Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 6

Találatok száma: 385


I Am the Dust Beneath the Feet of

My heart is intoxicated with the omnipotent one's heady brew
My body throbs with joy at the Beloved's company
I am not the only one intoxicated in this tavern
For I count Junaid Baghdadi (RA), Abu Bakr Al Shibli (RA), and Fariduddin Attar (RA) among my fellow inebriates
Due to the enchanting effect of Shamsuddin Tabriz's blessed visage
Even the clerics in the marketplace walk around in a state of intoxication
I am the dust beneath the feet of the inebriates of the Kharabaat
May my life be sacrificed for the ruby red lips of the beauteous beloved's of the Kharabaat
My prayers comprise nothing but tormenting my heart and destroying my Self
I offer my prostrations towards the arched eyebrows of the beauties of the Kharabaat
I am a mirror, a reflection of my Beloved, a treasure-chest of secrets
Smitten by the wonder of love, I am now the pride of Kharabaat
I am a reflection of all that is real and true
I do not claim to be God but I am a manifestation of His majesty
I have lost my bearings in this curious search for answers
If I do not exist, why am I here? And if I do, what am I?
Like a mirror, whenever I come before Him
All I see within me is a reflection of His being
Look at my face and tell me, whose reflection do you see?
I am a reflection of my Beloved, for I have lost myself within Him
Whoever wishes to catch a glimpse of You, should observe me instead
For You are reflected in me, just as I am a reflection of you
Word for word, whatever you heard in that realm, you shall hear here
There isn't one hair breadth of a difference between here and there, it's plain to see
It is the very essence of 'Believe, for this is a narration of true events'
The face of mine that you see, it's the spitting image of the Beloved's visage
The same feature, the same complexion

I'm searching for the blue bird

I'm searching for the blue bird
I'm searching for the blue bird
Youth is always
Like the sky that embraced dreams
Someone rumored that you live
In the forest of the city
The key of graduation opens
And an important love escaped
Until the day you catch me
Tenderly in your arms
While I turn into smiles
My aching feelings
I'm searching for the blue bird
I'm searching for the blue bird
The bent hourglass
Is like the wind in the dreams
Just with a letter
My loneliness won't fade
Following the road of fantasy
I breath a loving that grows stronger
Because suddenly I want to jump
Into your far arms someday
Turning the sepia photographs
I embrace memories
I'm searching for the blue bird
I'm searching for the blue bird
Opening the window alone
I look at the wide sky
I'm searching for the blue bird
I'm searching for the blue bird
Youth is always
Like the sky that embraced dreams

Lovely Honey

Every sunday
I come to see you
Oh, when will it be Sunday?
lovely honey1, so I return...
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I would very much wish
that the whole week
lovely honey, was sunday...
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I would very much wish
that the whole week
lovely honey, was sunday...
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Tree of hope
Keep firm.
Don't let your eyes cry
lovely honey, when I said goodbye...
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Because if I see
tears in your eyes,
lovely honey, I won't say goodbye...
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Because if I see
tears in your eyes,
lovely honey, I won't say goodbye...
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Every sunday
I come to see you
Oh, when will it be Sunday?
lovely honey, so I return...
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Sing and don't cry,
because hearts cheer up by singing
lovely honey...
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Sing and don't cry,
because hearts cheer up by singing
lovely honey...
  • 1. the endearing word, not the substance

A Young Girl Is The Real Treasure

There is a story told by a father of a son
that there was once to a miserly old man
a one and only beautiful daughter
he wanted her to marry without a dowry
A young girl is the real treasure
don't need anything else
as an addition to such a wonderful treasure
They went and married despite it all
because they knew that the world is beautiful and big
and on a tall mountain they built their house
and lived happily together somewhere.
A young girl is the real treasure...
One day the house of the old man burned down
the treasures that he collected burned as well
and the man knocked on the door of the couple
but the bridegroom then said to the man:
A young girl is the real treasure...

Without You

You looked at me,
And gave me your hand.
And, without you saying anything,
I became speechless.
You swept me off my feet.
I told you farewell

Lemon Green

Hetho va nhamay va nhambane1
Hini guthi nha mafu
Tsivha nha liphuvho
Gu vhevhuga nha mathi
Ni tsilva nha nilo
//Oh, midnight moonlight
Shine down here//
//Because I've lost my lover
And, in the dark, I can't find them//
//Oh, lemon
Green lemon
I'm single
Not married
Oh, lemon
Oh, green lemon
My soulmate
Give me your hand//
//My lover's eyers
Are just like little pepper grains
//I fell in love with them at church
When I've drunk of holy water//
//Oh, lemon
Green lemon
I'm single
Not married
Oh, lemon
Oh, green lemon
My soulmate
Give me your hand//

My Seasons Are Us

My seasons are us.
My seasons are us.
We fall in love in the spring and summer...
My seasons are us.
My seasons are us.
...then break up in the fall and winter.
Right now is the season we spent together.
Don't you have any regret?
My seasons are us
I even forgot that the weeds growing
by the roadsides had names.
These are beings that don't scream
even if you step over them without noticing.
Talking to somebody troubles me,
and I cast my eyes down unable to hear them.
You abruptly unplugged an earphone
from my ear.
What did you say now?
Before the sun comes back,
I'm surely able to meet my special one.
If that doesn't miss, I'd be unworthy of you.
Don't reject my love for you.
You're my seasons.
You're my seasons.
Appearing in front of me...
You're my seasons.
You're my seasons.
...you light up every single day of mine.
This scenery is different from yesterday's.
Living is about change.
You're my seasons.
Although the deep winds blowing through the street
let out a certain scent,
I had no interest in
reminiscing so much.
My radius is 1m,
and I got an invisible barrier spread through another world.
This is what I am,
and you took me out of there.
What made you do that?
Momentary lights accumulate,
and the occasional colors create the four seasons.
Even if any of them cease to exist,
there will be no eternity.
We're our seasons.
We're our seasons.
We fall in love in the spring and summer...
We're our seasons.
We're our seasons.
...then break up in the fall and winter.
This is our life, transient and oppressive.
Don't forget that.
Look at the cherry trees all with no flowers.
Have you thought of a day where they'll fully bloom?
If you don't imagine it,
you won't be able to dream of it.
This is the window of your heart.
During our parting, you taught me
that the four seasons can become something new.
You're my seasons.
You're my seasons.
Appearing in front of me...
You're my seasons.
You're my seasons.
...you light up every single day of mine.
We're our seasons.
We're our seasons.
We fall in love in the spring and summer...
We're our seasons.
We're our seasons.
...then break up in the fall and winter.
It was the first time I felt my heart throb.
The memories of that love are my calendar.
We're our seasons.
I'm also my seasons.

Daughter of the wind

They have come.
They invade your blood.
They smell of feathers,
of absences,
of weeping.
But you feed fear
and solitude
like two small animals
lost in the desert.
They have come
to ignite the age of sleep.
A farewell is your life.
But you hug yourself
like a serpent maddened with movement
that only finds itself
because there is no one.
You weep beneath the weeping,
you open the coffer of your desires
and you are more rich than the night.
But it's so lonely
that the words commit suicide.

The night

I don't know much about the night
but the night seems to know about me
and still greater, attends to me as if she wanted me,
she covers my consciousness with her stars.
Maybe the night is life and the sun death.
Maybe the night is nothing
and the conjectures about her nothing
and the beings that live her nothing.
Maybe words are the only things that exist
in the enormous void of the centuries
that scratch our souls with their memories.
But the night must know the misery
that drinks our blood and our ideas.
She must cast hatred in our gazes
Knowing them to be full of interests, of disagreements.
But it so happens that I hear the night weep in my bones.
Her immense teardrop raves mad
and shouts that something has gone away forever.
Someday we will be again.

E sírhantnál zokogva ne álldogálj

E sírhantnál zokogva ne álldogálj,
senki sincs lent, álom ott nem jár.
Mert ezerszárnyú széllel szállok,
Hópihékkel táncot járok.
Lágy esővel versenyt kelve
érő magra hullok csendben.
Midőn ébredsz, s hajnal hasad
madárrajban trilla fakad
ott körzök fenn égi lényként
pislákoló csillagfényként.
A virág szirmát is én bontom.
Szobád csendjében hallgatok,
s ha tetszik, madárként dalolok.
Cókmókjaid is én vagyok.
Ne állj meg hát e sírhantnál.
Senki sincs lent. Nincs halál.

Roughly good

Dude, don't cry at night
It's time to look for the essential
Babe, yesterday your reproaches were harsh
It doesn't matter, everything's roughly the same yet
Mum, don't be so worried
Everything's going to be roughly good
Dad, I need some money
So everything could be going roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Dudes, let's make a rock and roll band
'Guitars kept in the closet'
Now we're new rock and roll makers
Calm, everything's going to be roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Stranger, I hope your problems get over
And so get back to the path of good
Stranger, bend your energy in equal parts
And everything's going to be roughly good
Looking at the food already cold
I don't think it's been done with love
It doesn't matter, today we're goint to celebrate as a family
Wich is still roughly as I like it
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good

Big Guy

Versions: #1
You used to say

Wine of Love

If you have tasted the wine of love
The seas, oceans, and the lakes are one
My master, my sultan
If you have read the words of the creator
The author, the pen, and the hand that grasps the pen are all one
My master, my sultan
Those that do not know themselves can not be called wise
For one can not add yeast to a milk that has not yet boiled
My master, my sultan
I have fallen in love with a saint whose love I can not get enough of
For love, passion, and affection are all one
My master, my sultan
If all your deeds were in secret and sacred
If you have filled yourself with the wine of love
My master, my sultan
If you are faithfully in love with the creator
Ali, Veli and saint are all one
My master, my sultan
I Kul Huseyin have become a servant of the beautiful saint
Because of this love I have withered and faded
My master, my sultan
I have come into this mortal life and fulfilled my labour
For labour, profit, and income are all one
My master, my sultan

Lucio Vázquez

The peacocks flew
to the Sierra Mojada,
they killed Lucio Vázquez
over a girl that he loved.
At 11 in the evening
Lucio was having dinner,
a few friends arrived
to invite him to a fandango.
His mother told him:
Beware of deceit,
don't go my dear son,
my heart is telling me this.
Don't cry dear mother,
your weeping torments me,
I'm going to go see a girl
that you know I love dearly.
They rode on their horses
to the Sierra Mojada,
when they arrived at the dance,
his rival was already waiting for him.
When they arrived at the dance
everyone was in full swing,
so was that thoughtless girl
whom Lucio loved dearly.
They offered him a drink
which he refused to accept,
they exchanged words
and went outside to fight.
They stabbed him three times
in the back and in his heart,
just as his mother had said,
they killed him treacherously.
The peacocks flew
to the Sierra Mojada,
they killed Lucio Vázquez
over a girl that he loved.

Nothing before you

Forget about me
Before the world turns into a boundless depth
Before the ground falls from underneath our feet
Forget about me quickly
Before this closeness burns us
That came out of nowhere
Forget about me easily
Before our suns go out
Before the dawn comes for the last time
Forget about me lying
That the hearts won’t break
That this is just a one big myth
There was nothing here before you
And after you there won’t be anything as well
Forget about me when
I will look at the different side of the world
Leave me with no unnecessary words
Forget about me tomorrow
Before by this leaky boat
I will sail into the ocean of memories again
There was nothing here before you
And after you there won’t be anything as well

I have a daughter

I have a daughter that the king does have one like that
She has a face that moon does have one like that
There is no match for her beauty
I will not give her away to anyone
I will not give her away to everybody
I will not give her away to long distances
I will not give her away to unjust words
I will give her in marriage to some one who has prestige
who has a shirt made of satin
I will give her in marriage to some one who has prestige
who has a shirt made of satin
If the king comes with his army
the princes around him
and he asks for his youngest son
Should I agree to give her ?
Should I disagree to give her?
Should give or should I not give?
I will give her in marriage to some one who has prestige
who is a king, who is an angel
I will give her in marriage to some one who has prestige
who is a king, who is an angel
My daughter is my best friend
she is a sympathetic soulmate
she is a gem , a precious stone
she is a jewel made of agate
My daughter is her dad's supporter
she a candle in her dad's dark nights
in the garden of this world
she is flower without any thorns.
I have a daughter that the king does have one like that
She has a face that moon does have one like that
There is no match for her beauty
I will not give her away to this one or that one
I will not show her away to everyone
I will not give her away to the suitor that proposed
I will not give her away to every land
I will give her in marriage to some one who has prestige
who has a shirt made of satin
I will give her in marriage to some one who has prestige
who has a shirt made of satin
If the king comes
in his heyday
with thousand of gifts and treasures
Should I agree to give her ?
Should I disagree to give her?
Should give or should I not give?
I will give her in marriage to some one who has prestige
who has a shirt made of satin
I will give her in marriage to some one who has prestige
who has a shirt made of satin


La hysteria and blood hiss on clean ponds
You left me turning to nowhere again
On the asphalt like a snake I crawl all salty
I forgot that I lived, I forgot that I love
Emptiness again
Emptiness again
Emptiness again
Emptiness again
Emptiness again
In my he-e-e-e-heart
You're north I'm south with a broken wing
I'm not crying, I'm singing what's beating under the rib?
It's a little fire how to kill it, tell
And the boulevard is a purebred devil in the night
Emptiness again
Emptiness again
Emptiness again
Emptiness again
Emptiness again
In my he-e-e-e-heart
You are just my

Only Wish

The only wish we have is to run away from time
That day our eyes screamed for a hug
Meet, say goodbye, identify
It's time to start all over again
When I'm gone, don't shed any tears
The frustration is huge, but if we're lucky, we'll see each other again
This is so sad but it's still beautiful
(I hear a voice calling me)
When I start to get closer to the voice
(I start to imagine a floating scenario)
(You and I)
How will it look?
(If you find me, come to me)
Tell me wherever you went
(Will you tell me?)
Meet, say goodbye, identify
It's time to start all over again
I have to persist in my deepest feelings
I hope to be a light that shines by your side!


Versions: #1
When my dad drinks with no company
It turns into a thriller, a horror, and a giallo.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Happens here with no days off if he drinks alone.
If it's a storm, it's a force 10 gale,
He doesn't even need a leather face,
He's always like that, even when sober, fucked up,
Sweet fucking face, as if Nosferatu's.
A natural guru of the visual trash*!
As the evening approaches, a slasher is coming...
An undeniable master, a respected maître!
The slasher is ending, a splatter is starting...
He's like Jason Voorhees without a goalie mask,
He doesn't give a fuck, he's like Elon Musk,
He runs out to the yard, the neighbors are running in circles,
The dad has five knives in his hand, he's a real Freddy Krueger.
He doesn't need a reason, he does not need a trigger,
He's simply a white master, and you're just a nigger.
He's gonna catch you, fuck you up, and you'll never get up again,
Every Friday here is the 13th!
Enough with the screaming, enough with complaints!
The splatter is ending, a giallo is starting...
If your account is zero, you can pay up with cash!
The giallo is ending, a slasher is starting...
When my dad turns an alco-killer,
The horror is going on, the thriller is progressing.
He's not into whiskey, brandy, or craft beer,
We consume only the Lovecraft's Eldritch Horror.
He's the Mister Trickster from almost any franchise,
For someone it's a Guignol theater, for others it's life.
Scream 1, Scream 2, Scream 3, even Scream 4,
He didn't even notice that the Crimea is ours**!
The penalties aren't paid, neither are the fines!
The snuff videos are piling up in my phone...
The district cop, he's an asshole and a faggot!
The slasher is ending, the comic is starting...


I know where I'm going
I know what's in store for me

Cup of absinthe

The tango sounds, companion,
it sounds like I want to sing,
because tonight I wait1
and I know that he will not come.
And in this cup of absinthe
I try in vain to drown my sorrows.
The tango sounds, companion,
it sounds like I want to cry.
To think that I wanted him so much
and haunted by his charms
today I lost my dignity.
And I am such a lost being
which in the cup of oblivion
seeks its happiness.
They are whims of fate
who loved this woman,
if my fate is marked,
who knows if he will return...
But I'll wait for him!
The tango sounds, companion,
as a remembrance.
If I cry because I want to,
they are matters of the heart.
Pour another glass of absinthe
which nobody cares if I want to drink.
Because tonight I hope
and I know that he will not come.
To think that I wanted him so much
and haunted by his charms
today I lost my dignity.
And I am such a lost being
which in the cup of oblivion
seeks its happiness.
They are whims of fate
who loved this woman,
if my fate is marked,
who knows if he will return...
But I'll wait for him!
  • 1. 'Esperar' means both 'to wait', ' to hope', and 'to expect', it is an assessment.

Dillom: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 9

Hey, yah, hey
Yah, ey
Hey, hey, yah, yah, hey, hey, hey
This is trash, yours is basura (sura)
This is trash, yours is basura
This is trash, yours is basura (wuh!)
This is trash, yours is basura (-sura)
This is trash, yours is basura
This is trash, yours is basura
This is trash, yours is basura
This is trash, yours is basura
This is trash, yours is basura (wuh!)
Your girl called me 'cause she wants an affair
She comes with me 'cause I'm a beautiful
And I go with her 'cause she gets me rock hard (wuh!)
They tell me, 'Hey, Dillom, your shows are crazy' (Hey!)
But I don't pay no attention 'cause I'm always high
If that guy acts cool, we'll give him the one with the tuna (Psh)
They take half a Rivo' and they're already feeling dizzy (Yah, yah, yah!)
'Oh my God, they killed Kenny!' (To Kenny)
They wanna hit me? I ask them 'how many?' (How many?)
They wanna pay me? I only accept milli' (No)
Cause' if it's less don't call me on my cellphone (Ouch!)
Pussy rapper, henna tattoo (Wuh!)
I go around the club with my dick out (Bueh!)
Labels and records can suck my dick
I don't have a dime, but I do it my way
What's yours is basura, manito (Manito)
Every time I sing it becomes a crime (Delito)
Yesterday a ratchet said to me: 'Hey, Dillom, don't stop


When they tell me 'your life is beautiful'
A slow walk, a wide smile
You must have grown under the sun and palm trees
The star was named after you
You run factories of clouds
And you sniff money like a hunting dog
You talk to people so easily
You can sing in seven languages
With your words, hearts get broken
It's said that you know and act
But not everyone can see
Yes, that's your strongest skill
And you don't have a home, a home, and you don't have a home
Where is your home, home, where is your home?
My life is beautiful because I paint it1
It's easy for me to walk because I don't care
And my smile is just a memory
The only heart that's broken like asphalt,
On this aimless road that doesn't lead to a home,
is mine
The eyes of a layman see a man
But they are blind to that child
Who's screaming inside 'help'
Because he has no home, home, home
Where is my home, home, where is my home?
Because he has no home, home, because he has no home
Where is my home, home, where is my home?
  • 1. by myself


[Verse 1]
Kedvesem, te vagy a Nap,
minden fény,
mindig túlságosan is ok.
Miért van hát az, hogy sosem vagy elég?
Sosem vagy elég?
[Verse 2]
Kedvesem, a melegség amit szétszórsz,
az árnyad repedései ellen is árad.
Az árnyad óvja meg őket az égéstől,
miért nem tanulnak hát?
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy
Egy üstökös vagy

The Size of the Moon

The moon tonight
Is somehow huge in size
It shines more brightly than usual
Rounding my back, I trudge home
My ally is always there
Without saying anything
It’s all right to cry
When my tears dry
I have to
Become stronger…
Sadness is a step towards independence
How many times do I have to be hurt
To forget about the pain?
When I shed red blood
I’m reminded of life
Collapsing in the road
I look up at the sky and think
That true solitude is
People with no past
People who know of nothing but right now
I wonder how big
The moon was yesterday?
I make its shape with my hand
Since the day I was born until the day I go out into the world
I’m sure there are things I’ll overlook
I have no
Comrades here
They live somewhere else
If something were to happen
I’m sure they’d dash over anytime
If I’m hurt many times over
Will the moon start to wane?
When dawn approaches
My trials will also fade silently away
I’ll wipe off the mud
And stand up again
Straight and tall
When difficult times
Came to me
I quietly closed my eyes
Thinking of today’s
Enormous moon
Lighting my wandering steps
If I lie to myself
I’ll lose myself
Even if the moon is covered in clouds
Advance down the path you believe in!
How many times do I have to be hurt
To forget about the pain?
When I shed red blood
I’m reminded of life
Collapsing in the road
I look up at the sky and think
That true strength is
People who dream
People who believe in love


Hangok, mélyen bennem
Csak hívogatnak
Hangok, mélyen a bensőmben
Gyötörnek engem
Miért nem szabadulhatok
Mind körbevesznek
Suttognak nekem
Valaki űzze el őket
Mellettem sétálnak
Mögöttem rejtőznek
Kérlek, űzd el őket
Egy nap
Megtalálom a saját utamat
Nem tekintek vissza
Erre a fájdalomra és keserűségre
Akárhogy is
Lesz majd egy új nap
És egy út előttem
Amit követni fogok
Hangok a fejemben
Visszhangzanak, hogy mi minden maradt kimondatlan
A halottól
Ahogyan mondták
Folyton csengenek a fülemben
És ezek a hangok a lelkemben
Tudják, nem én irányítok
Engedjetek el
Sosem kell róla tudnia senkinek
Könnyek elszigetelve
Az elvesztegetett időtől
Ami egykor az enyém volt
Az elmém sötétségében
Ahol oly' vak vagyok
Töri meg a csendet
Nem támaszkodhatok
A halványuló józanságomra
Nincs megmentő
Ki megtagadna
A saját emberségemtől
Az életem
Utólag visszatekintve látom igazán
Oly' sok pillanatban elveszve
Homályban élve
Hogy lesz valami, amit mondasz
Ami megnyugtatja ezt a lelket
Akinek oly' mélységesen szüksége van rá
Hangok a szívemben
Darabokra szaggatják minden reményem
Enyhítik a fájdalmat
De meg nem szüntetik
Elvesztem, hogy hogyan is kezdjem
Mert mindennel együtt, amit hallok
És mindazzal, amitől félek
Mi értelme van?
Az idő lejárt
És ezzel mindenki tisztában van
Töri meg a csendet
Nem támaszkodhatok
A halványuló józanságomra
Nincs megmentő
Ki megtagadna
A saját emberségemtől
És ezek a hangok a szívemben
Darabokra szaggatják minden reményem
Enyhítik a fájdalmat
De maguk is azzá válnak
Elvesztem, hogy hogyan is kezdjem
És ezek a hangok a lelkemben
Tudják, nem én irányítok
Engedjetek el
Sosem kell róla tudnia senkinek
Engedjetek el

My last farewell

Farewell, my adored Land, region of the sun caressed,
Pearl of the Orient Sea, our Eden lost,
With gladness I give you my life, sad and repressed

Great Days

Shining justice is blooming
Brand new bed town exchanging breaths
From the cape to the sea breeze Through the tunnel to the steel tower We're pulled in and get lost on the path
The shadow that melts into our hearts Our shining golden 'Spirits' are the light that protects us
Let the voice of love take you higher
The power we've gathered will allow us to overcome time itself
The year 1999, a Bizarre Summer
Great days in a town that lives on the circulation of courage
Make them echo Song of praises
Brand new up town The scenery where we meet
The light flows down through the cracks in the clouds We get lost on the path of old
The glistening town guides us Our overflowing golden 'Spirits' these are the bonds that never end
Let the joy of love give you an answer
With a will that won't break even when saying goodbye
The year 1999, a Bizarre Summer
Overcome yourself and grab hold of the future
Let the voice of love take you higher
The power we've gathered will allow us to overcome time itself
Let the joy of love give you an answer
With a will that won't break even when saying goodbye
The year 1999, a Bizarre Summer
The song of praise created by the courage we share Great Days


Versions: #1
I only ask for a break and you give me hurricane eyes.
I only ask for calmness and you turn the sea's water into foam.
I only ask for silence and you scream that I'm not telling the truth.
What will you know if you wake up far away from this house.
What will you know if you don't live inside this cage.
I only want a break — you want to rewind.
I'm only looking for a slow rhythm — you, for speed.
I'm only asking for sweet lie — you, for the whole truth.
What will you know if you wake up far away from this house.
What will you know if you don't live inside this cage.
What will you know if you never swam inside my guts!
What will you know if you don't live inside this cage.