Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 12

Találatok száma: 560


Can it please stay like this?

Pizza boxes,
Car tires,
Just us two,
infinite loops,
missing nothing,
folding hands,
glaring lights,
not stopping
Empty streets
rain drops,
Ash tray,
Red eyes,
never sleeping again,
happy without a word - for days already
happy without a word.
We are not thinking,
and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
(we) don't have a plan
and cannot be bothered to decide.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
We are driving through the night.
I'm awake with you.
No idea what is going to happen today.
We aren't thinking and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Let us please stay like this.
Free flowing hair
night over,
time to grow,
full hands,
The first rays of sun touching my face.
two-bed room
ceiling lamp,
water bottles
from the gas station.
forgetting time.
happy without a word - for days already
happy without a word.
We are not thinking,
and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
(we) don't have a plan
and cannot be bothered to decide.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
We are driving through the night.
I'm awake with you.
No idea what is going to happen today.
We aren't thinking and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Let us please stay like this.
Let us please stay like this.


Tízben és vérben találtam magam
Csakúgy, mint minden testvér és gyermek és asszony
Egy felsőbb hatalom uralkodik most felettünk
Talpig fegyverben van
Az árnyéka sötét felhőt hoz
A népünk jövője felé
És ha nem harcolunk, elveszünk
Magerfonteinnél, Magersfonteinnél
Magersfonteinnél határt húzunk
Gyertek búr harcosok, most legyetek hősök
Itt van az elszámolás napja
Az ellenség átsöpör a csatatereinken
Ember, állj az ágyútűz elé
A brit katonák le akarják győzni a népünket
Fájdalmat és bánatot ígérnek
De ha lősz, lőj át rajtam
Ha lősz, lőj át rajtam
Ha lősz, lőj át az Afrikáner szívemen
Ha engem kérdezel, elmondanám,
Milyen mélyre nyúlnak a szívem gyökerei
Ma megkérdeznél, megmutatnám,
Ez az én földem a tenyeremben
Gyertek búr harcosok, most legyetek hősök
Itt van az elszámolás napja
Az ellenség átsöpör a csatatereinken
Ember, állj az ágyútűz elé
A brit katonák le akarják győzni a népünket
Fájdalmat és bánatot ígérnek
De ha lősz, lőj át rajtam
Ha lősz, lőj át rajtam
Ha lősz, lőj át az Afrikáner szívemen
Még akkor is, ha elszabadul mögöttünk a pokol
És ránk szakad a mennyország
Tartsd a vonalat és álld meg a sarat ember
Ez az a hely, ahol meg tudjuk őket állítani
Állj stabilan Dél-Afrika
Állj stabilan Dél-Afrika
Gyertek búr harcosok, most legyetek hősök
Itt van az elszámolás napja
Az ellenség átsöpör a csatatereinken
Ember, állj az ágyútűz elé
A brit katonák le akarják győzni a népünket
Fájdalmat és bánatot ígérnek
De ha lősz, lőj át rajtam
Ha lősz, lőj át rajtam
Ha lősz, lőj át az Afrikáner szívemen
Ha lősz, lőj át rajtam
Ha lősz, lőj át az Afrikáner szívemen

Borzalmas kölykök

Vigyázz, hova lépsz
errefelé, mert
A végén úgyis elkapnak
Esküszöm, ez nem egy kór
Ez csak a színlelés játéka
A színlelés játéka
Miért rám szálltak rám?
Nem tudtak volna mást választani?
Egy nap majd elérem, hogy ne nevessenek
És befogják végre
Borzalmas kölykök
Megnéznétek, mit tettetek?
A ti nemtörődömségetek
Hozta létre ezt a szörnyet a belátásotokkal
Borzalmas kölykök
Borzalmas kölykök
Borzalmas kölykök
Nézzétek, mit tettetek
Mi növeli a célpontot?
Az, amikor kimutatja az érzelmeit?
Fogjátok a fejéhez a fegyvert és tudni fogjátok
Olyan mélyre löktétek, amennyire csak lehet
Tűnjetek a közelemből
Hagyjatok magamra
A padlón vagyok
Térden állva
És talán meghagyják az ép eszem
És nem bírom elviselni az áltakuk okozott fájdalmat
Ez a rejtvény majd megoldódik magától
És talán csak nem látom át még
Borzalmas kölykök
Megnéznétek, mit tettetek?
A ti nemtörődömségetek
Hozta létre ezt a szörnyet a belátásotokkal
Borzalmas kölykök
Borzalmas kölykök
Borzalmas kölykök
Nézzétek, mit tettetek
Borzalmas kölykök
Borzalmas kölykök
Borzalmas kölykök
Nézzétek, mit tettetek
Képzeld el, csak egy gyerek volt
Nem tudta, mihez kezdjen
Felvette az összes rossz ruhát
Követte az összes rossz trendet
Üldözik azért, amit tett
Képzeld el, egyedül volt
Nem voltak barátai
Szóval ágyan ült
A gondolattal a fejében
A kívánsággal, hogy bárcsak mind halottak lennének
De aztán meglátta a fényt
Akaratot szerzett, hogy harcoljon
Látta, hogy a győzelem a közelben van
De hamarosan mind meglátják
Borzalmas kölykök
Megnéznétek, mit tettetek?
A ti nemtörődömségetek
Hozta létre ezt a szörnyet a belátásotokkal
Borzalmas kölykök
Megnéznétek, mit tettetek?
A ti nemtörődömségetek
Hozta létre ezt a szörnyet a belátásotokkal
Borzalmas kölykök
Borzalmas kölykök
Borzalmas kölykök
Nézzétek, mit tettetek
Borzalmas kölykök
Borzalmas kölykök
Borzalmas kölykök
Nézzétek, mit tettetek

Nothing Lasts

Days come and go,
everything remains as it is.
Nothing remains as it is
and shatters like porcelain.
You try
to glue the shards together
to form a vessel
and cry
because it doesn't work.

Noble Roar

With your covered feathered wings, fly to the sky
Like a fragile and bitter fruit
The hearts of humans are bewitched
With these sharp white fingers
They manipulate the shadows with the smell of blood
The whispers of death unleashes the beatings of our hearts
With your covered silver feathered wings, you will go to the sky
Place your claws to the storm and take that power that tears everything
Like a spiral that keeps spinning
The human heart resonates
Their limbs bent over this thread that kills them
You dance in a scarlet drawing in this empty sky
The distorted spirit calls us and leads us to the flames
Dressed for the sins that made you fall from the sky you will be resurrected with a pure soul
Hear the contrary wind and bend the noble cry
I will gently protect the light that dances in the palm of my hands so it won't fade
With your covered silver feathered wings, you will go to the sky
Place your claws to the storm and take that power that tears everything

How come death can bring no peace?

For the remainder of what life’s got left,
here’s to one more final letter
Though written with a heavy wrist,
it’d be my last for sure
The weight of past winters –
a burden on my shoulders
A tranquil irony of how soon
it’ll all inevitably be over
Our memory but a heartache
Thinking of how close we used to be
Taking the tragic turns of life
Oh, how all the love
and years passed by
And though I really thought I’d stay this time...
Perhaps one day you’ll find me ridden of my consciousness
Driven into the chasm by the world and all its lies
Just promise should you find me
Remember love and let me go
Let me soar into the night
I’m headed westward with the birds
Only once in life we’re pacified
And that’s why my demise shall be glorified
I’m a burden to myself you know
And that’s why you shall feel me so despised
When any day so long from now they’ll cry in morbid reason
“If only you had meant a little more to him
He wouldn’t have had to meld the seasons
He had carried on his woes and lesions, all for you ‘til time would end”
But when in autumn day and night fall into mold
Aimlessly, all I see’s the time passing by
The numbness, all the booze and drugs
Will one day soon ne’er be enough
Just know before I’d let you break,
I’d break myself wondering if
“How come death can bring no peace?”
was just a rhetoric question
Never has a deceased’s flock
been pacified by their relief
I’ve no choice to disbelieve that summer
cover winter, like oceans over ice
... and though I really thought I’d stay this time

A Tej és Méz Földje

Mindig, amikor a felhők morajlanak,
Az eső arra a földre hullik, amit csak kölcsönbe kaptunk
Egy szellemnek érzed magad, mert egyedül vagy
A tej és méz földjén
Tudod, hogy egy vasútvonalat is építenék neked
Ami a messzi északi homoktól az öreg Karoo-ig tart
Biztonságban foglak tartani,
De hogy bízhatnék meg benned?
'Tudod, hogy így nem veszíthetünk'
Ez sosem az, amit hallani akarok
Mindig, amikor a felhők morajlanak,
Az eső arra a földre hullik, amit csak kölcsönbe kaptunk
Egy szellemnek érzed magad, mert egyedül vagy
A tej és méz földjén
Rám nézel, de a szemeid üresek
És a lábaid nyugodtan állnak
Most mozognod kell
Összetörtél, és most azt mondod nekem:
Hol van a tej és méz földje?
Ott elveszik majd tőlünk
A jogainkat és lelövik
Ott azt fogják majd hinni, hogy amit hallottunk,
Épp hogy megértettük
És ott beverejtékezték a vért,
Most életeket fogunk megenni
Most küzdenünk kell az emberi jogainkért,
Ezt olyan gyorsan elfelejtettük
Mindig, amikor a felhők morajlanak,
Az eső arra a földre hullik, amit csak kölcsönbe kaptunk
Egy szellemnek érzed magad,
Mert egyedül vagy
A tej és méz földjén
Rám nézel, de a szemeid üresek
És a lábaid nyugodtan állnak
Most mozognod kell
Összetörtél, és most azt mondod nekem:
Hol van a tej és méz földje?
A tej és méz földjén
A tej és méz földjéről x4
A tej és méz földjén
Mindig, amikor a felhők morajlanak,
Az eső arra a földre hullik, amit csak kölcsönbe kaptunk
Egy szellemnek érzed magad,
Mert egyedül vagy
A tej és méz földjén
Rám nézel, de a szemeid üresek
És a lábaid nyugodtan állnak
Most mozognod kell
Összetörtél, és most azt mondod nekem:
Hol van a tej és méz földje?

the cabaret stays awake

The earth is burning like napalm in the night
open your eyes, haven't you gathered it yet?
If we don't stand together now
our freedom will perish
We're just dirt for the elite
and we are gone the day after tomorrow.
The whole world in fear and terror - Germany in shock
Too much of the herd is still hanging on mom's skirt
The mainstream controls - and environmental issues are sunk.
Democracy becomes dictatorship - politics remains stubborn.
Open your eyes - finally wake up,
the plan - of power - is still working in the end.
Isolation is the order of the day
the citizen is not asked.
Self-determination will soon cease to exist,
it will be hard to live.
Informers are highly praised - in the SED manner
Isn't that what we already knew - from the eastern history
And everyone is forced for an immunisation.
Our freedom is nipped in the bud - opinion suppressed.
Trillion dollars - for the pharmaceutical industry
produce salvation, there has never been so much before
rub their hands -
and still win in the end
the new human is born
the soul is frozen.
Human rights expire - the Constitution is invalidate
With a chip in your body, you’re be better monitored,
Mask requirement - but you can't see our tears.
And we wash our hands diligently - until the end.

Invincible CSKA

The stadium roars from delight once again,
The glorious heroes it meets.
Banner of victory is carried through the ages.
Our army team from CSKA.
So let it shine and blossom,
Sparkle like golden victories
Our favourite, invincible club,
There's nowhere better than it.
Do you see the sea of army banners?
The wind sings: 'CSKA is champion!'
Together they walk, their step easy,
This is the army team from CSKA.
So let it shine and blossom,
Sparkle like golden victories
Our favourite, invincible club,
There's nowhere better than it.
The indestuctible bastion stands,
It's the symbol of the army's sport.
In the sport it's as if the army team goes into the battle,
Everyone fights like a hero.
So let it shine and blossom,
Sparkle like golden victories
Our favourite, invincible club,
There's nowhere better than it.


[Intro: Kontra K]
Move to the side, I'm not interested in your fooling around
So it is better if you stay away from me
Move aside really quick, away from my foot
Or else your face will kiss the wall
And yeah, I stay calm, calm
But one time too much is one time too much
So i'd rather stay calm, calm
And get your shitty smile away from my sight
[Part 1: Veysel]
I do not know any mercy, I come into your city
Shoot around because I got enemies
That's how the streets run, no one gets satisfied
On an empty stomach, no one yields
They pose with weapons in video clips
But no one of them shoots (pow, pow, pow)
They talk about how to sell weed
But I do not know anyone of them who actually deals
And trust me, they are all fake (all fake)
Everything fictitious like Animes (Animes)
I go over dead bodies when it comes to money (money)
The weapon I carry, it has quality (quality)
[Hook: Kontra K & Veysel]
They only scream, 'Lead, lead, lead!'
Until it really rains lead
Better go past me past-past-past
Because the barrel is already full, since it has been raining for so long
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother, I'll be there, brother, i'll be there
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother, I'll be there, brother, i'll be there
[Part 2: Kontra K]
It's all fine until the wrong one say the wrong thing
Everyone is cool until it bangs and then they run away
They scream, 'Gang, Gang, Gang, Gang, Gang!'
But run away, away, away, away, away
We come from the dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt
And real are out here, unfortunately, only a few percent
Man, bring whoever you want, to the party, I do not care if your partners come
You, you, you, say now, 'Hello, Mr. Makarov'
Heh, so suddenly so pale faced
Because your eight little buddies, homie, do not bullshit here
And rule number one
Spoken words can no longer be caught
Rule number two is as simple as good
You do not come to a shootout with a knife
[Hook: Kontra K & Veysel]
They only scream, 'Lead, lead, lead!'
Until it really rains lead
Better go past me past-past-past
Because the barrel is already full, since it has been raining for so long
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother,I'll be there, brother, i'll be there
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother, I'll be there, brother, i'll be there
[Bridge: Kontra K]
Move to the side, I'm not interested in your fooling around
So it is better if you stay away from me
Move aside really quick, away from my foot
Or else your face will kiss the wall
And yeah, I stay calm, calm
But one time too much is one time too much
So i'd rather stay calm, calm
And get your shitty smile away from my sight
[Hook: Kontra K & Veysel]
They only scream, 'Lead, lead, lead!'
Until it really rains lead
Better go past me past-past-past
Because the barrel is already full, since it has been raining for so long
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother, I'll be there, brother, i'll be there
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother, I'll be there, brother, i'll be there

You're my problem

You're my problem
You are, you are
Only you
You're my problem
You are, you are
Only you
You're my problem
I've told you, only you, my love, you
You're my problem
And I don't even know why, my heart
When I see you, ah, nothing's wrong 1
When you kiss me sweetly, nothing's wrong
When you say you love me, nothing's wrong
You're my problem
You are, you are
Only you
You're my problem
You are, you are
Only you
You're my problem
I've told you, only you, my love, you
You're my problem
And I don't even know why, my heart
Your eyes are a problem for me
Your hands are a problem for me
You living only for me is a problem
  • 1. literal translation: I don't have (a problem)

You Love Me So Much That You're Wounding Me

I can hear you through the fiber cement:
You could at least close the door...
I don't know what to do!
If it were not because I can hear you moaning
And you make me, once again, all wet...
Your profile cuts into my vision,
Framed by the door:
I know that the moment has already arrived
For me to be your valet stand!

I can hear you through the fiber cement,
Murmuring obscene phrases...
I don't know what to do!
If it were not because once you're finished, you'll come
With your head down, laughing, to make me your accomplice...
Your profile cuts into my vision,
Framed by the door:
I know that the moment has already arrived
For me to be your valet stand!

Your profile cuts into my vision,
Framed by the door:
I know that the moment has already arrived
For me to be your valet stand!


Nemesi Vér

[1. versszak]
Harcolunk, elesünk
Hív a kötelesség, hív
Azt mondja, mi választunk
De ez egyáltalán nem egy választás
Hív a kötelesség, hív
Kegyelem, béke és igazság
Dédelget és véd minket
Minket küldenek, harcban szülötteket
Beterítve nemesi vérünkkel
[2. versszak]
Felemelkedünk, egyenesen állva
Biztos kézzel húzunk
Lengetjük kardunkat, nézzük, ahogy elesnek
Hív a kötelesség, hív a kötelesség
Kegyelem, béke és igazság
Dédelget és véd minket
Minket küldenek, harcban szülötteket
Beterítve nemesi vérünkkel

A Bit of Blue

This happiness over nothing at all—
this shy and crazy love—
puts something wonderful
into my dark eyes—
a bit of blue.
Like a wind from Italy
hunting down shadows and rain,
you put when you want
into my dark eyes—
a bit of blue.
Tell me 'I love you,'
I will believe you.
Say it anyway
even if it's not true
On our stage,
sometimes you play unfairly.
That doesn't matter to me.
Make a spectacle of yourself.
You, the enchanter—you the harlequin—
the Pierrot—the magician—
discover fire for me!
Put the sun in my eyes—
into my dark eyes a bit of—
into my dark eyes a bit of blue.
Put the sun in my eyes—
into my dark eyes a bit of—
into my dark eyes a bit of blue.


From beneath ruins and troubles, longingly I watch the sky
Tired of fighting and the darkness, to you I call and hope
So many years, so many tears, have fueled my calvary
I yearn for the city of peace, the priceless gift
My beloved Jerusalem, relentlessly I climb towards you
Your peace haven I'm missing, I'm missing
My beloved Jerusalem, my thoughts fly out to you
Your holy light I'm missing, I'm missing
A little more and time will come when evil ceases to exist
With all the saints, beloved father, we'll be inside your home
My beloved Jerusalem, relentlessly I climb towards you
Your peace haven I'm missing, I'm missing
My beloved Jerusalem, my thoughts fly out to you
Your holy light I'm missing, I'm missing
Jerusalem of gold,
And of bronze and of light
Behold I am a violin for all your songs.
Jerusalem of gold,
And of bronze and of light
Behold I am a violin for all your songs.

My Impossible Love

My impossible
love, we are separated—
perhaps forever.
And, too far from one another, we live in the past.
My impossible love,
as far away as you be,
I am close to you.
This happiness is ours—nothing will erase it.
The great sun that entered into our two hearts—
around me, they say that it exists elsewhere.
They want to make me believe
that this is a story
about those who are forgotten.
My impossible love,
I do not listen.
Do not pay attention to them.
Me—I know that I love you since the first day.
My impossible love,
what does it matter after all?
So much the better if it's mad.
We will be in love anyway, my impossible love.

Lost in the Middle of Space

Amidst the galaxies and faded worlds,
Amidst lost satellites,
The earth looks to me like an immense paradise
Now that everything is over.
My legs give way, I cannot go on:
I feel that my body is atrophied.
Desperate, I try to connect
The audio cables...
Lost in the middle of space
Without you telephone at hand!
Lost in the middle of space,
We won't be able to communicate anymore!
Lost in the middle of space
Without you telephone at hand!
Lost in the middle of space,
We won't be able to communicate anymore!

The spaceship goes beyond the control radar's reach,
The switches all fail.
It's evident that the calculations have not given
The expected result.
The cosmos doesn't look hopeful at all:
I don't have any means to save myself!
I'd like, at least, to be able to tell you
Why I won't be able to attend supper...
Lost in the middle of space
Without you telephone at hand!
Lost in the middle of space,
We won't be able to communicate anymore!
Lost in the middle of space
Without you telephone at hand!
Lost in the middle of space,
We won't be able to communicate anymore!

Amidst the galaxies and faded worlds,
Amidst the lost satellites,
The earth looks to me like an immense paradise
Now that everything is over.
My legs give way, I cannot go on:
I feel that my body is atrophied.
Desperate, I try to connect
The audio cables...
Lost in the middle of space
Without you telephone at hand!
Lost in the middle of space,
We won't be able to communicate anymore!
Lost in the middle of space
Without you telephone at hand!
Lost in the middle of space,
We won't be able to communicate anymore!


This is me

I have big dreams, that's the way I am
And however much you'd want to change me, I'll go down my own path
I've always relied on myself
And I never go back, no matter how hard it is for me
With you, luck smiles at me
But know that nobody can stop me
You say two but only you count
You consider yourself a demigod and I'd like for you to note
2 things about me
I'm not yours, I'm just with you
I love you and I won't let you down
But take me the way I am because this is me
I'm both bad and good
I distance you and I hold you by the hand
I drive you nuts but you love me
This is me
You too normal, me crazy
You say that I came from outer space
I drive you nuts but you love me
This is me
Oh no, it's not anything new
I've always been up, you've always been low
Hello, it's all good, I call you ten times, you decline the call nine times
Off, you don't even ask yourself why I stay when you're always telling me to leave
You give me all sorts of tests, I pass them all
I know well who you are and I want to spend
The rest of my life next to you
Through thick and thin
You don't even know how perfect you are
I wouldn't change anything, because this is you
I'm both bad and good
I distance you and I hold you by the hand
I drive you nuts but you love me
This is me
You too normal, me crazy
You say that I came from outer space
I drive you nuts but you love me
This is me
You're both bad and good
You distance me, but you hold me by the hand
You drive me nuts, but I love you
This is me
You too normal, me crazy
You say that I came from outer space
I drive you nuts but you love me
This is me
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

I have no problem

They want to know, how I am
Is everything alright?
They can't understand
Ey, I'm sorry, I have no problem
They want to know how I am (I have no problem)
Is everything alright? (I have no problem)
They can't understand (I have no problem)
Ey, I'm sorry, I have no problem
[Part 1: Itchyban]
No parking spot, no matter, I don't have a driver license
(no, no)
I don't think much
I don't want to be smarter
I'm so down to earth
but overhigh
Everyone complains about the bad weather and I chill at home
My biggest problem is that I have no (na, na)
Half empty glass with you, half full in my glass (yeah, yeah)
Don't like to dig up my own grave
I'm dying in a custom designer coffin
I have no problem and therefore no drama
You can see it that way, but I see it differently
Let everyone talk, let them hate, let them babble
It goes by itself, the rest makes Karma
They want to know how I am (I have no problem)
Is everything alright? (I have no problem)
They can't understand (I have no problem)
Ey, I'm sorry, I have no problem
They want to know how I am (I have no problem)
Is everything alright? (I have no problem)
They can't understand (I have no problem)
Ey, I'm sorry, I have no problem
[Part 2: Johnny]
Sorry to say that my life works
I know you would rather prefer that I would be completely ruined
I'd like to tell you that I stay there like you
Unfortunately, I can't do you this favor
Sadly, I have to disappoint you, I'm just getting along really well
My schedule pukes, but I celebrate it brutally
I go always to the limit, overtime is normal
But if you love what you do, it doesn't matter
“But you're in the red!“
It's great for the tax!
'Your loan is not paid off!' And soon there will only be another one!
'Still the same woman!' Yes, exactly, still have the Queen
'You look tired somehow!' It's normal in Berlin, haha
They want to know how I am (I have no problem)
Is everything alright? (I have no problem)
They can't understand (I have no problem)
Ey, I'm sorry, I have no problem
They want to know how I am (I have no problem)
Is everything alright? (I have no problem)
They can't understand (I have no problem)
Ey, I'm sorry, I have no problem
[Bridge: Chino]
The money comes from the Gema (I have no problem)
Sooner or later (I have no problem)
If you have Weed, then turn it (I have no problem)
We'll look, then you see
[Part 3: Don Cali]
Hey! I tell you in the face that you're not my pana
Deep wound, it does not heal tomorrow
What are you looking for unfair things
Because you intrigue me, you invented and you lie
You want to see me, but it's not like that
What you see easy, well it does not work here today (hey!)
There are two faces, there are two faces, one good and one bad
A liar and one who is sincere corduroy
Anger relieves him
It is full of envy
They want to know how I am (I have no problem)
Is everything alright? (I have no problem)
They can't understand (I have no problem)
Ey, I'm sorry, I have no problem
They want to know how I am (I have no problem)
Is everything alright? (I have no problem)
They can't understand (I have no problem)
Ey, I'm sorry, I have no problem
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

The Meaning of Life

I've returned
From my long journeys overseas.
I've come back tired, but fulfilled...
Open this box and look at what I've brought:
It's a television!
It has a great, big screen and a video-monitor!
I've noticed that it has super-colour
And a high voltage panel.
Life is different on television!
Far away from here!
(Very far away from here)
One of these days we shall escape far away from here!
(Very far away from here)
We will build a better world
(A better world)
The both of us and television!
I've left
Many of the things that I had bought for you.
Our luggage is at the consulate
And our son with my cousin, furious because of your farewell,
But it's much better like this:
I think that we've made a good investment!
It has a remote control and a turbo-engine
And neon coils...
Life is different on television!
Far away from here!
(Very far away from here)
One of these days we shall escape far away from here!
(Very far away from here)
We will build a better world
(A better world)
The both of us and television!
Far away from here!
(Very far away from here)
One of these days we shall escape far away from here!
(Very far away from here)
We will build a better world
(A better world)
The both of us and television!
Aaaah... Far away from here!
Far away from here...!

Go Deep

I will do it when you expect it the least:
It shall be today!
When I have you within shooting range
And you cannot escape anymore...
I'm your white little doll,
I'm tired of waiting:
I can't hold off anymore!
It has to be tonight...
You will do it when I tell you to:
It shall be today!
When your tongue
Covers my breast,
Imagine that I'm pure and all white
If you like it more in that way...
What else could you want,
When you're the chosen one?
One of these days, boy
This flower will have to die!
It shall be a sweet death,
Sweet and raw if you're the executioner!
One of these days, boy
This flower will have to die!
Do it very slowly
And go really deep...

I'm your white little doll
I'm brave, boy,
And blood doesn't scare me.
Come, come nearer... Let me drink
Your poison who a gold chalice...
I want to know
Whether you want to play with me...
One of these days, boy
This flower will have to die!
It shall be a sweet death,
Sweet and raw if you're the executioner!
One of these days, boy
This flower will have to die!
Do it very slowly
And go really deep...

One of these days, boy
This flower will have to die!
It shall be a sweet death,
Sweet and raw if you're the executioner!
One of these days, boy
This flower will have to die!
Do it very slowly
And go really deep...



(Lady Montague)
Now that they live no longer, the fire of Hell burns us
Without our children, our lives are worthless in the end
Our ship sinks down under, there are no blessings for us
(Lady Capulet)
Their souls genuine pearls, why did we chase them so far?
Torturous guilt and sorrow, there is no forgiveness for our sins
May they rest in peace, light fire for their sakes
(Lady Montague)
We're burning in the fire, fate damns us to Hell
And up there in the skies, they wait for Romeo and Juliet
Sinner, atone!
Look, this is how the world judges: guilty!
(Nurse) To love truly, faithfully…
(Benvolio) To burn in this fire…
(Lord Capulet) So our souls won't be so afraid…
(Nurse) Lift your heart to the sky, send word about our love...
(Choir) Love!

Finally Ariel

Finally, Ariel happened to me.
One wash clean for the laundry for just 7.50.
Finally, Ariel happened to me.
Its so affordable coz it's just 7.50.
Finally... Whoa!


You keep secrets which nobody will make it to
And you stay in place, but my life passes next to you
It's all linear, paradoxical, I smile
Don't, don't get hurt
You, heart, I tell you that
You've given me enough to last me
I wonder if you gave to me, because I struggle naturally
You don't even understand what I say
And my agony
Nobody understands it
Nobody understands it
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
You spit words as if you don't care
You give up so easily and leave home hurriedly
I've given so much for so little
Know that I don't belong to you anymore
And my agony
Nobody understands it
Nobody understands it
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
Let words lie to us
My heart wants to feel
You distance me easily
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

I will be

For as long as I've been with you, I've been constantly
Just with my head in the clouds, I barely fall asleep at sunrise
But maybe that's just how I am
Always in love
Why isn't he mine?
And I cry, I call out to you, I look for you
Nobody hears me
My heart aches in your absence
I call you, you don't come, I stay and wait
But you're not next to me
I'd like for you to give me a chance
To be able to show you
I will be
The girl who can change night into day
I will be
And just I will have the sun and moon with me, always
Just me
I know you don't care how I feel
I have a voice which has cooled
Asking you endlessly
To come back, to tell me that I
Will be the only part of your life
And I cry, I call out to you, I look for you
Nobody hears me
My heart aches in your absence
I call you, you don't come, I stay and wait
But you're not next to me
I'd like for you to give me a chance
To be able to show you
I will be
The girl who can change night into day
I will be
And just I will have the sun and moon with me, always
Just me
I will be
The girl who can change night into day
I will be
And just I will have the sun and moon with me, always
Just me
I will be (if I will be)
The girl who can change night into day (if I will be)
I will be (only me)
And just I will have the sun and moon with me, always
Just me
(Only me)
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Túl sok baj

Eltűntél egy darabig
Feltűnt hogy megváltozott a mosolyod
Ó, milyen egyértelművé tetted a mondandód
De nem ezekre a szavakra számítottam
Tedd, tedd, tedd...
Okozol nekem/Ne okozz nekem
Túl sok Túl sok Túl sok bajt
Túl sok neked túl sok bajt okozni nekem
Túl sok túl sok túl sok baj
Túl sok is amit okozol
Ha meg akarod próbálni barátok is lehetnénk
De légyszi mondd ha ehhez színlelned kell
A legédesebb hangokat a szerelmesek szívverései adják
És én hallak téged amikor erre vagy
Tedd, tedd, tedd...
You may not extract, copy, duplicate, print, share, crawl, store, re-publish either in offline or digital format lyrics translations translated and published by me on lyricstranslate.com website. Translation text is my intellectual property shared in the good faith on this website that my rights as author (translator) - to the fullest extent of applicable intellectual property law - is respected. You may share links pointing to a lyricstranslate.com page, except when content is embedded on a third party page.

Night-time Tale

This is the night-time tale,
to say you goodbye and to make you sleep,
it’s the lullaby of the eyes when they close,
when it’s dark and the day is over.
The wind blows among the trees,
it combs the fields and the grass in the meadows,
and the tale goes around and plays its tune
in every house, for every child.
Green is the color of lizards,
blue is the sky reflected in a brook,
red is the color of sparks
bursting out dancing in a fire.
Yellow is the wheat in the countryside
in the season of warmth and sun,
and the lullaby ends with black,
which is the ugliest, it’s the color of night.
Don’t you see that night has come,
that there are no more people around, and that you can hear no more noise?
It’s the time to tell some tales,
and sitting next to the fire.
The sun hid,
the wind stopped blowing,
the moon has come by
because it’s time to go to sleep.
Sleep and don’t cry
if you have dreams upsetting you,
’cause I’m here always awake
to drive away all sprites.
I’ll keep away thieves, bandits,
bad thoughts, and evil spirit,
I’ll let come only nice dreams,
those of shining gold and true silver.
Don’t you see that night has come,
that there are no more people around, and that you can hear no more noise?
It’s the time to tell some tales,
and sitting next to the fire.
The sun hid,
the wind stopped blowing,
the moon has come by
because it’s time to go to sleep.
Because it’s time to go to sleep.
You can use my translations however you like.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

The Responsible

The fault of my foolishness
the blame lays on you
you treated me with sweetness,
patiently only you.
Restlessness (concern) I've got in life
only for you, woman,
I do have to pin the blame on you
of my dreadful sorrow.
Your eyes, you lips,
your sweet gaze
my soul has been spellbound (beguiled)
and I don't have anything to do other than crying.


A gyereknek a sarokban
A kétség árnyékába ragadva
Az időt elütve, míg vége nincs
Csak remélve, hogy egy nap megtalálnak majd
Mondd, ki dobta el az esélyedet
Tudták egyáltalán a neved?
Ha a visszhangban élsz
A szíved sosem ver olyan hangosan
Nem vagy láthatatlan
Nem vagy egyedül
Többet érsz, mint ahogy ők tudják
De te elfutottál, elfutottál, elfutottál
Mikor tudnod kellett volna
Nem vagy felejthető, felejthető, felejthető
Látom az elutasítástól való félelmet a szemeidben
Az igazság suttogása elveszett a hazugságok kórusában
Tudom, hogy ez több, mint amit el tudsz viselni
Talán úgy tűnik, mintha senki sem törődne
Mikor a világod a legsötétebb
Emlékezz, hogy fel fog kelni a nap
Nem vagy láthatatlan
Nem vagy egyedül
Többet érsz, mint ahogy ők tudják
De te elfutottál, elfutottál, elfutottál
Mikor tudnod kellett volna
Nem vagy felejthető, felejthető, felejthető
Nem vagy felejthető
Nem vagy helyettesíthető
De te tökéletesen te vagy
Nem vagy láthatatlan
Nem vagy eltörölgető, nem...
Nem vagy egyedül
Többet érsz, mint ahogy ők tudják
De te elfutottál, elfutottál, elfutottál
De te elfutottál, elfutottál, elfutottál
Nem vagy felejthető, felejthető, felejthető
Nem vagy felejthető

Glittering Blue Flowers

Glittering blue flowers
turn our heads.
This evening, I'm Sailor Moon, darling
Skirt sparkling, the Virgin Mary.
Pink ribbon in my hair (hair)
We have to love each other to madness (madness)
Oh, in the meadow, pick me a night-blue flower
In my ivory hands I'll brandish it
Like a magic wand
Magic wand
Magic magic wand
Magic wand
Moon heart, diamond eyes
Magic, magic, magic
Glittering blue flowers
Offer me kisses, daisies
An ocean of planet-coloured jewels
Glittering blue flowers
Turn our heads
They sparkle so brightly
And we two, our eyes reflect them
As agreed, this evening, I really wanted to be with you, of course
The key to the stars isn't in the sky, but in your arms
Yeah, I put on my prettiest dress with little flowers
Before I finally let you win my heart
I'm on the alert, even when I'm waiting for you, I feel revived
Tell me you like me, with the Forget-Me-Not girls
Glittering blue flowers
Offer me kisses, daisies
An ocean of planet-coloured jewels
Glittering blue flowers
Turn our heads
They sparkle so brightly
And we two, our eyes reflect them
Our eyes reflect them
This evening, I'm Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon...
Anh, anh, an
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word' but at least it will be pretty

Megvetésre méltó

A búcsú a legnehezebb része
Mikor újra az elején találjuk magunkat
De én nem vagyok túl bátor, és túl okos sem vagyok.
Nem én, szívességet teszek neked, szívességet teszek.
Egy napon majd megfogod érteni
Hogy miért taszítottalak el úgy, mikor elrohantam
És találni fogsz egy sokkal jobb embert nálam
Bízz bennem, szívességet teszek neked, szívességet teszek.
Megvetésre méltó,
Hogy én csak egy élősködő vagyok,
Megvetésre méltó,
Hogy én soha nem lehettem volna birtokló
Megvetésre méltó,
Szeretni őt, aztán elhagyni.
És ha én a helyedben lennék, én sem tudnám szeretném magam
Mondom, ha a helyedben lennék, én sem tudnám szeretni magam
Én sem tudnám szeretni magam
Megvetésre méltó.
A fiú, aki aláhullott az égből
Senki sem volt ott, aki látta volna sírni
Üres tekintetét rád emelte és azt mondta:
'Szívességet teszek neked, szívességet teszek.'
Megvetésre méltó,
Hogy én csak egy élősködő vagyok.
Megvetésre méltó,
Hogy én soha nem lehettem volna birtokló
Megvetésre méltó,
Szeretni őt, aztán elhagyni.
És ha a helyedben lennék, én sem tudnám szeretni magam.
És ha a helyedben lennék, én sem tudnám szeretni magam
Én sem tudnám szeretni magam
Megvetésre méltó.
Annyira szeretném, ha másként mondhatnám el a történetet
Például miért üldözzük a fényt és a fiú szeretete miért érződik ennyire?
De a vére lassan kihűl és a bőre is sápadt már.
A lány pedig levelet hagy nála:
'Szívességet tettem neked, szívességet tettem.'
Mondom, ha a helyedben lennék, én sem tudnám szeretni magam
Mondom, ha a helyedben lennék,
Mondom, ha a helyedben lennék, én sem tudnám szeretni magam.

Guilty or not (Lie to me, as always)

[stanza 1]
Precisely now, that you are already gone,
they have told me that you have been deceiving me.
How come, suddenly, you have so many enemies?
Why do I have to be making excuses for you?
If they are the ones lying, please defend yourself.
I know you won't do it, because they are telling the truth.
It is too bad, you always will go on hurting me,
and guilty or not, what can I, at this point, do about it?
Lie to me like always, please, lie to me,
I need to believe you, convince me.
Lie to me with a kiss that may look like a loving one.
I need to love you, guilty or not.
[Stanza 2}
I no longer have the right to reproach you for anything,
because nothing is left of you, of me, of yesterday.
What a pity that, our story could have been so fantastic!
and now, tell me, love, who is going to defend you?
Lie to me, I beg you, please, lie to me,
I need to believe you, convince me.
Lie to me with a kiss that may look like a loving one.
I need to love you, guilty or not.
Lie to me like always, please, lie to me,
I need to believe you, convince me.
Lie to me with a kiss that may look like a loving one.
I need to love you, guilty or not.