Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 43

Találatok száma: 1397


Wonderful Garden of Love

Wonderful Garden of Love
The Holy Garden of Jesus
It's poor again, no fruit
And the Gardener mourns for His roses
Today Jesus has tears coming out of His eyes.
Where are you, where are you?
Where are you my garden?
Where is it, where is it?
Where's your holiness?
Where's your adornment? //2x
The seed of flesh crawled into it
The branches with thorns only have grown
And they bear names of Christians
And the Gardener mourns for His roses
Closed down by the shadow of those thorns.
Why you not, why you not?
Why don't you breed nicely?
Why do you stay still, why do you stay still?
Why are you idle?
Why do you stay away? //2x
Many petals, prey to destruction
They fell down, they withered
They did not bring the right fruit
And the Gardener mourns for His roses
For the flowers again withered.
No fruit, no fruit
If fruitless you can't be
With Him, with Him
With the Lord's children
Up to Heaven in Eternity. //2x
You, a rose on the path of salvation
It's time for you to be born again today
If you want that in the Heavenly Glories
To be planted on the wonderful day
For to adorn the House of Jesus.
If you want, if you want
If you want to get to Heaven
Get up today, get up today
Climb up to Golgotha
God will help you. //2x

Mineral Coal

If a mineral coal slab could speak, could expound,
It would never have had conversations with you.
And Carrara marble piece would not have looked after you.
But you're busy with war, and you're shooting
For thousand miles and thousand years.
And I'll give no answer to you, I'll say nothing when I'm asked,
How is the fight going on.
In erotic nightdreams of a young street cleaner dude
You will be caught in a pipe,
And the arrogant maidens will tie you to a drilling rig.
And then they will crown you with flowers, with blooms,
And, singing, they will run away,
On the run they'll forget, won't remember your very name,
And no one will remember about you forevermore.
When the Day of Sterling Silver arrives,
And the crystal of rhinestone is clean,
When the one who has fled will finally find his peace,
You'll rise from the bowels of the earth, you'll be healed then,
Not knowing who you are now.
I would like to be there with you,
When the pale horseman presents
To you the sheet yet untouched.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


Versions: #2
It is the new club
And all of Paris is talking
because the jerk,
the shake,
Oh oh oh Monkiss
Yeah yeah yeah Letkiss
It is at Palladium that you can dance how you want
Go to Palladium, there is no better (it is the best)
it is down there where you see all the friends go every night
to shout, dance, letting loose, tapping feet, clapping hands
Yeah yeah yeah
And when they hear the music start
they never have to be asked to go back dancing
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Now how can I tell you, how can i explain to you
Go to Palladium and you will see
Just listen to them, it's getting terribly hot
I can't believe my eyes
It is really awesome (great)
The jerk,
the shake,
Oh oh oh Monkiss
Yeah yeah yeah Letkiss
It is at Palladium that you can dance how you want
Go to Palladium, there is no better (it is the best).
Yeah yeah yeah oh oh
if you don't know
the jerk, the shake
It is at Palladium that you can dance how you want
Go to the Palladium, there is no better
Just listen to them, its getting terrifically hot

Nothing upset you

Nothing upset you
Nothing scare you
Everything happens
With patience
Everything achieves
God does not change
Nothing upset you
Nothing scare you
Who has God
Nothing lacks
Nothing upset you
Nothing scare you
God alone is sufficient
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

I want to build a house

I want to build a house in the middle of the sea
I want to build a house in the middle of the sea
Made of peacock feathers
Made of peacock feathers
(I want ) to made the steps of gold and silver
(I want ) to made the steps of gold and silver
And the balcony of precious stones
And the balcony of precious stones
When my little girl goes to look
When my little girl goes to look
Anyone who says, anyone:
'Now the sun shines!'
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

If I were more sympathetic I would be less unpleasant

If I were more sympathetic I would be less unpleasant
If I was more unpleasant I would be less sympathetic
I'm not a nice and beautiful one
I'm not a Lucky
I am a bold and healthy man
I'm not an airplane
I am very terrible
I'm not a dirigible
I'm one whose matter the height
I'm not a lightning rod
I'm a man without her
A pinzi pinzibei
I'm an exceptional man
I'm a natural son
I'm one of the reserve
I'm the servant's son
I'm a man without a bitch
Three coffee with chicory
If I had a frock coat I would be a salamander
If I was from Ciociaria, I would sell myself very expensive
I am a man that weighs a gram
I'm a radio telegram
I'm a man from Istanbul
I'm a paraf...
I'm one of the most cretinous
I'm Petrolini
And if you do not understand me
I'm a pneumonia
I am a man of the League
that the more doesn't care
The sun goes down
Then comes the night
If I had more pretensions, I would be a real Englishman
If I were a minister, I would be a bad buy
If I had the toothpick
I would clean my teeth
I feel bad about the stincher
I'm not a Pinker pill
If you were a sneer
I'd do see my hottest thing
If I was from Ciociaria
I would sell it most costly
If I were a maiden I would do see the faith
And if you have enough
I sell it at the auction
If I were more sympathetic I would be less unpleasant
If I was more unpleasant I would be less sympathetic
The sun goes down
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

My Misfortune

One time a woman palm reader
After seeing me said so
You will be alone all your whole life
You will live on the fortune of others
With no father, no mother, and no relatives
This is the misfortune I was born with
The person I came to love
Was somehow followed by my misfortune
That's why I was scared
My life burned with love but
My first love who was a sailor
Is now at the bottom of the sea
No matter how much I run or pray
I cannot escape this fate
I waited for a person to wash away
My troubles, but it was for nothing
I don't know what is the cause but
This is the misfortune I was born with
Peter Cornelius - Du entschuldige - i kenn di dalszöveg fordítás

Bocsáss meg - én ismerlek téged

Mikor én gyakran benézek a Bolondvárba*
Azután meglátok egy lányt, olyan kék szemekkel
Olyan kék, ami nem hasonlítható össze semmi mással.
Ő az iskolában kifejezetten nyugtalan volt
Éntőlem és az összes barátomtól,
De akkor, az utolsó tanítási nap után,
Az élet folyt tovább a saját medrében.
Rögtön elvesztettük rajta a szemünket.
Gyakran elgondolkoztam: Mi lett vele azóta?
Az útjaink, amelyen mindnyájan elmentünk,
Nem voltak teljesen egyformák.
És tegnapelőtt, hogy a kocsmámban ülök,
Két szem közé nézek, és hirtelen felébredek,
Ez ugyanaz a kékség,
Ami nem hasonlítható semmihez!
Bocsáss meg, én ismerlek téged
Te nem az a kicsike vagy
Akit már kisfiúként olyan nagyon kívántam?
Aki tizenhárom évesen már oly kacér volt,
Sokkal jobban a megengedettnél
És azt a szűk farmert te megkaptad akkor?
Én akkor egész éjjel nem aludtam,
Csak azért, mert az iskola udvarán
Egyszer rám kacsintottál a szemeiddel. -
Gyere, töröljünk el tizenöt évet,
Pótoljunk be most mindent utólag,
Mintha azóta mi sem történt volna.
Ő fél percig hosszasan néz rám,
Látja, hogy én többet nem tudok mondani.
Belül oly bénultan ülök vele szemben,
Hogy ezt egyáltalán nem tudom kifejezni.
Egyáltalán a zenét se hallom már, és csak rá várok,
Azt mondja végül: 'Most én felébresztelek téged!
A Péter, aki tíz házzal arrébb lakott,
A sikátorban!
Úgy hunyorít rám, mint tizenöt évvel ezelőtt.
Azt mondja: 'Nos, hogy van? Én Péterem, na persze!
Már nagyon hosszú ideje semmit sem
Lehetett felőled hallani ! '
Csak azt mondom: 'Igen, nagyon régen! Igen, túl sokáig!'
Azt mondja: 'Gyere, próbáljuk ki most együtt!'
És később azt mondom, nevetve
Nem egyszer készültem hozzád az utcára :
[Refrén, 2x]
Gyere, töröljünk el tizenöt évet,
Pótoljunk be most mindent utólag,
Mintha azóta mi sem történt volna.
Giusy Ferreri - L'amore mi perseguita dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Love haunts me

Reason falls down
In front of a love
That can’t tell anymore
Where it wants to go
You’re for me
You’re for me
The impossible thought that takes me away
And it’s not, it’s not rhetorical
When I say that your love haunts me
It haunts me
Love haunts me
And it haunts me
Love haunts me
How cold is reality
When you have a nail inside your heart
I could have you here
But destiny went elsewhere
You’re for me
You’re for me
The constant desire that takes me away
And there’s no logic anymore
When I say that your love haunts me
It haunts me
Love haunts me
And it haunts me
Love haunts me
And in the traffic of the heart
I search in vain for a little peace
But love is tougher, more than me
And I should let go
And start over
But it’s love that keeps me here
And brings me back to you
And brings me back to you
Reason falls down
In front of a love
Love haunts me
Love haunts me
It haunts me
Love haunts me
And it brings me back to you
Liviu Teodorescu - Obsesie dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Day and night, having only one thought
Is not madness, is worst than that
I want to behave myself, but is beyond me
Is not about love, that is clear
Bitterness with nectar taste
When you leave, the peace is gone
I didn't have any claim
Only to spend our nights
But you wanted to give me a lesson
And you've become, some sort of obsession
Some sort of obsession
I didn't have any claim
Only to spend our nights
But you wanted to give me a lesson
And you've become, some sort of obsession
I wanna play with the weaknesses
I wanna tell you all the pressures
To be a part of your movie, be a part of you
I don't have any limits I've overcome them long ago
When you're not here, i see you, when you're talkin', i listen you
Obsession is a bad thing ,well and nice packaged
I didn't have any claim
Only to spend our nights
But you wanted to give me a lesson
And you've become, some sort of obsession
Some sort of obsession
I didn't have any claim
Only to spend our nights
But you wanted to give me a lesson
And you've become, some sort of obsession
Don't leave me, come on, Don't leave me
Victim to the demons that await inside my mind
My obsession , you're my obsession
You keep on playin', when the music is gone
Don't leave me, come on, Don't leave me
Victim to the demons that await inside my mind
My obsession , you're my obsession
I didn't have any claim
Only to spend our nights
But you wanted to give me a lesson
And you've become, some sort of obsession
some sort of obsession
some sort of obsession
Tiziano Ferro - Il regalo più grande dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

The greatest of my gifts

Versions: #4
I want get you a gift
Something sweet
Something rare
Not a common gift
Of them you’ve lost
Never opened
Left on train
Or never taken
Of them you open and then cry
And are glad and don’t pretend
On that day in the middle of September
I’ll dedicate to you
The greatest of my gifts
I wish give your smile to the moon for that
Who watches it at night may think of you
For remember to you my love is worthy
And doesn’t matter what the folk say for that
You have protected me with your jealousy
That is your smile too, and even if tired, it doesn’t gone away
I have to leave but in my heart I know your presence is ever coming and never going
The greatest of my gifts
The greatest of my gifts
I wish you give me a gift
A dream unsaid
Givin’ it me now
Of them I don’t be able to open
In front of other people
For that the greatest gift
It’s just ours for ever
I wish give your smile to the moon for that
Who watches it at night may think of you
And remember to you my love is worthy
And doesn’t matter what the folk say for that
You have protected me with your jealousy
That is your smile too, and even if tired, it doesn’t gone away
I have to leave but in my heart I know your presence is ever coming...
And if the end will come to stay you’re in a burrow
Don’t for wanting hate me, only for wanting fly
And if denies to you it all that extreme agony
If it denies to you even life breathe mine
And I was careful of don’t love before I met you
And missed my life with them of the others
I now don’t want get me some pain, no more, baby, baby
I wish give your smile to the moon for that
Who watches it at night may think of you
And remember to you my love is worthy
And doesn’t matter what the folk say and then
The love given
Love taken
Love given back
Love as great as time that doesn’t have given up
Love that speaks to me with your eyes in front here
It’s you
It’s you
It’s you
It’s all
The greatest of my gifts
Semnal M - Învăţăturile lui badea Ion din Apahida către fiul său Gheorghe dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

The advice of uncle Ion from Apahida for his son Gheorghe

We always had
teachers that we didn't ask for
and they thought us unknown things
but they came and went
and they left us
nothing but lies and unusual things.
We don't need
borrowed advice
Our kids had grown
all by themselves
We don't need
the living of the others
'cause our way of living is
millenial dew...
And big teachers chose us
small unintelligible words
but their work remained still in vain
We had what we didn't change:
the word from the elders sent
from man to man in the language of doinas
GFriend - Love whisper (귀를 기울이면) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Love whisper

I can’t express my heart
Like the nice breeze
And the song we
listened to together
I feel good, especially more today
Under the dazzling and clear sky
On a day
where sweat beads fall
We’re holding hands and walking
On top of the messy flower road
I’m with you
[YU/ALL] I can hear it from anywhere
[YU/ALL] If I open my ears
[YU/ALL] When I open my ears
[YU/ALL] To the trust you have in me
Like your eyes
that twinkle
I’ll tell you a precious story
Open your ears
Our unforgettable
voices and stories
Are filled with my heart for you
That fluttered like a dream
Today was another gorgeous day
I keep thinking about you all day
I want to tell you,
who is so kind
I will send my heart on a cloud and tell you
A heart fluttering moment
When rain drops fell
without warning
We held hands and ran
On top of the messy flower road
I’m with you
[YU/ALL] I can hear it from anywhere
[YU/ALL] If I open my ears
[YU/ALL] When I open my ears
[YU/ALL] To the trust you have in me
Like your eyes
that twinkle
I’ll tell you a precious story
Open your ears
Our unforgettable
voices and stories
Are filled with my heart for you
That fluttered like a dream
I will tell you more today
I’ll gather my heart and fill it up
I can feel you
When I close my eyes, oh~
When I open my ears
To the trust you have in me
Like your eyes
that twinkle
I’ll tell you a precious story
Open your ears
Our unforgettable voices
Are filled with my heart for you
That fluttered like a dream
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
LOONA (South Korea) - Rain 51db (비의 목소리 51DB) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Rain 51db

Always, you always stayed by my side
When I see you, I’m overwhelmed
That day, it rained so much
I still remember that day
You came to me, you raised me up
I was so desperate, more than the falling rain
I have a wish, I will tell you
Just stay like that like you are now
Forever, I want to hold hands with you
Wherever it is, I can go with you
Even if time passes
I want to dream
Our precious dream that I wanted so much
I don’t wanna wake up
From our dream
You and I, we promised
With our fingers
You looked at me and said
From now on, only good things will happen
As we follow the faraway stars
If we let go of our hands
We will meet even if it’s across the Milky Way
We won’t ever be apart again
Forever, I want to hold hands with you
Wherever it is, I can go with you
Even if time passes
I want to dream
Our precious dream that I wanted so much
Always, for always
You’re my universe that fills me up
The world in front of us is so mysterious
My heart flutters every day with you
I’m dreaming an endless dream
Forever, I want to hold hands with you
Wherever it is, I can go with you
Even if time passes
I want to dream
Our precious dream that I wanted so much
I don’t wanna wake up
From our dream
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
Giuni Russo - Una vipera sarò dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I will be a viper

It never cared about me
the mirror stage
I never read
political economy studies
However if they touch me
where is my weak point
I become glowing
I will be a viper ah ah ah ah will be
She never reads newspapers
to relax a bit
She likes more to sing
(Do not throw any objects out of the window)
I could sing you
the Bellini standard
With Sardinian phonemes
or Japanese
The Mongolian trifones the Mongolian triphonies
Anata wa anata to futara anata wa
The Mongolian trifones the Mongolian triphonies
It is not presumptuous
but only for essence
If you look at my hands
you do not need to talk
However if they touch me
where is my weak point
I become glowing
I will be a viper ah ah ah ah will be
She never reads newspapers
to relax a bit
She likes more to sing
(Do not throw any objects out of the window)
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
Nelly Furtado - Di Più dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


I believe that this is like the other times that
you've already forgot what you'd promised
and I believe that for me it wouldn't be like for you
I live thinking about what I feel like telling you
You know, I believe, that the truth is not in the mouth, it's in the iris
and among the hundred things that I ask you
I ask you more, more
About turning you on, more
More about your bite, more
More about your body, more
I will give what you give me
Your spirit, more
Of what I wait for, more
From you I want, more
More more
I lose your time
If I am alone
Because you despise the love and send me away
I will not wait all of my time
Next to you that you don't know how much I'm suffering
You know, I believe, that the truth is tattooed in the iris
The only thing that I ask you
I ask you more, more
About turning you on, more
More about your bite, more
More about your body, more
I will give what you give me
Your spirit, more
Of what I wait for
From you I want, more
More more
I won't wait for you tonight
I won't wait for you tonight
Though my heart hopes
My love [x2]
About turning you on, more
More about your bite, more
More about your body, more
I will give what you give me
Your spirit (what you give me)
I ask you for total love and without end...
I ask you more, more
About turning you on, more
More about your bite, more
More about your body, more
I will give what you give me
Your spirit, more
Of what I wait for, more
From you I want, more
More more
I won't wait for you tonight
I won't wait for you tonight
Though my heart hopes
My love [x3]
I won't wait for you tonight
I won't wait for you tonight
Though my heart hopes
My love [x3]
More, more, more.
-Specter, the Flying Fox
Soda Stereo - En La Ciudad De La Furia dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

In The City Of Fury

You will see me fly
For the city of fury
Where nobody knows about me
And I'm part of everyone
Nothing will change
With a curve warning
On their faces I see fear
There are no fables anymore
In the city of fury
You will see me fall
Like a bird of prey
You will see me fall
On deserted terraces
I will undress you
Through the blue streets
I will take refuge
Before everyone awakens
You will let me sleep at dawn
Between your legs
Between your legs
You will hide well and disappear
Between the fog
Between the fog
A winged man misses the earth
You will see me fly
For the city of fury
Where nobody knows about me
And I'm part of everyone
In the sunlight
My wings melt
I only meet in the dark
What unites me with the city of fury
You will see me fall
Like a wild arrow
You will see me fall
Between fleeting flights
Buenos Aires looks so susceptible
That fate of fury is
What persists in their faces
You'll let me sleep at dawn
Between your legs
Between your legs
You will hide well and disappear
Between the fog
Between the fog
A winged man prefers the night
You will see me back
You will see me back
To the city of fury
Marijonas Mikutavičius - Pakeliui Namo dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

On Our Way Home

A foreign city is awakening us again… with our radio receivers
And foreign to us is the mist before the last train home.
We’re on our way again, travelling back
Somehow, on steamboats, aeroplanes…
Even forgetting to wave to the stewardess with a birth mark on her lip. If that sea is still there, in which we drowned our love last year
Get our rooms ready and get some more wine
If those streets are still there, in which we met last year
What could be better?
We’re on our way home
We’re on our way home
On our way home! And we get off the stuffy, dusty bus, older than any one of us
And I’m almost the same I was, when I got on it a long time ago
And shared a cigarette with my friend, like in our school days, yeah
Dividing it by two
And we saw places I haven’t been to in a long time. And if there’s still something left on which we sat last year
A free chair at the table, if I might pull it up more closely
And if that girl is still free with whom I talked nonsense last year*
We missed all this, missed all this, missed all this… We’re on our way home (on our way home)
We’re on our way home
On our way home! And if there’s still something left on which we sat last year
And if there’s still one free…
We’re on our way home (on our way home)
We’re on our way home
On our way home!
We’re on our way home…
Marijonas Mikutavičius - 40. dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


I offered her wine
I know how to behave with girls
I let my hand
Slide down her ballerina body
I said, “If you want love,
We can go to my place.”
She said, “Love I surely want,
Just not with you.”
That left the biggest hole in my soul
And everything looks just the same way as before
The same wishes and youthful desire
But again I came back home alone
And quietly I said to myself
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
I took some more wine
Until they closed the bar
The night belonged to the glass
And the morning to aspirin
All of a sudden the world turned over with me
What happened then, hopefully no one will remember
In a nutshell—I woke up dead
And everything looks just the same way as before
The same wishes and youthful desire
But again I didn’t go to work today
And quietly I said to myself
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re
My grandpa would always say that every age is great, wonderful and beautiful like a field of strawberries…
What do I know, grandpa… What do I know…
And everything looks just the same way as before
The same wishes and youthful desire
And I willingly made the same mistakes
When you’re fo-fo-fo-fo…
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
And so on, hell knows how many times until the end which is waiting in the distance.
Giusy Ferreri - Tornerò da te dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I'll come back to you

I confess to the world, meaning to you
That I ran out your patience
Trying eternally, constantly
To not exclude this love
I confess to the time you give me
That I ran out your beauty
Pretending that it was the only thing to steal my eyes
But I walk and I still can't breath if
And the air doesn't translate your words
Written on the walls of this heart
But I walk and I still breath if
If my wings still aren't enough
To fly away from you
Maybe it means that
I'll come back forever, I'll come back forever, I'll come back to you
If my roads still aren't enough
To go away from you
maybe it means
I'll come back forever, if it wasn't forever, I'll come back for you
And I confess to the world, meaning to you
That most of the time I didn't sin
But not for this I believe that the sin really exist
But I walk and I'm still
Asking myself if
It's the air that I breath from your mouth
Gives the voice to all my answers
But I walk and I still breath if
If my wings still aren't enough
To fly away from you
Maybe it means that
I'll come back forever, I'll come back forever, I'll come back to you
If my roads still aren't enough
To go away from you
maybe it means
I'll come back forever, if it wasn't forever, I'll come back for you
And if I'm not ready
I'll start again from the bottom
I'll learn from time
To get over everything, but with no regrets
Of what it has done to us
It was good anyway
If my wings still aren't enough
To fly away from you
Maybe it means that
I'll come back forever, I'll come back forever, I'll come back to you
If my roads still aren't enough
To go away from you
maybe it means
I'll come back forever, I'll come back forever, I'll come back for you
That means that
I'll come back forever, if not forever, I'll come back for you
And I'll come back for you
And I'll come back for you
Caterina Caselli - Insieme a te non ci sto più dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I don't want to be with you anymore

Versions: #2
I don't want to be with you anymore, I gaze at the clouds up there
In you I looked for tenderness, the one I don't have
For the understanding that I can't manage to find in this shallow world
You're not that person anymore,
That person (I was looking for) isn't you
This is where it ends,
The ones that go - how they hurt you!
My eyes are laden* with clearwater streams
Whence I will drink, I'm looking for woods that suit me
And dales where the sun burns hotter than you!
I don't want to be with you anymore, I gaze at the clouds up there
And when I go, you have to smile to me if you can
It won't be easy but, you know, it kind of feels like we die** in order to live.
Goodbye my love, so long,
the clouds are already leaving
This is where it ends,
The ones that go - how they hurt you!
Tuure Boelius - Eikö sua hävetä dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Aren't You Ashamed

No! No! No! No!
I don't actually mind
No! No! No! No!
Allu, me and my microcar
we drive to Pori and to the center, well
I love Britney and Nylon Beat, you know
when I hear a good song I start to dance
But Allu is so worried
'Tuure will you stop it
Put the music on silent
Oh my god, so embarrasing
Tuure, stop it, why are you so weird
Can't you just be normal
Boelius, really'
Aren't you ashamed since everyone is watching
How dare you
Aren't you ashamed since everyone is watching
And they are asking
Gosh don't you feel ashamed
Terrible don't you feel ashamed
Aren't you ashamed since everyone is watching
Don't you mind
No! No! No! No!
I don't actually mind
No! No! No! No!
I don't mind at all
No! No! No! No!
I don't actually mind
No! No! No! No!
I don't mind at all
Nea, me and my baby food jars
mush overs at a public place
And I have energy to be myself again
I'm gonna have a little show here to pass the time
Nicolae Gribincea - La bordei la Mărioara (La bordeiul cel din vale) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

At Mary's hovel (At the hovel from the valley)

Heigh-ho! heigh-ho!
At the hovel from the valley
Young girls wasted all my money,
At the hovel from the valley
Young girls wasted all my money.
Let them waste it all away,
For their lips were sweet like honey.
Let them waste it all away,
For their lips are sweet like honey.
All the evenings in a row
I went at Mary's local pub.
There I emptied my money bag,
At Mary's hovel from the valley.
Heigh-ho! heigh-ho!
My money, my money,
At Mary's hovel all wasted!
My money, my money,
At Mary's hovel all wasted!
Heigh-ho! heigh-ho!
At the hovel from the valley
My sweetheart came in my way,
At the hovel from the valley
My sweetheart came in my way,
All the evenings in a row
I went at Mary's local pub.
All summer I drank and partied,
With Mary my time I spent.
At Mary's hovel from the valley
There I emptied my money bag.
All my money to the last,
With Mary being in love.
Heigh-ho! heigh-ho!
My money, my money,
At Mary's hovel all wasted!
My money, my money,
At Mary's hovel all wasted!
Heigh-ho! heigh-ho!
I sold my ox cart and my bulls
To get all my money back,
I sold all my household goods
So I could pay my debt.
Last evening and the one before
I went at Mary's again,
Mary was kissing me,
And her mouth mesmerised me.
And when I woke up last evening
My money bag was again emptied,
I spent my money yet again
For just only one sweet kiss.
At Mary's hovel from the valley
There I emptied my money bag,
All my money to the last
For just a moment of love.
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho!...
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
My money, my money,
At Mary's hovel all wasted!
My money, my money,
At Mary's hovel all wasted!
My money, my money,
At Mary's hovel all wasted!
My money, my money,
At Mary's hovel all wasted!
BTOB - Empty Space (자리비움) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Empty Space

You gotta be my lover gotta be my lover
Gotta be my lover lover lover lover
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
Cuz I don’t know what to do
Cuz I don’t know what to do
Baby baby
Aigoo you got a boyfriend
What was I doing?
They say it's already like this
They say she left
This is not real
What is this, losing cows and no chance to fix it
What kind of failure is this?
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
Cuz I don’t know what to do
You gotta be my lover
I only left my seat for a little while
You gotta be my lover
But maybe you didn't think so
How are you already next to someone?
Now I can only watch you from far away next to someone
How can you change so quickly?
Can you please give me one last chance oh
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Please leave the seat next to you free
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
(don’t know what to do)
What? How are you so normal
Did I just overreact by myself?
You even look prettier than before
I stumble over my words
I'm not interesting but I see interesting things
I soon return home and put the blankets over myself
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
Cuz I don’t know what to do
You gotta be my lover
I only left my seat for a little while
You gotta be my lover
But maybe you didn't think so
How are you already next to someone?
Honestly, I can't tell you to live well
How do I get out?
When I see you, I'm not like me
How can you change so quickly?
Can you please give me one last chance oh
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Please leave the seat next to you free
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
(don’t know what to do)
Everything that was mine
Now you are sharing with someone else
Like nothing happened
I still can't believe everything
Because of that pride of mine
Ok, alright I made a big mistake
But hey I’m human too
Can you please forgive me?
How can you change so quickly?
Can you please give me one last chance oh
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Please leave the seat next to you free
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
(don’t know what to do)
Marius Müller Westernhagen - Wieder hier dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


I really love you
If there's such a thing
I really love you
In my dreams
You're beautiful to me
Zu beautiful to understand
That everything has an end
In my dreams
I'm back
In my territory
I haven't really been gone
I've just been hidden
I can smell the dirt
I take a deep breath
And then I'm certain
I'm back home
I really love you
Even if I never wrote you
And denounced you
In my dreams
If you can forget
If you can forget everything
Then give me this dance
I don't want to miss anything
I'm back
In my territory
I haven't really been gone
I've just been hidden
I can smell the dirt
I take a deep breath
And then I'm certain
I'm back home
I'm back
In my territory
I haven't really been gone
I've just been hidden
I can smell the dirt
I take a deep breath
And then I'm certain
I'm back home
I'm back
Still a star
Still a hero
For no money in the world
I haven't really been gone
I've just been hidden
And one thing is certain
I'll never leave again
I'm back
I can smell the dirt
I take a deep breath
Back home
I'm back home
Marius Müller Westernhagen - Wir haben die Schnauze voll dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

We're fed up

There were three of us
Minus seven
Not even nothing
Was left of us
We believed in Elvis
And scientologists
That rhymes damn well
With we've been betrayed
The insurgence of the losers
Got protracted
The advice of the wise ones
Squashed in the crowd
Godot had come
With bald head
The movie rights
Are with Uli Edel
We're fed up
With dope and alcohol
With media politics
With your dirty tricks
And you still live
With the same woman
You've accumulated
A lot of anger
And your daughter
The same calibre
Smuggles secret messages
What else would she rather do
But didn't you have
Such great goals
You wanted to become a painter
Like Egon Schiele
And your parents
Always were proud
That's life
Shit, so what
We're fed up
With dope and alcohol
With media politics
With your dirty tricks
Music is holy
Damned be who betrays it
Greed is the death of art
In Cologne, the pussy's called punz
And the moral
Of the story
You're a far cry from a poet
Even if you write poems
And once you've
Lost your innocence
Is with We are the Champions
An asshole born
We're fed up
With dope and alcohol
With media politics
With your dirty tricks
Music is holy
Damned be who betrays it
Greed is the death of the noble art
In Cologne, the pussy's called punz
Marius Müller Westernhagen - Verzeih dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


And the poison of love
And as we found each other
And the boredom
And the happiness lost
And we dreamt
And for ever and always
And we laughed
And it got worse
And you birthed the children
And I built a house
And then we saw
And the magic was gone
And when I then saw you
With the handsome Hans
And you kissed him
The way only you can
Forgive [x4]
And I drank
And I beat the children
And you despised me
No miracle happened
And the house, it burned
And the sirens, piercing
And in the house, two children
Killed in cold blood
And a man in tears
And a bloody knife
And there were moments
In which it can't be done better
Forgive [x4]
And a man in tears
And a bloody knife
And there were moments
In which it can't be done better
Forgive [x4]
Forgive [x4]
And what does this teach us
After this disaster
You gotta die young
If you wanna live faster
Forgive [x4]
Forgive [x4]
Marius Müller Westernhagen - Alphatier dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Alpha Animal

Life is heavy [=difficult]
Heavy like a sinking ship
Life is heavy
Heavy like my head, stoned
heavy like leaden pain
Just a divine joke
Life is empty
Empty like your high fashion look
Life is empty
Empty like a quick fuck
You can reduce it to this:
If you want to make it through well, you need luck
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Life is suffering
Life is greed
To live means to die
There's no reason to feel ashamed
Whether you were a nothing or ingenious
One way or another, you're going to die
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Du you know what the blacks say?
Man, if you're slow you fucking blow
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Alpha animals can't lose
Life is high
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
Life is low
Alpha animals can't lose
Broken heart
Follow me, I'm your alpha animal
The show must go on
Alpha animals can't lose
Dona Dumitru Siminică - Am iubit și-am să iubesc dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I have loved and I will love

My dear (girl), and oh my!
And I said, green royal apple
I have loved and I will love
Neica, at least if I go in sane
And what I like , I keep on loving
Because in my life I have loved
Both gypsy girls, and armenian girls(also) -- (I dont know if it does't refer to aromanian and not armenian)
A beautiful girl from Ploiesti city
I love her because she is so darling to me
Come on, come on, three times
May your mouth smell like florwers
And your lips smell like like gilly flowers
And may Neica bite from them
My dear (girl), and oh my!
And what has my soul loved?
Even if I die I am not sorry
Neica, what my heart had loved
I won't forget even if I die
Oh my!, I pull and I break (or snap)
I'm not going to no ugly girl
You Neica, even if someone would hold me bound
I would still break free and escape
Come on, come on, three times
May your mouth smell like florwers
And your lips smell like like gilly flowers
And may Neica bite from them
Dona Dumitru Siminică - S-a dus puiul de la mine dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

My baby has went away from me

Green leaf, thorny plants
My, oh my
My baby girl (or woman) has went away from me
My dear (girl), ('ahaaa' as if he pretends he cries)
And everyone is happy about it
And everyone is happy about it
I have lost the opportunity (this is what the expression means in this context)
My, oh my
Just when everything was sweetest to me
My dear (girl), ahaaa
---'Mi-a zburat puiul cu teiul'---(see comments)
Just when I was doing what is most important
Theatres des Vampires - Preludium To Madness dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Preludium to Madness

Let him come to your kingdom.
the king of the country and the emperor of heaven
and land and sea and all animals
which live within .
Come and for the valorous David and Solomon
the holy king and his clavicle
and do not haste to help:
Six of you pray with the virtuous virgin
I bless you in the name of our god Satan.
May the devil be with you and with your spirit.
-Specter, the Flying Fox