Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 41


Félúton a Semmibe

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Hogyan kelsz ki reggel az ágyból?
Hogyan ébredsz, hogy viseld a napot?
Yeah, Élvezetből dalolok
Dalolok fájdalomért
Még mindig félúton sehová
Még mindig semmiként máma
Azt mondták nekem 'A jó dolgok váratnak magukra.'
Hogy gyorsítsam a folyamatot, arra jutottam kísértem a sorsot.
Yeah, Élvezetből dalolok
Dalolok fájdalomért
Még mindig félúton sehová
Még mindig semmiként máma
Yeah, Élvezetből dalolok
Dalolok fájdalomért
Még mindig félúton sehová
Még mindig semmiként máma

The World Has Changed

Versions: #1
The city boy is such a good chef, he's nice, hot
He's Listenin' to that type of 'good music', that's only instrumental
He's caressin his hair fine, doesn't touch his balls
'Cause mommy willn't provide no more dough, if hesn't a good behaved boy
'The city boy knows his ways with them words', but they won't be voiced out
Mostly he's in love with watching his as* in the morror
Well pumped, frowny, from the solar and massage
When it comes to fights he's zero, he doesn't use his fist, he's
sending s.o.s message
The police patrol's worthless, 'everything's under control'
them Boys are wearin' no more illegal knife or guns
No one's fighting anymore, 'cause no one knows how'
The hood's quite peaceful, 'the future' is now!!
The world has changed!!
Come on, be nice
Them city boys, are hauntin' down pokemons next to them traffic lights
Them infractors without crime records', are giving a visit to the hairdresser
Under their poker face, they wear some dildo scented thong
The world has changed!!
Come on, be nice
Them city boys, are hauntin' down pokemons next to them traffic lights
Them infractors without crime records', are giving a visit to the hairdresser
Under their poker face, they wear some dildo scented thong
We're debatin on things with nothing to prove
For only to find out till tonight, whose one's bigger
We have time to loose, we have attitudes to put on
We have big plans, with the money that we never had
We like to complain when things 'are peach fine', 'cause that's our habbit
When things goes bad, goes really bad, but still we'd smile
We can find 10 ho's from meter to meter
And self imaginated supermodels, 'that runned out in the night from their rural town
It is recomended to 'hit these ('models'), 'for keepin ya shape
'Only underneath their fake nails, you see the real filth'
'The new model of fine nice boy seems to be/act like a puss*
The new kind of girl, kinda may beat the shit outta him
Out there the world's berserk, despaired, crazed out
'I don't understand' what and how and when it happened1!
The world has changed!!
Come on, be nice
Them city boys, are hauntin' down pokemons next to them traffic lights
Them infractors without crime records', are giving a visit to the hairdresser
Under their poker face, they wear some dildo scented thong
The world has changed!!
Come on, be nice
Them city boys, are hauntin' down pokemons next to them traffic lights
Them infractors without crime records', are giving a visit to the hairdresser
Under their poker face, they wear some dildo scented thong
Don't get mad, i know to speak ya language
I'm turnin the situation around in style, if you're on me, 'i'm covered'
'I onle have respect' for ya, just don't get me wrong!!...
Cause you're my bro', i swear it on my familly '!!
Your value's defined by your fortune, it doesn't matter what you'd voice out
The dumb ones will work honestly and won't steal
You just keep in mind that life is bad and obscure without culture
When the mind is clouded and your schools teached ya none
The tears are fallin' and the magic is fuc**
That's from where the say was born: that the so nammed
dirty/rich mother fucker gotta be cultured
I'm jumping out the pussy* sharp till the last phrase
It's good to have a 'bullet on the chamber' when you don't know
what's to be next
Nowadays even the shi* is resofted
When a new phone appears, the faithful ones sighs
The 'history' is written up at a coffe at the terrace
And in the store, at mall , when you're paying to the cashier
The world has changed!!
Come on, be nice
Them city boys, are hauntin' down pokemons next to them traffic lights
Them infractors without crime records', are giving a visit to the hairdresser
Under their poker face, they wear some dildo scented thong
The world has changed!!
Come on, be nice
Them city boys, are hauntin' down pokemons next to them traffic lights
Them infractors without crime records', are giving a visit to the hairdresser
Under their poker face, they wear some dildo scented thong


te méh, én méhész
és mi szeretjük a mézet
szerencsém lesz, veled szerencsém lesz
te méh, én méhész
és mi szeretjük a mézet
szerencsém lesz
és táncba viszlek
senki se tudja, hol kötünk ki
méhként szálltunk reggelig
zümmögtünk, zümmögtünk végig a folyosón
megrészegített a hold
zz zz zz - csak méhek vagyunk
zz zz zz - csak méhek vagyunk
zz zz zz - mindenre készek
zz zz zz - mindenre készek
te méh, én méhész
és mi szeretjük a mézet
szerencsém lesz, veled szerencsém lesz
te méh, én méhész
és mi szeretjük a mézet
szerencsém lesz
és táncba viszlek
akárhol vagy
akárkivel vagy
az ég fényes hajnallal segít nekünk
mindent megadok, amit csak akarsz
a világ zenéjét, a tenger hullámát
csak tegyük félre a kötelezettségeket
a zene mozgatja a testünket
megcsípte a szívemet egy méh
zz zz zz - oh, mi csak méhek vagyunk
zz zz zz - oh, mi csak méhek vagyunk
zz zz zz - mindenre készek
mindenre készek
te méh, én méhész
és mi szeretjük a mézet
szerencsém lesz, veled szerencsém lesz
te méh, én méhész
és mi szeretjük a mézet
szerencsém lesz
és táncba viszlek

Human being

i want
i feel
like i'm a little
i want
to be
like a human being
i want
to be
like a human being
i want
i feel
like i'm a little
i want
to be
like a human being
i want
to be
like a human being
i want
i want
to be
like a human being
i want

About beauty of human faces

Some faces are like splendid gates of a castle,
On their smallest features our eyes gladly fasten.
And others are like wretched huts built of scrap
Where people cook liver and tripe for a snack.
Some faces, indifferent, lifeless and freezing,
Are shut with the bars like a cell in a prison.
And others like towers where no one has long
Looked out the window nor sat on the throne.
And there was a hut at the edge of the forest,
It was kind of homely and small, very modest,
But its tiny window, like blossoms in May,
Has brought me the scent of a spring’s sunny day.
The world is indeed full of various marvels!
Some faces remind us the anthems and carols.
Of these sun-like radiant, cheerful notes
Are made precious melodies, fit for the gods.

Time for myself

You're used by society, don't forget, the world forgets
It throws you away and then they spit you
I don't pray, I don't beg, ain't got a begger's soul
Suck my dick in public, not living blogging
Ain't no drug that can control me, cause I'm tough
My pride is keeping me alive, in one piece, on my own two feet
Get some legal shit, I'll smoke my weed
And I'll be there chillin while you get on the gourney
Ain't telling lies or staying real
That's not something still, on native hills
Ain't got no past, got only present, they're all getting together
Since I was young have learned that it don't last forever
Didn't have a mansion or a C series at my folks
Fuck it, maybe we weren't nice at all
We ain't got no money making works, or money sadly
Like we don't got access to closed cases entirely
Didn't have a lot which is why nothing is lacking
Life is a trial, the street is a test standing
I want time for myself, with hatred forward
Time for myself, to put hatred in a word
It's easy as fuck, no way in hell I will shut up
I wanna do whatever I wanna do in life
We eat cheap food, filled with E-s
And we pay good money to swim in garbage
We are pacified with a perverted stupidity
And we crawl day by day, sleep walking loosely
We spend out cash we didn't work for yet
When we wanna give it back, enough ain't gonna be
Look how we lower life expectancy, get to work
With our shiny shoe and our ironed trousers
Drink your coffee and shut it, that's why you got a leash
Let loose on your char and shine your piece
All the fuckers say that I've lost it
I say what I believe and I believe in what I'm sayin'
Seeking for the beauty in all that is nasty
And living my disappointment with a knot in the neck
Got back to the real world without a 'Welcome back'
Have been sleeping deeply, now woken up
I want time for myself, with hatred forward
Time for myself, to put hatred in a word
It's easy as fuck, no way in hell I will shut up
I wanna do whatever I wanna do in life

The ballad of a tiny man

Versions: #1
On the Earth so relentlessly tiny
There lived once a man also tiny.
The office he served in was a tiny
And his briefcase was very small
He was paid a salary tiny…
And one day – on a fine morning –
Upon a window of his did nocked
Rather small, as it seemed, a war…
He was issued a gun that was tiny
And the boots that he got were tiny
His steel helmet also was tiny
And a greatcoat that was rather small
…But when he fell - unbecomingly, wrongly,
In the offensive cry mouth twisted wry,
All the Earth had not enough marble
To carve a monument of his full height!


How to bounce back after such success? I don’t know how to respond
Me, I’ve done what I could, no party to defend
I’m often elsewhere, you shouldn’t be offended by this
Look just for flaws and you will know that I will sleep better at night
We say what we live (haa) They talk in vain (haa)
We say what we live (haa) They talk in vain (haa)
Choose your camp, I have the recipe, don’t waste time (time)
What should we do? I have the recipe, what should we do?
You do stuff that’re too weird (hun)? Too weird, stuff that’re too weird (too weird stuff)
You do stuff that’re too weird (hun)? Too weird, stuff that’re too weird (too weird stuff)
How to get bigger after such failure? Me, I didn’t change my way
I always stay the same but success brings back trouble
Alone in my vessel, I have trust in my network
Until now everything is alright (alright), I know who protects my back
We say what we live (haa) They speak in vain (haa)
We say what we live (haa) They speak in vain (haa)
Choose your camp, I have the recipe, don’t waste time (time)
What should we do? I have the recipe, what should we do?
You do stuff that’re too weird (hun)? Too weird, stuff that’re too weird (too weird stuff)
You do stuff that’re too weird (hun)? Too weird, stuff that’re too weird (too weird stuff)
I know what I have to do, they could do nothing but judge me (judge), they could do nothing but judge me
Let them say what they want, I’ve already proved (already proved), I’ve already proved (myself)
I know what I have to do, they could do nothing but judge me (judge), they could do nothing but judge me
Let them say what they want, I’ve already proved (already proved), I’ve already proved (myself)
Choose your camp, I have the recipe, don’t waste time (time)
What should we do? I have the recipe, what should we do?
You do stuff that’re too weird (hun)? Too weird, stuff that’re too weird (too weird stuff)
You do stuff that’re too weird (hun)? Too weird, stuff that’re too weird (too weird stuff)

Uncommon Man

Vain dreams are inactions
Progressive regress is consequences.
Made-up world with myself
Wise words 'I'm not simple'.
Because I'm an uncommon man.
I like to be offended by everyone, by everyone.
You all will be running under me*
Though I'm nobody, but I'm like this.
Because I'm an uncommon man.
I like to be offended by everyone, by everyone.
You all will be running under me
Though I'm nobody, but I'm like this.
And I will not grovel if I'll be naked
My ego is bigger than Lev Tolstoy**.
Try to say to me something to reproach
Get treaths as response, did you understood a hint?
Because I'm an uncommon man.
I like to be offended by everyone, by everyone.
You all will be running under me
Though I'm nobody, but I'm like this.
Because I'm an uncommon man.
I like to be offended by everyone, by everyone.
You all will be running under me
Though I'm nobody, but I'm like this.
I'm like this
I'm like this.

Clear Accounts

You’re saying out there
That you’ll make me pay
For what you suffered because of me,
That you want to get even,
Somehow you want to regain
What you’ve lost because of me.
But what fault do I have
If you never liked
My way to love?
If I am a woman
And you weren’t able to be
What a man should be?
How easy it is to know
When the love is over.
And what do you want to regain
If you never asked for anything?
But if you want to put an end to it
And clarify for good
What you’re saying,
Come and settle the accounts
And you’ll see that, instead of gain,
You’re the one who’s in debt to me.
Come and settle the accounts
And you’ll see that, instead of gain,
You’re the one who’s in debt to me.
How easy it is to know
When the love is over.
And what do you want to regain
If you never asked for anything?
But if you want to put an end to it
And clarify for good
What you’re saying,
Come and settle the accounts
And you’ll see that, instead of gain,
You’re the one who’s in debt to me.
Come and settle the accounts
And you’ll see that, instead of gain,
You’re the one who’s in debt to me.

Echelon's Song

Echelon after echelon,
Echelon after echelon:
The road begins to widen.
The commander orders to point!
Waving a small white handkerchief
To the Don’s blue hand. 1
Voroshilov, you’re with us, 2
Hiking through life, we became friends,
Together we flew into battle:
Remembering the enemies with longing
Fighting for the white Kalitva, 3
Fighting for Kalach station.
For the Tsaritsyn, for the Tsaritsyn
We’ll fight through day and night,
Crossing peak after peak:
Don’t wash it away with the rain,
Don’t blow it away with the wind -
The blood of the peasants and the workers! 4
The commander orders point!
Waving a small white handkerchief
To the Don’s blue hand.
Echelon after echelon,
Echelon after echelon,
The road begins to widen.
  • 1. The Don is a river
  • 2. Voroshilov was Joseph Stalin’s BFF. Folk legends say that the back in the Russian civil war, during the Battle for Tsaritsyn of 1918, Joseph Stalin met Voroshilov
  • 3. Another river
  • 4. from what I can tell, he is saying don’t let the blood of the innocents be forgotten. You know...because Stalin loved his people (I’m joking)
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Sugar man

[Verse 1]
Sugar man, I've lost my heart tonight
For a blue coin, decorate with flowers the sky.
In the middle of the planet parade
Perhaps, it'll be better for me.
A drop of water against the wind
Will become deluge in an instance.
Sugar man,
Draw me a road into the colourful dreams,
Turn the time into a moment,
Help me blow away this dust from a dream.
Broken glass inside of my head,
Thoughts like mosquitoes fly on the moon.
I am at depth, but it is not your fault (O-o-o)
Soon the century will melt under the weight
Kind helper is the man made of sugar,
I'm so tired, but for now, give me the light,
I want to see light once again
There is no time (No)
You are my answer, to questions, which I will forever no longer remember.
Sugar man, I've lost my heart tonight
For a blue coin, decorate with flowers the sky
Sugar man
You are my ticket to fly to the comet
All my life is a puzzle
Blow away with awind their fragments
Sugar man, I've lost my heart tonight
For a blue coin, decorate with flowers the sky
Sugar man
You are my ticket to fly to the comet
All my life is a puzzle
Blow away with a wind their fragments
[ Verse 2]
Somebody told me, that the sugar is harmful
Feed with those nonsense your kids
With it I can easy take off, and
In my package a lot of sweets
But be careful with this
I have become completely different and didn't notice
I'm a murderer, victim and witness
The fingers pulling the sigarette towards my hand
Under the moonlight this dance
Dances hitting the boards with the heels
Wider gait, hold the cane
Simply, this all the fault of the nostrils
But be careful with this
Although, who cares, don't listen, when you are told
The sweets can destroy your teeth
But seriously want to take away only your soul
Sugar man, I've lost my heart tonight
For a blue coin, decorate with flowers the sky
Sugar man
You are my ticket to fly to the comet
All my life is a puzzle
Blow away with a wind their fragments
Sugar man, I've lost my heart tonight
For a blue coin, decorate with flowers the sky
Sugar man
You are my ticket to fly to the comet
All my life is a puzzle
Blow away with a wind their fragments

Man overboard

There was a storm - the ropes have torn the skin of the hands,
The anchor-chain screamed devilishly.
The wind sang the crude song - and suddenly
Sounded a voice: 'Man overboard!'
And at once: Full speed back! Stop machines!
Save quickly and warm him!
Put something inside - if a man,
If not - rub!
I feel sorry, that I am doomed to walk
Overland, - that means, I don't have to wait for help -
No one will jump in to save me
And not announce launching a lifeboat sounding the alarm.
But say: 'Speed ahead! Following wind!
We shall be punctual in the port.
As he is a son of a bitch, -
Let haul in himself!'
And my ship will move from me -
And on it, are probably first-class people.
That man on the look-out looks only ahead
He spits that the man has gone overboard.
I see - swimming past,
A friendly port is waiting for them -
Little interest who falls
From the main way oberboard.
When I was carried into the sea, there was
Wind force nine in new money -
For me the life boat is let down by the captain -
And I shall feel ground under my feet.
They will get hold of me by the clothing, -
That means falling in clothed is a plus, -
On board the lifebout like on hope
I clamb in the death-struggle.
Here one can spit from the tank to the stern,
Not many knots - one month in Havana, -
But I want to the deck to him -
To the captain, who gave the earth back to me.
Make full speed ahead - what is for us a block of ice!
I belong now to you sailors, -
Cut me, the son of a bitch,
And tear me to pieces.
I am on board - the course is like previously, like previously the way -
To me outstretched are the hands, the souls, cigarettes,
I am convinced: when something happens -
The sailors will throw the life-belt to me.
It is true, the rolling overcomes them there
In the storms on duty cannot take a breather, -
But a man overboard
Is here not let to be drowned!
When a trap is closed empty
And on the earth losses are forgotten,
The best captain of the world
Has let down a trap for me and I shall get out on the shore.
I shall undertake a conversation
I shall teach some,
That a man overboard
Is not to let alone.

Hurry Up Slowly

Did we think
Everything through a bit too much?
We're good now
I know you want to do it all yourself
Falling back into yourself...
You've chosen me, I've chosen the way
You choose, I choose you
You've chosen me, I've chosen the way, the way to you
We're at it again
After a year of licking wounds
We solved it
The door's ajar
Hurry up and get home slowly
Falling back into yourself...
You've chosen me, I've chosen the way
You choose, I choose you
You've chosen me, I've chosen the way, the way to you
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

His mortification every man

His mortification every man -
Having time passed by - forgets,
But my grief is like eternal snow, -
It doesn't melt, it doesn't melt.
It doesn't melt even in summer
In the midday heat, -
And I know: this grief, this melancholy I am to
Endure eternally.

Cha Cha

One, two, three, clap baby
One, two, three, clap baby
One, two, three, clap baby
One, two, three, clap baby
One, two, three, clap baby
One, two, three, clap baby
Hey girl
Baby girl of my heart
Hey, what's going on?
Your look is killing me
I saw you dancing guaracha
And the cha cha, I've brought to you
Big Apple dancer
Flirt for me
Say that you will
How you love to seduce
With your sensual lips
Come and kiss me, make me feel
Come on, jump, move your body
Let your little skirt climb up you
Let's get wild and cha cha all night long
Everybody in the party do the cha cha
Everybody work it down and feel the cha cha
Hey girl give me your cha cha
And cha, cha, cha, one, two, three, dance
Everybody in the party do the cha cha
Everybody work it down and feel the cha cha
Hey girl give me your cha cha
And cha, cha, cha, one, two, three, dance
Hey girl
You've got my head spinning
Even your walk leaves me
Sideways, honeyed up, and on the ground
And you can't deny
That this beat makes you sweat
Yummy little thing (yum)
Tell me what will become of me
If I can't have you
Baby girl of my heart
You're my passion
My temptation, you make me hot
Come on, jump, move your body
Let your little skirt climb up you
Let's get wild and cha cha all night long
Everybody in the party do the cha cha
Everybody work it down and feel the cha cha
Hey girl give me your cha cha
And cha, cha, cha, one, two, three, dance
Everybody in the party do the cha cha
Everybody work it down and feel the cha cha
Hey girl give me your cha cha
And cha, cha, cha, one, two, three, dance
One, two, three
One, two, three
One, two, three
You know what you like
One, two, three
One, two, three
Don't resist me, come on and give me your little thing
Come on now, sexy babe, we're going to dance
Everybody in the party do the cha cha
Everybody work it down and feel the cha cha
Hey girl... (girl...)
Everybody get down on the floor
Everybody do the cha cha
Everybody do the cha cha
Rockin' 'cause my beat is fire
Dance with me
Hey dance with me
Everybody in the party do the cha cha
Everybody work it down and feel the cha cha
Hey girl give me your cha cha
Dance with me
Hey dance with me
Everybody in the party do the cha cha
Everybody work it down and feel the cha cha
Hey girl give me your cha cha
And cha, cha, cha, one, two, three, dance

Man has only few needs

Versions: #2
Man has only few needs in life
One must not be given to excess
A good husband or a wife
And a planet in our galaxis
Sweet droplets of happiness are bound
And sprinkled all over the earth
Overnight they cannot be found
Yet will manifest on your own turf
Collect them all on your path divine,
Your fate will provide them all
not trusting in mere providence of time
But your soul's sincere earnest call
Thus the shining world yet spins 'round
Avoiding all stress on her axis
For a man has only few needs
One must not be given to excess
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

The Sum of the Defects

1, 1, 2, 2, 10, fuck test
Here I am, again, out of context
I give you two long cubes, I give you isosceles spheres
Your bro gives you 2Pac and lolipops.
I'm not rushing to repair what the society damaged
And I live the present, avoiding reality
You want to forcefully save me
I don't feel to be extra
I said fuck the industry, autoexcluded myself
I'm not singing, I'm healing myself, health prevails
And I'll say right now what's next
I fuck just in the mouth and pussy, if it really matters
Because I say what I believe, faggots go rabid
I, even when I'm lost, I'm on the right path
And, when I get too bored, I long bark at the moon.
You search for me, give me cigarettes, when I'll be in the crazy asylum
And when I'll be trending in old foster care
I speak about poverty
Because I knew it since
It loves me even now
We still see each other
I'm looking to strike it lucky all time
That's why I have a grudge on everybody
Thousands of thunders and lightnings, heavy curses
I'm proud that I'm the sum of my own defects
That's why everybody loves me as God forbid x4
Hands up in the air, I'm here, I put you in the theme
Don't try this at home, if you are scenesick
I have wax tears, I have hyena laughter
I can smoke the weed through an antenna's head
I've been a life on the scene, for ethernal glory
And I shove it all in your mouth when you put your head on the pillow
I put the microphone on Kalashnikov and real space
And I oblige you to listen me, follow me, it's vital
I have a hardened heart, even love doesn't get in
And I pull the trigger when I see black on the target
Life's worth as much as a dog hit by a car
When we ram into a wall unseen by light
We avoid betrayal, as we run from hunger
In a world of storytellers and siphons
We hit with the club, not pressing buttons
Grow dust on the icons, dream airplanes
We put the winning ticket in traps for certain people
Indeed, we're real as organ trafficking
I'm looking to strike it lucky all time
That's why I have a grudge on everybody
Thousands of thunders and lightnings, heavy curses
I'm proud that I'm the sum of my own defects
That's why everybody loves me as God forbid x4

A Doll with a Human Face

Versions: #2
The world is as if divided into two
Behind a blue window
Weeps quietly a sexless mannequin
A doll with a human face
The lonely nights
He asks the sky for one thing:
To make a fire burn in his heart
From the original spark
To make it sweet
To make it hurt
To repent afterwards
And so weeps the sexless mannequin
A doll with a human face
He will become a tumbleweed
He will wait for the fire of hope to die out
To exchange one glassy captivity
For a thousand of others
And while he is chained by silence
Behind a blue window
Weeps quietly the sexless mannequin
A doll with a human face