Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 18

Találatok száma: 728


A Nap, amikor az Istenek segítenek Mindannyiunknak

Állok, hogy megtaláljanak
Bűnösnek találjanak,
A bolond játék, a síró szégyen
A dombokon túl,
Lenn a völgyeken át
A gonosz szem, egy vég a halálhoz
Addig a napig,
Amikor az Istenek segítenek mindannyiunknak
Összeláncolva a szívem maradni fog
Addig a napig,
Amikor az Istenek segítenek mindannyiunknak
Töröld el a világot
Isteni ritmus,
Az erdő lélegzete
A fák sóhajt hallanak, a mennyek magasságáig
A bálna sírása,
Hang a sivatagból,
A gonosz szem, egy vég a halálhoz
Addig a napig,
Amikor az Istenek segítenek mindannyiunknak
Összeláncolva a szívem maradni fog
Addig a napig,
Amikor az Istenek segítenek mindannyiunknak
Töröld el a világot
Jön eg jobb világ,
Egy tökéletes hely az élethez,
A nap, amikor feltűnnek az Istenek
Távol már az élet, amit adtam
Addig a napig,
Amikor az Istenek segítenek mindannyiunknak
Összeláncolva a szívem maradni fog
Addig a napig,
Amikor az Istenek segítenek mindannyiunknak
Töröld el a világot
Addig a napig,
Amikor az Istenek segítenek mindannyiunknak
Összeláncolva a szívem maradni fog
Addig a napig,
Amikor az Istenek segítenek mindannyiunknak
Töröld el a világot
Addig a napig,
Amikor az Istenek segítenek mindannyiunknak
Töröld el a világot


When I close my eyes
I can feel even the warm breeze on that day
Guess I was feeling your breath
Passing by my nose
I though I would forever be with you
Even if the world deceives me
As the time passes
Little by little
You will get further too
As long as I breathe I won't be able to erase you
So you're thickening even more
I can't even call you out
In front of the beautiful sunset
With the thought of you laughing on that day
I paint you even thicker
I though I would forever be with you
Even if the world deceives me
As the time passes
Little by little
You will get further too
As long as I breathe I won't be able to erase you
So you're thickening even more
Because for me each and every past day is precious
As the time passes
Everything will blur little by little
Even the moment I was loving
Even my colored heart - all of it will get erased in the end

Give the weapon

We had a mountains, we had a wings in the sky,
We would fly, but the war has covered us...
You see, keeping the sky in their heart,
'Edelweisses!' are coming down from mountains
Like a candles in church - houses are on fire -
Ruined fates cry out for repay...
We are going to conquer
For those who our world condemns to death.
Give the weapon to me, brother!
Please wait my mother, Please wait my darling,
There are coming edelweisses guys
To take from enemy repay!
We taught the war on it's fierce laws,
Like out mountains we gave a names to that grains
That stupid death broke it's spit
over this infantry of steel...
If someone will fall, please, don't cry!
Wi will rise, like in mountains, to the sky,
However, take care the lives and bullets!
We are coming for battle!
Chorus. (2)
You can not break us! And can't even kill us,
Because the flowers from the ashes will revive!
You'll see, how kept the sky in their heart,
Edelweisses will return home!
Those who is closer to the sky, that ones are closer to God,
A victory goes next to the free ones!
Our fate - to hold sky over others -
Keep working, my brother!
Chorus. (3)
To make the enemy repay!
To make the enemy repay!
To make the enemy repay...


As if it was nothing, I got better
It took more time than I'd thought
Smile a bit at the loss
Of those days, of that time
We spent good days together
I learned a lot from you
That itself warmed me
And was beautiful enough
How are you?
What kind of person am i
In your memory?
Actually i still look for you everywhere
As if it's a habit as soon as i open my eyes
I wipe away the tears that fall
I'm curious how you are now
Do you still look for me when you wake up?
Do you have scary dreams?
I walk down the street without thinking
I turn on the songs we listened to togerther
I turn on the movies we liked
You from A to Z
From the trivial small things
To you who yelled looking for me
I miss that voice
Without realizing, i cover my ears
How are you now?
What kind of person am i
In your memory?
Actually i still look for you everywhere
As if it's a habit as soon as i open my eyes
I wipe away the tears that fall
I'm curious how you are now
Do you still look for me when you wake up?
Do you have scary dreams?
Every night i pray for you
That you will always be smiling
Actually i pray for myself
That you will return
Lately i'm just like how i used to de
I couldn't get better like it was nothing
I hope you are the same way
I hope you are like me
Actually i still look for you and wander
Like a hadit as soon as i open my eyes
I wipe away the tears that fall
I'm curious how you are now
Do you still look for me when you wake up?
Do you have scary dreams?

Bonds ~endless days~

(quiet endless days over and over my only smiley day ah...)
If I were to listen carefully I would immediately hear the sound of a chair being pulled out in the next room
Being unable to measure the distance beyond the closed door, I wonder what are you thinking about?
We yearn a little to the happiness we obtained
The garden's branches just revealed our tears
We keep getting better in pretending not to notice it
and remain timid
The time that ticked away put our bonds together
Even if the autumn winds would grow cold they won't disappear
I embrace you as I look at the distant sky
and link together the little stars
I want to protect your wavering smile
(quiet endless days over and over my only smiley day ah...)
Will the seed that I chose to grow that day yield a big flower?
The unspoken words and the regret of hurting one's feelings
The dream that was fulfilled only on paper
The 'lie' being a 'truth', saying 'I hate you' I actually meant to say 'I like you'
We are two of a kind
I closed my eyes and touched your cheek
I'm feeling so alive now
Even if it is just a tiny jewel
I would grasp it tightly​ and make it shine
Trivial quarrels
A laughter that rocks the windows
I want to believe it will keep on like this
Becoming an adult is dreadful​...
The time that ticked away put our bonds together
Even if the autumn winds would grow cold they won't disappear
I embrace you as I look at the distant sky
and link together the little stars
I closed my eyes and touched your cheek
I'm feeling so alive now
Even if it is just a tiny jewel
I would grasp it tightly​ and make it shine
Since I would be able to find the significance of the future
(quiet endless days over and over my only smiley day ah...)


I like that feeling, right before it’s about to get ripe
I like this routine feeling
This distance of just about to touch but not
I don’t think you’re getting any closer
But I like you even more
In this space that’s so perfect
I’m tilting myself to you
My balance keeps crumbling
I held it in, I pressed it down so well
But now my heart is spilling out
My heart has passed the afternoon
And now is going toward midnight
Story will be starting tonight, yeah
You’ll be mine
Oh, you’ll be mine
It’s a night that’s slightly too early to have hearts fluttering
We’ve been stopped and we need a little something different
We’re about to take a step
That’ll be hard to take back once the night is over
When tomorrow’s sun rises
I’m going to slightly pull on us
I’m tilting myself to you
My balance keeps crumbling
I held it in, I pressed it down so well
But now my heart is spilling out
My heart has passed the afternoon
And now is going toward midnight
Story will be starting tonight, yeah
You’ll be mine (All the time)
You’ll be mine (All the time)
You’ll be mine (All the time)
All the time
I’m going to slightly pull on us
I’m tilting myself to you
My balance keeps crumbling
I held it in, I pressed it down so well
But now my heart is spilling out, after the long is over
Your name rises in my heart as the sun
Story will be written on your heart
You’ll be mine
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Monday Blues

I can’t open my eyes
Outside the blanket is dangerous, I can’t get out
It’s still dark
But the alarm still wakes up so easily
Outside the bus, there’s too much traffic
Inside, there’s too many people, it’s suffocating
But when I met eyes with you
Felt like I woke up
Again Monday
It’s still a while to the weekend
Right when I was already getting so tired
You came to me like a holiday
What are you?
You always pass by in just one moment
Making me feel so dizzy
Your pretty face shook me awake
It’s still the same day
The lazy clock is getting even slower
Can’t see the end to my work
Keeps building up like fatigue
My footsteps on my way back home is so slow
I’m placing my body in the rattling wave
The moment I closed my eyes
I saw you again
Again Monday
It’s still a while to the weekend
Right when I was already getting so tired
You came to me like a holiday
(I’ll see you baby, girl, I’ll see you baby yeah)
What are you?
You always pass by in just one moment
Making me feel so dizzy
Your pretty face shook me awake
(You woke me up)
If we meet like this
If we keep staring at each other
I think I might misunderstand
I keep smiling for no reason
My heart keeps racing
I’m making it so obvious
We get on at the same time
We go in the same direction
So it feels like I’m taking you home
Wanna get a cup of coffee?
Do you like movies?
Do you have time right now?
Again Monday
It’s still a while to the weekend
Why are you making my heart flutter so much?
Every day, you’re a holiday that repeats
When I open my eyes
Why do I keep thinking about you?
I wanna see you again
So these days, I wait for each day like it’s the weekend, every day
(Today’s the day, today’s the day, maybe today)
I feel like you’ll look at me today
That’s why, that’s why, that’s why
That’s why, that’s why, that’s why
Today, baby, I wanna talk to you
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>


[Young Adam:]
You are not in my life anymore
Only at my last dawn
I will see you
[Maestro Cadenza:]
Ah, will I ever hear again
The way the love of my whole life sings?
[Lumière & Plumette:]
Won't we be truly free of shackles
And chains of the witchcraft?
[mrs. Potts:]
Ah, that sunlight
You're not with us for so long
Who will advice
How to return the warmth?
[Madame de Garderobe:]
We don't sing
About the tears all of us shed
We're captured by the curse
But still, we will always sing only about happiness
How among all this sadness
Love hasn't left you?
I've lived so simply before
And now everything is so complicated
(Sunlight) I can't go back into my childhood
(Has illuminated the shadows and dissapeared) The one, where my father led me
I take my wings but still drowning
I've become strong, but still in captivity
We believe, it will be back
That light of love
Only sunlight will save us from the darkness

Szinglinek Lenni Valentin Napon

Szeretem a rózsaszín dolgokat és a csokoládét
És ki az, aki nem szereti a piros és fehér virágokat?
Papírunk tök jó
A legromantikusabb dátum
Hacsak nincs barátod
Nem akarok vén szipirtyónak hangzani
De Valentin Nap egy akkora baromság
Csak egy emlékeztető, hogy soha életemben nem volt még barátom
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeahhh
[Dank, Lisa, Lauren, Katherine és Amy:]
Hey, annyira utálom ezt a napot
A szobámban fogok sírni,
Aztán meg megásom a síromat
Azt hittem jófej vagyok
Azt hittem megérek egy próbát
Azt hittem valakinek kellhetek
[Dani, Lisa, Lauren, Katherine, és Amy:]
De ezek szerint nem,
Hey, nincsenek valentinjaink,
Úgy tűnik egyikünk sem talál egy normális srácot
Igazából én...
Mert nem léteznek, nem érdekel mit mondtok
Semmi sem rosszabb annál, mint szinglinek lenni Valentin napon
Feleség akarok lenni, de ahhoz kéne egy vőlegény
Valószínűleg nem fogsz egyet a szobádban rejtőzve találni
Hey, hagyd őt békén
Igen, ez nehéz nekem srácok
Főleg hogyha tudod hogy a halálodat tervezik
Párokat látok az úton sétálni
És nem tehetek mást, csak arra gondolok hogy mi a baj velem
Miért kell nekünk egy hülye ünnep
Hogy a képembe dörgölje hogy mim nincsen
Csajok, sok mindent kell csinálnunk, jó energiák kellenek hogy rátok koncentrálhassak
Komolyan beszél?
Olyan időkben mint ez?
Biztos vagyok benne hogy elvakítja a szerencséje
[D, Li, La, K & A:]
Hát ez egyszerűen nem fair,
Ne dolgoztass minket ma
48 óra kell hogy átvészeljük ezt a fájdalmat
Annyira drámaiak vagytok
Te nem tudod hogy milyen!
Egyedül leszek az életem hátralevő részében!
[D, Li, La, K & A:]
Mostmár fel kéne adnunk,
Ha a dolgok meg akartak volna változni,
Már jobbak lennének mostanra
Alig próbálkoztatok
Te könnyen beszélsz!
Nem te vagy az, aki szingli Valentin napon
Oké, mindenki üljön le most rögtön
Ez már túl messzire ment
Nem lehettek komolyak, tényleg azt hiszitek hogy mindazt amit adhattok senki sem látja
Dani, nagylelkű vagy
Amy okos vagy
Lauren, annyira együttérző vagy
Lisa vicces vagy
Katherina kedves vagy
Szedjétek össze magatokat, kezditek elveszteni a fejeteket
Ez a hülye ünnep nem határozza meg az életeteket
És ezt nem csak azért mondom, mert nemsokára feleség leszek
Oooh, azért az vagány
[D, Li, La, K & A:]
Hey, azt hiszem nem olyan rossz ez,
Mindannyiunknak lehetne barátka és úgy is szomorúak lehetnénk
Nincs kivel veszekedni
Senki sem panaszkodik
Ha a lefolyóban akarom hagyni a hajamat
[D, Li, La, K & A:]
Hey Christina, köszi, hogy rámutattál arra, amink van
Szabadok vagyunk
Nem vagyunk betáblázva
Nincsen dráma
Hey srácok, már tényleg mondani akartam, de ummm... Igazából terveim vannak ma estére
Nem nagy dolog, de randira hívtak
Nem akartalak cserben hagyni titeket, de mostmár tényleg mennem kell
[D, Li, La & A:]


Ya ready now
Da da da da dalat da da na
Dat da na Why am I like this today
My heart pounds at the touch I’m used to
Thinking about it too hard for no reason
I end up looking at you
Even when you call me with the same tone of voice
It seems mysterious, ambiguous
And I am used to it, but nervous
An itchy feeling comes
How come today you seem like a woman, not my friend
What is the mysterious feeling?
Also, were you always this pretty?
Especially today
Am I drunk?
Why do you look prettier today?
I’m falling for you right now
Why do I see you as a woman today?
I’m slowing falling for you
Sing it like
Da da da da dalat da da na
Dat da na Why am I like this today
It’s weird, is it you or me? I’m not sure
But something’s wrong
Uh uh am I sick? My whole body shakes and
Why is my heart pounding?
The line we drew together
As close friends
Behind your high heels you’re directly in front of me
Our faces are closer, beautiful you
Today my heart is reacting to you uh
An itchy feeling comes
How come today you seem like a woman, not my friend
What is the mysterious feeling?
Also, were you always this pretty?
Especially today
Is your make up done well?
Why do you look prettier today?
I’m falling for you right now
Why do I see you as a woman today?
I’m slowing falling for you
All my fellas say
Da da da da dalat da da na
Dat da na Why am I like this today
Stop starring at me eh
Since I feel especially awkward today woo
You might not know how I feel eh
This complicated feeling
Might be love
Why do you look prettier today?
I’m falling for you right now
Why do I see you as a woman today?
I’m slowing falling for you
All my fellas say
Da da da da dalat da da na
Dat da na Why am I like this today
Something's different

Har har mukanday

Har is the creative aspect of Infinity. Mukandae is the Liberating aspect of the Self.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Gobinday Mukanday

Sustaining, Liberating, Enlightening, Infinite
Destroying, Creating, Nameless, Desireless.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Eltűnt nap

Térj vissza!
Én úgy térnék vissza
csak egy másik percért,
csak újabb esélyért, veled.
Én volnék, ki úgy megtagad
teérted minden
végső sóhajt, első ízt.
Csak rendbe hozhassam,
csak rendbe hozhassam.
De túl késő térni vissza,
réseken át látom, ahogy felissza
sötét a fényt. Átkozom vesztét,
a letűnt időt,
a letűnt időt.
Rohanj el!
csak rohannék el,
mint egy gyerek
mindenkitől, hozzád,
örökös tévedésem:
mit szerettem, vesztével látom át.
De túl késő térni vissza,
réseken át, látom, ahogy felissza
sötét a fényt. Átkozom vesztét,
a letűnt időt,
a letűnt időt.
De túl késő, nincsen út vissza,
hagytam sötétnek, áttörjön résen.
Szerelmem vérben, átkozom éltem,
a letűnt időt,
a letűnt időt.
(Katalin Nagy)

Love includes break-up either

melting with the delicately sweet fragrance of ramblers
At the most glorious hour of the star freckle
Gloom nested as a secret snake in me
A young rainy woman weeping at a distant phone.
Wind has deported the stars to far darkness
Purple sparkles going through my messy loneliness
I am longing for her, I am longing for her
Everywhere at my body, heavy burn pain
Pepper trees submerged into moonlight, silver dust
Lilies are floating on night's river
Jasmines are forgotten, smiles uncomfortably
Because there is a wild part of being broke-up
Because love includes break-up either
Because parted ones still in love.


Everything smells of spring, summer is coming
We never had a more wonderful May
Beautiful is the world,
We cultivate the field
In the morning sun
We're happy,
Free and glad here live
Every man, every animal
In Corazion
The berries thrive
In golden rows,
We live as we like it
We gaze lively into the world
Wind moves the windmills, so they grind the grain
There are shepherds, they graze their cattle there
Pony hop hop, because it's galloping
On green meadows
We're happy
Because the freedom is here,
This whole area
Is called Corazion
The cliff is carved out
From rocks built
We then live everywhere
In addition, I fill a stable
Men brandish hammers on the iron,
Then it becomes hot glowing
Listen to the concert once,
So rhythmic that no customer can remain immobile
This will be a celebration, a feast for all ages
Even the beekeeper John agrees with this jubilation
People, be diligent,
Because today, I know this,
Brings a lot of cases
We're happy,
Today we celebrate here
And we stand side by side
In Corazion
From everywhere,
For land, for sea,
People come and are very happy
Everywhere there is jubilation, today the sun shines brighter
People are happy,
The earth is spinning faster
The king should live,
We are devoted to him
And cheers announce it
We're happy,
Living here is splendid
In the glorious, magnificent place Corazion


Dont take my hope from me o,god o,god o,god
Dont break my afflicted heart o,god o,god o,god
I'm away from my home, portionless and tired
Away from my friends, broken winged from the storm.
Dont take my hope from me o,god o,god o,god
Dont break my afflicted heart o,god o,god o,god
Desire had left my hearts limits. Day and night, whom to tell inside the cage? Oh, inside the cage.
Destiny had taken my wing. Day and night, all i can sing is groans.
Only groans
I'll cry
Let happen what will happen
Woe to this storm, oh
Woe to this injustice
I'll cry
Let happen what will happen
Woe to this storm
Woe to this injustice, oh
Woe to this injustice
Dont take my hope from me o,god o,god o,god
Dont break my afflicted heart o,god o,god o,god
I'm away from my home, portionless and tired.
Away from my friends, broken winged from the storm.
Desire had left my hearts limits. Day and night, whom to tell inside the cage? Oh, inside the cage.
Destiny had taken my wing.
Day and night, all i can sing is groans.
Only groans
I'll cry
Let happen what will happen
Woe to this storm
Woe to this injustice, oh
Woe to this injustice
Woe to this injustice, oh
Woe to this injustice


Az ítéletnapon
Visszatérek rád
Ízig-vérig meztelen
Egyedül fogsz állni
Az ítéletnapon
Meg fogom kapni a bosszúmat
Könnyekre fakasztani téged
Miután éveket pazaroltál el
Nem tudom visszahívni a napot, mikor találkoztunk
Kiűztem az agyamból
Be vagy zárva a várbörtönödbe
Arra ítéltettél, hogy fájdalomban élj
Volt egy esélyünk, hogy megjavítsuk a dolgokat
Hiba hiba hátán
Ahol egyszer a dicsfényt láttam
Egy hamis prémet érzek
Egy tükör vár a trón előtt
Az ár, amit a hírnévért fizetsz
A nap, mikor szembe kerülsz egy rémisztő szörnnyel
Az éjszaka, mikor megőrülsz
Az ítéletnapon
Visszatérek rád
Ízig-vérig meztelen
Egyedül fogsz állni
Az ítéletnapon
Meg fogom kapni a bosszúmat
Könnyekre fakasztani téged
Miután éveket pazaroltál el
A fejed passzol a műanyagzsákokkal
Ezzé válsz, mikor sikoltasz
Megjósolható, egy vesztes címkéje
Tökéletesen illik a témádhoz
Volt egy esélyünk, hogy megjavítsuk a dolgokat
Hiba hiba hátán
Ahol egyszer a dicsfényt láttam
Egy hamis prémet érzek
Egy tükör vár a trón előtt
Az ár, amit a hírnévért fizetsz
A nap, mikor szembe kerülsz egy rémisztő szörnnyel
Az éjszaka, mikor megőrülsz
Az ítéletnapon
Visszatérek rád
Ízig-vérig meztelen
Egyedül fogsz állni
Az ítéletnapon
Meg fogom kapni a bosszúmat
Könnyekre fakasztani téged
Miután éveket pazaroltál el
Hallgass Izrael
Az Úr a mi Istenünk
Az Úr egy
Hallgass, Izrael
Kórus: (x3)
Az ítéletnapon
Visszatérek rád
Ízig-vérig meztelen
Egyedül fogsz állni
Az ítéletnapon
Meg fogom kapni a bosszúmat
Könnyekre fakasztani téged
Miután éveket pazaroltál el


bear my heart

i go like wave
one step ahead one step back
in this big black Sea
there's no place for me
I looked but I didn't see
My heart is your destiny
I sat down and cry 'over it'
if you know my sadness, destiny
bear my heart bear
bear my heart
These weeks become a month
Let the months be a year
you left me
my rose, what's more
My days pass
in this life as if it were a year
what a great torment
You look like strangers
tolerate my heart, tolerate
tolerate my heart


We're missing something
Something isn't right
And I feel it all the time
And I don't know what to do
There is a voice inside me
It says it will appear
That it won't let me be beaten down
That it's searching for the beyond
We'll all be together
We will fill our world
Our union will not be broken
There are no clouds of pain
The light of love is shining
One day the hapy ending will come
All united
We'll all be together
We will fill our world
Our union will not be broken
There are no clouds of pain
The light of love is shining
One day the hapy ending will come
All united
All united

I'm on the Storm

The game doesn't end, the game doesn't end if it gets angry.
My blood is on the floor, what's good of winning?
I'm on the storm, I'm on a storm.
The thing that I saw with my eyes is not the same thing my heart know.
You're not alone, you're not wrong, don't be ashamed.
It's your dream, go figure.
I'm on the storm, I'm on a storm.
The thing that I saw with my eyes is not the same thing my heart know.
Do not hit them, the very young boys.
These is that gaffer's, world's lies.
Look at me see yourself, it is what it is a main thing
Such a love them that all the fears should be wear away.
This fight need to come to an end, seperation need to come to an end.
This war need to come to an end, need to turn to the start.
Nothin', but blue skies from now on.

Breaking Me

Your heart is solemn, even with me
It cannot trust, deeply
I threw to the winds, I forgot but
All of my soul has your fingerprints on it
Which part of it is sadness, which part is joy
And how much of these feelings belongs to me
Mostly all we have is borrowed
Somebody love me, I'm good at being loved
And it would be good if it's until the next summer
How can you say anything
She may come, if she's going to come, breaking me
May she love big, I'm good at being loved
And it would be good if it's until the next summer
How can you say anything
She may come, if she's going to come, breaking me

I observe in every one of you

I observe in every one of you
A very special and an ancient glow
It carries a huge secret in itself
And the biggest ever revelation
And if you've remembered
Of who you are indeed,
So, know, a shining beauty,
We've been watching you,
And all your dreams -
We sing about them to God.
They are fulfilled...
And the birds have come.
And the Awakening Flame
Has sparked your Self,
My Blessing,
And all the Divine
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט


Mornings that drag on, disappointing
I want to try singing a song, just for your sake
Before I embrace you, before I'm filled up, before I break out -
People, this town
All of it is changing, but
You're you. Okay?
The day I knew love
The day I made too much coffee
Those won't disappear or anything, right?
Those were the best days, the best
On those mornings that drag on when you're not here, I'm all alone
This story full of vacancies
I'll fill them up again today, one, two, three
Even if our clasped hands are separated
I want to love you, today, you, always

My Place

I already know who makes me happy
The entire world already know
And this peace that you bring me
What is the way to do it?
Where do you get the time to stay with me
In the midst of so many compromises?
I know it's hard to deal
But can work it out
So you can see me in peace
What is the way to do it?
And look, in the midst of many
Divergences of opinion
We're able to share our hearts
And a mattress
You need space
I need your embrace
You are water, I am oil
But we can figure it out
And we get mixed up all the time
And there are people who won't believe
That we get along so well
Wrong is we're not close to each other
I wish I knew how to live
Without worrying about
What could happen
But it only takes one smile from you
So I can make sure
That here is my place
Your dream has always been to fall in love
Who'd have thought at the end that day
You would find me and it would come true
Pink and black
Hot, desire
I think you knew it at that very moment
That I am the love of your life
I wish I knew how to live
Without worrying about
What could happen
But it only takes one smile from you
So I can make sure
That here is my place
I wish I knew how to live
Without worrying about
What could happen
But it only takes one smile from you
So I can make sure
That here is my place
I already know who makes me happy
The entire world already know

Shoot me

It’s never easy thing
To stand in front of you
It’s like a thriller movie
Everything will be fine
But one thing goes wrong
And it all starts from there
Your eyes are getting colder
The mood is getting heavier
I’m just quietly sitting here
Trying to get my breath back
Our words toward each other
Are getting sharper and sharper
Yeah just shoot me
Bang bang
Your Bullet bullet bullet
I’ll take it anytime
If this is what you want
Just shoot me
Shoot me
Just shoot toward me
Bang bang
That’s better anyway
I’m so used to this now
If this makes you feel better
Just shoot me
Shoot me
This isn’t want I wanted
What I wanted
Is a romance movie
But reality turns red so easily
It’s like a drama
In your lines, you say “it’s over now”
Praying that you don’t mean that
I want to believe you said that
Because of you felt nervous
Our words toward each other
Are getting sharper and sharper
Yeah just shoot me
Bang bang
Your Bullet bullet bullet
I’ll take it anytime
If this is what you want
Just shoot me
Shoot me
Just shoot toward me
Bang bang
That’s better anyway
I’m so used to this now
If this makes you feel better
Just shoot me
Shoot me
(I’m okay
So if you wanna hurt me
Baby just hurt me) x4
Each bullet that pierces my heart
Honestly, hurts so bad
It hurts so bad so bad
Yeah just shoot me
Bang bang
Your Bullet bullet bullet
I’ll take it anytime
If this is what you want
Just shoot me
Shoot me
Just shoot toward me
Bang bang
That’s better anyway
I’m so used to this now
If this makes you feel better
Just shoot me
Shoot me


I block my ears and listen to you
I close my eyes and draw you out
But you have flowed away, you have passed by
In my memories, so I can’t even catch you
I linger (linger)
I linger (linger)
The memories of love are playing with me
One more time, one more time
I can’t believe it has ended like this
With just this
All those promises how, how?
I hold in my breath and breath you in
I ball my fists and stroke you
But you have flowed away, you have passed by
In my memories that I can’t even have anymore
I linger (linger)
I linger (linger)
The memories of love are playing with me
One more time, one more time
I can’t believe it has ended like this
With just this
All those promises how, how?
Though it hurts, though I’ll get hurt, I can only live with you
A life without you is like death to me
I can’t step forward or move backward so
What do I do?
I linger
I’ve come to an end (ever since the day you left me)
I’ve come to an end (ever since you day you threw me away)
Ever since the day you left me, I’m falling little by little
One more time, one more time
I can’t believe it has ended like this
With just this
All those promises how, how?

A Day

You always ask how much I love you
Sometimes you get worried about the far ahead future
Don’t worry, don’t torture yourself, you are my perfect love
Even if you’re just breathing, even if you don’t have makeup on, yu are beautiful, eye-blinding
I think of you just once a day, it can’t be more, because I’m saving you up
The sunshine of a hard day, if only you are here, it’s OK, that’s all I need
When I see you, I feel comfortable, even though you don’t like it when I say that
I’m happy but still you are nervous
Don’t doubt- don’t torture yourself, actually, this is a pure love
When you give off that lovely smile with your eyes, you are beautiful, eye-blinding
I think of you just once a day, it can’t be more, because I’m saving you up
The sunshine of a hard day, if only you are here, it’s OK, that’s all I need
The thoughts of you occupy all my mind
Even when I yearn for something else, even when temporarily we part, in the end it’s you, in the end it’s you, how mysterious it is
I close my eyes for a second and you come to my mind, you’re so beautiful girl, just you
Just like now, this figure of yours is the most beautiful, the most dazzling (my girl)
I think of you just once a day , it can’t be more, because I’m saving you up
The sunshine of a hard day, if only you are here, it’s OK, that’s all I need
I think of you just once a day, it can’t be more, because I’m saving you up
The sunshine of a hard day, if only you are here, it’s OK, that’s all I need

Love includes break-up either.

melting with the delicately sweet fragrance of ramblers
At the most glorious hour of the star freckle
Gloom nested as a secret snake in me
A young rainy woman weeping at a distant phone.
Wind has deported the stars to far darkness
Purple sparkles going through my messy loneliness
I am longing for her, I am longing for her
Everywhere at my body, heavy burn pain
Pepper trees submerged into moonlight, silver dust
Lilies are floating on night's river
Jasmines are forgotten, smiles uncomfortably
Because there is a wild part of being broke-up
Because love includes break-up either
Because parted ones still in love.

You Came To Me On That Day

Seem like somehow
We resemble each other, do you know?
Is it only in my eyes?
Footprints of you and me walking together
Guess that's why
I kept
Getting to like you
That became old to you
Makes me wanting to lean on you and rest
In a story this much sad
You are a beautiful consolation
That found me one day
In a story this mush cold
You are the warm air
On the day my heart melted
I was with you
I have words to tell you
That everything was for the best for me
After meeting you everything we were doing together,
Starting a love too
With you
Who is looking
At smiling me
With me
Who is looking at you
We are bringing each other into
In a story this much sad
You are a beautiful consolation
That found me one day
In a story this mush cold
You are the warm air
On the day my heart melted
I was with you
In a story this mush cold
You are the warm air
On the day my heart melted
I was with you
On the day my heart melted
I was with you

All Day All Night

Oh oh
Can somebody tell me
if the choice is right or wrong
The moments I met you were Highlight
I donn't regret it. It's beautiful
I start to look at the world differently
Yeah it's all for you
Time starts to shine
Yeah it's all for you
Our very painful tears
and the joy that fill our hearts
All for you, all for you, all for you
It's getting hotter like it'll explode
I have no choice but to love you more
(Baby you’re my type of world)
Scream it loud
Baby you’re my world
A new world is going to bloom, you'll belive it
All day all day all night
What I want is
All day all day all night
Baby, only you
Oh my god the rythm rises
All day all day all night
Melting into each other
Like a long preview
Now that I have a deep simpathy
The scene is your face again
All I can do is gaze at it
The stars are clashing Let’s spark it
That is nothing hard
Feel the vibe I'll throw a hotter flame
Baby it’s all for you
Tell me what you want more
There's nothing prohibited
It's OK to go crazy
Because you chose me
The deep and blue silence of the night
The dazzling sun of the afternoon is
All for you, all for you, all for you
It's getting hotter like it'll explode
I have no choice but to love you more
(Baby you’re my type of world)
Scream it loud
Baby you’re my world
A new world is going to bloom, you'll belive it
All day all day all night
What I want is
All day all day all night
Baby, only you
Oh my god the rythm rises
All day all day all night
Melting into each other
Even though I hurt you hug me
It's all you and me
a small wings Control
You change my world
It's getting hotter like it'll explode
I have no choice but to love you more
(I wanna give it to you)
Scream it loud
Baby you’re my world (Yeah)
A new world is going to bloom, you'll belive it(Oh)
All day all day all night (All night)
What I want is
All day all day all night
Baby, only you(Oh)
Oh my god the rythm rises
All day all day all night
Melting into each other
Yeah I like that
All night girl, my girl, your world

Valahol most

Késésben vagyok valahonnan most,
Nem akarok ott lenni,
ahol a jövő és az ígéretek nem olyanok, mint voltak
Sosem akartam kompromisszumot kötni a lelkemmel
Hogyan lett az élet vad oldala ilyen unalmas?
Mindenki felnő és gyógyszerez,
a saját sejtjeimen
robbantottam ki a hazafias lázadást
és mindenki hármasban hal meg.
Van egy jelenetem az út közepén,
Ki fogom használni az időmet
Online vásárolok, szóval szavazhatok
az élet sebességére
Olyan vagyok, mint egy drón az égen
Hullócsillag vagyok
itt egy katona, ez kiakaszt
U.I.: ez háború!
Mindenki felnő és gyógyszerez,
a saját sejtjeimen
robbantottam ki a hazafias lázadást
és mindenki hármasban hal meg.
Csak füvet és fegyvereket akarok
egy új katasztrófát, igen
itt nem jön semmi, nincs mit veszteni
Kicsi árat fizetünk,
mikor mindenki hármasban hal meg
Valahol most
Valahol most
Valahol most
Valahol most
Valahol most
Valahol most
Halleluja! Megtaláltam a lelkemet
a kanapé párnái alatt
Gratulálok, megtaláltam magam
Valahol most
Valahol most
Valahol most


Versions: #3
még minden gondom távolinak tűnt,
most meg olyan, mintha sosem akarnának eltűnni,
ó, visszavágyom a tegnapba.
Egyik pillanatról a másikra
árnyéka lettem annak, aki voltam,
sötét felhők gyűltek a fejem fölé,
ó tegnap, minden olyan hirtelen történt.
Miért kellett elmennie?
Maradhatott volna …
Valami rosszat szóltam,
bárcsak visszamehetnék a múltba.
a szerelem könnyű kis játék volt,
most meg legszívesebben eltűnnék,
ó, visszavágyom a tegnapba.
Miért kellett elmennie?
Maradhatott volna …
Valami rosszat szóltam,
bárcsak visszamehetnék a múltba.
a szerelem könnyű kis játék volt,
most meg legszívesebben eltűnnék,
ó, a múltba vágyom vissza.