forever
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream
It'll unite us, unite
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until the words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream,
It'll unite us, unite
The night will pass
And the morning will keep us
In a cold bed
Hug me, you're the freezing rain
Among the burning desert
Until spring there is time
It's all not so hopeless
I see dreams
I'm staying there, I'm staying in them
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream
It'll unite us, unite
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until the words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream,
It'll unite us, unite
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream
It'll unite us, unite
Heaven isn't me, heaven isn't you
Until the words become silent
And a dream will come, an eternal dream,
It'll unite us, unite

Bob the Builder Opening Theme (Latin American Spanish)

Bob the Builder
Bob is building things. 'Can you do it?' (Note 1)
Bob is building things. 'Yes we can!' (Note 2)
Scoop, Muck, and Dizzy, also Rolly
Lofty and Wendy will help him, too (Note 3)
They are a great crew (Note 4)
And they enjoy finishing their work
Bob is building things. 'Can you do it?'
Bob is building things. 'Yes we can!'
They all work without resting
There are always a thousand things to repair
They are a great construction crew
And their work gives them pleasure
'Can we build it?'
'Can we repair it?'
Bob is building things. 'Can you do it?'
Bob is building things. 'Yes we can!'

Bob the Builder Opening Theme (European Spanish)

Bob is building things (Note 1)
'Can we do it?' (Note 2)
He is building a tunnel
'Yes, yes, we can!' (Note 3)
Bricks and pieces of wood that can talk
Trucks that snore when they accelerate
Bob and his crew do a great job (Note 4)
And they look for the rhyme of plaster and concrete (Note 5)
Bob is building things
'Can we do it?'
He's building a tunnel
'Yes, yes, we can!'
If you hear the rhythm and you know how to dance
It becomes easier to spread tar / pave with asphalt (Note 6)
Bob is building things
'Can we do it?'
He's building a tunnel
'Yes, yes, we can!'

Más Emberek Gyerekei

A koreai kislány haldokolva feküdt a jeges, kitaposott út mellett
Ahogy a katonák elcsoszogtak mellette, a testüket összehúzták a hideg ellen
A hópelyhek kicsi, fehér csillagként tapadtak a fekete, véres hajához
Kerestem a puskát a kezeiben, de nem láttam semmit
A fiatal vietnámi kisfiú sírva ült a halott édesanyja oldalán
Ahogy mellette az otthona lángolt, míg ő ijedten ült ott
Láttam a félelmet a szemeiben, a háború borzalmait és kétségbeesést
Kerestem a puskát a kezeiben, de nem láttam semmit
Ne legyen több halott gyerek, (ne, ne) ne legyen több halott gyerek (ne, ne)
Ne több, ne több, ne több
A kurd gyerekek az utcákon feküdtek, ahová a gáz döntötte őket
Mint eldobott szőnyegek kicsi kötegei, a mérgezett város utcáin
Megláttam őket és sírtam és azt kiáltottam 'Édes istenem' - félig átok, félig ima volt
Kerestem a puskát a kezeikben, de nem láttam semmit
Az iraki család a padlón feküdt saját vérükben az erőszakos haláluk után
A meggyilkolt felesége és gyermekei mellett az apa gyászosan üvöltött
Csak a járulékos veszteség egy darabja, amit a könny sem tud meggyógyítani
Kerestem a puskát a kezeikben, de nem láttam semmit
Ne legyen több halott gyerek, (ne, ne) ne legyen több halott gyerek (ne, ne)
Ne több, ne több, ne több
Ruanda, Korea, Vietnám, Palesztina, Libanon
Csecsenföld, Bosznia, Irak, Afganisztán
Más emberek gyermekei, fia és lányai, férjek, feleségek
Mégis elküldjük a saját gyerekeinket, hogy elvegyék más emberek gyerekeinek életét
Ne legyen több halott gyerek, (ne, ne) ne legyen több halott gyerek (ne, ne)
Ne több, (ne több), ne több, (ne több) ne több
Mmm ne több, (ne több), ne több, (ne több) ne több


From Rohan, he runs through the swamp, across the wetlands covered in grass -
the western wind runs up to the city walls singing its tearful melody.
'- What do you say, wandering wind, what have you brought from your journey?
Have you seen Boromir walking proudly in the shine of the stars?'
'- Yes, I've seen him, walking through seven springs, seven rivers, walking alone through the wasteland. And then he departed
to the long shades of the North, and I have not seen him since.
Maybe the northern wind seen him, when he blew his horn.'
'- Boromir! I looked from the high walls to the western reaches,
but you never came back from the deserted lands'
From the sea, the southern wind leaps through the sand and rocks,
bringing the shriek of the seagulls to the city gates.
'- What are you bringing in the evening from the south, weeping wind?
Where is my fair Boromir? I keep waiting for him.'
'- Do not ask me where he stays - oh how many bones lie there,
on the white shores, over the dark shores, stormy clouds move on,
how many of them flew over Anduin, looking for sea.
Northern wind, you should rather ask for the ones he sent.'
'- Boromir! Behind the gates, there is a way going south to the sea,
but you have not arrived from the grey plane, that sounds with the cry of the seagulls.'
From the Gates of the Kings, the northern wind went over the waterfalls,
and he blew coldly on the edge of the tower like on a horn, so everybody would hear.
'- What are you bringing from the north today, mighty wind?'
'- Under the Amon Hen I heard his scream, as he was clashing with the enemy.
A dented shield, and broken sword they brought to the river afterwards.
They lay that proud head on the ground, so he looked like he is in a calm dream,
and Rauros the golden waterfall, then covered him with his shoulder.'
'- Boromir! The sentry tower always keeps watch to the North,
where Rauros, the golden waterfall, keeps his eternal song.'

Harsh Tenderness

The sun kissed the stone pier
I see your boat far away
The wind is swaying olive branches
Were they the ones whispering to us all night, all night?
Chorus: (x2)
You left alone and the sea embraced you
It will remind you of my love
My heart is overtaken by a mortal fear
Will you share your harsh life with me?
The sunset is burning in crimson fires
The board are returning with full nets
You come home with a salty savor in your hair
And from you radiates a harsh tenderness - male tenderness
Chorus: (x3)
You left alone and the sea embraced you
It will remind you of my love
My heart is overtaken by a mortal fear
Will you share your harsh life with me?

Only pain

Bro sometimes I don't understand how scary it is
I'm looking for myself in the nights just to find
Those memories, those words I've grown up for
And it hits me right in the heart when I see that I screwed up
There's no one when I need a smile
A consolation in the eye, tears, she's not here again
Then you say I'm heartless, but I know the best
I'm not like others, no, I cry alone
So often bro, I need a second only
To set a bullet in my head straight up
Cuz there's no love when my heart is alone
And I hope it'll be better, somewhere else
But I retreat, I don't regret
As time goes I realize that it's that same life
And it'll come the day when I'll meet my happiness
Somewhere far away cuz I'll never do it here
Sometimes I feel like I'm not myself
Sometimes life is mine, only pain
Sometimes I feel like I'm not myself
Sometimes life is mine, only pain
I know I should at least say sorry
To every dear person that I hurt
I didn't want to Maja, it's not our fault
And from the bottom of the heart I'll say 'Please, sorry'
Sorry for all of your tearful days
Nights in your tears lighted up by the sky
Every rough word of mine, please forgive me
Maybe I can't show you, but I truly love you
Such is life, why was I tearing myself up
When I lost everything, I realized how much I've had
I know it's not cool, so I turn around
But it's not the same as when you were here
I'll remain as a shadow on your pillow
The kiss during the 5th of August will remain
Only the pictures will remain and that famous verse
Those who love you, think about them tonight
'You know, everyone can make a mistake
And everyone has a right to get another chance
But I don't'
Sometimes I feel like I'm not myself
Sometimes life is mine, only pain
Sometimes I feel like I'm not myself
Sometimes life is mine, only pain
It's hard to describe the feeling in my breasts
I'm looking at those happy people, and I become jealous
How can some things last for so long
The beginning is always happy, with a sad end
I can't believe, it's always like that
Everything I've ever seen, I lost so easily
I was a moron, I was an idiot
May God forgive me if no one else can
I know I want happiness, I know I can do better
Life is hard, but it's easier in two
You were the star that was shining at night
And now I'm hugging a picture, with you and me in it
I'll wait for you even when everyone leaves
The tears pour from the center because you're not here
Love can often be dangerous
That guy you just passed by will give you a life
Sometimes I feel like I'm not myself
Sometimes life is mine, only pain
Sometimes I feel like I'm not myself
Sometimes life is mine, only pain

Mint sodas

In your high school workbooks
Are your dreams and your secrets
All those words you've never spoken
Words of love and tenderness
The woman's words
That you hide and which they forbid
That you are hiding, little Anne
In your high school workbooks
There is blood and tears
The first wounds of your heart
The first wounds
The first rips
That have bruised your soul
That bruise you, little Anne
In high school cafes
You have to bluff, you're lying
Around mint sodas
When you talk about the nights
Last summer
And all these first lovers
You never had except in your dreams
In your high school workbooks
Are your dreams and your secrets
All those words you've never spoken
Words of love and tenderness
The woman's words
That you are hiding, little Anne
That you hide and which they forbid
That you are hiding, little Anne

My Soul is Sick

What am I supposed to do, my soul is sick
She doesn't look into my eyes
My love, have you really
Given your heart to another man (x2)
Love is guileful and tender
The rich and poor are equal before it
Both day and night they need
Love of the beautiful moon (x2)
I was told about love
But I'd rather not know about it
You hurt my heart till it bled
Now I'm alone in the world
You hurt my heart till it bled
Now I'm alone in the world
What am I supposed to do, my soul is sick
She doesn't look into my eyes
My love, have you really
Given your heart to another man (x2)
People, tell me what to do
Which doctor to visit
What pills I should take
To stop loving her
No doubt there are many beautiful women
But she is the most precious for me
In her eyes there is a special light
And what's my fault here
In her eyes there is a special light
And what's my fault here
What am I supposed to do, my soul is sick
She doesn't look into my eyes
My love, have you really
Given your heart to another man (x2)
What am I supposed to do, my soul is sick
She doesn't look into my eyes
My love, have you really
Given your heart to another man (x2)
My love, have you really
Given your heart to another man

I your everything, you my nothing

Versions: #2
[Verse 1]
You're not the same to me, as I am to you
I question if you can see that my mind is elsewhere
And when I don't want to be, I'm not here
I'm somewhere else, just not here with you
You're not the same to me, as I am to you
Believe me, if I could change that, then I would
But nothing lasts in dry soil
Why am I your everything? and why are you my nothing?
I can't explain it
Why I feel nothing for you
Sometimes I wish it wasn't like this
I your everything, you my nothing
I can't explain it
Why I feel nothing for you
Sometimes I wish it wasn't like this
I your everything, you my nothing
[Verse 2]
You're not the same to me, as I am to you
You would without hesitation, go through strange deserts
But I'm not convinced, only you are
I know you mean only good, but you mustn't do that
You're not the same to me, as I am to you
Maybe I'm too blind, to see you completely
What you see in me, I simply don't understand
Why am I your everything? and why are you my nothing?
I can't explain it
Why I feel nothing for you
Sometimes I wish it wasn't like this
I your everything, you my nothing
I can't explain it
Why I feel nothing for you
Sometimes I wish it wasn't like this
I your everything, you my nothing
Its not your fault
Its only mine
Really just mine
I can't explain it
Why I feel nothing for you
Sometimes I wish it wasn't like this
I your everything, you my nothing
I can't explain it
Why I feel nothing for you
Sometimes I wish it wasn't like this
I your everything, you my nothing

Parázslik a föld

Parázslik a hold az égen,
Vele ég a szerelmünk is.
E tűzzel felemésztettük egymást,
Közös szivünket.
Tiszta lelkem sír, megsebesült.
Nincs béke számomra , ha fájdalmas az éjszaka.
Parázslik a föld és vele ég a szívem is.
Míg ő vízre szomjazik,
Én a szerelmére szomjazom.
Kinek fogom énekelni a dalom,
Ha nincs aki kilépjen az erkélyre?
Az idő múlik,
De már nincs hajnal.
A nap sem süt többé,
Ha ő nem tér vissza.
Az idő múlik,
De már nincs hajnal.
A nap sem süt többé,
Ha ő nem tér vissza.
Parázslik a föld és vele ég a szívem is.
Míg ő vízre szomjazik,
Én a szerelmére szomjazom.
Kinek fogom énekelni a dalom,
Ha senki se jön elő?
Parázslik a hold az égen és vele ég a szerelmünk is.


(Paris, servants)
The Heavens are furious with us
This world is ready for perdition
Life is getting torn apart
I don't understand why
The end is screaming and raging
Every curse falls back on us
Everything waits to be retributed
Romeo is at fault!
Everything is the Montagues' fault!
What a horrible trial
Compassion and good will isn't enough
Let's not allow any more sacrifices!
Who is that in the dark?
Let's prevent evil!
This is a crisis
Verona is swirling in reek
(Paris, choir)
Today, Hell roars
Today, Death lays waste
Madness races on the stone of the walls
Today, it takes and barks
Chases you, finds you
Under the gates and on the cobble of the streets
Today, Hell roars
Today, Death lays waste
Today, it waits for you!
Where has reason gone?
Demented peril is coming
Save the children
Lock your windows
Lament you sins!
Faith is crumbling
No haven can be found
(Paris, choir)
Today, Hell roars
Today, Death lays waste
Madness races on the stone of the walls
(Choir) - (Paris)
The end is near! - No haven
The end is near! - can be found
The end is near! - I've known it for so long
The end is near! - oh!
Under the gates and on the cobble of the streets…
The end is near! - This world
The end is near! - brings horror
The end is near! - Run!
The end is near! - Death has been waiting a long time - for you!

My Time Shall Come

Wake from your ashes,
Fly away in search of yourself.
Looking at your flight,
Even the sky will raise above.1
My Time Shall Come
And nobody shall be like me.2
This fire of my words,
Will break my chains.
The seed you have sowed,
So, shall you reap.
I have a dream,
That makes fear fear.3
And it is alive,
You can't burry it.
Let me life with courage,
I have no fear left. 4
I'll find my own path,
I'll steal success if I want,
I've earned what I have,
I've added meaning to my Life.
Because My Time Shall Come.
And naked you all have come,
So what do you think you will take along?
My Time Shall Come
My Time Shall Come
My Time Shall Come(x2)
And naked you all have come,
So what do you think you will…
I had no one to care for me5
I came here by my own efforts.
I know the fate has power,
But Gratefulness has greater.6
Still, I'm not satisfied,
Because, I'm not amused.
All I need is a will,
And courage and…
Power, Destruction,
Rebellion, Prayers,
This is the judgement7 of Wants,
Love, Heritage.
I've made a habit to win,
I've lost intrest in fame,
There is no one like me!8
This is what makes me,
And naked you all have come,
So what do you think you will take along?
My Time Shall Come
My Time Shall Come
My Time Shall Come
And naked you all have come,
So what do you think you will take along?
My Time Shall Come
My Time Shall Come
My Time Shall Come
  • 1. lit. Looking at the moth's flight even the sky will raise it's head
  • 2. lit. Anybody Better than me, you shall not find.
  • 3. lit. Disturbs Fear
  • 4. In my chest or Heart
  • 5. lit. I had no hand on my head
  • 6. lit. Gratefulness is more powerful than Fate
  • 7. lit. Court
  • 8. lit. There is nobody as hard as you brother.


Csak a drága szemeid
tudnak megnyugtatni most.
Oh, szeretlek.
Az éjjel oly hosszú
s szomorú nélküled.
Fogd ki a kezem
és sose engedd el.
Mindent érted...
Mindenem neked adom...
Engedd, hogy a világ is meghalljon,
az életemmel is védelek téged.
Engedd, hogy mindenki lássa,
hogy mindenki tudja, a tied vagyok
A koronám a tiéd
Akarom, hogy tudd,
hozzád is tartozik.
Mindent érted...
Mindenem neked adom...
Engedd, hogy a világ is meghalljon,
az életemmel is védelek téged.
Engedd, hogy mindenki lássa,
hogy mindenki tudja, örökké
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Őrjöngő Kibelezés

Belsőségek felfedve
Erőszakos döfések által
A belek eltávolítva
Zsigerek boncolása
Bőr átszakítása,
A szöveté és a húsé
Porcok darabolása
Véredények lecsapolása
Eszeveszett vagdalás
Hiányzik az erkölcs
A szemem előtt elmúlik az élet
A hús számít a legjobban
Mikor szét van loccsanva
Sosem zordon
Abszurd módon mélységes
Friss belsőségek jönnek elő
Izgatottan csinálom
Az életem célja
Hogy szórakozásból öljek
Eszeveszett vagdalás
Hiányzik az erkölcs
A szemem előtt elmúlik az élet
Őrjöngő kibelezés
Az élethez szükséges tartalomtól megszabadítva
Beleegyezés nélküli szervveszteség
A görcsös szelés egy esemény
A kiélezett kés a szövetségesem
Őrjöngő kibelezés
Csonkolódó gazember
Beteges kiteljesedés
A vér terjesztése megéri a ráfordított időt
Megörökítem ezt az őrült szándékot
Örökösen rosszindulatú
Őrjöngő kibelezés
A vesék felrobbantak
A hasnyálmirigy repült
A gyomor törölve
A lépet megrágtam
A faragás befejeződött
Te vesztettél és én győztem
Álmomat beteljesítve
Megöltelek szórakozásból
Eszeveszett vagdalás
Hiányzik az erkölcs
A szemem előtt elmúlik az élet
Őrjöngő kibelezés


Versions: #3
Nézz ide, a mennyben vagyok
Sebeim vannak, mik nem láthatók
Harcom volt, mi nem lopható el
Mindenki jól ismer már
Nézz ide ember, veszélyben vagyok
Már nincs mit elvesztenem
Az agyam ringlispilként pörög
A telefonom a mélybe szállt
Hát nem jellemző?
Amikor New Yorkba értem
Királyként éltem életem
Majd elköltöttem minden pénzem
Kerestem a seggedet
Így vagy sehogy másként
Tudod szabad leszek
Mint az a kék madár
Hát nem jellemző rám?
Ó, szabad leszek
Mint az a kék madár
Ó, szabad leszek
Hát nem jellemző?

Everything's great at the Italiano

We're in Italy, it's vacation time
And here comes August, the year advances
Happy to come back to France, yeah, yeah
But we suffocate as soon as we're home
Everything's great at the Italiano
The Italiano, the Italiano
In Paris flows the Po
This fashion that goes sano
That goes sano, that goes sano
Lasts since a long-a-timo
Venice and Stromboli
Florence and Naples
Memories that bind us
It's delirious
And France's going crazy
Everything's great at the Italiano
The Italiano, the Italiano
The hymn or the gogo
Signorina, per favor
Let's sing again and again
Italy is our amor (x2)
We canoodled with England
We had the whole Earth over
But these are mostly short-lived affairs
Whereas, this time, true love it is
Everything's great at the Italiano
The Italiano, the Italiano
The song becomes bel canto
Sofia the Napolitana, politana, politana
Makes the people dream
The Cadillacs flee away from the Ferraris
Let's forget the whisky
Waiter, bring some Campari
Everything's great at the Italiano
The Italiano, the Italiano
The sun's singing up there
Next year, it's decided
Without a doubt we're staying here
We're naturalized
Italia got annexed
Tagliatelle and spaghetti
Mortadelle and Marini
Carosone and slice of Brie
Lo hey!

I drink

Versions: #4
I drink
To forget my wife's friends
I drink
To forget all my troubles
I drink
Any sneaky pete
As long as it's twelve point five proof
I drink
The worst plonk
It's disgusting, but makes time go by
Is life so funny
Is life so lively
I ask those two questions
Is life worth living
Is love worth being cheated on
I ask those two questions
That nobody ever answers... and
I drink
To forget the next day
I drink
To forget I'm not twenty anymore
I drink
Whenever as I can
To be drunk, to avoid seeing my face
I drink
Without enjoying it
To avoid realizing I should end it...

It's Staying Between us

I know separation is hard for you, but there's no alternative
Sometimes the final farewell is the only path remaining for you, no
Sometimes loneliness leads you away from doors of loneliness
When every night this bitter alcohol comes between your lips
My fragrance in your bed makes you miss me
Be patient, your place will always remain empty
I won't tell anyone to where you left
It will stay between the two of us
Be patient, no one's coming to my place
That smile won't leave your lips
I see a good future for you
I'll disappear into a world where there's no mention of you
I'm gonna disappear into a world where there's no mention of you
I know separation is hard for you, but there's no alternative
You run away from yourself, you go to a friend's house
You are scared to think of me, you closed your instagram
Your mom is worried about you, always texts you, asking you 'isn't he with you?'
I filled your place with music, the taste of your lips, everything you said
I didn't say to mom you're not here, I didn't extend your loneliness
We ran together towards the clouds
We didn't think about tomorrow
How much cursing we gave amid fighting
In the end we slept together anyways
But I'll disappear into a world where there's no mention of you
I'll disappear into a world where there's no mention of you
I'm gonna disappear into a world where there's no mention of you

There is no more death

In the house on the Bare mountain
Light, light, light,
During the plague a feast
For the witches resurrected from hell.
I'm dancing with them all night,
And choose only one towards sunrise-
The one, who has a silver cross
That's burning on her forehead.
And on it, is one dead male,
Dressed in the clown's frock tale,
While I became a fire
I've long forgotten, what is death.
I'm happy to know,
That he is the same as me.
And there is no more death for us!
There is no more death!
And in her eyes
Ice, ice, ice,
Last hundred years,
Last hundred winters.
And rain of tears every night,
And call from the other side,
And sweet smoke of cigarettes,
Until the bright light flares up again!
And careless children of the dawn
Running on the waves,
Will shout after her:' There is no more death!
There is no more death!
And in underground houses
Darkness, darkness, darkness.
Light up the candle,
Run after me.
One more dead male,
Dressed in the clown's frock tale,
While I became a fire
I've long forgotten, what is death.
I'm happy to know,
That he is the same as me.
And there is no more death for us!
There is no more death!

I'm afraid of mice

Night falls, I'm home alone
lying comfy in my bed.
The moon floats past the window,
my eyes are about to close.
A scratching sound behind the wardrobe.
I wake up in a flash,
overwhelmed by a panic attack.
What am I to do?
Mice, mice, I'm afraid of mice.
I'm terrified of them, positively terrified.
I shudder and scream for help,
perched on the table all night long.
Mice, mice, I'm afraid of mice.
Where could I run and hide?
I can't bring myself to go back to bed.
What if it was lurking in there? Where am I to wait?
The rooster is singing
its morning song already.
I was overcome by sleep,
and so was the mouse.
We both had the same sweet dream
in a quiet silence.
I snored in the mouse's ears,
so did the mouse in mine.
Mice, mice, I'm afraid of mice.
I'm terrified of them, simply terrified.
I shudder and scream for help,
perched on the table all night long.
Mice, mice, I'm afraid of mice.
Where could I run and hide?
I can't bring myself to go back to bed.
What if it was lurking in there? Where am I to wait? (x3)


Ember voltam, lélegeztem és gondolkodtam
Ettem és ittam, filozofáltam
Ember voltam, mielőtt megöltél
És kitépted a szívem, tudtam, mi a szerelem
Most, mikor kérdeznek, csak lassan válaszolok
És úgy hangzom, mint egy iPhone
Nem ismerem a szerelmet, egy robot vagyok
(Ba ba ba ba bam bada bum)
Nem ismerem a szerelmet, egy robot vagyok
(Ba ba ba ba bam bada bum)
Régebben ismertem a szerelmet
Mert volt bennem tűz, szenvedély és vágy
Most csak vezetékek és áramkörök kellenek
Belül a lélek és érzelem óceánja volt
Aztán felvágtál, most csak annyit tudok, hogy
Egy robot vagyok, üres és nincsenek gondolataim
Nem tudom, ki küldött, nem tudom, ki teremtett
Elektromos robot, most minden szürke
Érzéketlen a fájdalomra, tudtam, mi a szerelem
Most, mikor kérdeznek, csak lassan válaszolok
És úgy hangzom, mint egy iPhone
Nem ismerem a szerelmet, egy robot vagyok
(Ba ba ba ba bam bada bum)
Nem ismerem a szerelmet, egy robot vagyok
(Ba ba ba ba bam bada bum)
Régebben ismertem a szerelmet
Mert volt bennem tűz, szenvedély és vágy
Most csak vezetékek és áramkörök kellenek
Belül a lélek és érzelem óceánja volt
Aztán felvágtál, most csak annyit tudok, hogy
Egy robot vagyok
Egy robot vagyok
Régebben ismertem a szerelmet
Mert volt bennem tűz, szenvedély és vágy
Most csak vezetékek és áramkörök kellenek
Belül a lélek és érzelem óceánja volt
Aztán felvágtál, most csak annyit tudok, hogy

Prison song

Now you got two years,
Because the life is so nice with you.
You robbed the bank in the corner.
You see, that was your mistake.
In the cells, you will find a friend,
Who will smoke with you sometimes.
So you won't be lonly.
On the black walls of your cell,
Sign every day.
Here you can train your shoulder,
Even get into shape.
And if you are looking for answers,
While you see apologetic faces,
Just say a prayer because
The soap is greasy and the floor is wet,
You will get striped tan, the time stands still.
Maybe it is just a nightmare.
-Yes, I have to wake up!
But the lock is on your cell door,
It sees you after every night.
Do you still think of Elsa?
What has she become?
Her long blonde hair,
It is not the wind who plays with her hair now.
I know you have already regretted what you did.
You desire the taste of the sun.
But just say a prayer because
The soap is greasy and the floor is wet,
You will get striped tan, the time stands still.
Maybe it is just a nightmare.
-Yes, I have to wake up!
Yeah, it is truly a nightmare.
-I know, I just have to wake up!
But the lock is on your cell door,
It sees you after every night.
And if you are looking for answers,
While you see apologetic faces,
Just say a prayer because
The soap is greasy and the floor is wet,
You will get striped tan, the time stands still.
Maybe it is just a nightmare.
-Yes, I have to wake up!
Yeah, it is truly a nightmare.
-I know, I just have to wake up!
But the lock is on your cell door,
It sees you after every night.


7 enchanted days, zen and full of sin
Without lipstick and foundation
7 cursed days, sometimes I keep you far
And everything's a mess, clearly
And it's cold, hot
But you're cold, hot
You're worth ten, I burn intermittently.
And it's cold, hot
But you're cold, hot
You're worth ten, can I call you turboman?
You have a stamp which gets you out in your ID card
You don't need to make any sense
What's yours is put aside, sometimes you're carried away
I don't know how but I still love you
Without, without, without, without thinking
I'd choose you anyhow
I'd choose you anytime, without blinking
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

my relax

you listen to me and you feel relaxed
you're feeling this high break out
into every cell of your mind
you listen to me and you feel relaxed
you're feeling this high break out
into every cell of your mind
i penetrate, and you're unarmed
the schemes of life are simple
you set up your own mind
your erogenous places are your ears
i'll be there today
you listen to me and you feel relaxed
you're feeling this high break out
into every sell of your mind
i penetrate, and you're unarmed
the schemes of life are simple
you set up your own mind
your erogenous places are your ears
i'll be there today
the schemes of life are simple
you set up your own mind
your erogenous places are your ears
i'll be there today
you listen to me and you feel relaxed
you're feeling this high break out
into every sell of your mind
i penetrate, and you're unarmed
you listen to me and you feel relaxed
you listen to me and you feel relaxed
you listen to me and you feel relaxed
feel relaxed, my friend..
the schemes of life are simple
you set up your own mind
your erogenous places are your ears
i'll be there today
i'll be there today
i'll be there today
i'll be there today
i'll be there today
i'll be there today
i'll be there today
you listen to me and you feel relaxed
you're feeling this high break out
into every cell of your mind
i penetrate, and you're unarmed
the schemes of life are simple
you set up your own mind
your erogenous places are your ears
i'll be there today
the schemes of life are simple
you set up your own mind
your erogenous places are your ears
i'll be there today
you listen to me and you feel relaxed
you're feeling this high break out
into every cell of your mind
you listen to me and you feel relaxed
you're feeling this high break out
into every cell of your mind


Without you only your absence needs to be neglected ,
Life only needs a meaningful smile ,
Eyes get used to new coincidences,
If one's head falls (in love) it only needs a wall,
When you reach a lump it's better not to be a poet,
When lump turns to tear it only needs a pen ,
My wet eyes do not embarrass me!
Man needs a cigarette only instead of crying ,
When you reach a lump it's better not to be a poet,
When lump turns to tear it only needs a pen ,
My wet eyes do not embarrass me!
Man needs a cigarette only instead of crying ,
You were rightfully mine but now you are unjustly not,
A word of truth however it may be it only needs to be executed,
You aren't here to remember me for a moment,
The cravings to see you only needs repetition ,
When you reach a lump it's better not to be a poet,
When lump turns to tear it only needs a pen ,
My wet eyes do not embarrass me!
Man needs a cigarette only instead of crying ,
When you reach a lump it's better not to be a poet,
When lump turns to tear it only needs a pen,
My wet eyes do not embarrass me!
Man needs a cigarette only instead of crying ,

Megölni Valakit

Ma lényegtelennek éreztem magam miattad
Kicsavartad az intelligenciámat
Úgy állítottad be, mintha nem lenne ész a fejemben
Mintha egy csontváz volnék, nem tudom becsukni a szememet
Most épp úgy érzem magam, mint egy űrlény
Kibaszottul veszélyes vagyok
Gyógyszerrel fedem el a bizonyítékokat
Nem találom a fényt
Csak meg akarok ölni valaki
Megölni valakit, megölni egy olyan valakit, mint te
Te, te, te, te
Csak meg akarok ölni valaki
Megölni valakit, megölni egy olyan valakit, mint te
Te, te, te, te
Ma úgy megcsavartál, mint egy dugóhúzót
Benyújtottál, mint egy pert
Olyan szavakat adtál a számba, amiket nem akartam
És elvesztettem a rongyom
És az időm úgy viselkedik, mint a valutám
Azt nem veheted el tőlem
Felelősség nélkül kezeled a fiatalokat
Lőj le
Csak meg akarok ölni valaki
Megölni valakit, megölni egy olyan valakit, mint te
Te, te, te, te
Csak meg akarok ölni valaki
Megölni valakit, megölni egy olyan valakit, mint te
Te, te, te, te
Ebben a pillanatban úgy érzem magam, mint egy űrlény
Mintha épp egy örökké tartó csalódottság állapotában ülnék
Gyerünk, lökj el megint, szórakozz a fejemmel, hagyj meghalni
És mégis talán azt gondolod, talán azt gondolod ez egy metafora
Valami, amit még sosem hallottál azelőtt
Egy lista, amit a földön találtam és aztán ösztönösen az ajtóra ragasztottam
De aztán ti rohadékok kihúztátok őket és mégsem tudom elhinni, mit gondolhattatok
Csak meg akarok ölni valaki
Megölni valakit, megölni egy olyan valakit, mint te
Te, te, te, te
Csak meg akarok ölni valaki
Megölni valakit, megölni egy olyan valakit, mint te
Te, te, te, te
Csak meg akarok ölni valaki
Megölni valakit, megölni egy olyan valakit, mint te
Te, te, te, te
Ó, ó!

The Lost Sheep

Far away upon the wild heath, in cold weather and wind
There wandered the wild sheep and could not find his way
He went around in circles, alone there, back and forth
As storm and ill weather roared, and he found little feed
But the herdsman longed for the sheep that had been lost
And he went out searching in fell and dale and cliff
At last he found the sheep, worn out, weak and low
And laid him on his shoulder with affection mild and warm
And now the sheep was saved from cold and need and night
And the herdsman was joyful because he had found him again
He called together his friends and they rejoiced together
Because the wild sheep was come home again that day
Yeah, I was the sheep, who went the wild way
And Jesus was the herdsman, who went out searching for me
He saved me from sin, and gave my heart peace
And therefore I will praise him for age and eternity
In heaven there is rejoicing when a sinner return
From the wild way, which is so cold and dim
Hear the herdsman's voice calling: come home from the wild way
Then you'll be saved from sin, which down to the darkness drags