Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 57

Találatok száma: 2086


Csendes-ócáni zord

Egy nukleáris baleset
Az óceánba hány
Eldobottak által kovácsolt
Szigetnyi szemét
A folyamatos halászat
Átalakítja a lakóhelyeket
Mi a faszt csinálunk?
Biodiverzitás- most az elhalálozott lakosok monokultúrája
A hálók nem diszkriminálnak- könyörtelenek ebben az elhanyagolható életben
Ahogyan az öblök kivéreztetik a testeket, mohó árucikkeké lesznek
Ürítenek, többet, mint amennyire szükség lenne, a tudatlan nyilvánosság és a közösségi kapzsiság számára
Félelemtől megbénulva, amíg minden öböl nincsen megsemmisítve..
Sosem volt esélyük
A mi minden élőlénnyel levő
Minden kibaszott dologgal levő
Beteg románcunk ellen
Hosszú zsinóros, csalival ellátott horgok, nyílt tengeri kizsákmányolás, mohó csalók
Felesleges másodrendű fogás, haszontalannak vélve, hajóból kidobva
Tengerfenéki halászat felfedi hát a lerombolt lakóhelyeket - eltörölve a térképről
Az ökoszisztéma lélegeztetőgépe ki lett húzva, áldozatokat hagyva maga után
Kínban tengődni - ezek a halászok eljárásai
Az élet egyik rejtelme - hamarosan mind történelem leszünk
Senki sem figyel - klasszikus bánásmód
Ez a keresztelés - a kihalás felgyorsul
Sosem volt esélyünk
A bukásunkkal levő
Az élet mindenségével levő
Beteg románc ellen
Tátra nyitott szájakkal
A lábnyomatunk belép
És mikor már sehova sincs menekülés
Dagállyal érkezik a halál


Painful is to live in solitude
In misery due to an affection
Painful is to know that no one
May live under illusion
It will never give right, neither it will work
The dreamer has to awake
Your pretiness takes me to heaven*
That is too much for a poor/needy heart
That comes to a standstill to see you passing by
Merely to hurt me
Painful is to live in solitude

Don't let the clouds kill

The mothers are ones who makes a man a real man
they are the brightness, going in front of us.
haven't you been given a birth from a mother?
Don't harm the mothers, gentlemen.
Don't let the clouds kill.
A six years old boy running.
his kite passing through the trees
you had been run once just like that.
Don't harm the children, gentlemen.
Don't let the clouds kill.
Brides, comb their hair on mirrors,
they search for someone in the mirror,
Of course, someone has searched you like that once.
Don't harm the brides, gentlemen.
Don't let the clouds kill.
In the oldness of a person,
only the sweet memories must to be remembered,
It's a shame, don't harm the elders,
Gentlemen, you are old too,
Don't let the clouds kill.

I've loved

Believe me everything I told you was true
You wouldn't have left me all of a sudden
I don't have any hope left, maybe you were right
I've only adored your love which I thought was endless
I've only adored your love which I thought was endless
I still have your scent, come and take it out of me
Please decide, come and hold my hands
I still have your heart, come and tear it out of me
Please don't let it end like this, I don't doubt your love

I'll go through it

Versions: #2
The nights are long once again
Sit down and think
Will the sadness flowing from your eyes find a way
Who can know love without living it
You're a rose with thorns, which fades away without blooming
I don't know what tomorrow will bring
Dragging along
Who has the solution, who's responsible?
What's the price of your betrayal towards my love
My pain, my grief, my thoughts
Let it be
I'll go through it
I know how it'll end, I'll endure it on my own
I won't seek help from anyone
I will walk away

My Sun

I want the whole word to know
With your one smile my whole life changed
Without you I couldn't bare another second
I want to sing, I want to say
That I am happy right now
My sun, I live for you
Ah, how amazing you are, I love you
My darling, I hope all your seconds are sweet
You love it that you give my heart its breath
My sun, I live and breath for you
Ah, how amazing you are, I love you
My darling, I hope all your seconds are sweet
You're my heart, and you give my heart its breath
You have made everything complete
You have made my life and me amazing
My crazy soul is shining like the stars
When I hug you the world is on my lap
And now I am happy
My sun, I live for you
Ah, how amazing you are, I love you
My darling, I hope all your seconds are sweet
You love it that you give my heart its breath
My sun, I live and breath for you
Ah, how amazing you are, I love you
My darling, I hope all your seconds are sweet
You're my heart, and you give my heart its breath
My sun, I live for you
Ah, how amazing you are, I love you
My darling, I hope all your seconds are sweet
You love it that you give my heart its breath
My sun, I live and breath for you
Ah, how amazing you are, I love you
My darling, I hope all your seconds are sweet
You're my heart, and you give my heart its breath
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

In the Interest of Our Society

Hate kills too many nerves
Hate drains your energy
Before us there lie shards
But before us lies so much
Is it in the interest
Of our society
That our best
Lie on the ground?
Is it in the interest
Of our nation
That everybody gets
Screwed up the rear?
In these minds lie hidden treasures
That are hard, hard, hard to grab ahold of
But if nobody is to open their hearts
Then we are gambling with our very future
Europe streets nowadays wanna beat me down
Seems the government structure wanna keep me down
Look around, what's going on inna Babylon
What's happenin', tryna destroy me
Can't run, can't find a way to hide
It seems like it's a suicide
It looks like we just lost a fight
I wonder how we will survive
Television got us under hypnotics
With the youth like under narcotics
Wanna swap us for robotics
Pure water's become toxic
It seems this planet's lost it
It's more than rumors and gossip
Gotta run, gotta get through, yeah
You gotta run before they get you too
If you expect something
Expect nothing
'Cause if we don't move somehting
Nothing will move
It would be doable
Now more than ever
Oh, it should be workable
Nobody dead and nobody hurt

I still love him

We were alone
he took my hand
a lot time passed
until he kissed me
I only wanted that he
gives me a little hug
that takes me to his home and never leaves me
that takes me to his home and never leaves me
I didn´t know
that I was the second one
I´m not sorry
to make a mistake
It was´t a dream when I was crying
because I lost him
he was the only for me, I still love him
I still love him
He is looking other girls now
and I have no desire for that
I´m yours forever
and why not the only one
I only wanted that you
give me a little hug
that you take me to your home and never leave me
that you take me to your home and never leave me
It was´t a dream when I was crying
because I lost him
he was the only for me, I still love him
I still love him

Feeling like fragile leaf

I feel like a fragile leaf, shaking and stopping
My heart is in mourn can't beat freely
Because my love I saw your tiredness (çağindi = tiredness? not sure)
Slow going I finally turned fifteen
And the sky is still very heavy(on my shoulder)
Didn't know is enemy, thought was friend
This depressing person stole my heart
Wake up my dear, for the opponent is strong
For if you don't wake up I will start crying
My beloved lover, love of my life, fondness of my life
I will begone now, if you prefer to be left alone

Embrace me

I hate you and love you, I die in you and i'd die for you
I'd sacrifice my blood for you although my tears were shed in you
I'd curse you then compliment you! I'm sick and I want to heal you
They advised me to leave you, I don't know why I couldn't
I've always wanted to love you ever since I was born in you but you suppressed my ambition
And when I hated you, you softened and treated my wounds
I hear you cry and wail just like how you hear me
Understand me just like how I understand you before you even speak
Your people oppressed me, and your circumstances defeated me
With tears in your eyes, I see you stab with your swords
You stabbed me with them, you are injured too
I feel like you're scared, I don't know if you are scared from me or for me
Embrace me, warm me up in your cold bosom, just embrace me
And don't be scared that I might betray you cuz my conscience won't allow me
My love for you is revolutionary and rebellious, just excuse me
Promise me to bury me in you even if I die of your poison
Embrace me, although your bosom is cold, just embrace me x4
Your people are a gang, they want you to be a liar
You turned into a forest betrayed by its own wolves and burned out of its own wood
You who forgot your beloved ones and got their blood in your canines
I've never forgot you cuz my ancestors warned me not to
I'm your beloved who's suffering in you and was told to explode
I'm your beloved who was drowned in the sea, I'm your beloved who managed to immigrate
I'm your beloved who was found drowned in my blood with my vein cut
I'm your beloved prisoner who doesn't dream about freedom anymore
Life has gone so quickly, how many of your beloved have died
It's always the same story repeating itself
Should I hate you or love you? Answer me with words
I don't want your answer to be a tear and silence as always
This is my love story, with my dream land
I die in it and I see it bleeding, dying in front of me
Send her my love when I die
Tell her to forgive me, I've hurt her with my words out of my jealousy


Time goes by and withered your appearance
Time has left its traits in your *appearance*(literally: forehead)
*Time*(literally: age) flies by fast as raindrop falling from sky
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
Those who sing and play at night
are silenced by today's unpleasantness
Those who waste money and play at night(not presented in lyric 1:24-29)
are silenced by today's unpleasantness(not presented in lyric 1:29-35)
(Those in) droughts cried for missing (the waters of) Ocean
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
(repeat last two line)
The World,The World,The World,What the world gives it will eventually take it away(repeat)
How many has *dedicated their lives*(literally: burned themselves) for their children
How many has *dedicated their lives*(literally: twisted their lung) for their mother
(repeat last two line)
Even the water will not stay in your body after you drink it
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
And how many has achieved by working diligently
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
Don't get tied to your desire, forget it
One day opportunity will come, wait for it with hope
And be aware of the *death*(literally: coffin) passing by you
What the world gives it will eventually take it away(repeat)
The World,The World,The World,What the world gives it will eventually take it away(repeat)

i condemn you, heart

I condemn you, heart
you ask condition to who has no sympathy.
Instead of nightingale,
you ask the rose from crows
where do I take this secret pain of mine
your love made us blind
At the city which hasn't got any blacksmith,
you ask for shoe to your love horse
The lord has given the sight to the eye.
He is the lead, showing the way out.
You asking to silent and deaf,
the road through seasons.
you despise the 'pir dede'*
you don't listen to him
you don't see your own fault
you search for the fault at everybody else.

Everyone knows who Juanita is

Everyone knows who Juanita is
She seems to be cross- eyed
And her teeth are crooked, the nose is hooked
And her...ribs are kinda saggy
And her hair is like weeds
And she slouches day and night
And if I wasn't so ugly
She would take me as a husband

I'm your friend

A star shining in the night sky
But don't you feel lonely?
Are you waiting for something
like destiny, too? which will not be changed
even though today passes
and tomorrow comes.
When I sing this song,
will you be a tree taller than me?
On the road we're walking,
I'll be a shadow resembles you
You with a bright smile, good morning.
You are sent to me from the sky
You are my one.
The secret of happiness
is inside heart
it depends on your mind.
To understand and to forgive despite differences between
To love you
far more than your love.
When I sing this song,
my heart for you grows up again a span more.
Upon the sea which lost light
You'll be my one star.
Beyond reaching, glittering, good night.
You are sent to me from the sky
You are my love
We're living a moment
which can be messed up sometimes.
If someday we stop at the end of the time,
that would be the beginning of eternal yearning.
Remember this song,
this song I sing for you.
I'll be a better person tomorrow
You are my reason for life, my reason...
Will you be a tree taller than me?
On the road we're walking,
I'll follow a shadow resembles you
Lalalalalalala Lalalalalalala
Even if I live once more, I am you
You are sent to me from the sky
You are my one
Tonight, you and me sparkling

Lara,I love you

Tell me Lara,only one word
'cause I know that you loved me
tell me the secret of this life
have you overcome me
You Lara know when the woods swing
love bird
when the wind blows up
when list with the list meets
just something of a life to stay to me
You go,step where is the end
i love you Lara remember it
from the end of the world if
you love me come back my dear

Oh Waves that I came to see

Oh Waves that I came to see,
Can you possibly tell me
Why my lover tarries without me?
Oh waves I came to gaze at,
Can you possibly explain
Why my lover tarries without me?

I asked her father for her

I asked her father for her, he said 'my daughter's too young'
I asked her mother for her, she said she has no dowry
I asked her sister for her, she said she has many lovers
I asked her brother for her, he said 'we have no girl for you'
I asked her paternal uncle for her, he said I cannot ask for her
I asked her maternal uncle, she said 'we're not sacrificing the offspring'
I asked her paternal aunt for her, she said there is no leaving the village
I asked her maternal aunt for her, she said there is no husband for her
I asked her grandpa for her, he said 'kidnap her'
I talked to the mayor, he said 'I can't put the seal'
I talked to his councillor, he said 'I can't sign'
I talked to her master, he said 'I can't bless the wedding'
I talked to her brother-in-law, he said 'I'm undecided yet'
I asked her sister-in-law for her, she said 'I'm neutral'
I talked to her neighbour, she said 'don't pass here'
I asked her sister Fatma, she said she went to the wood
With a gun by my side I hit the road
In the depths of the wood I was there with my beloved one
The wood is far from the village, let us not fall into a trap
We came to the heart of the wood arm in arm
She used a sickle, I used a knife

I came naked

I came naked, I go naked again,
Is there a firman not to die?
Azrael is here, wants my life,
Do I have the strength to give my life?
They come as they resurrect,
They wait hand and foot in the great crowd,
They fear as there are robbers,
Do I have a train of camels full of silk?
Karacaoğlan says my name will be praised
The candies we ate poisoned us
I'm accused of loving well
Do I love anyone else but the God?

I have give you my soul

I have give you my soul
Piece for piece on your way
I falled in an untimely cry
You don't come love, you don't come love
I have say something to you mountains for mountains
Hear me, my reproach is to you
The way is waiting, my eyes watching the way
You don't come, you don't come
Understand me, i don't have a way to go
I can't say my love to anywhere
My heart haven't got a power to resist
You don't come love, you don't come love

The Rainbow In Your Eyes

I dream of your rainbow-coloured eyes the whole night
It's sad, but that sadness gives me strange power
Every time you go, I think of the end
And then get on my knees and beg the Heavens for forgiveness
When you start sparkling luxuriously as night turns into day
The fairies bring you to me, with forgiveness
Because you, you are my pride, my faith, my salvation
Like a golden rye ear in the sunlight
You are everything I have and don't have, the voice of my destiny
You, I've been a beggar ever since I've lost you
I'm wandering, the whole day looking
For the lost dream which lies who knows where
And for the rainbow in your eyes
You were always by my side
Even after our parting, with no mercy
Even when I persistently claimed
That we were not meant for each other
That's why I'm throwing away my pride
I'm begging and turmoil takes over me
And I'm screaming: Be mine, only mine
Only mine
Because you, you are my pride, my faith, my salvation
Like a golden rye ear in the sunlight
You are everything I have and don't have, the voice of my destiny
You, I've been a beggar ever since I've lost you
I'm wandering, the whole day looking
For the lost dream which lies who knows where
And for the rainbow in your eyes
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

What Did You Do in Life

We set to meet there by nine
I dressed up like a groom
We'll see each other soon, I'm almost ready
How will it go, I don't know
There's nothing to lose
Maybe it's a little date, maybe it's forever
And she asks what did you do in life
And she repeats what did you do up until today
And she says
What have you seen in life
What did you do up until today
How many loves did you have that made you breathe
She's asking questions, looking for answers
If I'm right for her and I'm so different
We drove off to the house
She asked that we go in
She said it'd be nice, just behave
How will it go, I don't know, there's nothing to lose
Maybe it's a little date, maybe it's forever
And she asks what did you do in life
And she repeats what did you do up until today
And she says
What have you seen in life
What did you do up until today
How many loves did you have that made you breathe
She's asking questions, looking for answers
If I'm right for her and I'm so different

I am suffering

Versions: #9
ı am suffering..
can't keep inside.
can't run away (to where?)
can't stay (useless)
ı never could explain
they never could understand
why everyone is against?
why everyone is an enemy?
we forgot everything.
the breath of noah.
don't come near me
we are different.
look, this is the final scene.
no more playing.
no more light
no more anything.
There is nothing.
just nothing.
there is only suffering.
that I can't keep inside.

Mama I'm a Criminal

Мама ама криминал,
С голыми руками, или в руках АК
Тебя это не коснулось? так это пока.
Ладно, мне пора, братка пока.
Мама ама криминал
Это то, чем живет детвора в забытых Богом дворах.
Хули там, Якудзы, Триада, Коза Ностры,
В России рано повзрослели дети 90-х.
Мама ама криминал
Когда те, кто у руля топят нас как котят,
Признавать их власть как принимать яд,
Чем заодно с ЧК, лучше вообще никак.
Мама ама криминал
Судьба наносит на гранит имена.
Ведь каждого в финале ждет черный пенал.
Да, ставка слишком высока.
Мама ама криминал
Когда такая делюга, по другому никак,
Каждый сам ищет выход из тупика,
У каждого свой юка.

Friends from Another Place

Don't you disrespect me, little man!
No one can erase me, or break me
My world has rules
And friends from another place
(Friends from another place)
That's just an echo, gentlemen
A little something we have here in Louisiana
Just a cheap trick, I wouldn't worry
Let your bodies rest, let your heads detach
If you'll relax I could do for you, anything I desire
The future is clear to me, I'll change it if you want
If I'll look into your souls
[You do have a soul, don't you, Lawrence?]
Dreams will come true
I got voodoo
I got hoodoo
I got many things to tell
And friends in another place
(Friends in another place)
The card, the card, the card will tell
The past, the present, and of course the future
Pick three - from my hand
Come and let's take a peek at the future
Now, he traveled just to see me
You can tell he's sensitive and royal
[I'm a royal myself on my mother's side]
He lives with style, but his pocket lacks
We need to find him a woman whose father's a millionaire
[Your mom and dad aren't supporting you, playboy?]
[Eh... too bad, but true]
[Now you wanna get hitched, but hitching ties you down.
You wanna be free, hop from place to place.
But you know, freedom costs.]
Greens, greens are missing
It's all in the cards, a sweet and green future
I don't have too much time for the little man
You've been controlled you whole life
Those who control you are your mother, your sister and your brother as well
And if you'll get married then - your wife will control you right away
In the card you can clearly see a future
Where you are the man you always dreamed of being
[Let's shake hands. Come on boys.
Won't you shake - a poor sinner's hand? Yes...!]
Now's the moment!
(Now's the moment)
Now's THE moment!
Super transformation
(Super transformation)
Can you feel it
Your body's changing, every part of you is being replaced
Are you happy?
But if you're not, don't blame me
{Blame} my friends from another place
Anything you wanted!
To lose it all!

Szerelmes vagyok

Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok
Nem elég, látni, ahogy vársz
Feltartva a kezed, rázva a tested
Az a kemény pillantás, tudom, hogy színlelsz
Tudom, hogy hazudsz, láttalak már hazudni
Négy hónappal énelőttem
És most ugyanolyan régi ellenségek vagyunk
Ez vér fagyasztó, gyere vissza hozzám
Gyere vissza hozzám
Tudom, hogy ki nem állhatod, ha itt vagy egyedül
Te, te soha ezelőtt nem voltál magányos
Most vissza sétálsz, elfelejted, hogy ki vagy
Most te és a szíved semmi, a te szíved
Azt mondod, visszafutsz
Mondd, hogy inkább meghalnál, amikor senki nincs, akit hibáztatnál
Most nem maradt itt semmi, felejtsd el, amit követelsz
Most te és a szíved semmi, a szíved semmi
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok
Nem elég, látni, ahogy vársz
Feltartva a kezed, rázva a tested
Az a kemény pillantás, tudom, hogy színlelsz
Tudom, hogy hazudsz, láttalak már hazudni
Négy hónappal énelőttem
És most ugyanolyan régi ellenségek vagyunk
Ez vér fagyasztó, gyere vissza hozzám
Gyere vissza hozzám
Tudom, hogy ki nem állhatod, ha itt vagy egyedül
Te, te soha ezelőtt nem voltál magányos
Most vissza sétálsz, elfelejted, hogy ki vagy
Most te és a szíved semmi, a te szíved
Azt mondod, visszafutsz
Mondd, hogy inkább meghalnál, amikor senki nincs, akit hibáztatnál
Most nem maradt itt semmi, felejtsd el, amit követelsz
Most te és a szíved semmi, a szíved semmi

Fickós vagyok

Enrique Iglesias
Mr. Worlwide
Megpróbálom, hadd menjen
De függő vagyok a vegyszereire (illatára, ízére)
Megízleltem és túl akarom adagolni magam
Szeretem, ahogy olyan fizikailag
Dug, mint egy állat Regular smile
Nappal és éjszaka
Csak képzelgek
Hogyan adod át a szerelmedet
Kapcsold le a fényeket, kapcsold fel a fényeket
Készülj néhány akcióra
Bébi gyere és add nekem
Mert fickós vagyok
Ahogy felpattansz és ledobsz
Mindent rajtam
Nem, nem akarom, hogy leállj
Igen, fickós vagyok
Bébi, nem hazudok
Amikor mozogsz, akkor
Csak egy valamire tudok gondolni
Mert fickós vagyok
Igen, fickós vagyok (x2)
Igen, bébi, ott mész
Ellopva a szívemet
Mint egy bűnöző
Nem fordulsz vissza, mert az idő kritikus
Igen, úgy mozog a tested, mint egy csoda
Bébi, itt vagyunk
Bébi, te felpattansz és bezárod
Ledobod, én persze, hogy nézem
Bébi, ahogy tekered és rázod
Mozgasd, én használom, gyerünk
Tudod, nyalom és teszem a dolgokat
Hogy felrobbanj
Nem hiszel nekem csajszi, csak
Hagyj hagyj hagyj, hogy menjek
Mert fickós, fickós, fickós, fickós,fickós, fickós, fickós, fickós, fickós vagyok
Most kaphatok egy ütést, ütést, ütést, ütést, ütést, ütést
Bébi, tedd vissza szépen és lassan
Csak orgazmust (x8) akarok
Jöjjön ki és menjen Regular smile
Jövök, látom, meghódítom
Jöjjön a következő, gyerünk!
A hotelszobából
A DJ fülkébe
A mosdókagylón
Találd ki, én csak fickós vagyok
És amikor lemegy a nap
Kell, hogy kijöjjön
Bébi, ne hibáztass engem
Én csak fickós vagyok

'Oταν πέφτει η νύχτα

When a long night comes, I get lost again
I don’t have you
I never witnessed my dreams
Where there is no place to wake me
I’m stopping and waiting for you
I need your love, take me
I need you now, hold me tight
In memories I’ve missed
I’m crying alone
I need your love, in your arms
I need you now, hold me tight
Only you can wake me up
Long nights, don’t make sense
I don’t have you
I’m still waiting for you
I need your love, take me
I need you now, hold me tight
In memories I’ve missed
I’m crying alone
I need your love, in your arms
I need you now, hold me tight
I’ll wait forever here
I’ll wait for you until it ends
I’ll walk with you someday
I need your love, take me
I need you now, hold me tight
In memories I’ve missed
I’m crying alone
I need your love, in your arms
I need you now, hold me tight
Only you can wake me up

You're Leaving, I'm Leaving

Rust fell into your heart
With white game in solitude
Tears spreaded like sea foam
You're leaving, I'm leaving
Tonight 'round midnight
Roses are mute and fountain is dry
Just the swing is squeaking
Everything will go by
And our tomorrow is a new wound
You're leaving, I'm leaving
Tonight 'round midnight
I'm wating for you at our old place
People and dreams go by
And everything went by and disappeared
Heart stayed alone
You're not at our old place
Some trains passing
And everything went by and disappeared
Heart stayed alone
Heart stayed alone
Rust fell into your heart
It would like to sleep in solitude
Some distance called upon you
You're leaving, I'm leaving
Tonight 'round midnight
And then again I dream of you
You return to my dreams
And when the love disappears
Heart becomes a part of a couple
And then I kiss you in the dream
And you return to my restlessness
And everything went by and disappeared
Heart stayed alone
Heart stayed alone

My soul*

Versions: #2
You are my heart, do you know this?
A human cannot live without a heart, have you any idea of that?
Are you going to kill me or drive me crazy, my soul(love name ) ?
Are you going to kill me or drive me crazy, my soul(love name ) ?
Would you believe if I said what my eyes say is true( the way I look at you is how I feel )
You say I feel good, look what a lie!
Would you believe if I said what my eyes say is true
You say I feel good, look what a lie!
You have a heart, is it full or empty?(as if is your heart is available to love )
If it is, then can a little bit of me be found there?
Are you going to kill me or drive me crazy, my soul(love name ) ?
Are you going to kill me or drive me crazy, my soul(love name ) ?
Would you believe me if I said I am in pain up to my throat
The cure is said to be found, see what a lie!
Would you believe me if I said I am in pain up to my throat
The cure is said to be found, see what a lie!

You threw me out

You threw me out
You threw me out here
Into this small city
With bare feet I stagger around here
You threw me here into the midst of the dead
I have no relatives, I am a stranger
With bare feet I stagger around here
I am missing you
You are far away, but sorrows are close by

I'm afraid

You soul
Ever since it's been frustrated
I love you, give me your hand
Only you
I love, love, love, love you
I hurried to go in the garden
Thank you
It's a shit
Lovable to your beautiful video
My life is devastating
You do not like me too
Thank you very much
I have put you in the heart and in the heart
Life is your life
Nevertheless, it is time to go
You have broken my soul
Oppa Oppa
Oppa refusals
Clay swords
Do you know anymore, okay?
Once you see one
I did not know you did not know (x2)
In the warm year, give warm warmth
(You give me something)
When I see you, I'm in a bad state
And what beautiful beauty you are beautiful
(What's Beautiful)
Thou art the best of eyes
Thank you
It's a shit
Lovable to your beautiful video
My life is devastating
You do not like me too
Thank you very much
I have put you in the heart and in the heart
Life is your life
Nevertheless, it is time to go
You have broken my soul
Oppa refusals
Clay swords
Do you know anymore, okay?
Once you see one
I did not know you did not know (x3)
Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!


Didn´t you tell me
that we´re going on blue sea like the eyes
didn´t you love me
can´t the ashes of our love burn again
It was fake promises
every night a blunt knife
this life won´t pass like this
Come into a dream to escape with our memories from here
come, I´m tired of pride, of life full of lies
there´s a life, our love is sufficient until then
come spring, that we desapeared