Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 17

Találatok száma: 728



Everyday Everytime
your smile melts at my fingertips
Everyday Everynight
you approach me in my dreams again
Sutururu your trembling eyes
and shy smile, I like them so much
Even your sweet scent
makes me flutter
Just like this I’m falling,
we are falling,
my dazzling shining Little star
Without you I’m lonely,
so sad and lonely
my lovely little star
come to me
Everyday Everytime
quietly like the falling rain
Everyday Everynight
you approach me as if you're a whisper
Sutururu your unfamiliar voice
that lingers in my ears, I like it so much
All day I’m falling in love,
I love you
Just like this I’m falling,
we are falling,
my dazzling shining Little star
Without you I’m lonely,
so sad and lonely
my lovely little star
come to me
Sutururu your unfamiliar voice
that lingers in my ears, I like it so much
All day I’m falling in love,
I love you
Just like this I’m falling,
we are falling,
my dazzling shining Little star
Without you I’m lonely,
so sad and lonely
my lovely little star
come to me
come to me
you are a little star that took my heart
Without you I’m lonely,
so sad and lonely
my lovely little star
I wait for you oh yeah
I love you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Bloody Friday Nightmare

It's somewhat of an eyesore
Just look at those humans, having no sense of danger at all
Have fun! Nai and Mea
To our hearts' content
It's cleaning time
Wanna join us?
We'll have some bloody dessert
We'll give you some too
It's a Friday nightmare
For each and every one
It's a bit boring doing this all the time
Because we do it so perfectly
We are Nai and Mea
Let us play all we want
But actually, it's a sudden change
We'll have some bloody dessert
If you want some right now
We'll paint your Friday night
All red
We'll have some bloody dessert
We'll give you some too
It's a Friday nightmare
For each and every one

rainbow days

The world is moving quickly ahead,
we’re being left behind
I wished for this moment to last forever
Strangers surround me and my true intentions
Feeling trapped like a bird in a cage,
I longed to be free in the sky
Haven’t you noticed? Have you noticed?
I want to tell you- I still haven’t told you
but my voice sounds like an awkward F chord
I hope my voice reaches you through the night
and won’t let you sleep
Like a mirror, our heavy tones reflect and cause distortion
In our hearts a rhythm plays, even if we run out of breath
Like chasing after a bird that’s creating a rainbow
I will continue to follow you
The mountain of problems we put aside has begun to pile up
Your high perception and frightening voice, I can hear it.
I lost something important to me. I want you by my side
We had an unclear connection
You’re leaving without saying goodbye
The message I wrote on the amplifier isn’t there anymore
“The guitars we both wanted still resonate our sounds…”
Like a mirror, our dreams reflect, but it seems they won’t come true
As I search for you, my heart beats fast and feels as if it will break
Our bright days fade just like that rainbow
But I won’t forget them
I’m going to break- I’m going insane, because you’re gone
“Maybe I’ll see you again” that alone would be fine
I’m trying to think, what will I draw next?
The world is moving quickly ahead

A Karácsony varázsa (Isten áldjon meg mindenkit)

Díszítsd az előszobákat fenyő ágakkal
A boldogság évadja vagyon.
És legyünk hálásak mindenért amink van.
Az összes díszítés és fényözön
Egy vidám ünnepet ígér
Számoljuk a napokat
Ezen az úton
Karácsony felé.
Oh, és Isten áldjon meg mindenkit
A jókat is és a rosszakat
A boldogokat és a boldogtalanokat.
Oh, és Isten áldjon meg mindenkit
Itt a családod és a barátok,
Jó ismét együtt lenni..
Az utcákon viháncoló gyermekek
Összefutva mosolyognak az emberek
Karácsonyra várakoznak
Kívánva hogy örökké így maradjon
Ne csak decemberben két hétig tartson
Egész évben próbáljunk visszaemlékezni
Amint e kivételes utazáson át
Mindenki megéli
A Karácsony varázslatát.
Oh, és Isten áldjon meg mindenkit
A jókat is és a rosszakat
A boldogokat és a boldogtalanokat.
Oh, és Isten áldjon meg mindenkit
Itt a családod és a barátok,
Jó ismét együtt lenni..
Tehát, töltsétek meg szíveteket szeretettel és örömmel
És a lányok és a fiúk nézőpontján át
Éljétek át örömüket, osszátok meg a csodát,
Könnyű megtenni, csak tárd ki a szíved
Enged be a gyermeki lelkületet
Oh, és Isten áldjon meg mindenkit
A jókat is és a rosszakat
A boldogokat és a boldogtalanokat.
Oh, és Isten áldjon meg mindenkit
Itt a családod és a barátok,
Jó ismét együtt lenni..
Oh, és Isten áldjon meg mindenkit
(Isten megáld mindannyiunkat)
A jókat is és a rosszakat
A boldogokat és a boldogtalanokat.
Oh, és Isten áldjon meg mindenkit
Itt a családod és a barátok,
Jó ismét együtt lenni..

Sunny day

Having not learned from my experience, the morning comes once again
I rub my drowsy eyes while brushing my teeth
'Today is supposed to be different than yesterday'
I persuade myself
as the sunny day begins
All kinds of familiar faces seem to pop up
all over the place
Be it my family, my girlfriend, and even my friends
Having thought about such things
The sunny day reaches the early afternoon
If everyone would have a person
that they hold dear in their heart
than this world would be filled with love
every single person would definitely become happy
The seasons go past us
Things are just going badly
nevertheless, we can smile, we can smile
We are still smiling
It's harsh
The night is for us to cry through
and the morning is for us to start going ahead again
We can change, we can change
If it's you, you will surely be able to do so
Nevertheless, please don't overdo it, okay?
It's fine to rest every once in a while
Did I make it sound like it’s not my business?
Well yeah, I guess it really isn’t my business
Be it lip service, ideals or whatever else I can possibly say
Since that's what I truly think
I shall sing in this sunny day
How many people are there
inside your heart?
It is a proof that you are not alone
In order for every single person to become happy
we shall sing
The seasons go past us
Things are just going badly
nevertheless, we can smile, we can smile
We are still smiling
It's harsh
The night is for us to cry through
and the morning is for us to start going ahead again
We can change, we can change
If it's you, you will surely be able to do so
Nevertheless, please don't overdo it, okay?
It's fine to rest every once in a while


The storm clouds will pass
The day when we can brightly smile
Will come again
I have hope
The street we used to walk on
As the warm sun shined on us
Now it’s full of shadows and darkness
Doesn’t look as beautiful as before
Why is the sky
So gray today?
Like a single ray of light
Between the clouds
That looks so faint
I need your touch
That will make me smile
You and me
I know the bright days
Have already passed
But I still want you too bad
For me to give up
The days will clear up some day
I have hope that
The darkness that covers us
Will disappear soon
Why are my eyes
So blurry today?
Like a single ray of light
Between the clouds
That looks so faint
I need your touch
That will make me smile
You and me
I know the bright days have already passed
But I still want you too bad
For me to give up
We used to stand next to each other
And walk together
All of those beautiful times
Are still so clear
So goodbye
Even if we don’t want this break up
The moment
One person turns around
The end is already decided
You and me
We can’t turn things around now
So I’m just staying here
Because I still want you

Karácsony Tizenkét Napja

Karácsony első napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Egy foglyot* egy körtefán
Karácsony második napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán
Karácsony harmadik napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Három lazactyúkot
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán
Karácsony negyedik napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Négy énekesmadarat
Három lazac francia tyúkot
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán
Karácsony ötödik napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Öt aranygyűrűt
Négy énekesmadarat
Három lazactyúkot
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán
Karácsony hatodik napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Hat tojás tojó libát
Öt aranygyűrűt
Négy énekesmadarat
Három lazactyúkot
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán
Karácsony hetedik napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Hét úszó hattyút
Hat tojás tojó libát
Öt aranygyűrűt
Négy énekesmadarat
Három lazactyúkot
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán
Karácsony nyolcadik napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Nyolc fejő cselédet
Hét úszó hattyút
Hat tojás tojó libát
Öt aranygyűrűt
Négy énekesmadarat
Három lazactyúkot
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán
Karácsony kilencedik napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Kilenc táncoló hölgyet
Nyolc fejő cselédet
Hét úszó hattyút
Hat tojás tojó libát
Öt aranygyűrűt
Négy énekesmadarat
Három lazactyúkot
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán
Karácsony tizedik napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Tíz ugráló urat
Kilenc táncoló hölgyet
Nyolc fejő cselédet
Hét úszó hattyút
Hat tojás tojó libát
Öt aranygyűrűt
Négy énekesmadarat
Három lazactyúkot
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán
Karácsony tizenegyedik napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Tizenegy sípoló sípost
Tíz ugráló urat
Kilenc táncoló hölgyet
Nyolc fejő cselédet
Hét úszó hattyút
Hat tojás tojó libát
Öt aranygyűrűt
Négy énekesmadarat
Három lazactyúkot
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán
Karácsony tizenkettedik napján
Az igaz szerelmem küldött nekem:
Tizenkét doboló dobost
Tizenegy sípoló sípost
Tíz ugráló urat
Kilenc táncoló hölgyet
Nyolc fejő cselédet
Hét úszó hattyút
Hat tojás tojó libát
Öt aranygyűrűt
Négy énekesmadarat
Három lazactyúkot
Két vadgerlét
Egy foglyot egy körtefán

I'm About to Cry

Is love still laughing by your side?
Can you still not drink coffee?
Oh baby, it seems like, today as well, I'm about to accidentally call someone else by your name
It's like I'm being rained on and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
I wonder if it would've been easy if I'd been able to imitate shouting my love until I become hoarse
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
I need to sleep soon..
Is love still making you shine?
'I'm a fool' I understand that
Oh baby, however without you saying it I can't quite grasp it
It's like I'm being blown by the wind and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
I wonder if it would've been easy if I'd been able to imitate shouting my love until I become hoarse
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
How am I supposed to fall asleep?
Is the spoiled person next to you doing better than I did?
Is the laughing person next to you able to make you laugh better than I could?
It's like I'm being rained on and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
Whether love or a lie, either is fine, I wonder if it would've been easy if we were able to be awkward
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
I need to sleep soon


Oh please
Why am I like this?
I feel like a fool
Oh please
Why can’t I say anything
When I’m in front of you?
When people said
Love at first sight
Whoever said that
I never believed it
Where am I?
Who am I?
Right here
Like this
I don’t know who I am
In one moment
Like water rising
You are coming to me
Like the stars
Twinkling in the night sky
You are
Pouring out over me
Oh please
Why is my body
Not listening to me all of a sudden?
Oh please
Without even knowing
Why is my heart pounding?
When people said
They met like destiny
Whoever said that
I never believed it
Where am I?
Who am I?
Right here
Like this
I don’t know who I am
In one moment
Like water rising
You are coming to me
Like the stars
Twinkling in the night sky
You are
Pouring out over me
I’m falling for you woo
I’m falling for you woo
In one moment
Like water rising
You are coming to me
Like the stars
Twinkling in the night sky
You are
Pouring out over me
Oh please
Why am I acting like this?
You are pouring out

If it was you

Suddenly, the things I’ve always wanted to do
Without being able to do it with you, it’s finally ended
We went to the convenience store, holding hands as the date-changed
There’s someone different next to me
Even if I say, “I love you”, it’s not you so,
I am unable to laugh properly
Not even once did those words leave my mouth, you, you
Are here without me being able to forget
Even when I hug my new lover
Even when when we kiss, I think of you
If it was you, if it was you
The one here right now
If it was you, if it was you
Just how great would it be?
If it was you, if it was you
Even though I was happy
I end up thinking only about those things
Even when this long time passes by
I end up only thinking about you
You, who have been forgiven by my heart, your morning look
Is seen in the dreams I chase even now
Even when I spend time with my new lover on my birthday
Even if I go on a trip, I think of you
If it was you, if it was you
The one here now
If it was you, if it was you
Just how great would it have been?
If it was you, if it was you
Even though I was happy
I end up thinking only about those things
If it was you, if it was you
The one here right now
If it was you, if it was you
Just how great would it have been?
If it was you, if it was you
Even though I could’ve loved anything
I end up thinking only about those things
If it was you, if it was you
The one here right now
If it was you, if it was you
Even though I was happy
If it was you, if it was you
Even though I could’ve loved anything
I end up thinking only about those things
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Come on, everybody
Come on, hypodermic needle1
Blood collection tube
Neorubber tubing
Alcohol, cotton swab
An intense craving
Safe touch
Butterfly needle
Lesson One
Everybody hypodermic needle
Roll up the sleeve, place the elbow on the support
Adjust the level of the F-type support stand
Place a tourniquet
About 10 centimeters above the intended location of venipuncture
Choose a thick, straight vein in the upper arm
Clean up first with alcohol and a cotton swab
Stretch the skin out, secure the vein in place
When you puncture the vein, come at it from above
With a 10 to 20 degree angle appropriate to the movement
Anchoring the collection tube in place with the right hand,
Directly insert the empty collection tube
After drawing blood, immediately invert the mixture
Apply pressure to the location of venipuncture
With the alcohol and cotton swab as you remove the needle
Carrying oxygen, red blood cells
Fighting germs, white blood cells
Coagulating the blood, platelets
They're ingredients in the liquid, yes, blood plasma, yes, blood plasma, yes, yes, blood plasma!
Let's medical checkup!
Lesson Two
Ah, your liver function will be grateful, keep GOT2
Glutamic acid, oxaloacetic acid, transaminase,
We got taurine, ornithine,
EPA, triglycerides
They work to lower the fluidity of cell walls
Yes!3 Medical checkup!
Hemoglobin A1C Test4
After crossing Chile, Mexico, Argentina
Central and South America, I finally arrived at this island--
Ceiba Norte Village, Caguas district
I opened a hospital there in Puerto Rico because
I started getting along well with the local goats
I want to protect their smiling faces and blood sugar levels
Carrying oxygen, red blood cells
Fighting germs, white blood cells
Coagulating the blood, platelets
They're ingredients in the liquid, yes, blood plasma, yes, blood plasma, yes, yes, blood plasma!
  • 1. 注射針'hypodermic needle' is pronounced 'chuushabari'. It really sounds like 'to the party'.
  • 2. This is a biomarker used in liver function tests to check how the liver is working. It's mentioned again below under a different name (transaminase).
  • 3. The last syllable of the impossibly long compound for 'cell wall fluidity' in the line before is pronounced 'sei', so you get 'sei yes!'
  • 4. A test that measures the amount of glucose in the blood. Used for diabetes.
Happy to take requests for Japanese music in particular :)


Come come, I've become despondent from missing you
Come out come out, I'm perishing from solitude
How come how come, you've come out asking for me1
See see, how impatient I am due to infatuation
Give give, what you have brought me as a gift
Sit sit, so that you may rest a while
Come come, I've become despondent from missing you
Come out come out, I'm perishing from solitude
How come how come, you've come out asking for me
See see, how impatient I am due to infatuation
Don't go don't go, why are you leaving so early?
pray tell pray tell, why do you arrive so late?
Breath by breath, I've wailed and whimpered about missing you
Day by day, I've become despondent without sight of your face
How come how come, you've come out asking for me
See see, how impatient I am due to infatuation
Give give, what you have brought me as a gift
Sit sit, so that you may rest a while
Don't seek don't seek, after keeping to this vow, for a method of betrayal
don't do this don't do this, or we will go down in infamy
go go, how, in trickery, you deviate from honesty while walking
come back come back, how you don't walk, rather strut with grace
Don't go don't go, why are you leaving so early?
pray tell pray tell, why do you arrive so late?
Breath by breath, I've wailed and whimpered about missing you
Day by day, I've become despondent without sight of your face
  • 1. This could also be translated as 'How come how come, you've come out per my request.'

It Doesn't Matter

You didn't even want to look me in the face
You know that I always kind of
Paralyzed, amazed
Girl, you got me all excited
Just watching you
Stop being a rare beauty
But, goddamn it, woman
Why don't you give me a chance?
You say that you're going to come back, but you never do
Take my heart away
And tell you're never coming back
Otherwise I lose my mind
Become your ex
I saw what you did
Stay, girl
You are like my fate
I lose my mind
I want one time
I saw what you did
Baby, just stop
I am gonna break up
I want to have you, want to see you
But if it doesn't work, I wanna tell you
You can leave
Stay out of my place
I won't even marry, get out of here
You're gonna lose me
Out of my place, I won't even marry
Get out of here, you're gonna lose me
Out of my place, I won't even marry
Get out of here
Sort out your life, make sure if you want me
I'd give it all away just to be your woman
I've been giving you signs, you don't even realize
Stop acting like a stubborn, just call me love
Take my heart away
And tell you're never coming back
Otherwise I lose my mind
Become your ex
I saw what you did
Stay, girl
You are like my fate
I lose my mind
I want one time
I saw what you did
Baby, just stop
I am gonna break up
I want to have you, want to see you
But if it doesn't work, I wanna tell you
You can leave
Stay out of my place
I won't even marry, get out of here
You're gonna lose me
And if we stop seeing each other
Then perhaps the temptation go away
I'm like fuck you
You says a lot
But doesn't do much
It doesn't matter
Baby, just stop
I am gonna break up
I want to have you, want to see you
But if it doesn't work, I wanna tell you
You can leave
Stay out of my place
I won't even marry, get out of here
You're gonna lose me
Baby, just stop
I am gonna break up
I want to have you, want to see you
But if it doesn't work, I wanna tell you
You can leave
Stay out of my place
I won't even marry, get out of here
You're gonna lose me

Young Blood

Black Star Mafia. Ok
I always play solo, I don't care about criticism
I am fresh, hot and young, and my team is a pro
Number one in spirit, number one, in fact
I am confident in it as a paratrooper in my parachute
In one of the black rooms, in one of the black buildings
Black music in black, we write ourselves
I have enough positive for everyone, for all
Young boy, I only strive upstairs
Are we cannon or new blood?
They came not to ruin it, but to build a new one.
Around all in earnest, everywhere anger glitter
Everyone thinks only about clothes and my hair
'Tell me, Mot, how many tattoos have you got?
Tell me, where is the truth, where did the rumor have time to go?
Where did this guy come from? What is the name of a slacker? '
Black Star Mafia. Matvey Melnikov
The most successful label in the country
No matter how many days you were here
We climb to the ring together
Black Star Inc, this is Black Star Inc
We made ourselves all by ourselves
All the boys and every lady
We want to tell the whole world
Black Star Inc, this is Black Star Inc
Don't be like a rock, man, catch punchline years
Here is a bearded anti-swag, its method
We are coming into fashion abruptly as if hips are in a skirt.
Kristina Si in the know. Here, guys are strictly on sport.
With thirteen rhyme, with twenty follow the throne
The throne remains empty, ours do not need a crown
What passed from the top, after a long bow
We have other canons: rap from under the hood
They drip like popsicles and from the heat began to give up
Do you want to move with us? Do not be shy
After all, someone cooks their dangerous rap as tightly as possible
Serious gangsta shit. Wow, easy!
If with brains, then you are with us
They came to change the mind
If you want to grow - get on the ring
This is Black Star Inc, this is Black Star Inc
The most successful label in the country
No matter how many days you were here
We climb to the ring together
Black Star Inc, this is Black Star Inc
We made ourselves all by ourselves
All the boys and every lady
We want to tell the whole world
Black Star Inc, this is Black Star Inc
Every day is a workout, every day is ariva
If life does not beat the key, then life is gravy
On the coat of arms is the head of a lion, the lion has his mane
I have words and perspective
In life and in vain I live, high
Do you want too? Come on, just do it!
The girl on the left, the girl on the right
I live in raspberries - I have the right
Smile to ear, all songs from the heart
Scored on all the clichés, sadness strangled
Who for firewood, who in the forest. I love topless girls
I will embrace the whole world. Remember, Mot is here
The most successful label in the country
No matter how many days you were here
We climb to the ring together
Black Star Inc, this is Black Star Inc
We made ourselves all by ourselves
All the boys and every lady
We want to tell the whole world
Black Star Inc, this is Black Star Inc

Napokig tartó szerelem

[Verse 1]
Ilyen arccal, akár piff-paff ölhetnél is
De jól álcázod
Nem, nem menőzöl és sosem említesz neveket
és szerény vagy, mint egy anya
Mert anyukád jól nevelt
Most már sosem hagylak el
Igen, megmondhatod apádnak,
hogy lett még egy lánya
és esküszöl, hogy kedvelni fogja
És hiszek a nyári szerelemnek a szemedben
Hiszem, hogy a nyári szerelem sosem hazudik
Ha te zuhansz először, én is visszaesem és félelem nélkül szeretlek majd
Ezeket a napokat nekünk szánták és nem akarok várni
Ha te zuhansz először, én is visszaesem és mindvégig szeretni foglak
Ezek a napok szerelemre lettek teremtve
És az én szerelmem több napra is elég
Ezek a napok szerelemre lettek teremtve
És bennem van szerelem
[Verse 2
Amikor azokon a húrokon játszol
Egy csomó dolgot érzek
és nem tudom, hogy nevezzem őket
És rajtakapsz, hogy a te farmered van rajtam
Csak hogy levehesd rólam
Hát nem fantasztikus, ahogy egyre inkább egymásba habarodunk
[Pre-Chorus 2]
Még mélyebben, nyári szerelem a szemedben
Még mélyebben, nyári szerelem sosem hazudik
Ha te zuhansz először, én is visszaesem és félelem nélkül szeretlek majd
Ezeket a napokat nekünk szánták és nem akarok várni
Ha te zuhansz először, én is visszaesem és mindvégig szeretni foglak
Ezek a napok szerelemre lettek teremtve
És az én szerelmem több napra is elég
Ezek a napokat nekünk szánták és nem akarok várni
Ezek a napok szerelemre lettek teremtve
És az én szerelmem több napra is elég
Mert a szerelmem több napra is elég
Szerelmem több napra is elég
Ha te zuhansz először, én is visszaesem és félelem nélkül szeretlek majd
Ezek a napokat nekünk szánták és nem akarok várni
Ha te zuhansz először, én is visszaesem és mindvégig szeretni foglak
Ezek a napok szerelemre lettek teremtve
És az én szerelmem több napra is elég
Ezeket a napokat nekünk szánták és nem akarok várni
Nézd, nem akarok várni rád
Siess és te is szeress engem
Ezek a napok szerelemre lettek teremtve
És az én szerelmem több napra is elég
Ezek a napok nekem és neked lettek teremtve
Ezek a napok szerelemre lettek teremtve
És az én szerelmem több napra is elég
Ezek a napok nekem és neked lettek teremtve
Ezek a napok szerelemre lettek teremtve
És az én szerelmem több napra is elég

Daekh Beik

دايخ بيك
أحبك يا وجع راسي
دايخ بيك
انته يا هوا أنفاسي
قفلت عليك
اني بگلبي و احساسي
واسولف بيك
اگولهم هذا اعز ناسي
ولك اشتاگ
شوگ الطفل للشبكة
ولك اشتاگ
مثلك گولي وين الگى
يا عمري اهواك
ما اتحمل الفرگة
گلبي وياك
يدگ دمام مو دگة
وطول العمر
ابقى مسجل باسمك
واخبط دمي وي دمك
اعوف الهوا واشتمك
طول العمر
سويا نضل ما نتفارگ
احنا بكلشي نتشارك
تسوا الجنة يا نارك
طول العمر
الك حصرية حنيتي
احبك يا بعد بيتي
اريد وياك تاليتي
تعال وياي
نروح لاخر الدنيا
تعال وياي
اشبعك غزل يوميا
تعرف ليش
احبك بيا ما بيا
لان ما اعيش
بدونك يا هوا الرية
كل الكون
يروح الحضرتك فدوة
كل الكون
اعوفه وانته بس اهوى
اي شريك الروح
احبك هية مو گوة
ابد لا تروح
بلاك الدنيا ما تسوه
وطول العمر
ابد ما انسى حضناتك
بصمة بشفتي بوساتك
احبك موت وحياتك
طول العمر
تبقى بالگلب غافي
ع النية العشگ صافي
منك ما گلت كافي
طول العمر
احبك يا دوا احزاني
اريدك ما ردت ثاني
تعال احضني شمتاني


Internal strife
Shibuya ward, Harajuku:
Yoyogi Park,
Harajuku Pedestrian Paradise
The Bamboo Shoot Tribe
The people of the Mushroom Kingdom
A stand of cryptomeria trees
And a nest of tsuchinoko
Black-necked spitting cobra,
Mangshan pit viper,
Saw-scaled viper,
They’re all buddies
Java file snake,
Mexican python,
Sunbeam snake,
Common taipan,
They’re all good friends
Slithering along,
Confrontation, resistance,
Slithering along,
Rainbow, rainbow
Not quite long enough
To wind in coils,
Not as long as
Crossing the neighborhood
A huge amount of prize money
110,000,000 yen
A vague sense of uneasiness
Holding a boom box,
step dancing on the weekend
To Arabesque with your friends
At Harajuku Pedestrian Paradise
Boutique Tsuchinoko
“Sold Out! Thanks for your business!”
Black-necked spitting cobra,
Mangshan pit viper,
Saw-scaled viper,
They’re all buddies
Java file snake,
Mexican python,
Sunbeam snake,
Common taipan,
They’re all good friends
Slithering along,
Confrontation, resistance,
Slithering along,
Rainbow, rainbow
Happy to take requests for Japanese music in particular :)

Esős Napok

Mikor így esik
Eszembe jut, mikor szakítottunk
Próbáltalak maradásra bírni
De te elhagytál
Utáltál engem?
Elmentél hidegen
Egy kifogás nélkül
Hol vagy most? Mintha az eső
Ismerné a szívemet, őrülten esik
És eláztatja a szívemet. Ha csak el tudnám
Törölni minden fájdalmamat ezzel az esővel
Ez egy esős nap, ahol a könnycseppek esnek
Ez egy esős nap, ahol az emlékek folynak
Remélem, erősebben esik
Remélem egész este ömlik, ma este
Szóval el tudom törölni az összes nyomodat
A szavaid a szakításról
Váratlanul értek
Nem gondoltam volna, hogy így végződik
Mint mindenki más, elbúcsúzol
Észre sem véve, hogy véget érhet
Mindig azt hittem
Melletted maradok
Hol vagy most?
Mintha az eső
Ismerné a szívemet, őrülten esik
És eláztatja a szívemet.
Ha csak el tudnám
Törölni minden fájdalmamat ezzel az esővel
Ez egy esős nap, ahol a könnycseppek esnek
Ez egy esős nap, ahol az emlékek folynak
Remélem, erősebben esik
Remélem egész este ömlik, ma este
Szóval el tudom törölni az összes nyomodat
A vágyakozás könnyekké alakul és szétterjed
Meglovagolja a vastag esőcseppet és leúszik
Hadd essen erősebben, hadd essen többet
Hadd essen erősebben, hadd essen többet
Vigye el az összes fájdalmát és
Sebét a búcsúzásunknak
Ez egy esős nap, ahol a könnycseppek esnek
Ez egy esős nap, ahol az emlékek folynak
Remélem, erősebben esik
Remélem egész este ömlik, ma este
Szóval el tudom törölni az összes nyomodat (x2)
Magányos esős napok

For This Love

Forget everything
Even the dreams that can never come true
Just live
As if nothing happened
Just like long ago, when we didn’t know each other
Like the flower without a name, blooming on the road
A person I can never see again
Is farther away than the stars
Forget this love that only hurt you
For this love
But even when I close my eyes
The light doesn’t disappear
My dazzling memories is only about you
Our promise that can’t be kept
Shines as a sad light in the night sky
A person I can never see again
Is farther away than the stars
Forget this love that can’t be withstood
Days that were happy because of you
Tears that I couldn’t hold back in the end
For this love that I’ll long for forever
For this love


Midnight on a Friday, full of anticipation
Staying up a little bit late is okay
Because Saturday and Sunday are coming,
And there's a Happy Monday right after--
In other words,
It's a three-day Roman holiday
I'll take Princess Ann out on a drive,
Go somewhere on my Vespa
It's her majesty's guilty pleasure
A three-day Roman holiday
Putting on airs on a Saturday morning
Slept in a little, but that's okay
Waking up to
Just-baked croissants and coffee for breakfast
In other words,
Eating breakfast at Tiffany's
Open for business on a holiday
Getting a little hungry, it feels good
Coffee with free refills
Eating breakfast at Tiffany's
The eternal fairy1, descended to the silver screen
It's a three-day Roman holiday
And a three-day Florentine, Venetian,
and Neapolitan holiday too
I'll take Princess Ann out on a drive,
Go somewhere on my Vespa
It's her majesty's guilty pleasure
A three-day Roman holiday
The eternal fairy, descended to the silver screen
  • 1. This was the name of a large photo exhibition featuring images of Audrey Hepburn held in Kyoto in 2017.
Happy to take requests for Japanese music in particular :)

Come back sweetheart

Come back sweetheart, come back sweetheart
Com back and dress in the simplest clothing, wear the bamboo flip-flops
Tell your love story with a folk song
Tell your love story with a kettle of corns and potatoes
Tell your love story with the new harvested rice
And come back to listen to your childhood, your first song
Come back sweetheart, come back sweetheart
Come back, release your dream, sing through the street
So for eternity we can be the morning drop
So we could reborn with a new soul
So the hatreds of people will slowly sink
And we will search for each another like we search for pain
While our tears are full
Oh sweetheart, rise up, rise up
Bring that light from heaven
Shine up my life with love
The smiles on the children faces
Are the song to celebrate life
Come back and share the smiles for the future
Come back sweetheart, come back sweetheart
Come back and cry on this land
Bring your heart back to the homeland
Bring your soul into the stream of water
Bring sincerity into the heart of lies
And to play music for my grace
Glad that we met

Forever and a day

Did you know how my heart was feeling that day?
I couldn't be happy, i was sad
If i wake up everything will disappear
Maybe this is a dream, maybe it isn't
I wish this moment could be for forever
I wait forever for that short encounter
I will remember you
How we are, right now
I'll engrave it in my heart
Oh I love you
And I will love you
For forever and a day
Remember me
This song right now
This song is only for you
Oh I love you
And I will love you
For forever and a day
I've been waiting for quite some time
My lonely, sad memories are OK now
Because i wanted to meet you then
Because i met you
I will remember you
How we are, right now
I'll engrave it in my heart
Oh I love you
And I will love you
For forever and a day
Remember me
This song right now
This song is only for you
Oh I love you
And I will love you
For forever and a day
Over the course of time
I wont grow distant, or throw you aside
I won't run away
I'll catch you for sure
Just like this
I won't let go
I will remember you
How we are, right now
How we are, right now
I'll engrave it in my heart
Oh I love you
I love you
And I will love you
I love you
For forever and a day
For exactly one day more
Remember me
This song right now
This song is only for you
Your song
Oh i love you
And I will love you
I love you
For forever and a day
Forever and a day

You Can't Be Born a Soldier

There is not a barren sacred place.
[We] had a worthless corpse to fill a pit,
A red rag to wrap around a hearse,
A soulful song to mute all evils and all woes,
Since you can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
You can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
There is not a sacred place without a foe.
Blindly, with a polished rifle stock,
Charge forth in a uniform without a hole,
With a dashing march to mute your grinding teeth,1
Since you can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
You can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
There is not a sacred place that's nice and clean.
Stinking winds are flooding on the shores,
Rotten ash, absorbed by the soil,
And tobacco shorting out our drunken noses,
Since you can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
You can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
There is not a sacred place devoid of sin.
Snatch a bite of a woman's scream - fucking great!
And a sip of honey brew to throw it up,
With a red flag to wipe away your heavy tears,
Since you can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
You can't be born a soldier,
But a soldier you can die.
  • 1. or, more literally, 'the grinding of your teeth'

Everyone Try (Win The Day)

Obá Obá Obá
Obá Obá Obá
Obá Obá Obá
As much as it was hard, you will shine more –
you will write today again
You will get used to today
and every single day
If you walk one step, two steps,
I will be walking next to you
There’s no need to be scared even if it strains you,
even if it’s your first time
Show them slowly one by one,
all of you that ran here without rest
Overcome slowly one by one,
rise up again and again
(Win the day) Right next to you
(Win the day) I want to be with you
Put effort for your victory,
put effort to share your heart together
(Win the day) I believe in you
(Win the day) Gather your strength till the finish
Everyone try, try, round and round,
now run and run and run – believe
Throw away your worries far away
on this sleepless night
A place of fun festivals
that everyone has made together
All the tears, laughs and sweat
gather in one place
Let’s unite with one heart and
shout out louder
The louder our cheers,
the hotter it’ll get like the passion in our hearts
Just try your best today
and every day, always
If you walk one step, two steps,
I will be walking next to you
There’s no need to be scared even if it strains you,
even if it’s your first time
(Win the day) Right next to you
(Win the day) I want to be with you
Put effort for your victory,
put effort to share your heart together
(Win the day) I believe in you
(Win the day) Gather your strength till the finish
Everyone try, try, round and round,
now run and run and run – be
Through joys and sadness, we’ll be together
Through the remedy and the results, we’ll be together
Overcome slowly one by one,
rise up again and again
(Win the day) Right next to you
(Win the day) I want to be with you
Put effort for your victory,
put effort to share your heart together
(Win the day) I believe in you
(Win the day) Gather your strength till the finish
Everyone try, try, round and round,
now run and run and run – be
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


I'm the creator god, in the middle of thinking something up,
Gathering the spirits and creating it
I fly down from the heavens and alight
In the Ashanti Region of Ghana, in West Africa
I want to make it clear--this place is really here
To offer an atmosphere of healing, light, and hope
To the suffering human race
It's a coffee shop where you can meet with the gods!
Cat Cafe
Onyankopon*, pon pon pon pon pon
Say Cat Cafe
Onyankopon, pon pon pon pon pon
I'm also known as Anansi, Kuroko,
Odomankoma, Porepore, Otomfuo
Handed down through Ashanti legends,
I'm a magnificent being
I really like Mon Petit**,
Kal Kan, and catnip***, but
I am not a cat--****
I'm the creator God, Onyankopon!
I'm the creator god, I think it up
And gather the spirits, they're noisy
We play sports on the weekend
On the neighborhood pitch
It's the climactic decisive championship game
For the teams of Ghana
Onyankopon versus Nyaho Nyaho Tamakloe*****!
If you go by my name
You might decide to treat me familiarly right off the bat
But in my true form, I'm a magnificent being
I don't meow at sunset
Or sit on the kotatsu****** curled up in a ball
And I know that gold is worth a lot*******
And you are NOT allowed to touch my paw pads!
I really like Mon Petit,
Kal Kan, and catnip, but
I am not a cat--
I'm the creator God, Onyankopon!

Reach your hands out

Reach your hands out, I've grown tired, in the arms of another I couldn't find peace.
The others are unjust and other than your love I couldn't find.
I've asked you for a kiss erases my frost... I've drown dry.. Mother.
You're beauty, and after my lord your smooth face, I've worshipped.
Reach your hands out, I've grown tired, in the arms of another I couldn't find peace.
The others are unjust and other than your love I couldn't find.
I miss you, morning and evening, and I fall asleep with your name whispered so clear in my ears
I love you don't leave me, because you're the story of my life, and the sweetest medicine.
So reach your hands out there's no difference for me between your hands and the sky


It's a beautiful day

Angels smile and love begins
Angels smile and love goes smooth
Surely goes smooth
Before waking up in the morning I had a short dream
It was a wonderful and intermitent memory
An angel whispered in my ear
Wonderful love words that look nostalgic
The morning is always in the light as usual and yet
Somehow today I feel happy without a reason
It looks like today is the day a new love begins
Angels smile and love begins
Angels smile and love goes smooth
Surely goes smooth
A wonderful premonition of a new morning
A fantastic premonition
I heard the sound of the telephone bell
It was you surely, wonderful news
You whispered in my ear
Fantastic love words that I waited to hear
In the mirror I put on a brand new shirt
Somehow today I like you more than usual
It looks like today is the day a new season begins
Angels smile and love begins
Angels kiss and we love each other
The cameras start to roll
A wonderful premonition of a new morning
A fantastic premonition
In the light I hold you close
Somehow today tears overflow without a reason
It looks like today is the day a new love begins
It looks like today will come true the dream I dreamed once
Angels smile and love begins
Angels smile and love goes smooth
Surely goes smooth
A wonderful premonition of a new morning
A fantastic premonition
A new love song
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Probably In The Winter

Versions: #2
Softly I will depart from you
please wipe away your tears from the corners of your eyes
in the long suffering, in the days of the future
beloved, don't cry for me
the road ahead is dreary and fuzzy
please wish me well with a smile
although I'm facing the wind, although I'm under the rain
amidst the wind and rain I'm thinking of you
In the days when I don't have you
I will cherish myself more
In the years when there's no me
you have to take care of yourself
you ask me when I'll come back
I quietly ask myself the same too
it's not this time, I don't know when
I think it will probably be around winter
it's not this time, I don't know when
I think it will probably be around winter
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Dayenu, It Would Have Sufficed

If He had brought us out from Egypt,
and had not carried out judgments against them - It would have sufficed!
If He had carried out judgments against them,
and not against their idols - It would have sufficed!
If He had destroyed their idols,
and had not smitten their first-born - It would have sufficed!
If He had smitten their first-born,
and had not given us their wealth - It would have sufficed!
Dayenu, it would have sufficed!
If He had given us their wealth,
and had not split the sea for us - It would have sufficed!
If He had split the sea for us,
and had not taken us through it on dry land - It would have sufficed!
If He had taken us through the sea on dry land,
and had not drowned our oppressors in it - It would have sufficed!
If He had drowned our oppressors in it,
and had not supplied our needs in the desert for forty years - It would have sufficed!
Dayenu, it would have sufficed!
If He had supplied our needs in the desert for forty years,
and had not fed us the manna - It would have sufficed!
If He had fed us the manna,
and had not given us the Shabbat - It would have sufficed!
If He had given us the Shabbat,
and had not brought us before Mount Sinai - It would have sufficed!
If He had brought us before Mount Sinai,
and had not given us the Torah - It would have sufficed!
Dayenu, it would have sufficed!
If He had given us the Torah,
and had not brought us into the land of Israel - It would have sufficed!
If He had brought us into the land of Israel,
and not built for us the Holy Temple - It would have sufficed!
Dayenu, it would have sufficed!

24 000 kisses

Love me
as I love you.
If you leave me in charge,
for a whole day,
I'll kiss you
24 000 times.
I place bets all around
without losing more than ten seconds.
I promise in front of everyone
to give you 24 000 kisses.
I know not what's happening.
You see honey, the more I kiss you,
the more I long to hug you!
yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé...
I rather like it when you hug me
and because you know I'm not wooden,
I won't leave my place
when I give you twenty-four thousand kisses.
I draw a stick every ten thousand.
I'm now at at least eight hundred thousand,
but I don't want to stop!
yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé...
And when at a hundred years
we need to leave the earth,
without even saying a prayer
I'm pretty sure Saint Peter
in seeing me always honest
will allow me to kiss you
for [all] eternity!
ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya...

One day

I miss something
There is a little worry
Like a truth that imposes
on me every night
An inner voice
Tells me “Someone is waiting there”
I must find him in the hours of every place
One day
We will finally reunite
One day
The sun will shine on our lives
One day
We will forge a bond no one will break
One day
More black images by our heads
One day
Love will illuminate the festival
One day
We will know how everything ends
We will both be reunited
One day
One day
We will finally be reunited
One day
The sum will shine on our lives
We will forge a bond no one can break
One day
More black images of our heads
One day
Love will illuminate the festival
One day
We will know how everything ends
We will both be united
One day


You seem to be losing yourself lately,
Trying to find the path, both alone and with me,
And it's alright because I'm here if you'll just let me in,
Listening is a skill possessed by few, I know,
So let yourself feel weak,
Even heroes at night sleep underneath their sheets,
I'm holding on to small moments of light for you,
And I know you better than myself,
You'll return,
So let's be quiet together, now we'll curl up close,
I'm no good at talking, I know how to love,
So far you've always given, learn how to take,
I can see a way, let's get out of this together,
Now you glance at me, and your shoulders start to shake,
There's nothing wrong with crying, nothing wrong with being afraid,
If you give me your hand for one moment of truth,
I'm staying here with you, just as you stayed there with me,
So let's be quiet together, now we'll curl up close,
I'm no good at talking, I know how to love,
Until now you've only given, learn how to take,
I can see a way, let's get out of this together,
Translations are never word-for-word, but always about some degree of interpretation (word choice, word order, grammar etc...). Enjoy :)