Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 157


How can you be this lovely

I've never met someone like you
Who takes my breath away
I don't know why my hands are shaking
After just one glance at you
I've never experienced something like this
Don't know if I'm daydreaming
I rub my eyes and realize it's not a dream
How can you be this lovely? How can you this bright?
I've never met, I've never seen someone like you
I'm so lucky
How can you be this lovely? How can you be this beautiful?
I'm giving you my everything
Please take my heart and never give it back
I've just met someone
Who redefines the word 'lovely'
My hands are shaking and I know why
'Cause I was looking in your eyes
I've never experienced something like this (I've never experienced)
Don't know if I'm daydreaming (I'm not sure)
I rub my eyes and realize it's not a dream (It's not a dream)
How can you be this lovely? How can you this bright?
I've never met, I've never seen someone like you
I'm so lucky
How can you be this lovely? How can you be this beautiful?
I'm giving you my everything
Please take my heart and never give it back
How can you be this lovely?
What's your number? I want to call you
I want to talk to you every day for years
She makes me want to be a better person
I've seen you in the news, so lovely, do you want to be my girlfriend?
I don't know why, the more I see you, the less I want to being a player
I'm stunned, just seeing her walking by
My hands and lips are shaking, suddenly feel so lonely
Running to a restroom and turn on the water
To clean my face and heart, refresh myself
I slap my face and realize it's not a dream
I rub my eyes but your face is imprinted on my heart
I don't want us to be just passers by
I've been single for so long, I want someone beside me
I've never experienced something like this
Don't know if I'm daydreaming
I rub my eyes and realize it's not a dream
Baby, you're so cute
How can you be this lovely?
How can you this bright?
I've never met, I've never seen someone like you
I'm so lucky
How can you be this lovely?
How can you be this beautiful?
I'm giving you my everything
Please take my heart and never give it back
I surrender to you
Take my heart and never give it back

You Break Me

Another night without your touches
Body like winter, secretly I summon you in my dreams
It's my fault this night I sleep with another
It disgusts me while kissing him
On the table our image straightened up with a bottle of wine
My heart screams, the body began to cry, I still love you
My body belongs to a stranger, but my soul belongs to you
I could have been better to you
Ref. 2x
You break me when you lie next to her
It's my fault, which is the worst
It hurts me that I don't hear you anymore
It all burns, I daydreamed your touch
while I gently stroking
I miss you raising me up like a child*
Hard to tell you when you're leaving
But burning love, you are like a wound that still bleeds
This sadness hurts, you are still my miracle
My heart still loves you crazy
Ref. 3x

How Can My Heart

How can, how can my heart be cheerful?
How can, how can my heart be cheerful
When there is a woe, a woe in my homeland?
How can, how can my heart sing blithely, blithely
While Armenia is in need of my support?
The best part of our excitements
And dreams, our dreams still remains.
The lesson of faithfulness
And innocent mistakes, mistakes still remains. (x2)
How can, how can my heart be cheerful
When there is a woe, a woe in my homeland?
How can, how can my heart sing blithely, blithely
While Armenia is in need of my support?
I address a question, address a question for the last time:
'How you dare to keep on being so long
Misguided, unconcerned and regrattable
Toward our plights, the Lord God?'. (x2)
How can, how can my heart be cheerful
When there is a woe, a woe in my homeland?
How can, how can my heart sing blithely, blithely
While Armenia is in need of my support? (x3)

Nameless City

Over the snowy fields
And stormy seas
City rests -
It doesn't have a name.
It's seen in the dream.
My friend told me that
Many many years ago
When I asked him
Where he's looking at
Where are you hiding? La-la-la-lai!
You - the city destined to dreams
Deep deep in the forest
Between rows of gloomy spruces
Grey river flows
Towards the nameless city's streets.
Who has fell in this river
That one is able to get there - in the city
Because nobody else besides the river
Doesn't really know the road to the city
Where are you hiding? La-la-la-lai!
You - the city destined to dreams
There aren't cars which drives in this city
Here the silence frowns its gloomy eyes


Crazy, and in a hot moonlit night
I think of you, I think of you
Your crazy, your crazy one
Crazy, I hoped that I would forget it
But again I cannot sleep on a moonlit night
Because of you I have become crazy...crazy
A random encounter with you
Why would I need this now?
And your beckoning voice, just like before, turns me on maddeningly!
Love flew through the sky
And picked us, specifically.
I want you right now
But time is going by.
Crazy, and in a hot moonlit night
I think of you, I think of you
Your crazy, your crazy one
Crazy, I hoped that I would forget it
But again I cannot sleep on a moonlit night
Because of you I have become crazy...crazy
It is as if you're on the sky with me
It's as if for the first time
You saw me and fell in love seriously, and for a long time!
With you I am different
And from the crazed phrases
I go insane, even though it's just from the memories
Crazy, and in a hot moonlit night
I think of you, I think of you
Your crazy, your crazy one
Crazy, I hoped that I would forget it
But again I cannot sleep on a moonlit night
Because of you I have become crazy...crazy

My Love, Don't Lie To Me

My love, dont lie to me,
you know well i'm an orphan.
If my mother were still here
she would teach me what's right.
My mother died when i was small
and i never knew what's like to have a mother.
I've grew among strangers
i've had not mercy from my father.
Why did my parents
left me in bad people's care?
A stranger's mercy
is like the shade of a thorn bush.
You think it's keeping you shade
but it only hurts you more.
Strangers may speak sweet words
but their thoughts are not kind.
If my mother were alive
she would not leave my side.
My mother would have
Kept me around her.
But my father had no mercy,
he sent me among strangers.1
I'm all alone
I have no mother nor father.
  • 1. I think she's talking about an arranged marriage or something like that. In the past the wife would be sent to live with the husband and his family. Usually the mother-in-law would be very harsh on the daughter-in-law.

őrült, mint én

én beszélnék rólunk,
te szavak nélkül beszélsz
azt, ami kínoz, és megtör
magadnak okozod
és mindent, amit felépítek veled
ledöntesz egy szóval
a te pokoli körödből
még egyedül sem látsz kiutat
lennék a napod
de nem kell neked a fény
ki alkothat szivárványt,
ha mindig csak a bánatot látja
csak egy olyan őrült, mint én
neked adnám a szerelmemet
mert nekem többé már nem kell
aki folyton homokvárakat épít
és megjavítja őket,
ami javítható
csak egy olyan őrült, mint én


hogy írják a szerelmet, vajon ez olyan, mint egy szó,
vagy mindig legalább a két legkisebb
az emberek mindig találkoznak, szeretnek, és még mindig érnek
megbocsájtok neki mindent,
nem vagyok én superman,
hogy a hátamon mindezt el tudjam cipelni
vendégül látom az álmait,
nálam jobb helyük van,
hadd aludjanak, míg meg nem változnak
mint a legjobb barátnak
a szerelem nem így működik, szemet szemért, fogat fogért
oh, nem, én nem bírom tovább, elértem a határt
minden szavamat őr őrzi, minden híd nekem híd a drinán*
milyen szent és örökkévaló éj ez..
szürke élet...
mindez az, ami előtt leborulsz, és amit csodálsz
megbocsájtok neki mindent,
nem vagyok én superman,
hogy a hátamon mindezt el tudjam cipelni
vendégül látom az álmait,
nálam jobb helyük van,
hadd aludjanak, míg meg nem változnak

Is this your justice, world?

I can't rely my wealth or assets
I have no hope for today nor tomorrow
I will be buried in grave soon too
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
So many people have gone through your door
Is there anyone who came out happy
Some are poor and some left before tomorrow
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
Some wander on a mountain like crazy
Some work like there ain't no tomorrow
Some are broke, some add more to millions
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
World, the killer of the good ones

jobb vagyok az egészségnél

tetszenek neked a ribancok
azt hitted, én is olyan vagyok
olyan lent van, hogy nem süllyedhet lejjebb
mind 'igent' mondana, mikor látja a pénzt
de most szedd össze magad, és nézz rám
titokban reménykedj, hogy a tiéd lehetek
hogy elárulhatsz, mint a többi nőt
de a végén rögtön beismered (hogy)
igen, ez az igazság,
ebből a mélyből
nem tudsz feljönni,
én is gonosz leszek,
tudom, hogy ezt szereted
gyerünk, tűnj el,
mert kicsit hiányzik, hogy káoszt okozzak
jobb, jobb vagyok az egészségnél is
jobb mindnél, aki veled alszik
ez felemészt, ez széttép téged
hát mindent megadnál, mindent megadnál, csak hogy a tiéd legyek
jobb, jobb vagyok az egészségnél is
jobb mindnél, aki veled alszik
ez felemészt, ez széttép téged
hát mindent megadnál, mindent megadnál, csak hogy a tiéd legyek
csak hogy, csak hogy, csak hogy a tiéd legyek
csak úgy látod, hogy szeretnek
ezek a gyávák körülötted
mindenki előtt megjátszhatod magad
de minél inkább megjátszod magad, annál inkább undorodom tőled
de most szedd össze magad, és nézz rám
titokban reménykedj, hogy a tiéd lehetek
esküszöl rá*, hogy a tiéd leszek
hidd el, ezzel a kívánsággal fogsz meghalni
igen, ez az igazság,
ebből a mélyből
nem tudsz feljönni,
én is gonosz leszek,
tudom, hogy ezt szereted
gyerünk, tűnj el,
mert kicsit hiányzik, hogy káoszt okozzak
jobb, jobb vagyok

A Small Part

In this play
I've got a very small role.
It has only four words:
'We will break through, my king!'
Ten lunges with a rapier
And, when the way is clear,
Dying enemy thrusts
The blade into my chest.
I'm lying on the forestage
The fly is crawling on the forehead
Of fading battle
I hear thunder and fire.
In this play
I've got a very small role.
It has only four words:
'We will break through, my king!'
But soon the priest will arrive
Will mumble over me.
And the king, with downcast eyes,
Will say: 'He died like a hero'.
While hiding my pain behind a yellow mask
I'll ask him during intermission,
'How will you deal with your enemies?
After all, I am dead, my king'.
And the king will answer sadly:
'Don't worry, my boy.
In this play, I am also
an anti-hero'.
And in the next act
He'll be shot at the wall
Maybe for the good
Of our damn country.
In this play
I've got a very small role.
It has only four words:
'We will break through, my king!'


If your world were to end today
What would you like to remembered for
That you're beautiful and rich
Enviably gorgeous
But behind the scenes you cried quietly
When others were running competitively
The body doesn't work and the mind is failing
I guess one can live in many different ways
the most important thing is to love and to find the right lap [to sit on]
if those are missing, how can anyone get over that
and I wait for you
and trust that you [wait] for me
even through the summers are getting cooler
and the faces are aging
and I believe in miracles
or at least I say so
once there were flying dinosaurs here
we swore that if we don't find anyone else
we would get married before midlife
we had many others, they ripped pieces out of us
they screamed that nobody would want us
I think that I took this too seriously
one can't save or own another [person]
I guess I'm naive or crazy or I don't know
why didn't I come to my senses
time flies and the cars drive by
now you're standing at the altar with someone else
and I wait for you
and trust that you [wait] for me
even though the summers are getting cooler
and the faces are aging
and I believe in miracles
or at least I say so
once there were flying dinosaurs here
flying dinosaurs
even though everything disappears and goes away
our days won't get any longer
I still remember your name
and I wait for you
and trust that you [wait] for me
even though the summers are getting cooler
and the faces are aging
and I believe in miracles
or at least I say so
once there were
and I wait for you
and trust that you [wait] for me
even though the summers are getting cooler
and the faces are aging
and I believe in miracles
or at least I say so
once there were flying dinosaurs here
flying dinosaurs
flying dinosaurs

Into a memory

Versions: #2
Hey, close the door when you leave
I'm going to sleep late today
Hey, why would I wake up
to this day without you
To my life without you
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Hey, this is how it had to go
Three would be too much for your world
That's the way it is
A goblin isn't enough for a ray of sun
and it flies away
The light leaves the dark
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Please be okay
Gotten free from the grip
Remember what it felt like in our world

One Rose Has Grown in the Valley

One rose has grown in the valley
and beautifully it blooms.
One wandering boy has seen it, and cannot forget it.
One wandering boy has seen it, and cannot forget it.
And he would have picked it up and pressed against his bosom,
but poor as he is he didn't dare to, but left it where it was.
But poor as he is he didn't dare to, but left it where it was.

Born to sorrow and clothed with disappointments

a moldy coffee in a pan
and dishes on the floor
rain is rinsing the windows
they don't have to be washed by me
nothing is stopping me from leaving anymore
but I am casted in concrete up to my knees
on my back I have a burden weighing a ton
even though there is only a one checkpoint ahead of me
I don't know if I manage all the way to grave
I am a prisoner here forever
fences surround the graveyard too
when finally my last worldly task would end
you still dig me deeper into the ground
I like you but can't stand myself
I don't need others, don't know about you
I admit, if I leave
I only do it for the sake of myself
summer shoes and a hoodie too big
to the corner store in the cold
only a few beers again I get
if I need more
then I'll have time to go again
because anyway I just mainly lie down
I don't leave my house, without a reason at least
forget me, I want to be alone
I was born to sorrow and clothed with disappointments
I am a prisoner here forever
fences surround the graveyard too
when finally my last worldly task would end
you still dig me deeper into the ground
I like you but can't stand myself
I don't need others, don't know about you
I admit, if I leave
I only do it for the sake of myself
I am a prisoner here forever
fences surround the graveyard too
when finally my last worldly task would end
you still dig me deeper into the ground
I like you but can't stand myself
I don't need others, don't know about you
I admit, if I leave
I only do it for the sake of myself

My Paradise

Versions: #3
I guess it's my paradise
To find his hidden reflections
In items covered by blackness,
And hear birds in his voice.
I guess it's my paradise
Lights from a window tell me:
One touch away is the heaven
That's painted into his eyes.
And i don't mind he doesn't know
Who i am, what i do,
That i walk barefoot on ice,
Blizzard and storm through and through,
And that vanilla snowflakes
Keep falling within my dreams...
He'll stay forever in my thoughts
And on my mind, and it means
There is no shame in screaming out loud
That i am in love
Few words he said in just three minutes
Burned right into my blood
And though i tell myself
That everything is fine, so it be
I know for sure, i still need him...
Here with me.
I guess it's my paradise
To go flower hunting
Pretend to save them from bad wind
And lie that they were a gift.
And just 'cause you're in it
I meet each frozen dawn rising
Over your planet's horizon
Where bridges keep people split.

One less than two

I really don't know how to be here either
I'm not wearing anything appropriate
What else would I do, who would I kiss
Would I stare at the wall inside my home
The TV fell, so I can't watch the news
They'll notice a decadent artist
She's partying away her good fortune
I hide the introvert, the liar
I put on a hat because I never comb my hair
I go home, but what if I can't fall asleep
The time is two till one
Again this turned into a series of excuses
And there is one less than the two of us
This thought will be left unread
I don't know yet what I'm missing [in my life]
I didn't get an entertainer, a lover
He started to love little too much
When you start to feel so much
It might hurt you
I don't want anymore impacts
Still I wait for you, how pertinent
Would you be like no one else
You couldn't fit in the same sentence
With those people
That I'm now avoiding
You would be worth the wait
And I couldn't get enough of you
The time is two till one
Again this turned into a series of excuses
And there is one less than the two of us
This thought will be left unread
I don't know who is missing from next to me
I take a walk outside where it's sunny
I believe in many things, but I don't think that I believe in fate
Even after many years, I see
The same woman who is just trying to find herself
But she will never open her eyes


What does it matter now? Monday or Saturday?
You're not with me, is that okay? I just can't believe it! Where do you come from? What kind of galaxy?
I couldn't touch your hand, your waist,
I couldn't hug your water-like skin,
I couldn't wake up to a day without you
I am done, I could not return to my essence.
I became your servant, slave to your door,
Let's bind up your wounds
Oh I'm addicted.
Come to me before wearing mourning,
Don't stop, don't stop me
Come to me without tidying your hair
Don't ask me, don't ask
Come without hiding your attitude and style
Push it
Where is your hometown? Give me the address.
What kind of galaxy?

Come fill

Come fill, fill, my good fellow!
Fill high, high, my good Fellow,
And let's be merry and mellow,
And let us have one bottle more.
When warm the heart is flowing,
And bright the fancy glowing,
Oh, shame on the dolt would be going,
Nor tarry for one bottle more!
Refrain: Come fill ...
My Heart, let me but lighten,
And Life, let me but brighten,
And Care, let me but frighten.
He'll fly us with one bottle more!
By day, tho' he confound me,
When friends at night have found me,
There is Paradise around me
But let me have one bottle more!
Refrain: Come fill ...
So now, here's to the Lasses!
See, see, while the toast passes,
How it lights up beaming glasses!
Encore to the Lasses, encore.
We'll toast the welcome greeting
Of hearts in union beating.
And oh! For our next merry meeting,
Huzza! Then for one bottle more!
Refrain: Come fill ...1
  • 1. See Author's comment

Two worlds

Versions: #1
Believe in what you know for certain
You go and share the world
Just trust and in time
You will find a world of happiness
And to the most beautiful paradise
The world of beautiful love
And this list is without sorrow
Sharply look at the path to another world
You go and share the world
Just trust in fate
That leads us
And beneath he jungle trees
There a family can get shelter
And this life is without sorrow
Lift your head, share your load
You get the power of your beloved
And your work give shelter
You can get everything
But everything can get you
It's a burden of mother for the tears
Time doesn't heal her wounds
It took everything, but hope remained
If you hear a voice ringing out
You go and share the world
Just trust and in time
You will find a world of happiness
They seek safety from each other
They go and share the world
Just trust and in time
You will find a world of happiness

The Wife and the Priest

He went to the field, met a child
Returns from fields, priest f*cks a woman.
The wife is angry on the husband
Took the money, went to the priest
'My benefactor, give me an advice
What should i do to my husband?'
'Get up at morning, even at midnight
boil some water, and burn his eyes
burn his eyes, break his legs,
and drag him away through the four doorsteps'
Over there, behind the forest, behind the hazels,
The priest was dancing with the housewife,
The rooster was crowing, the dog was barking
The priest farted, how did he run!
Drag him though the four doorsteps,
let him feel the broken legs
Through four doorsteps, and through four bats
Watch, o husband, how the wife is beating
Over there, behind the forest, behind the hazels,
The priest was dancing with the housewife,
The rooster was crowing, the dog was barking
The priest farted, how did he run!
The kite is drinking water in the lake
Woh, its eleven am, the wife is beating the husband
The wife is angry on the husband
Took the money, went to the priest
'Oh take some candles, burn his eyes away,
you'll go where you want, during the night, or the day.'

I remember my mother

I remember the time
While i was still a little girl
Your warm hugs
I really miss
Cold water from the stream
And green lands
They float in my thoughts
While your hands are hugging me
Chorus 2x
Every pain and sadness
That life can give
Go away, mother
When i see you
I remember the time
My maidenly wounds
First tears
That your hands are wiping
Cold water from the stream
And green lands
They float in my thoughts
While your hands are hugging me
Chorus 2x
Every pain and sadness
That life can give
Go away, mother
When i see you
Chorus 2x
Every pain and sadness
That life can give
Go away, mother
When i see you
When i see you